[Racket announcement] Racket v6.0

2014-03-09 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.0 is now available from


Racket 6.0 has a new package system, including a catalog of
hundreds of already-available packages. Please visit


for an overview of the packages.

Racket versions 5.3.4 through 5.3.6 included "beta" versions of the
package system. Racket version 6.0 incorporates many improvements
suggested by preliminary experiences in those versions:

  * A package is treated as a single collection by default, so it is
even easier to use a GitHub repository as a package. Get started

  * DrRacket includes a new package manager GUI, available via the
File|Package Manager ... menu item. The GUI is also available
as a stand-alone program via the "gui-pkg-manager" package.

  * The main Racket distribution has been separated into about 200
packages. The Racket installer combines the core system with
bundled versions of these packages.

Alternatively, you may now install a Minimal Racket distribution
--- which is about 1/10 the size of the main distribution --- and
add only those packages that you need.

  * Package installation supports pre-built packages that include
compiled byte code and rendered documentation, meaning packages can
be installed quickly when built versions are available. All
packages in the main distribution are available in pre-built form.

The recent 5.92 and 5.93 releases served as release candidates for 6.0,
and 6.0 includes a few additional repairs related to the package

Further improvements to the package system are in the works, notably
including package documentation on the package-catalog web site.

COMPATIBILITY NOTE: PLaneT, the previous Racket package system, will
remain in place for the foreseeable future, but we expect all package
work to shift to the new system.

Beyond the package system, this release brings a number of other

  * Racket's HTML documentation has a new and improved look, thanks to
Matthew Butterick.

  * The documentation includes a style guide, "How to Program Racket"

  * Racket's JIT compiler supports the ARM architecture.

  * Racket supports the Mac's Retina display mode.

  * The performance of the Typed Racket compiler improved by 50% on
some typed programs; e.g., see http://bit.ly/1d0Ye4z

  * The profiler provides a new mode that uses the errortrace library
to produce fine-grained profiles.

  * A new contract profiler reports how much time programs spend
checking contracts, and which contracts are most expensive.

  * The math/flonum library exports fast 105-bit precision operations.

  * Check Syntax handles generated identifiers, especially those
introduced by struct (e.g. field selectors) and Redex (e.g., e_1,

  * 2htdp/batch-io includes functions for dealing with html/xml in
files and web sites as X-expressions plus conveniences for
web-based graph traversals.

  * The `gen:set' generic interface extends set operations to work on
user-defined types that implement set methods, as well as on other
set-like built-in types, such as lists.

  * Picts support conversion to SVG format.

  * Under unix, Racket provides desktop entries (.desktop files) for
its graphical executables.

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 Racket Announcements list:

[Racket announcement] Racket v6.0.1

2014-05-10 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.0.1 is now available from


* A new `racket/undefined` library exports `undefined` as the
  value currently produced by

(letrec ([x x]) x)

  This library anticipates a future where that expression will
  raise an exception. The `racket/undefined` library will continue
  to offer the `undefined` value as a bridge between versions and
  as a last resort.

* The drawing and GUI libraries provide improved support for
  high-resolution bitmaps and their use on Retina displays. For
  example, `read-bitmap` includes a `#:try-@2x?` option to trigger
  substitutions through the usual "@2x" naming convention.

* Check Syntax cooperates with Typed Racket to show arrows and other
  Check Syntax highlighting even when there is a type error.

* Functions provided via contract-out that have first-order
  contracts perform better.

* The contract boundary between typed/untyped modules is much less
  expensive. Typed Racket now avoids generating contracts for
  places where contracts failures cannot happen.

* Occurrence typing now works better with when/unless. Example:

(let ((x (read)))
  (unless (number? x) (error 'bad-input))
  (add1 x))

* Types in Typed Racket are now pretty-printed.

* Function types can now be written in prefix style, which is now
  preferred and is used for printing. Infix function types are still
  accepted for backwards compatibility.

* A new `->*' type constructor is used for writing types for
  functions with optional and keyword arguments. The notation is
  similar to the matching contract combinator.

