[Bitcoin-development] Video summarizations of blocksize issues?

2015-06-18 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:54 AM, odinn  wrote:
> Recently I saw the following video:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JmvkyQyD8w&t=47m58s

For those loosely following the technical issues from outside development
circles, but who may be pressed into a voting/adoption type position (miners,
users, investors)... is there a parallel presentation of the concepts and
arguments from the other side (both, or the various, sides) that they
can refer to?
Someplace where they are collated and presented? A wiki perhaps?
Are these even valid or necessary questions?

Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Move Bitcoin Dev List to a Neutral Competent Entity

2015-06-16 Thread grarpamp
Please no GoogleGroups. Stick with mailman or some other open
source thing you can move around from place to place as needed.

Also, online third party archives die, their web interfaces suck
ass, they're bloated, don't export, aren't offline capable or
authoritative, etc.

You need to make the raw archives (past and future) downloadable
in mbox format and updated daily, with full unobfuscated headers
for threading and replying, with signatures and attachments.
Commonly for newcomers wishing to seed their own MUA's and archives,
mirrors, search, and so on.

One such breakage of archives by mailman defaults was discussed and
corrected here:

You also need to get rid of the tag in the subject, it wastes
valuable space and mail filters work just the same without it.

Please no "forums" (see suck above). Unless they have bidirectional
realtime message copying between list and forum. Or at least make
available exports of their message database.

Further, when will the crypto P2P communities develop and use
distributed messaging systems... bitmessage, blockchain, etc as
rough examples... to avoid old centralized issues. At some point you
have to start eating your own dog food and make people run the
clients and come to you instead. Disruptive tech is the new good.

Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] 0.8.2 branch

2013-05-29 Thread grarpamp
Should there not be a 0.8.2 branch laid down at 09e437b (v0.8.2)
in which the like of release build stoppers or critfixes such as d315eb0
are included... for those tracking that level of defect without
wishing to track all the growing post release slush in HEAD?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoin taint & unilateral revocability (Re: ecash and revocability)

2013-05-14 Thread grarpamp
> Bitcoins relative lack of privacy creates a problem with tainted coins
> risking becoming unspendable, or spendable only with some users, or at a
> discount.  So while the policy coded says all coins are equally acceptable,
> the information exists so people can unilaterally reject them, depending on
> what the taint is.  So far revocability hasnt reared it's head that I heard,
> nor taint inspection too much?  However people have the choice and technical
> means to check the taint and send the bitcoins back.

a) Is there a paper detailing bitcoin traceability issues?
Particularly when using various combinations of the often
advised 'use different address for every transaction', 'wash coins',
and 'use anonymity networks' privacy enhancement methods.

b) People would be nuts to reject tainted coins on the current
chain, or any chain. How many of the bills in your wallet passed
through 'illicit' transactions? How would you feel if your payee's
serial checker bounced yours, possibly forcing you to dispense
with them through other, possibly illicit, means? What about a
total blackball? Who's going to compensate you? How exactly do
you roll that all back? And are you going to KYC and scour the lives
of your every potential customer beforehand? What if someone has
money to burn and blackballs a million notes for fun. A currency of
common global adoption that you can't spend after some thieving
crackdealer bought an onion off your garden stand isn't of much use
to anyone, not even the purists who come up with such ideas.
Specialized currencies in special markets, sure, maybe, all still
fraught with the same dilemmas. But for a global common one? No.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoin pull requests

2013-04-03 Thread grarpamp
> Users will have available multisig addresses which require
> transactions to be signed off by a wallet HSM. (E.g. a keyfob

Hardware is a good thing. But only if you do the crypto in the
hardware and trust the hardware and its attack models ;) For
instance, the fingerprint readers you see everywhere... many
of them just present the raw fingerprint scan to the host (and
host software), instead of hashing the fingerprint internally and
using that as primitive in crypto exchanges with the host. They
cheaped out and/or didn't think. So oops, there went both your
security (host replay) and your personal privacy (biometrics),
outside of your control. All with no protection against physical
fingerprint lifting.

> This doesn't remove the need to improve repository integrity. ... but
> repository integrity is a general problem that is applicable to many
> things (after all, what does it matter if you can't compromise Bitcoin
> if you can compromise boost, openssl, or gcc?)

Yes, that case would matter zero to the end product. However
having a strong repo permits better auditing of the BTC codebase.
That's a good thing, and eliminates the need to talk chicken and

> It's probably best
> that Bitcoin specalists stay focused on Bitcoin security measures, and
> other people interested in repository security come and help out
> improving it.  An obvious area of improvement might be oddity
> detection and alerting:  It's weird that I can rewrite history on
> github, so long as I do it quickly, without anyone noticing.

If no one is verifying the repo, sure, even entire repos could be
swapped out for seemingly identical ones.

Many repos do not have any strong internal verification structures
at all, and they run on filesystems that accept bitrot.
Take a look at some OS's... OpenBSD and FreeBSD, supposedly
the more secure ones out there... both use legacy repos on FFS.
Seems rather ironic in the lol department.

Thankfully some people out there are finally getting a clue on these
issues, making and learning the tools, converting and migrating
things, working on top down signed build and distribution chain, etc...
so maybe in ten years the opensource world will be much farther
ahead. Or at least have a strong audit trail.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoin pull requests

2013-04-03 Thread grarpamp
> Eliminate the "if you get a bad bitcoin-qt.exe somehow you're in big
> trouble" risk entirely

This isn't really possible. A trojaned client will spend your coin as
easily as the owner can, passphrases will be logged, windows box will
be owned, secondary remote spendauth sigs into the network chain
break similarly, securely hashcheck the trojaned client from cracked
userspace on a hacked dll/kernel with uefi backdoor and a trojaned
hasher, etc.

