Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Update:I did manage to get roadsplat 3d working by doing$npm runbut the template itself still refuses to run. This is odd.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

So I am another idiot who apparently can't figure out how to run this.I have installed Oriol's dependencies for npm by doing$npm install.I have installed parcel globally by doing$npm install parcel -gI can't figure out how to run the template.Typing in$npm runor$npm startproduces an application which just says "game" and doesn't react to my key presses (I'm assuming it's supposed to?)Suggestions would be helpful. Please give as detailed instructions as possible, lol


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

I actually managed to fix all my errors. For roadsplatnpm installFor the game I was making--target=electron not --trarget=browserOnce I figure out how all of Oriols includes work, be looking for a _javascript_ game guide from me! 


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

with roadsplat, try npm run start


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

The error I am getting now is:[Window Title]Error[Main Instruction]Error launching app[Content]Unable to find Electron app at c:\source\js\first game\clientCannot find module 'c:\source\js\first game\client'Require stack:- c:\source\js\first game\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\default_app.asar\main.js- [OK]


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

@30 I did actually try roadsplat, however it will not run for me. I do$ npm startand$npm runWhen doing $ npm startA window shows but nothing happens. The same goes for all of your games, minus the template, but that is hard to understand at least for me because most of it is on one line.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

hiI've made some games not really using AGK but using the systems behind it.If you go into my github @ogomez92 you can get some code. Try the new roadsplat for instance.It uses lots of different audiogame libraries, and I use much better coding practices than beatstar for example, so I'm learning how to be a better coder and making better games. check it out and see if you like.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Sorry about reviving this topic, but these modules do look interesting and I hope to start using them. I have a few questions, how evr. Has anyone made an example game using AGK yet? And when I run with the web browser, everything works fine. However, when I run the example code given with electron, I get.[Window Title]Error[Main Instruction]A _javascript_ error occurred in the main process[Content]Uncaught Exception:ReferenceError: performance is not defined    at new SoundObjectItem (C:\source\js\AUDIOGAME TEST\client\index.js:3318:23)    at SoundObject.create (C:\source\js\AUDIOGAME TEST\client\index.js:3538:20)    at Object.parcelRequire.index.js.agk-soundobject (C:\source\js\AUDIOGAME TEST\client\index.js:3722:37)    at newRequire (C:\source\js\AUDIOGAME TEST\client\index.js:47:24)    at C:\source\js\AUDIOGAME TEST\client\index.js:81:7    at Object. (C:\source\js\AUDIOGAME TEST\client\index.js:120:3)    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:968:30)    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:986:10)    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:816:32)    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:728:14)[OK]Any idea what could be causing this?Thanks!


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2019-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Amit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Hello,Just wanted to point out this little thing.If you are using JAWS, you need to press JAWS key +z so that the browser can handle the keys. that will be NVDA + space if you use NVDA.Regards,Amit


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2019-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

So I'm trying this out. I'm using a different audio library that offers 3D positioning plus effects (its not FMOD, though I definitely could use that). I have a small menu going, or at least its supposed to be going. The audio library I'm using is called 'wad'. Anyway, I load it up in the browser and it plays the menu open sound, then just sits there. I can't give it any keyboard input or anything.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2019-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Hello Ghorthalon, how did you provide status messages for loading the external audio resources for the different maps?I'm having a problem where not all my audio resources are loading in the production build and I'm wondering how you managed to monitor all the uploads? Also, how did you list out all your assets? did you have a big file with all the imported audio files, one big audio file with a js file that had sound sprites, or what did you find to be most effective?Edit:I found your library: … r/index.jsand see that you had a callback for every sound. I'm guessing that you had an object that had all the sounds in that level and a bool saying if the sound was loaded, then you just got the number of objects with loaded sounds and compared that with the total number of sounds every 500 ms to get the progress bar.I really wonder how much faster loading a single sprite source is vs a ton of smaller audio files. If it is really that much faster, then it would really be useful to have a sound sprite generator that has you upload all your sounds, then outputs a list of the sprite starting and ending points, the sound file's name as the sprite name,and a single audio file with all your sounds combined.Here is a discussion on the topic: … le_images/


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2019-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Hello Ghorthalon, how did you provide status messages for loading the external audio resources for the different maps?I'm having a problem where not all my audio resources are loading in the production build and I'm wondering how you managed to monitor all the uploads? Also, how did you list out all your assets? did you have a big file with all the imported audio files, one big audio file with a js file that had sound sprites, or what did you find to be most effective?


