Re: [cayugabirds-l] Quick & dirty summary of Ithaca bird count 1 Jan 2018

2018-01-02 Thread Dave Nutter
I see I omitted 111 American Coots, which brings my total to 101 species. 
And already Nancy Cusumano has let me know that the Common Loon was seen by 
her, Scott Sutcliffe (& others?) at the Ithaca Yacht Club in Ulysses. Thanks 
for help.

- - Dave Nutter

> On Jan 2, 2018, at 9:09 AM, Dave Nutter  wrote:
> The species below were reported for the Ithaca “Christmas” Bird Count on 1 
> Jan 2018. For ease in tallying the number of species they are in groups of 
> five species at a time here. 
> * new high count
> ** new to the Ithaca CBC
> Species found by a single party in a single place are so credited. I’m still 
> working on this, so please correct me where info is wrong and inform me where 
> info is missing.
> 12 Snow Goose 
> 1 Cackling Goose (Ken Rosenberg, East Shore Park, Ithaca)
> 5784 Canada Goose
> * 7 Mute Swan (Jessie Barry & Chris Wood, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> 12 Tundra Swan
> 7 Gadwall 
> 2 American Wigeon
> 18 American Black Duck
> 635 Mallard
> 3 Northern Pintail (Kevin McGowan, Ladoga, Lansing)
> 2 Green-winged Teal (Kevin McGowan, Ladoga, Lansing)
> 57 Canvasback
> * 16,401 Redhead
> * 250 Ring-necked Duck
> ** 1 Tufted Duck (Stuart Krasnoff, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
> 9 Greater Scaup (may be revised: Jessie Barry & Chris Wood saw 30 at Stewart 
> Park, Ithaca)
> * 501 Lesser Scaup
> 1 Surf Scoter (by Kevin McGowan & Stephanie Herrick, East Shore Park, Ithaca)
> * 7 White-winged Scoter
> * 47 Long-tailed Duck
> 5 Bufflehead
> * 204 Common Goldeneye
> 2 Hooded Merganser (by Stuart Krasnoff, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
> * 216 Common Merganser
> *21 Red-breasted Merganser
> 2 Ruddy Duck (may be revised: Ann Mitchell saw 4, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
> 1 Ruffed Grouse (by John Fitzpatrick along Cascadilla Cr, Caroline/Dryden)
> 65 Wild Turkey
> 1 Red-throated Loon (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> 1 Common Loon (by whom where in area 7 on west side of lake?)
> 4 Horned Grebe
> 1 Double-crested Cormorant (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, 
> Ithaca)
> 2 Great Blue Heron
> ** 3 Black Vulture (Anne Clark at roost north of Dryden Rd west of Forest 
> Home Dr, Varna, Dryden)
> 26 Turkey Vulture
> 3 Northern Harrier
> 6 Sharp-shinned Hawk
> 18 Cooper’s Hawk
> * 14 Bald Eagle
> 114 Red-tailed Hawk
> 1 Rough-legged Hawk (Bill Evans, Sandbank Rd, Ithaca)
> 216 Ring-billed Gull
> 1006 Herring Gull
> 2 Iceland Gull (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Allan Treman State 
> Park, Ithaca)
> 140 Great Black-backed Gull
> 737 Rock Pigeon
> 723 Mourning Dove
> 30 Eastern Screech-Owl
> 6 Great Horned Owl
> 1 Barred Owl (John Fitzpatrick along Cascadilla Cr, Caroline/Dryden)
> 1 Northern Saw-whet Owl (Ann Mitchell, Caswell Rd, Dryden)
> 1 Belted Kingfisher (Marie Read near Mt Pleasant, Dryden)
> 1 Red-headed Woodpecker (Tom Schulenberg in Palmer Woods, Cayuga Hts, Cornell 
> U, Ithaca)
> 219 Red-bellied Woodpecker
> 5 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
> 357 Downy Woodpecker
> 162 Hairy Woodpecker
> 12 Northern Flicker
> 28 Pileated Woodpecker
> 2 American Kestrel
> 2 Peregrine Falcon
> 1032 Blue Jay
> 1686 American Crow
> 2 Fish Crow (Paul Rodewald near NYS-13 & Third Street, Ithaca; may be 
> revised: Kevin McGowan reported 3 on Washington Street, Ithaca)
> 22 Common Raven
> 91 Horned Lark
> 1516 Black-capped Chickadee
> 312 Tufted Titmouse
> 10 Red-breasted Nuthatch
> 272 White-breasted Nuthatch
> 19 Brown Creeper
> 2 Winter Wren
> 34 Carolina Wren
> 32 Golden-crowned Kinglet
> 74 Eastern Bluebird
> 1 Hermit Thrush (Larry Hymes, East Ithaca Recreationway, Ithaca)
> 14 American Robin
> 14 Northern Mockingbird
> 2345 European Starling
> 68 Cedar Waxwing
> 882 Snow Bunting
> 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler
> 345 American Tree Sparrow
> * 1514 Dark-eyed Junco
> * 9 White-crowned Sparrow
> 213 White-throated Sparrow
> 1 Savannah Sparrow (Kevin McGowan, Blackchin Dr, Lansing)
> 67 Song Sparrow
> 7 Swamp Sparrow
> 1 Eastern Towhee (Steve Kress, Snyder Hill Rd, Caroline)
> 402 Northern Cardinal
> 12 Red-winged Blackbird (Sarah Wagner, Sapsucker Woods, Lansing/Dryden/Ithaca)
> 2 Rusty Blackbird (Tracy McLellan, Lansing Center Trail, Lansing)
> 3 Brown-headed Cowbird 
> House Finch (number not final at tally)
> 22 Purple Finch
> ** European Goldfinch (Bob McGuire, Whitted Rd, Dryden)
> 459 American Goldfinch
> 449 House Sparrow
> 100 species found on count day.
> 2 more species found during start of count week (Dec 29, 30, & 31):
> Pied-billed Grebe
> Common Grackle
> Species missed on the count, but found previous years and seem plausible. 
> Please especially report these species if they are found in the count circle 
> during the rest of Count Week (Jan 2, 3, or 4):
> Greater White-fronted Goose (6 were at Stewart Park on 24 Dec)
> Ross’s Goose (5 were at Stewart Park on 24 Dec)
> Brant
> Wood Duck
> Northern Shoveler
> Black Scoter
> Ring-necked Pheasant (n

