Re: [caret-users] caret docs; Display Control especially

2006-11-07 Thread Graham Wideman


A belated thanks for the reply...

Burying your head in David's PALS paper is indeed the best way

.. belated because I was on a hastily-arranged trip to the UK, during which 
I avoided having too short of a plane ride...

(And you can't whip through in a short plane ride.)

So now I'm a lot more up to speed (not to mention jet-lagged).

Thanks again for your replies and suggestions.


[caret-users] Fishy brainfish sampling

2006-10-27 Thread Graham Wideman


The brainfish algorithm is described here:

... as picking up negative voxels if there are no positive ones 
around.  Couple of issues:

1. We don't seem to be able to get negative voxels to appear at all when 
using the brainfish mapping algorithm. This is for a volume that has been 
thresholded, hence lots of zero voxels, and it has well separated islands 
of positive and negative values.

(And applying mapping other than brainfish indeed shows the negative 
regions in caret -- so we *think* we know how to get the rest of the 
display settings right...)

So the question is: are you sure that the negative aspect of this mapping 
algorithm is currently working?

Also, is there a tool for inspecting metric files? (Or conversion to text?)

2. Would it make sense to have an alternative brainfish strategy which 
allocates to a node the voxel value with the highest *absolute* value, 
instead of any positive beats any negative?  This is particularly a 
concern for fMRI input that has not been thresholded.



[caret-users] caret docs; Display Control especially

2006-10-23 Thread Graham Wideman


We are trying to get up to speed on caret, and find ourselves thoroughly 
stalled by holes in the docs, but suspecting that we may be missing some 
important doc.

In particular, we really need a guide as to what everything in the UI 
actually does.

Case in point:

Display Control dialog:  There's a great deal of functionality there, but 
rather inscrutable without docs:  The GUI Reference Guide doesn't list the 
Display Control dialog, so has this not been documented, or is it 
documented somewhere else?

We want to know, for example, how to operate the Metric  Threshold 
settings. There are Column, Average Area and User widgets -- what are they 
all about?  We're pretty certain that they somehow filter or color the data 
to be displayed, but how is not clear.

