Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

wish I had some spare money to invest because stocks are crashing like crazy. now is the time to buy. give it 6 months you'll make a fortune. never understood how the stock market is so crazy like that. panic panic! sell sell! so the prices drop because they are panicking worrying that the prices will go down. self fulfilling proficy. but I am pretty sure the people doing that do it deliberately so they can buy back cheep and do the same again when the prices go back up. for example: british gas provides natural gas and electricity to a huge majority of people that live in the UK. their share prices have plummeted because of this virus. you think people will suddenly stop buying supplies of energy for their homes? nah. company is still worth what it was before. get in now and you'll probably triple your outlay in 6 months when this is all over. that's just an example, not a concrete certainty so don't blame me if you do and you don't make that mutch. but the only people affected by the market crashes are rich people panic selling the same way other idiots are panic buying toilet paper. here endeth the lesson of the day. lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

wish I had some spare money to invest because stocks are crashing like crazy. now is the time to buy. give it 6 months you'll make a fortune. never understood how the stock market is so crazy like that. panic panic! sell sell! so the prices drop because they are panicking worrying that the prices will go down. self fulfilling proficy. but I am pretty sure the people doing that do it deliberately so they can buy back cheep and do the same again when the prices go back up. for ecample: british gas provides natural gas and electricity to a huge majority of people that live in the UK. their share prices have plummeted because of this virus. you think people will suddenly stop buying supplies of energy for their homes? nah. company is still worth what it was before. get in now and you'll probably triple your outlay in 6 months when this is all over. that's just an example, not a concrete certainty so don't blame me if you do and you don't make that mutch. but the only people affected by the market crashes are rich people panic selling the same way other idiots are panic buying toilet paper. here endeth the lesson of the day. lol.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

You know that is actually something I can agree on.I am personally slightly scared about all this, whats closing, how long it can go on etc and the echonomy and what will happen after.I have Iguess brought extras that I may need that I know are a bit harder to get but I wouldn't say that I have panicked more than that just yet.Some of my family are ok and some are concerned.My old man though well he has friends that read into all those theories and other such things.He says he is not panicking but he is.He has a stash of supplies mostly toilet paper, boxes of soup, stew and such and is allready thinking of scenarios listening to the fucking media again.Now I will admit our government is doing a good job, and so is the media but over the standard 10 minutes of news, if its going to get bad next month and if my old world is going to end next month, then I want to enjoy my last normal month before the apocolipse please.Its the last month of summer and well, with everything canceled I want to sit out on my deck and do other things I usually do in my life.The good thing is that in a couple months it will be winter.Winter is cold.And maybe we will get our wish, we will stay at home and wait for it to warm up as long as its not all gone to hell first.We havn't had anyone die yet and well only 8 cases nationwide.Oh and if you go to the zoom book is free so well there you go.Oh did I mention that mr mosen is from my country?So well we are doing our bit at any rate.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@35: Agree with this. The real problem is not corona, the real main problem is the people panicking. They are giving in to fear. Ultimately, if a regression is caused, it'll be the fault of the people, not of the virus. While the corona is concerning to a certain extent; the degrees of panic its causing are beyond absurd. It'll be this panic  that will cause the regression if there is one. And lets be blunt; the media... Is not helping; they are only spreading the fear and exaggerations; as they always have. For fuck's sake, people have been begun buying guns in LA. I mean, what the fuck? If people would just take a step back and analyze the virus for what it really is... but no. Of course the, pardon my French, the fucking media will not allow this to happen. Am I worried about corona? Well, yes. Not for myself to be honest, but for those of my family who have the greater risk; but am I panicking and letting myself be consumed by fear as others have? No.Hell, when a really deadly illness comes around, people won't panic as much as they have with this


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Actually, a lot of the media I'm seeing is urging people -not to panic, so...yeah, there's that.I wouldn't blame panic on the media. The panic is based on fear and, in some cases, sheer human stupidity.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@35: Agree with this. The real problem is not corona, the real main problem is the people. They are giving in to fear. Ultimately, if a regression is caused, it'll be the fault of the people, not of the virus. While the corona is concerning to a certain extent; the degrees of panic its causing are beyond absurd. It'll be this panic  that will cause the regression if there is one. And lets be blunt; the media... Is not helping; they are only spreading the fear and exaggerations; as they always have. For fuck's sake, people have been begun buying guns in LA. I mean, what the fuck? If people would just take a step back and analyze the virus for what it really is... but no. Of course the, pardon my French, the fucking media will not allow this to happen. Am I worried about corona? Well, yes. Not for myself to be honest, but for those of my family who have the greater risk; but am I panicking and letting myself be consumed by fear as others have? No.Hell, when a really deadly illness comes around, people won't panic as much as they have with this


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@35: Agree with this. The real problem is not corona, the real main problem is the people. They are giving in to fear. Ultimately, if a regression is caused, it'll be the fault of the people, not of the virus. While the corona is concerning to a certain extent; the degrees of panic its causing are beyond absurd. It'll be this panic  that will cause the regression if there is one. And lets be blunt; the media... Is not helping; they are only spreading the fear and exaggerations; as they always have. For fuck's sake, people have been begun buying guns in LA. I mean, what the fuck? If people would just take a step back and analyze the virus for what it really is... but no. Of course the, pardon my French, the fucking media will not allow this to happen. Am I worried about corona? Well, yes. Not for myself to be honest, but for those of my family who have the greater risk; but am I panicking and letting myself be consumed by fear as others have? No.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aryamansingh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

in india also similar steps have been takenindian railways have started the sanitization of the trains and also in our country it is declared.that if someone is found spreading korona/kovid 19 VIRUS will be imprisoned for 2 years.and also there are some cases where people have hyd their travel histories 335 people are missing. people are fleeing from the hospitals government must take some steps to minimise the spread of korona


