Re: [Parameter Expansion] bug in ${variable% *}

2013-02-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

On 12.02.2013 18:50, Dashing wrote:

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 18:02:05 +0100 "Chet Ramey"

I've fixed the problem, and the fix will be in the next release.

Thank you, Chet!

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 10:13:46 +0100 "Bernd Eggink"

superfluous blank in the ${rest: -1} expression

Bernd, this blank makes a big difference:
${rest: -1} last character of $rest
${rest:-1} $rest or 1 if $rest is empty

You're right, of course. Sigh. Fortunately I've not yet fallen into that 



Re: [Parameter Expansion] bug in ${variable% *}

2013-02-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

On 11.02.2013 18:50, Dashing wrote:

Bash version: 4.2.042

I have a script that behaves erratically:
#! /bin/bash
last=${1##* }
rest=${1% *}
while [[ "${rest: -1}" == '\' ]]; do
last="${rest##* } $last"
rest=${rest% *}
if [[ "$oldrest" == "$rest" ]]; then
echo :--Mistake--:
#   sleep 0.01
#   rest=${rest% *}
#   if [[ "$oldrest" == "$rest" ]]; then
#   echo 'unable to interpret'
#   break
#   fi
echo REST:$rest:
echo LAST:$last:
$ ./pe 'mplayer foo1\ foo2\ foo3\ 4\ 5\ foo6\ 7'
LAST:foo1\ foo1\ foo1\ foo2\ foo3\ 4\ 5\ foo6\ 7:

What happens is that rest=${rest% *} doesn't always update $rest,
even when there are spaces left in $rest.
Meanwhile last="${rest##* } $last" works every time.
In the above example it got stuck twice when $rest was mplayer
foo1\. It tends to vary wildly.

The script runs fine if you omit the superfluous blank in the ${rest: 
-1} expression:

while [[ "${rest:-1}" == '\' ]]; do

If the script behaves indeterministic, it is probably a bash bug.



Re: equivalent of Linux readlink -f in pure bash?

2011-08-11 Thread Bernd Eggink

On 09.08.2011 16:54, Stephane CHAZELAS wrote:

2011-08-09, 09:50(-04), Steven W. Orr:

*) To remove the trailing slashes, instead of

  while [[ $file == */ ]]

  file=${file##*/}# file name

just say



Same problem with "/" being changed to "" though.

This has been fixed. Also getlink() now outputs paths always in 
normalized form. Any feedback appreciated!



Re: equivalent of Linux readlink -f in pure bash?

2011-08-10 Thread Bernd Eggink

On 09.08.2011 15:50, Steven W. Orr wrote:

On 8/9/2011 5:29 AM, Bernd Eggink wrote:

On 09.08.2011 03:44, Jon Seymour wrote:

Has anyone ever come across an equivalent to Linux's readlink -f
that is implemented purely in bash?

You can find my version here:

As it contains some corrections from Greg Wooledge, it should
handle even pathological situations. ;)


I'd just like to make a couple of suggestions for your script (I hope
 these are welcome):

You are welcome!

*) You reset OPTIND to 1 but you didn't declare it local. This will
cause any caller of getlink which uses getopts to reset its variable
to 1. (I mention this because it cost me a couple of hours a while

The reason I didn't declare OPTIND local is that OPTIND is handled 
specially by the shell; there is always exactly _one_ instance of this 
variable. In other words, OPTIND is always global, even if declared 
local (which is indeed pretty weird). Try this:

function f
local OPTIND=1

echo "\$1=$1"

while getopts "abcdefg" opt
echo "opt=$opt"
f $opt

Calling the sript like this works fine:
script -a -b -c

But calling it like this leads to an endless loop:
script -abc

One could of course save and restore the original:

function f
local oldind=$OPTIND

echo "\$1=$1"

However, this also loops endlessly. The reason is most likely that bash 
maintains an additional internal variable holding the index of the 
current character, relative to the current word. While this variable is 
not directly accessible by the user, it is set to 0 whenever OPTIND is 
assigned a value.

So the only safe way is to _never_ use getopts within another getopts 
block, but always wait until the first one has finished.

When calling getopts, especially from a function that is intended to
not be used at a top level for processing command line options, you
should declare local copies of OPTIND, OPTARG and OPTERR.

*) To remove the trailing slashes, instead of

while [[ $file == */ ]] do file=${file%/} done

file=${file##*/} # file name

just say file="${file%${file##*[!/]}}"

Yes, you can do that, but I find my version a bit more legible. Also, 
for file=/ it returns a single slash, while yours returns an empty 
string. (Hmm... the next statement in my script also creates an empty 
string, but this is a bug and will be fixed).

*) Instead of

[[ ! -d $dir ]] && { ret=1 break }

how about this for slightly cleaner?

[[ -d $dir ]] || { ret=1 break }

I think that's just a matter of taste.



Re: equivalent of Linux readlink -f in pure bash?

2011-08-09 Thread Bernd Eggink

On 09.08.2011 03:44, Jon Seymour wrote:

Has anyone ever come across an equivalent to Linux's readlink -f that
is implemented purely in bash?

You can find my version here:

As it contains some corrections from Greg Wooledge, it should handle 
even pathological situations. ;)



Re: Bash-4.2-rc2 available for FTP

2011-02-02 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 02.02.2011 14:56, schrieb Chet Ramey:

The second release candidate of bash-4.2 is now available with the URL

Thanks. Unfortunately, this version is incredibly slow. For example, it 
needs 20 seconds (!) to source the bash_completion file, as opposed to 
0.2 seconds with 4.1-9. Counting from 1 to 1 is about 20 times 
slower. Maybe due to heavy debugging?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Issues when func name is the same with an alias

2010-08-04 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 04.08.2010 16:38, schrieb Clark J. Wang:

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Bernd Eggink  wrote:

Am 04.08.2010 12:39, schrieb Clark J. Wang:

  I was testing the precedence between functions and aliases so I tried like

this (with bash 4.1.5):

$ cat rc
alias foo='echo this is the alias'

 builtin echo 'this is the function'

$ source rc
bash: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token
bash: line 4: `foo()'

Seems like I must explicitly use the `function' keyword to define foo()
this scenario. Is that the correct behavior?

The man page says "The first word of a simple command, if unquoted, is
checked to see if has an alias". Therefore 'foo' in your function
declaration is replaced by 'echo this is the alias'. Unfortunately, you
can't quote the function name in the declaration, so you have to either use
'function' or say "unalias foo" first.

Function definitions are not simple commands. Actually, func definition
syntax is listed under the *Compound Commands* section in bash2.05b's man
page and in bash3+ it's been moved to a separate section.

The function *body* as part of the definition is a compound command. The 
definition as a whole constitutes a simple comand. You can see that 
function definitions are not listed under "compound commands", but 
adhere to the definition of simple commands:

"A  simple  command is a sequence of optional variable assignments 
followed by blank-separated words and redirections, and terminated by a 
control operator."

Some lines above '(' is listed as a control operator.

The only questionable term is "...a sequence of optional variable 
assignments followed by...", as it appears that variable assignments are 
not allowed before a function definition.

I suppose that is just a documentation issue. Can anybody comment on this?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Issues when func name is the same with an alias

2010-08-04 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 04.08.2010 15:13, schrieb Eric Blake:

On 08/04/2010 05:03 AM, Marc Herbert wrote:

Le 04/08/2010 11:39, Clark J. Wang a écrit :

Seems like I must explicitly use the `function' keyword to define foo() for
this scenario. Is that the correct behavior?

The correct behaviour is simply not to use aliases, since they bring nothing
to the table compared to functions.