It's easier for a few developers to meet in person to init and sig
a new repo than to try fixing the world's userland and users :)
At least that way you get something verifiable back to the root.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoin pull requests

2013-04-03 Thread grarpamp
>> gpg signing commits, like the Linux kernel

> Though, honestly, when I ACK that means I read the code, which is more
> important than the author really.  github seems fine for that still,
> though I do wonder if there is a race possible,
> * just before I click "pull", sneak rebases the branch to something evil

You might want to look at http://www.monotone.ca/, it does a good job
of integrating crypto and review primitives into the workflow.
It also has some reliable network distribution models (netsync) that work
well over things like Tor, in case a new developer (or old Satoshi) doesn't
wish to be in the public light.


Once you have the crypto, it always boils down to human risk factors,
rogue, password, cracks, etc which are harder.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Ok to use 0.8.x?

2013-03-16 Thread grarpamp
>> Bitcoin version 0.8.0 is safe to use for everything EXCEPT creating blocks.
>> So: safe for everybody except solo miners / pool operators.
> And even solo miners / pool operators can use it if connected to the network 
> only through a 0.7 node.

I'll go ahead and use 0.8.x since it will be just transactions and queries.

I'm guessing this will all be fixed in a couple weeks and that ASIC and FPGA
miners will have their softcode updated, as will the pure softminers (GPU).

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Ok to use 0.8.x?

2013-03-13 Thread grarpamp
Assuming a new install and first time connection to the net,
is using 0.8.x [1] safe to use, for all (or select?) purposes,
regarding the current fork issue?

If not, is there a recommended branch, tag, or commit, for
all such (or select?) purposes, until such time as an upgrade
alert is broadcasted?


[1] Regarding possible 0.8.x flavors...

There are only 'branch master' and 'tag v0.8.0' here:

There are no 0.8.x branch or tags here yet:

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.8.0rc1 status

2013-02-08 Thread grarpamp
> Linux builds of 0.8.0rc1 are in good shape; easily gitian-reproduceable.
> Windows builds are varying with every compile, and I think I finally
> The OSX build is in pretty good shape, but needs
> So: I think the path forward is to announce 0.8.0rc1 with the binaries
> we've got, to get more testing.

With this new minor bump, I'd like to encourage the project to perform
a build check on FreeBSD 8.3 (gcc), and 9.1 (should be clang/llvm).
I'll try to get to 8.x but may not be able to in time.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] separate out blockchain db and wallet to two dirs?

2012-09-13 Thread grarpamp
Linux typically uses the FHS, which various distros often bastardize:
BSD typically uses the traditional hierarchy, for which admins
 often add /home and /opt:

You'd have to read them both and decide which camp you're in.

Since bitcoin isn't really an X app at it's core, XDG doesn't really

Further, bitcoin doesn't allow easy separation of the files without
detachdb (off by default), nor does it supply a user agnostic system
daemon to do the block processing separately from user wallet ops.
So I would suggest until then it remain split up somewhere under
.bitcoin rather than in /var or anywhere else.

And when you figure out where I should place my messages in
full the first time, please let me know because I obviously need help.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] separate out blockchain db and wallet to two dirs?

2012-09-13 Thread grarpamp
> I like this idea, although I would say the blockchain should go in 
> /var/lib/bitcoin
> by default, right? I'm just a longtime LInux guy, not a formal sysadmin, 
> though.

Further, bitcoin doesn't allow easy separation of the files without
detachdb (off by default), nor does it supply a user agnostic system
daemon to do the block processing separately from user wallet ops.
So I would suggest until then it remain split up somewhere under
.bitcoin rather than in /var or anywhere else.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] separate out blockchain db and wallet to two dirs?

2012-09-13 Thread grarpamp
I mentioned this somewhere a while ago.
It is enough of a sysadmin problem to warrant a feature ticket.
Open one on github for it.
XDGBDS is not canon. So don't hardcode said paths.
All paths should be specifiable in bitcoin the config file, whose
location should itself be specifiable on the command line.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-27 Thread grarpamp
> I'd love to know precisely what Bitcoin is doing thats making your
> machine so unhappy... but your configuration is uncommon for bitcoin
> nodes in many distinct ways so it's not clear where to start.

That's why I posted the details of the machine so interested people
could duplicate it if they are working in these areas. Once I'm on new
hardware and playing around I, also, may find some discoveries.

I have no doubt that 'common' is windows seven on core2duo
without ecc and no crypto or hashing for the disk :)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-27 Thread grarpamp
> You are however using a filesystem (ZFS)

I'm aware of the memory and i386 issues, and going shopping.

> The bdb backend Bitcoin uses
> does many I/O operations, and writes them synchronously to disk, killing
> whatever caching your filesystem provides.

Sync... yes, depending on the rate/sec and size of them, that would be an
issue. "Enterprise" systems with UPS, good disk, etc assume writes are
committed upon return, eliminating need for software apps to do sync. So
I need to figure out how to turn that off?

Is sync on for everything, or just the wallet (where it could be argued as ok)?

> For those who run a large
> database on ZFS, I believe it is advised to put ZFS's intent log on a
> separate SSD-backed device, to get fast synchronous writes.

Guessing bitcoin's writes are small? So a RAM dev intent would be cheaper
and faster than SSD for that.

> on switching the bitcoin block verifier to use a different style database
> layout ("ultraprune"), which is smaller, faster, and will support pruning.

I'll try to search that. If it's anything like "delete old blocks/tx/coins that
have both been validated in the past and fully spent in the future since we
no longer need to validate further back beyond them [1]", that would be

[1] Unless you're a historian or some usage other than casual transactions.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-26 Thread grarpamp
> shopping.

Good thing I can still spend, even with an incomplete blockchain :)

> but why do you also need to encrypt 2+ GB of public record?

