Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stormer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

In google search online sport manager games, look for the result I think it is can't remember now but they have a list of almost all sport manager games out there from athletics to volleyball


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

just got into webl, are there still any active players from this forum on there?


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

well I thought I would post my results so 6 boxers have had 1 fight each now and I only got 1 win rofl.  so my fight plans certainly need adjusting, do anyone no if there is a wicki  page on how to set up stats for lets say a counter puncher?I must admit this is the first browser game I have managed to sort of get used to, lol


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Shrike:Go to "your gym" menu group, and the very 1st one is the list of your fighters, along with the most important infos, (records, ranking), options you can do, and next opponent. (who you can also get some infos about, if you hit "enter" on his name)So in the 1st line is your boxer's name along with his records, then under it are some important infos like his weight for example, then there comes his next opponent's name along with his gym-name, (in case your boxer has already an opponent drawn for him), and then come the options, meaning the most important, urgent actions you should take, to prepare your boxer for the fight. (select/edit an existing, or create a new gameplan, and set your training, meaning the skills you plan to improve)Just remember, when checking for next opponent, or preparing for the match, don't use the "short gym" menu, it won't show neither the opponents, nor your options, but use the 
 very 1st option under "your gym", which is called "active fighters".And no, you will neither get, nor lose any single ability points after mere sparrings, but only after the weekly scheduled matches, those are the "official" fights which actually count!(oh yeah, there is the weight-class name before each of your boxers, who belong into different weight-groups)


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hey Arnold, I just noticed while setting my boxer's gameplans in WEBL, we are drawn vs each-other today, one of your boxers fights against my Yabba Gallamba in heavy-weight class, (in the Unsanctioned region of course), watch out, my Gallamba is a killer, don't say I haven't (sporty) warned you, LOL!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Shrike:Go to "your gym" menu group, and the very 1st one is the list of your fighters, along with the most important infos, (records, ranking), options you can do, and next opponent. (who you can also get some infos about, if you hit "enter" on his name)So in the 1st line is your boxer's name along with his records, then under it are some important infos like his weight for example, then there comes his next opponent's name along with his gym-name, (in case your boxer has already an opponent drawn for him), and then come the options, meaning the most important, urgent actions you should take, to prepare your boxer for the fight. (select an existing, or create a new gameplan, and set your training, meaning the skills you plan to improve)Just remember, when checking for next opponent, or preparing for the match, don't use the "short gym" menu, it won't show neither the opponents, nor your options, but use the very 
 1st option under "your gym", which is called "active fighters".And no, you will neither get, nor lose any single ability points after mere sparrings, but only after the weekly scheduled matches, those are the "official" fights which actually count!(oh yeah, there is the weight-class name before each of your boxers, who belong into different weight-groups)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hey Arnold, I just noticed while setting my boxer's gameplans in WEBL, we are drawn vs each-other today, one of your boxers fights against my Yabba Gallamba in heavy-weight class, watch out, my Gallamba is a killer, don't say I haven't (sporty) warned you, LOL!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darth scorp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Caccio, everything you say about happens just in a demo match. when you already play as a manager, you see fights almost like in WEBL. you need to open the fight page. then at the top you'll see the table which shows some info about fighters to compare, such as height, weight, and record. next you'll see fighters advantages analysis. for example there can be written something like "fighter 1 can use his height advantage to stay outside and win some points" or "fighter two is more experienced fighter, let's see if it helps". that makes watching your opponent's previous fights very important, you can find his weakest points. the last thing you see is the list with spoilers called "round 1", "round 2", ..., "round 12", "results". you need to click one of this links, and the game will show you comments for the round or the match's result. nothing hard.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

how do you find out who your fighters are fighting there next opponent, I can't find it anywhere.also after your boxer has had a sparring bout does the fighters attributes go up naturally or are you allocated points to increase them manually.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

LOL Shrike, actually I have 44 boxers already, but I promised myself I really won't create more of them, otherwise it will be too much even for me to handle!And yes, the best part of the game is the commentary, especially for us screen-reader users, since it indeed sounds like some radio-match-commentary, but one, whose tempo we can adjust at will, by pressing the "down arrow" key at our own chosen, desired pace.Now should I say, that this is the 1st case I encountered so far, when using screen-reader in a game grants us, blind gamers, an actual comfort, by making match-commentaries more interesting and enjoyable, then they probably are for the sighted players, who don't play WEBL with a screen-reader...Oh btw, back to Box 2 Glory for a minute:There is one more inconvenience I noticed there, maybe it's also screen-reader dependent, but my NVDA fails to play match-commentaries properly there, meaning it plays only the 1st round, an
 d then it just...stops, and I haven't managed to find out neither the reason, nor the solution for the issue, it just refuses to proceed to round 2!Don't know if this is always the case, and if it's a specificly NVDA-related problem, but it sure happens when I challenge another boxer, start the match, after its 1st round that slider, with the already mentioned 3 parameters appears, (aggression, power, defense), then the commentary just stops, as if the screen became totally frozen, and not even changing, adjusting those 3 parameter-values helps!I wonder if B2G match-commentaries are meant, planned to work this way, and it's just some kind of paused mode for setting the further match-strategy, (meaning the 3 parameter values), or it's really an issue with the NVDA screen-reader?Anyway, back to WEBL, sorry Shrike, but I haven't got the slightest idea, what can cause you troubles while playing it with NVDA, as I mentioned, it has an extr
 emely screen-reader friendly interface, very logically, systematically grouped, but not too many menus and options, all of them are quite obvious, and easily accessible by the screen-reader, wether you use "tabbing", or simply the "up/down direction arrows" for navigation, there are no submenus to get lost amongst I have really no clue what can cause you troubles in WEBL, it's one of the most screen-reader friendly browser game I ever least so far!One hint: As I just said, there are not too many, well separated and grouped menues, which we actually use in the game, the 1st, and the most important is the "your gym" group, there are literarilly all the menues you need for the sheer gameplay, while the other group is "community", with some communication menues like the forum, the so called message-board, and some help files.There are very few, 2 or 3 more menu-groups, but those are of almost no import
 ance for the gameplay, so you can just ignore and skip those.Normally you can use the "page up/page down" keys to cycle through the menues faster, and hopefully find the targeted one sooner, but again, there are so few of them all together, (definitely less than 30), that you won't "spare" more than 2-3 seconds with it, in case you won't "overjump" the targeted menu, lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

