Re: [Catalyst] Testing View

2008-04-19 Thread Jonathan Rockway
* On Sat, Apr 19 2008, Yao Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks Matt. Now i know i have used wrong way to call a method in the 
> controller.
> However ,the reason i use $c->prepare is for unit testing. I have seen
> Catalyst::Test and Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst, i think they are
> the testing tools for application, not for unit testing. When i do the
> unit testing, i need to pass $c and some other params to the methods.
> So can anybody tell me how to create this kind of $c for testing only
> ?

If you want to do what you described in your previous message, you need
to take a different approach.

I recommend something like this:

  use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp';

  my $template;
  my $old_process = \&YourApp::View::Whatever::process;
  *YourApp::View::Whatever::process = sub {
 my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;
 $template = $c->stash->{template};
 $self->$old_process($c, @args);
  is $template, '';

You really want to keep this kind of testing to a minimum.  The Catalyst
part of your application should be simple enough to not require
intensive testing.

Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst (and friends) is mostly good for a quick
sanity check.  The important parts of your application should reside in
easily-testable classes, and Catalyst should just be a few lines of code
to make the those classes available to web users.

Jonathan Rockway

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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Re: [Catalyst] Unit Testing

2008-04-19 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Sat, 19 Apr 2008, John Romkey wrote:

I suspect that most Catalyst users build their applications so that the 
controllers do too much work. I certainly did, and I'm gradually rewriting 
mine to move most of the work into the model. Where before my controllers

A good way to approach a webapp is to think of the Controller as a thin 
shim between the the web/HTTP environment and your model.

The controller code should handle web/HTTP-specific things like URIs, form 
submissions, etc. and translate that into API calls on model classes. It 
also might handle something like authentication, since the way you 
authenticate a user via the web is different than how you'd do it via the 
command line.

Besides the testability benefits, another benefit is that it makes it easy 
to reuse this business logic in things like cron jobs, daemons, and 
command line driven code. Invariably, any app of a certain size will need 
this flexibility.

Of course, the ultimate benefit is that it's the only sane way to write an 
application ;)


Your guide to all that's veg

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Re: [Catalyst] Unit Testing

2008-04-19 Thread John Romkey

On Apr 19, 2008, at 10:51 PM, Yao Wang wrote:

Hi Everybody,

Recently, i am looking for some modules for unit testing. I have  
seen Catalyst::Test, Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst etc, i think  
they are the testing tools for application, not for unit testing.  
When i do the unit testing, i need to pass $c and some other params  
to the methods right ? But how can i create $c for testing ?

So can anybody tell me how to create this kind of $c ?


Here's what I'd suggest:

Structure your application so that all the real work is done in a set  
of modules which Catalyst then calls to do the work. Use Catalyst as a  
wrapper to interface your application to the web. Catalyst documents  
refer to this as the "business logic" of your application. The  
application itself will have no dependencies on Catalyst and can be  
tested independently of it. The application wrapped in Catalyst can be  
tested using the testing tools you mentioned above.

I suspect that most Catalyst users build their applications so that  
the controllers do too much work. I certainly did, and I'm gradually  
rewriting mine to move most of the work into the model. Where before  
my controllers would interact directly with the database, now they ask  
the model to do it for them. The model is now the heart of the  
application; it does all the work and Catalyst only glues it to the  
web. You could discard Catalyst and build a command-line interface  
using the same model, or build some other kind of interface and not  
have to change the model at all.

Suppose you need to be able to create a user account for your web  
site. You probably want to do a variety of tests on the account  
information... does an account already exist with that email address?  
Is the password strong or weak? Does the account name use any  
prohibited words in it? And if the account is acceptable you need to  
write at least one record, possibly more, into a database.

The way I originally wrote my controller, the controller itself did  
all that itself. The way I've rewritten it, my business logic model  
does it for me. The controller has an action in it which handles the  
account creation request. That action gathers the necessary  
information from the request, performs any web-related validation on  
it (at least making sure all the needed parameters are there) and then  
calls the model to create the account. If there's an error, it reports  
the error back to the user.

Now if you want a command-line utility to create an account, you just  
write a Perl script which gets its arguments from the command-line and  
calls the same business logic.

Then you can write unit tests that completely bypass Catalyst and call  
the business logic to confirm that it properly creates an account, or  
properly rejects an account with a bad password or unacceptable word  
in its name. And you can write Catalyst tests to confirm that Catalyst  
correctly maps web actions into the business logic.