1) I'm not seeing an option to split the wallet, debug log and other
privates pathwise from the blockchain.
2) Because encrypt everything is reasonable standard practice.
https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Cardinal_Richelieu [ref: disputed quote]

BTW, logs for this box say at least 9 days were spent attempting to
crunch the most recent 3100 blocks before it was overrun with new
ones and retired. (There's no formal start timestamp, just some entries...)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-26 Thread grarpamp
> I now have an 1.8 ghz p3 celeron (128k cache) which should be
> substantially slower than your machine, running vintage 2.6.20 linux.
> Unfortunately I forgot to turn on timestamp logging so I don't know
> how long it took to sync the chain, but it was less than two days as
> that was the span between when I checked on it. It's staying current

Well, are you running bitcoin on, say, an FS with sha256 integrity
trees for all bits and AES-128-XTS/CBC disk encryption?
If not, we're not comparing the same apples, let alone the same OS.

> Again, I encourage you to investigate your software configuration.

Someone suggested I investigate turning off the above features.
Since I'd find their loss undesirable [1], and there's not much to be
tuned there anyways, I've given up and am investigating what more
GHz and cores will do.

[1] Keeping data both intact and private is a good thing. Does your
checkbook deserve any less?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-26 Thread grarpamp
Update: this class of machine just became useless for bitcoin.
When blk0002.dat was created to store more blocks, all forward
progress processing blocks turned into losing ground by 20 or so
a day. Guessing both datfiles were being accessed at once resulting
in disk based overload. I've not seen any other mentions of crypto
in this thread so I'm not sure how well new hardware would perform.
Going shopping I guess.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-23 Thread grarpamp
> You're seriously suggesting that I'm using a system
> which is 720x (one month vs one hour) faster than your
> P4 1.8GHz?

Don't know what you're using since you've not stated it.

> I find this doubtful, especially since bitcoin's sync is effectively
> single threaded.

Extra cores help with disk, crypto, net, etc...

> month

I've spent about two weeks crunching about the last month's
worth of new blocks.

> Your results are not expected and are not believed to be
> representative.

The config is reproducible, and not believed to be uncommon.

> try to isolate it

Mostly disk and crypto.
Shall everyone instead run in bitrot and no-privacy mode?
What do we do when we've got 10k trans a day coming in?
50k? 100k, 1M? When the chain gets 1M, 50M, 500M, 1B long?

Forget my swamped box, these numbers are coming to others.

> try to sync from a local node into tmpfs

I'd bet some people using 'tmpfs' probably have it unknowingly
[fall]backed to swap instead of core.

Bitcoin already takes up 3GiB of disk, how many have that much
free RAM? How many have 30GiB, 300GiB?

> If you're building against BDB later than the recommended 4.8
> be aware that there have been performance regressions with later
> versions

Yes, I left out that bit of platform so here are the remaining
bits... db4830, boost149, vm.kmem_size=65000

I'm not bashing anything or anybody, just detailing a stock config
that is underwater. Anybody wishing to verify can get the hardware
from their junk pile and the software from freebsd.org. I'll certainly
be looking at both it and different setups too. If anyone's using
say Linux/BSD, BTRFS/ZFS, crypto, on i386/amd64, they could
chime in with their times too.

Disk is the cheapest, easiest thing for Joe to get. Think about
indexing and checkpointing into said disk. I don't know what
bitcoin's doing, but if it's verifying every transaction back to
the root, that would seem a bit ridiculous.

Joe probably won't be happy buying TiB's for bitcoind, so after that's
filled (assuming there's CPU to do it), the trust model has to change.
These scales are coming...

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-23 Thread grarpamp
> Please fix your software stack. Something is wrong
> with your system

Nothing wrong, it's all default install. I documented the platform
for anyone who wants to confirm it.

> A full sync here takes something like an hour.

And what, similarly, is your platform?
It takes 5 seconds... on my Cray.

> I would guess that you are running the blockchain download
> through the tor-proxy

Use of Tor was stated. Tor is fast enough. I can copy the entire
3GiB of the .bitcoin dir in 7 days... off a slow hidden service.
And 0.5 days via exit.

> encrypting your disk (aes stuff) will not help you much either

Encryption is a perfectly reasonable thing to expect users of
bitcoin to be interested in doing. In fact, those not encrypting
their disks should probably rethink that plan.

> encrypting a the storage of a public blockchain seems to me a bit odd ?

Well, without detachdb, it's somehow tied to the wallet, whether
while processing or offline. And the wallet and debug.log are
not relocatable from the data. And encrypting everything is perfectly
reasonable anyways. As is storing your valuable data on filesystems
that verify the integrity of their data on disk, such as ZFS/BTRFS.

These days, crypto, Tor, and ZFS are common and non-arguments.

> I get a full blockchain from scratch in 45 minutes on my laptop

Again, timings with no CPU/OS/disk specs are useless infos.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-22 Thread grarpamp
Given a testbed: Pentium 4 1.8GHz single core, 2GB ram, FreeBSD 8,
disk is geli aes-128 + zfs sha-256, bitcoin 0.6.3, Tor proxy,
An estimate is made that by the end of the year bitcoin will
completely overrun the capabilities of this reasonable class of
It already takes a month to build a new blockchain, let alone keep up
with new incoming blocks.
Yes, it also has workstation duties, yet even if those were removed,
it would probably choke by mid 2013.

It would appear bitcoin has some *serious* scalability hurdles coming
down the road.
Most certainly if the user expects to independantly build, manage, and
trust their own blockchain.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Tor hidden service support

2012-06-27 Thread grarpamp
Forward past automoderation...

> Reading https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/Tor.txt

> Is bitcoin software going to incorporate tor binaries within the
> application standard application and automatically create a Tor Hidden
> Service on behalf of end-user?
> Are there any direction regarding this kind of integration?

The document (Tor.txt) assumes the bitcoin user has taken care of
that. So no bi-direction needed (I am not TorProject).

> Regarding the addressing, why not use directly the .onion address?
> They represent in parallel:
> - Routing information (providing a path to the destination)
> - Proof of identity (owning the private RSA key)
> Which is the reason to map it to an IPv6 address?

Seems it's used only within bitcoin code to distinguish which proxy
or native IPvN path to send bitcoin traffic to (or receive from).
It might be simpler than managing onions, i2p's and whatever else
throughout the code and the private bitcoin p2p mesh.