Not _quite_ true - there are a few things aliases can do that functions
cannot, and when combined, you can get some cool interactive effects
(although I don't recommend relying on this in scripts):

Interesting article. One thing not mentioned there is declarations.

alias assoc='declare -A '
assoc x y z

Not particularly useful, but you can't replace that with a function (as 
long as there is no 'global' option for declare).


Bernd Eggink

Re: Issues when func name is the same with an alias

2010-08-04 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 04.08.2010 12:39, schrieb Clark J. Wang:

I was testing the precedence between functions and aliases so I tried like
this (with bash 4.1.5):

$ cat rc
alias foo='echo this is the alias'

 builtin echo 'this is the function'

$ source rc
bash: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: line 4: `foo()'

Seems like I must explicitly use the `function' keyword to define foo() for
this scenario. Is that the correct behavior?

The man page says "The first word of a simple command, if unquoted, is 
checked to see if has an alias". Therefore 'foo' in your function 
declaration is replaced by 'echo this is the alias'. Unfortunately, you 
can't quote the function name in the declaration, so you have to either 
use 'function' or say "unalias foo" first.


Bernd Eggink

Re: RFE? request for an "undefined" attribute for functions

2010-08-02 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 02.08.2010 20:16, schrieb Eric Blake:

On 08/02/2010 12:15 PM, Bernd Eggink wrote:

Am 02.08.2010 19:15, schrieb Andreas Schwab:

Bernd Eggink   writes:

  eval "function $name

Don't use function, use "$name ()" instead.

What's wrong with function??

'function name' is a bash extension while 'name()' is POSIX.  If you use
standard POSIX instead of bash extensions, then your approach will more
easily port to other POSIX shells.

It's not just a bash extension. Ksh and zsh also have the 'function' 
keyword, probably other shells as well. I prefer it in ksh because it 
makes locally declared variables really local, while with the name() 
syntax they are shared with the environment. That's one reason why it 
became a habit. The other is that 'function' is clear and 
self-explaining, while 'name()' wrongly suggests that function 
parameters should be surrounded by parentheses.
Apart from that, I can't see why I should care for POSIX when writing 
bash-specific hacks.


Bernd Eggink

Re: RFE? request for an "undefined" attribute for functions

2010-08-02 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 02.08.2010 19:15, schrieb Andreas Schwab:

Bernd Eggink  writes:

 eval "function $name

Don't use function, use "$name ()" instead.

What's wrong with function??


Bernd Eggink

Re: RFE? request for an "undefined" attribute for functions

2010-08-02 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 02.08.2010 03:10, schrieb Linda Walsh:

I had(have) several functions that I don't use on a regular basis (rarely), that
I had put into a subdir "func_lib" under my local-definitions directory.
This came from ksh, which allows you to define functions with an "undef" 
and at runtime, the first time these functions were referenced,

Is this something that might have been considered for bash?  It seems like it
could have some usefulness?

If you are concerned about memory usage, you could use a mechanism like 

function undef
local name

for name
eval "function $name
source $FUNCDIR/$name
$name \"\...@\"

The call

undef f1 f2 f3

(corresponding to 'autoload f1 f2 f3' in ksh) creates small placeholder 
functions f1, f2, and f3. The first call to any of these functions will 
replace its definition by the one found in $FUNCDIR, and also call the 
I'm not sure, however, if this is guaranteed to work in any case (and in 
any bash version).


Bernd Eggink

Re: weird behaviour of ((count++)) when using , , to change to lower case

2010-08-01 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 01.08.2010 13:06, schrieb Andrew Benton:

Also good. Now try converting it to lower case with ,,

andy:~$ count=0
andy:~$ echo "${days[${count}],,}, ${days[$((count++))],,}, 
monday, tuesday, thursday

What happened to wednesday?

I'd rather expect this to print "monday, monday, tuesday", since you 
left out the ++ in the first term.

I think the problem is that the ,, operator causes each expression to be 
evaluated twice. That would explain this behaviour, and it's a bug IMHO.


Bernd Eggink

Indirect expansion and arrays

2010-07-29 Thread Bernd Eggink

It seems that indirect expansion doesn't work with arrays:

$ a=(x y z)
$ b=a
$ echo "${!b[0]} ${!b[1]} ${!b[2]}"

Is that intended? The documentation isn't explicit about it.

IMHO it would be very desirable to have a indirect expansion facility 
for arrays. Otherwise there is only a choice between passing all 
elements to a function, which is time-consuming, or using eval, which is 
cumbersome and error-prone.


Bernd Eggink

Re: function grammar

2010-07-19 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 19.07.2010 08:30, schrieb Ken Irving:

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 11:53:02AM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

from man bash, to define a function use;

"function" "name"
"name" ()


And Compound Commands are:

   {; )
  (( expression ))
  [[ expression ]] al

so why do I get a syntax error for

function good_dir [[ -n $1&&  -d $1&&  -r $1&&  -x $1 ]]

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `[['

I see this in bash(1):

 Shell Function Definitions
 [ function ] name () compound-command [redirection]

and do not see the version you show without the parens.

It's there. Look at the 3rd sentence:

"If the function reserved word is supplied,  the  parentheses  are 


Bernd Eggink

Re: [bash-bug] parsing error with heredoc and command substitution

2010-07-15 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 15.07.2010 10:35, schrieb Andreas Schwab:

"Dr. Werner Fink"  writes:

a=$((/bin/cat|wc -l)<

Useless subshell.

a=$({ /bin/cat | wc -l; }<

...and useless cat:

a=$(wc -l <Nevertheless, IMHO the OP's version should work. It works in ksh, for 


Bernd Eggink

Wrong alignment in select lists

2010-05-31 Thread Bernd Eggink
Select lists are sometimes displayed with incorrect vertical alignment 
if an item contains one or more German umlauts. Examples:

select x in äöü blah{1..20}; do :; done # wrong
select x in amöbe blah{1..20}; do :; done   # wrong
select x in amöb blah{1..20}; do :; done# wrong
select x in amö blah{1..20}; do :; done # OK

Bash version is 4.1.7(1)-release, LANG is de_DE.UTF-8.


Bernd Eggink

Re: create array in loop with variable in array's name

2010-05-29 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 29.05.2010 01:04, schrieb pikta:

Hi all,
I'm just a beginer and I got stucked  I'm trying to create multiple
array with variable in array's name. I would expect to have 3 arrays and
each of them would contain 3 elements like array1=(a b c)  array2=(a b c )
array3=(a b c) ; what means that first element of array1[0]="a" and for
example third element of array3[2]="c". This is the way how I do it :

for (( n=1; n<4; n++ ))
array$n=(a b c)

...but there is syntax error

That's because array$n isn't a valid name. Use eval:

    eval "array$n=(a b c)"


Bernd Eggink

Re: Is there a special variable for the directory where the script is in?

2010-02-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.02.2010 15:39, schrieb Greg Wooledge:

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 02:53:39PM +0100, Bernd Eggink wrote:

I once wrote a more generic shell function for this purpose, see:

You note that it doesn't handle names containing ->, which is true.
I'll get back to that at the end.

It also won't handle any name that "ls -l" will refuse to print out
correctly on any given system.

Also, there are three more cases that it can't handle.  The first is
due to missing quotes in your command:

 echo ${link##*->  }

Without quotes, this will mangle all leading, trailing or repeated
whitespace.  Easily fixed by adding the quotes.  (There are a few
other cases of missing quotes too.)

Thanks. I knew there were some missing cases, but when I wrote it, I 
didn't consider hardening the function against insane filenames worth 
the effort.
However, it now begins to interest me if this is common practice. How 
big is the probability to stumble upon such filenames is in real life?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Is there a special variable for the directory where the script is in?

