Re: [BackupPC-users] Wrong user: my userid is 0, instead of 105 (backuppc)

2008-04-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
dan wrote:

> did you create the user backuppc?  if so, does backuppc have a home  
> directory and does it have a default shell of /bin/bash?  

For security purposes you might choose to configure the BackupPC user  
with the shell set to /bin/false. Since you might need to run some  
BackupPC programs as the BackupPC user for testing purposes, you can  
use the -s option to su to explicitly run a shell, eg:

 su -s /bin/bash __BACKUPPCUSER__

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Wrong user: my userid is 0, instead of 105 (backuppc)

2008-04-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
shacky wrote:

>>> Maybe /usr/bin/perl is suid?
> Yes!
> Perl is suid:
> server:/usr/local/bin # ls -l /usr/bin/perl
> -rwsr-xr-x  3 root root 1334016 2007-11-08 18:49 /usr/bin/perl
> How permissions I have to set to /usr/bin/perl?
> On another server I have it setted to 755, is it right?

I don't run SuSE, but on my CentOS machines /usr/bin/perl is 0755.  
What does 'rpm --verify perl' say? (No output is good.)


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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC data on a Samba share

2008-04-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> On 04/22 04:43 , shacky wrote:
>> Anyone is using BackupPC with the data directory (var/lib/backuppc)  
>> on
>> a remote Samba share?
> Don't do it.
> - If you're using SMB or CIFS I don't think it will support the  
> hardlinks
>  that BackupPC requires for data pooling.

I believe it does work when the filesystem behind SMB/CIFS supports  
them. It really depends on what filesystem is used on the NAS.

> - It's going to be slow. Just buy a big cheap local disk.


Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC, rsync & Leopard

2008-04-24 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Matthew Metzger wrote:

> did you ever solve your problem? I'm using a package called xtar that
> correctly handles OS X resource forks, but it would be great to use
> rsync instead.

I believe Apple is phasing out using resource forks.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Cannot move hard links using BackupPC_tarPCCopy

2008-04-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)

> Hi,
> I have set up BackupPC on Kubuntu as a guest OS sitting on top of  
> Windows XP using vmWare Server. Thus, my full set up is:
> - Windows XP Prof
> - vmWare Server
> - Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron (as a guest OS in vmWare)
> - virtual disk on a USB 320G disk
> - Current backup directory: /var/lib/backuppc
> - New backup directory: /mnt/myusbdrive/backuppc
> I was able to do a test backup which went to the default set up of / 
> var/lib/backuppc/pc
> However, to have a proper set up I need to increase my disk space  
> for the backup. I created a virtual disk that is sitting on the USB  
> drive.
> I created the folders under "/mnt/myusbdrive/backuppc" :
> - pc
> - cpool
> - pool
> - log
> The permissions and ownership for each are:
> - drwxr-xr-x  for pc, cpool, & pool
> - drwxr-x---  for the log directory
> - drwxr-x---  for the pc/leo directory
> I stopped the backuppc process with "/etc/init.d/backuppc stop"
> I then did a su to be the user backuppc and then navigated my way to  
> "/mnt/myusbdrive/backuppc/pc"
> Once in the folder, I executed the command, "/usr/share/backuppc/bin/ 
> BackupPC_tarPCCopy /var/lib/backuppc/pc | xvPf -"
> Unfortunately, each time I have tried I receive the following error  
> (for each and every file):
> tar: ./leo/5/fZleo/attrib: Cannot hard link to `../pool/7/1/a/ 
> 71a84edaf55c1badb085a7937fc09c15': No such file or directory
> BTW, having a look at the folder, I can see that it has made the  
> directories but no files. They have the "f" in front of each  
> directory name.
> I've looked around on the net, but either the answer is there and I  
> can't see it from the trees, or ... well it's not.
> I would appreciate any pointers on what I'm doing wrong.

If you use the packaged version of BackupPC please just use /var/lib/ 
backuppc for your backups. You can (bind) mount your backup space at  
that location. Alternatively create /var/lib/backuppc as a symlink to  
your backup storage. Also make sure that the filesystem you're using  
supports hardlinks.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Has anyone used BackupPC straight out of the Fedora distribution?

2008-04-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Arch Willingham wrote:

> In the past, I have successfully installed Backup PC by installing  
> it from the files from the source at  
> but have never been able to get it to work via the version that  
> comes with Fedora FC8 or FC9 (I.E. the version that installs when  
> you install via yum or add-remove programs in Fedora). Has anyone  
> out there ever been able to get it to work that way?

What didn't work with those versions? They may use a different URL for  
the web interface. Looking at the package contents / docs will  
probably tell you where to look.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] backing up to NAS

2008-05-01 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Leandro Tracchia wrote:

> i am trying to backup the data to a NAS (Terastation). i've already  
> read somewhere that the NAS needs to have a filesystem that supports  
> hardlinks in order for backuppc to be able to do its thing. smb/cifs  
> does not support hardlinks (as far as i know) so i cannot mount the  
> NAS as a smb/cifs share. so i have two questions:
> in what filesystem should i mount the terastation??? (assuming that  
> filesystem is supported by the terastation)

I believe Samba actually does support hardlinks, but it's not a  
filesystem. If you have a drive that is formatted as FAT32 for  
instance, you won't get hardlinks, since FAT32 doesn't support  
hardlinks. If your NAS supports NFS mounts, try that. People here  
generally suggest to choose a local/external drive over a NAS: less  
hassle and better performance.

> and do i simply just mount the terasation to /var/lib/backuppc/ 


Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Configure a front-end back-end setup

2008-05-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Randy Grugan wrote:

>  I am not sure if this is possible but I want to run the web front  
> end of BackupPC on my apache server while having the backup and  
> storage on another box. Is it possible to have the web front end  
> talk to this back end? If possible can someone give me some pointers  
> on getting this format setup?

Looking at the first three options at 
  it's possible. I don't have any experience with this setup though.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Using Postif instead of Sendmail

2008-05-05 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Romain wrote:

> I would like to know if it's possible to use Postfix instead of Sendmail.
> If it's possible, do I change :
> $Conf{SendmailPath} = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
> to $Conf{SendmailPath} = 'MY_PATH_OF_POSTFIX';???

Usually this is not necessary, as I believe almost all MTA's provide a 
sendmail interface. I'm not sure about Postfix though, but you could 
check if it provides /usr/sbin/sendmail.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Using backuppc over WAN

2008-05-06 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Chris wrote:

> Thanks, but what about weekly full backups? Would that swamp our remote 
> 512mbps connections?

You can always limit the bandwidth used by your backups.

> Our big issue here is retention - we have to keep backed up files 
> indefinitely, can backuppc maintain a continually growing catalog of 
> indefintely retained files?

I have no experience with keeping files indefinitely, but maybe 
something like rdiff-backup is less resource intensive in that case. But 
BackupPC is a nice product, so I image it would do fine. You might also 
want to write archives to tape and not keep everything in BackupPC forever.

> Of course, we would probably need to install a 64-bit database server

What would you need a database server for?

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Transfert BackupPC to an other machine (How ?)

2008-05-07 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Sam Przyswa wrote:

> We have to change our BackupPC server to a new machine, how to copy the
> entire BackupPC directory (120Gb) to an other machine ?
> I tried rsync, it crash after a long, long time, I tried scp but it
> don't pass the link and the dest directory become out of size after
> transferring about 50% of files...
> What is the right way to transfert a BackupPC with 120Gb of files ?

An often suggested method is using dd and growing the filesystem 
afterwards. This will probably be a lot faster as dd doesn't need to 
know anything about the file structure and things like hardlinks.

Or do as I do: just setup your new server, disable backups on the old 
one wait until the new server has run enough backup runs and then 
shutdown the old server.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backuppc on 64bit

2008-05-08 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Leandro Tracchia wrote:

> Would I have a problem running backuppc on a 64bit processor with Ubuntu 
> 64bit OS???

We run BackupPC on CentOS 5 64-bit and it's working fine. Since Ubuntu 
is even shipping a BackupPC package I wouldn't know why you'd have a 

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backuppc on 64bit

2008-05-08 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Daniel Denson wrote:

> Actually, there are still a lot of issues when running a 64bit server 
> system as some software has not been ported up or requires a specific 
> library that has not been ported to 64bit.Mostly, it is libraries 
> that are 64bit and 32bit programs that can't use them.