Though I don't suspect it will conflict [1] with anyone's use of
OnionCat, GarliCat, or Phantom... it would just feel odd configuring
bitcoin to use Tor or I2P proxy ports (or Phantom native) when you
could conceivably just dump the IPv6 traffic to the OS stack for
handling once you have the *Cat shims and Phantom set up. They do
have a point about about ocat as a shim for their purposes. And
Phantom is a special case in that it's all native IPv6 interface,
no proxy or shim needed or provided.

I will quote an additional note from bitcoin-devel...

"Note that while the hidden service support in bitcoin uses a
compatible IPv6 mapping with onioncat, it is _not_ onioncat, does not
use onioncat, does not need onioncat, and wouldn't benefit from
onioncat. The onioncat style advertisement is used because our
protocol already relays IPv6 addresses. The connections are regular
tor hidden service connections, not the more-risky and low performance
ip in tcp onioncat stuff."

FYI. There have been a dozen or so onion:8333 nodes and maybe some
on I2P long before this work. But I think could only be used as
-connect or -addnode seeds with some extra host setup. Never tried
it since -proxy was sufficient. Seems this is a simpler and full

[1] Well bitcoin wouldn't know to offload traffic to any of those
blocks, or a specific host on them, if you had them set up locally
via *Cat or Phantom... for bitcoin use. It would probably end up
half useful similar to the above FYI. But that would just affect
bitcoin, not whatever else you were running on them.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [tor-talk] Tor hidden service support

2012-06-27 Thread grarpamp
GregM, wasn't sure how to answer your question, and as to
conflicts [1]. I think I grasped it in my reply to something on
tor-talk, which is on its way here pending moderation due to bcc.
I put that part below. The FYI referred to seednodes as
they exist on Tor / I2P today.

> You are going to want to include the block of the Phatom project as well:
>> https://code.google.com/p/phantom/
>> fd00:2522:3493::/48

> Perhaps some argument to add blocks to the IsRoutable check is in
> order?  Then people who use overlay networks that are actually
> routable but which use otherwise private space can just add the
> relevant blocks.

/ [1] Well bitcoin wouldn't know to offload traffic to any of those
/ blocks, or a specific host on them, if you had them set up locally
/ via *Cat or Phantom... for bitcoin use. It would probably end up
/ half useful similar to the above FYI. But that would just affect
/ bitcoin, not whatever else you were running on them.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Tor hidden service support

2012-06-26 Thread grarpamp
> Additionally, such addresses are exchanged and relayed via the P2P network.
> To do so, we reused the fd87:d87e:eb43::/48 IPv6 range. Each address in this
> 80-bit range is mapped to an onion address, and treated as belonging to a
> separate network. This network range is the same as used by the OnionCat
> application (though we do not use OnionCat in any way), and is part of the
> RFC4193 Unique Local IPv6 range, which is normally not globally routable.
> Other clients that wish to implement similar functionality, can use this
> test case: 5wyqrzbvrdsumnok.onion == FD87:D87E:EB43:edb1:8e4:3588:e546:35ca.
> The conversion is simply decoding the base32 onion address, and storing the
> resulting 80 bits of data as low-order bits of an IPv6 address, prefixed by
> fd87:d87e:eb43:. As this range is not routable, there should be no
> compatibility problems: any unaware IPv6-capable code will immediately fail
> when trying to connect.

You are going to want to include the block of the Phatom project as well:

And the one for 'garlicat' for I2P, which might be more complex due
to I2P's addressing:

Note that while these blocks are not expected to be routable, that
people may in fact have interfaces, routing tables and packet filters
on their machines configured with up to all three of those networks
for the purposes therein.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Wallet related bug?

2012-06-22 Thread grarpamp
I had previously commented on this.
My references to wallet ver were really to nFileVersion.
And I've since been able to make that, and the
real walletversion become current.

However it is still doing this every invocation...
 Rescanning last 14xxx blocks (from block 170xxx)...
Which seems unneeded more than 1x. I cannot yet explain.

So I expect to avoid all by send the balance from old
wallets to new wallet soon instead.

The old wallets were ver 10500.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Wallet related bug?

2012-06-22 Thread grarpamp
I think there may be an ideal order of ops bug around rescan,
wallet upgrades/import and last block markers.

I dropped an old wallet in a current blockchain.

First ran - in rescan mode.
It said old walletver.
Then rescanned whole chain.
AddToWallet some blockhash, blocks out of range, invalid/nonwallet txid's,
which were already in there as legit ones in the old logs.

Second run in plain mode.
New wallet ver logged.
Rescanned  the last 20k blocks or so,
which might have been the marker last time the old wallet was used.

Third and later runs... duplicates the second.

Never did say 'upgrading wallet' as it sometimes does.

Running detach=1 always.

Why scan the last 20k every time? Shouldn't have to if
whole chain was scanned. And certainly no more than
once if not.

Dumping the run params (bitcoin.conf, cmdline) to the log would be good.

And not automatically truncate the log when big but just append or roll it.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.6.x - detachdb in wrong place

2012-06-20 Thread grarpamp
> This is the work model I use:

Will try all these things out this weekend. Thanks.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.6.x - detachdb in wrong place

2012-06-18 Thread grarpamp
> Workflow is ...

Thanks very much, I think that helps me/others. I did not realize
there were release windows in master and thought it more as the
typical full time dev slush. That also explains the presence of all
the release tags in github repo. And even, in a divergent way, the
presence of github/0.6.2 as path to gitorius/0.6.x. And I agree
with the (last bugfix after release) -> import/maintain model, it
would be similar in solo repo.

> I guess I've been neglecting to update the stable repo with
> releases tagged in master. It should be fixed now.

Yes, that has helped! Now git'ers can easily compare the release
tags to stable 'x' branches on gitorious. I don't know how to do
that across repos yet, save manuel diff of checkouts from each,
which would have been required prior to this update you made.

