Re: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Knox-Marsellus Marsh Dike Walk Sun Sept 8th, 2019

2019-09-09 Thread Tom Fernandes
Dave Nicosia, Thank you so much for leading this past Sundays walk. For someone 
who mostly birds alone , it was a great learning experience and all the extra 
sets of eyes were quite helpful as well.Dave Nutter thanks so much for  the 
insight into Stilt Sandpiper feeding behavior it sure made locating them much 
easier!! The sedge wren imitator , yellow warbler I think you said ( or was it 
yellowthroat? Please correct me)was also very interesting. What a great 
experience birding with such a friendly, welcoming and extremely knowledgeable 
group.Thanks again  for a great time.   I highly recommend these walks for all 
levels of  birders!   Tom FernandesSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy 
 Original message From: Dave Nutter  Date: 
9/9/19  3:38 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: David Nicosia  Cc: 
Cayuga birds , "Van Beusichem, Andrea" 
, "Ziemba, Linda"  Subject: 
Re: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Knox-Marsellus Marsh Dike Walk Sun Sept 8th, 2019 
Thanks, Dave Nicosia, for doing a great job leading the walks, keeping eBird 
lists, and writing summaries! I have a few things to add. First, it made a big 
difference that the dike had been widely mowed for the Muckrace, so it was easy 
to view the impoundment. Not only could we watch from more places, but several 
people could stand next to each other without anyone’s view being blocked, and 
short people could just plain see, all of which had been difficult when the 
vegetation was tall everywhere along the dike. Thank-you, Refuge staff.Second, 
it was Ken & Adriaan who found the small passerine flock in the SE corner of 
the woods, including Magnolia Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, a Red-eyed Vireo 
which surprisingly made a couple of wide sweeping sallies out from the woods, 
Swamp Sparrow, Song Sparrow (all of which I saw), and Least Flycatcher (which I 
missed).Dave Nicosia listed a flyover Wilson’s Snipe, but from farther along 
the dike I managed to follow such a bird in my scope until it alit on the open 
mud, barely visible to me as I looked over an island of cattails. With several 
other folks, I walked on the dike past the cattails and proudly aimed my scope 
at the Snipe who was walking toward a sleeping Greater Yellowlegs and a 
preening Pectoral Sandpiper on either side of an inconsequential bit of weed 
stubble. The first person looking through my scope had a great view, but the 
second person couldn’t find the Snipe. I looked again, and neither could I. 
Then someone looking through another scope saw the Snipe’s head move in the 
weed stubble, and people again took turns watching. When I got my scope back, I 
watched the Snipe for awhile, too. Eventually I realized that I really could 
see most of the Snipe, but it matched the weed stubble in height, color, and 
pattern. This was a life bird for one of the people with me. Early in the walk 
I had fallen behind Dave Nicosia, and I saw 3 American Golden-Plovers flying 
back and forth over the marsh. They started low, but gradually gained altitude 
and eventually appeared to fly off toward the Wildlife Drive. At least 2 of 
them were adults in transition to winter plumage but still with considerable 
blotches of black below. Much later I found a single such bird walking on the 
mud, so I told people about it, and when I looked again, there were 3 plovers. 
Maybe they were the same birds that I saw depart a couple hours earlier, having 
determined that Knox-Marsellus had the best shorebird habitat around. Again 
people were interested in the subtleties of Stilt Sandpiper ID, so we worked on 
that while watching their distinctive vertical ramming feeding behavior among 
the more randomly pecking Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs. And I talked about 
Pectoral Sandpipers, whose color & pattern are similar to Least, but whose 
shape differs, the larger species having a proportionately smaller head with an 
actual neck showing at times (Least & Semipalmated Sandpipers look neck-less to 
me). And I talked about how to use color and shape and proportions in shorebird 
ID generally.On our way out onto the dikes we saw several Long-billed 
Dowitchers, whose immaculate juvenile plumage had a cold grayish-tan hue 
overall and whose tertials were plain gray with narrow pale edges. When I was 
leaving, walking slow and falling behind everyone else, I discovered a juvenile 
Short-billed Dowitcher which must have just arrived. It had a warm overall 
orange glow in the sunlight from the edging on all the back & wing feathers, 
including the tertials, which had additional orange bars. I wished there 

Re: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Knox-Marsellus Marsh Dike Walk Sun Sept 8th, 2019

2019-09-09 Thread Dave Nutter
Thanks, Dave Nicosia, for doing a great job leading the walks, keeping eBird 
lists, and writing summaries! I have a few things to add. 

First, it made a big difference that the dike had been widely mowed for the 
Muckrace, so it was easy to view the impoundment. Not only could we watch from 
more places, but several people could stand next to each other without anyone’s 
view being blocked, and short people could just plain see, all of which had 
been difficult when the vegetation was tall everywhere along the dike. 
Thank-you, Refuge staff.

Second, it was Ken & Adriaan who found the small passerine flock in the SE 
corner of the woods, including Magnolia Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, a 
Red-eyed Vireo which surprisingly made a couple of wide sweeping sallies out 
from the woods, Swamp Sparrow, Song Sparrow (all of which I saw), and Least 
Flycatcher (which I missed).

Dave Nicosia listed a flyover Wilson’s Snipe, but from farther along the dike I 
managed to follow such a bird in my scope until it alit on the open mud, barely 
visible to me as I looked over an island of cattails. With several other folks, 
I walked on the dike past the cattails and proudly aimed my scope at the Snipe 
who was walking toward a sleeping Greater Yellowlegs and a preening Pectoral 
Sandpiper on either side of an inconsequential bit of weed stubble. The first 
person looking through my scope had a great view, but the second person 
couldn’t find the Snipe. I looked again, and neither could I. Then someone 
looking through another scope saw the Snipe’s head move in the weed stubble, 
and people again took turns watching. When I got my scope back, I watched the 
Snipe for awhile, too. Eventually I realized that I really could see most of 
the Snipe, but it matched the weed stubble in height, color, and pattern. This 
was a life bird for one of the people with me. 

Early in the walk I had fallen behind Dave Nicosia, and I saw 3 American 
Golden-Plovers flying back and forth over the marsh. They started low, but 
gradually gained altitude and eventually appeared to fly off toward the 
Wildlife Drive. At least 2 of them were adults in transition to winter plumage 
but still with considerable blotches of black below. Much later I found a 
single such bird walking on the mud, so I told people about it, and when I 
looked again, there were 3 plovers. Maybe they were the same birds that I saw 
depart a couple hours earlier, having determined that Knox-Marsellus had the 
best shorebird habitat around. 

Again people were interested in the subtleties of Stilt Sandpiper ID, so we 
worked on that while watching their distinctive vertical ramming feeding 
behavior among the more randomly pecking Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs. 

And I talked about Pectoral Sandpipers, whose color & pattern are similar to 
Least, but whose shape differs, the larger species having a proportionately 
smaller head with an actual neck showing at times (Least & Semipalmated 
Sandpipers look neck-less to me). 

And I talked about how to use color and shape and proportions in shorebird ID 

On our way out onto the dikes we saw several Long-billed Dowitchers, whose 
immaculate juvenile plumage had a cold grayish-tan hue overall and whose 
tertials were plain gray with narrow pale edges. When I was leaving, walking 
slow and falling behind everyone else, I discovered a juvenile Short-billed 
Dowitcher which must have just arrived. It had a warm overall orange glow in 
the sunlight from the edging on all the back & wing feathers, including the 
tertials, which had additional orange bars. I wished there were still people 
with me to show it to.