2010-02-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.02.2010 14:38, schrieb Guillaume Outters:

Greg a écrit :

Except that HP-UX 10.20 and HP-UX 11.11 don't have readlink(1).
(Maybe it's added in 11.2x?  I don't know.)

You're right. I must admit I made a concession to some GNU coreutils tools on the platform. 
I once used some ls -l "$SCRIPTS" | sed -e 's/.* ->  //' magic to replace it 
(and it worked two minutes ago on the HP-UX, just like it used to back in the old days).

I once wrote a more generic shell function for this purpose, see:


Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-14 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12/14/09 13:37, schrieb Marc Herbert:

Bernd Eggink a écrit :

To avoid misunderstandings, let me add that you are right (only) with
respect to variables being used _without_ declaration.

OK, but not having to explicitly "declare" variables is a feature that
most people expect from dynamic languages, so you can hardly blame them
for doing this all the time in shell.

I don't blame anybody. I'm talking about the fact that associative 
arrays are an exception from "what most people expect from dynamic 
languages", as they _have_ to be explicitly declared. This doesn't 
bother me, but I would prefer to have a choice between local and global 
declaration anyway.

Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.12.2009 21:41, schrieb Chet Ramey:

On 12/12/09 5:28 AM, Bernd Eggink wrote:

Am 10.12.2009 10:40, schrieb konsolebox:

I hope the development team will also consider adding a way in bash to
declare global variables inside a function perhaps either with an
option in typeset or declare like -g (same as zsh) and/or a builtin
function like global as similar to local.

I second that. I'm missing this feature badly. Presently, you can only
get around this restriction by using a lot of ugly and dangerous 'eval's.

OK.  I'm interested in use cases for this feature.  What are you trying
to do that you're missing it "badly?"

One example is introducing some kind of data encapsulation in bash, or 
even a modest form of object orientation. You may laugh at it, but I 
think it might be useful in complex scripts. I experimented a little and 
came up with 'classes' consisting of a function, and 'objects' 
consisting of a function (representing the interface) plus an equally 
named associative array (containing the data). The difficulties arise if 
you want to create an object 'a' of class X by saying

   X create a

You can declare a function 'a' dynamically within function X (using 
eval), but you can't declare a (global) associative array 'a' there. So 
that's where a global declaration would be desirable. The alternative is 
to print the declarations and eval the whole thing in the current 
environment, but that is very inconvenient and can cause nasty quoting 


Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.12.2009 15:25, schrieb DennisW:

On Dec 12, 4:24 am, Bernd Eggink  wrote:

Am 12.12.2009 02:11, schrieb Matthew Woehlke:

konsolebox wrote:

I hope the development team will also consider adding a way in bash to
declare global variables inside a function perhaps either with an
option in typeset or declare like -g (same as zsh) and/or a builtin
function like global as similar to local.

I thought variables in functions were /always/ global unless declared

It's the other way round. Regarding typeset and declare, the man page
says: " When used in a function, makes  each name local, as with the
local command. " So within a function, typeset, declare, and local are
synonyms. Using 'local' outside a function is an error, so IMHO this
command is completely redundant. It _would_ make some sense, however, if
its counterpart 'global' existed, as it could help clarify the intended
usage of the variable.


Bernd Eggink

$ vars () { var1=123; local var2=456; }
$ vars
$ echo "var1=$var1 "var2=$var2"
var1=123 var2=

How is that "the other way around"?

(Sorry, something went wrong with the last reply)

What I meant is that variables _declared_ in functions are always global.

Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.12.2009 15:25, schrieb DennisW:

On Dec 12, 4:24 am, Bernd Eggink  wrote:

Am 12.12.2009 02:11, schrieb Matthew Woehlke:

konsolebox wrote:

I hope the development team will also consider adding a way in bash to
declare global variables inside a function perhaps either with an
option in typeset or declare like -g (same as zsh) and/or a builtin
function like global as similar to local.

I thought variables in functions were /always/ global unless declared

It's the other way round. Regarding typeset and declare, the man page
says: " When used in a function, makes  each name local, as with the
local command. " So within a function, typeset, declare, and local are
synonyms. Using 'local' outside a function is an error, so IMHO this
command is completely redundant. It _would_ make some sense, however, if
its counterpart 'global' existed, as it could help clarify the intended
usage of the variable.


Bernd Eggink

$ vars () { var1=123; local var2=456; }
$ vars
$ echo "var1=$var1 "var2=$var2"
var1=123 var2=

How is that "the other way around"?

Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.12.2009 11:24, schrieb Bernd Eggink:

Am 12.12.2009 02:11, schrieb Matthew Woehlke:

konsolebox wrote:

I hope the development team will also consider adding a way in bash to
declare global variables inside a function perhaps either with an
option in typeset or declare like -g (same as zsh) and/or a builtin
function like global as similar to local.

I thought variables in functions were /always/ global unless declared

It's the other way round. Regarding typeset and declare, the man page
says: " When used in a function, makes each name local, as with the
local command. " So within a function, typeset, declare, and local are

To avoid misunderstandings, let me add that you are right (only) with 
respect to variables being used _without_ declaration. The problem is 
that associative arrays are the only kind of variables that _must_ be 
declared, since something like "a[foo]=bar" without a preceding 
declaration would create an indexed array (and set a[0] to "bar").


Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 10.12.2009 10:40, schrieb konsolebox:

I hope the development team will also consider adding a way in bash to
declare global variables inside a function perhaps either with an
option in typeset or declare like -g (same as zsh) and/or a builtin
function like global as similar to local.

I second that. I'm missing this feature badly. Presently, you can only 
get around this restriction by using a lot of ugly and dangerous 'eval's.


Bernd Eggink

Re: add a way to declare global variables

2009-12-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 12.12.2009 02:11, schrieb Matthew Woehlke:

konsolebox wrote:

I hope the development team will also consider adding a way in bash to
declare global variables inside a function perhaps either with an
option in typeset or declare like -g (same as zsh) and/or a builtin
function like global as similar to local.

I thought variables in functions were /always/ global unless declared

It's the other way round. Regarding typeset and declare, the man page 
says: " When used in a function, makes  each name local, as with the 
local command. " So within a function, typeset, declare, and local are 
synonyms. Using 'local' outside a function is an error, so IMHO this 
command is completely redundant. It _would_ make some sense, however, if 
its counterpart 'global' existed, as it could help clarify the intended 
usage of the variable.


Bernd Eggink

Re: Use of pipe in $(< filename | program) returns null

2009-11-28 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 28.11.2009 06:35, schrieb

use of $(<  filename | program) does not work. It either should or it 
should be properly documented.
The problem also happens on bash4.


qq=$(<  /etc/passwd | grep sys)
echo $qq
# result is null

Either fix the docs to tell people that a pipe is not allowed or fix 
the code to allow it.

The problem is not the pipe but the fact that 'command which does nothing. If you want 'program' to read from 'file', 
use 'program


Bernd Eggink

Re: Wrong 'declare -A' causes segfault

2009-11-26 Thread Bernd Eggink

Am 26.11.2009 01:47, schrieb Chet Ramey:

Bernd Eggink wrote:

GNU bash, version 4.0.35(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

The following syntactically wrong declaration causes a segmentation fault:

 declare -A x=y

It should issue an error message instead.

It's not actually a syntax error.

Hm, but the man page says, "Indexed  array  assignments  do not require 
the bracket and subscript." This sounds like the syntax above is valid 
for indexed arrays, but not for associative arrays. Maybe the 
documentation should be corrected then.


Bernd Eggink

Wrong 'declare -A' causes segfault

2009-11-25 Thread Bernd Eggink

GNU bash, version 4.0.35(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

The following syntactically wrong declaration causes a segmentation fault:

declare -A x=y

It should issue an error message instead.

