Dear Colleague,

The Macaulay Library<> is a scientific archive 
of natural history audio, video, and photographs. Our mission is to support 
individuals to collect such media and to preserve the media for scientific 
research, education, conservation, and the arts.

We are working to improve how we meet the needs of the broader research 
community. If you can take 10-15 minutes to complete our 
survey<>, you will help us 
understand those needs. We really appreciate your input.

Meeting the Needs of Researchers 

Thank you for taking the time to help us. Please forward this to your 
colleagues and students.


Janelle Morano
Research Coordinator
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 254-2131

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