Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

What browser are all of you using? I use Google Chrome and haven't encountered any of the problems discussed here. Then again, I don't usually look at comments.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Shiro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

Hello there. Here is the method that I use for now. If I want to look for other videos, I just press ctrl plus home, and it brings me to a thing that says, clickable dialogue. Then from there, I just press shift h and I can look for other videos just like that. Granted they are in different order, but what can you do? At least there's a way. 


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

i'm going to see this my self on a video i know has comments, so i can say, this is something i dont like because i have seen it


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

Exactly. That's what I told them too, comments being headings isn't exactly a bad idea, they should just be on a different level.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

comments should be level 2 and videos level 3 or something


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

odd.  I was just on Youtube a moment ago and comments were definitely not headings, though I kinda wish they were.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

Great! Yeah I thought you might need one but since GrannyCheeseWheel said I was crying to you guys I thought there was an email address I was missing.Oh well, hopefully this stuff gets fixed in about a year 


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

As far as I know you do need one. Anyway, while I did do it, the experience with the disability support team is as frustrating as usual. They always follow the same script even for a simple issue which should really just be passed on.Even if all of this seems normal, I've said clearly I am using NVDA, and the agent asks me if I am on a phone or a PC.Thankfully, I did manage to answer all the questions and the issue should now be passed to the Youtube team.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

Yeah exactly, they're all level 3.Can someone give me the google disability email? I don't have a google account and don't want to make one just for this.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

Nope, all headings on Youtube are level 3. This literally sucks as it stands, best idea to use Youtube on phone until someone resolves this, and report to the disability support team which I'll be doing shortly.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

They are the same heading level. But instead of whining and crying, write to google disability support, because there's fuck all we can do about it.


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Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow. Googles messed up again.

are the comments the same heading level as the videos? If not you can press the heading number once to skip all of that and then go back to pressing h.


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Wow. Googles messed up again.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Wow. Googles messed up again.

Hi.I was just browsing youtube on my computer and came across this idiocy. You mnow how when you press g it jumps you to the comments and you can arrow down through them? You could press h to go to the next video and get on with your day... right? Well no more! Every single comment is now a heading, good luck finding the next video to watch everyone...


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@40, I didn't know about Still, I'm sticking with Bitwarden... things are easier that way. And if I'm concerned about their security I can always go and look at the security audit report. Or I can just go look at the code too. (Not trying to convince anyone in this post.)


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@Sightless Kombat Well, depends on what you're looking for in "the best" password manager.But for me? Yeah, definitely. I tried it on recommendation from, and it does everything I need it to do. PTio now recommends KeePassXC, but I've found the original KeePass version to be slightly more accessible. They're both compatible with each other though, and both regularly updated, so feel free to experiment.If you're worried about security of your passwords, KeePass offers a decent amount of detaill about how your passwords are protected


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@38, password managers are necessary in this day and age. The amount of user accounts you need for yoru modern life in 2020 is staggering (I've got over a hundred entries in my Bitwarden vault, and I don't even have all of mine in there). If you don't use a password manager, your going to be food for criminals one of these days. Criminals love people who don't use password managers because their passwords are ridiculously simple like 1234, 11, password123, and so on. And, sadly, there's more than enough people out there who do that kind of thing.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

oh, so that's the big, super zip zapp lightning deal here?


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hi again,@35: in case of apps such as KeePass, where your passwords don't leave your computer, they can't, as they don't have access to them.Plus, as I mentioned in my previous post, because they're community driven, at least in KeePass case, there is no company, that could possibly sell your data.Password managers based on integrated cloud are a different story though. They don't necessarily need to be bad, but checking whether data sent to server through encrypted channel are really unreadable for the author is... kind of harder task than checking, whether there is any kind of network activity.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hi.At 35 well there are enough offline only password managers around. Syncronizing them will be harder though, but it can be done.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

password managers? seems fishy to me! why would i trust my passwords to companies that i can't even know what they do with them? seriously, what if, for some reason, these same companies sell passwords or some flagging dark stuff? not bashing any thing, but what iff...


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hello,@33: KeePass (written with double e, not ey) basically doesn't require network connection at all. I don't know about the official KeePass2 branch, but KeePassXC, a community driven crossplatform version can be compiled omitting all networking code.I'm not an expert in this area, but KeePass is around for quite a time and gained significand attention.I'm playing with it a bit right now to see whether I can come up with a configuration, that would improve my already existing practices and not stimulate my paranoia at the same time. It seems to work so far, the file is encrypted using AES Rijndael, so as long as the main password is strong enough, it should be uncrackable and secure for sending to any cloud.All password requests from browser have to be manually confirmed, so pretending fake requests from a malicious program is not an option too.The risk of passwords leaking seems to be equal to risk of catching a written password, with additional benefits of password managers such as not having to remember and type long passwords, having a truely unique password for each place and data synchronization.The only disadvantage I can potentially see is, that if a keylogger catches the master password and has access to the passwords file, then all my passwords will leak at once, no matter whether I access the services or not.Although may be I could do something about this by playing a bit with Linux namespaces, if I send KeePassXC to a separate environment along with its database, may be I could separate them a bit from other programs.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@14Interesting. I was trying to look for a password manager that *didn't* use the cloud precisely because of the potential for compromising of data.  Would Keypass be the best option you know of in this case?


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Re: Wow

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Well, that's why we all love that everything is a web app now. That's also why it opens slower in fact, and it probably has a lot to do with our screen readers and their amazing virtual buffers, but that's another topic.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@30, its not about security at all, its the complexity of accomplishing autofill in a desktop application written in Node.JS. In the browser they can just look at the DOM and find the appropriate fields and use JS to fill those fields with data. The desktop has no such system. They would need to do an auto-it like interface to have that work in those apps, because windows does not allow you to directly modify any random app. I'm not precisely sure what would be required to do that but it wouldn't be easy, especially in Node.JS (if I'm not mistaken).


