Enclosed are the minutes from yesterday

Minutes of the 14th September 2017 Teleconference     Austin-836 Page 1 of 1
Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. 15th September 2017

    Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR
    Joerg Schilling, FOKUS Fraunhofer
    Andrew Josey, The Open Group
    David Clissold, IBM
    Geoff Clare, The Open Group
    Martin Rehak, Oracle, The Open Group OR
    Richard Hansen, Google (30 minutes late)

    Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR
    Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems 
    Eric Blake, Red Hat

* General news 
We discussed the IEEE ballot status, which had now closed.

The ballot results were as follows 82% return, 100% approval and 5 comments

The comments are  1 mandatory editorial coordination approval
confirmation, and four proposed updates to RFC references.

A note below from IEEE:

"The deadline to submit to RevCom for December's meeting is October
16. Therefore, you have some time to discuss the comments with the
WG and determine if you would like to make the suggested changes.
If so, you will have to respond to the comments and issue a 10 day
recirculation of the document. "

Andrew completed his action to analyze the possible impact of the changes
(details below).

Given the aim to have the 2017 edition be line number compatible
with the 2016 edition, the recommendation is we do *not* make these
changes at this time, and fold these into the next revision or TC. The
balloter has noted that these these comments do not need to be

1. RFC 2460 was obsoleted by RFC 8200 (published in July, 2017),
becoming an Internet Standard (STD 86).

Update the RFC 2460 reference to RFC 8200 (STD 86), and update the
"available at" location information as well.  Note: while there is
no explicit reference to RFC 2460 or RFC 8200 (IPv6 specification),
and it might be tempting to simply remove this reference, the same
observation may also be made with respect to the reference for RFC
791 (IPv4).  The IETF is no longer developing new protocol support
for IPv4, hence this (IPv6) reference should remain, unless the
IPv4 reference is also removed.

2.In References, RFC 2373 was obsoleted by RFC 3513, which was
itself obsoleted by RFC 4291 - which should be the correct reference.
Note that these are relatively important changes to the IPv6
Addressing Architecture.

Update reference to RFC 4291. Please also update the "available at"
location information as well as explicit references on: page 532,
subclause, line 18718 and page 1139, line 38495

3. RFC 1886 was obsoleted by RFC 3596 (in October, 2003), which is
now an Internet Standard (STD 88, as of May 2017)

Update reference to point to RFC 3596 (STD 88).  For all updated
RFC references, please also update the associated "available at"
location information, as well as explicit references at: page 760,
line 25867 and page 934, line 31719

4. RFC 822 was obsoleted by RFC 2822, which was itself obsoleted
by RFC 5322 - which should be the correct reference.  While RFC
5322 is a successor to RFC 822, it did not succeed it (directly).

Update the reference to RFC 5322. Also update "available at" location
information and replace the text that currently explicitly refers
to both RFC 5322 and RFC 822, located at: page 2965, line 98313 and
98314.  Replace - "RFC 5322 (which succeeded RFC 822)." - with -
"RFC 5322.”

* Outstanding actions

( Please note that this section has been flushed to shorten the minutes -
to locate the previous set of outstanding actions, look to the minutes
from 28 Jan 2016)

Bug 0000249: Add standard support for $'...' in shell   Reopened
We will return to bug 249 on a future call.

Bug 0000953: Alias expansion is under-specified   Was Accepted as Marked
Richard has an action to propose new wording to discuss in a future telecon.

* Current Business

Two items from previous weeks are still open:

Bug 1061: Please add memmem() (and maybe wmemmem())  OPEN     

Bug 1053: Add a "size" mode to stty(1)         OPEN
This remains open.

Bug 1151: Introduce new signal SIGWINCH and functions tcsetsize(), tcgetsize() 
to get/set terminal window size OPEN
We continued discussion on this item, notes were taken in the
etherpad, we will continue next time.

Bug 1063: missing specification for sh -h        OPEN

We have started on this item and need to continue at a future meeting.

Next Steps
The next call is on September 21st, 2017 (a Thursday)

Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific) 

This call will be for the regular 90 minutes.

An IRC channel will be available for the meeting

An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as 
username=posix password=2115756#

Andrew Josey                    The Open Group
Austin Group Chair          
Apex Plaza, Forbury Road,Reading,Berks.RG1 1AX,England
Tel:+44 118 9023044

I’m Giving Back at the London Half Marathon Walk Sep 23rd 2017

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