[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwings in Northumberland County

2017-02-10 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, Yesterday I had 35 Bohemian Waxwings feeding on crab apples on Butler Street in Brighton, halfway between Ontario Street and Prince Edward Street, and today I had a flock of 80 in Cobourg on William Street where the two sets of railway tracks cross. It seems there is some kind of movem

[Ontbirds] Dickcissels at Fowler's Corners

2017-06-24 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, Kiana Rittwage and I went to Fowler’s Corners this evening to look for the previously reported male Dickcissel that was found yesterday. The male was singing from the west side of the road, opposite house number 1203 on Frank Hill Rd., almost immediately. In 30 minutes it crossed the

[Ontbirds] Dickcissel in Northumberland County

2017-07-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, Posting on behalf of Peter Burke who has just located a male Dickcissel in a hayfield north of Castleton. The bird is on Jakobi Road, just north of Moore Road in a hayfield on the west side where the power lines cross the road. Directions: Most direct route from Hwy 401 is to go north

[Ontbirds] Marbled Godwit and Cerulean Warbler at Presqu'ile

2017-08-25 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, Since no one has posted this yet, Ron Tozer found a Marbled Godwit on Beach 3-4 of Presqu’ile Park this evening. The shorebirds have been great in recent days with about 300 birds today. Also today was a female Cerulean Warbler seen by Bill Gilmour and myself along Paxton Drive, about

[Ontbirds] Dark-eyed Junco in Brighton

2017-08-28 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, While not earth shattering, a moulting adult Dark-eyed Junco just appeared in my backyard in Brighton. I don’t think I have ever seen one in August before and it seems remarkably early for a migrant. Just thought I would pass that on. Cheers, Doug McRae Doug McRae P.O. Box 3010 Brig

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile OFO Walk 10 September 2017

2017-09-11 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, About 30 people enjoyed a brilliant fall day birding Presqu’ile Park. As Ian Shanahan was under the weather I filled in as leader with assistance from Ron Tozer and Bill Gilmour, as well as lots of spotting help from the entire group. In some ways it was a quieter day than we have bee

[Ontbirds] Yellow-headed Blackbird and Buff-Br Sandpiper at Presqu'ile

2017-09-12 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, Ron Tozer and I went out to Gull Island (Presqu’ile Prov. Park) this morning and relocated the Yellow-headed Blackbird found by David Bree yesterday. I think it is a female (most resembles figure 54h on plate 24 of the new world blackbird guide). It was sitting up on dead plant stalks

[Ontbirds] Hooded Merganser x goldeneye at Frankford, Trent River

2018-02-12 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, This afternoon if found a hybrid Hooded Merganser x goldeneye in the town of Frankford, which is on the Trent River about 10 km north of Trenton and the 401 in Hastings County. The bird was with 55 Common Goldeneyes swimming about 500m north of the main bridge in the centre of town (ro

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 30 March-5 April 2018

2018-04-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 30 March-5 April 2018 I would like to start my first attempt at the Presqu’ile Bird Report by acknowledging the dedication of Fred Helleiner, who has done this report without fail for nearly two decades. As I try to assemble the information for this edi

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 6-12 April 2018

2018-04-12 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 6-12 April 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights this week include the reappearance of the male HARLEQUIN DUCK near the Lighthouse on 11 and 12 Apr, up to four RED-THROATED LOONS in Popham Bay on the 12th, and a lingering SNOWY OWL on the Salt Pt. lighthouse on 9 Ap

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report - Week of 13-19 April 2018

2018-04-20 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 13-19 April 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights this week include HARLEQUIN DUCK, RED-THROATED LOON, LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL, DUNLIN, SNOWY OWL, NORTHERN SHRIKE and WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW. The story this week was much the same as past few weeks with more north wind

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for week of 20-26 April 2018

2018-04-26 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 20-26 April 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights this week include HARLEQUIN DUCK, SANDHILL CRANE, SNOWY OWL, and SHORT-EARED OWL. Spring finally arrived. The warmer weather and southerly airflow released a major flights of birds into the area, especially o

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 27 Apr - 3 May 2018

2018-05-03 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 27 Apr – 3 May 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights this week include SANDHILL CRANE, SANDERLING, LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD and SUMMER TANAGER It was a fun week at Presqu’ile with fairly strong movements on several days and a host of retuning s

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week on 4-10 May 2018

2018-05-10 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Birding Report for the Week of 11-17 May 2018