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@26 I am aware about the browser extensions, but this is, as you can imagine kind of useless when you try to  log in to Skype, Discord, Mail, anything not in the browser. People have requested auto type on their forums  and they say they will look into it, so I don't think it's  because of security. I get why you say that, keyloggers and all, but KeePass somehow gets around that. They Explain it in their documentation, I forget now what it was. As I said in my post, I do use it, it's a lot better to go to on whatever PC you want to access your passwords than bring some program  with you, but on my primary  I will probably sinchronise it with KeePass and use that.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

24, will you give it a rest? I was not stabbing any developer or moderator of the game.I was joking about BTS and post one, but as I said, I am not fit to be a comedian.So I’ll just leave the funny stuff to dark and Nocturnus.Sorry if I hurt/offended anyone.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

24, will you give it a rest? I was not stabbing any developer or moderator of the game.I was joking about BTS and post one, but as I said, I am not fit to be a comedian.So I’ll just leave the funny stuff to dark and Nocturnus.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hi.At 26 interesting recommendation, I'll check it out. Do you know anything about the Mac or iOS accessibility?greetings Moritz.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Is there a free password mannager? I don't like to pay for things that I don't have to.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@21, bitwarden does have auto-type functionality, just not in the main app (there's an obvious reason for that). Install it as a browser extension and you'll get auto-fill. It might open slightly slower than keypass, but I'd strongly recommend it since its uniform across all platforms.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@24, no need to jump on anyone that dares mention BTS in anything. Yesterday wwas the first time he played BTS, so I'm pretty doubtful he's slashing at anyone.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

I don't use a password manager, but its generally a phrase, then a word relating to what I'm signing up for but I still try to obscure it as possible, then a number character. On nline games, I just have the word ffuck then a random person. I think that's reaaly hard to break. I'm super tempted to push that as my format across services.Also, whiich Korea? aren't there 2 of them?


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Lmfao post 1, you make me laugh, and  I thank you for it. Second of all, to blame an audio game for your stupidity is just low.  Not sure if it was a stab at the game or at one of the devs, or an admin. Third of all, don't use the same password for every fucken thing on the planet, its how you get problems like this.  If you have trouble memorizing passwords, use a password manager. I myself use 1password, and don't regret making my passwords 20 to 24 chars long.  As long as you remember your main password for 1password you should be fine.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mohamed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

who gave you the idea that i even think to use bts’s players passwords like that. just... ug. people are becoming really anoying...


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mohamed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

who got you that i even think to use bts’s players passwords like that. just... ug. people are becoming really anoying...


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Well, now for a more serious reply which isn't joking about the topic title I am actually happily using a password manager, and for the most part things are perfectly fine. If anything, it has made logging in a lot easier, for the reasons Mayana already very well pointed out. It gets even easier with autofill on mobile, where all you have to do is use touch ID or Face ID depending on your phone, or a fingerprint in case of Android and you are in. My only annoyance is when setting up a device, a phone after factory reset, Windows after it has been reinstalled and so on. There is no easier way I know of to log in to an account other  than opening the app on another device and going letter by letter to type a super long password. If you by mistake make a typo, then it's all over again. I'm considering using my own passwords instead of random ones, but that sort of beats the point of a password manager. Other than that, all is perfectly fine and in many cases, even faster than typing a password.KeePass is a great app for Windows, though I do admit back when I used it I did not find a good free iOS app that does not require me to manually sinc the database or copy paste passwords. Bitwarden does this by default, but I will still most  likely use Bitwarden on mobile and KeePass on a PC, simply because Bitwarden still lacks any  auto type functionality on Windows and the app does open comparatively slower on my system than KeePass. This isn't hard since in both managers you can easily import a database from one another, so the sinchronisation is not going to be too hard. Both are quite good.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

is there a password manager that is able to be synced between Windows, iOS, mac and possibly Linux?You guys said something about keypass, but I couldn't find on what platform it runs, I only noticed Windows and iOS.The Ubikey is also something that sounds quite interesting to be honest, any recomendations on which one I should get? There seam to be quite a lot of them.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Oh wow, screen reader accessibility is at the bottom of a very long list of checkboxes under Advanced. Thanks for telling me about it, I'd never have found it otherwise.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@17, Bitwarden supports MFA if you purchase the premium plan for $10.00/yr. I have very few MFA codes on my phone. I'd also recommend the Yubikey as well.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@11 and 14, the problem though is that we naturally avoid major variations of data. If you make two passwords and you want to be able to remember them, you naturally will make them similar to each other -- and there's your 'weak link'. A password manager has no such deficiency; each randomly generated password will have no similarity to any other password (other than, for example, the fact that it might be a passphrase or a list of random garbage, which helps no one).


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@Ethin You are right! Randomly generated passwords or passphrases are always the safest solution. I was just offering tips for making the few passwords that we still need to remember at least somewhat decent. For example, I often have to access my email from places where my PW manager isn't available. And of course, I have to recall the database password itself; though that one is obviously much longer and more complex than the examples I quickly thought up in #14.And this isn't even getting into 2FA, which I admit I don't use as much as I should, because ugh, finding my phone and unlocking it every time is effort. So yeah, I still have some things to improve, too!


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

I've never used a password manager, seems icky.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@11 and 14, the problem though is that we naturally avoid major variations of data. If you make two passwords and you want to be able to remember them, you naturally will make them similar to each other -- and there's your 'weak link'. A password manager has no such deficiency; each randomly generated password will have no similarity to any other password (other than, for example, the fact that it might be a passphrase or a list of random grabage, which helps no one).


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@moaddye That depends on where the password manager stores your data, and how good you are at backups.KeePass, for example, stores your password database offline. Extremely well encrypted, of course. You can then take that database anywhere with you; there's a KeePass app for almost every system out there, and at least the Windows version definitely also has a portable version for USB sticks. But of course, if you don't back the database up before nuking your system, it's likely gone for ever.Meanwhile password managers like Bitwarden store your data in the cloud, either the company's or your self-hosted one. I personally wouldn't risk that, but it's probably fine for your threat model. And those passwords will definitely still be around after reformatting, since they are not tied to your computer.@nolan Go to tools, options. In the list of options under Advanced press end, and you'll hopefully find an option called "Optimize for screen reader". I enabled that almost immediately, so I don't remember right now how much it changes. Still, might as well turn it on, right?@Rastislav Kish interesting methods. For passwords that I need to remember, I tend to stick to sentences that I then modify a little (We\re0StrangersToLOVE;) or first letters of such sentences (Ngg7u, Ngl7d. Ngraad7/). Though of course, the complexity depends on how bad it would be if that service got breached. (No, I don't actually have any passwords based on Never Gonna Give You Up. Rickrolling hackers is bad, you know?)One tip that I think it would be good to remember is that, on most websites, you actually are allowed to use spaces in passwords. So just by using them somewhere and omitting them elsewhere, you make sure there's less of a pattern.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@8 There's nothing i dislike, except not beeing able to manually remember it and login everywhere i am, regardless if a have a password manager or not. I have like 2/3 passwords i use on differend services.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