* Typed Racket forms do not have a `:' suffix by default now. For
  example, the `struct' form replaces `struct:'. The suffixed
  versions are all provided for backwards compatibility.

* Typed Racket now has preliminary support for classes and
  objects. However, it is still experimental and the APIs are
  subject to change.

* Type aliases in Typed Racket now support recursion and mutual
  recursion. For example, `(define-type (MyList X) (U Null (Pair X
  (MyList X' is now a valid type alias.

* Plot correctly renders intersecting 3D graphs and
  non-grid-aligned 3D rectangles.

* Elements in plots output in PDF/PS format have the same relative
  scale as in other formats. In particular, it is not necessary to
  adjust `plot-font-size` to make PDF plots look the same as PNG.

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 Racket Announcements list:

[Racket announcement] Racket v6.1

2014-08-05 Thread Ryan Culpepper

PLT Design Inc. announces the release of Racket version 6.1 at


The MAJOR INNOVATION concerns local recursive variable definitions.
Instead of initializing variables with an `undefined' value, Racket
raises an exception when such a variable is used before its definition.
(Thanks to Claire Alvis for adapting Dybvig's "Fixing Letrec" work.)

Since programs are rarely intended to produce #, raising an
exception provides early and improved feedback. Module-level variables
have always triggered such an exception when used too early, and this
change finally gives local bindings --- including class fields --- the
same meaning.

This change is backwards-incompatible with prior releases of Racket.
Aside from exposing a few bugs, the change will mainly affect programs
that include

(define undefined (letrec ([x x]) x))

to obtain the # value. In its stead, Racket provides the same
value via the `racket/undefined' library (which was introduced in the
previous release). Programmers are encouraged to use it in place of the
pattern above to obtain the "undefined" value.

The release also includes the following SMALL CHANGES:

* PLUMBERS generalize the flush-on-exit capability of primitive output
  ports to enable arbitrary flushing actions and to give programmers
  control over the timing of flushes (i.e., a composable `atexit').  New
  functions include `current-plumber', `plumber-add-flush!', and

* CONTRACTS: the contract system's random testing facility has been
  strengthened so that it can easily find simple mistakes in contracted
  data structure implementations (e.g. an accidental reverse of a
  conditional in a heap invariant check).

* REDEX: the semantics of mis-match patterns (variables followed by _!_)
  inside ellipses has changed in a backwards-incompatible way. This
  change simplifies the patterns' semantics and increases the usefulness
  of these patterns.

* TEACHING LANGUAGES: `check-random' is an addition to the preferred
  unit testing framework in the teaching languages. It enables the
  testing of students' functions that use random-number
  generation. (Thanks to David Van Horn (UMaryland) for proposing this

* Upgraded and normalized versions of GRAPHICS LIBRARIES and
  dependencies (Pango, Cairo, GLib, etc.) that are bundled with Racket
  on Windows and Mac OS X. For example, FreeType support is consistently

* TYPED RACKET: its standard library includes contracted exports from
  the Racket standard library, such as the formatting combinators of
  `racket/format'. It also supports Racket's asynchronous channels; see
  the `typed/racket/async-channel' library.

* SSL: The openssl library supports forward secrecy via DHE and ECDHE
  cipher suites (thanks to Edward Lee) and Server Name Indication
  (thanks to Jay Kominek).

* The `mzlib/class100' library has been REMOVED. Use `racket/class'

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 Racket Announcements list:

[Racket announcement] Racket v6.1.1

2014-11-06 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.1.1 is now available from


* The MAC OS X YOSEMITE compatibility problems are fixed. We
  bundled a patched Pango text-drawing library with Racket.

* The WINDOWS [32-bit] releases fixes the window-update crashes.
  We bundled a patched Cairo drawing library with Racket.

* TYPED RACKET closes two safety holes in the exception system.
  The revised type system restricts `raise' to send only
  instances of the `exn' structure type and flat data to
  handlers. It also checks exception handlers properly.
  NOTE: Previously well-typed programs may fail to typecheck.