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Firstly when I said stay at home I didn't mean totally isolate yourself. Anyway, this is a temporary measure.Second, you can drink jinger tea as it may be a preventative measure. I think at this stage preventative measures are more important than cures because if you can prevent it, then it won't attack you.  This also gives Doctors more time to work on cures to prevent this sickness. This does not in any way mean that we shouldn't give equal effort to finding other preventative measures and cures.Third, let's all calm down and stop claiming that we discrediting each other. This is in regards to one of Ethin's posts. I know the situation is very tense for a lot of people but let's all keep calm.Fourth, on the political aspects, I think this is why we need a Sultanate so the Sultan can make the correct decisions and organise his people in the correct way.Fifth, it's all good worrying about ourselves but what about regions of the gloab such as Syria? Syria has been pulverised by the terrorist Assad and his Russion and Iranian friends. The medical facilities in Syria are virtually very few. Added to that the economy has been smashed. I'm just saying that we shouldn't think we have it the worst because others like the Syrians in Syria will be worst hit than we will ever be especially the refugees because they already have other diseases to handle in addition to this.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Interesting thing regarding this idea of free healthcare for all. Where in the world is all that money going to come from? And, what other aspects of the economy will that effect? I'll agree that it looks good on paper, and it even sounds wonderful, but even if you run some figures just to put forth the scenario of it being used you'll find that you're going to have to come up with some serious money somewhere. People can't be taxed any more than they already are, so that's out. I forget who said it here, might have been Jade, but no system is perfect. That is quite right. No matter what happens we're still going to have people getting sick, people fearing getting sick, and so on long after this Korona thing is long a dead issue. I also think that people need to really exhibit more common sense when they buy things to prepare. I have no issues with stocking up on things, that's just common sense. However, when you start hording things like people have been doing with paper products, and other supplies, that's not common sense. That's greed, pure and simple. This has been one of humanity's greatest pandemics since the beginning, and no healthcare system of any kind is going to cure that.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Few more things here:1. Toronto is a city, not a province.2. I live an hour from Toronto, in a city of seven hundred thousand or so. I've seen a five or six-hour wait in an urgent care clinic, once, and I've also seen a less-than-an-hour wait as well. The fact is, no system is perfect. But trying to characterize the Canadian health systems by twelve-hour wait times id like me saying all Americans are greedy capitalists. It's not fair, it's not true, and it's harmful. It just shows you don't understand. Perhaps don't want to? Yes, those wait times can happen. But I'd wager they aren't the norm.3. Speaking of norms, yes, there are people who show up at hospitals and doctor's offices and the like with mild or even insignificant issues. Time is wasted. Schedules are delayed. However, these people are, yet again, not the norm. The system should not be based around them, because they represent a pretty small minority; I don't have exact data for you on this.4. You know who represents a large majority in Canada? People who are either 1. dead sure they've got something wrong or 2. concerned that they might, and seeking a medical opinion. People in Canada generally don't have to be scared of going to a doctor or a hospital, because while it might mean time off work and sick days and that whole mess, it generally won't put you thousands of dollars into debt either. According to you, it's better to have people scared of wasting time and money than to get peace of mind if they think something might be wrong. I don't know how anyone can be that backward or heartless. Sorry, not sorry; I pull zero punches regarding capitalist health care.5. I recognize, DanGero, that you've done a lot of work trying to not isolate. I hear that. Believe me, I do. And if there aren't a ton of cases in your area, no one is saying that you can't go out at all. But to just say "well I fought for this so I'm doing it, damn it" is selfish in the extreme. You could already be infected without knowing it. You could, as such, infect anyone you come into close contact with. And all because you want to keep your hard-won independence and freedom. And again, I get the impulse. You don't want to lose what you've gained. But this situation is bigger, way, way bigger, than any one of us here. I don't think you understand that. You can only see your own perspective, and so that's all you have. Look, dude; I don't like staying inside for long periods either. Do you think I'm happy sitting at home waiting for this to pass? Do you think most people like this, enjoy being nervous or in some cases straight-up terrified that they or a loved one might fall ill through no fault of their own? Point is, you're not alone in this. You're not the only one frustrated that going out is a bad idea right now. So go and do what you want, but remember that with every decision you make, there is a potential for consequences. You don't have to be a hermit, but it really is a good idea to be more mindful, I think.Please also remember that up until about a week ago, America was sort of pretending it had shut Covid 19 out by closing its borders. Trump and his administration obscured or straight-up denied that the virus was already running around loose in the country. Why do I mention this? Because you saying that there are no reported cases in your area doesn't really matter a damn. Unless you're living in a hermetically sealed environment, or are way the hell and gone in something like the Alaska wilderness or some such - which I very much doubt, and BTW covid-19 is in Alaska too now - the virus can and will reach your community. In fact, it probably already has. But incubation periods, failure to report, incorrect data and general fear are all barriers to accurate numbers. Here's my point. You cannot actually say that your community is safe; you can believe it, and you might even be right, but you can't prove it. So every time you take your freedom, wave it around and say that you're going to do what you please, you take that risk. Does that sit well with you? Because it wouldn't with me. Not even if being more cautious meant taking a step or two backward. After all, this need to stay inside is not your fault, so you need not take any blame whatsoever for it. Whatever skills you lose, you can get back. Whatever confidence you might lose, again, you can get back. And if you have that chance - to gain back those skills and that confidence, I mean - you can just thank whatever it is you believe in that you're still alive to salvage what was lost.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Few more things here:1. Toronto is a city, not a province.2. I live an hour from Toronto, in a city of seven hundred thousand or so. I've seen a five or six-hour wait in an urgent care clinic, once, and I've also seen a less-than-an-hour wait as well. The fact is, no system is perfect. But trying to characterize the Canadian health systems by twelve-hour wait times id like me saying all Americans are greedy capitalists. It's not fair, it's not true, and it's harmful. It just shows you don't understand. Perhaps don't want to? Yes, those wait times can happen. But I'd wager they aren't the norm.3. Speaking of norms, yes, there are people who show up at hospitals and doctor's offices and the like with mild or even insignificant issues. Time is wasted. Schedules are delayed. However, these people are, yet again, not the norm. The system should not be based around them, because they represent a pretty small minority; I don't have exact data for you on this.4. You know who represents a large majority in Canada? People who are either 1. dead sure they've got something wrong or 2. concerned that they might, and seeking a medical opinion. People in Canada generally don't have to be scared of going to a doctor or a hospital, because while it might mean time off work and sick days and that whole mess, it generally won't put you thousands of dollars into debt either. According to you, it's better to have people scared of wasting time and money than to get peace of mind if they think something might be wrong. I don't know how anyone can be that backward or heartless. Sorry, not sorry; I pull zero punches regarding capitalist health care.5. I recognize, DanGero, that you've done a lot of work trying to not isolate. I hear that. Believe me, I do. And if there aren't a ton of cases in your area, no one is saying that you can't go out at all. But to just say "well I fought for this so I'm doing it, damn it" is selfish in the extreme. You could already be infected without knowing it. You could, as such, infect anyone you come into close contact with. And all because you want to keep your hard-won independence and freedom. And again, I get the impulse. You don't want to lose what you've gained. But this situation is bigger, way, way bigger, than any one of us here. I don't think you understand that. You can only see your own perspective, and so that's all you have. Look, dude; I don't like staying inside for long periods either. Do you think I'm happy sitting at home waiting for this to pass? Do you think most people like this, enjoy being nervous or in some cases straight-up terrified that they or a loved one might fall ill through no fault of their own? Point is, you're not alone in this. You're not the only one frustrated that going out is a bad idea right now. So go and do what you want, but remember that with every decision you make, there is a potential for consequences. You don't have to be a hermit, but it really is a good idea to be more mindful, I think.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

