Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Oddly enough phil when I asked at the apple shop they didn't mention those, they only mentioned the portable recharge unit. Maybe they didn't have them for the IPhone 5? Still while I do confess that financially it's a pain in the arse getting a new phone right now, it is still something I need to do, not the least because my IPhone game playing has been rather curtailed recently and there are many games that need adding to the db, word war, blackbox, the blindfold games, the rest of the 3 minute interactive gamebooks etc.We had an extremely nice weekend being as on Friday we went to an early fireworks display with my parents which was fun. It's a little early for fireworks, but hay, and we get more next week. it does seem a little  odd celebrating a failed terrorist plot in which most conspirators got off scot free accept for the poor patsy who literally had to light the fuse who ended up being burned alive and then vilified for his trouble. On the other hand if he'd succeeded there would probably be no united kingdom and we ight even be at war with Scotland and hay I probably wouldn't have been born given I've got Scottish grandparents and great grandparents on both sides . Not a lot else to report unfortunately, though I'm still continuing with my huge doctor who fest, catching up with jago and Lightfoot. This is actually a really fun series and quite appropriate for this time of year given it always has ghostly or horror elements and is set in the 1890's. It's odd, I hadn't actually seen the Doctor who classic story, The talons of Weng chyang which featured Jago and Lightfoot before I ran across them in the big finish collection, but I did really appreciate seeing them again. Hay there is something for the odd couple of a quiet Victorian pathologist and a overblown and verbose theatrical impresario running around investigating mysterious goings on which occasionally run into bits of Doctor who lore as well as Victoriana. The last story indeed had a meeting with Bran Stoker and  origins of the Dracula legend that he based the book on . Mrs. Dark and I have also started reading Bruce Cameran's A dog's journey. We enjoyed the first book, even if it was a trifle overblown in places because Cameran does get dogs rather right,  it's going to be interesting to see where the second one goes, it'll be some light relief after some of the fairly grim stuff we've done together recently.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Dark,My wife's Apple battery case for the iPhone 7 runs down the backup battery first before running down the iPhone's battery. It plugs into the phone's lightning plug and has another lightning plug for re-charging.I thought backup battery cases for the 5 would be discounted by now.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Hi Phil. When I said my IPhone has no battery, what I actually mean is that it has a battery, but the battery basically lasts about ten minutes flat, so right now my so called mobile phone only works if it is plugged into the wall . This also means getting a spare power pack to recharge the battery on the go would be something of a waste of time.I could get a new battery but that would cost eighty pounds and! require a full reset of the phone, which is rather loopy, especially considering that now basically the worth of my IPhone five is apparently about fourty quid anyway.I will probably look at upgrading somewhere in the Christmas sales, though whether to a seven or eight I am not sure, albeit I'm tempted to get the eight just for system longevity if nothing else, it is not really an expense I want at the second, but it is what it is, and given my IPhone 5 has had some pretty intensive use over the past five years I can't complain too much, though it does make it rather difficult to try out IPhone e games when I'm constantly tied to a power point.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Dark,You wrote that your IPhone still has no battery.My wife just got a backup battery case for her iPhone 7.Maybe such a battery case would fix your iPhone's dead battery problem.Battery cases for older iPhones should be sold at  a reduced price.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