* TYPED RACKET'S typed regions support casts and predicates.

* 2HTDP/IMAGE'S notion of equality ignores an image's baseline.

* The PACKAGE MANAGER supports a binary library installation mode,
  which allows users to install packages without source or
  documentation.  Use the `--binary-lib' option with `raco pkg

* The new DRRACKET-TOOL-LIB package factors out parts of DrRacket's
  IDE so that they can be reused with other editors, such as Emacs.

* The COMPILER'S use-before-defined analysis has been repaired for
  certain forms of nested `letrec', some `let' forms, and some
  uses of `set!' or `with-continuation-mark'.

* The COMPILER performs additional bytecode optimizations.
  Thanks to Gustavo Massaccesi.

* The CML library comes with a new `replace-evt' event constructor.
  Thanks to Jan Dvořák.

* REDEX'S benchmark suite comes with a description of the benchmark

* REDEX'S metafunctions can be typeset using the "large left brace"
  notation for conditionals.

* The CONTRACT library comes with an improved `contract-stronger?'.
  Its error messages note that the contract itself might be wrong.

* The GUI library is DPI-aware on Windows.

* The OPENSSL library supports Server Name Indication for servers.
  Thanks to Jay Kominek.

* The SYNTAX/PARSE library allows the definition of new pattern
  forms via pattern expanders, similar to match expanders.
  Thanks to Alex Knauth.

* OpenGL on Linux no longer depends on libgtkgl, and core profiles
  are supported (see `set-legacy?').

* The TEACHING LANGUAGES' unit test framework supports
  `check-satisfied', a construct for checking whether a result
  satisfies a predicate, e.g.: (check-satisfied (sort l) sorted?)

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[Racket announcement] Racket v6.2

2015-06-20 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.2 is now available from


With this release we are taking a major step forward to get our user
community even more involved than in the past. Over the past six months,
we have re-organized the Racket code base into a small core code repo
and many other package repos, all found on GitHub. If you have time and
if you wish to get involved, please take a look at the GitHub repos and
find your favorite places to learn, fix, and enhance our world.

The core repo is at https://github.com/plt/racket, and the
package repos are listed at https://github.com/racket/.

core repo

* The package manager supports a direct references to Git repositories
  via "git://[...]", "http://[...].git";, and "https://[...].git"; URLs.
  (Previously, only references to GitHub were supported.)

* A `--clone` option for `raco pkg install` or `raco pkg update`
  facilitates Git-based package development. If a package X has a Git
  repository source, installing and updating the package pulls from the
  repository in a read-only mode. Using `raco pkg update --clone X`
  switches the local installation to a repository checkout that is
  suitable for modifying the package implementation, issuing pull
  requests, pushing changes, and so on.

  Using `raco pkg update --lookup X` switches the package back to the
  default installation mode.


* Its on-line check syntax works with graphical content.

* Increased availability of DrRacket's blueboxes, including method and
  constructor information.

* The "Open Require Path" menu item supports ".." in relative pathnames.


* Added data/enumerate, a library that supports efficient enumeration of
  data structures


* Its redex-check facility uses data (in addition to random) enumeration
  to try to find counter-examples.

* Its generate-term function accepts additional arguments to return the
  "i"-th member of a pattern using data/enumerate (meaning it
  efficiently supports very large values of "i").

* The examples collection includes Launchbury's 1993 big-step lazy 


* 2htdp/image's polygon may be built out of bezier curves instead of
  just straight lines (see the docs for "pulled-point").

* 2htdp/abstraction is a teachpack for instructors and students who wish
  to use for/* loops, match, define-type and type-cases in ISL and ISL+.

* 2htdp/universe programs can be exported using DrRacket's executable
  creation mechanism and they behave properly when run independently.


* Typed Racket in DrRacket displays tooltips that show the types of
  expressions. Tooltips are also displayed for type errors.

* Typed Racket loads generated contracts only when needed. This reduces
  memory use and startup time for Typed Racket programs.

* Typed Racket has improved support for prefab structures, future
  semaphores, and async channels.

