Re: [akka-user] akka-http long-lived connection backpressure problem

2015-02-28 Thread Roland Kuhn
Hi Jim, sorry for the late response, we’ve been a bit busy lately. Your analysis is correct in that boundedness applies to all aspects and cannot be magically “lifted”: the number of requests in flight will always be limited by the amount of buffering along the whole round-trip. In that sense

Re: [akka-user] akka-http long-lived connection backpressure problem

2015-02-09 Thread Jim Hazen
Thanks for creating the issue. Please note that there were actually two issues discovered. The client flow issue was logged, but the server request parsing issue wasn't. The rest of this post is really just going through my thought process, so that the group can benefit from an analysis of

Re: [akka-user] akka-http long-lived connection backpressure problem

2015-02-09 Thread Jim Hazen
Now that I think even more on the problem the more it seems that we're trying to solve too much within a single flow. There are concepts that ought to be independent that we're forcing to become dependent. I still like the independent streams model. I'd start with that, but with a