[ansible-project] I can't execute java program

2016-09-27 Thread
   May I ask for execute java program with ansible?
   I execute a java program (spring boot project, a jar package for java 
web site)
  ansible ofbiz1 -m shell -a "chdir=/opt/CassEC-OrderSupports nohup java 
-jar  product.jar &", it echo success ,but in fact,it do nothing! the java 
program is not been started!
  I'm very sure that I can execute nohup java -jar  product.jar & in the 
machine directly, I can start the java program.

  and I try use this command , 
ansible ofbiz1 -m shell -a "chdir=/opt/CassEC-OrderSupports nohup 
/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_74/java -jar  product.jar &",
as I prefer the java direction, it work!
   Can anybody tell me why? and how can I use java -jar direct with ansible?

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[ansible-project] How to execute a backend java program?

2016-09-20 Thread
  I use ansible 2.0.0. and I want start a java web program which use spring 
boot and compile as a jar file, but it always don't work.
  I can execute "nohup java -jar xxx.jar &" on the target machine (the 
target machine is centos 7),but when I execute through ansible, it don't 
my playbook is 
- hosts: testservers
  remote_user: root
   - name: start product
 shell: chdir=/app nohup java -jar /app/product.jar &

I think all the method I can , for example, make a .sh file in the target 
machine, the sh file is
java -jar /app/product.jar > /dev/null 2>&1
and I execute the sh file , it can start .
and the playbook is
shell: chdir=/app nohup ./startproduct.sh &
and I execute the playbook,
the product.jar can not be started yet.

and then I add it to service, the file is
#productservice1start/stop product1
# chkconfig: 12345 80 90
# description: start/stop product1
# Description: start/stop product1

function start_product()
  nohup java -jar /app/product.jar > /dev/null 2>&1 &

function stop_product()
ps -ef | grep /app/product.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | 
xargs kill -9

case "$1" in


echo "Usage : start | stop | restart"

and I execute the service in target machine, it work!
but I execute it in ansible playbook, it don't work!
service: name=productservice state=started

and I try add
poll: 0

the playbook still can not start the java program.

I can use playbook kill a process, start tomcat, but can't use it to start 
a java program( a website, a jar file)

 anybody can help me?

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