45, Opposing universal healthcare because people abuse it is a pitiful argument to say the least. It is enormously better than the capitalist model where people can't call in sick because the government doesn't mandate paid sick leave and family leave, or someone puts off issues because they don't have the money and die. Allegedly to curb abuse, Turkey, which also has a universal government run healthcare plan,  takes a very small examination fee, which has to be paid  the next time you fill proscriptions in the pharmacy, and everything else after that exam, anything resulting from it, any followups, labs, etc are free. This is the maximum that should be done imho.As for covid-19, remember that covid-19 results from a muc much higher instance on pnomonia, which the flue tdoes not. Moreover, the pnomonia affects both lungs and is complete.  That is what makes it so dangerous.And if anyone thinks that being young is protection, france is reporting that more than 50% of people in the ICU for covid-19 are below the age of 60.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

45, Opposing universal healthcare because people abuse it is a pitiful argument to say the least. It is enormously better than the capitalist model where people can't call in sick because the government doesn't mandate paid sick leave and family leave, or someone puts off issues because they don't have the money and die. Allegedly to curb abuse, Turkey, which also has a universal government run healthcare plan,  takes a very small examination fee, which has to be paid  the next time you fill proscriptions in the pharmacy, and everything else after that exam, anything resulting from it, any followups, labs, etc are free. This is the maximum that should be done imho.As for covid-19, remember that covid-19 results from a muc much higher instance on pnomonia, which the flue tdoes not. Moreover, the pnomonia affects both lungs and is complete.  That is what makes it so dangerous.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Jayde, I've worked hard to overcome being stuck at home doing nothing all the time. Being active and interacting with the public are very important to me in order to keep myself sane, and I really don't want to throw that all out over a virus that isn't even close to me. Also, I happen to really like the idea of free healthcare. The issue is, the system is abused to a hellish extent. Surely you know this means that people can just come in for the slightest of problems like, "Oh my god I stubbed my wittle tow!" or "My poor nose is bleeding, can you make it better doc?" It's not a problem with the system, so much as it is with people abusing it. Of course, this person does live in Toronto as well which I believe to be a huge province, so 12 hours might make a bit more sense over there.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

