[cayugabirds-l] American Golden Plovers

2009-09-18 Thread judykeil*bobmcguire
Thanks Mark and Jay for posting after my phone calls. There were in total 7 AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVERS in the newly-harvested potato fields along Rt 31 in the Mucklands. Five of them were adults in various stages of molt and two were freshly-minted juveniles. They were between 100 and 200 feet

[cayugabirds-l] Long-eared Owl

2009-09-15 Thread judykeil*bobmcguire
During Bill Evans' event on Mt Pleasant Saturday night I recorded a faint and distant series of four hoots that sounded and looked like Long-eared Owl. Then last night and again tonight I recorded several series of bill-clackings in the same area. At this point I feel secure in confirming the

Wilson's Phalarope, poss LB Dowitcher at Montezuma

2009-08-11 Thread judykeil*bobmcguire
I was shown LaRue's report from this morning noting 2 WILSON'S PHALAROPES at May's Point Pool. In spite of an hour's careful scoping by Dave Nicosia and myself, we were unable to relocate the birds this afternoon. If they have moved on, perhaps their next stop is the red lighthouse jetty. We

Myers, Stewart Park Thursday am

2009-08-06 Thread judykeil*bobmcguire
There were three Spotted Sandpipers on the spit at Myers at 5:30 am this morning. No other shorebirds. Also four Belted Kingfishers and numerous Barn, Tree, Bank, and rough-winged swallows. No Martins. There was a single Lesser Yellowlegs as well as two spotted Sandpipers along the beach at