Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Cense the names of a few politics came up, I thought I would go and have a look see at the US Constitution. I also had a look see at the Amendments to said document. It seems like the public in question doesn’t exactly go look at the law of the land. In some ways, the fourth and fifth Amendments in the Constitution could be in conflict in this case. So, if apple doesn’t give up the info, you can ask what are they doing wrong? I really don’t see much if anything. If they let the FBI in, and I was wanting to do wrong, what will I do? Simple, I wouldn’t trust apple any more. LOL. I would find some other way of encrypting my comms, and then use the fifth to my benefit. Of course the FBI would want to use the fourth to search my phones and any other things I have on my person. They may succeed at using this against apple, but what if the info isn’t in apple’s hands. What if the info in question is in my head? So, does this mean that me keeping my mouth shut and not saying a thing put up a road block? Also, if apple has away into the phone by hooking it into a computer give bad guys away to retrieve info from phones that they still if they find a hold? In short, the FBI may (and I do mean may as in a big if) have some legal standing in this case, but it will not do them any good what so ever over all. I am going to keep my eyes on this. It will prove interesting indeed. Matter of fact, this isn't going to look all that good at this time either.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Those results might have been slightly diferent had the poling company asked the right question.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Here's some more disturbing news.On the news tonight, a poll showed that 51% of the people asked, sided with the FBI.Sometimes, John Q Public can be so clueless.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Side Note:Bush has dropped out of the race.Don't forget, that New York and Cali, are wanting to Backdoor Encripted Cellphones, iOS and Android both!Its not gonna be pretty...


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Heh, nobody said that any of our polititians deserved to be president. Unfortunately, one of these idiots will be elected, like it or not.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The fact that Trump could end up president is scary on its own, but let's get specific here. Trump's exact words: "What I think you ought to do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number". The reality: Apple has no security number to give. Apple shouldn't be forced to invent one. And if Apple had one, Android would be a lot more popular--at least until it became common knowledge that Google's doing this already. Sadly, none of the other candidates are doing any better re: addressing this. Clinton's convinced Apple's just not trying hard enough. Sanders is convinced Apple's not complying because they'd lose money. Cruz doesn't know what to believe, and it doesn't matter what Bush thinks anymore. Welcome to your America, folks.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

His statement is very ironic considering how he broadcasted it to the world. Does anyone see the irony here?


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Here's a laugh for you.When Donald Trump, a loud mouth New York billionaire, heard about the dispute between Apple and the FBI's. Using his iPhone, he tweeted that everyone should boycott Apple until they Comply with the request.And the scarry part is, he wants to be our next president!?!?


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The next time you hear someone say this whole backdoor thingwill only effect the one phone, you have my permission to laugh your ass off in their face. Right after you show them this. Did I mention I hate the technologicly ignorant...?


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

I agree that the whole thing of it being used just this once is bullshit, even if everybody has the best of intentions.So they create a backdoor, just this once, just for this phone. Let's say that once they use it, all copies of the code, in any form whatsoever, are irrevocably destroyed beyond any hope of ever being recovered. The thing is, mental impairments and death not withstanding, once you know something of this magnitude, it is impossible to not know it. For the right price, the people responsible for creating the backdoor could be convinced to create it again, or at least spill the beans about how to do it. I just don't buy the only used once thing.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Agreed with @quaninThe most unfortunate aspect of staying secure is that, well, security is not a two way street.  if you're going to give keys to one guy and that guy goes off and duplicates them in some regard, assume the rest of the world already has keys.  On the other hand, if you give no one a key, you alone are capable of entering.  It's clear by the uproar that was caused by the NSA's mass surveillance is still not getting through; we don't want it!  It's bad enough that we have companies selling our information off to third parties for their own benefit rather than ours... Why in the world would we want to add to it by having the possibility of hackers threatening us with it?


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

This has been a thing for years. It's only now making it into the mainstream because of Apple's letter. Everyone from the president on down believes, with very few exceptions, that it should be trivial for Apple to just write something up real quick and magicly the FBI should get access to this phone. Here's the thing, though. Every recent iPhone with a passcode on it is encrypted. Completely. I can't access it unless you give me the code. More importantly, Apple can't access it unless they have the code. There's a reason Apple doesn't have a copy of your passcode, or a master passcode it can use to override yours. Remember the iCloud hack? If that had been Apple's master passcode, or a copy of your own phone's passcode, Apple would be out of business and I'd bet $20 the US government would put them there. What the FBI wants is a ma
 ster key. Something that will unlock the phone they currently have, and any phone they want to look at in the future. That's like your local police department demanding you hand them a key to your front door because shut up. If you wouldn't give the FBI the key to your house, you shouldn't be okay with them having the key to your phone.And let's, uh, rather ignore the small matter of they're looking for emails, texts etc that might be on that phone--which would be easily retrieveable through non-encrypted means if that was really the FBI's goal. It's not as simple as, say, what you'd see on CSI, but come on. If you think they can't call up AT and hand them the number for that phone, you're dreaming. And let's be realistic here. They're looking into accounts a guy everyone knows killed a bunch of people might have used on that phone. How hard would it be to do a little old fashion police work here? Certainly eas
 ier than taking Apple to court.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : king gamer222 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Well obviously their advisors can't do their jobs worth a damn, or else this problem would not be happening right now. Anyone that had a clue would ask a company to inject an attack in to a certain device, or as someone said earlier, the software to inject the attack will most assuredly fall in to the wrong hands.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The news story that you're talking about is the court order that Apple's letter is responding to. After the order, they had 5 days to respond. That letter was their response. I'm not sure what happens from here, but I definitely think that this event is going to spark the conversation on encryption. Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai posted some tweets on Twitter that appear to agree with Apple's stance. Whatsapp's CEO, Jan Koum  has done the same, so this is definitely getting attention, and it seems that the big tech companies are on the side of protecting devices. I hope this debate comes to an end