And, regarding symptoms:For a lot of people, Covid-19 gives you a sore throat, a bit of a fever and a dry cough. If you get infected and this is as far as it goes for you, consider yourself fortunate. It means you dodged a bullet.But for some people, it gets worse. Shortness of breath, lung fibrosis and more. Essentially, your body starts to become oxygen-starved and your organs shut down. This is where things get dangerous.With the flu, we have vaccines and treatments and things, and it's been around so long that we've become generally more resistant to it. With Covid-19, all we can do is treat symptoms as they show up. If you end up in the worst stage of this disease, literally all medical practitioners can do is try and keep you alive long enough for the disease to go away. By then, multiple organ failures might have killed you anyway.Point is this:For a lot of peole, this really will seem just like a flu, or even milder in some. But for quite a few others, it gets worse, and we don't have a cure.A week and a half ago, I was one of those stating that this was basically like a bad flu, and should be treated as such. No more. I've done my research. I was wrong.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

DanGero, you should stay home because someone else with the virus could infect you. Just because you're healthy doesn't mean you're off the hook.And as I said previously, it doesn't mean you should lock your doors and refuse to stick your head out. Just minimize, instead of eliminating, public exposure.Capitalism isn't saving us from the coronavirus. People and their hard work are doing that. If you made that system moneyless - which you could technically do - those people could still do work. Remember: you're paying for time and labour because if you don't, folks starve. Meet basic needs, and suddenly people no longer have to work to live.I also like the part where someone not in my country is lecturing me about wait times in hospitals. So here's the skinny, at least as far as I've seen it.If you go into an urgent care clinic (read: not the emergency room with a life-threatening emergency) you are placed in triage. this means that people are treated each according to the urgency or seriousness of their ailment. So if you show up with moderate to severe belly pain and a bad headache, but nothing else, you're going to be in line behind the person who comes in with half their hand missing after a car-related mishap, or something like that. If you come in when an ER or urgent care clinic is understaffed, you can wait several hours. It's true. But twelve? I've never once seen that.Also, this is not a flaw in the Canadian health system. It's a flaw in triage, and most health systems worth their salt use triage that's based on medical severity, not money paid out of pocket. Because the alternative is that if you can pay, you get treated right away. And I'm hoping to Christ you're not suggesting this as the right solution, because it means that you're supporting systemic oppression (in this case, classism). You're essentially saying that poor people deserve to wait, and perhaps die, because the rich can pay their medical bills or can stand the debt incurred. And the fun part is, most poor people don't have the freedom to live how and where they choose, the same as wealthy people often do. This means that they often get to live in places with more pollution, less reliable utilities and the like. It means they often can't afford the right meds, the right food, the right supports. It means they usually work more, get paid less, and the money doesn't go further. This can lead to chronic undersleeping, chronic stress and, in turn, chronic medical issues. Put bluntly, the poor, on average, need health care more than the rich do, owing to the systemic barriers they face. And as far as I'm concerned, once you get to the hospital, you are no different than anyone else. Your social status, your money, should not count a whit for or against you. You shouldn't have to wait five hours to see a doc just because you don't have money, and you shouldn't be bumped up to first in line just because you do have cash.So...uh, yeah. Next time you want to criticize the Canadian health system, I kindly suggest that you do a little more research and get your facts straighter. We're by no means perfect, but the fact that you're trying to find fault with this specific aspect of the system makes me think you support a capitalist model of health care. Talk to the poor. How's that working out for them?


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Consider too that the symptoms of this thing, if you look them up, are very similar to lots of other things like the flu or even a common cold. As I posted before, I just experienced a fever, headache, slight cough, and such, but I am still here. We can't let the unknowns of this thing turn us into a mass of stupidity. Oh, I forgot. That seems to have already happened with all this hording going on. I know people want to be prepared for whatever, but there is a big difference between that and being downright selfish. I've also seen where folks want to try and make something political out of this and that's even lower than people hording all of this stuff they don't need. It's really amazing what fear can do, and this whole thing that's been going on recently just serves to prove it. I pray that people get their heads screwed back on properly really soon before this mess gets any worse. However, so long as common sense doesn't prevail, I don't know that I'd count on it any time soon. I hope I'm wrong.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@1 thanks for telling us all what the government and the news broadcasters have been telling us for weeks anyway. always nice to be reminded when you can't get away from the constrant messages on tv, radio and texts from your local health authorities.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

38, another issue with covid-19 is that the numbber of moderate and severe cases makes up about 20-30% of the population. Even if 80% of the population were just fine, covid-19 is spreading much faster than the standard flue, and hospitals are just not equipped to deal with that many  cases requiring ventilation. So, while many in this thread  think the government is overreacting, I for one think it is grossly underreacting and downplaying the situation. For one,  Trump did not close federal offices, potentially exposing government employees to the coronavirus even when private corperations and schools shut for weeks. Second, no closure of non-essential activities/business was ordered, which means people are still walking around, going to work, and spreading it to their coworkers, and the public they interact with. Third, no action was taken against gross stockpiling and price gouging that retailers have engaged in.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

I wish people would quit with the it's just a flu bro argument, we don't know anywhere enough about Covid-19 at this stage to even think about saying that with any certainty.Swanning about, living your life to the fullest is absolutely going to help with the spread of the virus as you may end up with it and not know you have it for a significant amount of time.You typically know you have the flu within a couple of days of being exposed to it, where as this thing has an incubation period of 2-14 days, with some cases as high as 28 days.We don't even know if you can earn immunity to Covid-19 at this stage, we we can't even make up our mind about how long the virus can live outside the human body.  Some people say 60 minutes, others a day.I'm not saying that everyone has to hide out in bunkers for the next six months, but we should be treating this thing with the respect it deserves.It's a highly transmissible virus that we know next to fuck all about, not a flu bro.Wash your hands, wash your canes, keep a good supply of food and anti fever medication and only go out when you have to. Especially don't be like these total fucking bellends you see on the TV going on about how nothing is going to stop them going their holidays.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