LOL Shrike, actually I have 44 boxers already, but I promised myself I really won't create more of them, otherwise it will be too much even for me to handle!And yes, the best part of the game is the commentary, especially for us screen-reader users, since it indeed sounds like some radio-match-commentary, but one, whose tempo we can adjust at will, by pressing the "down arrow" key at our own chosen, desired pace.Now should I say, that this is the 1st case I encountered so far, when using screen-reader in a game grants us, blind gamers, an actual comfort, by making match-commentaries more interesting and enjoyable, then they probably are for the sighted players, who don't play WEBL with a screen-reader...Oh btw, back to Box 2 Glory for a minute:There is one more inconvenience I noticed there, maybe it's also screen-reader dependent, but my NVDA fails to play match-commentaries properly there, meaning it plays only the 1st round, an
 d then it just...stops, and I haven't managed to find out neither the reason, nor the solution for the issue, it just refuses to proceed to round 2!Don't know if this is always the case, but it sure happens when I challenge another boxer, start the match, after its 1st round that slider, with the already mentioned 3 parameters appears, (aggression, power, defense), then the commentary just stops, as if the screen became totally frozen, and not even changing, adjusting those 3 parameter-values helps!I wonder if B2G match-commentaries are meant, planned to work this way, and it's just some kind of paused mode for setting the further match-strategy, (meaning the 3 parameter values), or it's really an issue with the NVDA screen-reader?Anyway, back to WEBL, sorry Shrike, but I haven't got the slightest idea, what can cause you troubles while playing it with NVDA, as I mentioned, it has an extremely screen-reader friendly interface, very logical
 ly, systematically grouped, but not too many menus and options, all of them are quite obvious, and easily accessible by the screen-reader, wether you use "tabbing", or simply the "up/down direction arrows" for navigation, there are no submenus to get lost amongst I have really no clue what can cause you troubles in WEBL, it's one of the most screen-reader friendly browser game I ever least so far!One hint: As I just said, there are not too many, well separated and grouped menues, which we actually use in the game, the 1st, and the most important is the "your gym" group, there are literarilly all the menues you need for the sheer gameplay, while the other group is "community", with some communication menues like the forum, the so called message-board, and some help files.There are very few, 2 or 3 more menu-groups, but those are of almost no importance for the gameplay, so you can just ignore and sk
 ip those.Normally you can use the "page up/page down" keys to cycle through the menues faster, and hopefully find the targeted one sooner, but again, there are so few of them all together, (definitely less than 30), that you won't "spare" more than 2-3 seconds with it, in case you won't "overjump" the targeted menu, lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

LOL Shrike, actually I have 44 boxers already, but I promised myself I really won't create more of them, otherwise it will be too much even for me to handle!And yes, the best part of the game is the commentary, especially for us screen-reader users, since it indeed sounds like some radio-match-commentary, but one, whose tempo we can adjust at will, by pressing the "down arrow" key at our own chosen, desired pace.Now should I say, that this is the 1st case I encountered so far, when using screen-reader in a game grants us, blind gamers, an actual comfort, by making match-commentaries more interesting and enjoyable, then they probably are for the sighted players, who don't play WEBL with a screen-reader...Oh btw, back to Box 2 Glory for a minute:There is one more inconvenience I noticed there, maybe it's also screen-reader dependent, but my NVDA fails to play match-commentaries properly there, meaning it plays only the 1st round, an
 d then it just...stops, and I haven't managed to find out neither the reason, nor the solution for the issue, it just refuses to proceed to round 2!Don't know if this is always the case, but it sure happens when I challenge another boxer, start the match, after its 1st round that slider, with the already mentioned 3 parameters appears, (aggression, power, defense), then the commentary just stops, as if the screen became totally frozen, and not even changing, adjusting those 3 parameter-values helps!I wonder if B2G match-commentaries are meant, planned to work this way, and it's just some kind of paused mode for setting the further match-strategy, (meaning the 3 parameter values), or it's really an issue with the NVDA screen-reader?Anyway, back to WEBL, sorry Shrike, but I haven't got the slightest idea, what can cause you troubles while playing it with NVDA, as I mentioned, it has an extremely screen-reader friendly interface, very l
 ogically, systematically grouped, but not too many menus and options, all of them are quite obvious, and easily accessible by the screen-reader, wether you use "tabbing", or simply the "up/down direction arrows" for navigation, there are no submenus to get lost amongst I have really no clue what can cause you troubles in WEBL, it's one of the most screen-reader friendly browser game I ever least so far!One hint: As I just said, there are not too many, well separated and grouped menues, which we actually use in the game, the 1st, and the most important is the "your gym" group, there are literarilly all the menues you need for the sheer gameplay, while the other group is "community", with some communication menues like the forum, the so called message-board, and some help files.There are very few, 2 or 3 more menu-groups, but those are of almost no importance for the gameplay, so you can just ignore 
 and skip those.Normally you can use the "page up/page down" keys to cycle through the menues faster, and hopefully find the targeted one sooner, but again, there are so few of them all together, (definitely less than 25), that you won't "spare" more than 2-3 seconds with it, in case you won't "overjump" the targeted menu, lol!


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darth scorp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Caccio, i got your opinion and which type of boxing management you prefer, and this is a nice point, hell, why not  but i should say to you and, of course, mainly to other players, that i haven't seen any graphic or colored bars in displaying statistics. for me nvda reads just everything. and i use firefox. i read all the stats as tables by using ctrl+alt+arrows, and it helps so much. if you guys can't read something properly, you can ask me, and i'll try to give you some hints.secondly, there are no sliders in setting gameplans. just like in WEBL, you preprogram it and then you just seat and watch the fight. realtime adjustments are only available in live action, but it's just a bonus, you're not forced to do it, so you can write a fightplan the same, Caccio, you may decide someday to play b2g, because i guarantee you that it's
  fully accessible. it allows you even to convert your WEBL fight plans into the b2g format.but, as i said, i see your point, so i wish you and your boxers luck in WEBL and hope you'll keep doing great!)oh, i forgot to say! i've tested MMATycoon, and... it's not fully accessible, but almost fully. the phone mode works just great in setting fighting tactics. you can controll everything and make your guy fighting just as you want. but there are realy some inaccessible stats which you can't read. such as energy or morale. i'll play a bit more and try to figure out if it affects my gaming experience somehow. but as far as i can tell, this game also deserves trying.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darth scorp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Caccio, i got your opinion and which type of boxing management you prefer, and this is a nice point, hell, why not  but i should say to you and, of course, mainly to other players, that i haven't seen any graphic or colored bars in displaying statistics. for me nvda reads just everything. and i use firefox. i read all the stats as tables by using ctrl+alt+arrows, and it helps so much. if you guys can't read something properly, you can ask me, and i'll try to give you some hints.secondly, there are no sliders in setting gameplans. just like in WEBL, you preprogram it and then you just seat and watch the fight. realtime adjustments are only available in live action, but it's just a bonus, you're not forced to do it, so you can write a fightplan the same, Caccio, you may decide someday to play b2g, because i guarantee you that it's
  fully accessible. it allows you even to convert your WEBL fight plans into the b2g format.but, as i said, i see your point, so i wish you and your boxers luck in WEBL and hope you'll keep doing great!)


