[Catalyst] more description for FAST CGI deployment in catalyst cookbook?

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
hi guys i am trying to figure out how to bring my app for production. Looked at http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Cookbook.pod#FastCGI_Deployment and i am just wondering if anyone can add more description for FAST CGI deployment in catalyst cookbook? For example,

[Catalyst] nginx configuration tute for catalyst

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
hi, all i am looking at http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/wiki/adventcalendararticles/2008/02-catalyst_and_nginx. First of all, let me apologise as i dont have a sent folder in this lite mail client of mine. Hence, i cannot post this question to my previously sent mail. i am looking at

Re: [Catalyst] Switching to a production server

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
hello. Emily, how is your catalyst app now? Is it running smoothly with FastCGI? thanks K. akimoto Re: [Catalyst] Switching to a production server ivorw Tue, 16 Sep 2008 12:53:47 -0700 Emily Heureux wrote: Thanks, I read your suggestions and opinions and am switching to fastcgi with

Re: [Catalyst] more description for FAST CGI deployment in catalyst cookbook?

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
Hello Kieren 1) I was just asking where do I put the configuration as per the article. Here's an extract from my prev email. For example, there's a bunch of configuration in step 2 of FAST CGI deployment (title of 2. Configure your application). The problem I am having here is that there is no

Re: [Catalyst] nginx configuration tute for catalyst

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
Hi, J :) Good morning. Thanks for that piece of info. I wish someone would just patch the documentation as that single line does help a non-nginx/admin savvy person trying to set up nginx. K. akimoto On Wed, Jul 15th, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Jason Galea li...@eightdegrees.com.au wrote: Hi K,

Re: [Catalyst] more description for FAST CGI deployment in catalyst cookbook?

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
Yep, i can agree with that. I do hope someone could write a tute for a specific setup. At least there's something concrete for non-admin savvy people to turn to. thanks On Thu, Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Andrew Rodland arodl...@comcast.net wrote: On Wednesday 15 July 2009 06:23:24 pm

Re: [Catalyst] Hangs in RenderView in end

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
}) = 0stat(/home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/root/src/index.tt2, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=248, ...}) = 0stat(/home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/root/src/config/main, 0x70fcc0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)stat(/home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/root/lib/config/main, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=803

Re: [Catalyst] more description for FAST CGI deployment in catalyst cookbook?

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
What OS/Distro are you using? Maybe someone else already has an example/setup that you can peek at. Good morning, Chisel. Yep, I am using Ubuntu Hardy Heron :) That would be most helpful. Thanks :) -- Chisel Wright ___ List:

Re: [Catalyst] nginx configuration tute for catalyst

2009-07-15 Thread kakimoto
-- Yep, I would love to but as I don't know how to set up NgiNx myself for catalyst, I can't :( On 16 Jul 2009, at 00:20, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: I wish someone would just patch the documentation as that single line does help a non-nginx/admin savvy person trying to set up

Re: [Catalyst] Custom error handling

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
hello Tomas, thank you. I will look into fine tuning it in the future. Will read more. K. akimoto But throwing strings around is however a perfectly valid technique. ___ List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk Listinfo:

Re: [Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
hello there, Tomas, Thank you :) Yes, you're quite right there:) Prior to receiving this reply, I actually wrapped my existing code in the subroutine within an sub for the txn_do. sub save_complete_records { ... eval { $c-model('myAppDB')-schema-txn_do( sub {

Re: [Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
hi Tomas and everyone:) I still have some questions as per my prev post. Can you please help me out? :) I have the following questions: 1) I looked at the terminal with all the debug messages. I noticed that the exception was caught and eventhough the roll back was done, I do not see the

Re: [Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
So, in the case of an exception, an automatic rollback will take place. I have tested this in my application and it seems that way. Can anyone confirm this? Thank you:) This is fairly easy to get wrong - txn_do forces you to have a block which comprises the transaction scope, or your code

Re: [Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
Did you look what the code does? http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.08107/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage.pm and http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.08107/t/81transactions.t If the API doc is written well, I suppose one doens't need to look at the source code

Re: [Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
Did you even look for this in the manual? http://search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/DBIx-Class-0.08107/lib/DBIx/Class/ Storage.pm#txn_do If not, why not. If so, how is this not clear? Well, it's really clear now . I suppose someone has updated the documentation since I posted this thread

Re: [Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
On Tue, Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:54 AM, J. Shirley jshir...@gmail.com wrote: On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:36 PM, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: there's somethign wrong with the mailing list for Dbix::Class as I have not been able to get replies /mails. I have contacted the admin in the past and never

[Catalyst] Parse errors: Tests out of sequence - any ideas?