I wish people would quit with the it's just a flu bro argument, we don't know anywhere enough about Covid-19 at this stage to even think about saying that with any certainty.Swanning about, living your life to the fullest is absolutely going to help with the spread of the virus as you may end up with it and not know you have it for a significant amount of time.You typically know you have the flu within a couple of days of being exposed to it, where as this thing has an incubation period of 2-14 days, with some cases as high as 28 days.We don't even know if you can earn immunity to Covid-19 at this stage, we we can't even make up our mind about how long the virus can live outside the human body.  Some people say 60 minutes, others a day.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@35The flu has killed more people, but is 10 times less deadly. Covid-19 just hasn't yet had a chance to get to everyone yet.  It's something like 0.1% for the flu, and anywhere from 1% to 3% for Covid-19.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

How has this discussion turn into a political one?


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Well my state just closed all restaurants until April.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

If this was mentioned here before then it will serve as a good reminder, but if not then I'm glad to have brought it up. Yes, this virus can be deadly, and yes it has caused people to fall ill and has killed sum. However, we need to remember that the flu has killed at least 20 times as many people in this country as the Korona Virus has killed here and yet no one panicked. The effects of this thing are very similar to those of a bad flu, so why all this fear and worry? The real pandemic here is fear and not this virus, and the stress that can be caused by the fear can weaken you to the point where sickness can become a real problem and even a serious danger. I know this because I have seen it in others, and once experienced something on those lines. So, the best thing you can do is to go on with your lives as best you can, living them to the fullest regardless of the fear that is all around us at this time. And, don't just go with everything you hear on the mainstream media alone. Be sure to research things for yourself and be as well-informed as you can. We don't even have that many cases here in Pennsylvania, and yet all schools have been closed for at least the next two weeks. that includes cyber schools like the one my daughter attends. I can understand canceling in-person activities, but instruction should go on as normal because it is all online and the teachers usually teach from their own homes. See, this is what happens when people give into fear, all semblance of common sense is tossed aside. And remember, if you do come down with something, don't start thinking that it is this stupid virus that everyone's so worked up about. It might just be you've got a common cold or something like that. I am just getting over one myself and I am doing fine. So, keep healthy, use common sense, keep living your lives just as you always have, and, most importantly, do not panick.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@31, its OK. I can see how such an implication would or could be made, but people will think your making implications that your not irrespective of what or how you right, so there's no sense worrying about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@23 @30Unfortunately there are two definitions of socialism in wide circulation.  In the U.S., the UK is considered socialist by many people.There is such a thing as too much capitalism, which the U.S. definitely has.  There is such a thing as too much socialism, too. Or too much communism. Or etc.  And for each of these there is an example country that has large systemic problems to one degree or another because of it.I personally consider it regrettable that capitalism is behind the disaster because of overuse curve, but the U.S. is slowly headed in a "become the example of why capitalism is bad" direction; I think that it's just easier for the problems with overuse of socialism to emerge faster.But regardless, by U.S. standards, and maybe also by Canada standards, our left is Europe's very conservative right.  We literally debate whether the unemployed deserve to be able to eat still, and we fight over healthcare and all sorts of other stuff and ignore facts in favor of ideology all the time in ways that have very real impact on minorities.  Repealing the ACA is the perfect example: "This will leave millions without health insurance" comes out, and neither side even bothers to refute it, but one side still wants to do it anyway.  This is what capitalism at the cost of all else looks like.Also if you give a bunch of scientists money and resources and say "your work will save lives", they'll do the work. Capitalism or not capitalism only changes the source of the money.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@29     I hope you don't get the virus, or spread it to someone who can't handle it. No one can force you to stay home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@28Reading post 4 carefully, you're not saying that you can get it by breathing therefore you shouldn't stay home or wash your hands.  unfortunately not reading post 4 carefully, it's easy to come away thinking that you were trying to draw that implication.  Not sure if that's just me or not.Either way, I appologise for jumping down your throat.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

23, yeah right, capitalism is helping people, by charging them for a quarantine procedure  they were forced into, by bankrupting  people for procedures that are low cost or free almost in any developed country in the world, by dragging people to work in a pandemic, and spreading it around. I hope this pandemic gives people a rude wake up call regarding the state of the healthcare system.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, quite far from the ground 0 location in North Carolina. We are at very low risk of getting it, let alone transmitting it. I am not going to lock myself in my home away from the public eye over a virus that hasn't even reached me yet, especially when the main cause of my depression is being stuck inside my home all the time. You can go ahead and forget about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@27, fair point. Again, you can technically get it by breathing it in. That's correct, even if not all the information is given in that statement.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@24W.r.t. who to trust, the CDC and WHO are surprisingly apolitical and composed of experts all over the world.  Youtube videos are Youtube videos.  I would strongly suggest not getting information from that source on anything ever, but especially not for health info.In particular the WHO gives accurate, apolitical info even on STDs.You technically get it by breathing, which is what droplet inhalation is.  It requires that you be in the room with someone who is sneezing or otherwise contagious.  It's not going to teleport out of your neighbor's house and into yours.  Staying home can absolutely help, both from the aspect of you not getting it and from the aspect of you not giving it to others.@25If you are in a location with many Covid-19 cases and you aren't being tested, you may be an asymptomatic carrier.  This is why you should stay home.  It is generally not possible with the current infrastructure to find out who is and isn't an asymptomatic carrier, both because there aren't enough kits to test everyone and because being tested  today doesn't mean you don't get it tomorrow.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@25You could be spreading the virus and not know it. Medical experts think you might be able to spread the virus before you show signs of having it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@6, I wasn't claiming you, in particular, were following misinformation. Nice try at discrediting me though.@10, See … for where I got the info in post 4 in regards to contracting it by breathing it in. Honestly, there's so much misinformation out there about this virus its difficult to know what's accurate and what isn't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@6, I wasn't claiming you, in particular, were following misinformation. Nice try at discrediting me though.@10, See … for where I got the info in post 4 in regards to contracting it by breathing it in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Swigger23, I agree, but I don't have the virus so I'm not endangering anyone. Yes, people with the virus should stay home, but I'm not one of them and I'm sure many people aren't them either. Why should I stay home?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@6, I wasn't claiming you, in particular, were following misinformation. Nice try at discrediting me though.@10, See … for where I got the info in post 4.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