I haven't had any problems with servers. Desktops are another case, with 
still no 64-bit Flash plugin and no 64-bit Java plugin and things like that.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC_zipCreate created huge zip that cannot be read

2008-05-14 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Eduardo Trápani wrote:

> I tried many programs, in Windows and Linux, to no avail.
> The problem was that Backuppc (actuallly the perl zip module)  
> created the zip file on the fly, with the normal 32bit headers,  
> without knowing that it would be bigger than 2G.  Whenever a program  
> tried to get the "central directory", at the end of the zip file, it  
> would actually land in the middle of the file.
> There were other problems too but, anyway, what I did was code a  
> small program that "walks" all entries and dumps them.  I created  
> the directory structure first.  Good thing that the files were not  
> compressed.

Did you try BackupPC_tarCreate? I believe that tar works better for  
these large files.

Nils Breunese.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC_Admin displayed instead of executed on Apache

2008-05-17 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Sam Przyswa wrote:

> I installed BackupPC 3.1.0 (before 2.1.2 on an old machine) on new
> machine with Apache2 but the main script BackupPC_Admin is displayed  
> on
> browser instead of be executed !?
> What is the right apache2 config to run BackupPC ?

See the docs:

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Resume Backup

2008-05-20 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Les Mikesell wrote:

> Hendrik Friedel wrote:
>> Well, I manually started the backup. I was not notified that the  
>> HDD is over
>> 95% full.
>> Moreover: If the Backup Fails because the HDD is full, this is  
>> exactly what
>> should be in the Error-Message, don't you agree?
> Well yes, but it doesn't hurt to read the status page once in a while.

Or more generally: it doesn't hurt to monitor your servers and  
services. Servers will also not report high load, shortage of memory,  
high CPU temperature, etc. by themselves. If you want to be notified  
of these things, you'll have to look into setting up some monitoring  

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] How to BackupFilesExclude to exclude locked files on Windows XP

2008-05-20 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Les Stott wrote:

> For the excludes you can use "*" which means apply to all shares.

Not entirely correct. Technically it means 'apply to all shares that  
do not have any explicitly set settings'.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] newbie backup strategy question

2008-05-21 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Sebastian Perkins wrote:

> We are new to backuppc (migrating from an old DAT tape based system  
> to disk based backup) and we have a question regarding full & incr  
> backups.
> Our goal is to maintain 2 months of data off samba shares.
> We will be using the rsync option (better incremental  
> possibilities). Is just using incrementals OK ? (which means the  
> first save will be a "full"). Or do we need a "full" every month +  
> incr every day just like on DAT (this amounts to about 1To). ?

A common misunderstanding is that an rsync full transfers all files.  
It doesn't. Using rsync a full backup means that all files are checked  
more thoroughly (which requires more resources), but still only the  
incremental changes are transferred over the network.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Fedora 9 and BackupPC]

2008-05-21 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Deja3 wrote:

> Ok, I have fixed this problem.  It seems that Fedora 9 ships with
> samba version 3.2.0-1.pre3.9, which does not work (for whatever
> reason) with BackupPC.  The fix is to download the latest STABLE
> source of samba (3.0.28a) and compile it yourself and then do a "make
> install" to replace the 3.2.0-1.pre3.9 binaries with the ones from
> stable.

Did you install the BackupPC package from the official Fedora  
repository? If that doesn't work with the version of Samba they ship  
then I suggest filing a bug report:

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Fedora 9 and BackupPC]

2008-05-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Renke Brausse wrote:

>> If that doesn't work with the version of Samba they ship
>> then I suggest filing a bug report: 
> another possibility would be the Redhat bugtracker on
> - afaik this is the "official" point for
> Fedora issues.

The Bugs and Feature Requests page on the wiki directs you there, but  
gives a bit more info on reporting bugs.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Postfix

2008-05-23 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Doug Lytle wrote:

> Barry Robinson wrote:
>> Is there any way to use Postfix instead of Sendmail for BackupPC?
> I think it's as simple as creating a symlink to postfix and name it  
> sendmail
> ln -s /usr/sbin/postfix /usr/sbin/sendmail
> Actually, I just checked.  There is already a symlink to postfix as
> sendmail in my install.  I believe this is done automagically.  You  
> may
> want to check.

Yeah, all MTA's I've ever worked with provide a sendmail interface, so  
usually there is nothing special you need to do to be able to use  
Postfix. Just point your software to /usr/sbin/sendmail and it should  
be ok.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Rsync to Windows client very slow (Was: Re:How to BackupFilesExclude to exclude locked files on Windows XP)

2008-05-25 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
dan wrote:

> Rsync v3 does greatly(samba's words) improve memory usage and file  
> list transfer time, as well as allowing transfers to begin before  
> the full file list is tranfered.  hardlink transfers are also much  
> faster in v3.
> Other nice features are support for extended attributes and acls  
> with rsync v3.
> Anyone know if rsync3 can but used with backuppc?  is it's syntax  
> different enough that backuppc would need modified to run with it?

I have rsync 3 on my Linux client machines and it works just fine, but  
BackupPC isn't using any rsync 3 specific features AFAIK. Rsync and  
BackupPC's File::RsyncP module negotiate a protocol version and  
File::RsyncP doesn't support the latest versions of the rsync protocol  


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Re: [BackupPC-users] 'groups' in the hosts file

2008-05-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> in the /etc/backuppc/hosts file (or whereever it may be), one can  
> specify
> multiple users who have access to that system.
> for instance:
> hostdhcpusermoreUsers
> pc080   backuppc  foo,bar,baz
> Instead of 'foo,bar,baz', is it possible to put in '@admins', in  
> much the
> same way that it's possible in the sudoers file... where you define  
> a group
> in part of the file, then call it elsewhere?
> I've not seen a reference to that anywhere, but if someone knew it,  
> it would
> be appreciated if they could tell how.
> Otherwise, this might be a wishlist feature for a future release.

You can set the admin users in $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}. See the docs:

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] 'groups' in the hosts file

2008-05-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Craig Barratt wrote:

> Nils writes:
>> You can set the admin users in $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}. See the docs: 
> You can also put a single unix group in $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup},
> whose membership is unioned with $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}.

That is also mentioned at the link I pointed Carl to.

> However, none of these are exactly what Carl was asking for. It
> wouldn't be too hard to add the meta-syntax you proposed for the
> hosts file - if a name starts with "@", replace it with that
> group's membership.  Probably a 2-4 line change if someone
> wants to try it.

Yeah, it isn't exactly what he was asking for, but the example he gave  
seemed to indicate he was looking for a way to specify an admin group.  
If you want more groups something like that @-notation would be nice  

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] images not displayed on the status page

2008-06-02 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Les Mikesell wrote:

> Benedict simon wrote:
>> Dear All
>> I have just installed backup PC as per the docs and now when i run
>> http://hostname/BackupPC_Admin
>> the main page .. Backuppc Server status page comes but no images.
>> also in the http errors.log i c
>> [Sun Jun 01 13:05:10 2008] [error] Bareword found where operator  
>> expected
>> at /var/www/
>> cgi-bin/images/sorttable.js line 1, near "#line 1
>> /var/www/cgi-bin/images/sorttable.js
>> \n// Used"\nsyntax error at /var/www/cgi-bin/images/sorttable.js  
>> line 1,
>> near "#line 1
> It looks like you specified the images directory to be underneath the
> cgi-bin directory during installation, and you have apache  
> configured to
> execute everything under cgi-bin, so it is trying to execute the  
> content
> on the server instead of displaying it.  Normally you would put the
> images somewhere like /var/www/html/backuppc/images that isn't
> configured for executable content.

That's also what I did, Les, but the docs indeed seem to say otherwise:

"Apache image Directory

A directory where BackupPC's images are stored so that Apache can  
serve them. You should ensure this directory is readable by Apache and  
create a symlink to this directory from the BackupPC CGI bin Directory."

AFAIK you don't need that symlink and you should just place your  
images directory in your document root and *not* under your cgi-bin  

Nils Breunese.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Re: [BackupPC-users] images not displayed on the status page

2008-06-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Benedict simon wrote:

> Thanks Guys and really apprecite for your quick reply
> actually under mu cgi-bin director i only have the BackupPC_Admin  
> script
> which is installed by the install program.
> only i had a soft link in my cgi-bin directory to the images directory
> which was under /var/www/images
> i still have the same problem but diiferent error
> let me do give u some more details
> 1) apache runs as user backuppc and group apache
>   document root is /var/www/cgi-bin -- in cgi-bin only BackupPC_Admin
> -r-sr-x--- 1 backuppc apache 3993 Jun  2 23:38 BackupPC_Admin

If you're not using mod_perl there is no need to run Apache as the  
backuppc user. Also, the s-bit is not really needed if you run Apache  
as backuppc. I suggest using the plain CGI mode by the way as it's  
easier to setup and since I don't spend a lot of time in the web  
interface I don't really notice the difference actually.

