On 08/27/2012 08:49 AM, Marc Welz wrote:
Apologies, my previous email contains errors, I didn't realise that you
were using two hops to get to the roach.
I was just replying to that when I got this :-)
However, it still seems reasonable to use the ssh port, when using separate
commands (all commands running concurrently): Maybe try :

MYHOST:~$ /usr/bin/ssh -p 22 -c 3des -t -Y -l kuiper -o
ServerAliveInterval=60 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -L 60001:ROACHHOST:22

MYHOST:~$ ssh -p 60001 -c 3des -t -Y -l kuiper -o
ServerAliveInterval=60 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -L 60002:roach1:22 localhost

MYHOST:~$ ssh -p 60002 root@localhost
It works! Eventually I'll have to try to combine it into one command that I can put in a script. For now, it gets me back to work.

Hartelijk bedankt!
(That should be recognizable if you speak Afrikaans.)
You may have to enable -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes to
inhibit key checking, if the system warns you about host key changed
No.  I like the key checking.
I suspect there is some agent forwarding magic which may make some of
this easier.
If I figure it out I'll post it here.

Thanks again


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