This is all a bit more work than might seem necessary at first, but if  
your application evolves at all you'll probably find that modularizing  
it in this manner really helps make it more understandable and  
maintainable in the long term, as well as making it more testable.

- john romkey

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Re: [Catalyst] Unit Testing

2008-04-19 Thread Peter Fitzgibbons
HI Yao,

I solved this by reverse-engineering the context with a debug session
In short, $c is an instance of MyApp.  You may have to manually instantiate
some of the internal hashes, etc for the needs of the test target.  I'll
assume that if you're truly unit-testing, you'll be mocking the other
externals of your controller.

Hope that helps.

Peter Fitzgibbons
iPhone -- "IT"-ness.
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[Catalyst] Unit Testing

2008-04-19 Thread Yao Wang
Hi Everybody,

Recently, i am looking for some modules for unit testing. I have seen 
Catalyst::Test, Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst etc, i think they are the 
testing tools for application, not for unit testing. When i do the unit 
testing, i need to pass $c and some other params to the methods right ? But how 
can i create $c for testing ?
So can anybody tell me how to create this kind of $c ?


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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst::Log::Log4perl autoflush

2008-04-19 Thread David Wright

 It seems that 'autoflush' doesn't mean what it usually does in
Catalyst::Log::Log4perl. It usually means that a write should happen
immediately, and not be buffered.

 That isn't the behaviour in Catalyst::Log::Log4perl, either when set using
the log4perl conf, or when using the option to new(). The option to new()
disables 'abort', which I think is a misunderstanding. The logging functions
always simply push to the log4perlstack, which is only flushed after the
request has been mostly handled.

 In order to get autoflush working as expected, I have had to create a
 derived class and override _log():

 sub _log {
 my $self = shift;
 $self->_flush if scalar(caller(1)) =~ /^MyApp(::|$)/;

 perl -v: v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
 uname -a: Linux PC-5023452 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 04:59:50
 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 Catalyst::Log::Log4perl version: 1.0

 I've raised a bug in RT for this:


Could you throw a test case in with this (either on the RT bug or in
this mail) and I'll get a patch put in place?

Hello Jay,

Which of the autoflushes should I test against: the parameter to 
new(), or the option in a log4perl configuration file?

Do you (or others) agree that the autoflush option to new() is a misnomer? 
If not, wouldn't my test simply prove that the code doesn't do what it 
doesn't say it does?


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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst::Controller::SOAP + Pod::WSDL?

2008-04-19 Thread Drew Taylor
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Ian Sillitoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just getting started on implementing SOAP services in my Catalyst
>  app so I figured I would try and make sure I'm using the best tools
>  before I start coding.
>  Catalyst::Controller::SOAP looks perfect as I'm not doing anything too
>  complicated yet, really just exposing data via SOAP.

C::C::SOAP++. That combined with pre-built schemas allowed me to get
into the difficult (and mostly fun) bits of actually implementing the
SOAP calls very quickly. Also Ruoso++ for his awesome work in the
recent releases to automate working WSDL.

>  However, I was
>  also looking to automate the process of generating (and more
>  importantly, maintaining) the WSDL file describing those services. It
>  looks like Pod::WSDL does a good job of this, so I was wondering
>  whether anyone was already working on getting Pod::WSDL to generate
>  the WSDL file directly from the docs in the Controller at startup?

I briefly looked at Pod::WSDL, but ended up not needing to because of
my prebuilt schemas. Once you have schemas, the WSDL becomes pretty
straightforward. That said, I'd be very interested to hear from anyone
who had to generate their own WSDL/schemas too.


 Drew Taylor * Web development & consulting
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Site implementation & hosting
 Web : * perl/mod_perl/DBI/mysql/postgres

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst::Log::Log4perl autoflush

2008-04-19 Thread J. Shirley
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 8:01 AM, David Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  It seems that 'autoflush' doesn't mean what it usually does in
> Catalyst::Log::Log4perl. It usually means that a write should happen
> immediately, and not be buffered.
>  That isn't the behaviour in Catalyst::Log::Log4perl, either when set using
> the log4perl conf, or when using the option to new(). The option to new()
> disables 'abort', which I think is a misunderstanding. The logging functions
> always simply push to the log4perlstack, which is only flushed after the
> request has been mostly handled.
>  In order to get autoflush working as expected, I have had to create a
>  derived class and override _log():
>  sub _log {
>  my $self = shift;
>  $self->SUPER::_log(@_);
>  $self->_flush if scalar(caller(1)) =~ /^MyApp(::|$)/;
>  }
>  perl -v: v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
>  uname -a: Linux PC-5023452 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 04:59:50
>  UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
>  Catalyst::Log::Log4perl version: 1.0
>  I've raised a bug in RT for this:
>  Thanks,
>  David Wright


Could you throw a test case in with this (either on the RT bug or in
this mail) and I'll get a patch put in place?