Bernd Eggink

Re: Strange compgen behaviour

2009-09-25 Thread Bernd Eggink

Mathias Dahl schrieb:

Hm, compgen appears to behave strange if words contain whitespace.
However, you don't need it, as you build the list yourself. Try this:

  _mm2() {
  local cur files
  files=$(find /home/mathias/Videos/movies/ -iname "$cur*.avi" -type
f -printf "%P\n")
  local IFS=$'\n'

Ah, you're right of course, I can do the matching myself. I have yet
another version working now (had to change your latest suggestion and
use grep for matching because -name does not like full paths which
becomes the case here):

_mm() {
local cur files
files=$(find /home/mathias/Videos/movies/ -iname "*.avi" -type f -
printf "%p\n" | grep "${cur}")
local IFS=$'\n'
complete -o filenames -F _mm mm

Now, this works almost. The remaining problem is that because `find'
finds file in subdirs (which I want, otherwise I could add the -
maxdepth option) as well, the `-o filenames' argument to `complete'
does not play well with it. I see the names of files in subdirs listed
when I type TAB (without path) but can never pick them without knowing
the name of the folder they are in.

Hm, I can't see any problem here. My version lets you pick any file in 
any subdir by simply typing the name (or part of it) without the 
directory part. After all, 'find -name' matches names, not paths (if you 
want to match full paths, use 'find -path'). I'd also rather use printf 
"%P\n" (capital P) instead of %p, the results look nicer (IMHO).


Bernd Eggink

Re: Strange compgen behaviour

2009-09-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chet Ramey schrieb:
Hm, compgen appears to behave strange if words contain whitespace. 

Well, it splits the argument to -W on $IFS as documented.  What other
strange behavior do you see? 

For example, this:

function _aha
local list="a b:c d:e f"
COMPREPLY=($(IFS=: compgen -W "$list"))

complete -F _aha aha

Typing aha  cycles through 6 items a, b, c, d, e, f, whereas I 
would expect 3 items 'a b', 'c d', 'e f'. It looks like compgen splits 
the argument to -W on $IFS _and_ whitespace. Or am I missing something?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Strange compgen behaviour

2009-09-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Mathias Dahl schrieb:

It depends heavily on how the variables IFS and zf are set. From 'man bash':

-W wordlist
The  wordlist is split using the characters in the IFS special
variable as delimiters, and each resultant word is expanded.
The possible completions are the members  of  the  resultant
list which match the word being completed.

I used a newline since the original listing comes from `find'.

You didn't say how you assigned the variable zf. If you simply did
zf=$(ls /home/mathias/Videos/movies/*), the "Brazil" line will be split
into 4 words instead of 1. However, your output suggest that you somehow
managed to combine all file names to a single word starting with

Yes, that could be the case.

Try this: Choose a character which doesn't appear in any file name,
e.g., ':'.

 list=$(printf "%s:" /home/mathias/Videos/movies/*)
 IFS=: compgen -W "$list" -- $zc

That works, thanks! However, I also want files from sub folders to be
found, so I use `find' to list them.

Here is my latest attempt, using the idea of setting IFS to `:':

_mm2() {
local cur files
files=$(find /home/mathias/Videos/movies/ -iname '*.avi' -type f -
printf "%p:")
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur}))
complete -o filenames -F _mm2 mm

Looks like it should work but it does not. Typing mm gives
the listing and completes all the way to the path, but if I add B
again it does not match Brazil.

Hm, compgen appears to behave strange if words contain whitespace. 
However, you don't need it, as you build the list yourself. Try this:

 _mm2() {
 local cur files
 files=$(find /home/mathias/Videos/movies/ -iname "$cur*.avi" -type 
f -printf "%P\n")

 local IFS=$'\n'


Bernd Eggink

Re: Strange compgen behaviour

2009-09-23 Thread Bernd Eggink

Mathias Dahl schrieb:

Hi fellow bashers!

I am trying to add some completion to a command. The completion should
list all movies I have in a certain folder, regardless if I am in that
folder or not. I have kind of got it to work in several variants but
all have some issue. The current problem I am looking at is very
strange. I have isolated it down to a strange behaviour with compgen.
Let's see if I can describe it clearly enough:

zf contains the list of movie file names
zc is the current input, in my case "/home/mathias/Videos/movies/H"

$ compgen -W "${zf}" -- ${zc}

Here is the output:

/home/mathias/Videos/movies/Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1985).avi

It depends heavily on how the variables IFS and zf are set. From 'man bash':

-W wordlist
   The  wordlist is split using the characters in the IFS special
   variable as delimiters, and each resultant word is expanded.
   The possible completions are the members  of  the  resultant
   list which match the word being completed.

You didn't say how you assigned the variable zf. If you simply did 
zf=$(ls /home/mathias/Videos/movies/*), the "Brazil" line will be split 
into 4 words instead of 1. However, your output suggest that you somehow 
managed to combine all file names to a single word starting with 

Try this: Choose a character which doesn't appear in any file name, 
e.g., ':'.

list=$(printf "%s:" /home/mathias/Videos/movies/*)
IFS=: compgen -W "$list" -- $zc


Bernd Eggink

Re: Help with script - doesn't work properly from cron

2009-07-18 Thread Bernd Eggink

Erik Olof Wahlstrom schrieb:

Hello - I am having a problem with a backup script that I have put together -
when I run it as root from the terminal, it works as expected (with one
caveat); however, when cron runs it, the daily backup folder is created but
no files are deposited into that folder...

Here is the script:



DATABASES="$(/usr/bin/mysql -uUsername -pPassword -Bse 'show databases')"
echo 'Backing up databases: '$DATABASES

if [ -e "$CURRENT_DIR" ]
/bin/rm *
/bin/mkdir $CURRENT_DIR

/usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" | bzip2 >
"$DB"_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M`".sql.bz2"

exit 0

Can any skilled eyes see why this doesn't work when it is run from the roots

The reason may be that crontab commands are run with "/bin/sh -c 
command" (Bourne shell mode). Try changing the crontab entry to 
"/bin/bash command".

Additionally, when I run the script as root in the terminal, I get the
following output:

Backing up databases: information_schema db1 db2 db3
/bin/rm: cannot remove `*': No such file or directory

Is there a better way to clear out last months files before making the
current backups?

You could replace the whole if-then-else clause by

mkdir -p $CURRENT_DIR
rm -f *

provided the options are supported on your system.


Bernd Eggink

Re: bash prompt misbehaving - correction.

2009-06-30 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chris Jones schrieb:


> After retrieving a command

from the history via a CTRL-R, an ensuing CTRL-A moves the cursor to
somewhere in the middle of the prompt and CTRL-E is short of the
retrieved command's end by some ten characters.

PS1="\[\033[0;41m\][\$(date +%T)]...@\h:\w]\\$\[\033[0m\] "

This works correctly with bash 4.0.24.


Bernd Eggink

Re: Memory leak in for loops

2009-04-30 Thread Bernd Eggink

Jan Schampera schrieb:

Sandino Araico Sánchez wrote:


  for i in {0..c} ; do
  echo $i > /dev/null

Run the script above and the process starts leaking memory very

You know what a memory *leak* is, yes? mallocs() without proper free()s.

What you mean is that your memory is used. Feel free to calculate the
memory that is needed to store the string representation of
{0..15000}, I think you will get a number near your RAM size.


... and try

for (( i = 0; i < 15000; ++i ))
echo $i > /dev/null

instead. Consumes nearly no memory at all.


Bernd Eggink

Re: Crash in hashlib.c

2009-04-19 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chet Ramey schrieb:

Bernd Eggink wrote:

Version: GNU bash, Version 4.0.17(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
(plus newline-shellmeta patch).