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The news story that you're talking about is the court order that Apple's letter is responding to. After the order, they had 5 days to respond. That letter was their response. I'm not sure what happens from here, but I definitely think that this event is going to spark the conversation on encryption. Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai posted some tweets on Twitter that appear to agree with Apple's stance. Whatsapp's CEO, Jan Koum  has done the same, so this is definitely getting attention, and it seems that the big tech companies are on the side of protecting devices. I hope this debate comes to an end since I'm tired of the people in the U.S presidential debates pretending to know what they're talking about.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The only thing polititians know is how to lie, cheat, and steal.Beyond that, they are clueless. That's why they have advisers to explain things to them.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The news story that you're talking about is the court order that Apple's letter is responding to. After the order, they had 5 days to respond. That letter was their response. I'm not sure what happens from here, but I definitely think that this event is going to spark the conversation on encryption. Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai posted some tweets on Twitter that appear to agree with Apple's stance. Whatsapp's CEO, Jan Koum  has done the same, so this is definitely getting attention, and it seems that the big tech companies are on the side of protecting devices.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The news story that you're talking about is the court order that Apple's letter is responding to. After the order, they had 5 days to respond. That letter was their response. I'm not sure what happens from here, but I definitely think that this event is going to spark the conversation on encryption. Google's CEO Sundar Pichai posted some tweets on Twitter that appear to agree with Apple's stance. Whatsapp's CEO, Jan Koum  has done the same, so this is definitely getting attention, and it seems that the big tech companies are on the side of protecting devices. I really hope whatever happens here ends the debate on encryption, because it honestly annoys me when people, especially those in the U.S Presidential Debates talk about security and demonstrate that they have no idea what they're talking about.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

The news story that you're talking about is the court order that Apple's letter is responding to. After the order, they had 5 days to respond. That letter was their response. I'm not sure what happens from here, but I definitely think that this event is going to spark the conversation on encryption. Google's CEO Sundar Pichai posted some tweets on Twitter that appear to agree with Apple's stance. Whatsapp's CEO, Jan Koum  has done the same, so this is definitely getting attention, and it seems that the big tech companies are on the side of protecting devices.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

What's scary to me is that the FBI isn't just requesting that Apple help then get access to that one phone's data, which is what they should be asking for, they are asking Apple to create a backdoor program that the FBI could inject into any iOS device.Considering that the government abused the powers that the patriot act gave them and invaded the privacy of people regardless of whether they were suspected of being connected to terrorism or not.I hope Apple wins the fight and so never has to create such a dangerous program. No matter how hard they make it to get a hold of the program, if it exists, it will eventually find its way into the wrong hands. Its better that it never be created in the first place.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

As far as I know, apple will not accept this, but hearing the news that the case may go to the supreme court, yet apple may refuse to accept, cause they know what's coming then to their sales. However, even if this software gets implemented onto iOS, individuals should have the right to install it or not, at least. Anyway apple is one of the strongest companies in the world, its wealth is supposed to be around 189 billion dollars, and hard it will be to beat it.It's the first time, oh sorry the second, since I was 100% agree with the law that all iPhones should be unlocked which many mobile companies in the USA objected.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