2009-07-06 Thread kakimoto
hello, everyone, I jsut tried to run my regression tests to see if things were ok or not. I found that they fail due to Parse errors: Tests out of sequence. I took one of the regression test files and stripped down the tests to about 5 basic tests. Ran prove -v t/regression test file.t and

Re: [Catalyst] Custom error handling

2009-07-05 Thread kakimoto
hello Tomas and everyone, Thank you for that. I got it working. What I also did was the in the case of an exception, I will redirect the user back to the main page with the error shown. I would like to share what I did. On Root.pm-end: I passed the error message to the flash (I have

[Catalyst] how to implement Transactions (over different db tables) in a Catalyst project

2009-07-05 Thread kakimoto
hi , everyone, i m trying to put transactions in place for my catalyst project. For example, I would like to create a new user subscription. What this does is, - create two new Address objects (Address db table) where one's for billing address and another for main contact. - create a new

Re: [Catalyst] Custom error handling

2009-07-04 Thread kakimoto
- error when it gets to your end action yes, when i did that in my controller code, this is what I saw on the terminal's logs: [error] Caught exception in myApp::Controller::Listings-_save_address An error at /home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/script/../lib/myApp/Controller/Listings.pm line 590

[Catalyst] Custom error handling

2009-07-03 Thread kakimoto
hi ,guys, referring to http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.8000/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Cookbook.pod#Delivering_a_Custom_Error_Page, i can't seem to see the error page when I have my Root.pm's sub end set up this way. sub end : ActionClass('RenderView') { my ($self, $c) = @_;

Re: [Catalyst] can't seem to install local::lib in dreamhost

2009-06-24 Thread kakimoto
this looks good. I will give it a go soon. Thank you! If you just need Catalyst on Dreamhost I managed to install it following these instructions http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Catalyst have a nice day, arjuna ___ List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk

[Catalyst] Is there a good solution of file cache? which plugin is recommended?

2009-06-24 Thread kakimoto
Hi, there, I looked at the example in the doc for Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache (http://search.cpan.org/~agrundma/Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.21/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/PageCache.pm). I m not very clear on it. 1) Can someone please tell me where sub some_method is supposed to reside? Is it in the

[Catalyst] anyone used Varnish yet?

2009-06-24 Thread kakimoto
hi everyone, I just read http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2008/14 I have seen some mentions on http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/msg04620.html and http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/msg06552.html . Was wondering if anyone's used it and have

Re: [Catalyst] can't seem to install local::lib in dreamhost

2009-06-23 Thread kakimoto
If all you tell us about is that you did it wrong, you're just going to be told to do it right. You can avoid this by actually telling us everything you did in your first email: the same error came up denying me access to run make install. Here's how my installation looked like.

[Catalyst] can't seem to install local::lib in dreamhost

2009-06-22 Thread kakimoto
--bootstrap PREFIX=/home/kakimoto -- went OK I ran make test -- went OK I ran make install and this is the error I got: [apocalypse]$ make install mkdir /usr/local/lib/perl: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 112 make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 13 [apocalypse

Re: [Catalyst] can't seem to install local::lib in dreamhost

2009-06-22 Thread kakimoto
...@tpg.com.au wrote: I ran perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap PREFIX=/home/kakimoto -- went OK Nothing in the documentation for local::lib OR the calendar entry you linked to says to use a PREFIX= parameter here. ___ List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk Listinfo: http

Re: [Catalyst] Re: OT: Better TT pager?

