Re: [boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-03 Thread Joel de Guzman
Andrei Alexandrescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By the way, could optionalT use variantT, SomeInsipidType as a backend?

I suggested that before. Now I think that it is not practical.
It can, but it will not be optimal. 

I see it the other way now. I suggest that a partial specialization of 
variantT, empty be written that takes advantage of optionalT 
in its implementation.

I think now that the partial specialization of variantT, empty will
satisfy the anti-pointer-like crowd. variant seems to have the right 
interface. Perhaps we were barking up the wrong tree? 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-02 Thread Joel de Guzman
Mat Marcus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --On Monday, September 01, 2003 3:37 PM -0300 Fernando Cacciola
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 One can think of an optionalT as conceptually a specialized but
 nevertheless, *IS-A* T,  with the added specialization that it can
 be in a dead-uninitialized state. Maybe we'll call it a zombie
 object, undead object, you name it ;-)
 Hmmm. I'm not so sure about this. When I hear the phrase optionalT
 IS-A T with an added specialization I am reminded of the phrase a
 Square IS-A Rectangle with an added specialization which usually gets
 folks into trouble. [Theoretical aside: I still see optionalT as a
 sum/union, e.g. T + nil/ T | nil. That is I don't think we really want
 A + B  B (the sum/union of A and B) to be a subtype of A.]

This is the model that I was trying to *sell* from the very very start when
optional first came out for review. I never really understood why people
didn't see it that way. This is exactly the reason why I suggested looking
at other languages: to be able to get a solid grasp of the concepts behind
such a *thing* so as to be able to answer with utmost certainty the question:
: what is optional? 

Some people say it is a container. Not! Some people say it is like a pointer
that can be NULL. Not! And this uncertainty leads us to confusion, and,
ultimately: missguided syntax and semantics. 

My attempt to image optionalT as conceptually a specialized but
nevertheless, *IS-A* T,  with the added specialization that it can
be in a dead-uninitialized state. Is a feeble attempt to re-sell the idea
of the concept that will be immediately obvious to the OO programmer. I
never really understood why I wasn't able to sell the idea that an
optionalT is *REALLY REALLY REALLY* nothing else but a 
union of T and nil.

 Here's a question that tries to get to the crux of the pointer-like
 interface matter. Should T* and optionalT both be models of a
 pointer-like syntactic concept?

Definitely No!

 I imagine that those who would answer yes do so because they may want
 to write generic code that uniformly handles pointers and possibly
 uninitialized variables. Those who answer no to the above question may
 prefer to write code that uniformly handles T and optionalT. As you
 know, my (current) answer is no. There may be a third group who want
 both. The problem is that I find that the pointer-like interface is
 distracting, but that may be because I'm unfamiliar with the use-cases
 where you might want to handle T*'s and optionalT's uniformly or
 even replace raw pointers with optionalT's, since pointers also
 bring allocation issues with them. Instead I have been mainly focused
 on replacing T's with optionalT's. This is why I gravitate towards
 having an optional that models a syntactic concept such as PU that
 makes no mention of pointer-like syntax.

I agree 200%. I think the *only* meaningful argument against this
was posed by Brian. That, in C++, you cannot make XT be a
drop-in replacement of T because implicit conversion will not
allow code such as:

struct A { void foo(); }

template class T
void bar(T t) {; }

bar(XA()); // HERE


class XT : public T {...};

But then again, that's just a technical impediment.  

 By the way, I would also like to thank you for your work on optional
 and your contributions to boost. I also appreciate your open
 discussion of the design of optional and optional-like classes. My
 posts are just those of a potential user who is interested in finding
 the right point in the design space for my needs. If my use cases or
 arguments prove useful to others or if optional is influenced to meet
 more of my needs, then of course I will be pleased. If not, I'm still
 learning about the design space from you and others on this list, so I
 benefit either way.

Same here. I would certainly hope to hear more from you. In fact,
I wish to hear more from the type-theory people such as Mat and Vesa 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-02 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Direct value accesing via implicit conversion: int i = opt
 seems wrong because this is the operation that can lead to undefined
 Doesn't have to be undefined behaviour.
 Yes it does.
 Accesing a value that isn't there is by all means undefined behaviour.
  Aren't you throwing an
 exception or something?
 This doesn't define the access value operation.
 It just defines the function that is used to implement it.
 But defining such a call doesn't help much from the POV of the
 i.e., you cannot get the value if it isn't there and an exception
 here is no better at it than a core dump.


 Therefore, the operation is flaged as possibly undefined.
 Whether to detect and throw, or assert, or do nothing is QoI issue.
 If optional were to be someday standarized, implementators
 would decide how to deal with the undefined behaviour here.
 variant throws throws a bad_get exception
 when you get a reference to a T which is not the held type. I don't see
 a problem why you can't do something similar.

Pardon me, but you are clearly mistaken! Are you saying that variant's
getT(v) leads to undefined behavior? NO! 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-02 Thread Joel de Guzman
Dave Gomboc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Fernando Cacciola]
 The most fundamental point is that being Haskell a pure functional
 language there is no possibly undefined behaviour to worry about,
 so Maybe doesn't need to address this issue as optional does.
 ... and later ...
 I account the possibly undefined behavior of accesing an uninitialized
 optional as a real and important problem.
 You can get rid of the possibly undefined behaviour by defining it!  Throw
 an exception when there's an attempted coercion from nil/undefined to a
 normal value.


Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-02 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You did sell the idea that it can be a union, but I held to the idea that
 it can just as well be considered as *REALLY REALLY REALLY*
 nothing else but a container that has a T or is empty.
 I agree there is nothing wrong with the union model, but I don't see
 why is it better than the other.

In fear that this is becoming non-productive and as I've already mentioned
that I respect whatever you decide on (I'm satisfied with the optional regardless
of its quirks), this will be my final post on the issue.

The problem, the way I see it, is that optional mixes at least 3 concepts
all at once. First, the concept of variantT, nil, second is the concept
of optional as a container and third (I know you disagree, but) pointer-
like concept. I understand that the optional started out with the pointer-
like concept and moved on to embrace other concepts to satisfy the
needs of people who want some features which do not fit quite nicely
with the pointer-like concept (e.g. == and != and soon direct assignment?).

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-02 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Point taken.
 There's no need to argue anymore.
 I guess significantly more feedback will weight the balance.
 Thanks for all your comments!
 It might look the other way around but they were very helpful.

Bottom line is, and most importantly, optional gets the job done and it 
does it really well! :-)

FWIW, it's easy to write a wrapper around optional that satisfies
our wishes (in fact, I sent a class interface scheme to Dave G.
tell me if you are interested).

It might also be a nice idea to write a partial-specialization of
variantT, empty that takes advantage of the optimizations of

Best Regards,
Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Now, unlike YACC, Spirit has iteration (kleene, plus, optional)
 Here's a more or less the complete suite of patterns and the
 corresponding semantic-action signatures:
 r ::= a b-F(tupleA, B)
 r ::= a | b  -F(variantA, B)
 r ::= a* -F(vectorA)
 r ::= a+ -F(vectorA)
 r ::= a? -F(optionalA)
 This is somewhat OT, but I want to suggest you consider something
 else.  I did this in a parser generator system I wrote, and it worked
 out really well.
 If the rule is
x - a b | c d c
 Then the way you refer to the semantic value associated with the a
 symbol is by writing, simply, 'a'.  The way you refer to the semantic
 value of the first c symbol is by writing c[0], and you refer to the
 2nd one as c[1].  I'm sure you get the idea.
 Then the user almost never needs to worry about positional
 associations between grammar symbols and their semantic values.  It's
 actually fairly rare that the same symbol appears twice on the rhs of
 a rule (especially when rules are reduced to eliminate |) and
 keeping track of whether it's the first or nth instance of 'X' is much
 easier than keeping track of precisely where the Xs fall in the
 sequence of symbols.
 My system was written in Python, but you might be able to adapt the
 general idea to C++.

Hmmm, nice! How does it handle iteration like x - a* and the optional
x - a? 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Brian McNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I should mention in passing that, while in general I think implicit
 conversions are bad news and should be avoided whenever reasonable, I
 do think the conversion to bool is an exceptional case, simply because
 it is already so deeply ingrained in C++ (and C) language/culture.
 (Fortunately bool has a very narrow interface, so it doesn't get us into
 too much trouble.  Implicit conversions to user-defined types may create
 arbitrary interface conflicts/conceptual ambiguities, and this is where
 the real trouble begins.)

Perhaps, but we were also taught that operator overloading  may create
arbitrary interface conflicts/conceptual ambiguities, and this is where
the real trouble begins ;-)

That may be true in some (many?) contexts, but it is not definitely universally 
true. As I mentioned in another post, I never had, nor seen, any complaints 
about reference_wrapperT, which incidentally, has an implicit conversion 
to T. ref(var) has been in extensive use by a lot of libraries for many years now.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Brian McNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 10:41:15AM -0700, Mat Marcus wrote:

 also interesting, although I think that readability suffers. I'd give
 up bool conversion and operator! to avoid the need for ~ if that would
 reasonably solve the muddling issues. But perhaps there would be too
 many other problems -- I haven't explored this deeply yet.
 Right; to clarify, I don't think the boolean conversion operator is
 interfering with the implicit conversion to T.  Rather I think each is
 an instance of implicit conversion, and implicit conversions just
 don't work well with templates in general, in my experience.

It does interfere with the implicit conversion to T. Consider this:

optionalbool o;
if (o) 

If you choose implicit conversion to T (which is debatable), the
implicit conversion to (safe)bool will have to go:

optionalbool o;
if (o != none) 

But I see now that you are against implicit conversions, in general.
Fair enough. FWIW, I never had, nor seen, any complaints about
reference_wrapperT, which incidentally, has an implicit conversion 
to T. In fact, I find the implicit conversion very useful. 

Anyway... at the very least, I wish this is possible:

optionalbool o;
if (o) 

But no, here too, we should write:

optionalbool o;
if (o) 

Which goes against existing practice in boost. See reference_wrapper::get,
tuple::get, variant::get, etc.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] generic uses of optionalT

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Brian McNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 09:12:59PM -0600, Dave Gomboc wrote:
 The point is that optionalT is not a T, and most notably, a template
 function will never perform the coercion.  Replace the lines like
B b = get2(args);
 in your example with real calls to, e.g.
do_something( get2(args) )
 and do_something() is likely to fail if it's a template function
 (expecting a T and not an optionalT).
 Okay, you've demonstrated that it may not be possible to drop-in
 optionalT for T with zero code changes when T is not a scalar type.
 (Usually, my Ts are! ;-)  Nonetheless, it is at least still possible to
 write generic code that accepts either T or the wrapped T, which is
 definitely an improvement over writing a whack of special-casing code.

Darn! Can't we just overload operator.() operator-dot ?
ahemahemcoughcoughcough ;-)

I want my proxies!

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: generic uses of optionalT

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Eric! You DA Man!

Joel de Guzman

Eric Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Gomboc wrote:
 I don't like get() because I cannot write x.get() when x is a POD.  This
 would mean I have to support nilableT and T with different code,
 which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
 Why not overload boost::get again for optional? This would certainly improve
 consistency with variant. For instance:
   optionalT opt;
   T r = boost::getT(opt); // throws bad_get if opt empty
   T* p = boost::getT(opt); // p is null if opt empty
 In the same line, we could make optional visitable:
   class my_visitor : public boost::static_visitor {
 void operator()(boost::empty) const
 void operator()(const T operand) const
   boost::apply_visitor( my_visitor(), opt );
 Support for visitation would also allow seamless integration with the
 typeswitch construct I'm working on:
 = case_boost::empty( ... )
 = case_T( ... )
 I don't have experience with boost::optional, so I don't know how any of the
 above would require changes to its interface or concepts.