To those who think that staying at home won't help  and that it is unnecessary, you could be putting someone's life in danger. For example, I have a weakened immune system, and covid 19 is a real threat to me. If I contract the virus, it has a real chance of ending my life. I am not the only one; the elderly are also at a higher risk of contracting the disease. What it that was one of your grandparents? Would you feel okay knowing you bought the virus home to them? Stop being selfish and listen to the health experts in your country. If they tell you to stay home, stay home!@Jayde     The United States Government is getting help from private labs to produce more test, so Capitalism is helping people. If the united States lived under Socialism, we would all be dead all ready. Socialism is a terrible system; if you don't believe me, just look at Venezuela; elthcare is the least of their problems. That country can't provide enough food for its people. I think i will take Capitalism over Socialism any day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@20For what it's worth, your immune system is for the most part not correlated with other health stuff.  It doesn't matter how much you do or don't take care of yourself.  Saying it's a wake-up call to people who don't take care of themselves is both mean and scientifically inaccurate.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Jayde, I didn't say money was more important than the people. Quite the opposite, actually. Because of the shier unwarranted amount of panic, the economy could crash. If the economy crashes, we may face another depression which could cause issues such as people having to pay high amounts of money for simple meals such as a loaf of bread. Then, we'd start seeing bodies in the streets because people can't aford to nourish themselves anymore.Here's something that could affect you specifically. In Canada, they have free health care. I've heard that on a normal day, people have to wait at hospitals for up to 12 hours to be seen by a doctor. With all this Coronavirus stuff going on, I hope you don't get sick with something worse. If you do, start packing a suitcase and be prepared to move into the waiting room for about a week, because that's most likely how long you'd be waiting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Keep in mind that the virus mainly targets people with weak immune systems. So think about it. The Corona Virus is a wake up call to unfit bastards wwwho takes no care of themselves. Then again, its a sad thing to see the peple who have no choice in the matter being at risk. My very close friend, Reanne has astma, and I would really hate to see her die. Me writting this post thinking about her is making me cry. That's why it annoys me to see people over dramatising this situation, cuz I'm a really sensitive guy. If the economy fucks up afterwards, at least we'll have people to rebuild it, instead of having an extremely small population that can't fuel the economy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@16Who says people are at home doing nothing?  There's lots and lots of jobs that can be done from home and universities are just switching to online classes.If this was 20 years ago yeah, staying home would mean doing nothing, but now we all just use Zoom and Slack instead of the conference room and get on with our lives.@18If you're talking about repo operations, the money isn't exactly real money, and can't be used to fund anything else.  I don't fully understand it, yet, but a first approximation is that there's a big lever labeled allow inflation and when you pull it it gets reported as "U.S. bails out stock market with a trillion dollars".  In reality what it's doing is giving banks incentives to loan by making it easier for them to borrow against the federal government, and in an ideal world the money that was put out is pulled back in through the same open market operations that were used to put it out there in the first place.It's like one of those adjustable leashes for dogs: you can let it out by a trillion dollars until the dog gets out of control, then reel it back in later.I've been doing lots of research on this kind of thing lately because it's interesting and also directly impacts how I can retire, and every time it gets turned into "how about we pay for free college with this money" it usually turns out the money in question is magic phantom money being used to keep small business credit lines from collapsing, not real money that really pays for things.That said I do think we can pay for free college and I don't see most of what Sanders wants as impractical, and the sorts of things that we've done to get the stock market to a place where the repo market is fragile even before Covid-19 are really bad.  But the news runs with really complicated things that are a massive headache to understand, distills them down to "but we could have paid for x instead with this money", and then people run with it as their political headline.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Quick FYI: If you care more about your country's economy than its people, you're looking the wrong way.People can exist in perpetuity and with purpose, without money.Monetary systems cannot exist, and are thus meaningless,  without people.Covid-19 is threatening people specifically, not the money that is or is not in the economy.Yes, economic problems are coming. No, they are not going to be fun.But right now, the real threat is to the people.We've already seen dozens, even hundreds of things that are being suspended or amended in order to help citizens. Stuff that you'd have said a month ago could not or would not change. Well, it changed. Why? Because money isn't everything. Because people matter more than dollars do. Because a government who tried to keep the economy alive at the expense of its people would implode, hard.I promise you that going out and spending money is not going to save the economy. We're facing a recession, at the very least, and I think it's high time, honestly. At least it will mean that inflation doesn't go quite so crazy. Hell, maybe it'll just take something like this, a good solid scare, to convince folks that no, capitalism does not have to be the engine that runs the world.And, in case we're not clear:I am not happy about this virus. I do not want anybody to die. I can't stress that strongly enough. This is not a best-case scenario.But for Christ's sweet sake, start worrying about people, and stop worrying about the economy.I saw a post on Facebook early this morning that really got me thinking.Apparently, there's been a huge expenditure to bail out the stock market. It was done quickly and quietly, without a lot of platforming. Where did the money come from?Nobody's really asking that question. When money is spent on the American military, the stock market, the advantaged, the rich, it's okay because...well, that's what you gotta do in this game, right? But when money is proposed to be spent on something like lowering or eliminating student debt, everyone goes crazy and starts asking where Sanders is going to dream up his money from.Just have a chew on that for a sec, in light of this bigger-picture scenario discussed above. What do you really care about?