2018-05-17 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 18-24 May 2018

2018-05-24 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 18-24 May 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: BRANT, CATTLE EGRET, WHITE-FACED IBIS, SANDHILL CRANE, LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL, SNOWY OWL, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO, GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER, YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER. It has been another great week of birding

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 25-31 May 2018

2018-06-01 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for the Week of 1-7 June 2018

2018-06-07 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 1-7 June 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: BLACK SCOTER, CATTLE EGRET, RED-NECKED PHALAROPE, SNOWY OWL, RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, NORTHERN PARULA. Migration has definitely slowed to a crawl and most observations this week pertained to breeding birds, of

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 8-14 June 2018

2018-06-14 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 8-14 June 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: LESSER SCAUP, RED-THROATED LOON, CATTLE EGRET, SANDHILL CRANE, GREATER YELLOWLEGS, HUDSONIAN GODWIT, OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER. A few tardy northbound migrants were still around this week, but the vast majority of sig

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 15-21 June 2018

2018-06-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 15-21 June 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: LESSER SCAUP, WHITE-WINGED SCOTER, LONG-TAILED DUCK, CATTLE EGRET, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, MAGNOLIA WARBLER It was a quiet week at Presqu’ile, partly due to very limited coverage by birders. We are now in the

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 22-28 Jun 2018

2018-06-28 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 22-28 June 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: GREATER SCAUP, CATTLE EGRET, WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER, SNOWY OWL, RED-HEADED WOODPECKER It’s been a slow week because birds are in the height of breeding and being somewhat secretive, and it seems very few people are

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for the Week on 29 Jun - 5 Jul 2018

2018-07-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 29 June-5 July 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: COMMON GOLDENEYE, CATTLE EGRET, EASTERN MEADOWLARK, PINE SISKIN The oppressive heat and general lack of birders made for a slow week and a slim report. It should be noted however that swallows and blackbirds

[Ontbirds] Piping Plover, WW Scoter, Lt Duck, Semi Plover at Presqu'ile; Cattle Egret on Huff Rd.

2018-07-08 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Good morning Ontbirders It’s a good morning at Presqu’ile! There is a banded Piping Plover on Beach 2-3. It is Number 064 which I think is the female that nested here in 2016. There is also a Semipalmated Plover in the same area. The Lake is glass calm and in the far distance straight out fr

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Weekly Bird Report for 21-27 Sep 2018

2018-09-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 21-27 September 2018 By Doug McRae First let me begin by thanking Bill Gilmour for stepping up and doing such a good job with these weekly reports while I was working in James Bay for the past two months. I thought he did such a good job that he should keep

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 21-27 Sep 2018

2018-09-28 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Weekly Bird Report for Week on 21-27 Sept 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: SNOW GOOSE, STILT SANDPIPER, BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER, PRAIRIE WARBLER It was a busy week with lots of migrants passing through, especially on 22 and 27 September. Waterfowl diversity is good right now wi

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 28 Sep to 4 Oct 2018

2018-10-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 28 Sep - 4 Oct 2018 By Doug McRae There hasn’t been much birding coverage at Presqu’ile this week so the report is a little sparse. Hopefully the holiday weekend will bring some birders to the area to bulk up the sightings. Waterfowl remain well repres

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 5-11 Oct 2018

2018-10-12 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 5-11 Oct 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights this week include JAEGER SP., CAROLINA WREN, LECONTE’S SPARROW Waterfowl remain well represented with most puddle ducks still present - mostly in the marsh, and increasing numbers of diving ducks. SURF SCOTERS have been

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 12-18 Oct 2018

2018-10-19 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 12-18 Oct 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: CATTLE EGRET, LITTLE GULL, LAPLAND LONGSPUR, SNOW BUNTING It was a good week for arriving migrants and by the end of the week the first taste of winter birding had arrived. Although coverage was still light, Gull I

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 19-25 Oct 2018

2018-10-26 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of October 19-25 2018 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RED-THROATED LOON, LITTLE GULL, COMMON TERN, CAROLINA WREN, LAPLAND LONGSPUR, COMMON REDPOLL It was a great week for birding but unfortunately coverage at Presqu’ile remains low so much of the big passage not

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report - 26 Oct - 1 Nov 2018