At 11, the first message was from Settings on iOS. Pacifically, password keychain settings. Not really that big of a deal, I fixed it. I don’t think this password is any better though, it is a few characters longer.I am really tired at the moment and I am on break for school. After I get some rest when school done I should get a password managerKeep asking you say it was? All right, I shall do some Google search.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hi there,@1: where did you get those two (I guess they're two) messages from? The secondone looks like a Microsoft e-mail message, okay, but what's the firstone?Personally, I don't like using password managers. Like yeah, there are some open-source and I believe also carefully checked out there, but still... I don't have a good feeling about my passwords being stored somewhere, even in encrypted form.So, I'm rather sticking with the well-tested 1234567890 combination. Just kidding.If you're like me and also don't want to use password managers, I recommend having a system for creating passwords.For example, let's say you want to have a password Dog. A three letters long password is not a very secure combination, even though cracking it wouldn't be very easy without having its hash.However, for example, usingDogDogDogDogDogDogDogDogDoginstead is a quite strong password.Even if someone had a hash of this password, brute-force attack wouldn't get him anywhere.The only problem would be a dictionary based attack. Repeating a word few times is not very original, so it's among the first things that a dictionary based attack would try out.So, you need to think out something more unique. For example, what about reversing the last two letters,DgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoThis is much better. There is an infinite amount of patterns you can possibly apply, so even the most sophisticated attack won't be successful.Using phrases is also a good idea. They're easily rememberable, and usually quite long. You can prevent a combination of bruteforce and dictionary based attack by using strange separators:I,-,don't,-,have,-,to,-,go,-,to,-,school,-,tomorrov,-,as,-,the,-,weekend,-,is,-,coming.And finally, you can introduce also some site-specific parameters, so even if someone reveals one of your passwords, he / she won't be able to determine the pattern.For example, each password could end with a number reflecting the lenght of site's name, upper or lower letters could be determined by its divideability by two, there could be special symbols for certain letters etc.By creating your own unique system, you can have a set of strong and easily rememberable passwords, all of them in your mind without a need to have a password may sound complicated at first, but when you get used to it, it won't be so strange.I'm also using few tricks to create good and rememberable passwords, although I won't share them for security reasons. Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hi there,@1: where did you get those two (I guess they're two) messages from? The secondone looks like a Microsoft e-mail message, okay, but what's the firstone?Personally, I don't like using password managers. Like yeah, there are some open-source and I believe also carefully checked out there, but still... I don't have a good feeling about my passwords being stored somewhere, even in encrypted form.So, I'm rather sticking with the well-tested 1234567890 combination. Just kidding.If you're like me and also don't want to use password managers, I recommend having a system for creating passwords.For example, let's say I want to have a password Dog. A three letters long password is not a very secure combination, even though cracking it wouldn't be very easy without having its hash.however, using DogDogDogDogDogDogDogDogDoginstead is a quite strong password.Even if someone had a hash of this password, brute-force attack wouldn't get him anywhere.The only problem would be a dictionary based attack. Repeating a word few times is not very original, so it's among the first things that a dictionary based attack would try out.So, you need to think out something more unique. For example, what about reversing the last two letters,DgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoThis is much better. There is an infinite amount of patterns you can possibly apply, so even the most sophisticated attack won't be successful.Using phrases is also a good idea. They're easily rememberable, and usually quite long. You can prevent a combination of bruteforce and dictionary based attack by using strange separators:I,-,don't,-,have,-,to,-,go,-,to,-,school,-,tomorrov,-,as,-,the,-,weekend,-,is,-,coming.And finally, you can introduce also some site-specific parameters, so even if someone reveals one of your passwords, he / she won't be able to determine the pattern.For example, each password could end with a number reflecting the lenght of site's name, upper or lower letters could be determined by its divideability by two, there could be special symbols for certain letters etc.By creating your own unique system, you can have a set of strong and easily rememberable passwords, all of them in your mind without a need to have a password may sound complicated at first, but when you get used to it, it won't be so strange.I'm also using few tricks to create good and rememberable passwords, although I won't share them for security reasons. Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Hi there,@1: where did you get those two (I guess they're two) messages from? The secondone looks like a Microsoft e-mail message, okay, but what's the firstone?Personally, I don't like using password managers. Like yeah, there are some open-source and I believe also carefully checked out there, but still... I don't have a good feeling about my passwords being stored somewhere, even in encrypted form.So, I'm rather sticking with the well-checked 1234567890 combination. Just kidding.If you're like me and also don't want to use password managers, I recommend having a system for creating passwords.For example, let's say I want to have a password Dog. A three letters long password is not a very secure combination, even though cracking it wouldn't be very easy without having its hash.however, using DogDogDogDogDogDogDogDogDoginstead is a quite strong password.Even if someone had a hash of this password, brute-force attack wouldn't get him anywhere.The only problem would be a dictionary based attack. Repeating a word few times is not very original, so it's among the first things that a dictionary based attack would try out.So, you need to think out something more unique. For example, what about reversing the last two letters,DgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoDgoThis is much better. There is an infinite amount of patterns you can possibly apply, so even the most sophisticated attack won't be successful.Using phrases is also a good idea. They're easily rememberable, and usually quite long. You can prevent a combination of bruteforce and dictionary based attack by using strange separators:I,-,don't,-,have,-,to,-,go,-,to,-,school,-,tomorrov,-,as,-,the,-,weekend,-,is,-,coming.And finally, you can introduce also some site-specific parameters, so even if someone reveals one of your passwords, he / she won't be able to determine the pattern.For example, each password could end with a number reflecting the lenght of site's name, upper or lower letters could be determined by its divideability by two, there could be special symbols for certain letters etc.By creating your own unique system, you can have a set of strong and easily rememberable passwords, all of them in your mind without a need to have a password may sound complicated at first, but when you get used to it, it won't be so strange.I'm also using few tricks to create good and rememberable passwords, although I won't share them for security reasons. Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Is there a password manager that allows me to still look at my password even if I reformat? I never use them because never heard of them and didn't think they'd save my password even after frmats etcetera.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@2 What is this KeePass screen reader option of which you speak? Seems pretty accessible already out of the box, but if there's an option to make it more so then I'm all ears.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@stasp Why are you probably not going to use a password manager? What do you dislike about them? What kind of features would motivate you to pick it up?Because it honestly makes your life easier, not harder. Hell, you can use things like auto-typing for automatic logins. You can just remember one really strong password, nothing else, and yet have different and high quality passwords on every website.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow



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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@3 i also reuse my passwords. I know i shouldn't however i just never used a password manager and probably wil not. Or maybe wil, we'll see.


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

No, you do not. There is nothing funny about terrible security practices. Just don't do those things, folks!


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

At two and three.Come off it, when I asked who did it I was trying to be funny. I see I really don’t have the comedic genius. Never mind,


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

@1 it wasn't me. A little advice to you, dont waste your time asking "Which one of you hacked my accound" because its not going to work. The hacker wont be like "Hay thats me report me!"