> 2) the image directory where images are is /var/www/html
> and owner group is backuppc user with only read permission to all  
> images
> files
> 3) in /etc/BackupPC/ file i see the following
> $Conf{CgiImageDir} = '/var/www/html';
> and
> $Conf{CgiImageDirURL} = '/html';

That seems wrong. If  /var/www/html is your document root then the  
images should be available at /, not /html.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Problems with apache2

2008-06-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Sam Przyswa wrote:

> 1) I CAN'T run the ../BackupPC_Admin if the mod_perl is not enabled  
> for
> this site, it just display the file instead of run it

Is BackupPC_Admin in your cgi-bin directory?

> 2) Other problem with the 3.1.0 it need File::RsyncP 0.68 and on  
> Debian
> Etch only the 0.64 is available, how to fix it ???

Apt-get it from the unstable repository or install it from CPAN.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Problems with apache2

2008-06-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Alexandre Joly wrote:

>> 2) Other problem with the 3.1.0 it need File::RsyncP 0.68 and on  
>> Debian
>> Etch only the 0.64 is available, how to fix it ???
> You need to update aptitude sources to "unstable"
> # nano /etc/apt/sources.list
> deb unstable main
> deb-src unstable main
> Now it will fetch 0.68
> # apt-get update
> # apt-get install libfile-rsyncp-perl
> Then, make sure to put back "stable" in your sources.list and update
> aptitude sources.

A better solution is to use apt-pinning:

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] how to install backuppc in ubuntu gusty 7.10

2008-06-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
fatima ech-charif wrote:

> I would like to install backuppc in ubuntu gusty 7.10
>  if you are some document about installing backuppc in ubuntu

You can install backuppc using apt-get (apt-get install backuppc) or  
your favorite apt frontend (aptitide, synaptic, etc.).

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] queries regarding backupPC

2008-06-11 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Benedict simon wrote:

> 1) can backupPC back up open files

If the transfer method used can, then yes. I use rsync over SSH with  
Linux clients. No problem there. I think using smb with Windows  
clients may give problems.

> 2) can anyone sugest n help me of any links which have examples of the
> varios backup n scheduling options

All configuration options are documented:

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] thnksss:..BackupPC-users] queries regarding backupPC

2008-06-12 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Op 12 jun 2008, om 07:59 heeft Benedict simon het volgende geschreven:

>> Benedict simon wrote:
>>> 1) can backupPC back up open files
>> If the transfer method used can, then yes. I use rsync over SSH with
>> Linux clients. No problem there. I think using smb with Windows
>> clients may give problems.
>>> 2) can anyone sugest n help me of any links which have examples of  
>>> the
>>> varios backup n scheduling options
>> All configuration options are documented:
>> Nils Breunese.
> Thanks Nils. do apprecite ur early reply
> actually we hav a oracle database running on windows .. so for the  
> moments
> it wd be windows clients ..
> i use smb
> i will giv it a try and check it out

On hosts running MySQL I run a pre-backup script that creates dumps  
all databases. BackupPC then backs up those SQL dumps.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] help

2008-06-16 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
fatima ech-charif wrote:

> i have question,
> i can use this installing ' process in ubuntu gusty 7.10
> thanks
> because i don't find this packages:
> Compress::Zlib
> Archive::Zip
> File::RsyncP

I would take the easy route and just 'apt-get install backuppc', which  
should take care of all the dependencies. If you want to do an install  
from source, then yes, follow those instructions. Compress:Zlib and  
friends are not Ubuntu package names, but CPAN package names. You can  
install the corresponding Ubuntu packages (but you might as well just  
apt-get install backuppc then) or install them from CPAN if you want  
to do an install from source.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] queries regarding backupPC

2008-06-16 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Christoph Litauer wrote:

> Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) schrieb:
>> Benedict simon wrote:
>>> 1) can backupPC back up open files
>> If the transfer method used can, then yes. I use rsync over SSH  
>> with  Linux clients. No problem there. I think using smb with  
>> Windows  clients may give problems.
> Hi Nils,
> what about the windows registry? No problem, too?

I have no idea, I only use Linux clients with BackupPC.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problems with rsync

2008-06-17 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Benedict simon wrote:

> i have configured ssh and im succesfully able to run the command  
> from my
> backup server to the client machine.
> ssh -l root clientpc whoami
> and it returns me root
> also i can loginto the client machine withot password
> so my ssh configuration is perfect for Backup pc

It is when you are running these commands as the user BackupPC is  
running as. Don't run these as root.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Problem with web interface

2008-06-20 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Chris Baker wrote:

> I am having trouble with the web interface. Here is what happens  
> when I try
> to access the BackupPC_Admin in Firefox:
> Error: Unable to read or language strings!!
> Note: $ENV{REMOTE_USER} is not set, which could mean there is an
> installation problem. BackupPC_Admin expects Apache to authenticate  
> the user
> and pass their user name into this script as the REMOTE_USER  
> environment
> variable. See the documentation.


Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] restore backuped files out of backuppc

2008-06-28 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Holm Kapschitzki wrote:

> I copied the backuped files from /var/lib/backuppc/pc to another dir,
> setup a new backuppc and now i want to restore some files from the
> folder i copied the old files into. But they all have a "f" in front.
> Anyone  knows how to restore the files?

Use the BackupPC web interface or the BackupPC command line tools.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] rsync error: unable to read 4 bytes

2008-06-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Leandro Tracchia wrote:

> i'm trying to backup a linux client but i'm getting a strange error...
> i can manually ssh into this client with no problem. any ideas???

Can you also SSH into this client as the BackupPC user (not root) on  
your BackupPC server? That's exactly what BackupPC tries to do. You  
need to do this once manually because you need to OK the client's  
fingerprint. I you don't do this, you'll get the error you got.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] rsync error: unable to read 4 bytes

2008-06-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Leandro Tracchia wrote:

> i CAN ssh into the client with the backuppc user from the backuppc
> server. to log into the client i need to supply the root password. how
> does backuppc know what the root password is to log in??? i never
> specified the root password in is this something rsync
> takes care of???

Standard procedure is to use public key authentication (without a  
passphrase) instead of password authentication. See the docs:

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] ssh problem

2008-07-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
serge pecher wrote:

> I had backuppc working for a while without problems.
> After, I think, an update I am in trouble with ssh (can't read 4  
> bytes)
> When I try to ssh -l root to the client as backuppc user it keeps  
> asking the root password.
> I tried an update of openssl on both machines (where up to date)
> I generated and exchanged new keys for both machines
> any idea ?
> The server is running ubuntu 7.10, the client 8.04
Have you run ssh with debug output (-vvv) and checked the logs on the  
client? (I don't know where sshd logs to on Ubuntu.)

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] How to backup remote ftp server?

2008-07-07 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Koen Linders wrote:

> I don't know if its possible.
> Anyone managed to use backuppc to backup e.g.  
> providing
> a login and password?
> I can't find anything in the documentation or wiki.

 From docs: "No client-side software is needed. On WinXX the standard  
smb protocol is used to extract backup data. On linux, unix or MacOSX  
clients, rsync or tar (over ssh/rsh/nfs) is used to extract backup  
data. Alternatively, rsync can also be used on WinXX (using cygwin),  
and Samba could be installed on the linux or unix client to provide  
smb shares)." ( 

BackupPC does not work over FTP.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backup aborted

2008-07-13 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Andrey Shmigelsky wrote:

> Im trying to backup a windows machine and in the end it gives me  
> this message:
> Running: /usr/bin/smbclient\\InetPub -U  
> administrator -E -N -d 1 -c tarmode\ full -Tc -
> full backup started for share InetPub
> Xfer PIDs are now 4645,4644
> [ skipped 2010 lines ]
> tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 1848 filesExist, 12105393 sizeExist,  
> 4205609 sizeExistComp, 1849 filesTotal, 537646769 sizeTotal
> Backup aborted ()
> Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than  
> the prior one (got 1849 and 1849 files versus 1850)
> It is actually an failed backup or its normal?

Aborted backups are not normal backups.

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] expiring disabled host's backups?

2008-07-16 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> On 07/16 06:13 , Tino Schwarze wrote:
>> we recently installed a server from scratch and renamed the old  
>> host on
>> the backup server to keep it's backups (and disabled backups
>> altogether). Now I would like to expire the old backups from that  
>> host.
>> I didn't want to just remove the directories or would that be the
>> easiest way - deleting the directories and the appropiate lines  
>> from the
>> backups file as well?
> This wiki page gives a script (and patch which should be applied to  
> it)
> which is suggested for deleting backups.
> You *can* generally get away with just deleting /var/lib/backuppc/ 
> pc; and
> letting the BackupPC_nightly job take care of deleting the  
> hardlinks. I
> believe this has been recommended against; tho I can't remember the
> specifics of why. If someone would care to refresh my memory it  
> would be
> appreciated.
> By and large, it may be safest to shut down backuppc when you do  
> this; just
> to make sure nothing is going on while you're deleting files.