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First of all, let's not confuse syntax with semantics.
 optional HAS strict value semantics.

No it does not. The accessors have pointer behavior!

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 vector::begin returns an object with operators * and -,
 yet these objects are not pointers, and once that is learned,
 people do not think they are pointers.

Huh? pointer semantics (behavior) does not mean that they
have to be pointers. 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 There's a lot of experience with it in other languages. Why not leverage
 that? Haskell::Maybe for instance.
 Do you know of anything else besides Haskell?


 I don't, and I took the time to investigate Maybe looking at Haskell
 programs using it.
 As Brian pointed out, it is not so easy to port Maybe to C++ because
 its usage is extensively supported by Haskell features that are
 not present in C++.
 The most fundamental point is that being Haskell a pure functional
 language there is no possibly undefined behaviour to worry about,
 so Maybe doesn't need to address this issue as optional does.


Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Direct initialization: opt = 1
 seems right since this operation is never undefined.
 This would mirror variant's interface.


 Direct value accesing via implicit conversion: int i = opt
 seems wrong because this is the operation that can lead to undefined

Doesn't have to be undefined behaviour. Aren't you throwing an
exception or something? variant throws throws a bad_get exception
when you get a reference to a T which is not the held type. I don't see
a problem why you can't do something similar.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even if I agree with you that an optionalT should not be a T,
 an optionalT is definitely not a pointer to T.
 If HTML had blinking banners I think I'd use one to state this :-)

Nor should it model a pointer. That was my point and the point
of others who dislike *opt.

 Yet iterators are not pointers either but they do use
 operators * and -

Iterators are not pointers, but they model the pointer.

 Right. In fact, looking at it more closely, I *could* almost agree with you
 that an optionalT is not a T. There is in fact a getter function (get).
 In fact all three (tuple, optional and variant) have a get function. That's
 fine, yet, here again, the optional does not jive well because it returns
 access *by pointer* whereas both tuple and variant return access by
 This get() issue we agree should be fixed.

Agreed. If there's a way to get at the values through a generic get
function that unifies the access of optional with variant such that I
can think of optional as an optimized specialization of variantT, none,
I would be very happy. With such an interface, I can simply ignore
the pointer-like interface, if you wish to keep it ;-)

Thanks you very much! And BTW, kudos for such a well engineered
library! Spirit has been using it since v1.7 and I am very happy with
it. The comments I gave so far are merely my opinion. You are of
course free to have your own preferences :-)

Keep up the good work!

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-09-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Gregory Colvin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday, Sep 1, 2003, at 11:31 America/Denver, Joel de Guzman wrote:
 Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 vector::begin returns an object with operators * and -,
 yet these objects are not pointers, and once that is learned,
 people do not think they are pointers.
 Huh? pointer semantics (behavior) does not mean that they
 have to be pointers.
 But would the following hold if p and q are optionlint?
 *q = 1;
 p = q;
 *p = 2;
 assert(*q == 2);

No, because the model is half-baked, which is exactly the reason
for my dislike. 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Optional, tie, and iterator_adaptor

2003-08-31 Thread Joel de Guzman
Daniel Frey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman wrote:
 Although I don't see this as problematic:
 optionalint x;
  if (x)
 Or perhaps:
 optionalint x;
  if (!!x)
 We already have an implicit conversion to safe_bool and an
 operator ! anyway. Keep it. There's nothing wrong with it:
 operator unspecified-bool-type() const;
 bool operator!() const;
 IMHO, there is something terribly wrong here because now optionalT has
 two interfaces. The interface of optional itself and the interface of T.
 If you think that optionalT can be used like T (having the
 value-interface), you are immediately fooled by if(x) as it doesn't
 check T's value. A pointer-interface is much cleaner as it gives the
 user a hint that he is using a wrapper and in practice, I always prefer
 to be a little more explicit on these things (even at the cost of an
 occasional * here and there) than to have silent bugs.

If you really want it to be explicit, the first version, which I prefer
(and you snipped ;-) is so much better:

optionalint x;
 if (x != none)  

Who's fooling who? You said 2 interfaces, the current optionalT is
actually the one with the 2 interfaces. In some ways, it has a value
interface (construction, reset , ==, !=) and pointer interface on some
(*, -, get).

What I am trying very hard to say is to stick to only *ONE* interface
and one concept.

Syntactically, there's nothing inherently wrong with:

if (x)

We see it all the time with ints:

int x;
if (x)

Yet, I have to admit that after thinking about it some more, I realized
an ambiguity when T is bool. Example:

optionalbool x;
if (x)

That is why I really prefer the more explicit syntax:

optionalint x;
 if (x != none)  

A small price to pay, considering the advantages. 1) Unification of
the optional and variant where optionalT -- variantT, none_t.
2) Only one underlying semantics (value-semantics) as opposed to
(sometimes value, sometimes pointer semantics) and 3) Plays well
with generic code (I'll give another use-case in addition to Mat's).

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] RE: Spirit question...CORRECTION to my grammer!

2003-08-29 Thread Joel de Guzman

Spirit has its own mailing list:


Please post further questions there. Thanks.

Joel de Guzman

Chris Cooney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been fiddling around with boost::spirit in an
 attempt to write a small and esoteric scripting language.
 Here's some code snipits of what I'm trying to do.
 example script (a one liner in this case):
 the grammer:
 struct my_grammer : public grammarmy_grammer
 my_grammer(vectorstring v_): v(v_) {}
 template typename ScannerT
 struct definition
 definition(wb_grammer const self)
 //char token defs
 COMMA = ch_p(',');
 LPAREN = ch_p('(');
 RPAREN = ch_p(')');
 USCORE = ch_p('_');
 param_alnum = lexeme_d[alpha_p  *(alnum_p)];
 do_something = str_p(DO_SOMETHING)  LPAREN 
 /*param1*/param_alnum[append(self.v)]  !COMMA 
 /*param2*/param_alnum[append(self.v)]  RPAREN;
 do_something_else = str_p(DO_SOMETHING_ELSE)  LPAREN 
 /*param1*/param_mode[append(self.v)]  !COMMA 
 /*param2*/param_type[append(self.v)]  RPAREN;
 functions = do_something | do_something_else;
 ruleScannerT const
 start() const { return functions; }
   vectorstring v;
 int main()
 vectorstring v;
 my_grammer script_grammer(v);
 string str;
 while (getline(cin, str))
 parse_info info = parse(str.c_str(), script_grammer, space_p);
 if (info.full)
 //determine which rule (script function) was called
 //and do something with the parameters stored in the vector
 //error out.
 My problem is how to determine which rule was the one
 that resulted in a successful parsing of the
 line (DO_SOMETHING(param1,param2));
 NOTE: I'm unfortunately stuck with the MSVC 7.0 compiler so
 I can't use the Tree functionalities of spirit because of their
 implementations use of partial template specialization.
 any ideas?
 Thank you very much,
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Re: [boost] Re: [boost.optional boost.variant] Why can't weallowreferences?

2003-08-29 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 optionalT::reset ( T const ) ;
 Does it matter what happens when T is an auto_ptr?

Hmmm, an optional auto_ptr. What an interesting mix. Well, I'm 
not sure. Fernando?

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: [boost.optional boost.variant] Why can't weallowreferences?

2003-08-29 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jaakko Jarvi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I've noticed that call_traits doesn't support function references.
 I'm not sure whether it makes sense to store function references in
 optionals, though, but in any case.
 Something like this fails:
 typedef void (afuncref)(int);
 typedef call_traitsafunc::reference t;
 The problem is that the call_traits templates have other typedefs in
 the same class, e.g. const_reference, which gets instantiated as
 well, and it adds the const qualifier to a function type.
 Just another reason not to write degenerate traits BLOB
 metafunctions.  call_traits, if it's useful for anything (which I
 sometimes wonder about because I have a hard time figuring out what it
 does), should be rewritten as separate individual metafunctions.

FWIW, I find it a useful utility. However, I agree that it should be 
broken down into individual pieces.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] RE: Spirit question...CORRECTION to my grammer!

2003-08-29 Thread Joel de Guzman
Chris Cooney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry everyone.

Hey, no need for apologies :o)

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: [boost.optional boost.variant] Why can't weallowreferences?

2003-08-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm way overprotective, I guess
 (maybe it's because I'll be father for the first time
 in a couple of months :-)


 The only remaining issue is the optional interface:
 Currenty, there is the following:
 optionalT::optional ( T const ) ;
 optionalT::reset ( T const ) ;
 But If 'T' is allowed to be a reference, then these should have to be
 changed to:
 optionalT::optional ( T ) ;
 optionalT::reset ( T ) ;

I think reset should be:

optionalT::reset ( T const ) ;

Following reference assign semantics, an optional reference once bound
cannot re-bind to another reference. So, we can be able to:

int i;
optionalint opt(i);
opt.reset(3); // same as i = 3

Which is similar to:

int i;
int r = i;
r = 3; // same as i = 3

I think this is a big difference of semantics to T*. We can only bind 
an optional reference at construction time. This is an advantage to
a plain T* because we are assured that no rebinding will take place.
Thus, I have to disagree that we would never explicitly use optionalT.
I think there's merit in its usage too.

 the question is, what should be the 'conceptual' signature
 of these functions? (how should they be documented).
 The same goes for operator*().
 For non-reference types, it is: T operator*();
 but for reference types, is has to be: T operator*();
 Anyway, this issues are the same for tuples, so whatever it was
 done there it can be done with optional.

How about:

typedef typename call_traitsT::param_type ctor_param; 
typedef typename call_traitsT::param_type assign_param;
typedef typename call_traitsT::reference return_type;

optionalT::optional(ctor_param arg);
optionalT::reset(assign_param arg);
return_type operator*();

I think that's pretty good documentation in and by itself. It might also be
a good idea to make the return type part of the public API. Sometimes, 
we want to have temporaries, e.g. to circumvent the function forwarding 
problem. Example:

optionalT::return_type v = *opt;

Many thanks!
Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: [boost.optional boost.variant] Why can't weallowreferences?

2003-08-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
Hi again,

Take 2:

typedef typename call_traitsT::param_type 

typedef typename call_traitstypename remove_referenceT::type::param_type

typedef typename call_traitsT::reference 

optional(typename call_traitsT::param_type arg);
void reset(assign_param arg);
return_type operator*();

 I think reset should be:
 optionalT::reset ( T const ) ;
 Following reference assign semantics, an optional reference once bound
 cannot re-bind to another reference. So, we can be able to:
 int i;
 optionalint opt(i);
 opt.reset(3); // same as i = 3
 Which is similar to:
 int i;
 int r = i;
 r = 3; // same as i = 3
 I think this is a big difference of semantics to T*. We can only bind
 an optional reference at construction time. This is an advantage to
 a plain T* because we are assured that no rebinding will take place.
 Thus, I have to disagree that we would never explicitly use optionalT.
 I think there's merit in its usage too.
 the question is, what should be the 'conceptual' signature
 of these functions? (how should they be documented).
 The same goes for operator*().
 For non-reference types, it is: T operator*();
 but for reference types, is has to be: T operator*();
 Anyway, this issues are the same for tuples, so whatever it was
 done there it can be done with optional.
 How about:
 typedef typename call_traitsT::param_type ctor_param;
 typedef typename call_traitsT::param_type assign_param;
 typedef typename call_traitsT::reference return_type;
 optionalT::optional(ctor_param arg);
 optionalT::reset(assign_param arg);
 return_type operator*();
 I think that's pretty good documentation in and by itself. It might also be
 a good idea to make the return type part of the public API. Sometimes,
 we want to have temporaries, e.g. to circumvent the function forwarding
 problem. Example:
 optionalT::return_type v = *opt;
 Many thanks!