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

42 boxers? oh my god,I am struggling coping with 5,  do you use NBDA? for some reason I still find navigating really torturous, everything  seems just really long winded.I will however try and give this browser game time because its a game I have always wanted in audio game format.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, to answer to both of you, 1st what I experienced when I started playing B2G:(since I have given it up quite soon, I admit,my observations may not be totally correct, but they still bugged me enough to decide for WEBL when comparing those 2 games, since I encountered none of those annoying issues there)Namely, there are some important, I presume vital statistics regarding my, and the opponent's boxer in B2G, which are compared in a graphical way, I guess probably with color-bars, and that's something my NVDA screen-reader refuses to announce, meaning those statistic-values for the next, incoming match.Furthermore, I also noticed a slider there, which appears during the match, a.k.a. fight itself, and which is supposed to drag the main strategic settings of my boxer between rounds, meaning the 3 vital settings called aggression, power, and defense.Although once I managed to drag that slider somehow towards a direction, shifting the allocation 
 of those 3 settings, it is very hard for me to handle it, don't even have a clue how I still managed to move that slider, and besides, I dislike the idea to adjust my leading strategy in "real time", between the rounds, with a severe time-limitation-rush, especially due much more preferring to just relax, and comfortably watch the match at my own selected pace, and let it depend on my more, or less clever tactical settings I planned, and calculated before it, by considering my next opponent, meaning estimating our boxer's strenghts and weaknesses, determining my possible advantages and disadvantages, and create a fight-plan, (called gameplan in WEBL), accordingly, then just watch how my calculations work out during the's actually a kind of strategic, and tactical battle, but not in real time, more like one consisting of "planning", and "playing" phase...that was always my favorite strategic approach in games, just think, plan, 
 take your time, then fight, to determine who has constructed a more clever, more efficient, more "failproof" strategy and/or tactics.That is the leading reason why I decided for WEBL, it is totally based in the just mentioned type of strategic approach, instead of setting vital elements in real time while fighting...after all one can't always be online, by his boxer's every single match...Another reason was the boxer creation, which you mentioned as a hinderance, it is actually an advantage for me:Instead of already predefined boxer, with already predefined attributes and stats, who you have to lead through his career, which looks somehow like some pregenerated quest to me, (which I generally dislike, I get to create my very own boxers, with their very own names and attributes, normally still with a strictly fixed, constant end-sum of all the attributes for each new boxer, in order to keep the game balanced and fair. (that number is set to 70 bt
 w, so it's not true at all, that one can make some truely OP boxers at his will, on the contrary, one must decide which attributes he will increase more, normally at the behalf of the rest ones which he will have to decrease then instead)Well, such a customizable creation, suits much more to my game-expectation, which are primarily based on totally independent, free , creative gameplay, without restricted or limited in any way, (like by game-currency in B2G), and without being given predefined tasks, missions to complete or fulfill, but let advance, and progress in a way I decide for my own, and consider for the best, most efficient one.Those of You, who remember, or have even participated in my forum topic, which I started to discuss the matter of quests-vs-free gameplay, (it had the quite obvious title "Quests, quests, quests..."), those can still remember my attitude, and realize why I decided so definitely for WEBL over B2G)Oh yeah, it's tru
 e, one can manage more boxers in B2G too, but it all depends, so is restricted on money, a.k.a. game currency again, the quality, the maximum number of the boxers who can be hired, so one must soon increase his gym-capacity, (money dependantly of course), buy certain nutrificants or other, performance-affecting stuff to his boxers, (also money dependant), hell, even arranging a fight takes money, meaning participating on tournaments and similar...So yes, I know B2G is probably a more realistic boxing-simulation than WEBL, , and it is very likely much closer to the reality of this money-driven world, than the more free, customizable gameplay features of WEBL, but hey, I do hate this money driven aspect, so I normally strive to avoid it at least in games, whenever it's possible, and this time I did have a choice: of course I choose WEBL!Furthermore, if you study the gameplan creation in Webl more carefully, you will realize, that even its basic, so called "easy&
 quot; version provides yo

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, to answer to both of you, 1st what I experienced when I started playing B2G:(since I have given it up quite soon, I admit,my observations may not be totally correct, but they still bugged me enough to decide for WEBL when comparing those 2 games, since I encountered none of those annoying issues there)Namely, there are some important, I presume vital statistics regarding my, and the opponent's boxer in B2G, which are compared in a graphical way, I guess probably with color-bars, and that's something my NVDA screen-reader refuses to announce, meaning those statistic-values for the next, incoming match.Furthermore, I also noticed a slider there, which appears during the match, a.k.a. fight itself, and which is supposed to drag the main strategic settings of my boxer between rounds, meaning the 3 vital settings called aggression, power, and defense.Although once I managed to drag that slider somehow towards a direction, shifting the allocation 
 of those 3 settings, it is very hard for me to handle it, don't even have a clue how I still managed to move that slider, and besides, I dislike the idea to adjust my leading strategy in "real time", between the rounds, with a severe time-limitation-rush, especially due much more preferring to just relax, and comfortably watch the match at my own selected pace, and let it depend on my more, or less clever tactical settings I planned, and calculated before it, by considering my next opponent, meaning estimating our boxer's strenghts and weaknesses, determining my possible advantages and disadvantages, and create a fight-plan, (called gameplan in WEBL), accordingly, then just watch how my calculations work out during the's actually a kind of strategic, and tactical battle, but not in real time, more like one consisting of "planning", and "playing" phase...that was always my favorite strategic approach in games, just think, plan, 
 take your time, then fight, to determine who has constructed a more clever, more efficient, more "failproof" strategy and/or tactics.That is the leading reason why I decided for WEBL, it is totally based in the just mentioned type of strategic approach, instead of setting vital elements in real time while fighting...after all one can't always be online, by his boxer's every single match...Another reason was the boxer creation, which you mentioned as a hinderance, it is actually an advantage for me:Instead of already predefined boxer, with already predefined attributes and stats, who you have to lead through his career, which looks somehow like some pregenerated quest to me, (which I generally dislike, I get to create my very own boxers, with their very own names and attributes, normally still with a strictly fixed, constant end-sum of all the attributes for each new boxer, in order to keep the game balanced and fair. (that number is set to 70 bt
 w, so it's not true at all, that one can make some truely OP boxers at his will, on the contrary, one must decide which attributes he will increase more, normally at the behalf of the rest ones which he will have to decrease then instead)Well, such a customizable creation, suits much more to my game-expectation, which are primarily based on totally independent, free , creative gameplay, without restricted or limited in any way, (like by game-currency in B2G), and without being given predefined tasks, missions to complete or fulfill, but let advance, and progress in a way I decide for my own, and consider for the best, most efficient one.Those of You, who remember, or have even participated in my forum topic, which I started to discuss the matter of quests-vs-free gameplay, (it had the quite obvious title "Quests, quests, quests..."), those can still remember my attitude, and realize why I decided so definitely for WEBL over B2G)Oh yeah, it's tru
 e, one can manage more boxers in B2G too, but it all depends, so is restricted on money, a.k.a. game currency again, the quality, the maximum number of the boxers who can be hired, so one must soon increase his gym-capacity, (money dependantly of course), buy certain nutrificants or other, performance-affecting stuff to his boxers, (also money dependant), hell, even arranging a fight takes money, meaning participating on tournaments and similar...So yes, I know B2G is probably a more realistic boxing-simulation than WEBL, , and it is very likely much closer to the reality of this money-driven world, than the more free, customizable gameplay features of WEBL, but hey, I do hate this money driven aspect, so I normally strive to avoid it at least in games, whenever it's possible, and this time I did have a choice: of course I choose WEBL!Furthermore, if you study the gameplan creation in Webl more carefully, you will realize, that even its basic, so called "easy&
 quot; version provides yo