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Re: [Catalyst] Sending email safely with Catalyst

2008-04-19 Thread Matt S Trout
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 01:31:37PM -0700, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  But you're writing a new catalyst app, so you're deploying it under 
> > fastcgi,
> >  right?
> >
> >  Really, mod_perl is a legacy deployment option. Don't.
> ...
> >
> Your blog is powered by Catalyst running under mod_perl 1.x. Seriously...

Thus proving that people who've spent many years wrangling mod_perl 1 can
make it run very impressively.

I've spent a couple years with MP1 and while I doubt I'm as good as you
guys are with it I can make it behave quite well enough for any purpose I've
ever needed to.

And yet I still deploy everything on FastCGI now, because it's an order
of magnitude less fucking about. Draw your own conclusions.

  Matt S Trout   Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
   Technical Director
 Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  Want a managed development or deployment platform?

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Re: [Catalyst] Why does $c->stats require -Debug flag?

2008-04-19 Thread Cory Watson
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Jon Schutz

> I apologise to anyone who was inconvenienced by this change.  I've
> written a guide to upgrading for anyone who was using the Tree::Simple
> object directly:

I've updated my post to point to yours, so that people see the correct way
to do things.

> Nevertheless I stand by my comment that anyone who digs through the
> source code to find an internal object or function and then chooses to
> use that in external code does so at their own risk.  Furthermore I
> suggest that anyone who is savvy enough to get into the code, understand
> it, and chooses to use an internal object/function, is aware of the risk
> and is more than capable of adapting their own code should an internal
> object/function change.

I'll assume you are talking about me, since I was the one who posted the use
of the method.  I don't recall the circumstances, but I don't remember there
being any particular red flags in the vicinity.  It was merely a method that
returned a Tree::Simple object.  It's entirely possible I ignored any
warnings. :)

> How would one define backwards compatibility in this case? That $c-
>stats must return a Tree::Simple object with all of the same user-
> defined fields as before?  The logical extension of this argument says
> that on any minor release, the internal representation of *any* stored
> data or the signature of *any* internal function or method may not
> change, which surely is too restrictive on developers.

When we added the Statistics code to DBIx::Class we went to great pain to
make the implementation behave exactly as it did before if the user didn't
change anything.  It was a severe pain in the ass. :)

That being said, the internal code could've been changed beyond all
recognition, so long as calling $c->stats() returned the same object as
before.  This has nothing to do with the internal representation of the
stats, only the way you choose to return it.

5.7012 has been out since December 2007.  It seems to me a case of
> closing the gate after the horse has bolted. I don't hear an angry mob
> out there complaining.  Perhaps as a result of this being raised the
> angry mob will come knocking; that being the case, I'll be happy to
> revisit the code.  As it stands I'm unconvinced of the need for backward
> compatibility in this case, both of the principle (of preserving
> unpublished undocumented undefined interfaces) and the level of popular
> demand.

It broke my code also.  I just fixed it and went back to work. :)
I agree with your assertion that the horse has already bolted, but I think
you are missing the point of Matt's comments.  Maintaining compatibility in
these situations is a PITA, but it's what separates the good projects from
the bad ones.

Cory 'G' Watson
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Re: Re: [Catalyst] Testing View

2008-04-19 Thread Yao Wang

Thanks Matt. Now i know i have used wrong way to call a method in the 

However ,the reason i use $c->prepare is for unit testing. I have seen  
Catalyst::Test and Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst, i think they are the testing 
tools for application, not for unit testing. When i do the unit testing, i need 
to pass $c and some other params to the methods.
So can anybody tell me how to create this kind of $c for testing only ?