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: [boost.optional boost.variant] Why can't weallowreferences?

2003-08-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi again,
 Take 2:
 typedef typename call_traitsT::param_type
 typedef typename call_traitstypename
 remove_referenceT::type::param_type assign_param;
 typedef typename call_traitsT::reference
 optional(typename call_traitsT::param_type arg);
 void reset(assign_param arg);
 return_type operator*();

Whoops! That should be:

optional(ctor_param arg);
void reset(assign_param arg);
return_type operator*();

Anyway, it's the same.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Spirit question...

2003-08-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
David B. Held [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Cooney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 That was my problem - thank you.
 The moral being:
 Using anychar_p all by itself is usually a Bad Thing(TM)

More accurately:  Using *anychar_p or +anychar_p all by itself is usually a Bad 

 That's because it's like the langoliers--it eats everything up.
 You usually want to say what it shouldn't eat up by subtracting the
 terminating character from the parser.  I think this is a Spirit FAQ.

It is now ;-)

Joel de Guzman

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[boost] [boost.optional boost.variant] Why can't we allowreferences?

2003-08-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
 pardon me if this gets re-posted 


Is there a reason why we can't allow:

optionalint opt;

Also, is there a reason why we can't allow:

variantint, double var;

IIUC, internally, it's just a matter of storing a boost.reference_wrapper
if T is a reference.

In as much as tupleint is allowed, I see no reason why optional
and variant can't allow references. 

Am I missing something?

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-14 Thread Joel de Guzman
E. Gladyshev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The notus project has been setup on sf.
 It has several public forums including the Design

No mailing list? IMO, I would highly suggest a mailing
list instead of a web based forum. Easier to post-to,
maintain, archive, etc.

Joel de Guzman
joel [at]

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Re: [boost] GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-14 Thread Joel de Guzman
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 10:54 AM 8/5/2003, Brock Peabody wrote:
   I don't know much about other GUI systems but win32
   and MFC. I think we can try to define the low-level
   layer using win32 and/or MFC as the starting point.
   If we cover these two, it'll be a good start and prove
   of concept.
  Actually for a proof of concept we could get by with just one.
 Given the major differences between underlying GUI API's, your really need
 to be developing in parallel for both Windows and Linux right from the

And don't forget the Mac ;-)

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-14 Thread Joel de Guzman
Gregory Colvin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Perhaps Perseus, who slew the Medusa, the snake-haired monster of
 so frightful an aspect that no living thing could behold her without
 being turned into stone.
 Perseus avoid being turned to stone by clever use of indirection --
 he avoided looking directly at Medusa, instead looking only at her
 reflection in the mirror of his polished shield.

Man! You Da Man! :-)

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-11 Thread Joel de Guzman
E. Gladyshev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Brock Peabody [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It stands for 'standard'.  Maybe that's a little
 pretentious for us at
 this early stage :)  gtl would probably be better.
 I suspect that if we
 get to a review some people may request something
 more verbose.
 Since GTL is already taken, how about GTF (GUI
 Template Framework)?

Can't we be more imaginative than that? Aren't we all
already saturated with acronyms and acronyms and yet more
acronyms? There is no policy anyway that forces us to use 
acronyms in boost.
When Spirit was being reviewed, I was a bit afraid that someone 
would come out and suggest that it be named as BPL. Akkk! 
Fortunately, no one did. And after all, BPL already stands for 
boost python library.

In the world of computers, it is already a sea of acronyms.
IMO, acronyms are ugly! This is my opinion of course. I
am entitled to my own opinion right? :-) 

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: GUI sublanguage ?

2003-08-06 Thread Joel de Guzman
Brock Peabody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you invented universal algorithm for window size/position ?
 It works surprisingly well.  I know I described it in detail in an
 earlier post, I can sum it up again if you like.  It works well
 especially if you need complete resizability.

Please do. I've lost track of the thread and I want to catch up.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Preparing 1.30.1 Release

2003-08-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have put a diff of the changes between Version_1_30_0 and RC_1_30_0
 at  These will be
 the changes that go into the Boost 1.30.1 release.  Will the
 authors/maintainers of the following libraries please post a brief
 summary of the fixes that were applied?


 workaround (that's me)
 Python (me again)
 error_handling.html (again, me)

Hi Dave,

I'd like to add Spirit 1.6.1 (a bug fix release) to Boost 1.30.1.
There are no new features in 1.6.1, just bug fixes. Here are
the list of bug fixes.

  a.. Fixed. Using MSVC++6 (SP5), calling the assign action with a string value on 
using the file_iterator will not work.
  b.. Fixed: using assign semantic action in a grammar with a multi_pass iterator 
applied to an std::istream_iterator resulted in a failure to compile under msvc 7.0.
  c.. Fixed: There is a bug in the range_runCharT::set (rangeCharT const r) 
function in
the boost\spirit\utility\impl\chset\range_run.ipp.
  d.. Fixed: handling of trailing whitespace bug (ast_parse/pt_parse related)
  e.. Fixed: comment_p and end of data bug
  f.. Fixed: Most trailing space bug:
  g.. Fixed:
  chset::operator~(range) bug
  operator(chset, range) bug
  operator(range, chset) bug
  h.. Fixed: impl::detach_clear bug
  i.. Fixed: mismatch closure return type bug
  j.. Fixed: access_node_d[] and access_match_d[] iterator bugs
  k.. Fixed a bug regarding threadsafety of Phoenix/Spirit closures.
  l.. Added missing include files to miniboost

I am about to commit Spirit 1.6.1 to the RC_1_30_0 but wanted to
ask anyway.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: Preparing 1.30.1 Release

2003-08-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd like to add Spirit 1.6.1 (a bug fix release) to Boost 1.30.1.
 There are no new features in 1.6.1, just bug fixes. Here are
 the list of bug fixes.


 I am about to commit Spirit 1.6.1 to the RC_1_30_0 but wanted to
 ask anyway.
 Thanks for asking.  Normally, I'd say absolutely not.  We announced
 we were starting this release a while back and said that there would
 be only minimal changes required to fix bugs which could reasonably
 be applied in a week.  That week is long past.
 However, since, like Boost.Python, Spirit doesn't appear in the
 regression tests (we've got to fix that) and no libraries depend on it
 (right?), you can't hurt the regression results by upgrading Spirit to
 1.6.1.  You may proceed if you can do it in an hour or less.

Commencing. I should be finished in a couple of minutes. Actually, 
the bug fixes we're done and 1.6.1 was released before the announcement. 
The release has been thoroughly tested. I'm confident the commit will not 
hurt anything. Thanks for the consideration.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Preparing 1.30.1 Release

2003-08-01 Thread Joel de Guzman
Martin Wille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman wrote:
   l.. Added missing include files to miniboost
 For the records: that one doesn't apply to Boost 1.30.1.

Yes that's correct. Sorry.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: Spirit rules

2003-07-17 Thread Joel de Guzman
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman wrote:

 Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I obviously have not understood how spirit rules are supposed to work.  The
 simple program below fails to compile (spewing out 42 lines of error
 messages). If I replace the application of 'Id' with int_p directly it works
 What am I supposed to do to get the intended effect?


 See the FAQ The Scanner Business. It's always a good idea
 to scan the FAQ first.

 I have read, but not understood.  I change the rule to
 rulephrase_scanner_t, but I am still not allowed to perform the assignment.
 I suspect that I am supposed to supply further arguments to the rule in
 order to specify its return type so that the assignment gets properly
 interpreted, so I have carefully gone through the manual pages for The
 Rule, Semantic Actions and Predefined Actions, with quick dips into
 other sections, but I have not found examples of how to do it.

Hi again,

Would this solve your problem?

int ID;
rulephrase_scanner_t Id = int_p[assign(ID)];
parse(argv[1], Id space_p);

BTW, did I mention that Spirit has its mailing list?


Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Spirit rules

2003-07-16 Thread Joel de Guzman
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I obviously have not understood how spirit rules are supposed to work.  The
 simple program below fails to compile (spewing out 42 lines of error
 messages). If I replace the application of 'Id' with int_p directly it works
 What am I supposed to do to get the intended effect?

 #include iostream
 #include boost/spirit.hpp

 using namespace std;
 using namespace boost::spirit;

 int main(int *argc, char *argv[])

int ID;

rule Id = int_p;

if (parse(argv[1],
 Id [assign(ID)],
cout  Value =   ID  endl;
cout  Failed\n;


See the FAQ The Scanner Business. It's always a good idea
to scan the FAQ first.

BTW, Spirit has its own mailing list:

Spirit-general mailing list

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: N1477 Single Pass Iterators and *r++

2003-07-13 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In the main CVS? iterator-categories.html is still dated several days
   ago. Or am I looking in the wrong place?
  I guess so.  Why would I be editing a document in the multi_array lib?
 I was talking about boost-root/libs/iterator/doc/iterator-categories.html,
 committed July 7 by Joel. That is the document I was expecting to see
 Oh, I never saw that.  Joel, it's inconvenient to have the .html file
 with a different name from the .rst file.  Is there any reason we
 can't change that so they're both named

I didn't put those. Those files were taken from the sandbox as-is.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: is_nan

2003-07-13 Thread Joel de Guzman
Gabriel Dos Reis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gabriel Dos Reis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 Yes.  It is an incorrect (unfortunately popular)
 Right. We should say that more often. It is incorrect
 however popular.
 Most compilers provide a non standard extension for this
 For instance, Borland uses _isnan.
 In general, these extensions are found on float.
 The best approach, IMO, is to have a boost::is_nan() with
 compiler specific implementations.
 We have an is_nan(float) implementation (for quiet NaNs of course)
 that does just that. Right now, it supports most compilers on Win32 but it
 should be straight-forward to support others. Right now, it is tested on:
 g++2.95.3 (MinGW)
 g++3.1 (MinGW)
 Borland 5.5.1
 Comeau 4.24 (Win32)
 Microsoft Visual C++ 6
 Microsoft Visual C++ 7
 Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1
 Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.2
 The default implementation assumes IEEE754 floating point. It takes advantage
 of the fact that IEEE754 has a well defined binary layout for quiet NaNs.
 I'm not sure what you mean by that.  IEEE-754 defines an *abstract*
 binary model, not a concrete one.  And the exact mapping to concrete
 implementation is NOT defined.  That is not what I call a well defined
 binary layout.

Yes of course. What's important is that it defines the bits of what constitutes a 
NaN, b[0] .. b[N] and we can create a mapping from bits 0..N of the abstract
binary model to the actual (concrete) binary layout of a platform/processor.

 For example on HP boxes, the concrete binary layout of qNaNs and sNaNs
 is flipped (in the leading bits) from those of SPARCs.  Yes, both have
 IEEE-754 conforming  representations.  There are many other variants.
 (I learnt those when I tried to get compiler support for
 numeric_limits in GCC).  Those who are interested might want to have
 a look at gcc/real.[hc].

Nice. Thanks for the tip.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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[boost] Spirit v1.7.0 and v1.6.1 Released

2003-07-13 Thread Joel de Guzman

Spirit v1.7.0 and v1.6.1 have been released.

