Re: [apple-crop] Sizing cold storage

2014-11-02 Thread Nick Lucking

Ernest & David,

Thank you for those responses.  Some very good points you mentioned  
that warrant further consideration.  I do like the multiple room  
approach for delayed cooling of Honeycrisp.  I want to target most  
sales towards retail with a small wholesale operation.  There will be  
no alternate storage nearby in this area so that's why I was leaning  
towards bigger rather than smaller.  No Smartfresh or CA storage to  
be used here.  As far as estimated sales per month I really don't  
have an idea what I could do.  Looks like I have some figuring out to  


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Mankar Ultra-Low Volume Herbicide Applicators

2014-10-31 Thread Nick Lucking

Hi Matt,

I currently own a Mankar P-50 walk behind sprayer.  It was purchased  
for a small Christmas tree plantation.  A few of the larger Christmas  
tree growers here in MN use them with good results.  However, some  
conifers when the new growth has hardened are tolerant to glyphosate  
so I never noticed drift being an issue.  I've never used it in the  
orchard for fear of glyphosate damage.  We had a couple rows of  
Honeycrisp that had smaller, stunted leaves due to glyphosate damage  
with a normal handgun sprayer.  I refuse to use it in the orchard  
ever again.

The Mankar walk behind sprayer does get quite tiring to push it over  
large acreages especially in the summer while it is hot and the tall  
weeds cause resistance on the spray hood.  Also, I always wear a pair  
of Tyvek coveralls and chem boots as walking behind it all day does  
cause chemical to build up on clothing even though only a small  
amount is emitted.  It does not have a problem killing weeds several  
feet tall.


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Sizing cold storage

2014-10-31 Thread Nick Lucking
Thanks for the replies.  The problem lies in the fact that this would  
be a new operation from the ground up so actual data is not yet  
available.  Just wondered if there was some figure to get me in the  
ballpark if I decide to pursue this venture on 30 acres.

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Sizing cold storage

2014-10-27 Thread Nick Lucking
Does anyone have any good guides on how large a cold storage facility  
should be on your orchard?  For example if one was to grow 15,000 bu.  
how much should you have capacity for storing, 50%, 75%?  I can't  
really find much info on this.


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Sprayer Calibration Between Training Styles

2014-06-09 Thread Nick Lucking


I would like to do alternate row spraying in the high density block  
and at 4 mph, I noticed poor coverage similar to what Peter  
mentioned.  Are you guys going every row?  Also, my rows are very,  
very tight up against the deer fence and that speed it was hard to  
get turned around without downshifting.


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Sprayer Calibration Between Training Styles

2014-06-05 Thread Nick Lucking
Thanks for the responses.  So when you guys use the spray controllers  
do you try to maintain the same GPA across all blocks?  Seems like if  
you don't have one (like me) and you mix a tank to apply across  
multiple training styles with varying row spacing the pesticide rate  
per acre would be out of whack between them.

Here's my scenario.  1.5 acres is conventional free standing and 1.5  
is tall spindle.  When I did TRV calculations last season and checked  
the GPM of sprayer nozzles obviously with the difference in row  
spacing the rate was way higher for the tall spindle block.  When I  
adjusted the gear speed so the GPA would match the free standing  
block, tractor speed was way too fast ~4 MPH.

I suppose I could get another set of smaller nozzles for the tall  
spindle block to try to keep things even between blocks.

Any further advise?


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Sprayer Calibration Between Training Styles

2014-06-05 Thread Nick Lucking

Hi everyone,

Just curious as to how you guys with larger orchards spray blocks in  
your orchards when some might be high density and others free  
standing.  Do you do a couple of calibrations with different gear/ 
pressure settings or just do all of one style block at a time?


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Dr. Jeff Masters\' WunderBlog -- Damaging freeze hits the Midwest U.S.