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

And this topic is turning out like the original korona virus topic.  Why have 2 of the same as the first one covers everything that has been discussed on this one?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

If people want to use the Coronavirus as an excuse to stay at home and do nothing, that's your prerogative, but count me out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@2You're screwing your self more by pretending that staying at home won't help.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Well Here in new zealand events and crouds are gone.Sports are gone mostly.No one is closing restoraunts just yet or gyms or malls though.People are told to keep their distance, and a lot are, if anything comes out of this that is good, when I went out in the weekend not many people shoved past me and a lot of people suddenly had more manners which I find doesn't always happen when I am out.But yeah my dad in in the older agegroup and is concerned about public transport, we had a few trips to go to.One of them is a day and will still happen.The other is a week and not planned but will probably not happen not sure and its around the country.If anything we should support our echonomy, which means use shops, and while we can go to eateries.Sooner or later if it really gets that bad, we will have no choice but to stay home.Then again the government just defined the isolation, simply keeping your distance during these times is one good thing.It means you can still go out, play, shop, walk, and excercise.Saying that, a lot more people are using their cars and not public transport.That means we are now causing more polution because of this virus.There are people trying to fix it, and a report from that ariea says this could all be over within the next 2-3 months which is what a lot of reports seem to be suggesting.At least we are not like the uk asking people to stay in their houses for 12 weeks.Not sure about inforcement, not everyone will stay home to support their fellow man either.I will  but then I am home most of the time.I wouldn't expect everyone to, I mean we need to work, eat and have ffun.Of course I guess if I was in power I'd just could close everything and give everyone free net, then hmmm you are on the net all day long, and then it gets all done and you go, but why leave while I have the net.We will probably see net adiction go up.Who knows this could be actually the end of the world as we know it because eventually everyone will just stay online and not ever need to go out, scary thought.While I think people in my country will honor the restrictions for now on a temperary basis, no one will do that for years and years.They say 2 years, well they can go fuck themselves.I'll hold it for 6 months maybe a year but its really long.I guess reasons are in it all.We have low debt and can afford to take a bit of a hit but who knows.As this fucking bastard continues and our resources get less and less I can see a day when our people may just decide not to listen.This aint world war 3, not yet anyway.I do listen to some ham radio stuff about because one of the groups I listen to is streaming it on a website and has archives.Some bulk buy, a lot are struggling though.One thing I will not be doing is staying home all day, there are at least 3 days a week I go out and while I can, I will.I mean obviously if things are all shut and it gets so bad that I have no choice and the government tells me to I will stay at home but so will everyone else.But for those that just want to stay at home, you do realise that once everyone does that the net will probably go down.In some places we are running low on copacity allready.The net can get really slow, oh and if everyone is at home, your water or phone or net or power stopps, no one will be fixing it.Oh and if one of those nukes go, everyone will be in their bunkers and not going out.Within reason, all these things will be but blanket staying at home and hiding under a desk, well enjoy the end of the world then.I plan to continue living my life within reason of course.I mean if it gets that bad, then I'll just lie in bed till its over.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@11My understanding is that the countries with Ebola did in fact panic.  No one has panicked about Covid-19 until they actually had a case of it.  It's not like people were freaking out early or something.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