2018-11-02 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 26 Oct – 1 Nov 2018 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BRANT, LITTLE GULL, COMMON TERN, CAROLINA WREN, LAPLAND LONGSPUR Waterbirds abound in the marsh, Presqu’ile Bay and Popham Bay (off the beach and islands). Seven BRANT were on Gull Is. on 28 Oct (FH). Alarm

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 2-8 Nov 2018

2018-11-09 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 2-8 Nov 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: CACKLING GOOSE, RED-THROATED LOON, SNOWY OWL, CAROLINA WREN, EVENING GROSBEAK There are still a number of lingering migrants about but it is starting to feel a little more like things are settling in for winter. Waterfowl a

[Ontbirds] Harlequin Duck at Presqu'ile

2018-11-11 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
This afternoon Gray Carlin and I saw a Harlequin Duck at Gull Island, Presqu’ile Prov. Park. It was swimming along the south side of Gull Is., then flew west to the channel between Gull and High Bluff Is. I believe it is an immature male with a crisp ear spot and a patchy, larger facial patc

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Weekly Bird Report for 9-15 November 2018

2018-11-16 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week on 16-22 Nov 2018

2018-11-22 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 16-22 November 2018 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: NORTHERN SHRIKE, CAROLINA WREN, BROWN THRASHER, CHIPPING SPARROW, PINE GROSBEAK, EVENING GROSBEAK The bitter cold continued to freeze up the quiet water in the marsh and in general, put a damper on bird (and b

[Ontbirds] Summer Tanager at Cobourg

2018-11-25 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Andrea Kingsley who, along with Marie Wannamaker have just relocated and photographed the Summer Tanager that was reported from the College St. area of Cobourg. The bird was seen near 301 College St. but is moving about. This is a quiet neighbourhood so please be respectful of peop

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 23-29 Nov 2018

2018-11-30 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Weekly Bird Report for 23-29 Nov 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: DUNLIN, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, HERMIT THRUSH, BROWN THRASHER, GRAY CATBIRD, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW, EVENING GROSBEAK The week was fairly quiet, likely due to the generally poor weather, but waterfowl continue to abound,

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Report for Week of 30 Nov - 6 Dec 2018

2018-12-08 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 30 Nov – 6 Dec 2018 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: DUNLIN, BROWN THRASHER, FOX SPARROW, SWAMP SPARROW It was a very quiet week with very few reports received, and very few birds by those that went out. Lingering birds have mostly gone and it’s feeling like w

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 7-13 Dec 2018

2018-12-14 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 7-13 Dec 2018 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: DUNLIN, GLAUCOUS GULL, RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, CHIPPING SPARROW, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW It was another quiet week with limited coverage but a few unusual things were noted. In spi

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 14-20 Dec 2018

2018-12-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 14-20 Dec 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: RING-NECKED DUCK, CANVASBACK, DUNLIN, ICELAND GULL, GLAUCOUS GULL, CHIPPING SPARROW, PINE GROSBEAK, RED CROSSBILL Once again coverage was light this week with the exception of Sunday Dec 16 when the Presqu’ile CB

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for Week of 21-27 Dec 2018

2018-12-28 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for the Week of 21-27 Dec 2018 By Doug McRae Highlights: RING-NECKED DUCK, DUNLIN, ICELAND GULL, BROWN THRASHER It was a quiet week for birders with the Belleville CBC and Christmas so observations are limited. The general sense is that most expected species are arou

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for week of 28 Dec 2018-3 Jan 2019

2019-01-04 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 28 Dec 2018 – 3 Jan 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: CANVASBACK, GLAUCOUS GULL, HERMIT THRUSH, SONG SPARROW, PINE GROSBEAK It was a quiet week with limited coverage. Although we are in ‘the dead of winter” there was evidence of some bird movement on the ver

[Ontbirds] POresqu'ile Bird Report for 4-10 Jan 2019

2019-01-11 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 4-10 January 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: LESSER SCAUP, BROWN THRASHER, SONG SPARROW, RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD Its pretty quiet in the Park but the annual mid-winter Waterfowl Survey helped boost the sightings a little. Ten species of waterfowl were seen wi

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 11-17 Jan 2019

2019-01-18 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 11-17 Jan 2019 HIGHLIGHTS: ICELAND GULL, BROWN THRASHER, PINE GROSBEAK It was a painfully quiet week at Presqu’ile as the cold sets in. Apart from the typical winter ducks, very few species are lingering. Two REDHEAD were seen on 12 Jan, a WHITE-WINGED SCOTE

