hi casper collaborators,

can anyone help answer ted's questions below?



On 08/29/2009 04:45 PM, Ted Jaeger wrote:
Hi Dan,

Is there a
tutorial anywhere on setting up the software needed for a fully
functional iBOB development system.  I have been following the wiki
articles on the required software and how to add the MSSGE tool flow,
but I (and maybe other introductory users) could use a more verbose set
of instructions.  For example, I have full licenses for the Xilinx v7.1
System Generator, ISE and EDK packages, yet still am generating errors
using the FIFO blocks and seem to be missing the license to use the
"opb_ethernetlite" core.  I assume most of my errors are purely operator
failure on my part and are due to some missing install step or required
software package.  Andrew has been a great help tracking down some of
these issues for me, but I would like to get a bit more self sufficient
as not to waste his (or your for that matter) time.

What have other institutes done to be more fruitful with their
equipment?  Could you perhaps put me in touch with someone who has
started recently from the ground up as I have?

Thanks again for the help,

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