There is a difference in infection vector between those two, however.Staying home keeps person A, who may be infected, away from person B, who may not be.We aren't being asked to stay home because we're all gonna die. We're being asked to stay home to try and limit the sheer volume of cases that are going to crop up. It may already be too late, but I, for one, am going to avoid big crowds for awhile.I'm not afraid to leave my home, or to go to the bank or whatever if I have to. I'll take precautions, and others going out will do the same thing. I won't touch anyone I don't have to, and I'll try and stay close (sit in the back of a taxi instead of the front, as one example). That won't guarantee my safety, but it will help.Point is, let's neither panic nor downplay this.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@7: correct. Remember, the media, a: always exaggerates stuff,, and, b: This is not the plague. Ok. Before you all get on my ass... I'm not saying this isn't serious; it is. However, does it warrant the exaggerated panic that we are seeing? Uh, no.  When ebola was around, and ebola had a almost 80percent kill rate, there abouts, we didn't see this shit, this mass, o my god, pannic that we're seeing here. Its completely back-words. I get that corona virus has spread quicker and far wider than ebola did, but still. It should be back-words, we should have seen this kind of shit with ebola, not this. Its so fucked up. The media has a lot to do with this mass panic and... the movie industry is also to blame. Look at the movie contagion, then look at what's going on with corona... Its not a coincidence. Notice the similarities between the two.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@7: correct. Remember, the media, a: always exaggerates stuff,, and, b: This is not the plague. Ok. Before you all get on my ass... I'm not saying this isn't serious; it is. However, does it warrant the exaggerated panic that we are seeing? Uh, no.  When ebola was around, and ebola had a almost 80percent kill rate, there abouts, we didn't see this shit, this mass, o my god, pannic that we're seeing here. Its completely back-words. I get that corona virus has spread quicker and far wider than ebola did, but still. It should be back-words, we should have seen this kind of shit with ebola, not this. Its so fucked up. The media has a lot to do with this mass panic and... the movie industry is also to blame. Look at the movie contagion, then look at what's going on with corona... Its not a coincidence.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@2I'd say probably around 50% of jobs can be done from home.I really wish people would stop wining about the economy.  It's not going to be a great depression and as @3 is pointing out, the actual worst case of "who do we put in intensive care, and who do we let die" is being faced by other countries already.@4Covid-19 isn't airborne.  The primary infection vectors are hands and droplet inhalation.  I don't know where you're getting your information, but staying at home and washing your hands are very effective ways to stop the spread.You can get it by shaking hands with someone who has it,then rubbing your face/eating/whatever else puts it near mucus membranes; by touching something with Covid-19 on it, then rubbing your face/eating/whatever else puts it near mucus membranes; or by inhaling after someone with it sneezes or coughs.  Fortunately for the hands cases, soap and hand sanitizer kill it.Additionally you can be an asymptomatic carrier for up to 2 weeks, which means getting it and giving it to others without knowing that you are.Staying home is about preventing the sorts of communal contact that lets it jump from person to person, and stopping things like coronavirus on the elevator buttons, where the impact of someone who has it can get magnified tenfold.No, it's not the black death or something.  Depending where you are stayaing home may not be warranted yet.  The U.S. isn't even asking for it yet for the most part, just shutting down the biggest, highest risk types of activities.  But can we please, please stop downplaying this?  The U.s has something like quintupled cases since last Friday.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

be a people?OK?


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Quentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Hi! Today France closed all the restaurents, all schools a lot of shops. So we have not a lot of a choice for staying at home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

Heres something, use common sense.  Unfortunatly most don't have common sense as they say commin sense aint common.  Don't be a sheeple, be a people. do your own research, don't fall in to the mess that the media is spewing out.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lindworm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@4: thanks for putting words in my mouth and claiming I'm listening to misinformation. … S&IR=T


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

I never got the whole stay at home statement, as the virus isn't airborne. The extremely funny thing is, at least here in Trinidad, it took a virus for people to start practising health practices. They've all been calling me a wacko for washing my hands for 40 seconds, now they call me an ass for not washing my hands for a minute. There's a national shortage of lysol and sanitisers, because all the assholes think that those things are going to save them. The idiots. I always tell people, the 1918 Spanish flu was much worse, and killed 50 times more people in 2 weeks than the NCV has infected in 3 months. The Spanish flu may have probably been worse, if troops were at home. Or maybe i have it the wrong way. Either way it was much, much much worse.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@1, fraid that washing your hands and all that isn't going to prevent infection. You get infected just by breathing. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it anyway.@3, the problem is the fact that you shouldn't put your life on hold because of this virus. I'm definitely not. Its a virus, not the black death. Not everyone can stay at home. Don't listen to all that damn misinformation out there. Just stay away from big gatherings and you should be fine. But locking yourself in your home and buying out stores is extremist.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@1, fraid that washing your hands and all that isn't going to prevent infection. You get infected just by breathing.@3, the problem is the fact that you shouldn't put your life on hold because of this virus. I'm definitely not. Its a virus, not the black death. Not everyone can stay at home. Don't listen to all that damn misinformation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

@1, fraid that washing your hands and all that isn't going to prevent infection. You get infected just by breathing.@3, the problem is the fact that you shouldn't put your life on hold because of this virus. I'm definitely not. Its a virus, not the black death.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lindworm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

You do know why some governments suggest you e.g. work at home and avoid big public gatherings, right? It's because you don't want to end up like China, Iran, and italy. Hospitals filled to the brim with seriously sick patients where you literally have to decide who to treat, who should live or die.


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Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lindworm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

You do know why some governments suggest you e.g. work at home and avoid big public gatherings, right? It's because you don't want to end up like China, Iran, and italy. Hospitals filled to the brim with seriously sick patients where you literally have to decide who to treat, live or die.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lindworm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

You do know why some governments suggest you e.g. work at home and avoid big public gatherings, right? It's because you don't want to end up like China, Iran, and italy. Hospitals filled to the brim with seriously sick patients where you literally have to decide who to treat.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: prepare for covid 19

I agree with most of your points, except the part where you said stay at home. You do realize this is why our economies are crashing, right? Hopefully we don't have another great depression on our hands, because if we did it would be international this time. People honestly need to come to their senses. We're screwing ourselves over by staying home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

prepare for covid 19

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


prepare for covid 19

Attention everyoneWhile there's no need to panic, just a gentle reminder to be prepared as much as you can. Don't go out too much, make sure your surroundings are clean, use soap regularly in case you don't, and comply with the instructions of your health authority. Avoid restaurants and make sure utensils are cleaned and washed.This topic is about how we can all prepare against this virus. Please do post your suggestions!


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