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Haha Cae. It really depends. My answer would probably always be NPM. Events are super easy to handle and do with something like event-emitter3, or the normal _javascript_ event listeners through the event API. WebAudio is basically OpenAL in the browser, and you have things like webBluetooth and other webSensors like accelerometer and gyroscope, etc.The thing you don't need to worry about is something breaking. We're at a point where we can only move forward and add, not remove. If something gets removed then there was a significant problem with it and there are huge security reasons not to do such anymore.You do not need to go through the complicated way of setting up a web project like I have. You can just go out and grab your favorite libraries as .js files and write your scripts like you always have. The reason I do not is because NPM is huge. If I need physics I go on google and search for physics npm.Let's say I find bullet.js. It has a convenient NPM page, I quickly read up on the API, then switch back to my terminal and do npm I bullet.js --save and I can start using it right away. When something get's updated in libraries later I simply npm update, and it makes sure to not pull in any code breaking changes while updating at least minor versions and patches.I also like the OOP way of programming since I come from Java, or at least that's what work made me use. Writing code in the way I do let's me use classes and inheritance like you were kind of used to from Java.class MyObject {    constructor(someParameter) {        this.parameter = someParameter;    }        someMethod() {        console.log("Do something in here");    }    }class AnotherObject extends MyObject {    constructor(anotherParameter) {        super(anotherParameter);        this.anotherMember = "Meow";    }        anotherMethod() {        console.log("Both functions are now accessible on the object yay");    }    }const object = new AnotherObject();This is epic I'd say.Another reason I do it like this is to use imports. Say I want to have those two classes in one file and export them to be able to be used in another file. I simply add export { MyObject, AnotherObject};Or, if I just have one object,export default MyObject;Now, in any script I need this function in, I can import it using eitherimport { MyObject, AnotherObject} from "./myFile.js";or, if there's only one...import CustomName from "./myFile.js";This way, everything is kept within it's own scope and you don't clutter up your main scope with things. So things that aren't supposed to read other things won't be able to read those other things. Makes your code a bit more secure and safer to write.Also there's const for constants now, and let to instantiate variables within the scope. Var was never sure where it'd end up, and usually it was either the entire function or even just globally. Now you can bind your variables to whatever you wanted them to be.I know it sounds super confusing but if you give it a chance it's super powerful. A lot is happening there, we already have our new _javascript_ for this year with a lot of cool things for templating and promises, and promises are especially cool for working with asynchronous code and avoiding tons of callbacks, but maybe I'm rambling on here.Your old code probably still works today. Just... please... Let IE6 die in peace. It's endured too much already and it's time for it to rest and not come back  Oh and I totally forgot to answer where I learn. You're just about right. Reading tons of articles, tons of just messing about, but I also think that there are a lot of really good talks about node.js, _javascript_ in the browser and how to code modern _javascript_ on YouTube. And, you know, just asking around. NPM is great though. Literally anything you could ever want is up there. Over 800 thousand packages. No matter what you're looking for someone probably already wrote it. You just pull it in and it manages all your dependencies for you. Of course there's some dangers with that, like broken or unuqdated or unoptimized packages, but really you would get that just as much if you were copy/pasting from Stack Overflow  just look at how often it gets updated and what people are saying and you should be fine. I never had problems so far. God what a messy post. I better send this off before I get too caught up in myself...  LOL