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, to answer to both of you, 1st what I experienced when I started playing B2G:(since I have given it up quite soon, I admit,my observations may not be totally correct, but they still bugged me enough to decide for WEBL when comparing those 2 games, since I encountered none of those annoying issues there)Namely, there are some important, I presume vital statistics regarding my, and the opponent's boxer in B2G, which are compared in a graphical way, I guess probably with color-bars, and that's something my NVDA screen-reader refuses to announce, meaning those statistic-values for the next, incoming match.Furthermore, I also noticed a slider there, which appears during the match, a.k.a. fight itself, and which is supposed to drag the main strategic settings of my boxer between rounds, meaning the 3 vital settings called aggression, power, and defense.Although once I managed to drag that slider somehow towards a direction, shifting the allocation 
 of those 3 settings, it is very hard for me to handle it, don't even have a clue how I still managed to move that slider, and besides, I dislike the idea to adjust my leading strategy in "real time", between the rounds, with a severe time-limitation-rush, especially due much more preferring to just relax, and comfortably watch the match at my own selected pace, and let it depend on my more, or less clever tactical settings I planned, and calculated before it, by considering my next opponent, meaning estimating our boxer's strenghts and weaknesses, determining my possible advantages and disadvantages, and create a fight-plan, (called gameplan in WEBL), accordingly, then just watch how my calculations work out during the's actually a kind of strategic, and tactical battle, but not in real time, more like one consisting of "planning", and "playing" phase...that was always my favorite strategic approach in games, just think, plan, 
 take your time, then fight, to determine who has constructed a more clever, more efficient, more "failproof" strategy and/or tactics.That is the leading reason why I decided for WEBL, it is totally based in the just mentioned type of strategic approach, instead of setting vital elements in real time while fighting...after all one can't always be online, by his boxer's every single match...Another reason was the boxer creation, which you mentioned as a hinderance, it is actually an advantage for me:Instead of already predefined boxer, with already predefined attributes and stats, who you have to lead through his career, which looks somehow like some pregenerated quest to me, (which I generally dislike, I get to create my very own boxers, with their very own names and attributes, normally still with a strictly fixed, constant end-sum of all the attributes for each new boxer, in order to keep the game balanced and fair. (that number is set to 70 bt
 w, so it's not true at all, that one can make some truely OP boxers at his will, on the contrary, one must decide which attributes he will increase more, normally at the behalf of the rest ones which he will have to decrease then instead)Well, such a customizable creation, suits much more to my game-expectation, which are primarily based on totally independent, free , creative gameplay, without restricted or limited in any way, (like by game-currency in B2G), and without being given predefined tasks, missions to complete or fulfill, but let advance, and progress in a way I decide for my own, and consider for the best, most efficient one.Those of You, who remember, or have even participated in my forum topic, which I started to discuss the matter of quests-vs-free gameplay, (it had the quite obvious title "Quests, quests, quests..."), those can still remember my attitude, and realize why I decided so definitely for WEBL over B2G)Oh yeah, it's tru
 e, one can manage more boxers in B2G too, but it all depends, so is restricted on money, a.k.a. game currency again, the quality, the maximum number of the boxers who can be hired, so one must soon increase his gym-capacity, (money dependantly of course), buy certain nutrificants or other, performance-affecting stuff to his boxers, (also money dependant), hell, even arranging a fight takes money, meaning participating on tournaments and similar...So yes, I know B2G is probably a more realistic boxing-simulation than WEBL, , and it is very likely much closer to the reality of this money-driven world, than the more free, customizable gameplay features of WEBL, but hey, I do hate this money driven aspect, so I normally strive to avoid it at least in games, whenever it's possible, and this time I did have a choice: of course I choose WEBL!Furthermore, if you study the gameplan creation in Webl more carefully, you will realize, that even its basic, so called "easy&
 quot; version provides yo

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, to answer to both of you, 1st what I experienced when I started playing B2G:(since I have given it up quite soon, I admit,my observations may not be totally correct, but they still bugged me enough to decide for WEBL when comparing those 2 games, since I encountered none of those annoying issues there)Namely, there are some important, I presume vital statistics regarding my, and the opponent's boxer in B2G, which are compared in a graphical way, I guess probably with color-bars, and that's something my NVDA screen-reader refuses to announce, meaning those statistic-values for the next, incoming match.Furthermore, I also noticed a slider there, which appears during the match, a.k.a. fight itself, and which is supposed to drag the main strategic settings of my boxer between rounds, meaning the 3 vital settings called aggression, power, and defense.Although once I managed to drag that slider somehow towards a direction, shifting the allocation of those 3 settings, it 
 is very hard for me to handle it, don't even have a clue how I still managed to move that slider, and besides, I dislike the idea to adjust my leading strategy in


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

well I have created 5 fighters,   no idea who they will be fighting and when, it just says will find an opponent within a week.I had 1 sparring session whereby my boxer Mustapha poo was beaten to a pulp 11 of the 12 rounds, and what I noticed between rounds is that all the fight instructions were set to 6, you should be avle to give instructions before each round, having to complete a whole 12 rounds of a fight before it starts is stupid, as the fight can change per round, also if a fighter gets knocked out in round 2 it was all for nothing anyway.Caccio, have you any fights yet? also do you set each rounds tactics? it would take forever heh


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darth scorp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

hello guys) just wanna give you some info that may help you a bit)but firstly, thank you guys for creating such a good topic and posting lings to such a cool games!so, i've tried out webl and b2g already, and i prefer the second one. just because you don't have your own superstar with exact stats you want. instead you get what the game generates, and you have to work with given fighters somehow, you have to figure out, which way is better for each of them. i like it much more, because when you create a fighter, you begin to read forums, guides et, and all of this gives you some ideal build examples and training plans that you will follow just because you don't wanna loose or ruin your fighter. but it's just my opinion.for me b2g looks much more alive with all this fighters' traits and relationships and experience... this things make them so individual for me, i like it much!and the main reason i'm writing this because for me b2
 g has nothing inaccesible for screenreaders, it's fully playable, answering post 8. so, i'm waiting for ya there, guys, please, don't think that b2g is less playable or worse than webl.gonna try MMATycoon out. i got your hint about the sliders, but i read some topics on their forum, and someone wrote about a cellphone mode which allows you to input some number values instead of dragging sliders. so, i'm going to register and check it out. i'll tell you about the result if you need it.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

thanks caccio,will try that when I get back from my mini break in 2 days.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi there again Shrike!Unfortunately I never owned, nor plan to own any IOS based device, traditional desktop computers always managed, and hopefully will manage to totally satisfy my game expectations.I will feel glad to be of assistence, since it seems we really share both the general taste, and the approach to (expectation from) games, but you can count on me only in the PC Windows games topic.For example, I can, and will explain you that minor issue when creating boxers in WEBL:Yes, there is indeed such an unpleasent problem during the creation, and it's probably the only slight annoyance for us screen-reader users in that game.However, there is a way to overcome it, here is the way how I do it:At the start, the boxer creator functions "normally", but later it somehow starts "ignoring" the changing, editing numeric values, meaning the boxer's numeric stats, and if you press "backspace" key to delete a
  number, and you press it more than once, it indeed drops you back to the startup page, requiring a login again to continue.Now, what you must pay attention to avoid this is the following: when you activate the value you wish to edit by "enter", and then press "backspace" to delete it, do it only once! So don't rush, press it only once, and then you are supposed to hear the value of the last number you deleted.If you hear it announced by your screen reader, then it's ok, the boxer creator is still functioning right, but even then keep up with pressing "backspace" only once each time, since pressing it more times then needed, will still drop you back to the login page again.Now the important part: the very moment you stop hearing the number you were supposed to delete, stop, press "backspace" no more, by no means, but press "escape" instead, which will abort the current value-editing process, but you 
 will still remain inside of the boxer creator.Then, you will have to start editing your boxer's desired, chosen values "semi-manually", which involves finding the "plus" and/or the "minus" next to the numeric value of the attribute.Don't worry, it's very easy, just go symbol-by-symbol, using the direction left/right arrow keys, and you will find the plus for increasing, and minus for decreasing right after the numeric value of the targeted attribute.When you found them, just press "space" or "enter" on the one you choose, and the value will get increased, or decreased by 1, so you just do it until it will fit your choice.The rest you know: just go down to the total points number, check if it equals the required 70, and if yes, then you can create the boxer with the "create" command, just "space" or "enter" on it!Hope I could be of help!Edit:Oh ye
 ah, one more important advice: in case you created a boxer, and intend to create another one right after it, don't jusst jump a page back, especially when you noticed, that the boxer-creator is already functioning buggy, but scrol, that is "page up" back to the "create new fighter" option, and start it over instead, then the creator will usually function the "right way" again.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi.At Shrike yeah I was thinking the same, a lot of effort is put into puzzle and action games, but genres like sports are not very promising.I mean with NHL 2004 we have an accessible hockey game for the PC, but this takes an intense learning curve, till this time I havent gotten my head around the whole game and how to play it because there are a lot of things you need to watch out for and take care of.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

