Thanks for the response Andrew...

I am black boxing the FFT so it does not simulate.. I used a black box because 
I had strange problems without black boxing. If I got the FFt working OK, then 
added more logic, the FFT would then break. Unreleated logic broke the compile. 
Black boxing seemed to make it work. I had not noticed these power problems 
until now.

When I had the FFT not black boxed, I seem to recall it sim'ed OK. I will try 
again to be sure. It almost seems like the sync signal is not aligned so we get 
wierd things based on phase. The noise (all the other bins) seems larger than 
it should be, like there could be an impulse somewhere. But the noise is 
constant in time.

I am using a black box with a green FFT block and green PFB. I am pretty sure 
the numbers are correct in the settings, as this worked on roach1.

Here is the origin of my git working copy
Fetch URL:

I git'ed this about a year ago, so it is not the newest stuff probably.


From: Andrew Martens []
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 1:51 AM
To: Madden, Timothy J.
Subject: Re: [casper] casper Digest, Vol 95, Issue 2- ROACH2 FFT


Are you seeing these power anomalies in hardware or in simulation as well?

Which blocks from which repo are you using?


On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:36 PM, Madden, Timothy J. 
<<>> wrote:

I am using a ROACH2, and doing 512 length FFTs.

I am seeing some wierd FFT problems as well. I found that if I had the FFT/PFB 
in the design as green blocks, other logic would break it. Black boxing the FFT 
helps, as it makes it work more or less.

Even after black boxing the FFT/PFB I still see a problem. The problem is that 
if the source sinusoid is not exactly at a bin center I get seemingly random 
variations in energy in the relevant FFT coefficient. If I take the magnitude 
of the FFT bins, the power randomly varies. This should not happen. I initially 
thought I had a windowing problem and I was seeing large cutoffs in the sine 
signal, causing impulses etc. This should not happen with a polyphase block, as 
a hamming window is used, as well as four  FFT-lengths of time domain data. (I 
am using 4 taps in polyphase). The phase should change for each successive FFT, 
but magnitude should be consant in time. It is a subtle problem and it took me 
a while to notice it. I am trying different settings in the FFT (black boxed) 
to see if anything changes.

A simple python simulation proves that the magnitude should be constant. See 
The roach2 board

import numpy

#run several times over and over again

L = 512
pi = arccos(-1)
ph = ph+rand()*2*pi

Q=-1* complex(0,1) * numpy.sin(ph)

S = (I+Q) * numpy.hamming(L)



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Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:11 PM
Subject: casper Digest, Vol 95, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Weird FFT block problem (Jack Hickish)
   2. FFT problems (Jonathon Kocz)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 15:53:15 +0000
From: Jack Hickish <<>>
Subject: Re: [casper] Weird FFT block problem
To: "Michael D'Cruze" 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


I would guess what happens is that you have delay stages being implemented
in bram where the stage delay is fewer clock cycles than the bram latency,
causing an initialization implosion. I suspect if you changed the "minimum
delay implemented in bram" (or whatever it's called) parameter to be a bit
higher you might not get this error. But as you say, >10 is very excessive,
and I'd be surprised if it makes any difference to your timing. I think if
you open your mapped design in planahead/fpga editor you'll find that
almost all that latency is being wrapped up in a single slice as a shift
register. But hey, if it works it works :)


On Tue, 6 Oct 2015 at 16:42 Michael D'Cruze <<>>

> Hi Jack,
> After cycling through the settings I think I?ve isolated the issue. I was
> a bit quick to declare a solution?.i was able to repeat the problem. The
> problem occurs when the BRAM latency is set to >10. I appreciate this may
> seem excessive in any case however as you know I?m messing with settings to
> get a 2^17 point FFT block to compile at 256 MHz?
> When the problem first arose I grabbed the latest casper-astro-soak-test
> commit, which didn?t solve the immediate issue.
> Perhaps someone could confirm that bram latencies >10 causes this issue?
> It?s a 2^17 point FFT with fanout 1.
> BW
> Michael
> *From:* Jack Hickish 
> [<>]
> *Sent:* 06 October 2015 15:50
> *To:* Michael D'Cruze; 
> *Subject:* Re: [casper] Weird FFT block problem
> Hi Michael,
> If the initialisation script fails half way through drawing then often
> you'll be left with a bunch of blocks half connected, so I think that's
> (probably) a symptom rather than a cause of the issue. Are you using the
> latest casper-astro branch? Do you remember what FFT parameters you were
> using? Was it a block fresh from the library of one you had previously
> configured? If the latter, do you remember how it was configured?
> Gonna be tricky to track this down if it can't be recreated...
> Cheers,
> Jack
> On Tue, 6 Oct 2015 at 15:25 Michael D'Cruze <
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had an odd problem while messing about with the FFT block today ? on
> setting a new combination of parameters and attempting a new compile, an
> error came up which I?ve never seen before. Something along the lines of an
> initialisation error in the FFT. On inspection, the component blocks within
> the FFT were in pieces and not linked up correctly. In the biplex core
> itself there was nothing except the in/out ports. This is very strange and
> I can?t find anything similar on the mailing list. I?ve solved it by
> erasing and re-cloning the CASPER libraries, however wondered if anyone had
> a clue why this would happen? FYI update_blocks didn?t help.
> Thanks
> Michael
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 09:05:00 -0700
From: Jonathon Kocz <<>>
Subject: [casper] FFT problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi Casper,

While we're talking weird FFT problems...

I have experienced an interesting problem with the FFT libraries when
compiling for ROACH2, that I'm hoping someone might be able to explain.

I have tried multiple versions of the libraries, and various branches
(latest CASPER, SKA-SA, SMA), on Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat and Windows, all
using Xilinx 14.7 and Matlab 2012b, but the error stays the same: the FFT
(various sizes/number of inputs/wb/biplex_2x/biplex_4x) simulates fine, but
when I compile I get zeros for some of the outputs.

After various experiments, I found that if I black box the FFT, and then
include it in the design, everything works, so I'm presuming the problem is
something in the system generator options when run by the tool flow.

Can anyone help me out with an explanation for why this might occur?

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