The official docs have this to say:

"To completely remove a client and all its backups, you should remove  
its entry in the conf/hosts file, and then delete the __TOPDIR__/pc/ 
$host directory. Whenever you change the hosts file, you should send  
BackupPC a HUP (-1) signal so that it re-reads the hosts file. If you  
don't do this, BackupPC will automatically re-read the hosts file at  
the next regular wakeup.

Note that when you remove a client's backups you won't initially  
recover a lot of disk space. That's because the client's files are  
still in the pool. Overnight, when BackupPC_nightly next runs, all the  
unused pool files will be deleted and this will recover the disk space  
used by the client's backups."

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC vs. Bacula

2008-07-20 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Arch Willingham wrote:

> I have been looking at (and installed) both packages. I have tried  
> to find a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each as  
> compared to the other but found nothing very informative. Any ideas- 
> thoughts from anyone out there?

- BackupPC is more geared towards backing up to hard drives, Bacula is  
more geared towards backing up to tape.
- Bacula uses a Bacula agent on each host you backup, BackupPC uses  
stock rsync(d)/tar/smbclient on the hosts you backup.
- BackupPC has a nice web interface that makes it very easy to restore  

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC vs. Bacula

2008-07-20 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ralf Gross wrote:

> Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) schrieb:
>> Arch Willingham wrote:
>>> I have been looking at (and installed) both packages. I have tried
>>> to find a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each as
>>> compared to the other but found nothing very informative. Any ideas-
>>> thoughts from anyone out there?
>> - BackupPC is more geared towards backing up to hard drives, Bacula  
>> is
>> more geared towards backing up to tape.
> You can use tape or disk volumes with bacula. I find it difficult to
> use tapes with backuppc for regular backup.

And I found it somewhat cumbersome to use hard drives with Bacula. So  
that's why I said that.

> IMHO the biggest difference is the pooling feature backuppc offers.
> There is nothing like this in bacula at the moment.

Ah yeah, forgot to mention that. Compression and pooling lets me store  
1.8 TB worth of backups in just over 300 GB of disk space. Gotta love  
that. If your hosts all have the same OS and everything the ratio is  
probably even more spectacular.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] The parameter BackupFilesExclude is not recognized

2008-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ray Todd Stevens wrote:

> On 22 Jul 2008 at 15:39, Frédéric Massot wrote:
> I don't believe that the exclude parameter works with rsync.   Or at  
> least
> that is what I ran into and what I believe that the documentation  
> says.
> I basically had to include multiple directories in such a manner as  
> to not
> include what I wanted to exclude.   The ability to use exclude in some
> manner would certainly be welcome.

Excluding directories with rsync works just fine. Try this:

$Conf{RsyncShareName} = [ '/usr/local' ];
$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = [ '/usr/local/bin' ];

Nils Breunese.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] The parameter BackupFilesExclude is not recognized

2008-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Frédéric Massot wrote:

> Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) a écrit :
>> Ray Todd Stevens wrote:
>>> On 22 Jul 2008 at 15:39, Frédéric Massot wrote:
>>> I don't believe that the exclude parameter works with rsync.   Or at
>>> least
>>> that is what I ran into and what I believe that the documentation
>>> says.
>>> I basically had to include multiple directories in such a manner as
>>> to not
>>> include what I wanted to exclude.   The ability to use exclude in  
>>> some
>>> manner would certainly be welcome.
>> Excluding directories with rsync works just fine. Try this:
>> $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [ '/usr/local' ];
>> $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = [ '/usr/local/bin' ];
> With this configuration:
> $Conf{ClientCharset} = 'iso-8859-15';
> $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l backuppc
> sudo $rsyncPath $argList+';
> $Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsync';
> $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
>   '/usr/local'
> ];
> $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = [ '/usr/local/bin' ];
> There is this line in the file auth.log:
> sudo: backuppc : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/lib/backuppc ; USER=root ;
> COMMAND=/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner
> --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive
> --ignore-times . /usr/local/
> The parameter exclude is not in the command line of rsync.

- Why do you hardcode the hostname in RsyncClientCmd instead of using  
the $host variable? The default is '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host  
$rsyncPath $argList+'. With sudo it would become '$sshPath -q -x -l  
backuppc $host /usr/bin/sudo $rsyncPath $argList+'.
- I only have --ignore-times in RsyncRestoreArgs, not in RsyncArgs.

I don't know why the exclude doesn't seem to show up. Did you modify  
any other configuration settings? Is /usr/local/bin actually being  
backed up?

Nils Breunese.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] The parameter BackupFilesExclude is not recognized

2008-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ray Todd Stevens wrote:

> On 22 Jul 2008 at 17:19, Kurt Tunkko wrote:
> That is what I get to.   Also if you look at the rsync command there  
> is no
> provision for excluding files.   It appears that in order to exclude  
> files they
> would have to in some manner be excluded after they have been
> transferred.

That's not the way it works. Have you checked the transfer log? In  
mine I see this near the start:

Sent exclude: /proc
Sent exclude: /sys
Sent exclude: /mnt
Sent exclude: /var/named/run-root/proc

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] The parameter BackupFilesExclude is not recognized

2008-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Vincent Fleuranceau wrote:

>>> The parameter exclude is not in the command line of rsync.
>> The include/exclude information is sent over the socket connection
>> to the remote rsync, not in via the command line.
> Craig,
> Don't you think this should be mentioned in the documentation or
> somewhere in the Wiki?

I know you're not asking me, but since you're mailing the list: I  
don't think every implementation detail of BackupPC needs to be in the  
docs. If you feel the wiki needs this info, you can always add it.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] The parameter BackupFilesExclude is not recognized

2008-07-22 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Vincent Fleuranceau wrote:

> Le 22 juil. 08 à 19:47, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) a écrit :
>> Vincent Fleuranceau wrote:
>>>>> The parameter exclude is not in the command line of rsync.
>>>> The include/exclude information is sent over the socket connection
>>>> to the remote rsync, not in via the command line.
>>> Craig,
>>> Don't you think this should be mentioned in the documentation or
>>> somewhere in the Wiki?
>> I know you're not asking me, but since you're mailing the list: I
>> don't think every implementation detail of BackupPC needs to be in  
>> the
>> docs. If you feel the wiki needs this info, you can always add it.
> You're right but the documentation gives details regarding include/ 
> exclude for both SMB and Tar, but nothing for Rsync (or I'm blind).

The docs start with saying: "List of directories or files to exclude  
from the backup." This is also true for rsync. There are no rsync- 
specific comments, but they are not really needed either.

But if Craig is going to fix the 'exlclude' error in the docs at  
$Conf{BackupFilesExclude}, then he maybe could expand 'smbclient or  
tar' to 'smbclient, rsync or tar'.

Nils Breunese.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] backupc hosts linux

2008-07-24 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
fatima ech-charif wrote:

> i use backuppc in ubuntu and i need to backup host linux client ,how  
> to backup host linux client with backuppc ,
> thanks

See the documentation: 
BackupPC.html If you have a specific problem, please tell us about it.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] example of configuration file

2008-07-24 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Kurt Tunkko wrote:

> regarding your question:
> I'm backing up my server with backuppc via rsyncd.

I use rsync over SSH for all my Linux machines. The advantage is that  
the client setup is really easy. I just copy the public SSH key to the  
client and I can back it up without setting up any daemons (rsyncd) or  
other software. Plus the traffic is encrypted which is nice if you're  
backing up over the internet as I am.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Fatal error during xfer

2008-07-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Steve Blackwell wrote:

>  Adam Goryachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Set the full path to sudo eg /bin/sudo
>> Maybe that will help.
>> Regards,
>> Adam
> Thanls for the suggestion but I still get the same error.

Is your sudo binary really /bin/sudo? On our CentOS machines 'which  
sudo' returns /usr/bin/sudo.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Why should I use root to connect to host

2008-07-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
brunal wrote:

> One question that I dont understand : can I use another user than
> root to connect to my host?
> Indeed, the server i want to backup is the main server of my network,
> and pretty well secured. That means, hence, that root cannot have
> access to the server through ssh, only non-root user can.
> Is this a problem? my config is in the hosts file :
> <--- example static IP host  
> entry
> and in :
> $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -v -x -l backuppc $host $rsyncPath -
> v $argList+
> And to my host side, a user backuppc exist and have access to all the
> necessary folder and file. Should this configuration work?
> Unitl now I still have other problem (see other post), but I would
> like to check if I'm not doing something wrong.