A script which uses, among other things, 3 associative arrays and a
coprocess, crashes reproducibly with an allocation error:

   malloc: hashlib.c:306: assertion botched
   free: called with unallocated block argument
   Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
   0xe424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

Appended is a stack trace. Hope it helps.

Unfortunately not much.  If you could post a portion of the script that
reproduces the error, that would be better.

Well, (un)fortunately after a reboot the crash no longer happens. Maybe 
the memory had been corrupted by some other program (possibly lftp, 
which I used as a co-process).


Bernd Eggink

Crash in hashlib.c

2009-04-17 Thread Bernd Eggink

Version: GNU bash, Version 4.0.17(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
(plus newline-shellmeta patch).

A script which uses, among other things, 3 associative arrays and a 
coprocess, crashes reproducibly with an allocation error:

   malloc: hashlib.c:306: assertion botched
   free: called with unallocated block argument
   Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
   0xe424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

Appended is a stack trace. Hope it helps.


Bernd Eggink
malloc: hashlib.c:306: assertion botched
free: called with unallocated block argument
Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0xe424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0xe424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb7dc9580 in raise () from /lib/
#2  0xb7dcadb8 in abort () from /lib/
#3  0x08081727 in programming_error (format=0x8117f50 "free: called with 
unallocated block argument") at error.c:175
#4  0x080fc81b in xbotch (mem=0x8101558, e=2, s=0x8117f50 "free: called with 
unallocated block argument", file=0x81027af "hashlib.c", 
line=306) at malloc.c:319
#5  0x080fd347 in internal_free (mem=0x8101558, file=0x81027af "hashlib.c", 
line=306, flags=1) at malloc.c:876
#6  0x080fdb7f in sh_free (mem=0x8101558, file=0x81027af "hashlib.c", line=306) 
at malloc.c:1202
#7  0x080b841e in sh_xfree (string=0x8101558, file=0x81027af "hashlib.c", 
line=306) at xmalloc.c:190
#8  0x0809be16 in hash_flush (table=0x81c7f28, free_data=0) at hashlib.c:306
#9  0x080a703b in assoc_dispose (hash=0x81c7f28) at assoc.c:57
#10 0x0807d8a0 in dispose_variable_value (var=0x81c7a48) at variables.c:2584
#11 0x0807d8f6 in dispose_variable (var=0x81c7a48) at variables.c:2598
#12 0x0807f890 in push_func_var (data=0x81c7a48) at variables.c:3781
#13 0x0809bdd8 in hash_flush (table=0x81c7c28, free_data=0x807f7b8 
) at hashlib.c:303
#14 0x0807f904 in pop_var_context () at variables.c:3803
#15 0x0807fbc1 in pop_context () at variables.c:3938
#16 0x0809f43b in unwind_frame_run_internal (tag=0x810114f "function_calling", 
ignore=0x0) at unwind_prot.c:291
#17 0x0809f0d2 in without_interrupts (function=0x809f39d 
, arg1=0x810114f "function_calling", arg2=0x0)
at unwind_prot.c:106
#18 0x0809f14f in run_unwind_frame (tag=0x810114f "function_calling") at 
#19 0x08078a89 in execute_function (var=0x815b0c8, words=0x8168f28, flags=0, 
fds_to_close=0x8166968, async=0, subshell=0)
at execute_cmd.c:4078
#20 0x08078ef2 in execute_builtin_or_function (words=0x8168f28, builtin=0, 
var=0x815b0c8, redirects=0x0, fds_to_close=0x8166968, flags=0)
at execute_cmd.c:4271
#21 0x08077ffc in execute_simple_command (simple_command=0x818fc68, pipe_in=-1, 
pipe_out=-1, async=0, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:3724
#22 0x08072ed9 in execute_command_internal (command=0x818fd68, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:724
#23 0x08075280 in execute_connection (command=0x818ec68, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:2173
#24 0x08073216 in execute_command_internal (command=0x818ec68, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:880
#25 0x080731e7 in execute_command_internal (command=0x81a7a08, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:872
#26 0x08078a47 in execute_function (var=0x815a488, words=0x8168d28, flags=0, 
fds_to_close=0x8166968, async=0, subshell=0)
at execute_cmd.c:4056
#27 0x08078ef2 in execute_builtin_or_function (words=0x8168d28, builtin=0, 
var=0x815a488, redirects=0x0, fds_to_close=0x8166968, flags=0)
at execute_cmd.c:4271
#28 0x08077ffc in execute_simple_command (simple_command=0x81665a8, pipe_in=-1, 
pipe_out=-1, async=0, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:3724
#29 0x08072ed9 in execute_command_internal (command=0x8166588, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8166968)
at execute_cmd.c:724
#30 0x080726bb in execute_command (command=0x8166588) at execute_cmd.c:369
#31 0x08076cc5 in execute_if_command (if_command=0x81664a8) at 
#32 0x0807313d in execute_command_internal (command=0x8166488, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8159688)
at execute_cmd.c:832
#33 0x08075280 in execute_connection (command=0x8154608, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8159688)
at execute_cmd.c:2173
#34 0x08073216 in execute_command_internal (command=0x8154608, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8159688)
at execute_cmd.c:880
#35 0x080731e7 in execute_command_internal (command=0x8159a48, asynchronous=0, 
pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, fds_to_close=0x8159688)
at execute_cmd.c:872
#36 0x08078a47 in execute_function (var=0x8159c08, words=0x8164268, flags=0, 
fds_to_close=0x8159688, async=0, subshell=0

Re: Bug: 'case' in command substitution not handled correctly

2009-04-16 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chet Ramey schrieb:

Bernd Eggink wrote:

GNU bash, Version 4.0.17(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

The shell doesn't recognize the closing parenthesis of a command
substitution if a 'case' command is included and 'esac' is preceded by
newline. Example:

x=$(case $a in

(1) echo one

Try the attached patch.  A newline really is a shell meta-character.

That fixes it, thanks.


Bernd Eggink

Bug: 'case' in command substitution not handled correctly

2009-04-15 Thread Bernd Eggink

GNU bash, Version 4.0.17(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

The shell doesn't recognize the closing parenthesis of a command 
substitution if a 'case' command is included and 'esac' is preceded by 
newline. Example:

x=$(case $a in
> (1) echo one
> esac
> )

You can enter as many ')' as you like, the shell still wants another 
one. This variant works, however:

x=$(case $a in (1) echo one;esac


Bernd Eggink

Re: feature-request: brief syntax for $(type -p somecommand)

2009-04-02 Thread Bernd Eggink

Mike Coleman schrieb:

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Chris F.A. Johnson  wrote:

  If that's what you want, you can include it in the function:

 _p=$( type -p "$@" )
 [ -n "$_p" ] && ls -l $_p

This is more or less what I'm doing now, with one function for each
command.  I suppose the command could be an argument, too, so that one
could run

$ p ls somecommand
$ p ldd somecommand
$ p strings somecommand
$ p file somecommand
$ p nm somecommand

though there's no command completion this way.  I guess I could add that, too.

One problem, though, like the "wait for slot" feature I suggested a
few months ago, is that something like this is quite a bit more useful
when it's available everywhere (without having to drag one's bash
library around).

I have a more universal function (also named p) here:

Maybe it is of use for you, too.


Bernd Eggink

Re: reference dir ../common in script

2009-03-06 Thread Bernd Eggink

Jan Schampera schrieb:

OnTheEdge wrote:

I'm trying to check for a directory and create it if it doesn't exist as

if [ -d ${CommonDir} ]; then
   mkdir "${CommonDir}"

It works from the command line, but my script doesn't seem to like it and I
can't figure it out.

Thanks for any help,

You have a wrong logic. This script will mkdir if it exists.


