I happened to read this email chaimn today and I experienced the same thing a 
few times. It appeared to happen around the time of updates being done to the 
server via yum.
In my scenario the pages would not translate the PHP code to create the page as 
expected and I had to switch between one of the PHP settings and then back 
again. This happened at least twice so I turned off auto updates and now 
perform the updates manually double checking a couple of key sites after the 
update has completed.
I had this issue a couple of months back so my memory of what happened and what 
I did are a little foggy.
Chris: Did you not do any yum updates for some time? as I was suspecting it to 
be a yum update causing it as it only happened 2-3 times on mornings when a yum 
update was done.
> To: blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it
> From: cobaltfa...@virtbiz.com
> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 21:25:43 -0500
> Subject: [BlueOnyx:18083] Re: Mysterious /web ownership change
> Thanks Michael.
> On 7/22/2015 9:07 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:
> > I used this script to forcibly convert all Vsites from regular PHP to
> > suPHP when I was too lazy to do it via the GUI.
> Yeah, I think we'll put that to work.  Thanks for the tip on that, as it 
> will greatly expedite things rather than paging through each Vsite in 
> the GUI.  CLI tools to the rescue!
> Thanks again.  I sure do wish we could nail down a cause on this.  I'd 
> feel better about it.  <shrug>  We may never know.   Some of these are 
> sites that go back to 2000, 2001 and came from BlueQuartz as a migration 
> of a migration of a migration (perhaps of a migration).
> -- 
> Chris Gebhardt
> VIRTBIZ Internet Services
> Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
> www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ
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