@Lord Lundin, hope your rehearsing goes well. For me it's time to check in again since I've a few things to share. Firstly I'm pleased that we've had some site updates out and that I've been able to try out new games, it's always good to be on  edge of what is going on, and hopefully site updates will be a bit more regular now that house related things are sorted, albeit my IPhone still has no battery which makes playing Ios games a bit difficult. I'd like to check out the Alteraeon Halloween stuff if I can, though whether I'll have time we'll see.In other newsI have continued the doctor who fest with lots of fourth doctor stories and all of the time war stuff. I'm still not sure the time war is a story that really should be told, but it is interesting to see someone who isn't the doctor being a bastard in the doctor's universe, even if I still think retconning the hole war was quite ridiculous. As with Riversong Bf seem to have restored faith in the war doctor even if the plot that introduced him was appalling. I also liked the fact that the last two fourth doctor stories actually bought us a really alien alien world, an entire planet made of gelly like substance where people could walk as long as they didn't stay still and where the local civilization had wave walkers, who walked across the slowly moving jelly sea with balloons to keep them up. Nice to see a really distinct planet, and one that even had a good  in a foil for Romana, though a shame she had to turn out to be a bit too vil I also finished One salt sea by Seanon McGuire with my lady and sent off a review. A trifle disappointing, especially what happened to October, though I'll not say what I thought here given that hopefully the review will be up on soon and people can read for themselves. getting away from books and audios and so on, to celebrate my lady's birthday we went to Turtle bay last Monday. This is an awesome west indian restaurant with a lot of unusual stuff. Wehad some amazingly nice cocktails, and some extremely good, if very spicy stew made of beef cheeks, some chicken wings with a great jerk sauce, plus some of their great rum cake. it's always nice to try stuff from a different culinary traditional, albeit I don't know how authentic the food at Turtle bay is, still it's spiced very differently and certainly not what we usually have and thus a nice change. This weekend we have a firework display in honour of guy forks failed attempt to blow up parliament, sort of amusing given the amount of hot air parliament is generating over brexit they'd probably set off the gun powder themselves if someone tried it now .Hope everyone else is having a good October.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Going to check out our new band rehersal place today. The plan is to start with six hours of rehersal each week. I want more, and I'm not the only one, but that's something to expand upon when we've gotten into it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Well a couple of things to report today which people might find hopefully interesting. The first is, as English people will know, we now have started getting new ten pound notes. Like our new fivers, these are made of plastic, and do feel a little like shop receipts. Fortunately, the government in their benevolence have decided to braille the notes so all blind people know what they are. that is why on the left hand edge of every  plastic ten pound note you will find in Braille the very helpful message gg. Why gg? I have no idea, I've heard of being asked to "pony up" when required to pay, but I never thought the government took it literally, or maybe it's supposed to be an indication that, as Tony the tiger would say having money is gg gg ggreat! Either way, I'm sure everyone is pleased that the government  done such a great job of their accessibility. I'm now wondering what's going to happen when t
 hey decide to do the 20 pound notes? Will that be hh? or maybe g g g?  Time will tell . Also in other news, my victor has been returned, however I'm well annoyed with humanware since they charged me a massive  bill despite it being in warrentee because apparently the water sensor was activated! also the problem that it shuts off if moved when on batteries is still! there. This is really frustrating, especially as I had to pay nearly two thirds of what the victor stream cost in the first place to get it fixed, and!  this is the second time in the year I've had this machine that it's gone wrong. Really I thought better of humanware, but at this point they're showing themselves to be the quite typical money grubbing access company, using any excuse to gouge the customer as per usual. On the plus side, I have now finished first 
 man in rome which was rather good, albeit a bit dry in places and am celebrating my victor's return (at huge cost), with a massive doctor who fest. The monthly adventures have been quite interesting, The blood furnace was rather fun in terms of evil aliens  nineties Liverpool and I was amused at time in office dealing with the fifth doctor as president of galifrey, however the best thing thus far has been torchwood. big finish are actually doing a series five, and while they don't seem to be continuing the lose ends from miracle day (though some implications seem to suggest they're going to deal with that in the monthly adventures plot with the committee), series five has a great premise, a bunch of aliens living in Cardiff and torchwood having to deal with post brexit racial feelings, recession and having no resources. I really like the new characters and the plot is extremely compelling as well as being very Torchwood. Torchwood has always been an 
 awesome series and Bf are carrying it on amazingly well. I particularly like the way the monthly stories have dealt with other aspects of Torchwood, like Torchwood during the second world war or during America in the fifties, as well as telling stories from the perspective of different characters. The house is now getting rather more fixed, which has let me play a few more games. I'm hoping the space explorer game will prove fun, and I really did! enjoy HEARtREAd, and would definitely recommend it, sort of like pappasangre with an anime plot, even though the gameplay was relatively easy. Hopefully this will mean I'll be back to playing more games and updating the site again in the future, heck I still want to play coffee mud.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Hi Phil. I'm not sure what was happening there, though since I had my own issues with my laptop's wireless  silly beggars I possibly just missed that detail. Well the big news  is that I now have an actual living room with carpet and chairs and living roomy things, and also my desktop is back up and running! hurrah! Since I've been sitting on a less than comfortable folding chair using my laptop on a folding table in the corner of a mostly empty upstairs  thus far, this is a great relief, quite aside from the fact that we now have actual speakers for music playing and a desktop for watching dvds plus a screen. Admitedly, all the actual dvds are still packed in cardboard boxes, but hay at least now when they're unpacked I can do something more interesting than playing tetris with them .I've also started play
 ing junction gate which really does look rather fascinating.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