My problem is that all these management games are text. It's boring watching a boxing match in text. If you  guys can draft someone who has the familiarity with a sport as well as the desire to program the game, I'm sure folks like myself would be willing to assist with audio.Kai


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi.Yeah, I also wanted to get into manager games for quite some time but some keep me away with clunky interfaces and strange numbers representing values, the problem was that it was never explained what those numbers mean.Sadly out of the park is not accessible, we would have solved the baseball manager problem.For realtime boxing I always enjoyed fight night round 3 on ps2, with the ps2 emulator for windows you can still enjoy this game.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

thanks caccio,I try to avoid online browser games for the very exact reasons you mentioned above.   however if you own an I phone there are 3 games out there that are very chairman pro.this is the closest game I have found to a football manager game, you cannot pick the starting 11 on match day but you control everything else including stadium building hireing managers, buying players etc.    also it has a neat editor where you can create your own league and create the real players like lionel messi.2. hockey agent.this game is great fun, you have to recruit your on group of young stars in the making and find them eventually NHL teams while fleecing them for as much cash along the way, buying luxury cars, mansions and even own your own cruise agent.the same as the hockey game only obviously its the NBA.and for the guy who wanted to know about stablemasters,  it was a
  game made in 2001 and it was on a cd rom, also I played it on windows xp, not sure if it would even work on windows 10 to be honest.anyway caccio, it seems like you and I have very much the same taste in games so please keep ne informed if you find any accessible management sims for either the windows platform or ios, I really can't be bothered with the frustrating slowness of browser based games.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

LOL, my primary problem was, that I found only such, baseball and american football managers, instead of the targeted and desired boxing manager,, and those are sports the rules of which I have no idea about, nor feel any desire to learn them, those 2 types of sports are totally out of my interest-range.However, this is a matter I can give you a suggestion about:There is, actually was a developer of accessable games called Jim Kitchen, (R.I.P.), and there is both a baseball, and an american football manager game on his website, which is still active and functioning, his games are all totally free, and you can find the link to his site here in, just check for the game list, find, and access it!There you will have a download link to each of Mr Kitchen's games, or you can choose to download a pack containing all of case you are searching for online, browser-based versions of those manager-games, sorry, can't help you, 
 as I said, I totally lack the interest in them.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi there Shrike!I totally understand your problem regarding online browser games, since I encountered, and am still struggling with the same troubles you mentioned.Plus I was also a big fan of football, and yes, horse racing managers as well, actually, along with boxing managers, those were my number1 favorite game-genres. (Football Manager I played regularily starting from 2007, played Champrionship Manager before it, then Stable Masters, Starters Orders sequels, then an offline game called  "boxing manager", since back in those times online ones still sucked heavily, etc, and played for example Football Manager till the very day I totally lost my vision, (in march 2016), since it had such a good and strong contrast,  that I could still play it even with severely weakened eyesight))Unfortunately I must agree, those simplified browser-version football managers can't even come near to the "real thing", meaning to the level whic
 h the Football Manager 20xx video game presented, so I got disappointed in them quite soon, and stopped struggling with them the moment I realized this sad fact. BTW not only managers, but the very most of browser-based games in general, are indeed often difficult, or if not, than very time-consuming to play right with a screen-reader, it's possible, but often very annoying and (mentally) tiring, so that they take away a hell of our blind gamer's time, (and nerves too, yarrr), which was the second reason I given them up so fast, in order to preserve my remaining, but gradually decreasing patience.Then I started concentrating on MUDs, which are much more accessable, easier, and faster to play with screen-readers, but there are no managers among them at all..Also unfortunately, I must say I managed to find very few, indeed screen-reader friendly browser MMOs so far, and those include no football, horse racing, or any other type of sport managers, except 
 the one we are talking about here, WEBL, which I really consider to be, let's say, quite simple and easy to play with a screen-reader.(but pretty hard to master, especially meaning the fight plans which we must 1st select, then construct or edit, and then set for each one of our boxers, before their  each incoming fight)That pretty screen-reader friendly user interface, which differes a bit from those I experienced in browser-based MMOs, (at least so far), is what distinguishes WEBL from other browser-based manager games, and is one of the main reasons, why I welcomed WEBL so happily at the 1st place!So, unfortunately for the 3rd time, I can't come up with any other suggestions regarding browser-based managers for you, I can only suggest you to ask our admin called Dark here, on this forum-site, he possesses both much larger, and more up-to-date knowledge of accessable games than I do, in fact he is the one, who recommended me the most of the games 
 I currently play regularily.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi.What I am really missing are for examples accessible manager games for american football, baseball, hockey for example.I don't really care about socker because well, i am just not interested.What is that stable masters game actualy? It seams that quite a lot of you played that one.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi there Shrike!I totally understand your problem regarding online browser games, since I encountered, and am still struggling with the same troubles you mentioned.Plus I was also a big fan of football, and yes, horse racing managers as well, actually, along with boxing manager, those were my number1 favorite game-genres. (Football Manager I played regularily starting from 2007, played Champrionship Manager before it, then Stable Masters, Starters Orders sequels, then an offline game called  "boxing manager", since back in those times online ones still sucked heavily, etc, and played for example Football Manager till the very day I totally lost my vision, (in march 2016), since it had such a good and strong contrast,  that I could still play it even with severely weakened eyesight))Unfortunately I must agree, those simplified browser-version football managers can't even come near to the "real thing", meaning to the level which
  the Football Manager 20xx video game presented, so I got disappointed in them quite soon, and stopped struggling with them the moment I realized this sad fac, then started concentrating on MUDs, which are much more accessable, and much easier to play with screen-readers, but there are no managers among them at all..BTW not only managers, but the very most of browser-based games in general, are indeed often difficult, or if not, than very time-consuming to play right with a screen-reader, it's possible, but often very annoying and (mentally) tiring, so that they take away a hell of our blind gamer's time, (and nerves too, yarrr), which was the second reason I given them up so fast.Also unfortunately, I must say I managed to find very few, indeed screen-reader friendly browser MMOs so far, and those include no football, horse racing, or any other type of sport managers, except the one we are talking about here, WEBL, which I really consider to be, let's sa
 y, quite simple and easy to play with a screen-reader.(but pretty hard to master, especially meaning the fight plans which we must 1st select, then construct or edit, and then set for each one of our boxers, before their  each incoming fight)That pretty screen-reader friendly user interface, which differes a bit from those I experienced in browser-based MMOs, (at least so far), is what distinguishes WEBL from other browser-based manager games, and is one of the main reasons, why I welcomed WEBL so happily at the 1st place!So, unfortunately for the 3rd time, I can't come up with any other suggestions regarding browser-based managers for you, I can only suggest you to ask our admin called Dark here, on this forum-site, he possesses both much larger, and more up-to-date knowledge of accessable games than I do, in fact he is the one, who recommended me the most of the games I currently play regularily.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi there Shrike!I totally understand your problem regarding online browser games, since I encountered, and am still struggling with the same troubles you mentioned.Plus I was also a big fan of football, and yes, horse racing managers as well, actually, along with boxing manager, those were my number1 favorite game-genres. (Football Manager I played regularily starting from 2007, played Champrionship Manager before it, then Stable Masters, Starters Orders sequels, then an offline game called  "boxing manager", since back in those times online ones still sucked heavily, etc, and played for example Football Manager till the very day I totally lost my vision, (in march 2016), since it had such a good and strong contrast,  that I could still play it even with severely weakened eyesight))Unfortunately I must agree, those simplified browser-version football managers can't even come near to the "real thing", meaning to the level which
  the Football Manager 20xx video game presented, so I got disappointed in them quite soon, and stopped struggling with them the moment I realized this sad fac, then started concentrating on MUDs, which are much more accessable, and much easier to play with screen-readers, but there are no managers among them at all..BTW those browser-football managers are indeed hard to play right with a screen-reader, it's probably still possible, but takes away a hell of our blind gamer's time, (and nerves too), which was the second reason I given them up so fast.Also unfortunately, I must say I managed to find very few, indeed screen-reader friendly browser MMOs so far, and those include no football, horse racing, or any other type of sport managers, except the one we are talking about here, WEBL, which I really consider to be, let's say, quite simple and easy to play with a screen-reader.(but pretty hard to master, especially meaning the fight plans which we mus
 t 1st select, then construct or edit, and then set for each one of our boxers, before their  each incoming fight)That pretty screen-reader friendly user interface, which differes a bit from those I experienced in browser-based MMOs, (at least so far), is what distinguishes WEBL from other browser-based manager games, and is one of the main reasons, why I welcomed WEBL so happily at the 1st place!So, unfortunately for the 3rd time, I can't come up with any other suggestions regarding browser-based managers for you, I can only suggest you to ask our admin called Dark here, on this forum-site, he possesses both much larger, and more up-to-date knowledge of accessable games than I do, in fact he is the one, who recommended me the most of the games I currently play regularily.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi there Shrike!I totally understand your problem regarding online browser games, since I encountered, and am still struggling with the same troubles you mentioned.Plus I was also a big fan of football, and yes, horse racing managers as well, actually, along with boxing manager, those were my number1 favorite game-genres. (Football Manager I played regularily starting from 2007, played Champrionship Manager before it, then Stable Masters, Starters Orders sequels, then an offline game called  "boxing manager", since back in those times online ones still sucked heavily, etc, and played for example Football Manager till the very day I totally lost my vision, (in march 2016), since it had such a good and strong contrast,  that I could still play it even with severely weakened eyesight))Unfortunately I must agree, those simplified browser-version football managers can't even come near to the "real thing", meaning to the level which
  the Football Manager 20xx video game presented, so I have given up strugglingthem quite fast, as soon I have realized this sad fact.BTW those browser-football managers are indeed hard to play right with a screen-reader, it's probably still possible, but takes away a hell of our blind gamer's time, (and nerves too), which was the second reason I given them up so fast.Also unfortunately, I must say I managed to find very few, indeed screen-reader friendly browser MMOs so far, and those include no football, horse racing, or any other type of sport managers, except the one we are talking about here, WEBL, which I really consider to be, let's say, quite simple and easy to play with a screen-reader.(but pretty hard to master, especially meaning the fight plans which we must 1st select, then construct or edit, and then set for each one of our boxers, before their  each incoming fight)That pretty screen-reader friendly user interface, which diff
 eres a bit from those I experienced in browser-based MMOs, (at least so far), is what distinguishes WEBL from other browser-based manager games, and is one of the main reasons, why I welcomed WEBL so happily at the 1st place!So, unfortunately for the 3rd time, I can't come up with any other suggestions regarding browser-based managers for you, but I suggest you to ask our admin called Dark here, in this forum, he possesses both much larger, and more up-to-date informations about accessable games than I do, in fact he is the one, who recommended me the most of the games I currently play regularily.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi.Wasn|t there a game called pitch side manager around back in the day? I think I played it last in 2013 or 2014 and it was quite accessible.I also took part in a horse racing sim where I was pritty good at, but they screwed up accessibility and I honestly don't know if it's even around anymore. Never heard of stable master, that an online one?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