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Re: Wow

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow

Sigh.Don't reuse passwords. Just ... please, don't.Having trouble making good passwords and then remembering them? You're not a lone! Most people can't remember that many. That's why there are many, many great (and accessible!) password managers around.I am a KeePass fan. It's simple to use and accessible out of the box, though enabling a screen reader setting in the options makes it even more so. Bitwarden is another option that's privacy friendly and popular in this community. And if you don't like those, no problem, there are other ones out there.Because using the same password on *15* websites? Including important stuff like your Microsoft account and Discord? I'm crying inside.Don't ask who it was that did it. Because the fact is, with security like this, it's pretty much your fault. No, I'm not above blaming the victim here. Change your passwords -- all of them! -- and make sure they are long, not easily guessable, and not similar to each other.


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2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector



Compromised, reused password, This password has appeared in a data leak, which puts this account at high risk of compromise.You’re also reusing this password on other websites, including “”, “” and 12 more. This increases the risk to this account if one of those accounts is compromised. You should change your password immediately.Microsoft accountUnusual sign-in activityWe detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the Microsoft account ad* detailsCountry/region: KoreaIP address: 9/25/2020 2:42 PM (GMT)Platform: WindowsBrowser: ChromePlease go to your recent activity page to let us know whether or not this was you. If this wasn't you, we'll help you secure your account. If this was you, we'll trust similar activity in the future.Review recent activityTo opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here.Thanks,The Microsoft account teamAll right, which one of you is it?I mean,,, I did play BTS yesterday,,, that sort of explains some thing,,, I did use the same password for that,,, I really should secure this now...I couldn’t make this up if I tried to, so don’t even think about it.


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wow, new possibly accessible engine in development, adliberum

2017-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


wow, new possibly accessible engine in development, adliberum

Hi all,This, basically, has been described as Minecraft but in text form.From what I understand it's another text adventure programming language but with more of a roleplaying element, plus the idea of both single player and multiplayer experiences including co-op.I am posting this because the dev has already said that by the time the full version comes out they want this thing to work with screen readers. But guess what? It's another Steam release. I tried to give you guys a heads up, that Steam would eventually have games that we otherwise wouldn't be able to play, and this is going to be one of them. It's in early access, which means the dev wants feedback. For now, I am jsut going to put the steam store link here, because I odn't have much to report at the moment. But from what I understand you can write scripts in a text document and import them into the engine. I do not know if combat is part of it yet. I have only, in fact, just discovered this, but it does seem quite ambitious. … ADLENGINE/


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

@Wily: Considering his recent banning from Alter Aeon and the very much available board post detailing it, original post or not, his unstable state of mind should be clear enough.Although editing the post, and to something this weird, just...makes it look stupid. But oh well.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wily via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

The replies speaks for itself, editing the post wont' help 


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Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

2016-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sokun Prom Vireak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

Actually, JAWS outperform NVDA in text processing, especially Microsoft Suite due to its video driver and ribben menu which NVDA ignore to innovate it.


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Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

2016-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

If I'm not mistaken, the main reason why Jaws could perform better with text processing is the access to more and different information due to the use of a special video driver. Other than that, I'm not really sure. 


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Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

2016-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

Hello dongargon,  Yes, this is a clean copy of windows 10. When I upgraded from 8.1, it was half 10 and half 8.1. Most of the windows's interface didn't look any different from what it was before I had upgraded. The behaviour of NVDA was identically the same as in windows 8.1 but now it is very different. I still like jaws for some reasons and the biggest one is that jaws does a wonderful performance in text processing. Something that NVDA fails to do as good as jaws sometimes.It is good to have a screen reader competition, but the competition we imagine is more active among users than among companies who produce them. Often you may read about screen reader battles on this forum and many others like audio games.


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Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

2016-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

I think that a test ought to be conducted to determine which is the "best" screen reader. This might lead to more innovation and competition among the screen reader manufacturers.


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Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

2016-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dongargon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

That's great.I wonder if it was because you did a clean install of the OS on your computer. NVDA is, in my opinion, the best screen reader available, and it's improving every day. It is great that it's working well for you.


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Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

2016-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Wow,NVDA finally works well for me!

Hello everybody, I am very excited to announce that NVDA, the free and open source screen reader, works flawlessly on windows 10, on the two problematic areas I have previously complained about. First is windows explorer, which works way faster compared to the windows explorer of Windows 8.1, and second is microsoft word, the most used application for me and many others on this forum and anywhere out there. I opened a 350 page book in English, and NVDA, surprisingly enough, did a great job in fast text processing!This is marvelous, isn't it? it is, indeed!I'm very excited!Cheers!