2009-06-21 Thread kakimoto
helllo, there, Fernan and everyone :) good morning! this may change depending on your configuration of the TT view. In my case it's not 'c' but 'Catalyst', as in [% Catalyst.req.uri_with() -%] yes, i know that we can either use [% c %] or [% Catalyst %]. My actual question is that why

Re: [Catalyst] Re: OT: Better TT pager?

2009-06-20 Thread kakimoto
Hi, there, Oliver and everyone:) Thanks for your posting:) Referring to http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/msg05232.html, I adopted the code given into my template and it looks really good but the hyperlink doesn't have any value. I suppose it's because [%

Re: [Catalyst] Notes on installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst

2009-06-07 Thread kakimoto
Sorry, I'm just too excited in having to solve the problem. Have been googling without much success hence the impatient postings. Thanks for your response in relation to the matter. I will look at it soon! thanks :) K. akimoto:) You only waited 1 day. Reposting the entire message after such

Re: [Catalyst] Notes on installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst

2009-06-07 Thread kakimoto
hello Ash, I looked through my config files again and have been successful in running /etc/init.d/lighttpd with no errors in /var/log/lighttpd/error.log. Based on the tutorial in http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/wiki/deployment/lighttpd_fastcgi, can anyone please tell me what are the urls for the

[Catalyst] Notes on installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst

2009-06-06 Thread kakimoto
hi guys, I'm facing some problems with http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/wiki/deployment/lighttpd_fastcgi. I followed the instructions and still can't get to anyone of my sites listed below. - www.myapp.com/ (production) - www.myapp.com:59000/ (production) - www.stage.myapp.com:59000/ (staging)

Re: [Catalyst] Notes on installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst

2009-06-06 Thread kakimoto
Well, I'm facing an issue with setting up lighthttpd for production use of my catalyst app. I'm a developer so any setup task dealing with systems does cause problems. I observed another thread pretty similar to this but there's no reply to whether it's been solved or not.

Re: [Catalyst] Notes on installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst

2009-06-05 Thread kakimoto
hi guys, I'm facing some problems with http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/wiki/deployment/lighttpd_fastcgi. I followed the instructions and still can't get to anyone of my sites listed below. - www.myapp.com/ (production) - www.myapp.com:59000/ (production) - www.stage.myapp.com:59000/ (staging)

[Catalyst] Re: How to use self made Template Toolkit plugins?

2009-06-01 Thread kakimoto
hi there, how do I access the Catalyst variable in a custom made Template Toolkit plugin? WhaT I have done: read up on http://search.cpan.org/src/MRAMBERG/Catalyst-View-TT-0.27/lib/Catalyst/View/TT.pm For example, I have my own plugin, package myApp::View::Template::Plugin::User use strict;

Re: [Catalyst] Installing Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class Breaks Catalyst

2009-05-16 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Collin, My modules are: | Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication 0.10011 | | Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Password | | Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles 0.07 | What are you using?

Re: [Catalyst] Installing Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class Breaks Catalyst

2009-05-16 Thread kakimoto
Hello, all, What I did: 1) Downloaded a copy of the tute codes for http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.7021/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Authorization.pod 1.5) Works Very well! :D 2) Modified MyApp.pm and Schema/Users.pm, Schema/UserRoles.pm and Schema/Roles.pm to reflect my

Re: [Catalyst] Installing Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class Breaks Catalyst

2009-05-16 Thread kakimoto
) Managed to log in but an error message comes up on the web interface: Couldn't render template undef error - role table does not have a column called role at /home/kakimoto/projects/esca/MyApp/root/src/books/list.tt2 line 50 This is really weird. I am using the same model files as per the tute

Re: [Catalyst] Need some help with Authorization setup

2009-05-13 Thread kakimoto
Hmm, hard to tell from just looking at the code. It'd probably be easier if you made a TestApp which just contains the code in question (i.e. small enough section to demonstrate your issue) and stuck a .tgz somewhere online (or uploaded the app to github).. Then someone could