hi caccio,I am a massive fan of sports management sims.  but for some reason I just can't navigate browser games or find them to clunky and awkward to fully enjoy.for example I am a massive football manager fan and still have not found an accessible 1 in the 10 years I have been blind.  I was excited when I saw hat trick in the database, but honestly I found it awful in so many aspects.please can you suggest any games that are accessible on the pc or ios? I don't mind if its football, rugby, formula one racind or even horse racing sims.I think stablemasters is accessible but I can't get a copy of it anywhere.   I wish developers would make these style of games because they are 95% text based.  I will try this boxing game but as its a browser game to be honest my hopes are not high.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Can I get a link to WEBL? I would google it, but I gotta run.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

LOL, don't wirry nate, we both know how versatile the game is, for example I was sent some boxers by another player to practice on them, selected his counterpouncher cruiser, than picked one of my boxers from that same weight division, started to applying, and trying out different strategies, but I kept losing, then I just got pissed off, and applied the initial flash KO gameplan, and knocked that annoying counterpuncher guy out in the very 1st round!As for the commentaries, for me, who still remembers, how they looked like in the early boxing manager games, (meaning both in online and offline ones), I do consider both the level, and the quality of the WEBL commentary for more than satisfying.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

I might rejoin WEBL. Only downside is the commentary, in my opinion MMA Tycoon is better in that regard, but that's MMA, not strictly boxing. Plus the accessibility stuff.also, WEBL is huge, I think the statistics are correct. It was huge when I played, it's huge now.Edit: Signed up again. Seems I created a one-round winner. As in, with Big Mike he keeps winning the first and loses every round afterwards.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

I might rejoin WEBL. Only downside is the commentary, in my opinion MMA Tycoon is better in that regard, but that's MMA, not strictly boxing. Plus the accessibility stuff.also, WEBL is huge, I think the statistics are correct. It was huge when I played, it's huge now.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Actually Zoran, it is quite likely we will still encounter each other soon, since:1. We are experiencing the downfall-period of online browser games, so I )unfortunately) highly doubt a boxing manager topic one like WEBL, has still a too large regular playerbase left, despite the impressive sounding "players online" statistics, we all know how confusing those are made sometimes, merely in order to prove potential new players, how "very popular" the game still is.and 2: In that game, since friendly PvP sparrings are not featured anymore, we are encouraged to make as many boxers for our gym as possible, the allowed maximum number is really huge, (if I counted right, it must be over 500), and since there are no game-currency dependent limitations, (all actions, features, and alternatives are totally free), the most of us "serious" players do make literarily dozens of boxers, (as I mentioned, I already created 28 in only 2 days time), so with 
 such huge number of boxers, it is highly unlikely we won't get drawn against each-other, at least occasionally.Edit:Oh, and 3: As I mentioned in my previous post, even if our gyms are located in different geographic regions, we are still allowed to create boxers for a few featured common regions, where there are significantly less number of assigned boxers, which makes the possibility of our encounters even more likely.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Actually Zoran, it is quite likely we will still encounter each other soon, since:1. We are experiencing the downfall-period of online browser games, so I )unfortunately) highly doubt a boxing manager topic one like WEBL, has still a too large regular playerbase left, despite the impressive sounding "players online" statistics, we all know how confusing those are made sometimes, merely in order to prove potential new players, how "very popular" the game still is.and 2: In that game, since friendly PvP sparrings are not featured anymore, we are encouraged to make as many boxers for our gym as possible, the allowed maximum number is really huge, (if I counted right, it must be over 500), and since there are no game-currency dependent limitations, (all actions, features, and alternatives are totally free), the most of us "serious" players do make literarily dozens of boxers, (as I mentioned, I already created 28 in only 2 days time), so with 
 such huge number of boxers, it is highly unlikely we won't get drawn against each-other, at least occasionally.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

You guys should create a private region for audio games members, that way we're just fighting ourselves, not the whole of the player database. Highly unlikely that you'd come across one another in such a saturated pool.Kai


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hi.Rest asured, I will one day join the world of this game, hope we can meet in the ring one day and have a high flying blood flying fight.Greetings moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

I am very glad I already "recruited" a new player for this super game, and Arnold, you can rest assured, we will definitely fight quite soon, since I created 28 boxers for my gym already, and tried to distribute them into as many weight divisions as possible, so it's very likely you will face some of them soon.Since I am from Hungary, I choose Eurasia for my home region, and created 20 of my boxers there, but even if your gym is located in a different region, I assigned the rest 8 of my boxers to the so called "Unsanctioned" region, where scheduled matches are not region-restricted, so you better get ready to face my lads, yarrr!Oh yeah, since it's not the managers themselves, but their boxing gyms which are competing in the game, my name is not Caccio there, but Crumpley, so the moment you get drawn an opponent from the Crumpley gym, you will know it's me, LOL!