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 18-24 Jan 2019

2019-01-26 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 18-24 Jan 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BROWN THRASHER, PINE GROSBEAK With the recent cold and near total freezing of Presqu’ile Bay things remain very quiet. Most bird activity is near feeders and the woods in general are very quiet (but still lovely to w

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 25-31 Jan 2019

2019-02-02 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 25-31 Jan 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BROWN THRASHER It’s another slim week for birds. Feeders are busier but the woods are almost lifeless, something that can happen when the peninsula is exposed to extended deep cold and wind. Presqu’ile Bay opened up a bit

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 1-7 Feb 2019

2019-02-09 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 1-7 Feb 2018 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: TUNDRA SWAN, ICELAND GULL, BELTED KINGFISHER, BROWN THRASHER There was some light at the end of the winter tunnel this week with a few new arrivals noted plus several species bursting into song in response to longer days! Wate

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 8-14 Feb 2019

2019-02-15 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 8-14 Feb 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: NORTHERN PINTAIL, NORTHERN GOSHAWK, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, BROWN THRASHER It was a week of variable weather with some subtle changes in birdlife. A few migrants arrived plus some other birds appeared in places they hadn’t previous

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 15-21 Feb 2019

2019-02-23 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 15-21 Feb 2019 by Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: EASTERN BLUEBIRD, BROWN THRASHER It was a very quiet week with almost no coverage so this is a skimpy report. Waterfowl seemed static with pretty much the “usual suspects” about. The only new arrival was a single AMERICAN

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 22-28 Feb 2019

2019-03-02 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 22-28 Feb 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: HOODED MERGANSER X COMMON GOLDENEYE, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, BROWN THRASHER It has been another quiet week with minimal coverage. There are a few hints that spring is coming, particularly with an increase in diving ducks

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 1-7 March 2019

2019-03-08 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 1-7 March 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: TURKEY VULTURE, ICELAND GULL, BROWN THRASHER Another week of cold and two impressive snowfalls kept the winter vibe going but a few undeniable spring signs shone through. The upcoming “heat wave” on Sunday may well b

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 8-14 Mar 2019

2019-03-15 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 8-14 March 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BIRDS! CACKLING GOOSE, PIED-BILLED GREBE, KILLDEER, CAROLINA WREN, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, BOHEMIAN WAXWING Finally spring has arrived with a flood of waterfowl, huge numbers of gulls on Gull Is., and lots of migra

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 15-21 Mar 2019

2019-03-23 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 15-21 March 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: CACKLING GOOSE, RUDDY DUCK, RED-NECKED GREBE, BONAPARTE’S GULL, PEREGRINE FALCON, BROWN THRASHER Like last week, waterfowl was the big story with a smattering of other interesting finds and new arrivals. Two CACKLING

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 22-28 Mar 2019

2019-03-30 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 22-28 Mar 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: PEREGRINE FALCON, CAROLINA WREN, BROWN THRASHER There was limited coverage this week but a number of new arrivals were seen and waterfowl numbers appear to be near peak with thousands of diving ducks in Presqu’ile Bay. Th

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 29 Mar - 4 Apr 2019

2019-04-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 29 Mar – 4 Apr 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BLACK SCOTER, RUDDY DUCK, RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, LONG-EARED OWL, BROWN THRASHER The cool weather and northerly winds have kept migration somewhat at bay but new birds continue to trickle in in spite of opposing winds.

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 5-11 Apr 2019

2019-04-12 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 5-11 April 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BLACK SCOTER, RUDDY DUCK, CAROLINA WREN Birds continue to show up but the big numbers have yet to arrive. They, and us, are still waiting for a big southerly push of warm air. Waterfowl numbers are now dropping and m

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 12-18 Apr 2019

2019-04-19 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 12-18 Apr 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: Lots of returning birds but nothing unusual. There have been a few small surges of migrants during brief windows of suitable weather but we have yet to see a big passage of migrant songbirds. Most birds seem to be arri

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Report for 19-25 Apr 2019

2019-04-26 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 19-25 Apr 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RED-THROATED LOON, CATTLE EGRET, LAUGHING GULL, CAROLINA WREN, SNOW BUNTING There were several days with good numbers of migrant passerines arriving although we still haven’t had a “big” day yet. Waterfowl numbers have thi

