Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2016-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

One thing that you need to learn is that everything you do when you interact with others leaves an impact on them, even the most minor and insignificant things. Indeed your name seen by me on posts is still synonymous with a whole host of negative emotions, oh not as powerful and on the surface as when the issues took place, but still there. One of my problems is just that, not being able to forgive, not wanting to forgive, wanting to hold grudges and holding them for far longer. Basically, if you are a friend of mine, I will die for you, do anything to you, implicitly trust you. But, the minute you do something wrong, as in not something that can be easily explained away, that is over. My loyalty is long running, but so is the fires of rage and negativity within me and I will hold onto it far longer than s necessary, wise or even justifiable.Another problem or fault I have is suspicion and it will take a long time to earn my trust, then, things that maybe someone has done 
 well that's enough now to make me suspect them and distrust them.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

Just look for Dave Hooks's real Wheels series  on YouTube.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

What are the names of the shows?


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

Woq. It's  been a while since this topic has been on the first page of the Off Topic Room. I actually found the name  of the shows I watch. They were by Dave Hooks. Even though they were for kids, and now that I'm an adult, watching them again, they're still pretty intertaining, and they explane things, so well, that you would think they were targeted at adults, minus the intro. Antyway, Rock on, guys.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

hmm, interesting topic.  I'm Steve, as you all know I'm sure, the one that introduced Tyler to Danny, and even though Danny's my best friend I've tried to stay relatively on the nutral side, rather than leaning one way or the other, because both sides of it had their valid and invalid points. But all that aside, I've been guilty of a similar thing as Tyler,  exactly the same thing in fact. But as was briefly discussed earlier in the topic, it was due to a lack of fully "ready" moderators, as well as me taking advantage of something that, even though wasn't a rule at the time and being actively demonstrated by the moderators themselves, became a rule shortly after my ban was put in place. Because of this, considering I hadn't broken any "rules", I evaded my ban, openly admitting it to Danny, who in turn did not reinforce it. My point for sharing this story was to assert the fact that yes, we all make huge mistak
 es, but they can be forgiven as was the whole DMNB situation on my end. And while I get where Danny's coming from as far as blocking and dropping tyler as a friend, I still have some doubts concerning the legitimacy of Danny's going completely off the deep end like that, and wouldn't be surprised if the two of you actually became friends one day.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

Techmaster, what I do when I have a dictation problem, I change the rotor setting to word, move up to the word in question, edit it out and manually type in the replacement.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

OK, I found some pretty horrifying news about a week ago. The logic board on my Mac is totally fucked.  I have no clue when I will be getting a new computer or motherboard. Looks like I'm sticking to iOS games, for me mobile Safari which can't even properly display the forward and back buttons for page navigation in iOS nine, and general boredom.  curse bugs. I am officially wish that there was a way to use this form as an application.  The application would be the same thing as this webpage, but it would have notifications when you got new posts, notifications on private messages, and it would be an application and it's cool that you can run anytime without having to open Safari.  stupid voice dictation. New Orleans with dictation needs to go back to English three class.  see what I mean, I can't even process things correctly. It also has terrible punctuation for when things need to be capitalized. I officially wish the CEO of New Orle
 ans Inc. with learning how to properly make a software have proper grammar.  this is weird. It can't even dictate it's cool name. Gosh, make me want to throw this thing out the window.  i'm about to start screaming if this thing doesn't start working properly.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

You have a good point, but what I do not get is that even before I got my hands on the game, I seemed to act the way I did, when trying to evade ban after ban. Its like something my dad said. You get burned, do not keep touching the hot object. DMNB was the stove, and the bans were the kids fingers burning and the evading was the kid keeping the finger on the hot stove.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

I can see why you were adicted, however, the key is learning when to put down the game and to walk away from the computer, as aposed to playing it for 24 hours strate. As much as I enjoy dmnb and the fun its provided me, their are though's times where I must get off it before I scream. Curiously, I had a simmolor situation to yours that whent along the lines of too much of playing muds adiction, and I became quite the jerk during that pyriod. Now a days however, muds are a distant passtime for me, i'll play them and then get board. For instants, miriani used to be extremely speshel and I used to spend half my time on it, now adays though its simpply their, I can't even play it for 30 minutes with out stopping myself from falling asleep. So yes, the key to gaming is moddoration. Remember, gaming is fun, but too much of it can lead to unintended side effects.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