Also, these declarations of defunctness help sort out too.

# git branch -vv -a
"This stable branch is no longer maintained."

Ok, so for my works I will now track github/master (edge) and
gitorious/0.bigN(eg: 6).x (stable) against gitorious/bigTagRelease
(latest public). Thanks guys, and Luke :)

I hope other with similar questions find this thread. Apology for
subverting its subject somehows.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.6.x - detachdb in wrong place

2012-06-17 Thread grarpamp
> be sure to have good backups that never touched the new code...
> We have at various times had bugs in master that would corrupt
> wallets

Sorry, that's to be expected, I shouldn't have asked.

> It would be very helpful if anyone offering bitcoin services would
> setup parallel toy versions of your sites on testnet...

Good point.

> we don't currently have enough testing activity on master.

I usually test compile / report current and stable of things I use.

So I get that github/master is the obvious top of things.
But in looking at where the tags are between repositories,
it's still not clear to me what the workflow is.


There are these release tarballs on sourceforge, which all have
tags in github, yet no tags in gitorious. There are no 'x' branches
on github, yet there is one release applicable branch on gitorious.

I guess I'd expect to see, that if as hinted by Luke that gitorious
has the stable trees, that there would be release tags there, laid
down at some comfy point in time on the 'x' stable branches there.
(The stable branches inheriting new code from master). But there
are no such tags.

And the releases/tags seem to magically appear from nowhere on
github :) Again, I'm trying to extricate myself from CVS here.

# sourceforge tarballs

# github branches
  remotes/origin/master432d28d Merge pull request #1477 from
  remotes/origin/0.6.2 40fd689 Bump version to for
osx-special build
# github tags

# gitorius branches
  remotes/origin/0.6.0.x d354f94 Merge branch '0.5.x' into 0.6.0.x
  remotes/origin/0.6.x   5e322a7 Merge branch '0.6.0.x' into 0.6.x
# gitorious tags

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.6.x - detachdb in wrong place

2012-06-17 Thread grarpamp
>> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
>> https://git.gitorious.org/bitcoin/bitcoind-stable
> The latter is Luke's backports of security and stability fixes to
> otherwise unmaintained old versions.

Ah ok, coming from cvs/svn, it's a bit different to find things.
There's something to be said for maintenance of pior branches.
Though I see some things I can use in github and my work would
be more useful there, so maybe I'll stwitch to that from gitorius/0.6.x.

Presumably the github/0.6.2 branch is safe for production?

What degree of caution about wallet eating should be
made for those using github/master?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.6.x - detachdb in wrong place

2012-06-17 Thread grarpamp
> It isn't inside the ifdef in bitcoin git master.

Oh, hmm, well then, what is the difference or usage
between these two repositories in regards to the project?

Which one are the formal releases tagged (tbz's cut) in?

Which one has the branches with the commits that will
make it into the next formal release? ie: tracking along
0.5.x, 0.6.x, HEAD/master (to be branched for 0.7.x).


I seem to be seeing more tags in the former, and
more maintained branches in the latter?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] 0.6.x - detachdb in wrong place

2012-06-17 Thread grarpamp
Well, detachdb doesn't appear in the -\? help
because it's stuffed under pnp, which is not set
in my build. please fix for people, tx :)

#ifdef USE_UPNP
"  -upnp\t  "   + _("Use Universal Plug and
Play to map the listening port (default: 1)") + "\n" +
"  -upnp\t  "   + _("Use Universal Plug and
Play to map the listening port (default: 0)") + "\n" +
"  -detachdb\t  "   + _("Detach block and address
databases. Increases shutdown time (default: 0)") + "\n" +

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Manual file cleanup on exit, safe? [coredump backtrace]

2012-06-15 Thread grarpamp
When bitcoind exits cleanly, it does not seem safe for the blockchain
to clean up the following hierarchy with rm -r ?


And what about adding to the above list the following files when
bitcoind crashes:


Is there an option to make bitcoind roll/flush the above files on
exit so they can be removed/ported?

No matter the answers, bitcoind should not be dumping core.

Bitcoin version v0.6.2.2-unk-beta ()
Default data directory /.../.bitcoin
Loading addresses...
dbenv.open LogDir=/.../.bitcoin/database ErrorFile=/.../.bitcoin/db.log

EXCEPTION: 11DbException
Db::open: Invalid argument
bitcoin in AppInit()
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DbException'
  what():  Db::open: Invalid argument
sh: abort (core dumped)

file unknown has LSN 38/7968116, past end of log at 1/28
Commonly caused by moving a database from one database environment
to another without clearing the database LSNs, or by removing all of
the log files from a database environment
__db_meta_setup: /.../.bitcoin/addr.dat: unexpected file type or format

[New Thread 28801140 (LWP 100964/initial thread)]
(gdb) bt
#0  0x2873e9a7 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.7
#1  0x2852d397 in raise () from /lib/libthr.so.3
#2  0x2873d4da in abort () from /lib/libc.so.7
#3  0x285a0880 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () from
#4  0x285a508a in std::set_unexpected () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
#5  0x285a50d2 in std::terminate () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
#6  0x285a4f58 in __cxa_rethrow () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
#7  0x0816d2ea in PrintException (pex=0x288251b0, pszThread=0x82f4cfa
"AppInit()") at util.cpp:792
#8  0x08087625 in AppInit (argc=2, argv=0xbfbfedf0) at init.cpp:113
#9  0x0808766d in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0x3) at init.cpp:96

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] RPC and signals - processing priority

2012-06-15 Thread grarpamp
While happily processing these:
received block ...
SetBestChain: new best=...  height=...  work=...
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED

bitcoind very often refuses to answer rpc queries such as getinfo/stop,
or signals such as kill/ctrl-c. It even registers:
 ThreadRPCServer method=getinfo/stop
in the debug log. But the action doesn't happen as expected.

Shouldn't it be checking and processing all user interrupts like
once per block and doing the chain in the background?