Get it here:

Spirit v1.7.0:
Spirit v1.6.1:

Take note that by convention, odd minor version releases (e.g. 1.7.0) are 
developmental while even minor version releases (e.g. 1.6.1) are stable.

What's new:

Have fun!!!

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: mpl/loki

2003-07-12 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aleksey Gurtovoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 IMO we should just stop using 'void_' for internal purposes and give it
 up to users :).
 I am still unsure about 'void_' being better than 'nil' or
 'null'  Users already have a type, 'void', which means void.
 There's no correspondence between void_ and void the way there is
 between bool_ and bool.

IMO, there is. For example, the new TR1 tuples implementation 
(it's feature complete and in the sandbox now BTW) uses void_
as it would a void tuple element. nil_t or something would do, but 
we'll need to convert this to void_ simply because MPL expects void_.

Admittedly, the void_ is not part of its public API and the use should 
not care about it, *but* you have to consider that the tuple lib *IS* a 
client of MPL. As such, it needs the mpl_void_ as a *public* API. 
Another good example is Phoenix/LL. We are using void_ much as 
a void argument to something. Here now, there is a direct mapping
to our C++ void. Again, the void_ is not part of Phoenix's  public API 
but then again, it *is* a client of MPL.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: N1477 Single Pass Iterators and *r++

2003-07-12 Thread Joel de Guzman
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   In the main CVS? iterator-categories.html is still dated several days
   ago. Or am I looking in the wrong place?
  I guess so.  Why would I be editing a document in the multi_array lib?
 I was talking about boost-root/libs/iterator/doc/iterator-categories.html,
 committed July 7 by Joel. That is the document I was expecting to see
 Wouldn't it be better to bring the Boost CVS libs/iterator/doc stuff
 up-to-date? Particularly since there is no index.html in libs/iterator
 pointing to other locations.

This is really what I intend to do. However, I'm having some difficulties with 
my net connection right now. If anyone would be so kind to link in the
docs, I would appreciate it very much.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: New iterator adaptors and bjam builds

2003-07-11 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jens Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 May I suggest that you remove (for example)
 No wonder!  That's not the utility suite; that's the iterator_adaptors
 suite.  Mostly an easy fix.  There are already replacement tests in

Yep, I'll remove these artifacts. Pardon the confusion. 

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: New iterator adaptors and bjam builds

2003-07-11 Thread Joel de Guzman
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 01:27 PM 7/11/2003, David Abrahams wrote:
  Jens Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There seem to be a number of files in boost-root/libs/utility that are
 holdovers from the prior version of iterator adaptors.

I'll fix this situation.

 Is the plan to remove all iterator related files from
 boost-root/libs/utility and replace them with files in
 boost-root/libs/iterator (or its sub-directories)?

Yes. That's the plan, AFAIK.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: is_nan

2003-07-07 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thanks to Gabriel we may have an is_nan() right now.
 It was Joel de Guzman who offered his is_nan() implementation.
 Sorry Joel :-)

No problem. I thought Gaby also offered an implementation ahead of me.
So you guys are interested then? It would really be nice to have a
common boost implementation. I'll put it in the sandbox tomorrow.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Visitor-based framework to describe classes with exampleofobjectdump in XML format

2003-07-07 Thread Joel de Guzman
Alexander Nasonov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From user point of view it's easy. Every class is described using intuitive
 class-decl-like style:
 void describe_Driver(descriptorDriver class_)
 member(Driver::licence_id, licence_id), // note comma operator
 member(Driver::licence_issue_date, licence_issue_date)

Cool syntax! Hmmm Reminds me of Boost.Python, luabind and ahem... Phoenix ;-)

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: is_nan

2003-07-05 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gabriel Dos Reis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Yes.  It is an incorrect (unfortunately popular)
 Right. We should say that more often. It is incorrect
 however popular. 
 Most compilers provide a non standard extension for this
 For instance, Borland uses _isnan.
 In general, these extensions are found on float.
 The best approach, IMO, is to have a boost::is_nan() with
 compiler specific implementations.


We have an is_nan(float) implementation (for quiet NaNs of course) 
that does just that. Right now, it supports most compilers on Win32 but it
should be straight-forward to support others. Right now, it is tested on:

g++2.95.3 (MinGW)
g++3.1 (MinGW)
Borland 5.5.1
Comeau 4.24 (Win32)
Microsoft Visual C++ 6
Microsoft Visual C++ 7
Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1
Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.2

The default implementation assumes IEEE754 floating point. It takes advantage
of the fact that IEEE754 has a well defined binary layout for quiet NaNs. Platform
specific implementations forward the call to the correct platform header when 
available. The code does not rely on the availability of numeric_limits. 

I hope this can be used as the basis of a standardized boost::is_nan utility.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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[boost] Re: New Iterator Adapters - filter_iterator

2003-07-03 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was under the impression that Dave is gonna move it to
 the main
 trunk real soon, so keeping it on your local disk for a
 few more
 days might be the easiest solution. Dave?

 I'm on vacation until the 6th at least.  Joel volunteered
 to make that
 move, though I'm not sure what his schedule looks like.
 If he's
 bitten off more than he can chew I may jump in to help
 out.  Joel?

I'm cool. Let's do it.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-06-25 Thread Joel de Guzman
Andreas Huber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

|| What about html files? Are they considered to be under
|| the the Software umbrella? Html or any other form of
|| electronic documentation can be seen as software but you
|| could just as well argue that it's only data (which
|| AFAICT would not fall under the license then). 

Software can be purely data, right? The documentation
IMO, should be part of the Software.

|| BTW, I (German mother-tongue) agree with Rene that the
|| long sentences are a bit difficult to grasp. However, I
|| don't care that much as long as it's legally
|| bullet-proof. 

I agree.

Kudos to Dave Abrahams, Diane Cabell, Devin Smith, and Eva Chen!

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] A problem concerning msvc++ and boost::spirit::phoenix

2003-06-19 Thread Joel de Guzman
Yep. Anyway, VC7.1 (VS 2003) is a joy to use with Spirit.
We've tried our best to make Spirit work with VC6. See:
Most of the modules, except the ones that use Phoenix,
works with VC6 and 7. Notice though how VC7.1 scores!

Joel de Guzman
joel at

Michael Walter wrote:
 Visual C++ 6.0 doesn't support partial template specialization.
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of DudeSan
 Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:27 PM
 Subject: [boost] A problem concerning msvc++ and
 While I was playing around with spirit yesterday, I stumbled on
 something nasty. I'm not sure if this is the right place to report
 but I'll post it here anyway :)
 I found a calculator example
 .html) which includes boost/spirit/phoenix/tuples.hpp (not directly
 but via boost/spirit/phoenix/binders.hpp).
 Here I found the first occurrence; it seems that the Visual C++ 6.0
 compiler doesn't see the difference between
 template typename T
 struct access {
 typedef const T ctype;
 typedef T type;
 template typename T
 struct accessT {
 typedef T ctype;
 typedef T type;
 It reports template class has already been defined as a non-template
 class, so it seems that 'template typename T struct access' isn't
 being recognized as a template class.

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Re: [boost] Spirit example typo

2003-06-18 Thread Joel de Guzman
Michael Walter wrote:
   using namespace spirit
 should read
   using namespace boost::spirit;
 I think. Apologies if this is the wrong list for such an unimportant
 report ;)

Hey, Thanks!

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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[boost] Re: [C++-sig] Re: Interest in luabind

2003-06-18 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams wrote:

[ snip [] syntax ]

   * We like the syntax :)
 It is nice for C++ programmers, but Python programmers at least are
 very much more comfortable without the brackets.

FWIW, I like the syntax ;-)
But then of course I'm biased :o)

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: optional: size optimization

2003-04-21 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola wrote:

 padding 100%, but which will be quite easy to use is this:
 templateclass T, class tag_t
 struct aligned_storage
   void const* address() const ;
   void*   address();
   // If tag_t fits in the padding, it is allocated there,
   // else it is allocated separately (but in here)
   tag_t const tag() const ;
   tag_t   tag();

Funny, that was my first prototype :o)...
Yes, that's very good, if it's possible to implement
I was concerned about, emmm...,  alignment issues.
I reckon tag_t type should be enforced to be an integral 
of some size.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: const T const and C++98

2003-04-17 Thread Joel de Guzman
Reece Dunn wrote:

 construct when passing values. This was because I had been looking at
 the spirit library and read
T const  ref;
T  const ref;

To be clear, Spirit's convention is T const ref.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] PP lambda?

2003-04-12 Thread Joel de Guzman
Paul Mensonides wrote:
 Joel de Guzman wrote:
 And that takes all the fun out of it.  pp-metaprogramming and indeed
 template metaprogramming, given the current language, is all about
 _manipulation_ of the language.  If you take that away, it is still
 very useful, but not as creative, therefore, not as fun. ;)
 It would be nice to experiment on new features such as scopes
 and true iteration. I think it is also a good idea to *push* the
 CPP specifications with the future in mind.
 A scoping mechanism is already in being considered (FYI, precisely
 because it 
 *limits* the preprocessor).

Scope, IMO, should be the first priority. For one, I would certainly wish 
to see the BOOST_PP prefix a thing of the past. I always get a mild
headache trying to grok Boost.PP expressions.

... Here's a possible syntax (quoted from CLC++M). I'm sure many
of you are already aware of this, nevertheless...

Francis Glassborow wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], James
 Kanze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 And although it might sound a bit heretical -- the lack of a
 preprocessor, or any other means, of making logging and tracing as
 simple as possible.
 Not heretical these days. We spent time earlier this week in the
 evolution group of WG21  J16 considering ways to take control of the
 pre-processor to make it work well in C++. Our current thinking is to
 add something like:
 # // no preprocessor macros can permeate this barrier
 // unless explicitly asked for
 #import XYZ // allow that macro through
 #define ABC 123
 #define FALSE 0
 #export FALSE
 # // only explicitly exported macros escape
 IOWs create a mechanism to control the scope of pre-processor macros.

Hmmm how about namespaces (or modules) ?  :o)...

# BOOST_PP // boost PP namespace
// blah blah blah

# MY_MODULE // my module namespace
#using BOOST_PP // using boost PP namespace
// blah blah blah

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] [lambda]/[spirit-phoenix] Lazyevaluation+expressiontemplates

2003-04-04 Thread Joel de Guzman
Fernando Cacciola wrote:
 First question: I see that there is a phoenix subdirectory
 under both boost/spirit and lib/spirit; does this mean
 that pheonix is distributed with boost 1.30.0? or only part of it?

There will be an LL/Phx merger. I hope it will be soon. That
depends a lot on which is the least compiler to support. Right
now, I have the core up and running on VC7 but ICEs on VC6.
Either I leave VC6 behind (now that 7.1 is imminent), or I
spend more time hunting by trial and error. The new LL/Phx 
merger is MPL based.

BTW, Borland works as it does in Phoenix as do a lot more

So the question is *to-vc6-or-not-to-vc6*, please send in your votes.

 Second question: I'm trying to do something which I
 think could be done with some of the functional programming
 libraries and tools available here at boost, perhaps
 in combination with other tools from elsewhere.


Ah..Lazy-evaluation... This was asked in the past. Phoenix named 
placeholders: Phoenix+boost::function :-)... 
This link might be of interest to you:

This feature will hopefully, if Jaakko agrees, be part of the new

I'm heavily investigating *true* lazy evaluation, not to be confused
with partial evaluation that's currently done in LL and Phoenix.
To avoid confusion, I should change everything lazy in the Phx 
docs to probably be deferred. These are subtly different concepts.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] spirit::rule::set_id()

2003-03-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
Hi Jon,

Ok. I'll ask the tree-people (Dan and Hartmut :-)
This is their domain...

