RE: hoping for a cite.

2003-12-05 Thread max jasper
Dear Faruq, The subject you are looking for, i.e., real sin of Adam being that He wished for maturity of the Cause of God at His time, please see: 1)Dr. Muhajir, p. 383 2)Selections Writings Abdu'l-Baha, v4, p187 Regards, Max. |Moreover, as |about Adam, `Abdu'l-Baha said He proceeded to manife

RE: Recite ye the verses of God every morn and eventide

2003-12-08 Thread max jasper
Title: Message 68. QUESTION: Concerning the sacred verse: "Recite ye the verses of God every morn and eventide."   "ANSWER: The intention is all that hath been sent down from the Heaven of Divine Utterance. The prime requisite is the eagerness and love of sanctified souls to read the Word of

RE: Please help in finding a quote

2003-12-09 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message Reliance on Bahá'u'lláh Enables Formulation of Audacious Plans   "The progress of the Cause depends upon many factors. . . It is . . . to those factors that are directly the result of the actions of the Bahá'ís that we wish to direct our remarks, because if the Bahá'ís will but

Temple Designs by Mason Remey

2003-12-10 Thread Max Jasper
In a past posting, Brent said: "Further, since the Master had designated Remey as the architect for the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar to be built in the future on Mount Carmel, and since Shoghi Effendi approved the design, it will be built by the House of Justice, to carry out the decisions of the Master and

RE: Temple Designs by Mason Remey

2003-12-10 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message A contemporary Baha'i architect responded to my email as follows: What you say sounds logical. Actually one might think and research for the reasons why the construction of these buildings was postponed. I mean how come that non of the buildings were built. It is clear th

RE: World Govt and the UHJ

2003-12-19 Thread Max Jasper
-- MEMORANDUM To: The Universal House of Justice Date: 10 September 1990 From: Research Department WORLD GOVERNMENT AND THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE The Research Department has studied the questions raised by Mr. ... and Mr. ... in the

RE: Prayers and Meditations

2003-12-26 Thread Max Jasper
Yes, they can be dated from 1817 to 1891. |Does anyone have information as to the time period during |which Baha'u'llah revealed the Prayers and Meditations found |in the book of the same name? | -- You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a

RE: children's classes/children of non-Baha'is

2003-12-28 Thread Max Jasper
Following is the text of a letter dated 25 September 2001 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a Spiritual Assembly: Dear Baha'i Friends, The Universal House of Justice received your email message dated 30 July 2001 seeking clarification regarding children's classes which includ

RE: Politics

2003-12-30 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message Dear David, Your analysis could be true only if that single verse from the Writings was to be available on the whole topic of politics. As explained in the Writings, many laws of the Faith are evolutionary in nature and undergo the law of change by passing of the time, i.e., ma

RE: Looks like I didn't get the memo

2003-12-30 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message To the Bahá'ís of the World 2 28 December 1999 We have also decided that it is timely for Bahá'ís in every land to take to their hearts the words of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas: "It hath been ordained that every believer in God, the Lord of Judgment, shall, each day, having washed his ha


2004-01-01 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message ELECTION TO SCHOOL BOARDS, TOWN or MUNICIPAL COUNCILS: Your specific question about whether or not Bahá'ís in North America "are permitted to run for election to school boards, town or municipal councils hospital boards and for local enforcement officer positions" should be an


2004-01-01 Thread Max Jasper
ndividual believer. This situation as I stated may not exist yet in North America, but is gradually coming to exist especially, in 3rd world countries where the political systems are totally collapsing and as time passes people more and more come to Baha'is for help. Regards, Max. | | |Max J


2004-01-01 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message  VOTING IN CIVIC ELECTIONS: "The Guardian...feels under the responsibility of stating that the attitude taken by the Master (i.e., that American citizens are in duty bound to vote in public elections) implies certain reservations. He, therefore, lays it upon the individual consc

RE: Fines

2004-01-11 Thread Max Jasper
The laws on adultery in Aqdas and their relevant punishments are for non-married people only. Punishment for adultery between married people perhaps is so high that even Baha'u'llah did not specify it, or perhaps left if for the Universal House of Justice to decide, or maybe by His silence, He left

RE: Fines

2004-01-11 Thread Max Jasper
Although the term translated here as adultery refers, in its broadest sense, to unlawful sexual intercourse between either married or unmarried individuals (see note 36 for a definition of the term), 'Abdu'l-Baha has specified that the punishment here prescribed is for sexual intercourse between pe

RE: Quotes for 15th birthday party

2004-01-13 Thread Max Jasper
Here are two quotes, one serious, one less serious: 1) "Rejecting the low sights of mediocrity, let them scale the ascending heights of excellence in all they aspire to do. May they resolve to elevate the very atmosphere in which they move, whether it be in the school rooms or halls of higher lear

RE: Iqan quote

2004-01-13 Thread Max Jasper
"profound" here is translation of Arabic word "bariyyat" or "bariyyah" which has several meanings, including, a large (limitless) barren or desolate desert, dry often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation, and is a poetic Arabic word to display lack of somethi

RE: House of Justice SED msgs

2004-01-13 Thread Max Jasper | |Is there a site with a comprehensive list of links to the msgs |of the House of Justice and BIC on SED? | | __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank ema

RE: Iqan quote

2004-01-14 Thread Max Jasper
"limitless profound of the Spirit", in original Arabic "Bariyyatu'r-Ruh" in which "bariyyat" also means "creation", and therefore, "Bariyyatu'r-Ruh" might be an allegorical reference to the Worlds of God from which Baha'u'llah speaks His Words to mankind. --Max. | | |Here in his translation, the

Baha'i Saints, Heroes, Martyrs, Administrators

2004-01-17 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message Talk by Mr. Hartmut Grossmann   The following are my notes of the talk given by Universal House of Justice Member Hartmut Grossman to the first group of BahÃâà Pilgrims to enter the Cell of BahÃâuâllÃh after a break of eight years. This talk was given on the evening of Octobe

Role of the Mother

2004-01-18 Thread Max Jasper
Title: Message   There was an interview with Mr. Siamak Hariri Architect, on CBC where he said that in his office while working on the project they used to ask themselves if the building was liked by their mothers. The mother of one of his colleagues who is a

RE: Baha'i Saints, Heroes, Martyrs, Administrators

2004-01-18 Thread Max Jasper
The significance of need for good Baha'i Administrators become apparent when we meditate on Mr. Grossmann's statement that: "A duty in the west is seen as something that we try to avoid." It seems that in the West, still a sense of moral & spiritual obligation to the Baha'i consultation and to it