How do busy commerce servers deal with this poor rpc handling?

Is there a way to increase the priority of user scheduled tasks?
What's going on? Thanks.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new bitcoin.org clients page

2012-05-03 Thread grarpamp
> "Reply-To" Munging Considered Harmful
> http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html

Ok, ok. but only because this reminds me of the
top-posting and formatting advice page that
I can't seem to find right now.

But I'm not munging what my client decides to
put in to/cc on a g reply either :)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new bitcoin.org clients page

2012-05-02 Thread grarpamp
> Try "Reply to All"

That puts the sender in 'to' and list in 'cc',
which dupes to the sender and eventually
blows out the to and cc lines as everyone
chimes in and doesn't trim. 'reply to' solves
most of that. assuming the list sw can do it.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new bitcoin.org clients page

2012-05-02 Thread grarpamp
> it's unclear how best to run this page. It's clear we need one though.
> the right path is probably the middle one - have some descriptions that try 
> to be neutral

Do it in two parts...
- overview, history, architecture model, 'whys'.
- agnostic table of features, platforms, stats, protocols, etc

Last, resolve whether or not bitcoin.org is independant.
It cannot be if it does not accept all lib/client under it's umbrella
or has a lib/client project of it's own. You will hit up against this,
just saying.

> Bitcoin-Qt
> This application is a peer-to-peer client that builds the backbone of the 
> Bitcoin network.

No, they all do this and build it, subject to their feature set.

> It is suited for enthusiasts, merchants, miners, developers

No, all implementations are suited for whoever, subject to their feature set.

>  and people who want to help support the project.

Which project, the given client or the bitcoin meme.

> People who run Bitcoin-Qt are first class network citizens and have the 
> highest levels of security, privacy and stability.

Right, anyone who doesn't is unwashed rebel scum, running default
installs of xp, on systems with bad ram, who post their home address,
transaction logs, and pink bits on facebook.

> leave it running in the background so other computers can connect to yours.

Again, a feature set / usage model thing.

> MultiBit
> fast and easy to use, even for people with no technical knowledge.

Hey, we're fast, easy and for noobs, me too.

> It has a...

But at least the backing specifics to that claim are stated.

> Armory
> Armory was partly funded by a community donation drive which raised over 
> $4000.

Yeah, every lib/client will have a donation thing on their own site,
and the developers own real world wallet.

> Electrum
> the privacy level is lower than for other clients.

Not sure of this claim. It's all in the usage. Run your own remote,
use anonymizers, etc. Right?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new bitcoin.org clients page

2012-05-02 Thread grarpamp
> While Bitcoin-Qt is by far the best client

This is purely subjective. One's best is another's worst.

> These are both things which are particular
> suitable to clear objective enumeration.

Yes, so for the purposes of compiling a list of clients
and libraries, please just stick to a table of features.

On the subjective part, I'm finding the library+client
implementations to be nice, and indeed the future.
Afaik, there are two major pairs of these so far that
should be listed. Ymmv.

Can someone also please set the reply-to header
for these lists. It's really annoying to hit reply and
not have the list address show up. Thanks :)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] off-topic: bitcoin-forum...

2012-02-19 Thread grarpamp
> Some time ago i started a googlegroup mailing list, bitcoin-discussion.
> It's been pretty low-volume... but it's something. :)
> http://groups.google.com/group/bitcoin-discussion

Unfortunately it appears to be just as dead as the one
on sourceforge.

> or we could try to revive the bitcoin-list ml on sf.

Well there's a couple things I see...

1) Yes, IMO, a real mailing list for users needs to exist.
Among the prior reasons... lists tend to house a more
technical crowd than forums which are magnets for
2) There was originally one client. Now there are many,
all adherant to the same bitcoin spec. So while:
represents the dev community for the original client,
it may not, or won't be, for any other client.
And as:
was for, and is administratively tied to, the original client...
it may not be the place, or a welcome one, to hold talk of all
the adherant clients.
3) The sourceforge list browsing interface is ridiculously
lame and overweight, and it doesn't appear to be setting
a '^Reply-to: ' header which is bad. Googlegroups would
be an ok site I suppose. And a pure MailMan interface would
be even better and more customarily accepted.

So for the user list, I'd suggest:
1) Search a bit to make sure there's not already a busy list
out there somewhere. Check the list aggregator sites
like markmail, gmane, etc too.
2) Charter it as bitcoin protocol, client agnostic.
3) Find an impartial administrative and robust home for the list
with browsable, searchable and hopefully downloadable archives.
4) Make the announcement to other known client lists/forums.
5) Close any relevant old lists.
6) Promote via similar announcement from time to time.

Description: A place for discussion related to bitcoin.

Is this sufficient charter to go with? Is the creator/maintainer
known impartial? What happens to ongoing list operations when
said people vanish? It is presumed googlegroups itself is robust.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Git repo choices

2012-02-19 Thread grarpamp
I'm a little unclear on which repo is which and
for what intended uses. And other than #1,
their descriptions on the hubs are minimal.
I'm not the best with git, but getting there.
Are these the right way to think of them?
And that #1 and #3 are what most builders
and hacks should be tracking?


The current development tree. As such, HEAD/master/origin
may at times not be exactly reliable/usable.


A copy of some chunk of #1 that then died
off around v0.4.0. Purposed similar to #3?


Another copy of #1. For development along stable
branches and making release cuts from same?
Releases get pulled back to #1 for keeping?
The HEAD/master/origin should be reliable.

Why is this functoin not a part of #1?


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] off-topic: bitcoin-forum...

2012-02-19 Thread grarpamp
> I am trying to post on the bitcoin forums (bitcointalk.org)

I wish there were a bitcoin-user mailing list??? But the one on
sourceforge is dead. Forums are too full of avatars, smilies,
sigblocks and dead mass to be of much use. Not to mention
when they vanish, any content dies with it instead of living
on in various archives.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Some state/data file info

2012-02-09 Thread grarpamp
I've been playing with the tools in db 4.8.30, and bitcoin stable...
My blockchain is up to date. Bitcoin is not running.