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Nods, yeah, sorry, it came off like I was considering pills as the only way, but what I meant was that you should probably go with those first to make it easier to actually accomplish anything with therapy, since, and I'm speaking from experience here, it's hard to get your head out of your ass enough to truly understand and discuss your issues when you are still in the midst of being controlled by them.That said, it's different for each person, but I do tend to notice that trend with people that say they've tried talking before to no avail, and so have given up on it as a solution, my self included, but haven't really thought through the fact that it's obviously very difficult to talk about the comparison between your normal state and your altered state, when you've been this way for so long that you can't even remember what it's like to feel the way you used too any more.So no, pills aren't the end all and be all fix,
  but if you take them for a month or so before trying to explain your underlying problems to someone else, it could give you the push that you need to do that.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Nods, yeah, sorry, it came off like I was considering pills as the only way, but what I meant was that you should probably go with those first to make it easier to actually accomplish anything with therapy, since, and I'm speaking from experience here, it's hard to get your head out of your ass enough to truly understand and discuss your issues when you are still in the midst of being controlled by them.That said, it's different for each person, but I do tend to notice that trend with people that say they've tried talking before to no avail, and so have given up on it as a solution, my self included, but haven't really thought through the fact that it's obviously very difficult to talk about the comparison between your normal state and your altered state, when you've been this way for so long that you can't even remember what it's like to feel the way you used too any more.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Well To an extent defender is correct. Any psychologist will tell you that most mental illnesses are exaggerations or conflations of the normal. My dad however worked on a very siple principle "Is it harming yourself or others" which to both Lord Lundin and Crashmaster, it sounds as if it does. If there is some sort of event, eg, a form of abuse that might be causing this it might be helpful to locate a community who deal with that sort of abuse generally, sinse abuse survivers tend to be an understanding bunch on average and such places tend to be extremely safe and very good for venting, exploring dark and twisted parts of yourself so you can bring them into the light, or just being able to say things you wouldn't say in a normal social situation, on or off line. I would however suggest looking for some assistance. I do not agree with defender that medication is the only! approach. It might be useful for a while, but it's not a wonder drug. You 
 dont' magically take some pills over some time and suddenly get better, medication just makes it easier to cope with everything else and set things in place to improve your life and social circumstances, maybe have some sort of therapy at the same time. The bottom line however is that you need to do! something about this. You have recognized there is a problem and something wrong, however it's now necessary to try and do something about it, which could take seeing a doctor, contacting someone for assistance, trying to change your life style somewhat, or indeed any and all of the above. No, it's not easy, but it's not impossible either. Btw,On one point I can say one thing. Anyone on this forum behaving maliciously with this situation will be in severe trouble. Myself and the other staff do have a duty to see members are okay, which includes when discussing psychological problems.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Pretty fucked up shit, I have to say, but I mean, almost all of us have entertained sudden, powerful thoughts about commiting violent sexual acts on those who spurn us, having physical control over another who we dislike, brutally killing someone in a way that we've recently heard about happening to someone else, but they almost always pass very quickly and leave us feeling guilty, confused, and vaguely sickened afterwards.Those are the undeniable, primal urges that, no matter how hard we tried as a species, could not simply be swept under the rug with the progression of social structure, because we are still animals, who's emotions, thoughts, and actions can still be influenced by a sudden influx of the chemicals that are produced by our own bodies.However if they don't pass, if they persist over a significant length of time and incessantly hound you, it's time to talk to someone, period, before you do something that could ruin, or end, your life.<
 br />The fact that you instinctually understand that this is wrong however, actively seeking assistance to stop these feelings from overtaking you, means that you are clearly not a true sociopath or psychopath.Which I believe means that your true feelings about things, your core ethical structure and moral compass, the things that make you Human are still in tact inside, but are masked by an underlying mental illness or a significant chemical imbalance that has built up over time, possibly both, which is allot less uncommon than you may thinkPersonally, I don't think talking will help you, at least not right away, and I would instead focus on getting something to help balance those chemicals out, a controlled prescription, one given to you by a medical professional, and not a self medication like pot or boos, since they tend to only treat the symptoms and not the problem.You probably won't have to take it for the rest of your life either, it's
  generally 2 to 4 years unless it's something really serious, and almost certainly no more than once a day, as well, so there is no good excuse not to.It's vital that you do something about this though, and keep with it for as long as is needed, if not for you than for others, because if you are truly driven to do these things, then you will find a way, blind or not.Becoming what you fear most isn't worth the luxury of sitting on your ass wasting away, is what I'm trying to say, because that would probably be worse than just killing your self, or at least that's how I would see it if i was in your place, but you could probably prevent both of those things from happening if you made the effort.Saving your self from this crap is most certainly worth it, since you have no idea what you might become some day, weather it's a simple thing, like being a good neighbor and friend, someone that helps strangers out when they are in need without e
 xpecting anything in return, even just being good at your job; or if you'll end up being the next big inventor of something that helps people somehow, the leader of an important organization or movement, hell you may even win the lottery and donate most of your winnings to charity, but you'll never get the chance to look back on this time in your life and take satisfaction in overcoming it if you give up now.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Pretty fucked up shit, I have to say, but I mean, almost all of us have entertained sudden, powerful thoughts about commiting violent sexual acts on those who spurn us, having physical control over another who we dislike, brutally killing someone in a way that we've recently heard about happening to someone else, but they almost always pass very quickly and leave us feeling guilty, confused, and vaguely sickened afterwards.Those are the undeniable, primal urges that, no matter how hard we tried as a species, could not simply be swept under the rug with the progression of social structure, because we are still animals, who's emotions, thoughts, and actions can still be influenced by a sudden influx of the chemicals that are produced by our own bodies.However if they don't pass, if they persist over a significant length of time and incessantly hound you, it's time to talk to someone, period, before you do something that could ruin, or end, your life.<
 br />The fact that you instinctually understand that this is wrong however, actively seeking assistance to stop these feelings from overtaking you, means that you are clearly not a true sociopath or psychopath.Which I believe means that your true feelings about things, your core ethical structure and moral compass, the things that make you Human are still in tact inside, but are masked by an underlying mental illness or a significant chemical imbalance that has built up over time, possibly both, which is allot less uncommon than you may thinkPersonally, I don't think talking will help you, at least not right away, and I would instead focus on getting something to help balance those chemicals out, a controlled prescription, one given to you by a medical professional, and not a self medication like pot or boos, since they tend to only treat the symptoms and not the problem.You probably won't have to take it for the rest of your life either, it's
  generally 2 to 4 years unless it's something really serious, and almost certainly no more than once a day, as well, so there is no good excuse not to.It's vital that you do something about this though, and keep with it for as long as is needed, if not for you than for others, because if you are truly driven to do these things, then you will find a way, blind or not.Becoming what you fear most isn't worth the luxury of sitting on your ass wasting away, is what I'm trying to say, because that would probably be worse than just killing your self, or at least that's how I would see it if i was in your place, but you could probably prevent both of those things from happening if you made the effort.Saving your self is most certainly worth it, since you have no idea what you might become some day, weather it's a simple thing, like being a good neighbor and friend, someone that helps strangers out when they are in need without expecting anythi
 ng in return, even just being good at your job; or if you'll end up being the next big inventor of something that helps people somehow, the leader of an important organization or movement, hell you may even win the lottery and donate most of your winnings to charity, but you'll never get the chance to look back on this time in your life and take satisfaction in overcoming it if you give up now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Pretty fucked up shit, I have to say, but I mean, almost all of us have entertained sudden, powerful thoughts about commiting violent sexual acts on those who spurn us, having physical control over another who we dislike, brutally killing someone in a way that we've recently heard about happening to someone else, but they almost always pass very quickly and leave us feeling guilty, confused, and vaguely sickened afterwards.Those are the undeniable, primal urges that, no matter how hard we tried as a species, could not simply be swept under the rug with the progression of social structure, because we are still animals, who's emotions, thoughts, and actions can still be influenced by a sudden influx of the chemicals that are produced by our own bodies.However if they don't pass, if they persist over a significant length of time and incessantly hound you, it's time to talk to someone, period, before you do something that could ruin, or end, your life.<
 br />The fact that you instinctually understand that this is wrong however, actively seeking assistance to stop these feelings from overtaking you, means that you are clearly not a true sociopath or psychopath.Which I believe means that your true feelings about things, your core ethical structure and moral compass, the things that make you Human are still in tact inside, but are masked by an underlying mental illness or a significant chemical imbalance that has built up over time, possibly both, which is allot less uncommon than you may thinkPersonally, I don't think talking will help you, at least not right away, and I would instead focus on getting something to help balance those chemicals out, a controlled prescription, one given to you by a medical professional, and not a self medication like pot or boos, since they tend to only treat the symptoms and not the problem.You probably won't have to take it for the rest of your life either, it's
  generally 2 to 4 years unless it's something really serious, and almost certainly no more than once a day, as well, so there is no good excuse not to.It's vital that you do something about this though, and keep with it for as long as is needed, if not for you than for others, because if you are truly driven to do these things, then you will find a way, blind or not.Becoming what you fear most isn't worth the luxury of sitting on your ass wasting away, is what I'm trying to say, because that would probably be worse than just killing your self, or at least that's how I would see it if i was in your place, but you could probably prevent both of those things from happening if you made the effort.Saving your self is most certainly worth it, since you have no idea what you might become some day, weather it's a simple thing, like being a good neighbor and friend, someone that helps strangers out when they are in need without expecting anythi
 ng in return, even just being good at your job; or if you'll end up being the next big inventor of something that helps people somehow, the leader of an important organization or movement, hell you may even win the lottery and donate most of your winnings to charity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Pretty fucked up shit, I have to say, but I mean, almost all of us have entertained sudden, powerful thoughts about commiting violent sexual acts on those who spurn us, having physical control over another who we dislike, brutally killing someone in a way that we've recently heard about happening to someone else, but they almost always pass very quickly and leave us feeling guilty, confused, and vaguely sickened afterwards.Those are the undeniable, primal urges that, no matter how hard we tried as a species, could not simply be swept under the rug with the progression of social structure, because we are still animals, who's emotions, thoughts, and actions can still be influenced by a sudden influx of the chemicals that are produced by our own bodies.However if they don't pass, if they persist over a significant length of time and incessantly hound you, it's time to talk to someone, period, before you do something that could ruin, or end, your life.<
 br />The fact that you instinctually understand that this is wrong however, actively seeking assistance to stop these feelings from overtaking you, means that you are clearly not a true sociopath or psychopath.Which I believe means that your true feelings about things, your core ethical structure and moral compass, the things that make you Human are still in tact inside, but are masked by an underlying mental illness or a significant chemical imbalance that has built up over time, possibly both, which is allot less uncommon than you may thinkPersonally, I don't think talking will help you, at least not right away, and I would instead focus on getting something to help balance those chemicals out, a controlled prescription, one given to you by a medical professional, and not a self medication like pot or boos, since they tend to only treat the symptoms and not the problem.You probably won't have to take it for the rest of your life either, it's
  generally 2 to 4 years unless it's something really serious, and almost certainly no more than once a day, as well, so there is no good excuse not to.It's vital that you do something about this though, and keep with it for as long as is needed, if not for you than for others, because if you are truly driven to do these things, then you will find a way, blind or not.Becoming what you fear most isn't worth the luxury of sitting on your ass wasting away, is what I'm trying to say, because that would probably be worse than just killing your self, or at least that's how I would see it if i was in your place, but you could probably prevent both of those things from happening if you made the effort.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Pretty fucked up shit, I have to say, but I mean, almost all of us have entertained sudden, powerful thoughts about violent sexual acts, physical power over another who we dislike, brutally killing someone in a way that we've recently heard about happening to someone else, but they almost always pass very quickly and leave us feeling guilty, confused, and vaguely sickened afterwards.Those are the undeniable, primal urges that, no matter how hard we tried as a species, could not simply be swept under the rug with the progression of social structure, because we are still animals, who's emotions, thoughts, and actions can still be influenced by a sudden influx of the chemicals that are produced by our own bodies.However if they don't pass, if they persist over a significant length of time and incessantly hound you, it's time to talk to someone, period, before you do something that could ruin, or end, your life.The fact that you instinctually unde
 rstand that this is wrong however, actively seeking assistance to stop these feelings from overtaking you, means that you are clearly not a true sociopath or psychopath.Which I believe means that your true feelings about things, your core ethical structure and moral compass, the things that make you Human are still in tact inside, but are masked by an underlying mental illness or a significant chemical imbalance that has built up over time, possibly both, which is allot less uncommon than you may thinkPersonally, I don't think talking will help you, at least not right away, and I would instead focus on getting something to help balance those chemicals out, a controlled prescription, one given to you by a medical professional, and not a self medication like pot or boos, since they tend to only treat the symptoms and not the problem.You probably won't have to take it for the rest of your life either, it's generally 2 to 4 years unless it's 
 something really serious, and almost certainly no more than once a day, as well, so there is no good excuse not to.It's vital that you do something about this though, and keep with it for as long as is needed, if not for you than for others, because if you are truly driven to do these things, then you will find a way, blind or not.Becoming what you fear most isn't worth the luxury of sitting on your ass wasting away, is what I'm trying to say, because that would probably be worse than just killing your self, or at least that's how I would see it if i was in your place, but you could probably prevent both of those things from happening if you made the effort.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Hi lord london.Ok reread your post because yesterday was update day and I had lots to do so I couldn't touch fully on it.Trust, hmmm do I trust everyone?No, its an instinct maybe yours is stronger than mine.Brain sleep.I have issues sleeping period so does my brother, with me I wake up randomly with him he can't sleep and when he does he does not wake up wasting half days doing so.The rest.I rarely get that angry my brother does at times put me in a corner trying to accuse me by telling me off about something he thinks I did, and therefore I feel justified to defend myself.Ofcause it never goes well and its something I have got used to but it can get hard sometimes.I can't help you with everything though.How much time do you spend online?My advice is to take a break from the online part.Shut down your skype twitter and any other notification spewing program and step away for a bit its why I neve
 r did this.I do spend all day online but I really try to avoid it if and when I can.The rest I don't know.You obviously have some underlying issue, were you abbused at all?Attention, I must say I do like that, and when people are away I do feel pangs of needing attention.I can remember a story actually it was my life where I tried a student flat attached to my special school.Lets say this, bits were good bits were bad.In this flat we had skills to learn but things did not always go to plan.Bar me and a few others most did not pull their weight having me wash dishes for 5 hours.My flatters a blind tech.a depressed suisidal that was always in a mood.a person that couldn't cook and didn't care.a person with epelepsy that kept falling autistic with a brain of a child that thought everything was her fault.a guy that was ok  for what he was worth.another guy 
 that played keyboards and was generally rfun.a island girl that was fun but could get island guy that was a good friend, but was a wrebel and broke the rules getting suspended once for having a girl round, getting her pregnant and almost going to jail.I spent most of that time eating kfc, biscuits, cakes and chips seeing how many packets I could eat in 10 minutes.I was so bored I would sit online and listen to radio using up all the flats bandwidth.I got really fat.That has been the most depressed and bored I have ever been.I will never do it or flatting again!Then again I had a bad deal.I still maintain you probably feel the basic stuff I do though hyped.I wouldn't kill someone like that, ok maybe for like 10 minutes or less but a month of anger?I guess the closest I have come to actually killing someone is a family member that thinks all blind people are helpless and need help can't use a cane et
 c because it will cause issues.I know this person has low confidence issues, likes to rush and stress and won't change however when I do see here and live with her for a time as a result, life and her conversations are quite limited.I have to keep my vocal arguments to myself.Now thats as far as I can think of going with you.I do think we do feel neglected when left.I do feel like that when I am left but thats life it happens.I don't care to be alone though its my only real fear to be honest.It doesn't mean I need someone to be close to me but someone in the same building.I suggest you take something else off the computer and try to do that that way.But I think your cpu has more problems than my limited storage can actually help you with.I suggest you ask someone prefferably with cloud or collective intelegence to help you just don't ask the borg thats all.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