According to the news tonight, Apple may no longer have a choice. The news story said that a judge has now ordered Apple to comply with the FBI's request. The story also said that if Apple decides to continue to fight the FBI's request, that the case could go as high as the supreme court.If it's even possible, which Apple claims it isn't, a simple solution would be for Apple to send some iPhone techs to the FBI to decrypt the phone, that way Apple doesn't have to reveal it's technology secrets and the FBI gets the data it wants from the phone.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Jailbreaking a phone is not the same thing as what the FBI wants. You still need the password before you can jailbreak an iPhone most of the time. If an iPhone is rebooted, and the password hasn't been entered, most of the phone's file system is encrypted. This is why if you reboot a phone and you get messages or a call before entering the password, the phone number that it came from rather than the contact name is displayed. So I believe a group of hackers attempting to create the software necessary to do what the court is asking would face a larger challenge than creating a jailbreak,, since like I said, most if not all jailbreaks require the phone to be unlocked first.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Jailbreaking a phone is not the same thing as what the FBI wants. You still need the password before you can jailbreak an iPhone most of the time. If an iPhone is rebooted, and the password hasn't been entered, most of the phone's file system is encrypted. This is why if you reboot a phone and you get messages or a call, the phone number that it came from rather than the contact name is displayed. So I believe a group of hackers attempting to create the software necessary to do what the court is asking would face a larger challenge than creating a jailbreak,, since like I said, most if not all jailbreaks require the phone to be unlocked first.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Just wanted to pop in to say that jailbreaking a phone is not the same thing as what the FBI wants. You still need the password before you can jailbreak an iPhone most of the time. If an iPhone is rebooted, and the password hasn't been entered, most of the phone's file system is encrypted. This is why if you reboot a phone and you get messages or a call, the phone number that it came from rather than the contact name is displayed. So a group of hackers creating the software necessary to do what the court is asking would face a larger challenge than creating a jailbreak,, since like I said, most if not all jailbreaks require the phone to be unlocked first.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Just wanted to pop in to say that jailbreaking a phone is not the same thing as what the FBI wants. You still need the password before you can jailbreak an iPhone most of the time. If an iPhone is rebooted, and the password hasn't been entered, most of the phone's file system is encrypted. This is why if you reboot a phone and you get messages or a call, the phone number that it came from rather than the contact name is displayed. So a group of hackers creating the software necessary to do what they're asking would face a larger challenge than creating a jailbreak,, since like I said, most if not all jailbreaks require the phone to be unlocked first.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Just wanted to pop in to say that jailbreaking a phone is not the same thing as what the FBI wants. You still need the password before you can jailbreak an iPhone most of the time. If an iPhone is rebooted, and the password hasn't been entered, most of the phone's file system is encrypted. This is why if you reboot a phone and you get messages or a call, the phone number that it came from rather than the contact name is displayed. SO creating the software necessary to do what they're asking would be more difficult than creating a jailbreak,, since like I said, most if not all jailbreaks require the phone to be unlocked to work.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Just wanted to pop in to say that jailbreaking a phone is not the same thing as what the FBI wants. You still need the password before you can jailbreak an iPhone most of the time. If an iPhone is rebooted, and the password hasn't been entered, most of the phone's file system is encrypted. This is why if you reboot a phone and you get messages or a call, the phone number that it came from rather than the contact name is displayed. SO creating the software necessary to do what they're asking would be far more difficult than creating a jailbreak,, since like I said, most if not all jailbreaks require the phone to be unlocked to work.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

This Remember Gene, that as much as Apple wants to protect against jailbreaks, jailbroken iphones are still securely encripted. As long as you reserve ssh for when you really need to copy something to your phone's file-system using the computer, and set a strong access code for ssh, no backdoor is created. Now, as far as the case is concerned, this is an outrage that the FBI would ask Apple to do something like this, a move that would put all of our privacy at risk.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

I recently saw a story about this on the news.Acording to Apple, what the FBI wants doesn't exist. Apple says, that the problem with back doors like the FBI is referring to is that they work for both the good and the bad guys. So, according to Apple, with that in mind, they chose not to build one into iOS.Consider this, Apple probably thought they had the iPhone secured against hacks like jailbreaking, and yet jailbroken iPhones are pretty commmon. Now that the story is out, it wouldn't surprise me if some smart cookie of a hacker is working on doing just what the FBI wants.Me? As controlling as Apple wants to be, I don't believe them, but I do hope they are being honest about it. And just in case, I don't put anything on my iPhone that I wouldn't want to share.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

I recently saw a story about this on the news.Acording to Apple, what the FBI wants doesn't exist. Apple says, that the problem with back doors like the FBI is referring to is that they work for both the good and the bad guys. So, according to Apple, with that in mind, they chose not to build one into iOS.Me? As controlling as Apple wants to be, I don't believe them, but I do hope they are being honest about it.Consider this though. Apple probably thought they had the iPhone secured against hacks like jailbreaking, and yet jailbroken iPhones are pretty commmon. Now that the story is out, it wouldn't surprise me if some smart cookie of a hacker is working on doing just what the FBI wants.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

FWIW I side with Apple in their decision. If they had caved and created the software the FBI wanted, they would have thrown all their users, in other words, all us iPhone, iPod, iPad and Mac users under the bus as far as privacy and security is concerned. This has been all over Twitter today.


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

oops sorry about that. Here is the link:


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Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

I don't think you got the link in your post, or am I missing something?


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some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Hi. I ran across this article earlier today and thought I'd share it with you all. It makes me angry what the FBI is doing. Read it here:gald gossips, Mad respect to apple for that.


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