#  strings database/*
This will at times yield the addresses in your wallet.
So it's not exactly in compliance with 'only your wallet file matters'.

Bitcoin always leaves behind at least one "database/log.nnn" file.
Shouldn't it roll and delete it on exit like it does the other state files?
Particularly after a simple "we're able to do nothing but local
operations" invocation
like: bitcoind -proxy= -keypool=0 -connect=
-nodnsseed -noirc

Similarly, the ".lock" file is never deleted.
Shouldn't it be upon exit?

Vacuuming addr, blkindex, and wallet with "db_dump | db_load" will save
significant space. I do not yet know how to view or validate blk0001.dat.

When left with junk, I've been removing everything except:
addr.dat - node addresses
bitcoin.conf - config
blk0001.dat - blocks
blkindex.dat - index to blocks
wallet.dat - wallet

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scaling at the end user level

2012-02-08 Thread grarpamp
>> Have any groups published proposals for distributing
>> a weekly precomputed bootstrap chain?
>> rsync? db_dump > git > db_load?
>> There is also 50% or more compression available in the index
>> and chain.

> I have proposed packaging part of the block chain (doesn't even have to be
> weekly, just until the last checkpoint), but people fear it runs contrary to
> the distributed approach of Bitcoin.

Git repos are backed by strong hashes. Each commit could be a single
block dump, perhaps into a file hierarchy. Trusted entities, pools, etc
could sign at a checkpoint/height. Blockchain tools
would need made that can take the blk* and export single blocks and
process/export up to a certain block and quit. Everyone would do a
comparison and sign a commit hash. Everyone else git pulls. Having
the block toolset is a key prequisite to any sort of distribution. They don't
exist now :( Maybe the two bitcoin compatible library projects out there
will implement them :) Torrents are also strongly hashed and could be
signed as well.

Making the blockchain tools would be the most important thing to start.

> BTW: On such an old computer you should probably use one of the thin
> clients.

If that means not validating the chain, then it's as above. I'm not sure if it's
right to not care about the history if only making new transactions with a new
key post install time and then only validating new transactions as they come
in. Will have a look.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scaling at the end user level

2012-02-07 Thread grarpamp
> I never did track down this exact issue but it's an artificial
> slowdown.. meaning compression and whatever else wouldn't help much.

I meant for anyone who wanted to distribute the dataset as a project.

> It has something to do with the database file locking and flushing..
> on some systems I've seen the block chain get fully done in 10-20
> mins and on others it slows down to the point where it will never
> catch up.. but not in a way that's related to the age of the computer
> or anything. You might want to experiment if you want to track this
> down.. try building your own libs

Rather than use dated/modified packages, I compiled current versions
of all component sources manually.

> and compare different operating
> systems, on the same hardware to get a more 'true' comparison maybe.

True. Used them all before, happy with BSD for now. Just knowing
what the general setup is on those zippy systems should suffice.
ie: blindly fishing for such a zippy system to compare through various
install tests doesn't sound too appealing. It's different than benchmarking.

Datapoint: The system below is not zippy.

> I think everyone is vaguely aware of the problem but it has not
> been tracked down and eliminated. I don't think the problem is
> within bitcoin itself but in how truthfully the database file is
> actually written to disk.

Am I correct in guessing that, given a certain height, the data
in blkindex and blk0001 should be the same across instances?

# file blk*
blk0001.dat: data
blkindex.dat:Berkeley DB (Btree, version 9, native byte-order)

Pursuant to comparison, what is the format of blk0001.dat?

> If it really gets flushed to disk every
> block like bitcoin wants it to be, then there is no way that you
> could get more than 50-60 blocks per second through it (due to
> rotational latency), but on some operating systems and versions/options
> it seems to end up caching the writes and flies through it at
> thousands of blocks per second. The problem is similar to what's
> mentioned here: http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q19

I'm not running Linux with asynchronous data and metadata
turned on by default if that's what you mean :) ZFS, disk crypto,
standard drive write cache. Looking at it, I'm largely buried in
that crypto at 8MB/sec or so.

> Perhaps it's as simple as some default in the db lib.. and it seems
> to default to different things on different version/operating
> systems/filesystems.

Hmm, I compiled everything with the defaults. Will go back and
look at bdb options. I don't think there was anything interesting
there. I'd bet a lot is tied to the fs and cpu.
Single core p4@1.8 512k/2g isn't much up against ZFS+disk crypto.

It seems to take its time and roll up all but the last database file (of
a hundred or more) on receiving sigterm. Is it supposed to roll
and delete the last log too? Can I safely delete everything but
the blk* files? (wallet excepted of course :)

Currently, in KiB...

853716  database
747881  blk0001.dat
290601  blkindex.dat
137 __db.005
137 __db.004
137 __db.003
137 __db.002
41  __db.006
25  __db.001

750569  blk0001.dat
291497  blkindex.dat

database/log.000133: Berkeley DB (Log, version 16, native byte-order)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Scaling at the end user level

2012-02-07 Thread grarpamp
A freshly deployed client on an old p4 has been idly crunching away
at building and verifying the initial chain for about a week now. It
should be done in a day or two. This seems rather untenable for
new users. Have any groups published proposals for distributing
a weekly precomputed bootstrap chain?
rsync? db_dump > git > db_load?
There is also 50% or more compression available in the index
and chain.
Of some known future issues... raw transaction rate, the eventual pay
(or extort?, depending on how megapools pan out) to process mining
environment, and scaling the client count itself... this one appears to
be already present.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Announcement: libcoin

2012-02-01 Thread grarpamp
> However, I think perhaps the bitcoin project should be split into a library, 
> with a prototype client and the actual clients. This library facilitates this.

I'll be trying your implementation soon. And libbitcoin/subvertx too.
Partly because they're also non-interpreted, and partly to what seems
better architected...

