Enclosed are the minutes from this weeks teleconference. The next call is 
January 11th

Minutes of the 4th January 2018 Teleconference     Austin-849 Page 1 of 1
Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. 6th January 2018

    Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR
    Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR
    Geoff Clare, The Open Group
    Andrew Josey, The Open Group 
    David Clissold, IBM
    Andreas Grapentin, University of Potsdam, HPI
    Joerg Schilling FOKUS Fraunhofer
    Eric Blake, Red Hat
    Richard Hansen, Google
    Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Dev. Co.

    Martin Rehak, Oracle, The Open Group OR

* General news 

We discussed the front matter for the POSIX.1-2017 standard.  We
will still note that The Open Group approved the standard in June
2017.  Andrew is targeting to submit the standard to IEEE by January
12th, so it can be published at the end of January.

Andrew and Nick are hoping to meet with Keld soon, to discuss 
the SC22 concerns regarding the approvals process, which we believe we
have now resolved with ISO, ANSI and IEEE.

* Outstanding actions

( Please note that this section has been flushed to shorten the minutes -
to locate the previous set of outstanding actions, look to the minutes
from 28 Jan 2016)

Bug 0000249: Add standard support for $'...' in shell   Reopened
We will return to bug 249 on a future call.

Bug 0000953: Alias expansion is under-specified   Was Accepted as Marked
Richard has an action to propose new wording to discuss in a future telecon.

* Current Business

Bug 1067: missing socket() error for unsupported socket type Accept as Marked

This item is tagged for Issue 8

In the Dec 14 teleconference it was decided to allow all three
behaviours in Issue 8 but with OB shading and future directions as
a warning that we intend to require ESOCKTNOSUPPORT in Issue 9.

Proposed changes:

(All page and line numbers are for the 2016 edition.)

On page 236 line 7959 section XBD <errno.h>, add:
    [ESOCKTNOSUPPORT] Socket type not supported.

On page 487 line 16832 section XSH 2.3 Error Numbers, add:
        Socket type not supported. The socket type is not supported
        by the address family, or the socket type is not supported
        by the implementation.

On page 2005 line 64494-64497 section socket(), change:
        The protocol is not supported by the address family, or the
        protocol is not supported by the implementation.

        The socket type is not supported by the protocol. 

        The value of protocol is non-zero and either the protocol
        is not supported by the address family or the protocol is
        not supported by the implementation.

        The value of protocol is non-zero and the socket type is
        not supported by the protocol.

        The socket type is not supported by the address family, or
        the socket type is not supported by the implementation.

On page 2005 line 64510-64513 section socket() change:



        Historically the standard did not specify the errno value
        to be used when the socket type is not supported, and there
        were differences between implementations. Some reused the
        existing standard [EPROTONOSUPPORT] or [EPROTOTYPE] values
        while others set errno to a (then) non-standard value of
        [ESOCKTNOSUPPORT]. All three values are permitted in this
        version of the standard, but the use of [EPROTONOSUPPORT]
        or [EPROTOTYPE] is considered to be misleading when no
        protocol is specified (that is, the value of protocol is
        zero) and consequently those alternatives have been marked
        obsolescent. If protocol is non-zero, since there is no
        precedence between error conditions, all three values will
        still be permitted even after the obsolescent alternatives
        for the [ESOCKTNOSUPPORT] condition have been removed.

        A future version of this standard may disallow setting errno
        to [EPROTONOSUPPORT] or [EPROTOTYPE] when the socket type
        is not supported and protocol is zero.

Bug 1068: Binding to a system-assigned port. OPEN

Action item: Andrew to ask Martin if there is anyone at Oracle who
is active at IETF, who could forward the issue and sponsor it at

Bug 1069: with a process group ID equal to (/*are you sure?*/pid_t)id Rejected

We do not want to make any special markings just on this page for
one or two defined terms.

We have, however, suggested to the editor that it would be nice if
all uses of terms defined in the standard could be presented as
links that, if clicked, would take you to the definition of that
term in the XBD volume of the standard.  Since this is a huge amount
of work for the editor, we do not know if this suggestion will be
implemented any time soon, or at all.

Bug 1070: Collation issues in XCU (changes for Issue 8)    Accepted
This item is tagged for Issue8.

Bug 1071: Name space reservation should move to XBD Accepted

This item is tagged for Issue8

Also see:

Approved with note:
    Although we are reserving these namespaces for use by the
    standards, we realize that there is some existing practice using
    some names in these namespaces.  Since these namespace reservations
    won't be formal until Issue 8 is adopted and we plan to start
    using some names in these namespaces in Issue 8, we will attempt
    not to break existing code while producing Issue 8 of the
    standard.  (We try to avoid name collisions even when there are
    namespace reservations anyway, but there is always a chance
    that we will pick a name and not know that the name has been
    used for some other purpose.)

Next Steps
The next call is on January 11th, 2018 (a Thursday)

Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific) 

This call will be for the regular 90 minutes.

An IRC channel will be available for the meeting

An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as 
username=posix password=2115756#

Andrew Josey                    The Open Group
Austin Group Chair          
Apex Plaza, Forbury Road,Reading,Berks.RG1 1AX,England
Tel:+44 118 9023044

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