See 'How can client access as root be avoided?' in the documentation:

The examples there use 'sudo' in $Conf{RsyncClientCmd}, but I believe  
that doesn't work: you need to specify the full path to the sudo  
binary (for instance: /usr/bin/sudo, check on your systems).

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Fatal error during xfer

2008-07-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Steve wrote:

> Well, I changed to use the correct full path for sudo and now I get  
> this error:
> Contents of file /media/disk/pc/steve/XferLOG.bad.z, modified  
> 2008-07-29
> 12:25:04
> Running: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/tar -c -v -f - -C / --totals -- 
> newer=2008-07-27\
> 17:56:09 .
> incr backup started back to 2008-07-27 17:56:09 (backup #1) for  
> directory /
> Xfer PIDs are now 3657,3656
> sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
> tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0  
> sizeExistComp, 0
> filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal
> Got fatal error during xfer (sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run  
> sudo)
> Backup aborted (sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo)

Run 'visudo' on the client and comment out 'requiretty'.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] SELinux issue with BackupPC 3.1.0 on Fedora 6

2008-07-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:

> Hi.  I am trying to get BackupPC working on a Fedora Core 6 server.
> I installed BackupPC with "yum install backuppc" and "yum install  
> httpd".
> But when I fire up the Web interface, it says
>   Error: Unable to connect to BackupPC server

I guess you didn't start the backuppc daemon. Try 'service backuppc  

> And I have an SE Linux error message:
> avc:  denied  { write } for  pid=5120 comm="perl5.8.8"
> name="BackupPC.sock" dev=dm-0 ino=56393744
> scontext=user_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
> tcontext=user_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0 tclass=sock_file
> If I turn off SE Linux, BackupPC works fine.   But per our policy,
> this server must have SE Linux turned on.
> How to make this work, please?

I guess you'd need to ask the Fedora Project, but I don't think  
they'll respond to bug reports about releases that reached end of life  
last year.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Fatal error (bad version): OpenSSH_5.0p1

2008-08-01 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Holger Parplies wrote:

> brunal wrote on 2008-07-30 11:49:12 +0200 [Re: [BackupPC-users]  
> Fatal error (bad version): OpenSSH_5.0p1]:
>> [...]
>> So I deleted the message in /etc/ and also comment the
>> "banner /etc/" line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
> Well, removing the "banner" directive should have been enough, I  
> guess ...

I backup multiple machines that have an SSH banner configured, but  
that works just fine. SSH sends this text before the authentication is  
handled, so I guess that's why it doesn't interfere.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [BackupPC-users] free backup software

2008-08-04 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
drew64 wrote:

> I have been looking for some free backup software to back up my  
> music and photos to an external hard drive and maybe DVD's. I have  
> tried Cobian but dont know if I like it since it has no restore  
> function. Have read somethings about winbackup and was also told to  
> try comodo backup. Any one have any experience with these. Also When  
> I tried Cobian I set it to incremmental backup. It worked but I see  
> it makes a new folder everytime a backup is made. Is there a way or  
> a program that will just back up and replace the file that has  
> changed into the same folder?

I guess rsync would do it. It's like a copy tool that only transfers  
the changes and it can work both locally and over network connections.  
It is a command line tool though. I don't know what OS you're running,  
but there are also some rsync GUI frondends out there I believe.  
BackupPC also supports rsync as a backend, but it might be overkill  
for just backing up a single machine. Also take a look at rdiff-backup  
if you want to keep multiple versions of files.

BackupPC also supports rsync as a backend, but setting up a BackupPC  
server for just one machine might be overkill maybe. It will work  
though and its web interface is very handy for restoring files.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backups seem to work, but don't show up in web

2008-08-12 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Alan McKay wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Alan McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>>> let me rephrase that. If your XferLOG.0.z is really 101GB long,  
>>> there is
>>> either something seriously wrong, you are backing up an insane  
>>> amount of data,
>>> or your path names are all ridiculously long. I would guess  
>>> something is very
>>> wrong, so I'd start looking here (though obviously not through the  
>>> web
>> So what am I looking for?  There is an awful lot of info in there.
>> Is there some text I can grep for which indicates error messages or
>> something?
> Any further guidance here?   I'm definitely not going to go wading
> through a 100Gb log file without any further guidance on what to look
> for.  If I can't figure this out I'll probably just nuke BackupPC and
> write a few scripts to use rsync to do the job, along with one of the
> programs I found to traverse the HD and hard-link dup files..
> I'm a seasoned Linux/UNIX guy and not the least bit shy of a bit of
> debugging.   But I'm still not going to go blindly wading through a
> 100Gb log file.

I wouldn't know how others on this list could blindly wade through a  
100 GB compressed logfile on your machine. All we know is that it's  
huge and shouldn't be that big if everything was OK. Have you tried  
taking a look at the contents of this file using something like less  
(I wouldn't try to open it in a text editor)? Maybe the first look at  
the contents reveals the problem.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] notes on Seagate Free Agent drive

2008-08-14 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Chris Baker wrote:

> A couple days ago, someone asked about Linux and Western Digital  
> external
> hard drives. This is a response, sort of. I am posting my notes on  
> how I got
> a Seagate Free Agent drive to work with Linux. I hope this will help  
> with
> other drives. I make no guarantees.
> We purchased a Seagate FreeAgent USB drive. Unfortunately, Seagate  
> only
> supports it with Windows and Macs. It worked find with Windows XP.  
> On the
> Linux box, that was a different story.
> Research indicated that the drive was already formatted into NTFS. I  
> knew
> this would not be an issue as people mount NTFS partitions all the  
> time on
> Linux.
> I went to the site I found just about all I  
> needed on
> that site. I found this page especially helpful:
> It had some good  
> instructions:
> First of all you need to download FUSE from Sourcefourge. Then:
> tar zxvf fuse-2.7.0.tar.gz
> cd fuse-2.7.0
> ./configure
> Make
> make install
> Then you need to install ntfsprogs:
> tar zxvf ntfsprogs-2.0.0.tar.gz
> cd ntfsprogs-2.0.0
> ./configure --enable-fuse-module
> Make
> make install
> This installed the ntfsmount command, which I did not have before.  
> But I
> wasn't quite finished.
> Apparently the issue with this drive has to do with power  
> management. I ran
> the command hdparm -Z to "disable Seagate auto-powersaving mode."  
> After
> that, I simply ran the command:
> ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /media/FreeAgent_Drive
> Then, I was ready to go. I could get to the hard drive through the  
> GUI or
> the command line.

Why didn't you just reformat it with your favorite filesystem?

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Cann´t connect to webinterface

2008-08-15 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Thomas Mederer wrote:

> I just try to connect to the webinterface of backuppc. But I always  
> get the following error in the browser:
> The requested URL /backuppc was not found on this server
> I have installed the program with the following commands:
> apt-get install backuppc
> apt-get install rsync libfile rsync perl libfile-rsyncp-perl par2  
> bzip2
> I use Ubuntu 8.04
> I hope someone can tell me what it is. But unfortunately I'm not  
> really fit in linux

Is apache installed and was it (re)started after installing BackupPC?

Nils Breunese.

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[BackupPC-users] [SPAM] MEDIUM * Re: busybox tar problem?

2008-08-18 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ward... James Ward wrote:

> I'm trying to back up some Arm processor console servers which only  
> have busybox tar available.  Busybox tar does not support --totals  
> and I THINK this is why the backups are failing.  I tried writing a  
> wrapper script that spits out a bogus --totals line, but so far, no  
> luck.  Any ideas?

I believe you need GNU tar for BackupPC.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] scp as the transfer?

2008-08-18 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ward... James Ward wrote:

> Since I don't have rsync or gnu tar on my busybox console servers,  
> is it possible to configure BackupPC to use scp?

No, the only values for $Conf{XferMethod} for backups are smb, rsync,  
rsyncd and tar. See the documentation:

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Using OS X As Server

2008-08-19 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Adam Dempsey wrote:

> I have read that people have done it before but I am struggling to get
> BackupPC to run on an OS X Server, to backup linux clients.
> I think I have it installed but I can't figure out how to get the CGI
> script to work, I get Error 500, I'm sure I haven't setup something
> correctly but I'm not sure and wondered if anyone had any suggestions.

Have you checked your webserver logs for more info on the error?