Re: [Catalyst] Need some help with Authorization setup

2009-05-12 Thread kakimoto
hi, guys, I have looked at my codes again. I read a lot more and debugged a lot more. I have arrived at the point whereby my catalyst user object doesn't have any value for roles (despite all the values have been set in the database backend). What am I missing? For example, running

Re: [Catalyst] Need some help with Authorization setup

2009-05-12 Thread kakimoto
hello, Kieren, Good evening. Thank you and I shall get on it. K. akimoto Quoting Kieren Diment dim...@gmail.com: Try prodding around your code with the debugger. http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::Debugging ___ List:

Re: [Catalyst] Need some help with Authorization setup

2009-05-12 Thread kakimoto
Quoting Kieren Diment dim...@gmail.com: Try prodding around your code with the debugger. Yep and done that. I could login without a problem just that the 'roles' never get populated. Any ideas to debug? The docs are fine, and I think roles support should work out of the box, but use the

Re: [Catalyst] Installing Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class Breaks Catalyst

2009-05-12 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Collin I have the same configuration and output of the Catalyst config too! My problem is a bit different. I could login but the accounts that have 'admin' roles would never get detected of the 'admin' role. How are you doing with this issue? Guys, please comment. Thank you:) K.

[Catalyst] Need some help with Authorization setup

2009-05-11 Thread kakimoto
hi, guys, I got some concerns about the Autorization modules for Catalyst. What I have checked: 1) Looked at the tutes for Authentication and Authorization:

Re: [Catalyst] How do I set the default view in Catalyst?

2009-05-07 Thread kakimoto
That's exactly right. So you'll be saying: __PACKAGE__-config( default_view = 'TT' ); in MyApp.pm hello, Tom, thank you and have a good day! k. akimoto ___ List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk Listinfo:

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-05-06 Thread kakimoto
hi, all, I found that the problem again. 1) I ran my application with DBIC_TRACE=1 ie DBIC_TRACE=1 myapp_server.pl -d 2) When I clicked on a link which shows me all the subscription listings belonging to an agent, the application loads the page just fine (and quickly) 3) I then moved on to

[Catalyst] How do I set the default view in Catalyst?

2009-05-06 Thread kakimoto
hi guys I been reading up on 1) the tute , http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.7020/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod#CATALYST_VIEWS, 2) http://search.cpan.org/~mramberg/Catalyst-View-TT-0.29/lib/Catalyst/View/TT.pm#CONFIGURATION 3)

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-05-04 Thread kakimoto
Catalyst 5.8 doesn't do this. If you're using 5.8 that's not the problem. hello, Ian, thanks for the reply. I have upgraded my catalyst runtime to version 5.8. I will report to the mailing list if this problem comes up again. So far, I have observed it once (with catalyst runtime

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-05-03 Thread kakimoto
hi Kieren and everyone:) I have sent through my templates in my previous reply. Could I please have some feedback when you are ready? Again, thank you everyone for your help ! :) K. akimoto ___ List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk Listinfo:

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-05-03 Thread kakimoto
Kieren- try running your server under the debugger i.e. script/myapp_server.pl -d and hit control-c where the application stalls to see where in the code it's stalling. Hello, Kieren, Good morning. Strangely I tried it and it seems to be acting right. I will keep your instructions handy and if I

[Catalyst] upgraded to latest catalyst runtime 5.8 and Catalyst::Plugin::Upload::Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed cant be loaded

2009-04-30 Thread kakimoto
hi guys i thought i upgrade my server's catalyst runtime package to the latest one. When I tried running my app, i got this error: Could not load class (Catalyst::Plugin::Upload::Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed) because : You are trying to modify Catalyst::Request::Upload, which has been

Re: [Catalyst] upgraded to latest catalyst runtime 5.8 and Catalyst::Plugin::Upload::Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed cant be loaded

2009-04-30 Thread kakimoto
Any suggestions for a sane(r) approach? As it's a plugin I've used I might be able to find some tuits to experiment with an implementation. Are there many of us using ImageMAgick in their apps? I'm just tempted to use Catalyst::Request and Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed or Image::Resize

Re: [Catalyst] upgraded to latest catalyst runtime 5.8 and Catalyst::Plugin::Upload::Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed cant be loaded

2009-04-30 Thread kakimoto
My method is to have what essentially amounts as a file type dispatcher which takes incoming uploads passed in, then redirects to whatever is the most appropriate model class. Yep, I think I get what you mean. This is such that multiple controllers can make use of the upload method in your

[Catalyst] Similar attribute appears twice despite a single POST (submit) request.