BTW... Please post follow ups to 

Spirit-general mailing list


Joel de Guzman
joel at

Jon Wray wrote:

 Sorry, I'm refering  The
 token_node_d directive in the code below creates these nodes, and
 stores the associated rule id in them.  The rule id being stored
 changed when I upgraded to the latest version of Spirit.  Please
 reread my message below with this context in mind.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joel de Guzman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 3:58 AM
 To: Boost mailing list
 Subject: Re: [boost] spirit::rule::set_id()
 Jon Wray wrote:
 Thanks!  I noticed that this change leads to different behavior when
 assigning rules.  Consider this code:
   typename rule_ScannerT, IDENTIFIER::type Identifier;
   typename rule_ScannerT, FUNCTION::type Function;
   typename rule_ScannerT, PREDICATE::type Predicate;
   typename rule_ScannerT, VARIABLE::type Variable;
   Identifier = lexeme_d[token_node_d[(alpha_p | '_' | '$') 
 '_' | '$')]];
   Function = Identifier;
   Predicate = Identifier;
   Variable = Identifier; used to return FUNCTION, PREDICATE, or VARIABLE,
 but it now returns IDENTIFIER.
 and == VARIABLE.
 I tested this...
 rulescanner, parser_context, parser_tag1  r1;
 rulescanner, parser_context, parser_tag2  r2;
 r1 = r2;
 assert( == 1);
 assert( == 2);
 What am I missing?

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
 BoostBook is nearing the point where building documentation is as
 easy as building libraries. The Boost.Build v2 modules for BoostBook
 associated tools) are quite functional and work well for me, but I
 want to verify the they will work well for someone else.
 I would like a volunteer to try out the BoostBook tools to see if
 they can easily build documentation, and report your successes,
 failures, and 
 general level of frustration to the Boost documentation list or to me
 personally so I can improve the situation for future users and
 developers. You'll need a few tools, a very recent checkout of Boost
 CVS, and 
 possibly a little patience, but everything is explained (I hope) in
 the Getting Started guide here:
 Any takers? Please?

Spirit desperately needs a reference manual. Yes, I'm very interested.
I am also very interested to build Spirit based tools to make the task 
easier. I'm just afraid of the time that I need to commit. Perhaps I can
proceed step-wise? Suggestions?

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:

 FWIW, the basic Jamfile.v2 for using Doxygen would be:
   project boost/spirit/doc ;
   import boostbook : boostbook ;
   import doxygen : doxygen ;
   doxygen spirit.doxygen : ../../../boost/spirit/
  : recursiveon pattern*.hpp
   boostbook spirit : spirit.doxygen ;
 With a patched Doxygen (see the Getting Started docs) and this
 Jamfile.v2 in libs/spirit/doc, I can generate skeletal documentation
 for Spirit.

Cool. I'll try this. Thanks! It seems you have lots of guinea pigs now :-)

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] spirit::rule::set_id()

2003-03-24 Thread Joel de Guzman
Jon Wray wrote:
 Thanks!  I noticed that this change leads to different behavior when
 assigning rules.  Consider this code:
   typename rule_ScannerT, IDENTIFIER::type Identifier;
   typename rule_ScannerT, FUNCTION::type Function;
   typename rule_ScannerT, PREDICATE::type Predicate;
   typename rule_ScannerT, VARIABLE::type Variable;
   Identifier = lexeme_d[token_node_d[(alpha_p | '_' | '$') 
 '_' | '$')]];
   Function = Identifier;
   Predicate = Identifier;
   Variable = Identifier; used to return FUNCTION, PREDICATE, or VARIABLE,
 but it now returns IDENTIFIER.  


and == VARIABLE.

I tested this...

rulescanner, parser_context, parser_tag1  r1;
rulescanner, parser_context, parser_tag2  r2;
r1 = r2;
assert( == 1);
assert( == 2);

What am I missing?

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] spirit documentation bug

2003-03-21 Thread Joel de Guzman
Dave Gomboc wrote:
 Section Portability
 8. Intel 7.0VisualAge C++ 5.02
 should be split into two lines.

Thanks for the various doc-bug reports. Duly noted.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] spirit::rule::set_id()

2003-03-20 Thread Joel de Guzman
Jon Wray wrote:

 What happened to spirit::rule::set_id()?  It was in Spirit 1.5.1, but it's 
 missing from 1.6.0.  The doc still refers to it (see the very bottom of

Giovanni Bajo wrote:

 I might be dumb, but I read in the documentation that each rule
 should have a member called set_id() to modify the parser ID. Now,
 looking into the code that method does not exist. Not only that, but
 there is not even a member holding the parser_id, it's just computed
 on the fly through a policy, which means that it is impossible to
 modify at runtime. 

No, you are not dumb. This is a documentation oversight. 

 The only way I found was: 
   ruleT, parser_context, parser_tagAST::ID_INTERFACE 

This is correct. Pardon the oversight. The change was done so as to
have a consistent interface for rules, subrules and grammars. Following
the precept that the user should not pay for features she does not need,
the member variable was taken out in favor of a static constant. The 
additional member variable is not needed in many cases. 

 which is quite bloated, especially since I have to do this for many
 many rules. So, where is the missing set_id() member?

In the meantime, this is the way to do it. You can write a simple
metaprogram to ease the typing (pun?). Example:

template typename ScannerT, in ID
struct rule_
ruleScannerT, parser_context, parser_tagID  type;


rule_T, AST::ID_INTERFACE::type interf;

Sometime in the future, the interface to rules will be made easier
such that the optional template arguments can be passed in
arbitrary sequence.

Hope this helps. Again pardon the oversight.
Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] OK to tag for 1.30.0 release?

2003-03-19 Thread Joel de Guzman
Beman Dawes wrote:
 At 04:36 PM 3/19/2003, David Abrahams wrote:
  Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   At 12:52 PM 3/19/2003, Beman Dawes wrote:
Please speak up now if you have any uncommitted RC_1_30_0
  changes orother

Otherwise we will tag for release at 3 PM US Eastern Time (20:00
   Currently holding waiting for resolution of Boost.Python link
   Also, CVS is running so slowly this afternoon that it is agony to
  do  anything that traverses the whole tree. Actually getting a
  release  ready requires doing that a number of times. Thus I hold
  the actual  release work until later tonight or tomorrow morning.
   In the meantime, please don't commit any more changes (except the
   final Python fix) to RC_1_30_0.
  I'd like to make a small doc patch if you don't mind.  It can't
  destabilize any tests.
 Non-code patches are OK.

Spirit version 1.5.2 will also have to be bumped to 1.6.0 (the
final release version). By convention, odd numbered minor
versions are developmental. The final release will have the
version change. The patches do not affect the code.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] OK to tag for 1.30.0 release?

2003-03-19 Thread Joel de Guzman
Beman Dawes wrote:
 At 05:40 PM 3/19/2003, Joel de Guzman wrote:
  Spirit version 1.5.2 will also have to be bumped to 1.6.0 (the
  final release version). By convention, odd numbered minor
  versions are developmental. The final release will have the
  version change. The patches do not affect the code.
 Unless there is some problem I'm not aware of, you should go ahead
 and do that now.

Done. The code should not be affected at all but I'll do some regression
tests just to be sure.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] OK to tag for 1.30.0 release?

2003-03-19 Thread Joel de Guzman
Joel de Guzman wrote:
 Beman Dawes wrote:
 At 05:40 PM 3/19/2003, Joel de Guzman wrote:
  Spirit version 1.5.2 will also have to be bumped to 1.6.0 (the
  final release version). By convention, odd numbered minor
  versions are developmental. The final release will have the
  version change. The patches do not affect the code.
 Unless there is some problem I'm not aware of, you should go ahead
 and do that now.
 Done. The code should not be affected at all but I'll do some
 regression tests just to be sure.

Regression tests done. Spirit v1.6.0 is ready for release. 

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Beta boost+spirit - VC7.1 buffer overrun error

2003-03-11 Thread Joel de Guzman
vc wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am using the VS .NET 2003 (VC7.1) on Windows 2000 and I'm porting
 a Linux application on Windows. I got the BETA sources
 and I give it a try, but the compiler stops with the Buffer overrun
 detected! error (see Vccrash.jpg attached).
 For being easier to duplicate, attached is also a sample (see that has this behavior.
 I have to mention that on 2003.02.18 I took the spirit sources from
 the cvs, and this sample compiles
 fine with those sources. That is why I assume that this is a new
 added problem into the spirit sources.
 As a summary, when using:
 - version 1.29 of boost and cvs sources of spirit from 2003.02.18 =
 the sample compiles ok
 - boost 1.30 beta (boost and spirit) = the sample is not compiling
 Can you tell me please if this is indeed a spirit problem or not?

What compiler errors are you getting? If it's the attached Buffer overrun 
detected! error, then that's clearly a VC7.1 compiler bug.

Anyway, since this is clearly a Spirit support related question, please
post your reply to Spirit-general mailing list:

Let's continue our discussion there.

See 'ya,
Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] When will be the next boost released?

2003-03-10 Thread Joel de Guzman
vc wrote:

 No, as the guys from spirit told me that the 1.5.1 version was
 released before VS. NET 2003
 so their code is not designed for this new compiler. And indeed 2
 weeks ago 
 I took the spirit
 sources from the cvs and I didn't get that error anymore.

No that's not correct. VC7.1 is known to compile Spirit with no
workarounds as early as January last year (v1.3.x and Spirit-X).
Anyway, the msvc_ps_helper.hpp is an inadvertent wart and is
now removed. Still, I think you must report the ICE. Such things
should not happen.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [Spirit-general] Re: Spirit problem with CW8 on MacOS X (was Re:[boost] XML Samples...)

2003-03-09 Thread Joel de Guzman
Paul Snively wrote:

 Secondly, ast_xml.cpp takes a long time to compile--and no wonder; CW
 Pro 8.3 generates ~14 megabytes for it!

I assume that's debug mode? release mode should be so much smaller.
I've had good results with CW7.2 on Windows and I believe the CW
compiler is very good. For example,  g++ simple.xml generates 23M in 
debug mode and 320K in release. CW7.2 creates 1.4M in debug and
166K in release. I believe CW can do more if it can be made to inline
more! How much can CW8 inline?

For reference, see:

 Hope this helps!

Oh yes! Thanks a lot. It seems there's a lot of work ahead to
patch all the #include console.h. A lot of the sample apps
need argv or argc. I'd certainly appreciate it if you can send in
a patch file.

Many thanks!
Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Spirit problem with CW8 on MacOS X (was Re: [boost] XML Samples...)

2003-03-08 Thread Joel de Guzman
Michael Burbidge wrote:
 I've been trying to use the XML samples in
 libs/example/application/xml. They build fine, but get a runtime
 when given even the simplest xml file. Are these samples kept up to
 date? Here's the assert that I get:
 Assertion (r.is_valid()) failed in range_run.ipp, function set,
 line 132
 This is on Mac OS X using CodeWarrior 8.

I assume this is a Spirit related question.

Before anything else, please post Spirit support related questions to:

Also, it would be best to write a more descriptive title. Otherwise,
your post might probably be easy to miss.

Ok, nuff said...