[ ! -d "${CommonDir}" ]

Or use

   mkdir -p $CommonDir


Bernd Eggink

Re: Behaviour of cd changed?

2009-02-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chet Ramey schrieb:

Bernd Eggink wrote:

I'm still having problems with the cd builtin. In bash 3, the commands

   cd ""

both changed to the user's home directory. In bash 4 (with patch
"save-current-token" applied)

   cd ""

does nothing. Bug or feature?

I get the same behavior from bash-3.2.48 and bash-4.0: canonicalizing ""
(since it's not an absolute pathname) results in $PWD, and the cd has no
effect.  If you run cd -P "" to avoid canonicalization, you get an error.
Make sure you're running `builtin cd' when you test to avoid the effect of
any function you've defined.

Sorry, my mistake. In a moment of mental absence I had changed
builtin cd "@"
builtin cd "*"
This caused the change in behaviour and is wrong, of course.


Bernd Eggink

Behaviour of cd changed?

2009-02-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

I'm still having problems with the cd builtin. In bash 3, the commands

   cd ""

both changed to the user's home directory. In bash 4 (with patch 
"save-current-token" applied)

   cd ""

does nothing. Bug or feature?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Problem with function cd in bash 4.0

2009-02-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chet Ramey schrieb:

Bernd Eggink wrote:

I normally wrap the builtin cd into a function cd, which does some
additional things and then calls the builtin. Example:

   function cd
local list=$(echo *.bui)
# ...
builtin cd "$1"

I have a PS1 like this:

   PS1="\\w \$ "

With bash 3, this worked well; cd-ing into a directory changed the
prompt immediately. With bash 4, however, the prompt keeps unchanged
after a call to cd and only gets adjusted after the _next_ command. I
noticed that this depends on a subshell being used in the function.
Without that, it behaves as before.

Is that a bug? I can get the intended behaviour by putting

   eval "PS1='$PS1'"

at the end of the function, but that's a rather ugly workaround.

Yep, it's a bug.  Try the attached patch; it works for me.

Works for me, too. Thanks!


Bernd Eggink

Problem with function cd in bash 4.0

2009-02-23 Thread Bernd Eggink
I normally wrap the builtin cd into a function cd, which does some 
additional things and then calls the builtin. Example:

   function cd
local list=$(echo *.bui)
# ...
builtin cd "$1"

I have a PS1 like this:

   PS1="\\w \$ "

With bash 3, this worked well; cd-ing into a directory changed the 
prompt immediately. With bash 4, however, the prompt keeps unchanged 
after a call to cd and only gets adjusted after the _next_ command. I 
noticed that this depends on a subshell being used in the function. 
Without that, it behaves as before.

Is that a bug? I can get the intended behaviour by putting

   eval "PS1='$PS1'"

at the end of the function, but that's a rather ugly workaround.


Bernd Eggink

Re: echo $s{2,3}

2008-12-13 Thread Bernd Eggink schrieb:

What happened to 2,3? Poof, gone.
$ s=a; echo $s{ $s{} $s} $s{1} $s{2,3} ${s}{4,5}
a{ a{} a} a{1} a4 a5

As the manual says, brace expansion is performed before any other 
expansions. So $s{2,3} expands to $s2 $s3, and that expands to nothing 
if neither s2 nor s3 are set.


Bernd Eggink

Re: =~ behaves differently in bash 3.2 and 3.0

2008-10-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Clark J. Wang schrieb:

In bash 3.0.14, the condition [[ file.txt =~ .*\\.txt\$ ]] returns TRUE but
in 3.2.39 it returns FALSE. But with the shopt option `compat31' set it also
returns TRUE. Is that reasonable? In the bash manual, `compat31' makes sense
only for quoted patterns. The string .*\\.txt\$ is considered to be quoted?

I guess it doesn't work in 3.2.39 because there are to many backslashes:

  \\. tests for a literal \ followed by any character.
  \$  tests for a literal $ right after txt

So this works as expected:

  [[ file.txt =~ .*\.txt$ ]]# condition is true

Don't know about 3.0.14, but it looks like it performed expansion on the 
regexp, while 3.2.39 leaves it unchanged.


Bernd Eggink

Re: implementing flow control in bash

2008-10-21 Thread Bernd Eggink

Tony Zanella schrieb:

Hello all,
I'm sure this isn't a bug, but just my inability to wrap my head
around enough of bash flow control:
I wrote the following shell script to find all gifs in a directory.
Then use "identify" from imagemagick to grab the gif width. Then,
print the image name and width to a file.

  for i in `find . -name \*gif`; do identify -format "$i %w" $i; done


Then, I used a ruby script to cull only those images with a width over
570 pixels. So, problem solved, but I wanted to see if I could do it
all in bash.
More specifically, (if this makes sense) I want to "do identify
-format "$i %w" $i" only for those "$i %w" where "%w" is > 570.

The above script will give me output like:

  image1.gif 360
  image2.gif 780

But I want it to give me:

  image1.gif 360

In pseudo-code, I want something like:

  for i in `find . -name \*gif`; do identify -format "$i %w" $i if [%w

570]; done > results.txt

for i in $(find -name '*.gif')
    w=$(identify -format %w $i)
(( w > 570 )) && echo "$i $w"

Hope that helps,

Bernd Eggink

Re: running source twice wont use arguments

2008-10-18 Thread Bernd Eggink

pgb schrieb:

I have a bash script that I run using source because I want to be left in the
environment that the script sets up after running the script. The script
takes a few arguments and sets up an environment for me that includes
library paths, classpaths, JAVA_HOME, appends to the PATH, creates and
populates a local workspace etc. I call the script in the following manner

source setup_env -o -w testdir

The -o argument is to wipe out the workspace if it already exists
(unconditionally) and the -w provides the name of the workspace to setup.
The first time I run the script it runs just fine and all the arguments work
as expected, the environment is all setup etc.

However, if I immediately run the command again all the arguments are
completely ignored

source setup_env -o -w testdir

The script runs but fails because it's not reading in the args for some
reason. As a matter of fact, if I give an argument that doesn't even make
sense (-garbage) , the script runs but again the arguments are ignored so it
ultimately fails.

I searched the forum but did not find a related post. If I don't source the
script and run it from the command line, it works both times, but then my
environment is not mantained after the script runs so that's not a good idea

What in my environment, post-script-run is making the second source not
"see" the command line arguments?

You probably use getopts, which changes the variable OPTIND in the 
current environment. The value of this variable is not automatically 
reset if you start another getopts loop, you have to do it yourself:

while getopts "ow:" opt


Bernd Eggink

Re: Bash prints syntax error when command in $(...) contains case-esac

2008-09-30 Thread Bernd Eggink

Juergen Gohlke schrieb:

Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
Machine: i686
OS: cygwin
Compiler: gcc
Compilation CFLAGS:  -DPROGRAM='bash.exe' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='i686' 
-DCONF_OSTYPE='cygwin' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='i686-pc-cygwin' 
-DCONF_VENDOR='pc' -DLOCALEDIR='/usr/share/locale' -DPACKAGE='bash' 
-I/home/eblake/bash-3.2.9-11/src/bash-3.2/lib   -O2 -pipe
uname output: CYGWIN_NT-5.0 JONA 1.5.24(0.156/4/2) 2007-01-31 10:57 i686 

Machine Type: i686-pc-cygwin

Bash Version: 3.2
Patch Level: 9
Release Status: release

   If a command in $(...) contains a case-esac construction, the 
bash prints a syntax error instead

   of executing the code:
   bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'

   A simple example is: x=$(a=4; case $a in 3) echo a=3;; 4) echo 
a=4;; esac)

   (typed in an interactive shell or being part of a shell script).
   The same error has been seen on Windows Vista, Windows XP and 
   The same error has been seen with an earlier version of bash, 
i.e. 2.05b.0(8)-release

   If $(...) is replaced by `...`, it works.