2009-04-29 Thread kakimoto
Hi, everyone, I have come across something interesting. 1) User opens up a page that lists all his/her subscriptions 2) Each subscription is a url and a parameter at the end (ie 'id=3325') 3) User decides to edit one of the subscriptions. He/she clicks on one with an id of 3389 (hence the url

Re: [Catalyst] Similar attribute appears twice despite a single POST (submit) request.

2009-04-29 Thread kakimoto
Akimoto, You really need to read up on HTTP and the difference between Query Parameters and Body Parameters. It will help you write better applications. Hello, J, Good evening. Yes, you're very right and I have been referring to documentation on search.cpan.org especially the catalyst

Re: [Catalyst] Similar attribute appears twice despite a single POST (submit) request.

2009-04-29 Thread kakimoto
This is just a stab in the dark, but I guess your form tag is missing an action attribute and thus resends to the same URI, thus keeping the id query parameter. This is according to specification: nothing in HTTP disallows using GET-Parameters in POST requests IIRC. Cheers, Sebastian

Re: [Catalyst] Can't seem to use forward or detach. Any special requirements?

2009-04-29 Thread kakimoto
Yes. If you detach(), you're basically saying 'do nothing more on this request'. That plus the redirect mean that template processing is not done, as I understand it. This is no doubt dealt with in the action Hi, Ian, The app works fine except that I have set up an eval block within

Re: [Catalyst] Can't seem to use forward or detach. Any special requirements?

2009-04-29 Thread kakimoto
Another thought - what does $c-detach() do / what do you expect it to do? If you aren't detaching _to somewhere_, then why not just return? hello, tom, Good arvo. From what I have read in some of the docs (sorry, I dont have my bookmarks handy), they did mention that after a redirection,

Re: [Catalyst] The Netiquette thread (OT)

2009-04-28 Thread kakimoto
This mailing list is for helping people. If you want to be helped, you'll get more sympathy from the people with the knowledge you need if you follow these guidelines. If you are offering help, I assume you want to aid the community, and driving people away from the mailing list with

Re: [Catalyst] Can't seem to use forward or detach. Any special requirements?

2009-04-27 Thread kakimoto
Hi, everyone, I know that most people here would understand redirect, forward and detach well. Unfortunately, there are people like myself who don't understand it that well and hence, after looking at the CPAN catalyst docs and J.Rockway's book, still fail to find a page that defines these methods

Re: [Catalyst] Can't seem to use forward or detach. Any special requirements?

2009-04-27 Thread kakimoto
hello, J.Shirley, Good morning. Sorry if this post is being replied to at the top of the message in light of not further causing some disastifactions in the mailing list (majority). Firstly, a big thank you for your response and confirmations. Yep, I did try experimenting with my current app

Re: [Catalyst] Can't seem to use forward or detach. Any special requirements?

2009-04-27 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Mr Wells, Good morning and a big thank you for your reply. It was pretty accurate. Last night, I managed to get my problem fixed by using a redirect prior to receiving your reply. Basically, my solution was conceptually on the same lines as the proposed solution which you had given.

Re: [Catalyst] Can't seem to use forward or detach. Any special requirements?

2009-04-26 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Oliver, Good morning. Referring to http://kobesearch.cpan.org/htdocs/Catalyst-Runtime/Catalyst.html#c_gt_detach_class_method_arguments, under $c-detach(), it says that detach is the same as forward, but doesn't return to the previous action when processing is finished. Comments?