[Ontbirds] Piping Plover, Iceland Gull at Presqu'ile

2019-05-01 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi Ontbirders There is a Piping Plover on Beach 1 at Presqu’ile Prov. Park. It was apparently found this morning by Park staff and was present this evening when I checked at 1700h. It is a banded bird - combination is UL=metal, LL=Black over Orange split band, UR=Orange, LR=Black with numbers

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Report for 26 Apr - 2 May 2019

2019-05-03 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 26 Apr-2 May 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RUDDY DUCK, RED-THROATED LOON, SANDHILL CRANE, PIPING PLOVER, LITTLE GULL, ICELAND GULL, FORSTER’S TERN Like last week there have been a number of new arrivals but still no big push of songbirds. The Beach is partially

[Ontbirds] Laughing Gull, Piping Plover at Presqu'ile

2019-05-03 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
This evening there is an adult Laughing Gull and the Piping Plover on Beach 1 at Presqu’ile Prov. Park Cheers, Doug Directions: Presqu’ile Provincial Park is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, just south of the town of Brighton. It can be reached from either Hwy. 401, or Cty. Rd. 2

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 3-9 May 2019

2019-05-10 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS

[Ontbirds] Piping Plover at Presqu'ile; Cattle Egret on Huff Rd.

2019-05-10 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, There is a Piping Plover on Beach 1 at Presqu’ile with 2 Black-bellied Plovers and a Ruddy Turnstone. It is colour banded and appears to be a different bird than the 1-6 May bird but a better look is desired. If you see it, try to get the combination. There is also a Cattle Egret bac

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 10-16 May 2019

2019-05-17 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 10-16 May 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN, CATTLE EGRET, SANDHILL CRANE, PIPING PLOVER, BLACK TERN, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, EVENING GROSBEAK It’s been a great week of birding at Presqu’ile with a big surge in songbirds, especially warblers. Th

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 17-23 May 2019

2019-05-26 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 17-23 May 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: CATTLE EGRET, SANDHILL CRANE, PIPING PLOVER, LAUGHING GULL, BLACK TERN, CERULEAN WARBLER Presqu’ile always shines in the latter half of May and this past week was very busy with several excellent warbler days. The rising

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 24-30 May 2019

2019-06-01 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 24-30 May 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BRANT, RING-NECKED DUCK, RED-THROATED LOON, BIG SHOREBIRD GROUNDING, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO, KENTUCKY WARBLER, CLAY-COLORED SPARROW This was probably the last big week of northbound migration, although some later migrants wi

[Ontbirds] Three egrets, Red Knot in Presqu'ile area

2019-06-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, There are 3 species of egrets around Presqu’ile. A Snowy Egret was photographed yesterday in the Woodpile Marsh (between High Bluff and Pines campground) in Presqu’ile Park. This morning it was seen from Beach 2 feeding in a beach pool to the south (roughly on Beach 3). The beach is

[Ontbirds] Snowy Egret at Presqu'ile

2019-06-06 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi Ontbirders The Snowy Egret was feeding at waters’ edge at Beach 2 this morning. It is along the beach right where the southern-most path from the Beach 2 parking lot meets the beach so walk very slowly as you approach the beach or it will flush. It has some kind of injury to side of its fa

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 31 May-6 Jun 2019

2019-06-07 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 31 May – 6 June 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RING-NECKED DUCK, RED-THROATED LOON, SNOWY EGRET, CATTLE EGRET, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO Spring migration is winding down but there are still some migrant warblers and shorebirds about. The flooded beach has been ver

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 7-13 June 2019

2019-06-15 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 7-13 June 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: NORTHERN PINTAIL, WHITE-WINGED SCOTER, RED-THROATED LOON, SNOWY EGRET, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD A few vestiges of spring migration remain but we are now squarely in the nesting season with many species obse

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 14-20 June 2019

2019-06-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 14-20 Jun 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHT: SNOWY EGRET Things have really settled into the summer grove with most sightings pertaining to breeding birds with lots of observations of fledged young, and a dearth of reports so this will be quick! Interesting/lingering

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 21-27 Jun 2019

2019-06-28 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 21-27 June 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RED-THROATED LOON, PIPING PLOVER, RED-NECKED PHALAROPE, NORTHERN PARULA We are in the heart of nesting season so most birds are keeping busy feeding young and trying to do it inconspicuously. Birders on the other hand were

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 28 Jun - 4 Jul 2019

2019-07-05 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 28 Jun – 4 July 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: COMMON GOLDENEYE, BLACKPOLL WARBLER There wasn’t much coverage this week and the heat made birding less productive. As in the past few weeks, most observations pertain to nesting birds and the many young that are fl