Re: [cayugabirds-l] Quick & dirty summary of Ithaca bird count 1 Jan 2018

2018-01-02 Thread Nancy Cusumano
HI Dave,

Scott Sutcliffe, myself and our group saw an immature common loon from the
yacht club, pretty close in and quite verifiable by the whole group.

thanks for checking


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On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 9:09 AM, Dave Nutter  wrote:

> The species below were reported for the Ithaca “Christmas” Bird Count on 1
> Jan 2018. For ease in tallying the number of species they are in groups of
> five species at a time here.
> * new high count
> ** new to the Ithaca CBC
> Species found by a single party in a single place are so credited. I’m
> still working on this, so please correct me where info is wrong and inform
> me where info is missing.
> 12 Snow Goose
> 1 Cackling Goose (Ken Rosenberg, East Shore Park, Ithaca)
> 5784 Canada Goose
> * 7 Mute Swan (Jessie Barry & Chris Wood, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> 12
> Tundra Swan
> 7 Gadwall
> 2 American Wigeon
> 18 American Black Duck
> 635 Mallard
> 3 Northern Pintail (Kevin McGowan, Ladoga, Lansing)
> 2 Green-winged Teal (Kevin McGowan, Ladoga, Lansing)
> 57 Canvasback
> * 16,401 Redhead
> * 250 Ring-necked Duck
> ** 1 Tufted Duck (Stuart Krasnoff, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
> 9 Greater Scaup (may be revised: Jessie Barry & Chris Wood saw 30 at
> Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> * 501 Lesser Scaup
> 1 Surf Scoter (by Kevin McGowan & Stephanie Herrick, East Shore Park,
> Ithaca)
> * 7 White-winged Scoter
> * 47 Long-tailed Duck
> 5 Bufflehead
> * 204 Common Goldeneye
> 2 Hooded Merganser (by Stuart Krasnoff, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
> * 216 Common Merganser
> *21 Red-breasted Merganser
> 2 Ruddy Duck (may be revised: Ann Mitchell saw 4, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
> 1 Ruffed Grouse (by John Fitzpatrick along Cascadilla Cr, Caroline/Dryden)
> 65 Wild Turkey
> 1 Red-throated Loon (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> 1 Common Loon (by whom where in area 7 on west side of lake?)
> 4 Horned Grebe
> 1 Double-crested Cormorant (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park,
> Ithaca)
> 2 Great Blue Heron
> ** 3 Black Vulture (Anne Clark at roost north of Dryden Rd west of Forest
> Home Dr, Varna, Dryden)
> 26 Turkey Vulture
> 3 Northern Harrier
> 6 Sharp-shinned Hawk
> 18 Cooper’s Hawk
> * 14 Bald Eagle
> 114 Red-tailed Hawk
> 1 Rough-legged Hawk (Bill Evans, Sandbank Rd, Ithaca)
> 216 Ring-billed Gull
> 1006 Herring Gull
> 2 Iceland Gull (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
> 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Allan Treman
> State Park, Ithaca)