The problem is caused by the semi-parenthesized case labels 3) and 4). 
Bash matches the first unpaired right paren (after the 3) with the last 
unpaired left paren (in $( ). Using (3) and (4) instead makes the 
example work.

Unpaired parens are hideous anyway, IMHO.


Bernd Eggink

Expanding an undefined array

2008-09-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Is the following difference intentional, a bug, or do I miss something?

  unset a
  set -- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  echo $#

Output: 0

  typeset a
  set -- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  echo $#

Output: 1

The man page says, "If the word is double-quoted, ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] expands 
each element of name to a separate word. When there are no array 
members, [EMAIL PROTECTED] expands  to  nothing." It doesn't mention a 
difference between an empty and an unset variable in this context. As a 
quoted 'nothing' normally counts 1 word, the 'nothing' in the first 
example appears to be some kind of 'super-nothing'.


Bernd Eggink

Re: PATH value doesn't get updated

2008-05-18 Thread Bernd Eggink

Peter Volkov schrieb:

Better way to check if shell is login is:

 $ shopt | grep login_shell
login_shell on

You don't even have to call an external program:

[[ $(shopt -p login_shell) == *-s* ]]


Bernd Eggink

Re: Which Bash

2008-02-24 Thread Bernd Eggink

Charlse Darwin schrieb:

$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.33(1)-release (powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ which bash
# Which bash is being used by the system; 3.2.33(1)-release or 

Looks like there are at least 2 versions on your system: Your login 
shell is probably bash-2.05b, while /opt/local/bin/bash (the latest 
version) is found via $PATH. Check your account data and PATH setting to 
verify it.


Bernd Eggink

Re: Bash 3.2.25 not expanding subscript...

2008-02-12 Thread Bernd Eggink

Brad Diggs schrieb:

In short the bug is the result of failure to expand the
subscript of an array if the subscript is a variable.
The following script should return a list of files with a 
preceding (File <#>: ).  However, it does not work that 
way because the integer variable (${d}) used in the subscript
of the array statement (FileList[${d}]=${File}) does not get 
properly expanded.

declare -a FileList=('')
declare -i d=0

ls -1| while read File

This is normal bash behaviour, see FAQ E4. As bash executes _all_ parts 
of a pipe in subshells (in contrast to ksh, where the last component is 
executed in the current shell), the variable 'FileList' being assigned 
here is local to the subshell. After the loop the variable 'FileList' 
declared in line 1 (which happens to have the same name, but that 
doesn't matter) is unchanged.

Try this instead:

while read File
   (( d=d+1 ))
done <<<"$(ls -1)"


Bernd Eggink

Re: capturing sub-expressions?

2008-01-29 Thread Bernd Eggink

Paul Jarc schrieb:

Bernd Eggink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My impression is that the pattern lookup depends on whether or not a
!' is involved. If the pattern does not contain a '!', the shell looks
for matching substrings, from left to right. If it contains a '!', the
value as a whole is matched.

It looks for substrings in both cases - specifically, the longest
matching substring, which might happen to be the entire string.  With
!(), that is often the case.

x=12ab34; echo ${x//+([0-9])/X}# prints XabX
x=12ab34; echo ${x//!(+([0-9]))/X} # prints X

If the same algorithm had been applied in the 2nd case, the first
substring matching the pattern "not a sequence of at least one digit"
would have been 'a' (or maybe 'ab'), and the output would have been
12Xb34' (or '12X34').

"12ab34" is also "not a sequence of at least one digit", so as the
longest match, it is preferred.

Thanks, that made it clear. The crucial point, that the longest match is 
preferred in any case, had slipped out of my mind (though I have been 
using this for decades...).


Bernd Eggink

Re: capturing sub-expressions?

2008-01-29 Thread Bernd Eggink

Pierre Gaston schrieb:

On Jan 28, 2008 4:00 AM, Linda Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was wondering -- in the bash substitute commands ${..%%|##|//} etc,
is there a way to "capture" a subexpression, so that I can
use the subexpression in the replacement string so I can
end up 'only' with the the subexpression?

I don't think so, you can only use =~ and BASE_REMATCH

If the full expression was in a shellvar "Options", I thought about
using something like:
which I hoped would have "!(expr) match anything but my desired
expression, and the double "/" would say allow it to match multiple
times, but it appears the "!()" construct is limited to pathname
expansion?  Presuming that is true (limited to pathname expansion),
is there anyway to do it on Shell vars?

!( ) is indeed not very intuitive, it is not limited to pathname
expansion but it is not as interesting as it might seem.

!(expr) will match anything that is not expr, for instance !(foo) will
match f  and bar, but it also  match "fooa",
the only thing that is not match is  exactly "foo", which is useful if
you do: "echo !(foo)" to list all the files except
the one named "foo".

Now if you use parameter expansion :
var=fooa;echo ${var//!(foo)/b} # prints "b" because !(foo) matches "fooa"
var=foo; echo ${var/!(foo)/b} # prints "bo" because !(foo) matches "fo"
var=foo; echo ${var/!(foo)/b} # prints "bb" because !(foo) matches "fo" and "o"

My impression is that the pattern lookup depends on whether or not a '!' 
is involved. If the pattern does not contain a '!', the shell looks for 
 matching substrings, from left to right. If it contains a '!', the 
value as a whole is matched.


x=12ab34; echo ${x//+([0-9])/X}# prints XabX
x=12ab34; echo ${x//!(+([0-9]))/X} # prints X

If the same algorithm had been applied in the 2nd case, the first 
substring matching the pattern "not a sequence of at least one digit" 
would have been 'a' (or maybe 'ab'), and the output would have been 
'12Xb34' (or '12X34').

IMHO (please correct me if I'm wrong) this contradicts the usual meaning 
of the '!' operator and makes it nearly useless - except in the simple 
"echo !(foo)" case you mentioned.


Bernd Eggink

Re: capturing sub-expressions?

2008-01-28 Thread Bernd Eggink

Linda Walsh schrieb:

I was wondering -- in the bash substitute commands ${..%%|##|//} etc,
is there a way to "capture" a subexpression, so that I can
use the subexpression in the replacement string so I can
end up 'only' with the the subexpression?

If the full expression was in a shellvar "Options", I thought about
using something like:
which I hoped would have "!(expr) match anything but my desired
expression, and the double "/" would say allow it to match multiple
times, but it appears the "!()" construct is limited to pathname
expansion?  Presuming that is true (limited to pathname expansion),
is there anyway to do it on Shell vars?

I keep confusing the path-matching regular expressions with
string-matching expressions and keep getting disappointed when I'm
re-reminded of the limitation...:-(

There should be no difference between path-matching and string-matching 
expressions. Normally even nested extended patterns work with string 
matching. But, in fact, !(...) appears to not work like one would 
expect. The only case that looked correct to me is the trivial one 
${x//!(*)}, which leaves $x unchanged.

I'm not sure whether this is a bug or I (we) miss something. 
Interestingly, ksh behaves the same way. Can anybody clarify this?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Exit application with two function calls

2008-01-27 Thread Bernd Eggink



I am working on a script and ran into an unusual program. Consider the
following script which I called



error () {

   echo -e "\n\terror: ${*}\n"

   # kill $$


check_file () {


   if [ -e $input ]; then
  echo "$input"
  error "invalid directory: $input"


chkFile="`check_file $1`"
echo $chkFile
echo "don't print"


When I run the command above I get this output:

# ./ /asdf
error: invalid directory: /asdf
don't print

The reason is that `check_file` is executed in a subshell, so 'exit' 
just leaves the subshell, not the script itself.

