[cctalk] Re: auction starting in 50 minutes

2024-09-10 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> Next week there will be 50 of them o. Ebay for this price.

(looks around the room)

Make that 52.


[cctalk] auction starting in 50 minutes

2024-09-10 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
OK kids, let's save these things from the scrapyard! :-)


[cctalk] Re: VCFMW items available upon request

2024-09-03 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
Feel free not to buy anything from him, then, but please leave
the list out of it.


[cctalk] Re: LCM auction

2024-08-29 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> Ed's dead baby. Ed's dead.


Dave's not here, man.


[cctalk] Re: LCM auction

2024-08-29 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> Any ideas on how to become a billionaire?

The joke doesn't work as well this way, but the old Texas joke
was "how do you become a Texas oil millionaire?  Start by being
a Texas oil billionaire."


[cctalk] Re: LGP-30 (was LCM auction)

2024-08-15 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
I am absolutely delighted to be wrong in this case.


[cctalk] Re: LCM auction

2024-08-15 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> I dare to bet it's the last one.  Anywhere.

Well.  Now that my *rage* has settled down a bit ...

... a least the "expected amount" on these items will probably mean
they won't go to scrap.

The machines are probably going to go for less than a million.  There
are _thousands_ of people in this country who could have just written
a check.

I'm going back to rage some more.  Don't mind me.


[cctalk] Re: LCM auction

2024-08-15 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> one is an LGP-30.  I can't tell how complete it is, but it doesn't look too 
> beat up.

I dare to bet it's the last one.  Anywhere.


[cctalk] Re: Old vintage computing magazine/newsletters

2024-07-16 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> I miss the HP Journal (started publication in 1949).


I have held in my hands the BSTJ issue with "the" Shannon Paper.

I hope Rice University still has its copy.

Per wikipedia:

"In 1948, the promised memorandum appeared as "A Mathematical Theory of 
Communication", an article in two parts in the July and October issues of the 
Bell System Technical Journal."

And, no, I didn't understand one bit of it -- other than the significance.
(Especially the part about "this is why I am going to have a job.")


[cctalk] Re: Revocable Living Trust for Computer Collectors

2024-06-28 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> If you think I've libeled you, go right ahead.

IMHO it's time the two of you take this mini-discussion offline.


[cctalk] Re: what to do with our "treasures"

2024-06-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> On 06/27/2024 9:36 AM CDT Bill Gunshannon via cctalk
> To date, I have sold nothing.  I once went back to the list that
> suggested I use ebay to report my failure only to be greeted with,
> "Well, what did you expect.  You are not an established seller."

I also have a whole pile of stuff that needs to go "somewhere".

Sounds like we more need a "make offer" page.  Is there somewhere on the
net that already does this?


[cctalk] Re: DEC Processor Books

2024-03-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> were just DEC employees that caught somebody's eye when they were
> planning the shots.

"Planning" may assume facts not in evidence :-)

Some photographers wandered around my employer of the time, Recognition
Equipment.  (Like my Canadian girlfriend, you haven't heard of it.)
I was near enough to a piece of machinery to be told "point to
that console like you are doing something to it".  So somewhere
in some ancient Annual Report you can find a picture of a clean-
shaven me.  My 15 seconds of fame.

Well maybe not all 15.

So the "plan" was, we're on deadline, get some shots.


[cctalk] Re: Paper tape in casettes...

2024-02-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> On 02/27/2024 12:29 PM CST paul.kimpel--- via cctalk  
> wrote:
> Bitsavers has a collection of G-15 manuals.

Rob Kolstad (formerly of BSDI) and I sat down last August to categorize
his online scans.  AFAICT he has the largest collection.  (Of course
I forgot to bring my copy of the technical manual with all the waveforms
penciled in.)  He and I need to get back to that project.

It had been a long time (high school days!) since I looked at that
To an experienced engineer, it's now clear how much of a work of genius
it was (so few gates!)  No wonder I had trouble understanding it all
as a teenager.

> David Lovett has been restoring a G-15 for the System Source Computer Museum 
> in Maryland (US).

Hmm.  I don't remember if Rob told me about that project.  He knows of
two in Texas.

Some of my old notes are at http://obscurecomputers.org/g15/index.html .


[cctalk] Re: Paper tape in casettes...

2024-02-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> On 02/27/2024 9:05 AM CST Jon Elson via cctalk  wrote:
> I think the Bendix G-15 had cassettes for the 5-level tape 
> they used.