> 140 Great Black-backed Gull
> 737 Rock Pigeon
> 723 Mourning Dove
> 30 Eastern Screech-Owl
> 6 Great Horned Owl
> 1 Barred Owl (John Fitzpatrick along Cascadilla Cr, Caroline/Dryden)
> 1 Northern Saw-whet Owl (Ann Mitchell, Caswell Rd, Dryden)
> 1 Belted Kingfisher (Marie Read near Mt Pleasant, Dryden)
> 1 Red-headed Woodpecker (Tom Schulenberg in Palmer Woods, Cayuga Hts,
> Cornell U, Ithaca)
> 219 Red-bellied Woodpecker
> 5 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
> 357 Downy Woodpecker
> 162 Hairy Woodpecker
> 12 Northern Flicker
> 28 Pileated Woodpecker
> 2 American Kestrel
> 2 Peregrine Falcon
> 1032 Blue Jay
> 1686 American Crow
> 2 Fish Crow (Paul Rodewald near NYS-13 & Third Street, Ithaca; may be
> revised: Kevin McGowan reported 3 on Washington Street, Ithaca)
> 22 Common Raven
> 91 Horned Lark
> 1516 Black-capped Chickadee
> 312 Tufted Titmouse
> 10 Red-breasted Nuthatch
> 272 White-breasted Nuthatch
> 19 Brown Creeper
> 2 Winter Wren
> 34 Carolina Wren
> 32 Golden-crowned Kinglet
> 74 Eastern Bluebird
> 1 Hermit Thrush (Larry Hymes, East Ithaca Recreationway, Ithaca)
> 14 American Robin
> 14 Northern Mockingbird
> 2345 European Starling
> 68 Cedar Waxwing
> 882 Snow Bunting
> 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler
> 345 American Tree Sparrow
> * 1514 Dark-eyed Junco
> * 9 White-crowned Sparrow
> 213 White-throated Sparrow
> 1 Savannah Sparrow (Kevin McGowan, Blackchin Dr, Lansing)
> 67 Song Sparrow
> 7 Swamp Sparrow
> 1 Eastern Towhee (Steve Kress, Snyder Hill Rd, Caroline)
> 402 Northern Cardinal
> 12 Red-winged Blackbird (Sarah Wagner, Sapsucker Woods,
> Lansing/Dryden/Ithaca)
> 2 Rusty Blackbird (Tracy McLellan, Lansing Center Trail, Lansing)
> 3 Brown-headed Cowbird
> House Finch (number not final at tally)
> 22 Purple Finch
> ** European Goldfinch (Bob McGuire, Whitted Rd, Dryden)
> 459 American Goldfinch
> 449 House Sparrow
> 100 species found on count day.
> 2 more species found during start of count week (Dec 29, 30, & 31):
> Pied-billed Grebe
> Common Grackle
> Species missed on the count, but found previous years and seem plausible.
> Please especially report these species if they are found in the count
> circle during the rest of Count Week (Jan 2, 3, or 4):
> Greater White-fronted Goose (6 were at Stewart Park 

[cayugabirds-l] Quick & dirty summary of Ithaca bird count 1 Jan 2018

2018-01-02 Thread Dave Nutter
The species below were reported for the Ithaca “Christmas” Bird Count on 1 Jan 
2018. For ease in tallying the number of species they are in groups of five 
species at a time here. 
* new high count
** new to the Ithaca CBC
Species found by a single party in a single place are so credited. I’m still 
working on this, so please correct me where info is wrong and inform me where 
info is missing.