To the minimal extent of my understanding... I'd like to see wallet
ops completely separated from background chain ops. ie: have
a chain daemon doing it's thing, updating, verifying, etc. The
generator doing it's thing. And a wallet app that can independently
manage separate wallets in parallel, referencing the live chain files
as needed. It seems a library would allow quality focus on the separate
functions and let apps/ui's use the fn's as desired on top. Right now, it
seems I have to run bitcoind and can only deal with one wallet at a time,
having to stop it, deal with state issues, swap in a new wallet, start
it, and repeat till illness ensues :( And when the chain is being processed
hard by the daemon cpuwise, bitcoin RPC takes minutes to respond, if ever
or errors out. If wallet ops or statistical queries on the chain need it for
integrity or reading, a db checkpoint/lock/logroll could be implemented into
the chain demon processes with a client lib api to trigger it as needed.
Don't know, just saying.

fyi... boost 1.48 and db 4.8.30 work fine with 0.5.2, 0.5.x, and master,
you just need to compile and include it by hand if you want it and
your package manager doesn't have it.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] CAddrMan: Stochastic IP address manager

2012-01-31 Thread grarpamp
> I think it's important that we have more mechanisms then just DNS and
> hardcoded seednodes.
> This is important because the mechanisms we have are all pretty
> subject to blocking. Now— before you say it— Bitcoin isn't intended to
> be blocking resistant (combine it with Tor and Tor anti-censorship
> tools)
> Is the fact that users can addnodes / addr.txt enough of an
> alternative to address this?

Perhaps not worry about removing it too much. As above, if blocking
or other issues arise, people will be hosting manual lists and nodes
on hidden sites... Tor/I2P/etc. The nodes are already there.
For that matter, since the nodes are talking once seeded, why not
deploy a DHT and be done. All you'd need is one friendly node and
the list comes in and maintains itself through node expiry rules.
Your node publishes its hello for others to discover, etc.
IRC, DNS, etc would go away in favor of autonomy. It wouldn't
be any more resistant. But if people wanted that, some form of
signatures from the hidden nodes would do... if you trusted them.
Booting and running is easy, trust isn't (ask the Tor/I2P people).

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Compilation warnings with -Wall

2012-01-30 Thread grarpamp
This is counted from the current git master on bsd.
The first two are of note and should probably be looked at.
A little more work after those and it might be possible to
use -Wall by default as addressing even some of these
would remove tons of lines from the output :)

   1 net.cpp:141: warning: 'pszGet' may be used uninitialized in this function
   1 net.cpp:142: warning: 'pszKeyword' may be used uninitialized in
this function

   1 script.cpp:1427: warning: unused variable 'n'
   1 test/miner_tests.cpp:14: warning: unused variable 'pstate'

   1 bitcoinrpc.cpp:1533: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 bitcoinrpc.cpp:2366: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 db.cpp:337: warning: unused parameter 'nHeight'
   1 init.cpp:36: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 init.cpp:44: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 init.cpp:705: warning: unused parameter 'fAutoStart'
   1 irc.cpp:258: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 json/json_spirit_reader_template.h:362: warning: unused parameter 'i'
   1 json/json_spirit_reader_template.h:381: warning: unused parameter 'end'
   1 json/json_spirit_reader_template.h:386: warning: unused parameter 'end'
   1 json/json_spirit_reader_template.h:391: warning: unused parameter 'end'
   1 json/json_spirit_reader_template.h:401: warning: unused parameter 'end'
   1 main.cpp:3130: warning: unused parameter 'pindexPrev'
   1 net.cpp:1063: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 net.cpp:1209: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 net.cpp:1380: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 net.cpp:1480: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 net.cpp:1617: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 net.cpp:200: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
   1 net.cpp:619: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
  13 noui.h:40: warning: unused parameter 'parent'
  13 noui.h:40: warning: unused parameter 'style'
  13 noui.h:40: warning: unused parameter 'x'
  13 noui.h:40: warning: unused parameter 'y'
  13 noui.h:53: warning: unused parameter 'nFeeRequired'
  13 noui.h:53: warning: unused parameter 'parent'
  13 noui.h:53: warning: unused parameter 'strCaption'
  13 noui.h:58: warning: unused parameter 'nField'
  13 noui.h:58: warning: unused parameter 'strText'
  13 noui.h:62: warning: unused parameter 'fn'
  13 noui.h:70: warning: unused parameter 'message'
  23 script.h:352: warning: unused parameter 'b'
   1 serialize.h:1131: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
   1 serialize.h:1131: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
  31 serialize.h:176: warning: unused parameter 'a'
  53 serialize.h:460: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
  53 serialize.h:460: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
  66 serialize.h:482: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
  66 serialize.h:482: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
  66 serialize.h:505: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
  66 serialize.h:505: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
 611 serialize.h:747: warning: unused parameter 's'
 611 serialize.h:747: warning: unused parameter 'ser_action'
 607 serialize.h:753: warning: unused parameter 'ser_action'
 671 serialize.h:760: warning: unused parameter 'ser_action'
   1 test/test_bitcoin.cpp:25: warning: unused parameter 'parg'
  23 uint256.h:359: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
  23 uint256.h:359: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
  66 uint256.h:365: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
  66 uint256.h:365: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
  45 uint256.h:371: warning: unused parameter 'nType'
  45 uint256.h:371: warning: unused parameter 'nVersion'
   1 util.cpp:1184: warning: unused parameter 'nLine'
   1 util.cpp:1184: warning: unused parameter 'pszFile'
   1 util.cpp:1184: warning: unused parameter 'pszName'
   1 util.cpp:48: warning: unused parameter 'file'
   1 util.cpp:48: warning: unused parameter 'line'
  28 util.h:682: warning: unused parameter 'nExitCode'
  28 util.h:697: warning: unused parameter 'pfn'
   1 wallet.cpp:320: warning: unused parameter 'fFindBlock'

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Bitcoin-development mailing list