-Original Message-
From: Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: The elegant MVC web framework 
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 20:11:22 +0100
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Testing View

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 02:56:49PM +1000, Yao Wang wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I have just started working on a project using Catalyst. I am trying my hand 
> at testing and got the following issue :(
> I have created the following test file:
> my $c = MyApp -> prepare();
> MyApp::Controller::MyController::MyAction(undef, $c);
> ok($c->stash->{template} eq $expected_template_name, "comparing template 
> returned");
> Now, all seemed to work fine till i realized that its better to explicitly
> forward $c to MyApp::View::TT rather than doing in the end method. But after 
> adding this line to my controller action i got this error:
> "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Catalyst/ line 186."
> I guess this is happening because $c->stash->template does not exist anymore?
> Any way to get around this problem.

use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp';
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'MyApp';

You can't just call ->prepare with no engine, bypass the entire dispatch
setup and then expect the dispatcher to work.

Also, a controller is an object. Calling methods as subroutines is
-just- -wrong-.

  Matt S Trout   Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
   Technical Director
 Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  Want a managed development or deployment platform?

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[Catalyst] Catalyst::Log::Log4perl autoflush

2008-04-19 Thread David Wright


It seems that 'autoflush' doesn't mean what it usually does in 
Catalyst::Log::Log4perl. It usually means that a write should happen 
immediately, and not be buffered.

That isn't the behaviour in Catalyst::Log::Log4perl, either when set 
using the log4perl conf, or when using the option to new(). The option 
to new() disables 'abort', which I think is a misunderstanding. The 
logging functions always simply push to the log4perlstack, which is only 
flushed after the request has been mostly handled.

In order to get autoflush working as expected, I have had to create a
derived class and override _log():

sub _log {
my $self = shift;
$self->_flush if scalar(caller(1)) =~ /^MyApp(::|$)/;

perl -v: v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
uname -a: Linux PC-5023452 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 04:59:50
UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
Catalyst::Log::Log4perl version: 1.0

I've raised a bug in RT for this:

David Wright

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Re: [Catalyst] Why does $c->stats require -Debug flag?

2008-04-19 Thread Jon Schutz
On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 19:54 +0100, Matt S Trout wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 08:37:49PM +0930, Jon Schutz wrote:
> > Prior to 5.7012, $c->stats was an internal object (in so far as it was
> > not documented as part of the API) so anyone manipulating it directly
> > does so at their own risk.
> This one user who was kind enough to report it to the list will by far not
> be the only one with this problem.
> Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest was also hit by this.
> Never, ever assume that 'undocumented' means 'I can break compat any time
> I like'. This works in theory, and in theory, theory is the same as practice,
> but ...

I apologise to anyone who was inconvenienced by this change.  I've
written a guide to upgrading for anyone who was using the Tree::Simple
object directly:

Nevertheless I stand by my comment that anyone who digs through the
source code to find an internal object or function and then chooses to
use that in external code does so at their own risk.  Furthermore I
suggest that anyone who is savvy enough to get into the code, understand
it, and chooses to use an internal object/function, is aware of the risk
and is more than capable of adapting their own code should an internal
object/function change.

> > Catalyst::Stats was introduced to define an
> > interface for the stats object so that one could safely override the
> > default implementation if they wished; the default implementation also
> > introduced profiling methods that were not there before.
> You need to consider your failure to maintain backwards compatibility a bug
> and fix it. I said this at the time but apparently you didn't get round to
> fixing the Catalyst::Stats patch. Please do so as soon as you get time;
> Catalyst::Stats' API is a great leap forward but not at the cost of
> previously running code (although I think perhaps the compat code -should-
> warn that you're using an API you shouldn't have been and that it'll go
> away in the future).

How would one define backwards compatibility in this case? That $c-
>stats must return a Tree::Simple object with all of the same user-
defined fields as before?  The logical extension of this argument says
that on any minor release, the internal representation of *any* stored
data or the signature of *any* internal function or method may not
change, which surely is too restrictive on developers.

5.7012 has been out since December 2007.  It seems to me a case of
closing the gate after the horse has bolted. I don't hear an angry mob
out there complaining.  Perhaps as a result of this being raised the
angry mob will come knocking; that being the case, I'll be happy to
revisit the code.  As it stands I'm unconvinced of the need for backward
compatibility in this case, both of the principle (of preserving
unpublished undocumented undefined interfaces) and the level of popular


Jon SchutzMy tech notes
Chief Technology Officer

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Re: [Catalyst] Sending email safely with Catalyst

2008-04-19 Thread Michele Beltrame
Hi Tatsuhiko!

> I'm assuming what he says is Don't use mod_perl because it's old, and
> use FastCGI instead.

mod_perl isn't really old, as it still enjoys active development (version
2.04 was released just a couple of days ago). So, I presume there are
other arguments against it, even though I don't know much about it: I
use FastCGI myself.


Michele Beltrame

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