@crashmaster, it's not any fear really, I'm more like a Walking sleeping person.Haha, I know this topic is being spread around quite a bit, people snickering behind my back or whatever. To you, I'm just glad you're not me because you'd understand how Little effect your shit did on me, maybe it pales to the rest of the things on me right now.I don't know what else to write for now.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Hi.[[wow]], Well I have the same as you have.I did post a ranty on this just now but never submitted it so I could post it without all the extra rambling.Thing is what you have is quite normal for anyone with any dissability mental, or physical.I spend time talking to myself fiddling with sounds imagining things and at night to.But I go blank when going to put those to the processer.I have an idea that after living a life of sorts I will end up in some place full of helpless people like me and that because I am blind thats all I will eventually be.This is probably fear of the unknown a thing one such as myself probably has more reason to think about having more time than able boddied indeviduals.Relationship wise, I do worry about my contribution.Its all equal now but it used to be that the woman cared for the children and cooked and looked pritty.The man did all the building, work and handy stuff.Its something I ha
 ve largely accepted I will not be able to do.However I don't want to berdon anyone as such and I fear that.In times when the weather is bad or late at night I wander what the point is and if I killed myself now would anyone give a damn.This lasts the night or till the weather passes but it doesn't stay, and is probably again my fear of the future.Another one is that after hearing news about certain island peoples in the country, some of which are unsavery  and in a certain reagon of the city, I hear so much that I wander if someone will come in the dead of night and do me in or something.But thats probably because I wake up in the middle of the night and again is unknown fear rather than actual problems.For now I live at home so I don't have to handle a lot of things but later on that may change.I do wander a lot and this may be your issue to.Especially when people are away I am trying to think if I have locked ever
 ything or turned things off before going to bed especially when quiet.This never happens in the day when its light.On the other hand, I have had grand parents in the family die.As soon as they stop speaking for ever I feel sad.I remember the old times but never the end.One lot died on christmas day, every christmas my grandpa says he does not enjoy it anymore and others say that we should feel sad because others have died.For me though its almost like the part of them going is gone, they are gone, well so what, they don't exist, so they don't mean anything to me anymore if they even did.I remember memmories of when I was yung sure, but they may as well have been something I read from a book.With nothing to  interact with its just a story now I am sure its got to do with seeing whatever it is as well as hearing it and probably has to do with why I can't complete such things as essays.I probably could get it fix
 ed but I don't know if it matters much.So lord lundon you are not alone in your fears.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