The command substitution is unnecessary anyway, as the result (if any) 
will simply be $1 itself. Thus, if you replace the main part by	

check_file $1
echo $1

it should work as expected.


Bernd Eggink

Re: Bash string substitution bug (?)

2008-01-11 Thread Bernd Eggink

Chet Ramey schrieb:

Bernd Eggink wrote:

  prompt: CLUSTER='1 2'; echo ${CLUSTER/${HOSTNAME/.*}}
  output: -bash: ${HOSTNAME: bad substitution

Apparently bash interprets this as  ${parameter/pattern/string}
where pattern = ${HOSTNAME. Looks like a bug; it works in ksh.

That is, in fact, what is happening.  I'm not sure you can call it
a bug, though -- bash is behaving exactly as documented.

Where exactly is that documented? The only statement I can find in the 
documentation referring to this problem is:

"When braces are used, the matching ending brace is the first `}' not 
escaped by a backslash or within a quoted string,  and  not
within an embedded arithmetic expansion, command substitution, or 
parameter expansion."

I may be wrong, but to me this means that the first opening brace 
matches the last closing one, and that the token ${HOSTNAME/.*} is a 
correct parameter expansion.


Bernd Eggink

Re: Bash string substitution bug (?)

2008-01-11 Thread Bernd Eggink

Dmitry V Golovashkin schrieb:

   unexpected bad substitution:
   enter the following simple list:

prompt:  CLUSTER='1 2'; echo ${CLUSTER/${HOSTNAME%%.*}}
output:   1 2

   the idea of the above line is to remove short HOSTNAME (without the 
trailing domain)
 from the CLUSTER - works fine (CLUSTER was assigned a dummy 
value - irrelevant)
   however the same operation with slash results in a bad substitution 

   the substitution appears to be a valid one.

  prompt: CLUSTER='1 2'; echo ${CLUSTER/${HOSTNAME/.*}}
  output: -bash: ${HOSTNAME: bad substitution

Apparently bash interprets this as  ${parameter/pattern/string}
where pattern = ${HOSTNAME. Looks like a bug; it works in ksh.

As a workaround, you could use:

echo ${CLUSTER/$H}


Bernd Eggink

Re: Comparison failure

2008-01-10 Thread Bernd Eggink

Frans de Boer schrieb:

You where both right. It's the '<' versus -lt. I tend to avoid -lt
because I always run into errors using this. Beside, in previous
versions of Bash it did not give me this problem. But, i will give it a
try in other functions to see if it works now everywhere as expected.
And yes, the use of these comparison tokens is not well documented
either. I have always read the documentation that they where
interchangeable, which is clearly not the case.

Hm, 'man bash' clearly states in section "Conditional expressions" 
(that's what is included in [[ ... ]]):

string1 < string2
  True if string1 sorts before string2 lexicographically in the current 

arg1 OP arg2
  OP is one of -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, or -ge.  These arithmetic 
binary operators return true if arg1  is  equal  to,  not equal  to, 
less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal 
to arg2, respectively.  Arg1 and arg2 may be positive or negative integers.

Personally, I like the bash documentation because it is complete and 


Bernd Eggink

Re: regexp matching broken in bash-3.2.x?

2007-10-27 Thread Bernd Eggink

Pierre Gaston schrieb:

On 10/27/07, Bernd Eggink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pavel Gorshkov schrieb:

Regexp matching seems to be broken since 3.2.0.
The following used to work in bash-3.1:
  $ [[ test =~ 't.*t' ]]; echo $?

It works without the quotes. Looks like they are taken literally instead of
being removed. I, too, f.think it's a bug, as according to  the docs, quote
removal should be performed on the words between [[ and ]].

The behavior changed with 3.2, from the NEWS file:

" Quoting the string argument to the [[ command's  =~ operator now forces
  string matching, as with the other pattern-matching operators."

Quoting removal is performed but [[ is not a normal command (it's a
shell keyword)

OK. While I don't consider this a good idea, at least the reference 
manual should be updated, which presently says:

"Word splitting and filename expansion are not performed on the words 
between the `[[' and `]]'; tilde expansion, parameter and variable 
expansion, arithmetic expansion, command substitution, process 
substitution, _and quote removal_ are performed."


Bernd Eggink

Re: regexp matching broken in bash-3.2.x?

2007-10-27 Thread Bernd Eggink

Pavel Gorshkov schrieb:

Regexp matching seems to be broken since 3.2.0.
The following used to work in bash-3.1:
$ [[ test =~ 't.*t' ]]; echo $?

It works without the quotes. Looks like they are taken literally instead of 
being removed. I, too, think it's a bug, as according to  the docs, quote 
removal should be performed on the words between [[ and ]].


Bernd Eggink

Pattern replacement fails if string contains multibyte characters

2007-09-28 Thread Bernd Eggink

This happens on a utf-8 based system (CRUX 2.3), LANG=de_DE.UTF-8:

echo ${t//[a-c]/}
# output: 123456öüCD
# (should be: "123456äöüABCD")

echo ${t//[!a-c]/}
# output: abcäAB
# (should be: "abc")

bash --version:
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

Without multibyte chars, replacement works as expected. I looks like a 
bug, or am I misssing something?


Bernd Eggink

Re: Help with script --

2007-08-28 Thread Bernd Eggink

t0nedef schrieb:

echo "Please enter a network name"
read ESSID
if [ -n $ESSID ]

You probably meant:
  if [ -z $ESSID ]

  echo "unable to use a blank network name"
  exit $E_NOESSID


Bernd Eggink

Feature request: Escaping special characters in 'select' list

2007-06-27 Thread Bernd Eggink
It would be nice if special characters in a 'select' list could be escaped 
by \[ and \], like in a prompt string. Presently, if a word in the list 
contains special characters (e.g., '^[[42m;aha^[[0m;'), the formatting of 
the list gets messed up.

select a in "^[[42maha^[[0m" one two three; do : ; done

1) aha   3) two
2) one   4) three

(On a terminal, the first word has a green background).


Bernd Eggink

Bug-bash mailing list

Pattern replacement inconsistency

2007-05-30 Thread Bernd Eggink

Configuration Information:
Machine: i686
OS: linux-gnu
Compiler: gcc
Compilation CFLAGS:  -DPROGRAM='bash' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='i686' 
-DCONF_OSTYPE='linux-gnu' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='i686-pc-linux-gnu' 
-DCONF_VENDOR='pc' -DLOCALEDIR='/usr/share/locale' -DPACKAGE='bash' -DSHELL 
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H   -I.  -I. -I./include -I./lib   -O2 -march=i686 -pipe
uname output: Linux Celsius #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 25 10:14:50 
CEST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

Machine Type: i686-pc-linux-gnu

Bash Version: 3.2
Patch Level: 17
Release Status: release

If a is an array, ${a[*]//%pattern/replacement} and 
${a[*]//#pattern/replacement} don't work. Both do nothing. The single-slash

versions ${a[*]/%pattern/replacement} and ${a[*]/#pattern/replacement} work
as expected.

One could argue about using // in this context, but anyway the behavior is
inconsistent in 2 ways:

- The double-slash versions worked in 3.1.
- The double-slash versions work in 3.2 if the pattern does _not_ start 
with % or #.

x=(a1 a2 a3)
echo ${x[*]//%/y}   # output: a1 a2 a3
echo ${x[*]//%2/y}  # output: a1 a2 a3
echo ${x[*]//#/y}   # output: a1 a2 a3
echo ${x[*]//#a/y}  # output: a1 a2 a3
echo ${x[*]//a/y}   # output: y1 y2 y3

Bernd Eggink

Bug-bash mailing list