It is named: Newark Liberty International Airport The airport is 7 miles from the Statue of Liberty and 9 miles from Manhattan Island.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Interesting fact about Newark Airport: Someone who knows the U.S. better than I do can correct me, but I think I am correct in saying that Newark Airport, although in New Jersey, also counts as one of the three large airports in New York City (LaGuardia, JFK and Newark). This is because it goes across the border between New York and New Jersey. This is very useful because it is very difficult for international airlines to secure landing and take-off slots at JFK because of how busy it is, so using the less-popular Newark Airport opens up New York to some smaller airlines. Also, domestic and international airlines that want additional frequencies to New York often cannot fly to LaGuardia or JFK because they are at capacity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Interesting fact about Newark Airport: Someone who knows the U.S. better than I do can correct me, but I think I am correct in saying that Newark Airport, although in New Jersey, also counts as one of the three large airports in New York City (LaGuardia, JFK and Newark). This is because it goes across the border between New York and New Jersey. This is very useful because it is very difficult for international airlines to secure landing and take-off slots at JFK because of how busy it is, so using the less-popular Newark Airport opens up New York to some smaller airlines.


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Re: Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat October 2017

Hi,@Dark: hope the move goes well. The band concert sounds interesting!I recently got back from Feel The Force Day in Peterborough. This one wasspecial though, because it was Feel The Force Day 5.I felt honoured to be there, meeting all the characters again, and I met a person who I'd wanted to meet for years, who goes around as Captain Jack Sparrow, it was a lovely surprise because it's only taken four years, haha!It was good seeing some people from the predator group as well, but unfortunately some of them couldn't make it this year due to other real life commitments, and I did miss them.There was also a halloween style room with lots of toys in there that made sounds, and even fellow forumight SightlessKombat was there and joined us for a chat for a while. I received an Ultimate Source Shadow Jago figure based on Killer Instinct, as a gift from him that he purchased from the states.There was a very funny moment with a dancing s
 tormtrooper who was playing Prince music, I started to boogie along to it.One of the other really funny moments was during the scary room. The founder, JJ, showed up in a costume inspired by the Disney princesses. I don't think I've laughed like that for a long time.I got to have a photo on the Iron Throne of Game of Thrones fame, I was so surprised at how big it is. You are sat right back on the throne, feet almost dangling down, two swords next to you hanging out the throne where armwrests would normally be.I also spoke to a few guests who were there, and one of them was from Force Awakens and told me about how it was filmed, saying there were two BB-8 droids on set.Speaking of the princess characters, they were there again, accent and all, and I got to meet some new people helping out as these characters. One of them was Belle and she asked if I wanted to hear her sing, so I asked if she knew Something There, and when it came to the Beast's 
 part, I think I surprised her because I started to sing along. We then spoke about some theatre shows as well.I met a voice actor called Mark Silc, and I will hopefully be featured on a podcast as well, we saw someone who  recognized me because I was commenting on the podcast's Facebook page, and he let me get interviewed! It is called TGP Nominal.At the end, we saw Elsa. I was saying that I'd seen the other princess characters, but was wondering if Moana was around. She said that the person helping out as Moana had left. But then she surprised me because she said that the Moana costume was still here and asked us to wait in one of the quieter areas. Around 10 minutes later she appeared as Moana, and she did this so that I could feel the new costume, which is why we had to go to a quieter area so she wouldn't get swamped.I was told that she normally wouldn't do this for other people, so this was a lovely surprise to end the event on, becaus
 e it really did turn out that the person helping out as Moana had gone, and the person showing me the costume is normally Elsa and does not swap out.Finally, on the way out, we met a Deadpool costumer. This was awesome because the guns had triggers that you could push in and out, and the swords also popped in and out as well. There were loads of different things to feel on the costume.All in all, another amazing Feel The Force event, something I count down to every year.