@danny, I understand. Maybe me getting that final ban by dGleks was for the better. Who wants a spammer, newsence, and overall spoiled brat on a good game like that? I sure as hell would not. That just shows the power of idiocy mixxed with addiction and anger. When that gets mixxed up, you get a guy who will do anything... even evading bans to do what he wants to do. I have to admit, I could have done better at that little one, where I got you to make me an admin, 1 hour after I started evading the ban. Lol. I was such a hippocrit. There should be a show called worlds dumbest ban evaders. When evading a ban, do not mention your real name, even if, acting like you knew a guy with your name. Do not treat your real friends as friends in an alter igo. That is common since... lol. So, if you ever want to talk, just let me know.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

@techmaster20 That post actually made me smile, glad to know that i'm considered a bit of an idal for some. To be honest, I may have gotten slitely out of control, I won't bring up the ishues here. To be honest, when I sent you the game initially, it was out of both a little bit of respect for you, and because you wouldn't stop asking. However, I can perfectly understand exactly why. When I first produced dmnb, their were a lot of people who had so menny ideas on what it should have been, from a miriani stile game all the way to a realistic type game with realistic starship controls and such. I stuck in the middle, using the various science fiction programs I watched as a kid for inspiration. Fun fact, just throwing this out their. Before dmnb's early development, I had never even watched a star trek episode, until I decided to sit down and watch an episode of tos in the very early stages of development. Its ok though tyler, we all make mistakes. It is true tha
 t we actually have come from the same mainstreem market, and played the same games when we were growing up, however as I said previously. When I want a friend, I just want a friend. The friend doesn't need to be the coolest person on the block. All I want is to be treated like a normal human being, and not as an all powerful game dev. In fact, one of the things i've learned quite a lot in my 3 or so years of developing games is that programming a game isn't about the cool features, the flashy code and such, its simpply about creating your code and shairing, hents its why I tend to get a bit on the angry side when a programmer or someone else comes in and attempts to instruct me on what I should do better, or constantly complains about my work as aposed to playing it and enjoying it for what it is, and letting it grow over time, and I think that's what broke our friendship was that drastic thing. Which I understand. I'd just like to say that as I said previou
 sly. When i'm added to skype, i'd prefer to be treated as one of you. I consider popularity as a bonus, that is not my goal for being in this community, my goal is to simpply make friends. Ask the people who really talk to me on skype, they'll tell you I rairly bring up my games if at all, and the very few times I bring up my games is if i've got a new feature that i'm wanting to show someone, or if they bring the game up. I'm also a bit shy when it comes to meating new people at times, and tend to not talk that offten in voice calls and such. So that's really all that needs to be said on the subject of yours and i's friendship.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

@Techmaster20, I'd question very much your assertion of the admins or moderators of a game as "the authorities" If a game is run properly, the admins do exactly what I do with this forum, they make rules and run the game so as to insure that everyone who plays has the best experience. I've seen some less good admins of course, who just get a power trip over bossing people around, or in turn allow some players to make life miserable for others, however in most well established games this is not the case and I can think of some very exceptional game staff, Core exiles, Clok mud, alteraeon to name a couple that come to mind. I'm not saying admins can't be mistaken, however I'd always personally give admins of a game I was playing the bennifit of the doubt, and if there is a rule or a judgement to consider their perspective on the matter. Eg, when I had my clok mud character's name changed. Indeed, I will say that I've b
 een playing online games of various sorts for a considerable time, and rarely if ever run into conflict.Now when it comes to self serving institutions and the people who run them purely for their own bennifit and don't give a dam about the individuals they encoutner, eg, companies, self serving cleaquey organizations and to an extent governmental offices, I'm very much in the "stand up and fight the establishment" category, however one fundamental difference between a game and anywhere or anything else is that it's taken as a first tennit that everyone there wishes! to be there and to be playing, and if the game is working correctly, the various decisions taken by it's staff, just like those I take on this forum should be informed by that fact. I'm not trying to judge what you did in the past or what happened, just giving an alternative perspective sinse I do wonder if there were situations when you attributed one motive to game staff when i
 n fact they had a completely different one.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