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Hello all, i must admit, webl is super fun! I'm waiting for my first cheduled fight, and killing the spar opponents opponent by opponent.  Hope to fight you one day, caccio! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, and it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me from playing MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex, too "professional" for me, it may suit to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, with your help I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!In addition:Actually the UI in WEBL is so accessable and screen-read
 er friendly, that I suggest our admin Dark to check it out himself too, and if he agrees with my oppinion, to addd the game to the list on this site.I most sincerely recommend it to all of thos of You fellow blind, or VIP gamers, who are interested in boxing-topic games, so maybe my new, fame and glory hungry boxers, will have more opponents to fight in the future. lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, and it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me to play MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex, too "professional" for me, it may suit to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, with your help I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!In addition:Actually the UI in WEBL is so accessable and screen-reader fr
 iendly, that I suggest our admin Dark to check it out himself too, and if he agrees with my oppinion, to addd the game to the list on this site.I most sincerely recommend it to all of thos of You fellow blind, or VIP gamers, who are interested in boxing-topic games, so maybe my new, fame and glory hungry boxers, will have more opponents to fight in the future. lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, and it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me to play MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex, too "professional" for me, it may suit to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, thanks to you I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!In addition:Actually the UI in WEBL is so accessable and screen-reader fri
 endly, that I suggest our admin Dark to check it out himself too, and if he agrees with my oppinion, to addd the game to the list on this site.I most sincerely recommend it to all of thos of You fellow blind, or VIP gamers, who are interested in boxing-topic games, so maybe my new, fame and glory hungry boxers, will have more opponents to fight in the future. lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me to play MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex, too "professional" for me, it may suit to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, thanks to you I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!In addition:Actually the UI in WEBL is so accessable and screen-reader friendl
 y, that I suggest our admin Dark to check it out himself too, and if he agrees with my oppinion, to addd the game to the list on this site.I most sincerely recommend it to all of thos of You fellow blind, or VIP gamers, who are interested in boxing-topic games, so maybe my new, fame and glory hungry boxers, will have more opponents to fight in the future. lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me to play MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex, too "professional" for me, it may suit to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, thanks to you I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!In addition:Actually the UI in WEBL is so accessable and screen-reader friendl
 y, that I suggest our admin Dark to check it out himself too, and if he agrees with my oppinion, to addd the game to the list on this site.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me to play MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex, too "professional" for me, it may suit to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, thanks to you I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I finally made my choice, it is definitely WEBL!I already mentioned the slider-bar issue, which prevents me to play MMA Tycoon the proper way, and Box2Glory also contains a few quite "screen-reader-hostile" elements, plus it's somehow too complex for me, which probably suits to those more competent in real boxing-world, but for me, who primary plays boxing managers for fun, as a mere enthusiastic laic, the more simple, "easy to learn, but hard to master" type of gameplay in WEBL, which still features everything I expect from its genre, with a very user, and screen-reader friendly interface, proved to be exactly the type of boxing manager game I was seeking for.So MANY MANY THANKS for your suggestions again Orin, thanks to you I just found a game, which I will play regularily, probably for a long long time,!I owe you one!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Harley B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Oh yeah man boxing is cool. I really want one Hardcore Boxing game to come.


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Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Yeah, the slider thing in MMA Tycoon is what sucks. The developer seems apprehensive to make it accessible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well here is how far I got by now:I started with MMA Tycoon, successfully created 2 fighters, and both of them have scheduled opponents for their 1st fight already, which will take place in less than 2 days.My 1st problem appeared, when I was supposed to set their match tactics, which is the most important strategic aspect of the game I presume.Namely, the very most of the match tactics settings, (over 60), must be adjusted by dragging a slider bar, and I just can't make my NVDA screen-reader to grab, or get hold of the slider, since it is unable to even activate it, neither with enter, nor with space keys.If anyone has a hint regarding this issue, I would warmly welcome it!After this I just played a quick simulation match in Box2Glory, then a quick sparring practice in WEBL, without even registering yet, (in both games that is possible), merely in order to experience the match commentary, (which is of crucial importance to me), and I am more th
 an satisfied with it in both cases, so now I shall start playing those 2 boxing games too, hoping I won't encounter problems similar to that one in MMA again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well here is how far I got by now:I started with MMA Tycoon, successfully created 2 fighters, and both of them have scheduled opponents for their 1st fight already, which will take place in less than 2 days.My 1st problem appeared, when I was supposed to set their match tactics, which is the most important strategic aspect of the game I presume.Namely, the very most of the match tactics settings, (over 50), must be adjusted by dragging a slider bar, and I just can't make my NVDA screen-reader to grab, or get hold of the slider, since it is unable to even activate it, neither with enter, nor with space keys.If anyone has a hint regarding this issue, I would warmly welcome it!After this I just played a quick simulation match in Box2Glory, then a quick sparring practice in WEBL, without even registering yet, (in both games that is possible), merely in order to experience the match commentary, (which is of crucial importance to me), and I am more th
 an satisfied with it in both cases, so now I shall start playing those 2 boxing games too, hoping I won't encounter problems similar to that one in MMA again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well here is how far I got by now:I started with MMA Tycoon, successfully created 2 fighters, and both of them have scheduled opponents for their 1st fight already, which will take place in less than 2 days.My 1st problem appeared, when I was supposed to set their match tactics, which is the most important strategic aspect of the game I presume.Namely, the very most of the match tactics settings, (over 50), must be adjusted by dragging a slider bar, and I just can't make my NVDA screen-reader to grab, or get hold of the slider, since it is unable to even activate it, neither with enter, nor with space keys.If anyone has a hint regarding this issue, I would warmly welcome it!After this I just played a quick simulation match in Box2Glory, then a quick sparring practice in WEBL, without even registering, (in both games that is possible), merely in order to experience the match commentary, (which is of crucial importance to me), and I am more than s
 atisfied with it in both cases, so now I shall start playing those 2 boxing games too, hoping I won't encounter problems similar to that one in MMA again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well here is how far I got by now:I started with MMA Tycoon, successfully created 2 fighters, and both of them have sheduled opponents for their 1st fight, which will take place in less than 2 days.My 1st problem appeared, when I was supposed to set their match tactics, which is probably the most important strategic aspect of the game:Namely, the very most of the match tactics settings, (over 50), must be adjusted by dragging a slider bar, and I just can't make my NVDA screen-reader to grab, or get hold of the slider, since it is unable to even activate it, neither with enter, nor with space keys.If anyone has a hint regarding this issue, I would warmly welcome it!After this I just played a quick simulation match in Box2Glory, then a quick sparring practice in Webl, without even registering, (in both games that is possible), merely in order to experience the match commentary, (which is of crucial importance to me), and I am more than satisfied w
 ith it in both cases, so now I shall start playing those 2 boxing games too, hoping I won't encounter problems similar to that one in MMA again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well here is how far I got by now:I started with MMA Tycoon, successfully created 2 fighters, and both of them have sheduled opponents for their 1st fight, which will take place in less than 2 days.My 1st problem appeared, when I was supposed to set their match tactics, which is probably the most important strategic aspect of the game:Namely, the very most of the match strategy and tactics options must be adjusted by dragging a slider bar, and I just can't make my NVDA screen-reader to grab, or get hold of the slider, since it is unable to even activate it, neither with enter, nor with space keys.If anyone has a hint regarding this issue, I would warmly welcome it!After this I just played a quick simulation match in Box2Glory, then a quick sparring practice in Webl, without even registering, (in both games that is possible), merely in order to experience the match commentary, (which is of crucial importance to me), and I am more than satisfied w
 ith it in both cases, so now I shall start playing those 2 boxing games too, hoping I won't encounter problems similar to that one in MMA again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well here is how far I got by now:I started with MMA Tycoon, successfully created 2 fighters, and both of them have sheduled opponents for their 1st fight, which will take place in less than 2 days.My 1st problem appeared, when I was supposed to set their match tactics, which is probably the most important strategic aspect of the game:Namely, the very most of the match strategy and tactics options must be adjusted by dragging a slider bar, and I just can't make my NVDA screen-reader to grab, or get hold of the slider, since it is unable to even activate it, neither with enter, nor with space keys.If anyone has a hint regarding this issue, I would warmly welcome it!After this I just played a quick simulation match in B2G, then a quick sparring practice in WBL, without even registering, (in both games that is possible), merely in order to experience the match commentary, (which is of crucial importance to me), and I am more than satisfied with it 
 in both cases, so now I shall start playing those 2 boxing games too, hoping I won't encounter problems similar to that one in MMA.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Wowww, many thanks Orin, all those 3 games look like just the ones I was searching for!I really hope they are screen-reader friendly enough though...going to find it out right now!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Wowww, many thanks Orin, all those 3 games look like just the ones I was searching for!I really hope they are screen-reader friendly enough though...going to find that out right now!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