@Sterlock, on the issue of medication it's not so much that it makes you stable, more that sinse the desired result of any medication is being more stable and coping better with the negative thoughts and feelings in order to have a good life, a good psychiatrist will work it out to do that. Think of it this way, if a person takes paracetamol for a headache but finds the paracetamol don't do it for them, they may go and take anedin instead which did. Psychiatric meds are the same. A person goes off and takes something for a while, then the psychiatrist talks to them and checks the stuff is working or if the dose needs adjusting or if another drug might be needed. It's all about helping to keep things in perspective and get to a point where other bad things can! be dealt with. Btw, my father was a psychiatric nurse for 20 years, hence why I am familiar with the process of diagnosis, quite apart from the fact I've also had friends who�
 39;ve been on medication.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

You should absolutely see a therapist. I went to one for a couple months last year because of some relationship issues I was having, and it really did help. I wish I could've gone longer, but had to stop because of insurance coverage. Also dark is absolutely correct, medication might be a good thing for you. While I don't take any myself, I know a couple people who do and it really stabelizes them and makes them able to function.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

@Lord Lundin, combined with the description you have of thoughts spinning around in your mind and being unable to settle, I wonder if this is a simptom of something else wrong. Perhaps it'd be worth  talking to a psychiatrist, just to get some sort of perspective on the situation and on the things your thinking. You clearly know something is not right, which is credit to you and your self knolidge, now is the time to do something about it, both for your own sake and peace of mind, and that of those you care about sinse it does sound like something in you caused this good relationship to go wrong. I'll also add that in my limited experience, this sounds like it could be something that might be eased with medication. I know "medication" in films sounds really scary, but as I believe I said in another topic, it really isn't, it just makes things a little calmer and easier to deal with to give you time and space to look at things coherently w
 ithout going quite as far up the twister (as Steven King once put it, he was talking about alcohol but the same applies to any destructive thought pattern).


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

HI,Life will be going on, day after day, hour after hour, and minute after minute. That all time is wholly filled with experiences that you may or may not enjoy. Experiences, which, sometimes get you higher and higher, to the point where you think you could change a whole world. Other times you feel, so, so down where you come to think that you are the least useful person in the world. Everything you do should be governed by decisiveness, determination and assurance. We have an _expression_ here, and I think it should exist in all cultures of the world, which states, “Be on your feet”. I mean, be sure of what you think to do and take up. If you want to live with your favorite girl, help yourself and take on consequences that will come before the decision is made. If you want to attend a dam difficult university, go and do it without getting perplexed. I have my closest friend whom I really admire for his talent on music, but he is so undetermined of what he says and does that he will say to you yes by 8:00 in the morning, maybe at 12, and no in the afternoon. By the end of the day, if you talk to him, he will tell you that he’s the most stupid person in the world and he’ll start looking upon you.It’s very sad that many people, cannot take the time to take a step back, reflect, think and decide. My bro, life is very simple and definitely enjoyable in the early 20s but I tell you that it is absolutely different when you set up your own family. Many young teachers here told me, enjoy your life as much as you can because it is the most beautiful time of your life. When you get married, you have to care and be responsible for your family, maybe for your children.So, do not put yourself so badly under  destructive levels of stress because it will have a considerable negative impact in your life. Do whatever your heart wants, talk to your nearest and dearest, come together with your friends and enjoy the time being with them.On another note, I’d not recommend you create some troll to get one girl on your arms. It is absolutely the worst method of owning someone, surely, if the girl is not stupid.Cheers and good luck!


