Re: [akka-user] How would you "connect" many independent graphs maintaining backpressure between them?

2016-07-10 Thread Jack Daniels
Hi! I use it in the example provided above. The problem is how to throttle other graphs that are not connected to throttled graph. On Friday, July 8, 2016 at 2:24:04 PM UTC+3, √ wrote: > > Considered Flow.throttle? > > On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Jack Daniels <rus.

[akka-user] How would you "connect" many independent graphs maintaining backpressure between them?

2016-07-08 Thread Jack Daniels
up vote down votefavorite Hey guys! I continue learning akka-streams and have new question . *Variables:* - Single http

[akka-user] Re: Loop in flow makes stream never end

2016-06-25 Thread Jack Daniels
I didn't know about existence of Partition fan-out since it's not in the documentation but I just saw in akka sources. Thus here is shorter version of "bad" flow val badFlow = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val mergeEntrance =

[akka-user] Loop in flow makes stream never end

2016-06-25 Thread Jack Daniels
I have properly working graph that has flow with loop. Items go through as expected and everything is working. But unfortunately with bounded source graph never ends. Ever. How can I fix it ? Here is schema of my flow. [image: enter image description here]

Re: [akka-user] How do I get connected Inlet and Outlet ? Akka 2.4.6

2016-05-24 Thread Jack Daniels
> because: > > > > and > throttle on > > > -- > Konrad `ktoso` Malawski > Akka <> @ Lightbend <http://

[akka-user] How do I get connected Inlet and Outlet ? Akka 2.4.6

2016-05-24 Thread Jack Daniels
Hi guys! How do you throttle Flow in the latest Akka (2.4.6) ? I'd like to throttle Http client flow to limit number of requests to 3 requests per second. I found following example online but it's for old Akka and akka-streams ApI changed so much that I can't figure out how to rewrite it.

[akka-user] Re: Custom Supervision.Decider doesn't catch exception produced by ActorPublisher

2015-08-29 Thread Jack Daniels
I've made few additions to my question here -- Read the docs: Check the FAQ:

[akka-user] Custom Supervision.Decider doesn't catch exception produced by ActorPublisher

2015-08-29 Thread Jack Daniels
I'm building a library that is going to be used by 3rd-party. In one of my methods I return Stream[Item] that is asynchronously generated from result of paginated REST API call. I'm using my modification of BulkPullerAsync

[akka-user] How do I mix typed and untyped actors?

2015-07-26 Thread Jack Daniels
How do I mix typed and untyped actors ? As I understood I have to specify main actor when I create instance of ActorSystem like this val system: akka.typed.ActorSystem[Start] = akka.typed.ActorSystem(main, Props(mainBehaviour)) On the other hand I use akka-http which is initialized like

[akka-user] How can I extract Future[T] value in unmarshaller without blocking ?

2015-07-05 Thread Jack Daniels
I'm using akka-http 1.0.-RC4. How can I extract Future[T] value in unmarshaller without blocking ? Details are here but in short here is what I want to do. I extended ScalaXmlSupport you