Well, I hope We'll get a true boxing game one day as I am a huge fan of box so yeah, still remember how much I played Fightnight series.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Searching for a boxing manager

There's Box2Glory online game which is pretty nice.Then there's WEBL, also MMA Tycoon, though that's... more than boxing.Hth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Searching for a boxing manager

Hello fellow vip gamers!This one now is a "tough cookie", as they would say in english, since this time I am searching for a boxing manager game, (so not a boxing, but a boxing manager), and I know that specific genre is definitely not one of the popular ones, so finding an accessable one, meaning playable by blind gamers, is a pretty hard task, mostly due the mentioned lack of general interest. (although making one would probably not be a too demanding project)Knowing this, I have no special expectations regarding the targeted game, it can be both free or pay-to play, online or offline, an audio game, browser based one, or even an MUD. (this last one is highly unlikely, since I recently searched the database of all currently known, registered MUDs, and haven't found even a single sports-topic game among them)Normally I tried, actually spent a whole day googling for a possible candidate, the 1st few results usually referred to a "World boxin
 g manager" named game on Steam, which, despite of the matching search-keywords, I (unfortunately) highly doubt can be accessable, its description, and developer's comments make that quite obvious.I also found an online, browser based boxing manager, but after trying it out, I soon realized it's not accessable either, meaning it was far from being screen-reader friendly, actually it's not playable with it at all.So this time I am asking for Your assistence here, of those of You, who may know, have heard of, or read about an accessable, or at least screen-reader friendly boxing manager maybe of those too, who are more adept and skilled at googling, searching, and eventually finding one for me!NOTE:I have one only appeal to those who decide to help in my search: Please don't suggest me links to certain accessable sport-theme sites, where I "eventually may find" a reference, or a link to a boxing manager game, sinc
 e I checked many of such sites by now, and indeed found some manager games, like soccer, football, (rugby, superbowl), baseball, and even an amusement park manager, but none for boxing at all so far!Meaning, if you happen to find a boxing manager game I can play, (not boxing, but boxing manager game), please post here the direct link to it, thank You!Best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Searching for a boxing manager

Hello fellow vip gamers!This one now is a "tough cookie", as they would say in english, since this time I am searching for a boxing manager game, (so not a boxing, but a boxing manager), and I know that specific genre is definitely not one of the popular ones, so finding an accessable one, meaning playable by blind gamers, is a pretty hard task, mostly due the mentioned lack of general interest.Knowing this, I have no special expectations regarding the targeted game, it can be both free or pay-to play, online or offline, an audio game, browser based one, or even an MUD. (this last one is highly unlikely, since I recently searched the database of all currently known, registered MUDs, and haven't found even a single sports-topic game among them)Normally I tried, actually spent a whole day googling for a possible candidate, the 1st few results usually referred to a "World boxing manager" named game on Steam, which, despite of the matching 
 search-keywords, I (unfortunately) highly doubt can be accessable, its description, and developer's comments make that quite obvious.I also found an online, browser based boxing manager, but after trying it out, I soon realized it's not accessable either, meaning it was far from being screen-reader friendly, actually it's not playable with it at all.So this time I am asking for Your assistence here, of those of You, who may know, have heard of, or read about an accessable, or at least screen-reader friendly boxing manager maybe of those too, who are more adept and skilled at googling, searching, and eventually finding one for me!NOTE:I have one only appeal to those who decide to help in my search: Please don't suggest me links to certain accessable sport-theme sites, where I "eventually may find" a reference, or a link to a boxing manager game, since I checked many of such sites by now, and indeed found some manager
  games, like soccer, football, (rugby, superbowl), baseball, and even an amusement park manager, but none for boxing at all so far!Meaning, if you happen to find a boxing manager game I can play, (not boxing, but boxing manager game), please post here the direct link to it, thank You!Best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Searching for a boxing manager

Hello fellow vip gamers!This one now is a "tough cookie", as they would say in english, since this time I am searching for a boxing manager game, (so not a boxing, but a boxing manager), and I know that specific genre is definitely not one of the popular ones, so finding an accessable one, meaning playable by blind gamers, is a quite hard task, mostly due the mentioned lack of general interest.Knowing this, I have no special expectations regarding the targeted game, it can be both free or pay-to play, online or offline, an audio game, browser based one, or even an MUD. (this last one is highly unlikely, since I recently searched the database of all currently known, registered MUDs, and haven't found even a single sports-topic game among them)Normally I tried, actually spent a whole day googling for a possible candidate, the 1st few results usually referred to a "World boxing manager" named game on Steam, which, despite of the matching re
 sults, I highly doubt can be accessable, reading its description and developer's comments only confirms that.I also found an online, browser based boxing manager, but after trying it out, I soon realized it's not accessable either, meaning it was far from being screen-reader friendly, actually it's not playable with it at all.So this time I am asking for Your assistence here, of those of You, who may know, have heard of, or read about an accessable, or at least screen-reader friendly boxing manager maybe of those too, who are more adept and skilled at googling, searching, and eventually finding one for me!NOTE:I have one only appeal to those who decide to help in my search: Please don't suggest me links to certain accessable sport-theme sites, where I "eventually may find" a reference, or a link to a boxing manager game, since I checked many of such sites by now, and indeed found some manager games, like soccer, foo
 tball, (rugby, superbowl), baseball, and even an amusement park manager, but none for boxing at all so far!Meaning, if you happen to find a boxing manager game I can play, (not boxing, but boxing manager game), please post here the direct link to it, thank You!Best regards,Cacciofrom Hungary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Searching for a boxing manager

2017-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Searching for a boxing manager

Hello fellow vip gamers!This one now is a


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