@dark, what I mean by authority is the admins or moderators of a game. What I mean by obstacles is that if you are banned, you can not get in, which is the point. At the time, I, going totally out of line, always tried to, quote on quote, jump the fence, as far as evading bans. I went as far as acting like a totally different life and personality. That is how desperate I was to play DMNB. That is probably the reason I begged Danny for the game, because I was excited to know that a game, that I had hoped would be made, was in fruition. The reason I thought you would ban me, is that I have, in all the bans I have gotten, was banned from a game, for something that, for one, did not even happen, and for 2, involved a game that I was already banned from. Ever since, I have been insecure. Of corse, I evaded that ban, and was eventually caught. This reminds me of the topic that Ghostrider posted, in which you stated that young developers should not make their first big releases online ga
 mes. I agree. I am not going to point fingers, for the soul respect of this forum, but, come on. Half the reasons that get people banned, or get forum war 3, started, could be stopped if people were a bit more mature, and less prone to jumping on the gun, for say. Dark, you demonstrate who a true admin should be. I have never seen you go ban someone ffor something that had never happened, that even if it had, was not involved with the forum or any of its rules, without at least doing an investagation or warning the person first. That is why I evade bans. The reason was, either not in the rules, was not fair, was in the act of anger, or because I felt that I needed to put out my point. I have said this multiple times in this topic. That does not get you anywhere.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

@Techmaster20, I applaud your honesty, (I've given a thumbs up to the first post for that), however I'm a little unsure what this has to do with moderation or anything else. This forum exists for the soul purpose of promoting audiogames and having fun.  myself and the other mods do what we do just for that purpose none other. You mention "standing up to authority", accept that to be honest there really isn't an "authority" on this forum, politically it is a benign anarchy with an inforcement policy to insure equality betwene members,  ie, do what you dam well like so long as your nice to people! . When I ban someone it is not out of animosity or to "create an obstacle" or any other thing,it's because that person has not treated others with respect on multiple occasions, and so is causing generalised probl
 ems for other people, that is all, indeed I'd much rather not! have to issue a ban which is why people get warned first. While I appreciate the domestic circumstances, divorce and everything else and definitely do feel sympathy for anyone in that situation, it's unfortunately not an excuse for treating others in a less than respectful fashion, (even if it is arguably a reason). Hope this makes sense. I am encouraged however that you seem to recognize what has gone on in the past which has caused problems. One other reason why I personally try not to give out perminant bans if I can is that I do know people make mistakes, heck I have certainly made plenty in my time. So, I'm  glad you have had a think about where things are now and what has happened in the past, sinse that is the way to learn for the future.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

I hope you all especially the mods enjoy this.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

Ok, I knew that this little story was going to get some questions. I was bored, and frankly, a bit lonely. I began thinking back on my last 16 years of my life, and decided to put my story out. I did not care if I was banned for potentially spamming. I only cared about telling my story. @dark, if it had not been for you and the other mods, as well as my english teacher, who I see as almost a fatherfigure, my writing and general profound style of writing, which I took from you and nockternus, would never exist. @ghostrider, I played Deadspace, quite a few snowboarding games, Call Of Duty, and a few of the madden games, as well as some racing games and some MBA games. I litterally had nightmares of checking my email and seeing that someone posted, and checking, only to find out that I was banned for spam. That is how insecure I felt. When I took my shower, that night, I kept arguing with myself about deleting the whole story, in fear of being shunned from the forum, again. Do you th
 ink I need that while going through my second family divorce? No. I almost messaged dark, telling him to give out a moderation for spam. I decided not to do it, and to keep the topic. I also did it, to show that I do have a good story, and that I understand my mistakes. I said the same thing, after being unbanned, but obviously had not changed at all. I could not resist putting my story out, due to the fact that I was bored, and out of hope of ever getting my old life back. I thought, if I can  not have the good life I once had on the internet, might as well share the remains of a winding road of success, answers, questions, horror, learning, and regret. Please regard this topic as an interesting story, not a guilt trip or some sort of evil plan to evade bans. @Danny, if you read this, I am not asking for forgiveness. I tried to explane my story over STW, but I was too scared, and I had no idea of what to say. If you all choose to see my story and that saying that I left behind
 , as an example of a true man of dignity, honor, and stubbornness towards every obstacle that I faced, bans being quite a few, I never gave up on passing or breaking every barior that stood in my way. I hope you all learn from my story, that life is an obstacle corse that never ends.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

hi.[[wow]] that was a fasinating and amazing post. I really like long posts and finding out about people.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

Could you be morespecific on the reasoning for this post? That out of the way, this was quite interesting. What games did you play other than GTA? I've played games since I was 4. Right around the time I lost my vision to cancer. Now, I play XBOX 360 all the time, I've mastered baseball on the WII along with all the sports and I can keep up with all the people who talk about games around me. My girlfriend and I will play videogames together a lot when she comes up here. Games have influenced me greatly, my story is however only similar to yours in that aspect.