2012-04-16 Thread Nick Lucking
We got hit pretty hard here in MN.  There are some of us that lost  
90-100% of our apple crops.  I lost 100% on all older trees.  The  
Honeycrisp on tall spindle are a little behind so they have not even  
put out flowers yet so there is potential to get fruit there.

Last Monday and Tuesday when the freeze hit we were just at king  
bloom opening on Zestars and Pink most other varieties.

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Painting Trees

2012-03-06 Thread Nick Lucking


I've noticed on mature trees where I had yellow belly sapsucker  
(woodpecker) damage and I've painted them, the birds do not return to  
peck.  I had quite a bit of vole damage last year where I had painted  
trunks but no guards.  I have started to add hot pepper sauce to the  
latex paint should the critters make it though the guard.

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard

apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Hedging tall spindle trees

2012-02-24 Thread Nick Lucking


I looked up the old thread you mentioned.  Very informative!  I  
actually ordered a CD ROM version of Pommier, le Mur fruitier so  
hopefully I can cut and paste to translate on google.  How have the  
blocks been working out in your farm?

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard___
apple-crop mailing list

Re: [apple-crop] Hedging tall spindle trees

2012-02-22 Thread Nick Lucking

Here's the link to the video that Mo Tougas took.  Thanks Mo!

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Hedging tall spindle trees

2012-02-22 Thread Nick Lucking

Hello everyone,

Has anyone here hedged their tall spindle blocks?  Comments on doing  
so?  Jon and Mo, I watched your youtube video on it and it looked  
interesting.  Just ordered the hedge trimmer attachment for my weed  
whip so we'll see how it trims at bud break!

Nick Lucking
apple-crop mailing list

Apple-Crop: Rely Herbicide around new trees

2010-08-03 Thread Nick Lucking
I have a bit of lambs ear and common lambsquarters to clean up in the  
orchard before winter.  Has anyone used Rely herbicide around newly  
planted trees without ill effects?  The label seems to advise against  
it.  I really hate to go through with Roundup this late though.

Much appreciated,

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Re: Apple-crop: Turf in row middles

2010-07-08 Thread Nick Lucking
Yeah, as a turf major I knew it was going to be tough going with the  
weeds but wanted to try to get it done to prevent erosion.  I do have  
overhead irrigation but the crab grass comes in so thick here.  I  
think next year I'll just plant a temp. cover crop that can be tilled  
under until the main grass is seeded in the fall.

Thanks for the responses,

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Apple-Crop: Turf in row middles

2010-07-07 Thread Nick Lucking
Hello everyone.  This year for seeding the new row middles I used a  
Brillion seeder and a perennial rye/kentucky bluegrass mix I made.   
Started to come in real nice until the crabgrass came up on Memorial  
day and choked everything out.

My question is:  Does anyone know of a product that I can use to  
knock out the crab grass where food crops are grown?  All the labels  
I look at for the usual stuff Acclaim, Siduron, Dimension, etc. are  
only for ornamentals or non food areas.


Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Re: Apple-Crop: Rainfastness of sprays

2010-06-15 Thread Nick Lucking


The rule I use, which works with most of my pesticides is that once  
the spray is dry it should be as rainfast as it is going to get.  Of  
course there are exceptions to this rule which will be noted on the  
label.  It may say rainfast one hour after application or some number.

From what I have read though on your particular pesticide, Delegate,  
it is very rainfast and probably follows the once it's dry it's  
rainfast.  If the humidity was not too high, I am assuming it was dry  
on the surface by the time the rain hit so I bet your fine.  Could be  
wrong though!

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN

On Jun 15, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Mark Angermayer wrote:

Apple-Crop: Scaffolds 6/14Today, the forecast was supposed to be  
clear of
rain.  I needed to get a spray on peaches.  I applied Delegate at  
the full

rate.  About 15 minutes afterward, it rained about 1/4".

My question - I know a locally systemic material like spinosad is  
to be very resistant to wash off, but how long does it take for  
enough of it
to be absorbed in the tissues to become rainfast?  Was this a  
wasted spray?