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] http access

2008-08-20 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Dejan Batic wrote:

> Thanks for the script but it seems to me that our Linux  
> distributions are
> too different.
> In my installation when I look at /etc/apache2/conf.d there is link  
> to the
> file /etc/backup/apache.conf that says:
> AuthUserFile  /etc/backuppc/htpasswd
> I added manually one user to /etc/backuppc/htpasswd file.
> So from what you wrote to me I understand that I should match
> /etc/backuppc/htpasswd with /etc/shadow.

Instead of trying to keep your system users and htpasswd file users in  
sync it might be worth your while to look into using LDAP or NIS  
authentication instead of Apache's basic text file authentication.

Nils Breunese.

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[BackupPC-users] Configuring user emails

2008-08-21 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)

We have configured $Conf{EMailAdminUserName} so emails with warnings  
and errors are delivered to the backup admin. Our users are all on  
different domains. I know you can set $Conf{EMailUserDestDomain} for  
email sent to users, but that only configures the domain part of the  
email address. The username doesn't correspond to the mailbox name, so  
just setting $Conf{EMailUserDestDomain} in a host-specific  
configuration file would not be enough. Is it possible to set up  
arbitrary user email addresses for the emails?


Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Configuring user emails

2008-08-21 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Alan McKay wrote:

>> configuration file would not be enough. Is it possible to set up
>> arbitrary user email addresses for the emails?
> Doesn't the email go to the local user who is listed in the hosts  
> file?
> I don't have a very complex setup yet because I have myself listed as
> the only user in the hosts file for all the PCs here at home.  But in
> this case it all goes to my local user address, and in the home dir
> there I just created a .forward to my gmail address and it seems to
> work fine.   Even with my BackupPC box being behind a firewall on a
> private RFC1918 address.

The users in BackupPC's hosts file do not exist as local system users.  
I'd rather just set an email address in the host's config file then go  
and create local system users for all of our backup clients.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing Up localhost i.e backuppc server itself

2008-08-21 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ishan Patel wrote:

> ok here is the intented output . .
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] BackupPC]# /etc/init.d/backuppc restart
> Shutting down BackupPC:[  OK  ]
> Starting BackupPC: [  OK  ]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] BackupPC]# su - backuppc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l backuppc  
> sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids -- 
> perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block- 
> size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /etc/
> sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
> This is may be error !
> sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

Comment out 'requiretty' in your sudo configuration.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Got fatal error during xfer (fileListReceive failed)

2008-08-21 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Terri Kelley wrote:

> I have set up BackupPC on a Centos server and am testing now. Trying  
> the first backup to a host, also Centos, I received the following:
> full backup started for directory /home/backuppc/test/log/
> Got fatal error during xfer (fileListReceive failed)
> I tried it first without the ending / on that directory with the  
> same results. backuppc is the owner etc of everything in that  
> directory.
> Can someone give me a pointer where to look for the problem?

Have you searched for 'fileListReceive failed' in the list archives?  
There are quite a few threads on this:
  I assume you're using rsync over SSH, but you don't give us a lot of  
info to go on.

- Make sure you're using -D instead of --devices in the rsync command  
lines with more recent versions of rsync
- Make sure you can login to your client by running the command as the  
backuppc user on the backup server manually. If you're using SSH keys  
you need to OK the host fingerprint the first time you login, which  
BackupPC cannot do for you.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] using override RsyncShareName in the gui

2008-08-26 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Terri Kelley wrote:

> Where is that stored? Reason I asked, I was reading over the archives
> on how to backup different hosts with different directories and found
> a post on putting a in the /pc/host directory. I then
> decided to add second path on that same host and used the edit config
> for that particular host in the gui using the override and save in
> RsyncShareName. It didn't appear in the I created under that
> host and also not in the default /etc/BackupPC
> Is it better to use the gui for that or is it better to put it in the
> I created in under that /pc/host?

Neither is better than the other. Use the method you like.

> By the way, it would be most helpful if this multiple hosts different
> directories was included in the documentation.

Host-specific configuration (via the GUI) is mentioned in the docs  
  My host-specific configuration files are stored as /etc/BackupPC/pc/ 
.pl (using BackupPC 3.1.0 from the tarball).

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Scripts to execute

2008-08-28 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Christian Völker wrote:

> I've installed BackupPC 3.x and it looks like it runs fine  :)
> I'm backing up approx. 20 Linux machines.
> Some of them needs some special task to performed before the backup
> (i.e. database servers).
> I haven't figured out how to perform this.
> On my old backup scripts I had some scripts on each server which  
> created
> a dump of the databases before backup.
> I found now some configuration settings
> $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{DumpPreShareCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{DumpPostShareCmd} = undef;
> But these look like these commands are executed before _each_ share to
> be backed up. But most of my hosts don't need a script to be  
> executed...
> Would the solution be to creat a local script which cover special  
> needs
> for each hosts like a case $3...statement?
> Or is there another idea how to perform database backups?

You can set those settings in the host-specific configuration. We use  
$Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} to run a script to dump databases before a host  
is backed up.

Nils Breunese.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Hosted customer backups

2008-08-28 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Ron Fabre wrote:

> 1. Each restore action should notify our accounts dep't so that
> excessive numbers of restores can be invoiced to the customer.

You can set $Conf{RestorePreUserCmd} to run a script before the  
restore operation:

> 2. Excessively large individual restores should be halted prior to  
> going
> over our metered Internet link. Instead an email should be sent to our
> backup-admin (and to the customer) so that a CD/DVD can be burned (or
> USB-HDD, whatever) and couriered to the customer.
> Presumably BackupPC doesn't currently do this but how feasible would  
> it
> be to build this in (or create a plug-in)?
> We've got perl developers here who are probably capable of coding this
> but we may instead consider funding a developer who is experienced in
> the BackupPC codebase.

The pre-restore script could maybe also do this check, but I don't  
believe the size of the restore is one of the available variables.  
There may be a way to find out though. Also I don't know if it's  
possible to halt a restore job from this pre-restore script.

This is the users mailinglist, the developers are on the development  
list I guess:

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC 3.1.0 on Debian -> Graph showing wrong Pool Size

2008-08-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Michael Mohn wrote:

> just a small question..:
> on my debian, backuppc is showing 27GB Pool Size in the status  
> table, but the graph shows only 2.0GB.
> what's wrong?
> maybe a known bug?

I don't see any graphs in BackupPC 3.1.0. Where do you find this  
graph? Have you checked which of those values is correct?

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backuppc not working (can't read 4 bytes error)

2008-09-01 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
David Hopkins wrote:

> I have deleted and recreated the ssh keys, changed the command line to
> use sudo which then gives a different error: It says you need a tty to
> run sudo.  At this point I am not sure what to try next.


Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backup through slow line?

2008-09-02 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Christian Völker wrote:

> |> Assume, the full backup is finished after two weeks- will the  
> next full
> |> backup take the same amount of time?
> | If you are using rsync it will be much faster next time, sending  
> only
> | the changes.
> If so, again the question what is then the difference between a full
> rsync backup and an incremental one? I think I'll have to read the  
> docs
> again to understand this...tried already several times, didn't  
> succesed ;-)

Nils Breunese.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib

2008-09-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
nadia kheffache wrote:

> I have installed backuppc 3 on centos5 (Redhat distribution), i  
> backup successfully, today i have error when i tart backup manualy:  
> dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
> i do cpan>install Compress::Zlib, but i have other dependences, when  
> i install any module of perl, it nead another dependences!
> Warning: prerequisite Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.014 not found. We have  
> 2.012.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Compress::Deflate 2.014 not found. We have  
> 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Compress::Gzip 2.014 not found. We have  
> 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants 2.014 not found.  
> We have 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Compress::RawDeflate 2.014 not found. We  
> have 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Compress::Zip 2.014 not found. We have  
> 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Uncompress::Gunzip 2.014 not found. We  
> have 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Uncompress::Inflate 2.014 not found. We  
> have 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Uncompress::RawInflate 2.014 not found. We  
> have 2.011.
> Warning: prerequisite IO::Uncompress::Unzip 2.014 not found. We have  
> 2.011.
> Writing Makefile for IO::Compress::Base
> Can you help me please.

For Red Hat/CentOS I recommend installing the required Perl modules  
from RPMForge via yum instead of using CPAN. Never had a problem with  
that. Yum automatically solves dependencies and it's easier to keep  
everything on your system up to date. I'm not familiar with solving  
dependencies using CPAN, so I can't help you there.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backup through slow line?

