[bitcoin-dev] A thought experiment on bitcoin for payroll privacy

2020-10-03 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev
Lets pretend that I have a company. I'll call it cut throat industries. We
are a box cutter testing firm. HR pays the employees biweekly Fridays. In
the current way. Cut throat industries pays a single transaction with the
company's  treasury as the input and each employee payroll as an output.
There is no address reuse because HR has a xpub provided by each employee
for their payroll wallet. I have 120 employees.

The problem

The concern is the competition of my precious company and employees seeing
our worth and amount in our treasury account. This also exposes how many
employees we have and an idea of what the average payroll is. One of my
employees is Frank. Frank gets paid then a couple days later he buys some
random thing that should not be talked about from a coworker. The coworker
can observe Franks input and know what Frank makes. There is another time
where cut throat industries is in a temporary financial clamp down. To
save money my company is not giving bonuses for the rest of the fiscal
year. But one employee of mine has done a very good job at cutting and I
was afraid he was going to leave my agency if I did not make an exception
for him. So I gave him a raise but not others. Employees notice that one
of the 120 biweekly outputs is higher than usual. So they know someone got
a raise.

Problem summary

I am paranoid because I run a company with my finances transparent to my
competition and my employees. And my employees are starting to get
concerned because their income is transparent to everyone also. These
employees are dangerous and professional cutters. I don't want to upset
them. What can I do to use bitcoin with privacy to eliminate these
concerns? Lightning network is not much an option because they do not have
inbound balance to get paid. I cannot front up funds of my own to give
them inbound balance because it would consume all of my treasury to lock
up funds. So it seems that I have to do payroll on chain. What do I do?

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[bitcoin-dev] Lightning - Is HTLC vulnerable? And mention of Channel Factories

2020-07-14 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev
Sorry. Re-sending with correction to CC bitcoin-dev

 I am sorry if this was already brought up in previous threads. If I know
lightning network correctly then HTLC is used to enforce settlements on
blockchain if there is a dispute. Could a person lose money if their HTLC
does not get confirmed in the timeframe or if an older HTLC gets
confirmed first? I see different ways this could happen.

 One, if the blockchain is very saturated with other transactions. The
reason we need lightning network is why it might have troubles with
settlements? Two, competition from a different conflicting HTLC. A newer
HTLC might not get confirmed before an older HTL. Three, denial of service
the lightning router so they never have a chance to send a settlement

I found out about a recent attack technique that sounds like it might be
similar called "flood and loot".

Is this a concern on lightning network? I humbly say that I do not fully
understand all of lightning network yet. I am working to grasp the idea.
These are questions I look to find answer for. Another question I have. I
did read the paper Scalable Funding of Bitcoin Micropayment Channel
Networks. Would channel factories be better and eliminate my concern?

I am sending this to lightning-dev mailing list. I do not see
lightning-dev emails because google recaptcha blocks me from the
subscribe. Please CC me if you reply so I can read it.

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Re: [bitcoin-dev] Tainting, CoinJoin, PayJoin, CoinSwap

2020-06-10 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev
Thought provoking. In my opinion bitcoin should be designed in a way to
where there is no distinction between "clean" bitcoins and "dirty"
bitcoins. If one bitcoin is considered dirty then all bitcoins should be
considered dirty. Fungibility is important. And bitcoin or its users
should not be concerned with pleasing governments. Bitcoin should be or
remain neutral. The term "clean" or "dirty" is defined by whatever
government is in power. Bitcoin is not to please government but to be
independent of government control and reliance on government or any other
centralized systems. To act as censorship resistant money to give people
freedom from tyranny. I'm just saying that if anyone can determine if a
bitcoin is clean or dirty then I think we are doing something wrong. What
is great with certain protocols like coinjoin coinswap and payjoin there
is that plausible deniability that hopefully would spread the entire
"taint" of bitcoin collectively either for real or just as a possibility 
to any blockchain analysis entities (with no real way to tell or interpret
with accuracy).

Bitcoin should be designed in a way where the only way to stop "dirty"
bitcoins is to reject all bitcoins.

If "dirty" bitcoins is actually a real thing then I guess I could have fun
by polluting random peoples bitcoin addresses with "dirty" coins right? No
way to prove if it is a self transfer or an unsolicited "donation".  I
just do not see how any bitcoin UTXO censorship could work because of
plausible deniability.

If any company actually used UTXO censorship then customers can just use
services that are respecting of freedom and do not use censorship.

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[bitcoin-dev] Question about PayJoin effectiveness

2020-06-09 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev
I am trying to learn about payjoin. I have a couple concerns on its
effectiveness. Are my concerns valid or am I missing something?

concern 1
If it is known to be a payjoin transaction anyone could determine the
sender the recipient and amount right?