Mark Angermayer
Tubby Fruits
Bucyrus KS


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not  
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility  

the content.


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

RE:Apple-Crop: Phil Brown wind machines

2010-06-10 Thread Nick Lucking
I was also looking into these, specifically the 5' 3pt. mounted one.   
Pretty reasonably priced if it can cover 5 acres per their website.

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Re: Apple-Crop: organophosphates

2010-05-18 Thread Nick Lucking
I'll admit, I still use Imidan and it is the most used out of the 5  
insecticides I rotate with including the newer chemistries.  I know  
it's days are numbered since there will be a reregistration coming  
back around for it.  I did an internship for Gowan Co couple of years  
back and I know we were trying to push it for some crops like  
cranberries as well.

As far as producing apples in more natural ways, since I am a small  
grower I have tried a few novel ideas.  About 5 years back when I had  
a light crop when I first took over my parent's orchard I used clear  
plastic bags over all the apples.  The Ziploc bags with the slide  
lock were the fastest to install.  I had perfect looking apples but  
the amount of plastic I used was absurd on the one acre I decided to  

Maybe I'll try Kaolin clay and oil as my only sprays one year, or  
maybe I'll try importing more beneficial insects specific to the  
pests I have in the orchard.  Tough to get away from conventional  
pesticides though as I need marketable apples every year for return  
on investment to keep my farm sustainable.  I totally agree with the  
others that stated that people will just import the food from  
somewhere else where the regulations are not as tight.

Nick Lucking
Cannon Valley Orchard


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Apple-Crop: Tree Planters

2010-04-08 Thread Nick Lucking

Hey guys,

Just looking at both the Phil Brown and Detco tree planters.  Does  
anyone have experience with either of these machines that they could  
share?  I'm sure many of you have used the Phil Brown Welding one.   
I'm looking to plant my apple and evergreen trees with it.  My  
current tree planter is too small unfortunately.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Nick Lucking
Field Manager
Cannon Valley Orchard


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

RE: Apple-Crop: Attaching trees to trellis

2010-02-10 Thread Nick Lucking


That's good to know.

On that note, when I plant these new trees should they be planted  
directly inline with the trellis system?  Or be 2-3, or more inches  
off the wire initially?  Thanks for the help, my horticulture degree  
did not quite cover this!

Nick Lucking
Field Manager
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Apple-Crop: Attaching trees to trellis

2010-02-10 Thread Nick Lucking

Hello everyone,

I see that the U clip is a popular item to attach B.9, M.9, etc.  
trees to a trellis.  Are you guys going with the larger version to  
allow for growth or is the smaller version better for this application?

Does anyone have any problems with the metal rubbing bark of the tree?

Thanks for the input,

Nick Lucking
Field Manager
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.

Re: Apple-Crop: posts for organic orchard

2010-01-31 Thread Nick Lucking
For my new tall spindle orchard I am putting in this spring I was  
going to use Best Angle stakes just like you mentioned with larger  
end posts.  However, I wanted my trellis to be 10 ft tall to maximize  
space and custom run stakes would need to be produced to get the 12'  
length.  With the small quantity I needed, it was not possible.  I do  
have Best Angle stakes on other trees and they are nice but they are  
too expensive for single stakes at every tree for the new training  
systems.  I am still going to do a metal trellis but with the help of  
my local fence builder.

Maybe the original poster could do the recycled decking material for  
posts.  I have seen a few pictures of trellises with this.

Nick Lucking
Field Manager
Cannon Valley Orchard
Cannon Falls, MN


The 'Apple-Crop' LISTSERV is sponsored by the Virtual Orchard 
<> and managed by Win Cowgill and Jon 
Clements .

Apple-Crop is not moderated. Therefore, the statements do not represent 
"official" opinions and the Virtual Orchard takes no responsibility for 
the content.