2008-09-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
dan wrote:

> consider
> 1) do you need to backup all of the files on that system?  are there  
> some large files or mp3 or video files that can be skipped?   
> consider narrowing the scope of the backup to just appropriate files.
> 2) consider compressing the data.  With such a small pipe you will  
> be able to realize some benefit to using maximum compression with  
> rsync.
> 3) consider bumping up the available bandwidth.  I buy DSL lines in  
> many markets for my company and have never seen a situation where  
> getting a 256Kb upload cost substantially more than a 128Kb link.
> 3a) sounds like you might be using ADSL, see if SDSL is available or  
> see if there is a plan with more upload and the same download  
> capacity.
> 4) consider changing the full backup script in backuppc to NOT use  
> the no-times option that causes all of the files to be transfered.   
> This would make this essentially an incremental backup that sticks  
> around.  I have great success in doing 1 full backup and a month  
> worth of incrementals.  Saves a TON of bandwidth and shortens  
> backups considerably.  I can backup a server with 4GB of data that  
> changes infrequently in about 10Minutes via incrementals vs 3 Hours  
> for a full over a 256Kb link.  The vast majority of the time is  
> search for and transfering the file list because the server has  
> email which is so small.  This server has nearly 1 million files  
> which gives rsync a workout.

I'd try excluding some large directories, make sure that the backups  
succeed and then slowly remove the excludes one by one and build up  
your full backup that way. Once everything is on the remote backup  
server things might go smoother.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc logo

2008-09-03 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Alex Dehaini wrote:

> Where is the backuppc logo that appears on the cgi interface stored?

Some ideas:

1. Right click the image in your browser and copy the image location.  
That should give you a clue.
2. The BackupPC installer script asks for an 'Apache image directory'  
and the logo.gif file is stored there. It's /var/www/html/BackupPC/ 
logo.gif on our servers.
3. If you used a distribution package then you may not have chosen  
this location yourself. Ask your package manager for a file listing  
for the BackupPC package and grep it for logo.gif.
4. A plain 'locate logo.gif' could help if you don't have thousands of  
files named like that on your machine.

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Nothing happening, but Backup not done

2008-09-05 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Christian Völker wrote:

> Now the backup is running for hours and nothing is happening.
> (...)
> So what is going on there?

Ask strace.

> I added the "-z --checksum-seed=32761" parameters to rsync. Could this
> be related?

I know File::RsyncP handles --checksum-seed as it's mentioned in the  
config file and we're using it, but I think -z might not work. Try  
again without -z. You can use SSH compression if you want to compress  
the datatransfer.

Nils Breunese.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc fails after updating opensuse to 11.0

2008-09-07 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Alan McKay wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 6:09 AM, rorschach999
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No Selinux on opensuse 11.0, as far as I know!
>> At least I did not find it in the runlevels.
> You won't see it on the run levels.   On fedora there is a file
> /etc/selinux/config and in there you set
> SELINUX=permissive
> or
> SELINUX=disabled

The first version of OpenSuSE to support SELinux is 11.1, which is not  
out yet.

Nils Breunese.

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[BackupPC-users] [SPAM] LOW * Disabling backups via BackupsDisable instead of FullPeriod

2008-09-09 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)

I noticed some outdated documentation.

The 'Removing a client' section under 'Other installation topics' [0]  
says to set $Conf{FullPeriod} to a negative value to disable backups  
for a client. However, the documentation on $Conf{BackupsDisable} [1]  

In versions prior to 3.0 Backups were disabled by setting  
$Conf{FullPeriod} to -1 or -2.

Could this be corrected?

Nils Breunese.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Question regarding BackupPC_tarPCCopy

2008-09-09 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Hendrik Friedel wrote:

> This takes ages, which is ok, but I'm logged in to the server via  
> ssh, so
> that using the nohup command would be useful. This has the drawback,  
> that
> the nohup.out is empty, so that I cannot monitor the process.

Install screen and see 'man screen'. Other than that I believe the  
general advice for moving your BackupPC data is to use dd and  
filesystem resize tools instead of programs that operate on files and  
links, which - as you are experiencing - can take forever.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] archive schedule

2008-09-12 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Aitor Carrera wrote:

> Hi! I have backuppc configured and running, backing up every  
> production server. the backups where storage in a backup server and,  
> periodically, I run manually an archive to tape drive. I'm tring to  
> schelude the archive but i'm not able to find documentation about  
> that. Backuppc can't schelude archives?

You can use cron to schedule anything. Just stick the command you run  
manually in a cronjob.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Is it OK to use rsync 3.0.3 with BackupPC 3.1.0 ?

2008-09-16 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Peter wrote:

> I've run setup.exe on Windows XP to install rsync and other packages  
> for
> cygwin. However, it only provides version 2.6.9.  I want to install,  
> as
> mentioned in this topic, version 3.0.3, however I am unable to find it
> via setup.exe nor visiting the site Any pointers where I  
> can
> find the executable would be appreciated.

I don't know where you could find it, but there is no advantage to  
using rsync 3.x instead of 2.6.9 with BackupPC at this moment.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Is it OK to use rsync 3.0.3 with BackupPC 3.1.0 ?

2008-09-16 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Peter wrote:

> Thanks for replying Nils. From the thread I was reading that rsync  
> 3.0.3
> has fixed many problems, in particular memory. Using ver2.6.9 and I  
> have
> had Windows system blue screen, ie crash.

I don't know if using rsync 3 may solve crash problems, but BackupPC's  
File::RsyncP implementation doesn't support any features that are not  
available in rsync 2.6.9. We don't backup any Windows machines at the  

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Full vs. Incremental (was: Backup through slow line?)

2008-09-28 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Raphael Alla wrote:

> Based on this thread, is there any benefit in doing incremental  
> backups when using rsync?
> It seems to me that full backup are vastly superior to incremental  
> ones because:
> * They do use existing data available on the server and do not use  
> more bandwidth than incremental backups
> * A partial backup is saved if the backup fails during the transfer
> * Because of the linking done, they do not use more space on the  
> server than incremental backups
> * They are self dependant and do not rely on other backups
> Is this correct?

Incremental backups use a lot less processing power though and usually  
complete faster. Full backups read all files on the client,  
incrementals don't and this can save a lot of time. A mix of full and  
incremental backups (like the default setup) makes sense in most  

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Newbie: using a storage server different from BackupPC server

2008-09-28 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Andrei Stebakov wrote:

> I've installed BackupPC on my Ubuntu server, but its hard drives  
> have relatively small capacity so I'd rather use my Windows machines  
> to put the backups on.
> Is it possible to move the storage media from /var/lib/backuppc from  
> local machine to some remote Windows machine?

You can mount any filesystem at /var/lib/backuppc, but it needs to  
support hardlinks as BackupPC uses them (a lot). Standard Windows  
filesystems are not supported AFAIK.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] New to BackupPC Web admin Issues

2008-09-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Oz Dror wrote:

> I am new to backuppc. I have installed it on fedora 9.
> I seems to work. I do have the following issues:
> 1. On the main web page I do not see the admin options

Have you added your username to $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}?

> 2. It is not clear from the web page  how create an archive set. The
> only option that I see is a full backup  
says: "BackupPC provides a menu that allows one or more hosts to be  
archived." I can't find it either (never looked for it before). Maybe  
someone else knows. Or you could use __INSTALLDIR__/ 
BackupPC_archiveHost from the command line or in a cron job.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] New to BackupPC Web admin Issues

2008-09-29 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Les Mikesell wrote:

>>> 2. It is not clear from the web page  how create an archive set. The
>>> only option that I see is a full backup
>> says: "BackupPC provides a menu that allows one or more hosts to be
>> archived." I can't find it either (never looked for it before). Maybe
>> someone else knows. Or you could use __INSTALLDIR__/
>> BackupPC_archiveHost from the command line or in a cron job.
> You have to add one or more 'archive hosts'.
> The concept is a little confusing because they look like backup  
> targets
> except that the configuration has the archive destination directives.

But what about the docs saying "BackupPC provides a menu that allows  
one or more hosts to be archived."? I haven't found it yet.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] next version ?

2008-09-30 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Philippe Rousselot wrote:

> I went to the sourceforge site and noticed that the last update of ths
> cvs was 9 month old. Does it mean that developpement stopped or that  
> the
> next version is not on this server ?

I believe BackupPC is still a pretty active project. Releases are  
usually quite some time apart, but that's probably because it's very  
stable and pretty feature complete already.

Nils Breunese.

P.S. The development mailinglist is here:

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Off-site backup strategies

2008-10-01 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Kevin DeGraaf wrote:

> We have an on-site BackupPC server (2.1.2pl1) backing up 31 hosts,  
> with
> a total pool size of 1.8 TB.
> We're going to deploy an off-site backup server in a colocation
> facility.  The colo has a great deal of bandwidth available, but our
> office is stuck with a T1 connection (1.5 Mbps symmetric).
> Possible configurations:
>   1. Install BackupPC on the remote server, and do a full backup in  
> the
> office prior to deploying it to the colo.  From then on, perform only
> incremental backups.