Lets assume that everyone has a single utxo because payjoin becomes common
use and payjoin consolidates utxos through "snowballing". If Alice has a
UTXO of 0.05 btc and Bob has a UTXO of 1.15 btc. Bob can be assumed to
have more balance because he is a merchant and his customers payjoin him
payments alot.

If Alice and Bob do a payjoin with Alice paying 0.01 btc to Bob, it would
probably look like this right?

 0.05---> |>1.16
 1.15---> |>0.04

It is very obvious here the amount sent and the sender.  Even if Alice did
combine another input it would still be very obvious. In this case Alice
has another utxo with 0.4 BTC

 0.40---> |
 0.05---> |>1.16
 1.15---> |>0.44

This is still obvious that Alice paid Bob 0.01 BTC isn't it?

concern 2
If there is just one consolidated utxo after each payjoin, would it  be
easy to break the privacy of transaction chains?




For exmaple, lets say that Alice payjoins to Bob. Then later on Clark
payjoins with Bob. Based on the payjoin between Clark and Bob, Clark now
knows what UTXO was actually Bob's. And can then know which one was
actually Alices. By transacting a payjoin with someone, they could decloak
the payjoins before them right? If so, how far back the chain can they go?

The issue is not that someone knows the utxos of themselves and the entity
they payjoined with. The issue is that someone can figure out the payjoins
of others before them with the same entity.

I surely must be missing something here. What am I not understanding?

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Re: [bitcoin-dev] Design for a CoinSwap implementation for massively improving Bitcoin privacy and fungibility

2020-06-09 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev

> === Combining multi-transaction with routing ===
> Routing and multi-transaction must be combined to get both benefits. If
> Alice owns multiple UTXOs (of value 6 BTC, 8 BTC and 1 BTC) then this is
> easy with this configuration:
>  Alice
> (6 BTC) (8 BTC) (1 BTC)
>|   |   |
>|   |   |
>v   v   v
>   Bob
> (5 BTC) (5 BTC) (5 BTC)
>|   |   |
>|   |   |
>v   v   v
> Charlie
> (9 BTC) (5 BTC) (1 BTC)
>|   |   |
>|   |   |
>v   v   v
> Dennis
> (7 BTC) (4 BTC) (4 BTC)
>|   |   |
>|   |   |
>v   v   v
>  Alice

Great work Chris and you have my respects for your contributions to
Bitcoin. A concern I have with bitcoin is scalability and privacy. Both
are important. The reasons people bash on Monero is also the same issue
Bitcoin has. The very large transaction size to achieve acceptable privacy
on a distributed financial network. Im not shilling Monero here. I am only
saying that bitcoin transactions with similar privacy properties are at
least equally as large as Monero transactions. Coinjoin on Monero can be
compared to ring signatures in Monero from the view of using decoys to
help conceal the source. From this proposal is this to say that
transactions will be at least 12 times larger in size to achieve the
property of privacy that bitcoin is currently missing?

Another thing to consider is that if coinswaps cannot be sent as a payment
then a coinswap needs to take place after every transaction to keep the
privacy and unlinkability from your other bitcoin transactions.

I always thought that CoinSwap would be and is a very much needed thing
that needs developed. The ability to swap coins with other people in a
trustless way and way that is not linkable to the public blockchain. But
how can this be scalable at all with the multiple branches and layers?
This is a good idea in theory but my concern would be the scalability
issues this creates.

Do you have any comments on this?
Thank you

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Re: [bitcoin-dev] Design for a CoinSwap implementation for massively improving Bitcoin privacy and fungibility

2020-06-09 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev

> Coinjoin on Monero can be
> compared to ring signatures in Monero from the view of using decoys to
> help conceal the source. From this proposal is this to say that
> transactions will be at least 12 times larger in size to achieve the
> property of privacy that bitcoin is currently missing?

This was a typo. Coinjoin on BITCOIN, can be compared to ring signatures
in Monero form the view of using decoys to help conceal the source.

The same thing that makes monero transactions large and a scalability
concern is the same thing that bitcoin suffers from with using privacy
focused transactions.

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[bitcoin-dev] v3 onion services

2019-11-16 Thread Mr. Lee Chiffre via bitcoin-dev
Right now bitcoin client core supports use of tor hidden service. It
supports v2 hidden service. I am in progress of creating a new bitcoin
node which will use v3 hidden service instead of v2. I am looking at
bitcoin core and btcd to use. Do any of these or current node software
support the v3 onion addresses for the node address? What about I2P
addresses? If not what will it take to get it to support the longer
addresses that is used by i2p and tor v3?

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