The XML stuff has been tested and works with no problems on Windows 
and Linux. I come from the Mac but unfortunately I do not have access to 
a Mac and CW8 right now. Fortunately Paul Snively volunteered to check
Spirit on CW8 on the Mac. You can also help out by giving us a more detailed
account. For instance, what is the current state of the range (r) when the
assertion fired?

Please post subsequent messages to Spirit's mailing lits. Let's continue
this thread there.

Thank you.
Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: resource manager naming

2003-02-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
Terje Slettebø wrote:

 You don't need to know the template parameters to know that it
 is a *pair*. That's the big difference. The template parameter is an
 abstract concept. Detached from the parameters, it is still a pair.
 The same does
 hold for managedT. What is managed? It is not even a noun
 without the qualifiers.

 Good point, it's not a noun. resource_manager, manager or
 resource are nouns, so they may be better.

 managedwidget // does this *manage* the actual rendering into
 the window?

 Gotcha! No it doesn't!

 To adjust it so it becomes a noun:


 Manager of widget. It's kind of implied that what is managed is the
 resource itself, even though resource doesn't say anywhere. This is
 similar to that you think it's implied that resourcewidget means it
 manages the resource, even though manage doesn't say anywhere.

 By the way, I used widget in the meaning of anything, as it's
 used some places (like foo and bar).

Look at it this way. Which noun best describes the following:
1) You acquire it
2) You release it
3) You transfer its ownership

A) manager
B) resource
C) managed

 resource_manager starts to look attractive, again. ;)

Perhaps. But there's a *better* and *shorter* alternative that very well fits
the description. We can say: linear_list_of_items_managerint, YUCK!
Instead, we say listint. The management *is* implicit!

Also, in general, I would say that any name suffixed by _manager are best
used for classes that manage *many* things simultaneously, NOT JUST ONE.
Take a window_manager for example. It is something that manages the operations
of many windows. In the Macintosh, for example, the resource manager manages
all* the resources in an application.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: resource manager naming

2003-02-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams wrote:
 Dave Gomboc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So then reverse resource_manager and get managed_resource, or
 just managed.
 Why not just resource? Management is implied anyway; that's the
 reason for the existence of the class.
 *laugh*  I was thinking exactly the opposite.  To me, the resource
 itself is clear from the template parameter -- it's the management
 that needs to be indicated.
 +1 for managed.
 I'm with Dave G. on this one.  resourcelock doesn't tell me
 anything; I already know that every lock is a resource.

Yes, but not all resources are locks. 

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: resource manager naming

2003-02-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Brian Gray wrote:
 On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 09:15 AM, David Abrahams wrote:
 Sam Partington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Could it not just be called shared.  After all it is merely a more
 term of shared_ptr.  And the type of the resource kind of makes it
 std::auto_ptr is a non-shared resource manager.
 So then reverse resource_manager and get managed_resource, or just

Why not just resource? Management is implied anyway; that's the reason
for the existence of the class.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: resource manager naming

2003-02-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Dave Gomboc wrote:
 So then reverse resource_manager and get managed_resource, or just
 Why not just resource? Management is implied anyway; that's the
 reason for the existence of the class.
 *laugh*  I was thinking exactly the opposite.  To me, the resource
 is clear from the template parameter -- it's the management that
 needs to 
 be indicated.
 +1 for managed.

What template parameter? That's not a part of the name. 
Template parameters, just like function arguments are never
a part of the name. You do not need to read the header file
to get the essence. The name itself should indicate the function
of the class without looking elsewhere.

managed? What is managed? ... answer: take a look at
the template parameter and you'll see what I mean. I'm
sorry, that doesn't make sense.

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: resource manager naming

2003-02-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Terje Slettebø wrote:
 From: Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dave Gomboc wrote:
 So then reverse resource_manager and get managed_resource, or
 just managed.

 Why not just resource? Management is implied anyway; that's the
 reason for the existence of the class.

 *laugh*  I was thinking exactly the opposite.  To me, the resource
 is clear from the template parameter -- it's the management that
 needs to
 be indicated.

 +1 for managed.

 What template parameter? That's not a part of the name.
 Template parameters, just like function arguments are never
 a part of the name. You do not need to read the header file
 to get the essence. The name itself should indicate the function
 of the class without looking elsewhere.

 managed? What is managed? ... answer: take a look at
 the template parameter and you'll see what I mean. I'm
 sorry, that doesn't make sense.

 managedwidget,shared // Smart pointer

 resourcewidget,shared // Smart pointer

 When the template is in use (unless it uses a default template
 the template argument will be part of the signature, and therefore
 show what is managed. Therefore, I think managed makes sense, too.

 IIUC, your argument can be used for e.g. std::pair, too. std::pair
 what? Answer: That depends on the template arguments.

No, a pair is always a pair regardless of what the composed types are:

pairT1, T2 // a pair comprised of T1 and T2

You don't need to know the template parameters to know that it
is a *pair*. That's the big difference. The template parameter is an abstract
concept. Detached from the parameters, it is still a pair. The same does not
hold for managedT. What is managed? It is not even a noun without the

managedwidget // does this *manage* the actual rendering into the window?

Gotcha! No it doesn't! OTOH:

resourcewidget // ah yes, widget is a resource. we want to manage the resource

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Re: Formal review or Variant Library (Ed B.)

2003-02-19 Thread Joel de Guzman
Ed Brey wrote:

 [Use of a member function instead of a free function.]
 It's easy to make this case if you assume dependent variants are an
 edge case.
 Let's assume that dependent variants are not an edge case.  Would you
 say that the advantages of tight binding for non-template cases and
 prettier syntax for dependent variants are each strong enough to
 justify a dual interface, i.e. free and member?   
 Interestingly, of the two, I'd say that member is most natural and
 free is pragmatic, working around the compiler's lack of omnicience. 

I'll also be needing variant a lot from inside template code. I dislike the
template keyword that gets in the way. IMO, the way to go is the
C++ cast style syntax: extractT(v). There should only be one way 
to do this. Not two. And FWIW, there's a precedent. Although currently,
boost::tuples has two ways to access its elements getN(t) and t.getN(),
the TR (and the one that will be a part of the standard) for tuples does not 
have the member get anymore. IMO, this is a strong case *for* the free
cast style and *against* the member function style. The variant and optional
should strive to follow tuple's lead. In fact, come to think of it, why not just:



Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Formal review or Variant Library (Ed B.)

2003-02-18 Thread Joel de Guzman
David Abrahams wrote:
 BTW, I just realized that a conversion from variantT to optionalT
 could be used to do extraction as well.  Maybe it would be better to
 ditch extract altogether and just use optional?

I think this makes sense. The disadvantage is the overhead of optional
just to do extraction. I understand from the other posts that implementing
optional in terms of variant as is an overkill? If so, at least effort must be
put into making both libraries reuse as much common parts as possible.
I'm sure there are lots of commonality, right? 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] When to branch-for-release 1.30.0?

2003-02-15 Thread Joel de Guzman
Beman Dawes wrote:
 In terms of new libraries and most major revisions, Boost developers
 committed their files early, so we are in great shape. Thanks to the
 developers of Filesystem, Optional, Interval, MPL, Spirit, Smart
 pointers, Date-Time.
 (If your library didn't get mentioned, its because no one updated
 boost-root/index.htm Latest News, where I got the above list of
 Bjorn Karlsson, our Maintenance Wizard, has been working with
 developers to clear maintenance issues major and minor.
 However, various regression test failures, hangs, and loops have come
 up in the last few days, and I'd like to clear at least some of these
 before branch-for-release.
 So I'm proposing we spend Saturday and Sunday trying to clear
 test problems, and then branch-for-release Monday around noon Eastern
 US time, (5PM UTC).

Sounds good. Looking forward.
Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: some more questions on MPL and Borland

2003-02-05 Thread Joel de Guzman
Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
 Joel de Guzman wrote:
 Yaiks! I hope it gets fixed soon. Spirit has been committed to
 the boost CVS now and I just switched to MPL so Spirit relies
 on MPL now.
 If you look at the errors more closely, you'll see that it's not MPL,
 but 'is_convertible' that is broken, for Borland 5.5.1; yes, hopefully
 things will be restored soon (John?).

Yes, I noticed that. I have reverted to an older version of the file
right now while waiting for it to be fixed. Thanks!

Joel de Guzman

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[boost] integral_c on g++2.95.3

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman

I'm not sure if you are aware of this but g++ 2.95.3 cannot
handle the casts:

g++ 2.95.3 [no STLport]
C:/dev/boost/boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp:67: sorry, not implemented: `static_cast_expr' 
not supported
by dump_expr
C:/dev/boost/boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp:67: sorry, not implemented: `static_cast_expr' 
not supported
by dump_expr
C:/dev/boost/boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp:68: sorry, not implemented: `static_cast_expr' 
not supported
by dump_expr
C:/dev/boost/boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp:68: sorry, not implemented: `static_cast_expr' 
not supported
by dump_expr

and I must revert to:

#elif defined(__GNUC__)  (__GNUC__  3)
// g++ 2.95.3 cannot take the casts,
typedef integral_cT, (value + 1) next;
typedef integral_cT, (value - 1) prior;
typedef integral_cT, static_castT(value + 1) next;
typedef integral_cT, static_castT(value - 1) prior;

Joel de Guzman

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[boost] some more questions on MPL and Borland

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman

Borland cannot handle this code:

#include boost/type_traits.hpp
#include boost/mpl/if.hpp

using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::mpl;

struct A {};
struct B {};

template typename T
struct C : if_is_emptyT, A, B::type {};

struct D { int i; };
struct E {};

struct F : CD {};
struct G : CE {};

Is there a known workaround? Can this be fixed?
I keep on bumping into this problem and its variants.
Or is there a better MPL idiom?

Joel de Guzman

errors follow

Borland 5.5.1 [no STLport]
Error E2396 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: Template argument 
must be a
constant expression
Error E2299 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: Cannot generate 
specialization from 'type_traits::ice_andb1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7'
Error E2293 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: ) expected
Error E2230 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: In-line data member
initialization requires an integral constant expression
Error E2230 C:\dev\boost\boost/mpl/bool_c.hpp 27: In-line data member initialization 
requires an
integral constant expression
Error E2029 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 195: 'bool_cvalue' 
must be a
previously defined class or struct
Error E2451 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: Undefined symbol 'value'
Error E2401 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: Invalid template argument 
Error E2299 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: Cannot generate template 
from 'type_traits::ice_orb1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7'
Error E2293 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: ) expected
Error E2230 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: In-line data member 
requires an integral constant expression
Error E2029 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 193: 'bool_cvalue' must be 
a previously
defined class or struct
Error E2029 C:\dev\boost\boost/mpl/aux_/value_wknd.hpp 30: 'is_emptyD' must be a 
defined class or struct
Error E2407 C:\dev\boost\boost/mpl/if.hpp 62: Dependent type qualifier 
' has no member symbol named 'value'
Error E2407 C:\dev\boost\boost/mpl/if.hpp 62: Dependent type qualifier 
' has no member symbol named 'value'
Error E2407 C:\dev\boost\boost/mpl/if.hpp 65: Dependent type qualifier 
' has no member symbol named 'value'
Error E2407 C:\dev\boost\boost/mpl/if.hpp 65: Dependent type qualifier 
' has no member symbol named 'value'
Error E2402 C:\dev\mpl_if.cpp 11: Illegal base class type: formal type 'typename
if_is_emptyT,A,B::type' resolves to 'typename if_c,A,B::type'
Error E2029 C:\dev\mpl_if.cpp 16: 'CD' must be a previously defined class or struct
Error E2396 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: Template argument 
must be a
constant expression
Error E2299 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: Cannot generate 
specialization from 'type_traits::ice_andb1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7'
Error E2293 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: ) expected
Error E2230 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 190: In-line data member
initialization requires an integral constant expression
Error E2029 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp 195: 'bool_cvalue' 
must be a
previously defined class or struct
Error E2451 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: Undefined symbol 'value'
Error E2228 C:\dev\boost\boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp 109: Too many error or warning 
*** 26 errors in Compile ***

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Re: [boost] integral_c on g++2.95.3

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Gabriel Dos Reis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dave Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | On Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:05 AM [GMT+1=CET],
 | Gabriel Dos Reis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 |  Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 |   Hi,
 |   I'm not sure if you are aware of this but g++ 2.95.3 cannot
 |   handle the casts:
 |   g++ 2.95.3 [no STLport]
 |   C:/dev/boost/boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp:67: sorry, not implemented:
 |   `static_cast_expr' not supported by dump_expr
 |  This means that the part of GCC-2.95.x compiler responsible for
 |  pretty-printing static_cast_expr was not taught to do its homework.
 | In that case it would seem likely that it could be fixed by reverting to
 | C-style cast, no?
 Yes, I believe so.

