Hi Suraj

Yes, I have had similar experiences. You have to close any open connections yourself, else the (separate) thread with the open port stays open, hanging the exit procedure. myroachobject.stop() does this. Take a look at some of my scripts in the corr package to see an example.

Perhaps you can daemonise the thread or something to work around this issue. I haven't explored it too carefully myself. I've cc'd Simon Cross (original author of python KATCP) for his comment.


On 04 Aug 2009, at 23:43, Suraj Gowda wrote:

Hello everybody,

When using the python interface to KATCP (and the corr package), scripts don't seem to exit cleanly out of the python shell. This isn't a serious problem but is a bit annoying because anytime a roach script is run, the shell becomes unresponsive and needs to be re-opened. Is this a known problem with a solution?

-Suraj Gowda

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