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 13-19 Sep 2019

2019-09-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 13-19 Sept 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: LONG-TAILED DUCK, RED-NECKED GREBE, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, LAPLAND LONGSPUR, BLUE-WINGED WARBLER Let me start by thanking Bill Gilmour who very capably filled in for me over the past two months while I was in James Bay. Th

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 20-26 Sep 2019

2019-09-28 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 20-26 Sept 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER, LONG-EARED OWL, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO There were no exceptional movements this week but a good variety of species were detected. Shorebirds are few in number but species diversity was good with mos

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 27 Sep-3 Oct 2019

2019-10-03 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 27 Sep-3 Oct 2019 By Doug McRae There were no unexpected sightings this week but migration carried on throughout the week with an especially birdy day on 3 October. Now that the waterfowl hunt is going on most ducks are sitting in Popham Bay offshore from the isla

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 4-10 Oct 2019

2019-10-11 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 4-10 Oct 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: SNOW GOOSE, EASTERN SCREECH OWL There were no major flight days this week but a good selection of birds are still passing through. Waterfowl numbers continue to build, especially off the beach in Popham Bay. Shorebirds numbe

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 11-17 OCT 2019

2019-10-19 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 11-17 Oct 2019 By Doug McRae There has not been a significant change in birdlife since last week’s report. Migration carries on but without any large movements and, for the most part, what we are seeing are the “usual suspects” for this time of year. Most puddle du

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Report for 18-24 Oct 2019

2019-10-25 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 18-24 Oct 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: CALIFORNIA GULL The week was characterized by a strong passerine flight on the 18th, and a solid week of waterbirds and shorebirds. Gull Island remained the best place to see shorebirds but for the first time in several w

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 25-31 Oct 2019

2019-11-01 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 25-31 Oct 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: AMERICAN AVOCET There was no significant change from the previous week with a few new arrivals, one very classy rarity, and a few days with numbers of birds on the move. Waterfowl are plentiful now with most expected species

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 1-7 Nov 2019

2019-11-08 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 1-7 Nov 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BRANT, SNOW GOOSE, NORTHERN GOSHAWK, LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL This week’s cold weather stimulated lots of movement with an increase in waterfowl and a thinning of passerine numbers. On 1 Nov a lone BRANT flew north out of t

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 8-14 Nov 2019

2019-11-15 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report 8-14 Nov 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL There was a significant difference in birdlife between the start of the period and the end thanks to a deep freeze/snow event that hit on 11-12 Nov. The marsh is mostly frozen, ponds are frozen, and there

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 15-21 Nov 2019

2019-11-22 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 15-21 Nov 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RED-THROATED LOON, GOLDEN EAGLE, PURPLE FINCH The cold weather eased up a bit by week’s end but the birding seemed pretty quiet for the most part. Six TUNDRA SWAN were reported on 19 Nov. Puddle ducks are much scarcer n

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Report for 22-28 Nov 2019

2019-11-29 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 22-28 Nov 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: SANDHILL CRANE, PURPLE SANDPIPER The thaw made birding more pleasant but there didn’t seem to be much around outside of the usual suspects. That said, the biggest SANDHILL CRANE fight on record was fun and PURPLE SANDPIPE

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 29 Nov - 5 Dec 2019

2019-12-06 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 29 Nov – 5 Dec 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: PURPLE SANDPIPER, BALTIMORE ORIOLE A storm on 1 December left 15 cm of snow and continued cold weather has frozen most still water, the immediate shoreline of the beach and islands, and the inner Bay. Although coverage

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 6-12 Dec 2019

2019-12-13 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 6-12 Dec 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: WINTER WREN There wasn’t much coverage this week, or much to see it seems so this is a quick report. Presqu’ile Bay is half frozen so most ducks are near the ice-edge, best viewed from the Municipal Dock on Bayshore Rd.