12 Snow Goose 
1 Cackling Goose (Ken Rosenberg, East Shore Park, Ithaca)
5784 Canada Goose
* 7 Mute Swan (Jessie Barry & Chris Wood, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
12 Tundra Swan

7 Gadwall 
2 American Wigeon
18 American Black Duck
635 Mallard
3 Northern Pintail (Kevin McGowan, Ladoga, Lansing)

2 Green-winged Teal (Kevin McGowan, Ladoga, Lansing)
57 Canvasback
* 16,401 Redhead
* 250 Ring-necked Duck
** 1 Tufted Duck (Stuart Krasnoff, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)

9 Greater Scaup (may be revised: Jessie Barry & Chris Wood saw 30 at Stewart 
Park, Ithaca)
* 501 Lesser Scaup
1 Surf Scoter (by Kevin McGowan & Stephanie Herrick, East Shore Park, Ithaca)
* 7 White-winged Scoter
* 47 Long-tailed Duck

5 Bufflehead
* 204 Common Goldeneye
2 Hooded Merganser (by Stuart Krasnoff, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
* 216 Common Merganser
*21 Red-breasted Merganser

2 Ruddy Duck (may be revised: Ann Mitchell saw 4, SW Cayuga Lake, Ithaca)
1 Ruffed Grouse (by John Fitzpatrick along Cascadilla Cr, Caroline/Dryden)
65 Wild Turkey
1 Red-throated Loon (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
1 Common Loon (by whom where in area 7 on west side of lake?)

4 Horned Grebe
1 Double-crested Cormorant (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
2 Great Blue Heron
** 3 Black Vulture (Anne Clark at roost north of Dryden Rd west of Forest Home 
Dr, Varna, Dryden)
26 Turkey Vulture

3 Northern Harrier
6 Sharp-shinned Hawk
18 Cooper’s Hawk
* 14 Bald Eagle
114 Red-tailed Hawk

1 Rough-legged Hawk (Bill Evans, Sandbank Rd, Ithaca)
216 Ring-billed Gull
1006 Herring Gull
2 Iceland Gull (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Stewart Park, Ithaca)
1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Ken Rosenberg & Paul Rodewald, Allan Treman State 
Park, Ithaca)

140 Great Black-backed Gull
737 Rock Pigeon
723 Mourning Dove
30 Eastern Screech-Owl
6 Great Horned Owl

1 Barred Owl (John Fitzpatrick along Cascadilla Cr, Caroline/Dryden)
1 Northern Saw-whet Owl (Ann Mitchell, Caswell Rd, Dryden)
1 Belted Kingfisher (Marie Read near Mt Pleasant, Dryden)
1 Red-headed Woodpecker (Tom Schulenberg in Palmer Woods, Cayuga Hts, Cornell 
U, Ithaca)
219 Red-bellied Woodpecker

5 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
357 Downy Woodpecker
162 Hairy Woodpecker
12 Northern Flicker
28 Pileated Woodpecker

2 American Kestrel
2 Peregrine Falcon
1032 Blue Jay
1686 American Crow
2 Fish Crow (Paul Rodewald near NYS-13 & Third Street, Ithaca; may be revised: 
Kevin McGowan reported 3 on Washington Street, Ithaca)

22 Common Raven
91 Horned Lark
1516 Black-capped Chickadee
312 Tufted Titmouse
10 Red-breasted Nuthatch

272 White-breasted Nuthatch
19 Brown Creeper
2 Winter Wren
34 Carolina Wren
32 Golden-crowned Kinglet

74 Eastern Bluebird
1 Hermit Thrush (Larry Hymes, East Ithaca Recreationway, Ithaca)
14 American Robin
14 Northern Mockingbird
2345 European Starling