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some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

This might be a mini biography, so, if you want to continue listening, do what ever you do, before diving into a leasure reading binge, as far as snacks and a drink. I hope you all enjoy this. So,when I was about 2 years old, I began to love toys that made sound, and looked realistic, due to the fact that I lacked the ability to see what was around me. I also liked to watch videos about different types of vehicles, and the experiences that people had with them. There was a series that I watched, which I can not recall the name, in which two characters named Dave and Becky explored things such as truck driving, being a police officer, being involved with different types of boats, participating in the opperation of big trucks such as toe trucks, garbage trucks, and monster trucks. They also explored so many other types of vehicles. Those shows set the roots to my obsession with getting accurate and reasonable facts about everything, which made me have the urge to speak against anyon
 e, reguardless of whether they were of authority. That still is one of my troubles that lives with me, today. Before I started watching those shows, just like any other kid, I watched Barney. Other kids who watched it, did it for entertainment, and for a laugh. For me, since pre school and kendergarten were very visual, Barney, actually filled in the gaps, and taught me that, even though I was blind, I still could do things. At the age of 8, I started playing games on an old XBox. The first game, that I remember playing at the time, after listening to someone, and practically going crazy at what the game could do, was Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I was way too young to play it, but, I had been raised, hearing those cuss words. I did not ever say them, until a very long time later. I went to the Texas school for the blind for a summer program, and that is where I played my first audio game, met the person who would become my best friend, and met the girl who would become my first lo
 ve, two years later. That person who would become my best friend, about 6 years after meeting him, is actually a member of this forum. I knew what computers were. What I did not know was that they could be used, with no help, by a blind person. I heard a kid, playing a game on the computer, and wondered how he did it. I asked him, and then, I was hooked. The game that I had played was a classic from a group that we believe is gone, due to the fact that after releasing 2 games, was never heard from, again. Grizly gulch was the first game that was meant for people like me, that I had played. I would not play another audio game, until I was 12. I did play a lot of mainstream games, in that time. When I was 9, I went to the school full time. The year after, the lady that I met, 2 years earlier, became my girlfriend until I was 13. I had discovered that with some extra software, I could fully use a computer. I played sonnic zoom, and decent into madness, all thanks to my tech teacher, at
  the time. When I was 13, I got my first laptop. I was over at a friends house. This friend is also on the forum. We were bored, and had wanted to play a game. I had taught Colton how to use a pc, with my own. We went onto google and searched for games for the blind. I found this forum, but really did not. I found the database of games, then later on, as I learned more, discovered this forum. I had been browsing the forum as a guest, for about 2 years. I finally decided to create an account. That was not all that had happened. Around the age of 9, I wanted to make audio movies. I would record parts of movies with a cassette recorder, and make my own little pointless audio files. Little did I know, that if I had a pc, and some sounds, I could be far more creative, and not have files that sounded, well, like a kid in a noisy house, recording snippets of movies. In that time, I had also gone through a very very hard time with my first step dad, who would fight with my mom, hit her, and
  he cussed a lot. I could hear them yelling and fighting, in their bedroom, or in the livingroom, almost every night. I sometimes recorded the stuff, to show to my uncle. Little did I know, I was breaking the law, by recording people without permission. Even if I did, do you think I would want to walk into a shouting and slapping match and ask if I could record it? There was only one good thing about this man. If my mom had not met him, I probably would not have played on that XBox, therefore most likely would not have known about games, and not have joined this forum. Because of the fact that I had been raised in that atmosphere, and had heard it for 10 years of my life, I was, and sometimes are very rude to people, even though I was one of the smartest people in my school. As Steve jobs said, You can not connect the dots, looking forward, you can only connect them looking back. Sorry that I did not put propper