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Christmas Count

2019-12-15 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, Numbers are still coming in so no final totals, but The Presqu’ile Christmas Bird Count was held under difficult conditions (but not as bad as Saturday). High west winds and occasional snow kept birds down and quiet. In general most species, especially passerines, seemed very low. Many

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 13-19 Dec 2019

2019-12-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for Week of 12-19 Dec 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: CANVASBACK, LESSER SCAUP, BLACK SCOTER, COMMON LOON, DUNLIN, PURPLE SANDPIPER, WINTER WREN The Presqu’ile Christmas Bird Count was held on 15 Dec in windy, rough-water, difficult conditions but it generated some in

[Ontbirds] Purple Sandpiper and Dunlin at Presqu'ile

2019-12-25 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Hi all, There are two Purple Sandpipers and a Dunlin walking around the tip of Owen Pt. at Presqu’ile Provincial Park. With a scope we could also see a Snowy Owl on Gull Island, and two adult Bald Eagles sitting together and a dark morph Rough-legged Hawk on High Bluff Is. Owen Pt is the sout

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 20-26 Dec 2019

2019-12-26 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 20-26 Dec 2019 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BLACK SCOTER, DUNLIN, PURPLE SANDPIPER, BROWN THRASHER There wasn’t much coverage this week so sightings are sparse. Waterfowl picked up a bit with more CANADA GEESE feeding in the Bay plus varying numbers of diving ducks

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 27 Dec 2019 - 2 Jan 2020

2020-01-04 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 27 Dec 2019-2 Jan 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RUDDY DUCK, DUNLIN, PURPLE SANDPIPER, WINTER WREN, BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD Almost all the coverage this week was focused on the group of PURPLE SANDPIPERS and a DUNLIN that continue to frequent Owen Pt; otherwise ther

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 3-9 Jan 2020

2020-01-11 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 3-9 Jan 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: RUDDY DUCK, PURPLE SANDPIPER, DUNLIN, WINTER WREN, BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD Things have mostly settled into a pattern with the exception of waterfowl, whose numbers fluctuate almost continuously. Land birds seem especially thin

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 10-16 Jan 2020

2020-01-17 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: COMMON LOON, PURPLE SANDPIPER, DUNLIN, YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER The annual Mid-winter Waterfowl Survey was conducted all along the shoreline of Lake Ontario on 12 Jan and provided some clear numbers, but coverage was otherwise sporadic this week. Earlier I mentioned ho

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 17-23 Jan 2020

2020-01-24 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 17-23 Jan 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: LESSER SCAUP, DUNLIN There was very little coverage this week so not much to report. A cold wave and snowstorm on 18 Jan covered the ground and froze much of Presqu’ile Bay, however by weeks’ end it had opened again to th

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 24-30 Jan 2020

2020-01-31 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 24 – 30 Jan 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: WINTER WREN, COMMON GRACKLE It was a painfully slow week with almost no coverage and a general dearth of birds. Sorry. Waterfowl drift in and out of Presqu’ile bay with the ice so numbers vary but usually there are betw

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 31 Jan - 6 Feb 2020

2020-02-07 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 31 Jan – 6 Feb 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: WINTER WREN It has been another quiet week without any surprises. Waterfowl are mostly located around the islands and the outer Bay when its not choked with ice. Landbirds are generally very scarce and most are

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 7-13 Feb 2020

2020-02-14 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 7-13 Feb 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL, WINTER WREN, HERMIT THRUSH The warmer weather resulted in waterbirds picking up a little this week with both ducks and gulls showing increased numbers and/or diversity. Even landbirds showed some

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 14-20 Feb 2020

2020-02-21 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 14-20 Feb 2020 By Doug McRae There were almost no reports received this week so there is very little to say other than the “usual suspects” are about and a few migrants arrived. RING-NECKED DUCK – a report came through ebird of 14 birds with other diving ducks

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report 21-27 Feb 2020

2020-02-29 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report 21-27 Feb 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: GADWALL, ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK, NORTHERN FLICKER, EASTERN BLUEBIRD A brief wave of warmer weather brought in some waterfowl and even some AMERICAN ROBINS and RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS that appeared to be migrants, rather than the wi

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report for 28 Feb - 5 Mar 2020

2020-03-06 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 28 Feb – 5 Mar 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: CACKLING GOOSE, LESSER BLACK-BACKLED GULL Signs of spring are obvious with a big influx of waterfowl, more gulls and a smattering of the early migrant land birds. The weather predicted for this Sunday will likely

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Bird Report

2020-03-13 Thread Doug McRae via ONTBIRDS
Presqu’ile Bird Report for 6-12 Mar 2020 By Doug McRae HIGHLIGHTS: BROWN THRASHER It was another week of light coverage with pretty much the usual suspects noted. The ice in Presqu’ile Bay has opened substantially and the ice-edge – where most of the duck action is – is now west of the Calf

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