Yup, this works:

#elif defined(__GNUC__)  (__GNUC__  3)
// g++ 2.95.3 cannot take static_cast the casts,
typedef integral_cT, T(value + 1) next;
typedef integral_cT, T(value - 1) prior;

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: some more questions on MPL and Borland

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Prus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Joel de Guzman wrote:
  Borland cannot handle this code:
  #include boost/type_traits.hpp
  #include boost/mpl/if.hpp
  using namespace boost;
  using namespace boost::mpl;
  struct A {};
  struct B {};
  template typename T
  struct C : if_is_emptyT, A, B::type {};
  struct D { int i; };
  struct E {};
  struct F : CD {};
  struct G : CE {};
 Just tried. Works pretty fine. My CVS tree might be a week old, or so.
 Also, maybe 'if_c::boost::is_emptyT::value, A, B' will work. Did
 the same with 'is_same' recently.

I just updated from CVS before posting this to be sure.

Borland 5.5.1,
bcc32 -O1 -w-inl -w-aus -q -P 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: some more questions on MPL and Borland

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Prus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Joel de Guzman wrote:
  Borland cannot handle this code:
  #include boost/type_traits.hpp
  #include boost/mpl/if.hpp
  using namespace boost;
  using namespace boost::mpl;
  struct A {};
  struct B {};
  template typename T
  struct C : if_is_emptyT, A, B::type {};
  struct D { int i; };
  struct E {};
  struct F : CD {};
  struct G : CE {};
 Just tried. Works pretty fine. My CVS tree might be a week old, or so.
 Also, maybe 'if_c::boost::is_emptyT::value, A, B' will work. Did
 the same with 'is_same' recently.

template typename T
struct C : if_c ::boost::is_emptyT::value, A, B::type {};

Nope, does not work.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Bad Quoting and Outlook Express

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman
Dave Abrahams wrote:
 Hey all you Outlook Express users - if you're tired of sending mangled
 emails, like this:
 Dominik Jain  wrote in message
 news:aip4cd$15eofi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 This is a simple sample text, and as you will see, Outlook Express
 is going to wrap this line. I've always hated that! And one night I
 said to myself, It can't go on like this. And so I wrote
 check out this free utility:
 I'm pretty sure I'm going to be switching back to Outlook Express from
 emacs/GNUs because of this (and the many joys of OE).  I'm using it
 right now, and it just works!
 improving-quality-of-life-for-all-boosters-ly y'rs,
 P.S. I'm tempted to suggest that we should link to this on our website
 and/or in our welcome email.

FINALLY! I am using it now. What a joy :-)
Yes, please make the link visible somewhere. It will
do a lot of good.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: some more questions on MPL and Borland

2003-02-04 Thread Joel de Guzman
Vladimir Prus wrote:

 I just updated from CVS before posting this to be sure.
 Borland 5.5.1,
 bcc32 -O1 -w-inl -w-aus -q -P
 Yes, this fails for me too, *after update*. I meant to say that ~
 old CVS was ok. Guess you'll have to do binary search in time to
 find out who and when broke this.

Yaiks! I hope it gets fixed soon. Spirit has been committed to
the boost CVS now and I just switched to MPL so Spirit relies
on MPL now.

Thanks, Volodya!

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] any_cast issues

2003-01-31 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Prus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Greg Dehaas wrote:
  Hi All,
  boost::any test = Test Me; 
  And the error message is:
  c:\dev\boost\boost\any.hpp(105) : error C2536: 'boost::any::holderchar
  [8]::held' : cannot specify explicit initializer for arrays
  c:\dev\boost\boost\any.hpp(122) : see declaration of 'held'
  c:\dev\boost\boost\any.hpp(103) : while compiling class-template
  member function '__thiscall boost::any::holderchar
  [8]::boost::any::holderchar [8](const char ()[8])'
 Hmm... the same problem can be seen if you try
 std::make_pair(1, 2);
 the template parameters are deduces as char[1] and char[1], and there's no 
 much you can do with that type, not even copy it. That's the way template
 argument deduction works, IIRC. I suggest that you change ctors of any and
 any::holder to take value instead of reference, and tell what you got. Of 
 course, you should be able to say
boost::any test = static_castconst char*(Test me);

Yes, but a library can make it work. For instance, make_tuple(hello, , world) 
works as expected. QOI matter?

// Arrays can't be stored as plain types; convert them to references.

templateclass T, int n  
struct make_tuple_traits T[n] {
  typedef const T (type)[n];

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: MPL usage for code generation

2003-01-24 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Aleksey Gurtovoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Joel de Guzman wrote:
  Here's the Phoenix version:
  struct my_function_
  template typename Arg1T, typename Arg2T
  struct result { typedef void type; };
  template typename U 
  void operator()(std::string const text, U)
  // ...
  functionmy_function_ my_function; // here!
  mpl::for_each my_types (my_function(text, _1));
 This is way too cool! Now we only need to provide such free-standing forms
 of all STL algorithms/member functions, and we will be living in a different
 std::vectorstd::string v;
 push_back(v, text); // plain call
 for_each(input, push_back(v, _1)); // currying
 for_each(v, for_each(_1, print_char)); // more currying
 // etc.!
 Breathtaking, IMO.

That was my intent. Well, as Peter noted, there's a problem
with ambiguity. Obviously, there's the namespace solution.
Once the functionftor feature will be incorporated into
LL, the curried form can be written easily as ll::for_each.

This feature has been with Phoenix since its inception. That's
why I requested people to look deeper than the cute if_[] syntax
when Phoenix was first introduced. The library is really so much 
more than that.

The next step (hopefully soon) is to have the ability to wrap 
classes easily so as to provide member functions in curried form,
so we can write:

for_each(c.begin(), c.end(), obj.print(_1));

Then, well can really live in a curried world.

Joel de Guzman


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Re: [boost] Re: MPL usage for code generation

2003-01-24 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This is way too cool! Now we only need to provide such free-standing forms
  of all STL algorithms/member functions, and we will be living in a different
  std::vectorstd::string v;
  push_back(v, text); // plain call
  for_each(input, push_back(v, _1)); // currying
  for_each(v, for_each(_1, print_char)); // more currying
  // etc.!
  Breathtaking, IMO.
  That was my intent. 
 I'd like you to take my breath, too, but I'm not as quick as Aleksey.
 I tried to compile your code but I couldn't come up with a plausible
 definition for function  Could you fill in some details?

A good start is libs/phoenix/test/functors_tests.cpp 
and libs/phoenix/example/fundamental/sample3.cpp
There are jamfiles in there FWIW.

Here's sample3.cpp:

#include vector
#include algorithm
#include iostream
#include boost/phoenix/functions.hpp
#include boost/phoenix/primitives.hpp

using namespace std;
using namespace phoenix;

struct is_odd_ {

template typename ArgT
struct result { typedef bool type; };

template typename ArgT
bool operator()(ArgT arg1) const
{ return arg1 % 2 == 1; }

functionis_odd_ is_odd;

int init[] = { 2, 10, 4, 5, 1, 6, 8, 3, 9, 7 };
vectorint c(init, init + 10);
typedef vectorint::iterator iterator;

//  Find the first odd number in container c
iterator it = find_if(c.begin(), c.end(), is_odd(arg1));

if (it != c.end())
cout  *it;//  if found, print the result
return 0;

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: MPL usage for code generation

2003-01-24 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A good start is libs/phoenix/test/functors_tests.cpp 
 and libs/phoenix/example/fundamental/sample3.cpp
 There are jamfiles in there FWIW.

BTW, here's the lambda-lambda solution posed by Joel Young:

#include iostream
#include boost/phoenix/operators.hpp
#include boost/phoenix/primitives.hpp
#include boost/phoenix/composite.hpp
#include boost/phoenix/functions.hpp

using namespace std;
using namespace phoenix;

struct square_ {

template typename X
struct result { typedef X type; };

template typename X
X operator()(X x)
return x * x;

functionsquare_ square;

template typename F
struct ffx {

template typename X
struct result { typedef X type; };

ffx(F f_) : f(f_) {}

template typename X
X operator()(X x)
return f(f(x));

F f;

template typename F
doub(functionF f)
return functionffxF (f.op);

cout  doub(square)(5.0)()  endl;
cout  doub(doub(square))(5.0)()  endl;
cout  doub(doub(doub(square)))(5.0)()  endl;
return 0;

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: MPL usage for code generation

2003-01-23 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Aleksey Gurtovoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 My current understanding (which, admittedly, is not backed up by a
 real-world experience) is that if you care about higher-orderness of your
 generic algorithms, a preferred implementation construct for those
 algorithms is not a function template, but a static _function object_ (a
 technique used in FC++):
 struct my_function_
 template typename U 
 void operator()(std::string const text, U)
 // ...
 } my_function; // here!
 For ordinary uses, the above will act just like a plain function template
 (minus ADL/explicit template arguments specification):
 my_function(text, int());
 and it will also allow one to do something like this:
 std::string text(text);
 mpl::for_each my_types (boost::bindvoid(my_function, text, _1));

This technique is adopted by Phoenix. With this, you can even do 
(as suggested by Joel Young):

-  \ \
double  -  /\  f .   /\   x.  f(f x)
- /  \  /  \

struct square_ {

template typename X
struct result { typedef X type; };

template typename X
X operator()(X x)
return x * x;

functionsquare_ square;

template typename F
struct ffx {

template typename X
struct result { typedef X type; };

ffx(F f_) : f(f_) {}

template typename X
X operator()(X x)
return f(f(x));

F f;

template typename F
doub(functionF f)
return functionffxF (f.op);

cout  doub(square)(5.0)()  endl;
cout  doub(doub(square))(5.0)()  endl;
cout  doub(doub(doub(square)))(5.0)()  endl;
return 0;

Joel de Guzman

PS Jaakko and I are working on the LL/Phoenix merger.

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[boost] MPL::void_t

2003-01-23 Thread Joel de Guzman

Question why is mpl::void_t an incomplete type? Sometimes I need
to instantiate it. For example to signal a zero arity functor call:

typename actor_resultBaseT, tuple ::type
operator()() const
return this-eval(void_t());

template typename T0
typename actor_resultBaseT, tupleT0 ::type
operator()(T0 a0) const
return this-eval(a0);

Of course I can do it differently, but it wouldn't be as clean and
generic as above. Thoughts?