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wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Hm I'm not sure really what to write, nor why I'm writing this.My mind has gone into sleep, I can talk to people, I can have logical vocal arguments, but I can't really write anymore.I've got lots, and lots of ideas but they never seem to fit on a paper. It's like I have a piece of text in my head, a lyrics or a nice way to describe a scene in another piece of text I might  be wanting to write, but before I put it to paper I riddicule myself and say this is stupid and lacks a depth.Ok so brain's gone to sleep in that way, but in the last 6 months or so I discovered a few rather unpleasant things about myself.* I can't keep a normal friendly relationship with women.* I don't really trust anyone fully. I could write a whole book about what happened this summer, and that spilled over to autumn and winter and poisoned me, but I won't atm. I've done it too many times already.* I am constant
 ly looking for admiration, approval, and someone to love me. I am afraid that I'll be that kinda person that keeps someone tide up in a basement and demands total obedience.* when I don't trust someone or feel neglected (it was a girl this summer), I rage on her, I troll others to get attention, and what do I do. During this summer it was a constant cycle of auww I trust you, you're probably the first person I trust. Oh shiiit I feel like sht and you're not talking to me, what's wrong with me? Do you hate me? Hello? Oh for fucks sake I've been trying to contact you for the whole day, I even declined the offer to go on a boat trip to a remote island to eat lunch there, I stayed here just to talk to you and ... ugg I don't know what to do. And then it's back to, hey I'm sorry, you know I've got trust issues and I ... don't know, I guess you're the first that I ever really felt was my friend.Eventually, altho
 ugh she constantly forgave me and just put it behind, it got into the relation. She didn't feel safe around me (well, it was through skype and so), and I felt like shit cause I couldn't understand why. I mean the logic of it was obvious but it still hurt because it was my opinion that since she knew the reasons why I acted the way I did, it shouldn't bother her. Eventually it was too much, she blocked me and ignored me and that's when I discovered the sweet, lovely Andreas ...There wasn't a day when I didn't dream about killing her, I had one very specific daydream about having her kidnapped and dragged out to a little hut in the forest where I'd torture her. All of this I did, I turned all the feelings for her around in myself and just despised her and the rest of the world.That month was a very strange one for me, I felt a lot like my old self, back in those "old swamp days", just so much more extreme. My anger was under th
 e skin all the time, it was a constant feever and  you didn't want to approach me for the fear that I might take out some of it. To me, the world would one day be my toybox where I could terrorize as I wanted to.So anyway that month passed, we talked again but all was changed. I quickly fell back to my old habbits of liking and loving her, but with a twist. I'd gone too far. I had lost all respect for myself, so I didn't really care anymore. Now I was just a creepy stalker I guess.I suppose there's no need to describe christmas and what happened with this person then and, well a lot of bullshit happened. It's erelevant and don't think it changed a lot actually.Now she's pissed at me, doesn't want to talk to me because I freaked out again, and this time I said to myself, fuck it I'm taking distance. I do it now because well, she now is occupied with a friend of mine.It's  a strange feeling to thin
 k that if I hadn't been that fucked, a victim of my own sociallization, we'd be reevaluating each other's interests in the other one by now.Ok that was an unnecessary long backstory but like I said, trying to distance myself now and not talk to her. When I start talking about her I won't stop, think that's the only thing I'm good at now. That, and singing, so gonna do that now, gonna try to learn blood fire death by bathory.Edit: the lyrics is hard to remember because he compromises it a lot in the song and his English accent is horrible.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

@brad, sadly I Think that's only cause we have the World between us.Btw, this is thetruegamer who got a name change (fucking finally got rid of that stupid shit), I've Went to psychologists and ... I might see a psychiatrist or something.Don't know where to turn but shrugs.


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Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Hello lord London;Have you thought about going to a therapist or councilor? I know people don't like to hear that kind of stuff but from what I'm reading it might be a good step for you.I don't think you thinking of killing her and so on is good, but at least you're not doing it and just thinking it. I don't know how to help apart from to say that you might want to talk to a professional who might be able to help with these kind of things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

2016-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


wow, I'm more fucked than I thought

Hm I'm not sure really what to write, nor why I'm writing this.My mind has gone into sleep, I can talk to people, I can have logical vocal arguments, but I can't really write anymore.I've got lots, and lots of ideas but they never seem to fit on a paper. It's like I have a piece of text in my head, a lyrics or a nice way to describe a scene in another piece of text I might  be wanting to write, but before I put it to paper I riddicule myself and say this is stupid and lacks a depth.Ok so brain's gone to sleep in that way, but in the last 6 months or so I discovered a few rather unpleasant things about myself.* I can't keep a normal friendly relationship with women.* I don't really trust anyone fully. I could write a whole book about what happened this summer, and that spilled over to autumn and winter and poisoned me, but I won't atm. I've done it too many times already.* I am constant
 ly looking for admiration, approval, and someone to love me. I am afraid that I'll be that kinda person that keeps someone tide up in a basement and demands total obedience.* when I don't trust someone or feel neglected (it was a girl this summer), I rage on her, I troll others to get attention, and what do I do. During this summer it was a constant cycle of auww I trust you, you're probably the first person I trust. Oh shiiit I feel like sht and you're not talking to me, what's wrong with me? Do you hate me? Hello? Oh for fucks sake I've been trying to contact you for the whole day, I even declined the offer to go on a boat trip to a remote island to eat lunch there, I stayed here just to talk to you and ... ugg I don't know what to do. And then it's back to, hey I'm sorry, you know I've got trust issues and I ... don't know, I guess you're the first that I ever really felt was my friend.Eventually, altho
 ugh she constantly forgave me and just put it behind, it got into the relation. She didn't feel safe around me (well, it was through skype and so), and I felt like shit cause I couldn't understand why. I mean the logic of it was obvious but it still hurt because it was my opinion that since she knew the reasons why I acted the way I did, it shouldn't bother her. Eventually it was too much, she blocked me and ignored me and that's when I discovered the sweet, lovely Andreas ...There wasn't a day when I didn't dream about killing her, I had one very specific daydream about having her kidnapped and dragged out to a little hut in the forest where I'd torture her. All of this I did, I turned all the feelings for her around in myself and just despised her and the rest of the world.That month was a very strange one for me, I felt a lot like my old self, back in those "old swamp days", just so much more extreme. My anger was under th
 e skin all the time, it was a constant feever and  you didn't want to approach me for the fear that I might take out some of it. To me, the world would one day be my toybox where I could terrorize as I wanted to.So anyway that month passed, we talked again but all was changed. I quickly fell back to my old habbits of liking and loving her, but with a twist. I'd gone too far. I had lost all respect for myself, so I didn't really care anymore. Now I was just a creepy stalker I guess.I suppose there's no need to describe christmas and what happened with this person then and, well a lot of bullshit happened. It's erelevant and don't think it changed a lot actually.Now she's pissed at me, doesn't want to talk to me because I freaked out again, and this time I said to myself, fuck it I'm taking distance. I do it now because well, she now is occupied with a friend of mine.It's  a strange feeling to thin
 k that if you hadn't been that fucked, a victim of your own sociallization, we'd be reevaluating each other's interests in the other again.Ok that was an unnecessary long backstory but like I said, trying to distance myself now and not talk to her. When I start talking about her I won't stop, think that's the only thing I'm good at now. That, and singing, so gonna do that now, gonna try to learn blood fire death by bathory.


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