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Monthly chat October 2017

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly chat October 2017

Welcome to yet another of our famous monthly chat topics. Well famous ish anyway. For anyone who hasn't seen these before (they're not that famous), this is your place to chat about pretty much anything going on in your life each month. Games, books, films, school, work, relationships,  all of those happy fun and  cuddly things,  or indeed sad, depressing and    spiky  things as the case may be for you. For me, while the relationship side of things is still most definitely cudly, other aspects are less so. As I said at the end of last month's thread, unfortunately my  laptop is playing silly buggers turning off the wireless  capability for no reason, so I'm having to borrow my lady's to check the forum. This means not much by way of games or indeed email at the moment though since we are hopefully going to get a carpet  next Saturday which is the first step in deboxifying the living room 
 of our new house, setting up my desktop should follow relatively quickly I hope.If not , hopefully we can take my laptop back to the firm I got it from and get the model number and function key commands to turn wireless back on. Actually I hope the problem is that simple, but we'll see, certainly the network is working. In other news, last night I went to the first band concert here in  this new town, disconcertingly for those in the states called Newark, though the one in Nottinghamshire, not the one  close to new Jerzy (I have been to that one, or at least to it's airport and they're very different).Newark  over here is a rather quiet little market town, but one conveniently on the trainline in the center of the country where it's possible to get most places, which makes it A, conveniently small to walk about and B, easy to visit other parts of the  country from. Exhibit A I demonstrated last night by headin
 g to the theatre for the first time for a band concert. This was a concert by a wind band, which is similar to a brass band. for those only familiar with the American style marching bands, British bands are rather different. Back in the  industrial  revolution going right through up to the eighties and  nineties, every small mining village and  factory town in North England had a band who played a lot of popular classic stuff. The mines and colearies are gone, but the bands are still around.  They don't march but give concerts in halls, churches etc, accept anyone with an instrument (they used to be pretty much men only but that's long since changed), and are usually rather fun performances.For a good look at a band and some of the north English culture, see the film Brassed off.Last  night the band, being a wind band was basically like an  orchestra  without a string section and played a lot of  fun s
 tuff from War of the worlds (the Jeff Wayne version), to Pirates of the carribian, Swan lake and even a beatles medly and bohemian  rhapsody by queen as well as a few more standard things like Colonel  bogey. It's nice to have a theatre within walking distance and the staff are rather friendly, though I missed my lady since she was still feeling unwell so couldn't come with me which was a  pest since she would've rather enjoyed it I think. Oh bwell, since I saw my first Christmas advert last week (they're getting earlier every year), that means the  buying season is approaching, which generally means more concerts etc, so I'm sure we'll be back, hopefully at some point as  performers if we're lucky. Well that's probably enough for a col and grim morning, or at least it is here, so hope everyone else is having fun. Hopefully when my desktop is up and running I can get back to the db, trying ne
 w games and doing generallywhat I usually do on a more regular basis, though as with a lot in my life currently moving house is proving  getting in the way of most everything.


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