* Typed Racket understands when two different variables refer to the
  same thing, and updates types accordingly. This particularly improves
  the type checking of macros such as `match`.

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 Racket Announcements list:

[Racket announcement] Racket v6.2.1

2015-08-13 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.2.1 is now available from


Version 6.2.1 patches the recent v6.2 release in three small ways:

* For the How to Design Programs teaching languages, DrRacket offers
  an option to use the old style for printing the constants `true`,
  `false`, and `empty` instead of `#true`, `#false`, and `'()`.

* The teaching languages come with some additional functions to match
  the August 2015 stable release of HtDP 2nd edition.

* A repair to the compiler avoids an infinite loop at compile time for
  certain expressions that should loop forever at run time.

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 Racket Announcements list:

[Racket announcement] Racket v6.4

2016-02-08 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.4 is now available from


- We fixed a security vulnerability in the web server.  The existing
  web server is vulnerable to a navigation attack if it is also
  enabled to serve files statically; that is, any file readable by
  the web server is accessible remotely. For more information see


- DrRacket's scrolling is faster.

- Incremental garbage-collection mode can eliminate long pauses in a
  program. For example, incremental mode is useful for avoiding pauses
  in games and animations.

  Programs must specifically request incremental mode with
  `(collect-garbage 'incremental)`, but libraries such as
  `2htdp/universe` include the request as part of the library's

- The default package catalog is an HTTPS address instead of HTTP, and
  package operations properly validate server certificates when using

- Documentation may define their own categories for the manual top-
  level page by using strings, rather than only symbols that name
  pre-defined categories.

- The Racket cheat sheet is included in the main distribution.

- DrRacket is available in Bulgarian, thanks to Alexander Shopov.

- The contract Typed Racket generates for the `Any` type is more
  permissive, allowing more typed/untyped programs to work without
  contract errors.

- Redex supports binding specifications; describe which variables bind
  in which expressions and your metafunctions and reduction relations
  automatically become scope-sensitive. Thanks to Paul Stansifer for
  this improvement.

- All `pict` functions accept `pict-convertible`s. This allows for
  transparent interoperability between `pict` and  libraries like

- The `raco profile` and `raco contract-profile` commands provide easy
  access to profiling tools, without requiring program modifications.

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 Racket Announcements list:

[Racket announcement] Racket v6.5

2016-04-28 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket version 6.5 is now available from


- Typed Racket and the `racket/contract` library generate code with lower
  overhead, speeding up typed/untyped interaction in a number of gradual
  typing programs we studied.

- Macros written using `syntax-parse` automatically emit more accurate
  error messages.

- The contract profiler captures costs from more contract combinators,
  including all those in the main distribution.

- Hash table and set iteration, via both existing and new non-generic
  sequences, is more performant, up to twice as fast on microbenchmarks.

- The Racket optimizer detects many more optimization opportunities,
  including when variables always hold numbers.

- The `db` library supports single-result CALL statements in MySQL.

- The `net/dns` library supports SRV records.

- The `racket/unix-socket` library supports listen and accept operations.

The following people contributed to this release:
Adrien Tateno, Alex Knauth, Alexander Shopov, Alexis King, Andrew Kent,
Asumu Takikawa, Ben Greenman, Chen Xiao, Chris Jester-Young, Daniel
Feltey, Eric Dobson, Georges Dupéron, Gustavo Massaccesi, Ian Harris,
Jay McCarthy, Jens Axel Søgaard, John Clements, Leandro Facchinetti,
Lehi Toskin, Leif Andersen, Łukasz Dąbek, Marc Kaufmann, Matthew Flatt,
Matthias Felleisen, Michael McConville, Mike Sperber, Paul Stansifer,
Philippe Meunier, Robby Findler, Rodrigo Setti, Ryan Culpepper, Sam
Caldwell, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Sorawee Porncharoenwase, Spencer
Florence, Stephen Chang, Tony Garnock-Jones, Vincent St-Amour, WarGrey
Gyoudmon Ju, and William J. Bowman.

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