LG On Screen Phone authentication bypass (CVE-2014-8757)

2015-02-09 Thread Imre Rad
LG On Screen Phone authentication bypass vulnerability -- SEARCH-LAB Ltd. discovered a serious security vulnerability in the On Screen Phone protocol used by LG Smart Phones. A malicious attacker is able to bypass the authentication phase of the n

CVE-2014-7954 MTP path traversal vulnerability in Android

2015-04-17 Thread Imre RAD
w-r-- u0_a6media_rw 13 2014-09-24 01:36 sdf.txt drwxrwx--x u0_a6u0_a6 2014-07-22 01:06 shared_prefs Tested on: Android 4.4.4 Reported on: 2014-09-26 Assigned CVE: CVE-2014-7954 Discovered by: Imre Rad / Search-Lab Ltd. http://www.search-lab

CVE-2014-7951 adb backup archive path traversal file overwrite

2015-04-17 Thread Imre RAD
m. Tested on: Android 4.0.4: Reported on:2014-07-14 Assigned CVE: CVE-2014-7951 Android bug id: 16298491 Discovered by: Imre Rad / Search-Lab Ltd. http://www.search-lab.hu http://www.securecodingacademy.com/

CVE-2014-7953 Android backup agent code execution

2015-04-17 Thread Imre RAD
arlier Android versions are. Tested on: Android 4.4.4: Reported on:2014-08-15 Assigned CVE: CVE-2014-7951 Android bug id: 15829193 Discovered by: Imre Rad / Search-Lab Ltd. http://www.search-lab.hu http://www.securecodingacademy.com/

CVE-2015-3931 Microsec e-Szigno, CVE-2015-3932 Netlock Mokka XSW vulnerability

2015-06-29 Thread Imre RAD
In November 2014, SEARCH-LAB Ltd. discovered a security vulnerability in Microsec e-Szigno, and Netlock Mokka computer applications that are used to generate and validate digital signatures, which are applied within the official Hungarian government processes. The vulnerability affected the „e-a

CVE-2014-7952, Android ADB backup APK injection vulnerability

2015-07-10 Thread Imre RAD
The Android operating system offers a backup/restore mechanism of installed packages through the ADB utility. Full backup of applications including the private files stored on /data partition is performed by default, but applications can customize this behavior by implementing a BackupAgent class.

PHP-FPM fpm_log.c memory leak and buffer overflow

2016-01-25 Thread Imre RAD
649e07ed74468f097a28899741eb58f The fixed versions of PHP are: 5.5.31, 5.6.17 and 7.0.2. More information: http://www.search-lab.hu/about-us/news/111-some-unusual-vulnerabilities-in-the-php-engine Imre Rad Search-Lab Ltd. http://www.search-lab.hu/ http://www.scademy.com/

PHP LiteSpeed SAPI secret key improper disposal

2016-01-25 Thread Imre RAD
/c60d4b97707c513ee8b554eecf1c5c653cae5998#diff-19cd0c042863b5e723b785a39a866a25 The fixed versions of PHP are: 5.5.31, 5.6.17 and 7.0.2. More information: http://www.search-lab.hu/about-us/news/111-some-unusual-vulnerabilities-in-the-php-engine Imre Rad Search-Lab Ltd. http://www.search-lab.hu/ http://www.scademy.com/

Authentication bypass in PHP File Manager 0.9.8

2016-01-26 Thread Imre Rad
mp;action=6&cmd=ls%20-la Timeline: 2016-01-04: Original report to the developer 2016-01-04: CVE ID requested from MITRE 2016-01-11: Report resent to the developer 2016-01-18: Notification sent to the developer about disclosing the vulnerability on 25th of January 2016-01-18: Disclosure I

PHP LiteSpeed SAPI out of boundaries read due to missing input validation

2016-01-26 Thread Imre RAD
the SAPI socket is a prerequisite of the attack. The fix is available with the commit: https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/08080c18f5f3700af6242a338a2698502207ed45 The fixed versions of PHP are: 5.5.31, 5.6.17 and 7.0.2. Imre Rad Search-Lab Ltd. http://www.search-lab.hu/ http://www.scademy.com/

Advisory: security controls configured in php.ini could be bypassed on Linux

2019-05-20 Thread Imre Rad
"PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development." PHP has deployed several features over the years that are prone to incorrect architectural decisions (safe mode https://www.php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php or open_basedir http://news.php.n

CVE-2019-11517: CSRF in Wampserver 3.1.4-3.1.8

2019-06-10 Thread Imre Rad
Affected product: WampServer 3.1.4-3.1.8 Offiical description: "WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases." Official website: http://www.wam

CVE-2019-13635: Directory traversal in WP Fastest Cache and below

2019-07-30 Thread Imre Rad
WP Fastest Cache is a Wordpress plugin that creates static html files from the dynamic WordPress blog in order to speed up operation. Version and below of the plugin was identified being vulnerable to directory traversal attacks. The first two are Windows only, the 3rd one is generic. The

Details about recent GNU patch vulnerabilities

2019-08-16 Thread Imre Rad
I identified several vulnerabilities in the GNU patch utility, some of them making it possible to execute arbitrary code if the victim opens a crafted patch file. It also turned out, some of these vulnerabilities had been silently addressed by the maintainer back then in 2018 when CVE-2018-1000156

CVE-2019-10181, CVE-2019-10182, CVE-2019-10185: IcedTea-Web vulnerabilities leading to RCE

2019-10-07 Thread Imre Rad
IcedTeaWeb is an open source implementation of JSR-56 that is better known as Java Web Start. It is currently maintained by RedHat and is included into the Windows packages of OpenJDK by default. "Three security issues were found in ITW, and have been discussed and are going to be fixed. Those are

CVE-2020-0728: Windows Modules Installer Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability

2020-02-16 Thread Imre Rad
The TrustedInstaller service running on the Windows operating system hosts a COM service called Sxs Store Class; its ISxsStore interface provides methods to install/uninstall assemblies via application manifests files into the WinSxS store. These API methods were meant to be available for users wit

missing input validation in pmount: arbitrary mount as non-root

2016-07-13 Thread Imre RAD
: --- Discovered by: Imre Rad Reported on: 2016-03-21 Disclosure: 2016-07-13

CVE-2017-17485: one more way of rce in jackson-databind when defaultTyping+objects are used

2018-01-09 Thread Imre Rad
Jackson-databind is a popular library in Java for JSON marshalling/unmarshalling. It has a feature called default-typing: when the target class has some polymorph fields inside (such as interfaces, abstract classes or the Object base class), the library can include type info into the JSON structur