If you're using rsync, why not do fulls anymore? Rsync fulls don't use  
much more bandwidth than incrementals. It's mostly extra CPU power and  
I/O needed to read the files on both ends, but rsync fulls don't  
transfer all files (unlike tar and smb fulls).

>   2. Use the remote server to hold a copy of the on-site BackupPC
> server's file pool.  The pool would be rsync'ed on-site initially and
> then rsync'ed remotely from then on.

This doesn't scale very well because of the large number of hard  
links. There have been a lot of threads on this topic, but the  
conclusion is always: don't do it.

>   3. Just rsync the local servers, individually, to the remote server,
> without involving BackupPC at all.  This would mean not having prior
> versions available, but it seems like the simplest solution from a
> disaster-recovery point of view.

You could take a look at rdiff-backup: 
  But BackupPC using rsync might just work as well once you have taken  
the initial backup locally.

> On a related note, are there any plans to have BackupPC display a
> progress indicator of some kind during backups and restores?  Perhaps
> this has been added since 2.1.2pl1, but I'm too lazy to read the
> changelogs at the moment.  :-)
> The lack of a progress meter isn't such a big deal on a local gigabit
> LAN, but over a slow T1 link, I'd really like to be able to see what's
> going on.  Even being able to tail an rsync log would be something.

There is no progress indicator, but you could check the Xferlogs.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] EMailUserDestDomain not working

2008-10-04 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Merz, Christian wrote:

> I've set up $EMailUserDestDomain to '', but it seems like it  
> doesn't get appended.
> Running '/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_sendEmail -u  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]', the mail is delivered.
> But if I try '/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_sendEmail -u user', I  
> just get a Delivery Failure message, indicating that the domain  
> didn't get appended and it did try to deliver to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> .
> What am I missing here?

I think the CGI interface might append the domain before calling  
BackupPC_sendEmail, so if you're going to call BackupPC_sendEmail  
yourself, you'll also have to add the domain yourself. But I haven't  
checked the code, so I might be wrong.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] rsync 3

2008-10-04 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Kenneth Porter wrote:

> --On Saturday, October 04, 2008 11:24 AM -0600 dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >
> wrote:
>> if you have rsync 3 on both client and server, backuppc(via CPAN
>> file-rsync) will infact get to take advantage some of the rsync 3
>> benefits.
> Interesting. I'll have to see if there's an RPM for my CentOS 5  
> system.

We use Dag's rsync 3 package. See here how to add the repository  
(which also has perl-File-RsyncP and various other Perl packages used  
by BackupPC):

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Script for managing mdadm add/removes

2008-10-08 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Rob Owens wrote:

> dan wrote:
>> Your best bet here is to use udev rule for the device
> Careful!  This will sync *any* drive that you plug in, won't it?  Or  
> is
> there a way to have a udev rule that applies to only a drive with a
> specific UUID?

I believe it's possible to have udev rules for specific devices, yes.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Almost working

2008-10-11 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Kenneth L. Owen wrote:

> When I started this transition, Fedora 8 was issued and stable.   
> When I am
> more stable with Linux, I'll be willing to be more adventurous.  --  
> ken

Actually, using Fedora for servers *is* being adventurous, because it  
has such a short lifecycle. If want a stable server and don't like  
having to upgrade the OS every couple of months I'd go with CentOS  
instead (7 year lifecycle versus Fedora's 13 months). With Fedora you  
either have to upgrade every couple of months or you're left with a  
server that doesn't receive any security updates after the release  
you're running has reached end of life just a year after you installed  

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Almost working

2008-10-11 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Kenneth L. Owen wrote:

> For a number of years I have run a small home network of windows  
> machines.  I recently decided to move my computing to Linux.  I now  
> have two machines running Fedora 8.  The first machine assumed the  
> role of my windows server using samba.  The second machine is to be  
> my system archiving unit and I am initially trying to get BackupPC  
> to maintain an archive of the windows shares on the first Linux box.
> I ultimately want to run ‘rsync’ as my transfer method, but was  
> advised to use ‘smb’ when starting out since it would be simpler to  
> set up.  I am still quite a novice at Linux but this undertaking is  
> quickly educating me.

If you're using Linux I actually advise *against* using smb as your  
transfer method. Use rsync over SSH or rsyncd.

 From the docs [0]:

"The preferred setup for linux/unix clients is to set  
$Conf{XferMethod} to
``rsync'', ``rsyncd'' or ``tar''.

You can use either rsync, smb, or tar for linux/unix machines. Smb
requires that the Samba server (smbd) be run to provide the shares.
Since the smb protocol can't represent special files like symbolic  
and fifos, tar and rsync are the better transport methods for linux/ 
machines. (In fact, by default samba makes symbolic links look like the
file or directory that they point to, so you could get an infinite  
loop if a
symbolic link points to the current or parent directory. If you really
need to use Samba shares for linux/unix backups you should turn off
the ``follow symlinks'' samba config setting. See the smb.conf manual

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] backing up large SQL DB's

2008-10-11 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Seann Clark wrote:

> Another way to do this is get a Windows type box, use MySqlAdmin on  
> the windows box (Free perdy GUI download J ) and have it schedule  
> the backups. The backups end up as TXT files that compress  
> wonderfully, and restore perfectly.

I don't really see the advantage of adding a Windows box with a GUI  
application to the mix, when you can just do this by setting  
$Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} to run mysqldump and gzip/bzip2 on your MySQL  

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Almost working

2008-10-13 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Adam Goryachev wrote:

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# su backuppc
>> bash-3.2$<== This doesn't look as expected
> Actually, yes, this is the default prompt, which is usually modified  
> in
> your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile files, but the backuppc user doesn't
> have/use these files


> After you su - backuppc do:
> mkdir /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh
> chmod 0700 /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh
> Possibly ssh-keygen doesn't bother to try and create the directory  
> if it
> is missing.

I believe that is that case, yes.

> PS, bonus hint, run the command "id" (see "man id" for more info and
> flags) to see what user you are logged in as/currently.

Or 'whoami'.

Also: you didn't really need to change the login shell for the  
backuppc user. You could have used 'su -s /bin/bash - backuppc' to  
specify bash as the one-time shell.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Almost working

2008-10-13 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Stephen Vaughan wrote:

> Why use Fedora at all?? Debian is your friend

If you're used to the Fedora way (a.k.a. Red Hat way) of things and  
want a distribution with a long lifecycle then I'd say CentOS (or RHEL  
if you need paid support) is a better choice than Debian. Debian is a  
fine distribution AFAIK, but uses a different package manager,  
different paths, etc. Not necessarily better or worse in my opinion,  
but if you just got started using Fedora then CentOS is probably much  
more familiar territory.

Nils Breunese.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-10-14 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Yazz D. Atlas wrote:

> How difficult would it be to have BackupPC create a link to the last
> Full backup. The reason this would be handy to me is I'm required to
> backup to tape to a system I don't have much control over. I just want
> to tell the backup service a simple directorie to grab. I would like  
> to
> be able to tell them to backup
> $Conf{TopDir}/pc/
> Which would link to $Conf{TopDir}/pc/ if that was the  
> last
> Full backup.
> I hope to never uses there backup service to do a restore but for off
> site backup compliance I need to. I'm trying to save some bandwidth by
> not backing up everything I don't need. (I have over 240 clients and
> about 7T used under $Conf{TopDir} getting that off site has been a  
> huge
> issue)
> I may be able to just do it with $DumpPostUserCmd but I haven't tested
> that yet. I just think it would be nicer to have it as a built in  
> option.
> /bin/ln -sf $topDir/pc/$host/$(/bin/cat $topDir/pc/$host/backups \
> | /bin/grep full | /bin/sort -n | /usr/bin/tail -1 \
> | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }') $topDir/pc/$host/last-full

If you want to send an archive of a backup to tape that you can  
restore (without BackupPC), check out 'Archive Functions' in the  
BackupPC documentation:

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Almost working

2008-10-15 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Kenneth L. Owen wrote:

> That only leaves one issue:  I can't log into the web GUI from the  
> Windows
> server.  I have ssl setup and can get the default web page with
> https://Archiver/  but https://Archiver/BackupPC/ gets a 403 screen  
> - Not
> Authorized .  This is the same line that I use on Archiver to pull  
> up the
> BackupPC GUI.  -- ken

I guess the default config shipping with the package you installed  
only allows access from localhost.

Nils Breunese.

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