68 Cedar Waxwing
882 Snow Bunting
3 Yellow-rumped Warbler
345 American Tree Sparrow
* 1514 Dark-eyed Junco

* 9 White-crowned Sparrow
213 White-throated Sparrow
1 Savannah Sparrow (Kevin McGowan, Blackchin Dr, Lansing)
67 Song Sparrow
7 Swamp Sparrow

1 Eastern Towhee (Steve Kress, Snyder Hill Rd, Caroline)
402 Northern Cardinal
12 Red-winged Blackbird (Sarah Wagner, Sapsucker Woods, Lansing/Dryden/Ithaca)
2 Rusty Blackbird (Tracy McLellan, Lansing Center Trail, Lansing)
3 Brown-headed Cowbird 

House Finch (number not final at tally)
22 Purple Finch
** European Goldfinch (Bob McGuire, Whitted Rd, Dryden)
459 American Goldfinch
449 House Sparrow

100 species found on count day.

2 more species found during start of count week (Dec 29, 30, & 31):
Pied-billed Grebe
Common Grackle

Species missed on the count, but found previous years and seem plausible. 
Please especially report these species if they are found in the count circle 
during the rest of Count Week (Jan 2, 3, or 4):
Greater White-fronted Goose (6 were at Stewart Park on 24 Dec)
Ross’s Goose (5 were at Stewart Park on 24 Dec)
Wood Duck
Northern Shoveler
Black Scoter
Ring-necked Pheasant (not near Game Farm with plastic nasal clip)
Red-necked Grebe 
Golden Eagle
Northern Goshawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Bonaparte’s Gull
Glaucous Gull (1 was on red lighthouse breakwater on 24 Dec)
Snowy Owl
Long-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Northern Shrike (1 was on Irish Settlement Rd on 26 Dec)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Gray Catbird
American Pipit (but found by Kevin McGowan just outside count circle at 
Myers/Salt Point, Lansing)
Lapland Longspur
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Common Redpoll
Pine Siskin

That’s my notes from the tally last night plus a bit of eBird research. I’ll 
try to get 

[cayugabirds-l] Preliminary results of Christmas Bird Count

2018-01-02 Thread Paul Anderson
Yesterday was a remarkable day in the history of the count. Below are 
some of the preliminary results.

We set many records:

  * Our species count was 102 on the day, beating the previous record of
99 set in 2013
  o We also have two count week species so far
  * We had lots of high counts:
  o 7 Mute Swans (prev 2 in 2002)
  o 16401 Redhead (prev 13412 in 2001)
  o 250 Ring-necked Duck (prev 116 in 2013)
  o 501 Lesser Scaup (prev 330 in 2000)
  o 7 White-winged Scoter (prev 2 in 2014)
  o 47 Long-tailed Duck (prev 14 in 2009)
  o 272 Common Goldeneye (prev 126 in 2009)
  o 216 Common Merganser (prev 127 in 2009)
  o 21 Red-breasted Merganser (prev 19 in 1988)
  o 14 Bald Eagle (prev 9 in 2016) (This is probably an overcount
and is likely to be revised)
  o 1514 Dark-eyed Junco (prev 1185 in 2016)
  o 9 White-crowned Sparrow (prev 8 in 1976)
  * We had three species never seen on the count before:
  o Black Vulture (3)
  o Tufted Duck
  o European Goldfinch

The total count of individual birds was 40536, which is just above our 
10-year average of 38328, and well short of the 2016 record of 59611.

122 people went out, and we had 12 feeder watchers.

Unlucky misses include Ring-necked Pheasant, Merlin and Northern Shrike. 
Keep an eye out for these species in the next three days.

These numbers may be amended as we double check the figures and as new 
observations trickle in. Most of the records are likely to stand.

Thanks are due to everyone who contributed, especially the area leaders.


Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering, GrammaTech, Inc.
531 Esty St., Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607 273-7340 x118;


Cayugabirds-L List Info:


Please submit your observations to eBird:
