[Ontbirds]Re: Second Marsh- MAy 1

2008-05-02 Thread Siegmar Bodach
While going about my business I made a stop at the Second Marsh yesterday between 2:45pm and 4 pm and the following observations: 2 breeding adult Little Gulls and possibly a 3rd(2nd winter) flying around the marsh with also 4-6 Bonaparte's Gulls. 3 separate male Yellow Warblers singing on ter

[Ontbirds]May2 - Little Blue Heron,Port Rowan; Worm-eating Warbler Paletta Park; Ruff, Long-billed Dowitcher Minesing.

2008-05-02 Thread M. Bain
With the forecast for heavy rain all day east of Toronto, Richard Pope and I drove west, first to Long Point for excellent looks at the "calico" Little Blue Heron at the BSC Headquarters in Port Rowan. Then we visited Old Cut where there had been a major fall-out of migrants earlier in the morning.

[Ontbirds]Mottled Duck, Hillman Marsh at 8:20pm

2008-05-02 Thread Mark Cranford [Ontbirds]
Andrew Keaveney reports that the mottled duck was seen at Hillman Marsh between 7:45 and 8:20 pm today. It flew in a southernly direction at 8:20 and landed just behind a shorebird cell, probably around the dike area. I have no other information (Craig). This species is not on the Ontario Li

[Ontbirds]EasternTowhee,Baltimore Oriole/Rattray

2008-05-02 Thread Sheila Hurn
On May 2nd at 8:00am a male Baltimore Oriole was sighted above the boardwalk on the west side of the knoll. Eastern Towhee on the north pathway at the Petrie Way entrance. Art Hurn Rattray Marsh located at the foot of Bexhill Drive, south of Lakeshore Road West in Mississauga

[Ontbirds]TWO RUFF - Minesing Swamp

2008-05-02 Thread Doug Sheepway
Greetings all: There are TWO Ruffs at Minesing Swamp today. One has an all black head with a lighter ear patch, and the second has a dirty, rusty brown head with a black nape. Both birds are showing black on the breasts, white eye-rings, and buffy at the base of the bill. The birds were togeth

[Ontbirds]Harris' Sparrow/ Prothonatory Warbler at Rondeau PP

2008-05-02 Thread Bullock Family
Greetings Birders: Returning from Point Pelee today, we stopped by Rondeau PP this afternoon where a Prothonatory Warbler had been discovered by several birders in the pond near the Pony Barn. There was also a Harris' Sparrow was at the feeder at the Nature Centre, associated with White Throa

[Ontbirds] Hamilton Naturalists Club Birding Report - Friday, May 2nd, 2008

2008-05-02 Thread Cheryl Edgecombe
On Friday, May 2nd, 2008, this is the HNC Birding Report: WHITE-EYED VIREO WORM-EATING WARBLER Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe American Bittern Green Heron Virginia Rail Sora Sandhill Crane Greater Yellowlegs Common Tern Forster's Tern Chimney Swift Least Flycatcher Great Crested Flycatcher Blue-he

[Ontbirds]Kingston area birds to May 2, 2008

2008-05-02 Thread Peter and Jane Good
There has been a whole slew of new migrants this week, lots of interesting sightings and at least two that were totally unexpected. There was an Am. Bittern at the Queen's University Biological Station(QUBS) on the 25th and a Green Heron at Bedford Mills the next day. Virginia Rails were reported f

[Ontbirds]Mottled Duck. Yes@ Hillman Marsh

2008-05-02 Thread tate
Terry Osborne just advised me that the Mottled Duck is back at the shorebird ponds at Hillman Marsh at 4.30 pm in very bad rain and wind It is associating with Mallards Michael Tate Michael Tate 1-613-863-8455 ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario

[Ontbirds] migrants are gradually arriving in Thickson's Woods, Whitby--May 2; Purple Finches in N.Pickering

2008-05-02 Thread Doug Lockrey
There have been few bird reports from Thickson's of late; I am unable to get there as much as in the past, due to a very bad leg. I shall endeavour to list some of the highlights over the past few days: Cooper's Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Belted Kingfisher, Woodpeckers--Downy, Hairy, N.Flicker; E

[Ontbirds]White-crowned sparrow, warblers in South Mississauga

2008-05-02 Thread Giraud, Jacques
Hi Birders A white-crowned sparrow has been at my feeder all day. Warblers include yellow-rumped, black-and-white, black-throated green in small pockets moving up the river systems low in the bushes. Good birding Jacques Giraud ___ ONTBIRDS is p

[Ontbirds]Gray-cheeked Thrush and Hooded Warbler, Ojibway Park

2008-05-02 Thread David McNorton
I birded Ojibway Park in Windsor this morning, May 2, 2008. On one of the wet trails towards the west side of the park, a Hooded Warbler was singing repeatedly. It stopped singing at exactly 8:30, as if its shift had ended for the day. About half an hour later, on the east side paved trail,

[Ontbirds]Fw: American Bittern

2008-05-02 Thread Hans van der Zweep
- Original Message - From: Hans van der Zweep Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 10:30 PM Subject: American Bittern Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary had an American Bittern today .It was heard calling near the sewage dumping station and observed in flight going over the old railway bed heading

[Ontbirds]Mottled Duck - Hillman Marsh

2008-05-02 Thread Todd Pepper
The Mottled Duck reported by Dean Ware the evening of May 1, 2008 at the Hillman Marsh shorebird and waterfowl habitat was still present at 6:40 a.m. this morning, May 2nd. The Mottled Duck was with two pair of American Black Duck on the south side of the impoundment near the bench. The Mottled

[Ontbirds]Wilson's Phalarope..Hillman Marsh

2008-05-02 Thread karen
Cherise Charron and I visited Hillman Marsh at the Shorebird Habitat this afternoon and saw a female Wilson's Phalarope. Also spotted were Lesser Yellowlegs, Dunlin, 1 Spotted Sandpiper, Semi-palmeated plover, Black-bellied plover, Killdeer, Blue-winged teal, Northern Shovelers, Northern Pinta

[Ontbirds]Rare gulls at Erieau

2008-05-02 Thread Robert Smith
Hello birders, Sorry for the late post. Late yesterday my wife and I took a drive out to Erieau, where there were lots of gulls on the pier. Among them were a Lesser Black-backed Gull adult with bright yellow legs. Also an all white Glaucous Gull that was bigger than all the other gulls.