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

How I made js audio games back in the days of IE6:Usually, the script for the game was in the html file, so as to have easy access to named elements. I offloaded the "getElementByX" crap to functions as much as possible.I kept an ever-expanding script file with seemingly useful stuff. Somehow, I mostly only used my workaround for the array length issue (it seems like that's been solved since?), cookies, changing the contents of divs, and moving images.So an example might look like:Demo Game<br /><!— sound was only really available through embed objects: —><br /><embed name="mysound" src="" autostart=false hidden=true loop=false mastersound><br /></head><br /><body _onkeydown_="keyPressed(window.event.keyCode)" _onkeyup_="keyReleased(window.event.keyCodegg"><br /><div id="textlayer">Press any key to begin?</div><br /><script language="_javascript_" type="text/_javascript_"><br /><!— Hide the script from ancient browsers...<br />function keyPressed (k) {<br />if (!k) k=window.event.keyCode;<br />if (k==65);<br />else if (k==90) WriteLayer("textlayer", "You pressed z, right?");<br />}</p><p>function keyReleased(k) {<br />if (!k) k=window.event.keyCode;<br />if (k==65) WriteLayer("textlayer", "Wasn't that fun?");<br />else if (k==87) document.mysound.stop();<br />}<br />// end hide —><br />I might have made some mistake in there, but that's the idea I understand that window.event is deprecated and all the many tutorials telling me to use it should have gone with, like, document.event or something instead. Also, people have decided to drop the hiding, since the internet is gated now or something and who uses Netscape anymore, anyway? And apparently audio is ... is audio easier now? Because I had balance, volume, and rate available through embeds, so 2d sound was trivial. I understand we have 3D now (for whatever that's worth in a world without 3d audiogames), and that  has to preload everything and that takes forever and clashes with post-IE6 security things. But how you do audio seems to be different every year and requires all of this additional setup, and I am lost and slow to trust anymore.Oh, and I left out timeouts. For some reason the setTimeout function always made me nervous, not that I didn't use it.So, my main question: after doing everything in the OP, installing this that and the other, typing 5 CLI commands, and setting up one of those hidious standardized project directory trees, how complicated are handling events, playing sound, and dealing with HTML elements? Will it work? Because if I follow the steps as given and cannot get these things to happen with comparable ease after 3 tries, I give up entirely and resign myself to being the annoying old person whose response to everything is "back in my favorite decade..."


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Awesome! Thanks so much for this! I have two questions:1. In the libraries you provided, are there functions to read raw binary sound data? I ask because people could potentially make sound packaging formats. Many benefits to this, one of which allows for encrypted .dat files, or custom formats. I assume NPM has modules for compression, etc? I don't know, I haven't messed much with NodeJS.  I'm so used to C/C++.2. If not too much to ask, how did you learn about all of this? Just a quick summary would suffice. I suppose that an answer to any such question could be something as simple as, "I learned it through experimentation and article reading."  But if anything else helped, I'd like to know about it.Thanks again.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Does CodeRunner do pretty much the same things as TextMate? CodeRunner I like for it's IDE code completion stuff, but would there be a reason to have TextMate as well in the toolbox?


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

That only works in Safari, as far as I know Chrome struggles with that. I just like the unix shell and CodeRunner/TextMate make forget code editors. I also figured out how to make VS Code read properly, and that gives you easy access to consoles with breakpoints etc. This also works on Windows though. And other than that it's mainly the laptop. The MacBook Air is great for portability and especially battery life. There's more obviously, but yeah I guess that could warrant it's own topic.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

I never have quicknav on. I'll try that again but last I tried it was acting odd.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

If you turn quicknav off and arrow up and down on the page, the code will read properly.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

What do you use on Mac to develop? How is it better than Windows?I'm on Mac, however I hate VoiceOver on the web because when viewing tutorials, VoiceOver reads code all on one line, and it's hard to view it even when interacting with it.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

The easiest way to build an Electron app out of your web app is to change into the directory of your game, the main directory. Then type:npm install --save-dev electron--save--dev saves Electron in the development dependencies of the project. These are only installed when you're on your development machine. Open package.json, find the scripts section and add a comma after the one that's already there, then add:"start": "electron ./client"Save the file. now, when you runnpm startElectron will open with your game.To build your electron app into executables for all platforms, install electron-builder into your global modules like so:npm install electron-builder -gThen, in your main directory of the game, type:buildIt will build for all major systems. Mac, Windows and Linux. Code signing will only work if you're on Mac and have a developer account, however it is possible to build for Mac, windows and linux on one platform. Cyclepath was built for all systems on Windows, so you don't need mac to write Mac applications, however only Mac can create DMG files so you will have to distribute your Mac applications as zip files if you're developing on Windows.That said Mac has quickly become my favorite development platform. LOL


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

Doing things in the web is good, but I do want a fake desktop app, that is to say, Electron. Reason I say fake is because in actuality it's a web app bundled to look like a desktop app, from how I understand.


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Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

2018-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Modules to help build Audio Games in the browser

ok ghort, this is definitedly awesome. you did a small framework for build games in JS, using your favorite tools and libs. keep doing that amazing work.Waiting for the voilerplate for a complete project!


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