Joel de Guzman

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[boost] Re: Spirit and slow compile (from gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel)

2003-01-14 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 

 I was talking to you on the boost newsgroup about spirit being slow to compile
 Here is a standalone section of code, it'll compile but you can't do anything with it
 The compile takes about 15 mins on my machine 
 (We are using spirit for a second file but that is smaller and only takes a minute 
or two)
 The Spec of my machine is P3 833, 512M RAM 
 I'm using NT4 SP6a and VC6 SP4
 I split it into a lib and it works fine so the problem is less crucial than it was! 
 I have a feeling that the Grammar is just big so it's slow and there may not be
 any getting around that but let me know if you see anything we are doing wrong


Indeed! I counted 25 grammars. Wow I'm amazed, some grammars are
quite elaborate, even :-)

After taking a peek at the grammars, I see one minor and one
major code tweaks that should improve both the actual code size 
and compile time speed.

minor: use chlit or strlit rather than ruleScannerT whenever possible.
(e.g. m_CommaToken)

major: I see lots of code duplication. It would be best to factor out common 
grammar definitions into base definition classes. Example:

templateclass ScannerT
struct basic_definition
templateclass GrammarT
basic_definition(GrammarT const self)
// common definitions

Then subclass your grammar definition from this. 

struct my_grammar : public spirit::grammargrammar
templateclass ScannerT
struct definition : basic_definitionScannerT
typedef basic_definitionScannerT base_t;
definition(my_grammar const self)
: base_t(self)

It would help a lot to factor out the common grammars this way. You
can even use multiple inheritance where necessary. 

I hope this helps. I took the liberty to re-post this to the list in the hope
that this simple tip might be useful to others.

BTW, in the near future, productions such as:

r = a | b | c | d | e...

where the alternatives have unambiguous prefixes, example:

a = LINEDESC:  ...
b = PAINTDESC:  ...

can be optimized through Spirit style syntactic predicates. 

Ahh, finaly BTW,  you do not need to wrap str_p(...) inside
a lexeme because strlits are implicit lexemes.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [Spirit-general] Re: [boost] Re: spirit and compile speed

2003-01-12 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Vincent Finn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I had a look at the mailing list but it comes up as read-only for me for 
 some reason?
 I am logged in to Source Forge but haven't used it much
 as for the news group I subscribed to it (it appears in the list of 
 available news groups) but when I try to access it I'm told it doesn't 
 exist on the server ??

Hmmm... I'm not sure why.

 I have added 2 parsers to my code base and the compile time (VC6) has
 gone from 10 mins to 30mins :-(
  Yes, this is the next battle. How big are your grammars? How many productions?
  Are you using subrules? Better yet, can I see your code?
 I can send a stripped down code (it'll take a while to put it together 
 so it'll be next week some time)
 3 question on that
 1) Would you prefer a direct mail with it or an atachment to the NG?
 2) Do you need tgz or is zip fine?
 3) Is a VC project file fine to show the compile setting I am using?

Sure. No problem. A VC project file is Ok and zip is just fine.

 This is another developers code but I made the call to use Spirit so I 
 have to do the optimising !
 so please bear with me if it takes a while for me to split it off :(

I'd appreciate that a lot. This will help me fine tune Spirit and
will be very useful in targetting the points where optimization
is needed.

  At the very least, yes, you can separate the parsers from the project.
  How about writing some wrappers that *hides* the grammars in
  *.cpp files? You can for example have an opaque API in a header
  such as:
  bool parse(char const* source);
 That seems obvious now that you say it
 I was thinking in terms of spliting spirit off which causes problems but 
 , as you say, all I need is to build a lib with my parser in so that 
 spirit is hidden.
 Thanks for the quick response, Vin

Most welcome!

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Hello MPL world!

2003-01-06 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 David B. Held [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Yitzhak Sapir [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I think storing the text Hello world! in a vector
   And then using functors to print it such as:
  While this is a cute idea, my first impression would be: this
  really something I could use in my own code?  On the other hand,
  I seem to use compile-time if more than anything else, even in user
  code.  I suspect that most people will use mpl::if_ and type traits
  more than anything else, so I think Dave's original example with
  is_pointer would connect with the most programmers.  
 I think I agree with you here.

And I disagree. I think the hello world example presented is a
good start to whet the appetite of a would be MPL user. Why?

1) It shows, in simple terms, how compile time structures can be 
useful at runtime.

2) An STL programmer will immediately be at home because of the
use of the vector and the for_each.

  On the other hand, I suspect that library authors are more likely to
  use the type containers and algorithms, so an example illustrating
  those might be more appropriate for them.  So I guess it depends on
  the intended audience.
 I dunno, I use compile-time if_ in my libraries more than anything

Same here.

  P.S. Outputting Hello, world in a way that generates significantly
  more code than the run-time version is probably not a good way to
  endear users to metaprogramming. ;

Again, I disagree. The C++ hello world generates more code (bringing 
in the iostreams in whole) than its C counterpart yet no one complained.

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Sprit into the boost distribution

2002-12-28 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Simons [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Joel de Guzman writes:
   What would be particularly nice is if the sync is entirely
   scripted, so anyone with Boost CVS write access can run it. [...]
   perhaps all that is needed is to have a working directory which is
   first updated from the Spirit CVS, and then committed to the Boost
   Can we do this Dan?
 No, it does not work that way. You cannot check-out a tree from one
 repository and then commit it into another. CVS cannot do it. The only
 way you can synchronize the repositories via CVS directly is by
 importing a checked-out copy from the Spirit repository into the
 Boost repository. This _can_ be scripted, though. I am using a similar
 approach to synchronize my local CVS server with Boost's.
 The problem is, though, that this whole operation gets somewhat
 complicated when people start committing to both the Spirit and the
 Boost version of the repository, because then you'll have to manually
 merge the changes into one branch. And that's not always very easy to
 Another problem is that cvs import does not track deleted files;
 this has to be emulated by the script as well.

Hmmm... Can you suggest a practical solution?

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: Sprit into the boost distribution

2002-12-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   once Spirit is checked in its CVS. What might be a nice strategy is to
   continue with the current Spirit-CVS as a sandbox where ideas and
   prototypes are developed while more stable snapshots are sent of to
   Boost's CVS.
  I worry a little about this arrangement.  I don't want to slow down
  Spirit development, but it seems likely that fixes will sometimes want
  to be committed to the Boost CVS by Boost developers (say, when a
  backwards-incompatible change in another library breaks some part of
  Spirit).  Maybe we should just give all of your core developers CVS
  access to Boost...?
 While I understand Dave's concern above, I also think we should be 
 If we followed the strategy Joel outlines above, it is always possible for 
 a Boost developer to commit a fix directly to the stable Spirit version in 
 the Boost CVS.
 I would be willing try Joel's strategy. More than that, really, I think it 
 might be quite useful for a very active library with lots of developers.
 What I would like from Joel and the other Spirit CVS participants is 
 assurance that a procedure is worked out so that we can be sure the two 
 CVS's are brought into sync at appropriate times.

I'll make sure that this will happen. It would be nice if we can
do this automatically as you outlined below. If not, I'll have to
make it a point to sync periodically.

 What would be particularly nice is if the sync is entirely scripted, so 
 anyone with Boost CVS write access can run it. (Presumably read-only access 
 to the Spirit CVS is all that is required on that end.) If the entire 
 Spirit CVS (or entire sub-trees) is to be mirrored in the Boost CVS, 
 perhaps all that is needed is to have a working directory which is first 
 updated from the Spirit CVS, and then committed to the Boost CVS. Is that 
 all there is to a sync operation?

Can we do this Dan?

Many thanks and regards,
Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] Re: The Wonder of Tuples

2002-12-26 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message -
From: Roland Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  There has been some out-of-list discussion about this, and some work is
  being done. There's a PP based tuple implementation (mostly written by
  Joel) in Spirit's CVS that conforms to the Tuple speicification in the TR.

   Where is it?

   Do you refer to the files under spirit/spirit/boost/preprocessor/tuple,
   or is there something else?


spirit /spirit/boost/phoenix/tuples
in PHOENIX_X branch

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] The Wonder of Tuples

2002-12-23 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Jaakko Jarvi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
   David A. Greene wrote:
  The fundamental problem is that it's inconvenient to iterate through a
   'tuple_ext' (tuple extensions) make it easier -
  Has any discussion taken place about incorporating something like
  this into Boost?  Seems like a useful bit of code.
 There has been some out-of-list discussion about this, and some work is
 being done. There's a PP based tuple implementation (mostly written by
 Joel) in Spirit's CVS that conforms to the Tuple speicification in the TR.
 (Note that the current Boost.Tuples is not one-to-one what was accepted
 into the TR. Most notably, the cons-list interface was not standardized.)
 The PP based tuples are not complete yet, and what the iteration interface
 will be is still undecided.

Yup, I've been itching to reply to the thread but opted to wait for Jaakko.
There's already a TR conformant tuple implementation in Spirit's CVS
in the PHOENIX_X branch. It is PP and MPL based. Compiles on all
relevant compilers. There is only one implementation, unlike boost tuples
which has a different implementation for MSVC which can easily get
out of sync (it is out of sync now in fact. e.g. the MSVC branch does
not convert a make_tuple(ref(x)) to tupleX. And interestingly, some
code that does not compile on some compilers now compile with this
implementation. All of Jaakko's regression tests (except the cons related
stuff) plus some more new ones compile and run.

With the help of Jaakko, Aleksey et. al, I wish to implement a set of
tuple algorithms similar to STLs. The tricky part is that it should
work at compile time, run-time and half-run-compile time. 

Joel de Guzman

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Re: [boost] reference_wrapper as functor

2002-12-20 Thread Joel de Guzman
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Dimov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Joel de Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The condition is expected to be a functor that returns
  a boolean condition. I was hoping that I can use the
  ref(b) as a functor such that I can write:
  bool b;
 Not a good idea. In lambda terms the above is var(b), not ref(b). We've been
 using ref(x) to mean just like x, i.e. ref(b)() means b(). One day we
 might even get that core change that would enable
 reference_wrapperT::operator T to be considered in a ref(f)() expression;
 for now, we fake it in bind, function, etc.

I beg to disagree. I do not see that as reasonable. The use of var(b) 
will bring in tons of scaffolding. This is the main reason why I want to
request for the operator(). I've struggled hard to keep the core
of Spirit small enough to do micro parsing. I do not wish to force the
user to use lambda or phoenix, bind nor function just to do such a trivial 
operation that can be accomplished by a one-liner in ref(x).

Historically, Spirit had a ref(x) that does that identity thingy. It has been
made obsolete in favor of boost::ref. I might have to bring it back to
life if my request cannot be granted. I see no other way to accomplish
ref(x)() for micro-parsing tasks.

Joel de Guzman

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[boost] reference_wrapper as functor

2002-12-19 Thread Joel de Guzman

Is there a chance that we can add an operator() to the
reference wrapper? In particular, I would like to be able
to use it as a nullary functor. This would obviously be very 
useful and should not disrupt the current code. In particular,
consider Spirit's conditional parsers (as once asked by 


The condition is expected to be a functor that returns
a boolean condition. I was hoping that I can use the
ref(b) as a functor such that I can write:

bool b;


Of course I can metaprogram the condition to dispatch
appropriately when the condition is a reference_wrapper
but it wouldn't be as simple and elegant.

Thoughts? TIA.

Joel de Guzman

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