[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace Update - January 2018

2018-01-19 Thread Christine Kim

January 2018 Update

Happy New Year! We're excited to launch off the year with a warm welcome to our 
new DevOps Specialist! And mark your calendars -- we have a queue of webinars 
coming up early this year. New stories are up on the blog, and our demo videos 
are now updated to ArchivesSpace v2.2.2! Read on for more news!

Development: Deadline for Pull Requests

ArchivesSpace recently announced that starting with the January 2018 release 
we've set deadlines for submitting pull requests to be considered for the next 
release. Submitting a pull request by the deadline does not guarantee that it 
will go into the next release, but it will help ensure that we have adequate 
time to review and test it before potentially putting it into a release. In 
general, the pull request deadline is the third Friday of a month in which a 
release is scheduled, with occasional exceptions when a release is intended to 
come out earlier in the month.

Just a reminder that the deadline by which a pull request needs to be submitted 
for consideration for the January 2018 release is January 19. Please submit any 
pull requests no later than the end of your day on January 19. Pull requests 
submitted after January 19 will be considered for a future release.

If you have any questions, please get in touch. Thanks so much for your 
contributions and your help in making ArchivesSpace better!

Upcoming Releases

Curious about what's to come in future releases? Check out the roadmap: 

Welcome, LYRASIS's DevOps Specialist, Lora Woodford!

LYRASIS, the organizational home for ArchivesSpace, is pleased to announce that 
Lora Woodford will be joining us as our DevOps Specialist, working closely with 
the ArchivesSpace team on activities to better support ArchivesSpace users and 
improve the application.

As DevOps Specialist, Lora will be based in LYRASIS' Digital Technology 
Services department and participate in a range of technical support and 
development activities for ArchivesSpace, including responding to support 
tickets and writing code to fix bugs in the application. Through June 2018, her 
focus will be exclusively on ArchivesSpace. Beginning in July she will continue 
to be heavily involved with ArchivesSpace, but will also provide assistance 
with other closely aligned programs and services supported by Digital 
Technology Services, including Islandora and CollectionSpace.

LYRASIS serves as the organizational home for ArchivesSpace, providing 
resources and services to help grow, support and amplify the community 
contributions. These include staff, technology, financial services and 
logistics support.

Lora's first day will be January 29. She will continue to be based in 
Baltimore, but will become an even more active presence in the ArchivesSpace 
community as she represents ArchivesSpace and LYRASIS in various online and in 
person venues.

The full announcement is available here: 

Please join us in welcoming Lora Woodford to the LYRASIS team!

Demo Videos

A guided tour of ArchivesSpace version 2.2.2 is available through a new series 
of demo videos. These videos provide an overview of the major features and 
functions of the application:  

This series of videos shows all the major functionalities for the staff and 
public interfaces. The demo videos may be watched in the order presented, or 
select the video most relevant to your user perspective:

  *   Overview of Features in ArchivesSpace
  *   Staff Interface Demo: Managing the Application
  *   Staff Interface Demo: Managing & Describing Records
  *   ArchivesSpace Public User Interface Demo

Please feel free to share these with anyone who is interested in learning more 
about ArchivesSpace.

Open Members Call on Zoom! February 21, 2-3pm ET (11-noon PT)

Please save the date for our next informal community Zoom call coming up on 
February 21 at 2-3pm ET (11-noon PT). This is an opportunity to hear updates 
from each other and encourage group discussion. You will be able to join by 
either computer or phone. This is a space surface news, ideas, and challenges. 
This might be an especially good chance to talk about non-technical questions 
or ideas that you weren't quite sure about posting on the Users Group listserv 
but really would like help with from us or your peers.

An announcement with call in details will be sent out shortly. It will include 
a pre-survey to generate discussion topics prior to the call. Please email Kim 
at christine@lyrasis.org if you have any 
questions. We look forward to "seeing" you there!

Webinar on the ArchivesSpace Technology & Development Roadmap: Recording 

Thanks to all who joined our webinar on the ArchivesSpace Technology & 

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace spreadsheet import plugin

2018-01-19 Thread Mayo, Dave
Hi Jessika,

The file you’d want to edit is the Gemfile file in the top directory of the 
plugin – contents look like this: 

On line 6, you’d remove the comma and everything after.

- Dave

From:  on behalf of 
"Drmacich, Jessika" 
Reply-To: Archivesspace Users Group 

Date: Friday, January 19, 2018 at 9:37 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group 
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace spreadsheet import plugin

Dear all,

Thanks everyone (especially Steve) for the suggestions about editing the gem 
file to remove the version requirement for pry but, pardon my Ruby ignorance, 
can someone explain exactly which file to edit and what I need to change 
exactly? I've looked around in 
archivesspace/plugins/aspace-import-excel/gems/gems/pry-0.11.3-java but i'm not 
sure what to edit there (or is it somewhere else?

As always, thank you!

My best,


Jessika Drmacich
Records Manager & Digital Resources Archivist
Williams College Libraries
Special Collections

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 4:00 PM, Drmacich, Jessika 
> wrote:
Dear all,

Has anyone experienced losing functionality with ArchivesSpace spreadsheet 
 with the most current update?  Simply, has anyone installed it and has it 
running on the latest ArchivesSpace CentOS 7?

My very best,


Jessika Drmacich
Records Manager & Digital Resources Archivist
Williams College Libraries
Special Collections

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace spreadsheet import plugin

2018-01-19 Thread Drmacich, Jessika
Dear all,

Thanks everyone (especially Steve) for the suggestions about editing the
gem file to remove the version requirement for pry but, pardon my Ruby
ignorance, can someone explain exactly which file to edit and what I need
to change exactly? I've looked around in archivesspace/plugins/
aspace-import-excel/gems/gems/pry-0.11.3-java but i'm not sure what to edit
there (or is it somewhere else?

As always, thank you!

My best,


Jessika Drmacich
Records Manager & Digital Resources Archivist
Williams College Libraries
Special Collections

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 4:00 PM, Drmacich, Jessika 

> Dear all,
> Has anyone experienced losing functionality with ArchivesSpace spreadsheet
> import plugin  with
> the most current update?  Simply, has anyone installed it and has it
> running on the latest ArchivesSpace CentOS 7?
> My very best,
> Jessika
> Jessika Drmacich
> Records Manager & Digital Resources Archivist
> Williams College Libraries
> Special Collections
> 413-597-4725 <(413)%20597-4725>
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list