Re: [cayugabirds-l] SNOW HELP-Please-Thanks

2014-01-29 Thread John Confer
My gosh,

I wouldn't have guessed that I could get so many helpful tips about 
somewhat sedentary SNOW. Thanks so much. The 16 person field trip looks 
like it may well be a success. Of course, the weather forecast is now 
for warming (which you might think was a blessing, except) with 
snow/sleet/rain. It could be that this trip is under a jinx. I'm 
certainly not going to supervise the driving of two vans filled with 
students in sleet/rain/snow, but we'll see what happens.

 Given the kind input so far, I will pay particular attention around 
Lane Rd off 34 and to the southern end of Indian Field Rd.!

 Several people have said that they have seen the SEOWs near Lake 
Winery from even as early as 3:30 to 4:30. I will time the trip to catch 
that window of opportunity. By the way, the raptor survey for the 
Greater Montezuma Wetlands Complex starts it's survey a half hour before 
legal sundown, way later than 3:30. I think the Montezuma timing is 
based on a lot of previous experience so the short-ears near the winery 
seem to be the exception.

Thanks so much to the listserve,

John Confer

I will have my cell phone (607-229-5952) with me throughout the day with 
the trip leaving at 1:00 (not 2:00 as I thought earlier).


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] SNOW HELP-Please

2014-01-28 Thread Dave Nutter
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[cayugabirds-l] SNOW HELP-Please

2014-01-27 Thread John Confer
About a month ago the instructor for the IC course in Conservation 
Biology asked me if I would lead a Sat. extra activity trip to look for 
SNOW for students in the class . I said yes and we talked about the 
biggest invasion in 20-40 years. I may have given the impression that 
SNOW were everywhere and that we could see several, or at least that was 
how the conversation was received. Then the announcement to the students 
raised the expectation that SNOW were dripping from the trees, or at 
least that the students should expect to see some.

So, yesterday I went north up Indian Field Rd. to Poplar Ridge and west 
on Poplar Ridge to Corey Rd.,  the next road parallel to Indian Field, 
and south on Corey Rd. south on it to Rt. 90 and back to Indian Field 
Rd. and up it again, and then east on Poplar Ridge to Rt. 34 and then 
west on Poplar Ridge to Aurura and up to Farley's Point to look for SNOW 
on the ice edge in 20 degree temp with 25 mph winds, which I tired but 
without real conviction.
And then back to Long Point Winery where I found two birders in a car at 
4:50 who said they had seen 3 Short-eared Owls. However, the owls did 
not reappear from then to 6:00 when I left.

All in all, the only raptor I saw was one Red-tailed Hawk and the 
Screech Owl at Dandy's in Slaterville in the morning.

I don't look forward to being apologetic to students, but most 
importantly the students are going to miss an exciting opportunity if I 
can't show them a SNOW and SEOW on this coming Sat afternoon leaving at 
2:00 in the afternoon. People have reorted SNOW moving around, but I 
would really like to know about a potentially sedentary SNOW.

HELP: If you find a potentially, sedentary SNOW this week, could you 
email me at or the listserve if you prefer. If you see 
a SNOW on Sat morning, would you be kind enough to call my cell hone at 
607-229-5952 before we leave at 2:00 or even later for birds that are 
near the east side of the lake where we will be driving. I'd really like 
to show the students a SNOW and maybe even a SEOW. I think it could be a 
significant experience for students in the class.


John Confer


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