[Catalyst] Having trouble even perldoc-ing Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class :(

2009-04-23 Thread kakimoto
in @INC (@INC contains: /home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/script/../lib /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.9/x86_64-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.9 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/x86_64-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9 . /home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/lib/myApp/Schema) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-23 Thread kakimoto
Gah Thanks, moritz.. 2am here and my coffee's runnin' low. haha that's the case i figure. I will give it a go tomorrow. Cheers! Quoting Moritz Onken on...@houseofdesign.de: So it's the model I put the business logic in? That sounds ok, for now. But what about this: * Input

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-23 Thread kakimoto
I took off the 'Authentication::Store::DBIC' from my use Catalyst qw( in myApp.pm. This is such that Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm will not be required. After all, no such thing exists(checked cpan). Strangely, when I run scripts/myApp_server.pl, I got this message:

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-22 Thread kakimoto
Hello. Matt, Good morning. Here's the execution output of the regression test and source code of the regression test. Execution of test - start kakim...@dev-machine:~/projects/myApp/t$ prove -v userSubscriptions.t userSubscriptions.t .. ok 1

Re: [Catalyst] Keep getting checksum mismatch problems each time I regenerate my schema files

2009-04-22 Thread kakimoto
Hi there I think I know why. Because I use the TimeStamp component, I guess I should have executed the command as per the tute (http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.7020/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod) with the 'components=TimeStamp'. command:

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-22 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Peter, I had a look at your ExtJs app via the url given in this email. Basically, the script just makes direct calls to the Model. Business logic is found in the script itself and not the Model . Unfortunately, I still can't see the importance of business logic being placed in the

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-22 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Simon, Your points have good weight for thoughts. In fact, coming from many backgrounds pre-Catalyst and pre-MVC (ie many a times, the templating system ie Mason would do the job of both controller and view incorporating the business logic), I have been able to write regression tests to

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-22 Thread kakimoto
From the Catalyst tutes, I seem to get the impression that pretty much a lot of the business logic is done in the controller. I might be wrong but in http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.7020/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/BasicCRUD.pod#___top (Add a Method to Process Form Values and

Re: [Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-22 Thread kakimoto
Hello Kieren, thank you for the link, http://blog.hide-k.net/archives/2008/10/dbixclassresult_1.php. Please correct me if I am wrong. Say if I have a Schema file, Schema/Subscriptions.pm After the section, DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING ABOVE THIS! , I start declaring functions (not methods).

[Catalyst] how to reuse Catalyst Schema for non-web purposes?

2009-04-21 Thread kakimoto
hi guys, I just looked at my app and found that I need to reuse the Schema files found in my 'Schema' directory. This is because i need to write some batch scripts which will read the data in the databases and output to files in the server. I tried writing a regression test and put in 'use

Re: [Catalyst] upon successful login, how do i get redirect users back to the page they wanted to access previously?

2009-04-18 Thread kakimoto
Hello, everyone! thank you for your recommendations. I have looked at the http://dev.catalystframework.org/wiki/wikicookbook/nextpageredirect link and http://search.cpan.org/~hkclark/Catalyst-Manual-5.7020/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Authentication.pod. Here's an extract, As discussed in the

Re: [Catalyst] upon successful login, how do i get redirect users back to the page they wanted to access previously?

2009-04-18 Thread kakimoto
Hello, everyone! I just implemented the change by storing the value of the path that I wish to access into the session. It works:) Nevertheless, I would still like to find out about your thoughts on flash. Thank you K. akimoto Quoting kakim...@tpg.com.au: Hello, everyone! thank you

Re: [Catalyst] What's the best way to exclude static requests from needing user to log in?

2009-04-18 Thread kakimoto
hi,John, Good arvo. Thanks for the comments. My replies are as per below: Quoting John Romkey rom...@apocalypse.org: On Apr 18, 2009, at 8:06 PM, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: hi, all what's the best way to exclude static requests from needing the user to log in? The best way to

[Catalyst] upon successful login, how do i get redirect users back to the page they wanted to access previously?

2009-04-17 Thread kakimoto
hi, everybody, Take this scenario: a user who has yet to login tries to access a path that is only for logged in users. Assume it is www.lginsurance.com.au/subcriptions/add. Hence, in my index.tt2, upon displaying a message indicating that the current user has yet to log in, I also

Re: [Catalyst] PAR file - can't build it . Prolly documentation is out of date?

2009-04-16 Thread kakimoto
Quoting Tomas Doran bobtf...@bobtfish.net: On 16 Apr 2009, at 06:57, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: Hi there, I refered to http://catalyst.infogami.com/cookbook/par. I can't seem to find the line, catalyst_files();. I don't know what you're talking about - as that phrase

Re: [Catalyst] PAR file - can't build it . Prolly documentation is out of date?

2009-04-16 Thread kakimoto
Tomas, I must have missed the memo about PAR not being recommend. Is there a discussion thread I can read about it? Thank you, James! Yes, I would like to read more about the discussion thread (if it exists). Interesting.. K. akimoto ___

Re: [Catalyst] Keep getting checksum mismatch problems each time I regenerate my schema files

2009-04-16 Thread kakimoto
Hello, John thank you for your response. Quoting John Romkey rom...@apocalypse.org: On Apr 16, 2009, at 12:41 AM, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: I keep getting a checksum mismatch problems each time I regenerate my schema files. What's the most common fault and solution? I really

RE: [Catalyst] Catalyst-Ajax-Mochikit - followed tute but am stuck. Cannot show values in view(webpage)

2009-04-15 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Ali, Thank you very much for coming back to this post. At the moment, I have just used a simple div id=price/ tag and it works great. Once I do more work on AJAX, I will put your suggestions in. K . akimoto Quoting Mesdaq, Ali ames...@websense.com: Hello, I am the one who wrote

[Catalyst] Keep getting checksum mismatch problems each time I regenerate my schema files

2009-04-15 Thread kakimoto
Hello all, I keep getting a checksum mismatch problems each time I regenerate my schema files. What's the most common fault and solution? I really don't know why.. For reference, my command was: script/myapp_create.pl model myAppDB DBIC::Schema gozila::Schema create=static

Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst-Ajax-Mochikit - followed tute but am stuck. Cannot show values in view(webpage)

2009-04-13 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Matthew, Thank you for your reply. No there was no mistake. It was just that I was trying to make it work by trying to put the value of price into the span element and the dynamic html table generation (as per the tute). 1) span element - uses p_txt = P({'style':'display:none'},

Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst-Ajax-Mochikit - followed tute but am stuck. Cannot show values in view(webpage)

2009-04-13 Thread kakimoto
hello, Peter, Good evening. Thank you for the response. Yeah, log(resp.data.price); prints out the value which I was expecting. Hence, I was expecting the line, p_txt = P({'style':'display:none'}, resp.data.price); to have worked. alas, your recommendation of p_txt =

Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst-Ajax-Mochikit - followed tute but am stuck. Cannot show values in view(webpage)

2009-04-13 Thread kakimoto
hello, Gordon :) thank you for your response :) i have tried what you recommended me and yes, it works just fine. thank you, everybody! K. akimoto Quoting Gordon Yeong anexi...@gmail.com: hmmm Haven't done much mochikit but if you're wantign to just update a single element,

[Catalyst] Catalyst-Ajax-Mochikit - followed tute but am stuck. Cannot show values in view(webpage)

2009-04-12 Thread kakimoto
hi everybody :) Referring to http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2008/24, I have made a small change to my app and tried developing it with AJAX. What's successful: = *) managed to make a call to my controller - i put in a $c-log-debug( ... ) statement and saw that come

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-04-11 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Kieren, Good morning. Thank you for your help. I have the templates below. My apologies if it is too long but I really need some pointers here. The main file, home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/root/src/index.tt2 decides if we show the general static content if the user is not logged

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-04-09 Thread kakimoto
hello , everyone :) good morning. Happy eAster! any more ideas? thank you Quoting kakim...@tpg.com.au: Hello, Kieren, thank you for your feedback. 1) CGI Template Toolkit plugin - not using it I do not think that I am using the CGI Template Toolkit plugin. I have only been

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-04-08 Thread kakimoto
hello good morning. The page which I access at first doesn't require any database request. It's just pretty much a page that's generated by template toolkit and that's it. On the terminal which I am running the myapp_server.pl script, it seems to stall and not do anything when i put in another

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-04-08 Thread kakimoto
Hello, Kieren, thank you for your feedback. 1) CGI Template Toolkit plugin - not using it I do not think that I am using the CGI Template Toolkit plugin. I have only been using Template Toolkit as prescribed in the Catalyst tutorials. in my file, /myAppl/lib/myApp/View/HTML.pm, I have the

[Catalyst] Issue with Catalyst:Can't locate object method get_user via package Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC

2009-04-07 Thread kakimoto
with Catalyst:Can't locate object method get_user via package Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC * Next message: [Catalyst] uri_for() doesn't encode to utf8 first argument * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] On 15 May 2008, at 08:08, kakimoto at tpg.com.au wrote

[Catalyst] Custom constraint subroutines no getting form value using Catalyst::Plugin::FormValidator

2009-04-02 Thread kakimoto
value in numeric ge (=) at /home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/t/../lib/myApp/Controller/Shared.pm line 100. Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /home/kakimoto/projects/myApp/t/../lib/myApp/Controller/Shared.pm line 106. Use of uninitialized value in numeric ge (=) at /home/kakimoto

Re: [Catalyst] How to detect if the current form request is a post?

2009-04-01 Thread kakimoto
Read my response. I said 1) POST is the prefered method 2) using GET for a content sensitive site like an online banking site is bad. I m sure you would not want to have people book marking your session ID , or worst, the user credentials used to login and access certain pages which are private

Re: [Catalyst] How to detect if the current form request is a post?

2009-04-01 Thread kakimoto
fromDavid Dorward da...@dorward.me.uk kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: Read my response. I said 1) POST is the prefered method Not according to the standard. Everything has its place. -- True . That's why I used the word, prefered and not compulsory LOL 2) using GET for a

Re: [Catalyst] How to detect if the current form request is a post?

2009-04-01 Thread kakimoto
Quoting Octavian Rasnita orasn...@gmail.com: From: kakim...@tpg.com.au -- So, tell me, would you like to allow people to bookmark transaction ID numbers or attributes which are not permanent (ie will last until a transaction is done)? Yes. If the users want to do that, it is very good

Re: [Catalyst] Re: How to detect if the current form request is a post?

2009-04-01 Thread kakimoto
Interesting. I will give it some more thought. Thanks :) Quoting kevin montuori montu...@gmail.com: DD == David Dorward da...@dorward.me.uk writes: DD Limiting the side effects of laziness and bad practices with other bad DD practices ... well, that's an interesting argument, I'll give

[Catalyst] How to detect if the current form request is a post?

2009-03-31 Thread kakimoto
hi all In Ruby we can detect if the current form's request is a post or not. def controller_action if request.post? # Process post data as the user has submitted the form. else # Display form end end Looking at Catalyst::Request

Re: [Catalyst] How to detect if the current form request is a post?

2009-03-31 Thread kakimoto
Thank you:) Yep, and I am aware of GET as a form request method and yes, i hate it. haha K. akimoto Quoting J. Shirley jshir...@gmail.com: On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:01 PM, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: hi all In Ruby we can detect if the current form's request is a post or not.

Re: [Catalyst] Application stallling problem

2009-03-25 Thread kakimoto
sorry, guys, some bad character encodings from my mail client. Here's the mail again: hi guys, i have this issue when i click on any url of my site more than once (ie double clicking). When i click more than once, the site stalls and nothing loads (even if it's just a light weight static page

Re: [Catalyst] Getting strange warning each time a request is made to myApp

2009-03-14 Thread kakimoto
hi there Definitely not. What I don't understand is that this error has not surfaced until recently. Really strange. Any idea where to trace? Quoting Greg Matheson drb...@freeshell.org: On Sat, 14 Mar 2009, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote: - extract START --- [warn] Used

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