I can confirm this from personal experience.


[cctalk] Re: Vmebus

2024-01-30 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> On 01/30/2024 9:35 PM CST Glen Slick via cctalk  wrote:
> I have a couple of PA-RISC based HP/Agilent V743/64 (E1497A) and
> V743/100 (E1498A) single-slot, C-size VXI embedded computers.

OMFG I thought *my* co-design of a Sparc VMEbus board was rare/obscure.


[cctalk] Re: Vmebus

2024-01-30 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk

> On 01/30/2024 5:48 PM CST Chris Hanson via cctalk  
> wrote:
> VMEbus was widely used as a successor to MultiBus in the workstation market

Or, in the case of Mizar, Inc., their STDBus line of cards.

> The biggest uses of VMEbus though were in laboratory automation, process 
> control, and robotics

Yep.  That's where many of Mizar's boards went; the rest went to military 

It was a good enough living for a number of years in the 1980s.


[cctalk] Re: 11/15, 11/20 systems and parts, more

2023-10-19 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
I sincerely doubt I could afford a PDP-11/20 but I still have nostalgia for the 
first machine I used at university.  So I have to ask.


[cctalk] Re: PDP-8/L $15,000

2023-08-28 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk

> On 08/28/2023 5:07 PM CDT Sellam Abraham via cctalk  
> wrote:
> I think I've come up with a nice way to get that accomplished through good
> old market dynamics (i.e. voluntarily) with a subtle twist.

Well at some point in the next N years I need to sell off my S-100 stuff.  If I 
croak first it will all probably be scrapped.


[cctalk] Re: IBM 1620 Model 2 software wanted

2023-08-28 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> Some 20 years ago, I led the Computer History Museum's restoration of an 
> IBM 1620 Model 1 computer.

We all owe you thanks for this.


[cctalk] Re: PDP-8/L $15,000

2023-08-28 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> (I'd normally sell one of mine for 6k working with Focal loaded up.

Man, I hadn't thought of Focal in years.

Never could beat that lunar lander someone wrote in it.


[cctalk] Re: PDP-8/L $15,000

2023-08-28 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
"not tested" and "mice have been inside of it".

sheesh ** 2.


[cctalk] Re: TI 960

2023-08-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> On 08/27/2023 3:30 PM CDT Sellam Abraham via cctalk  
> wrote:
> found them a joy to work with.  But then, I went into it with a positive 
> attitude because, of
> course, it was my first vintage computer love.

By that time I was well-experienced with my high school machine (a Bendix G-15, 
which I wound up maintaining because no one else wanted to), and the college's 
PDP-11/20, which I also had hands-on access (wound up building an interface to 
a line printer).  Those machines were fun.  And paper tape >> cassette tape.

This is probably why my experience differs.


[cctalk] Re: TI 960

2023-08-26 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> I guess not many have survived but I want to ask if someone/some place has 
> software (papertapes, ...) for the Texas Instruments 960 minicomputers.

If any survive, please be sure to keep me at least ten feet away from them :-)

The 960B is the only computer I ever walked away from and said "I can't do 
this".  This was mostly, but not entirely, due to the Silent 700 and its 
cassette tapes.

It took 20 minutes to load the loader, and, then, if I got that right, 20 
minutes to load the editor, and *then* I could start doing work.

As long as "work" was not "hit tab".

Because then the editor would crash, and you were back to the beginning.

Even in my younger and smarter days my error rate was more than one every 45 

I had to BS my way through the coursework that required that machine.


[cctalk] Re: Nixies..

2023-08-18 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> Kees Stravers, owner of the website about the Evoluon, reports that they were 
> scrapped when the museum closed in 1989.



[cctalk] Re: Apple 1

2023-08-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> there aren't a lot of places to encounter massive PMOS shift registers.

I someone had told me around 1975 that these would become Valuable Collectibles 
I would have laughed my ass off.

Maybe I should get around to doing something with those ceramic 1702s.  
Probably equally "collectible" now.


[cctalk] Re: NRAO Data tapes

2023-05-09 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
I wonder if those date to the first time I visited, where the PDP-11s
were still installed :-)

Are there still T-shirts available?  Mine from that trip is trash :-)


[cctalk] Re: VCF East 2023 photos

2023-04-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk

> On 04/17/2023 9:40 PM GMT Sellam Abraham via cctalk  
> wrote:
> 3am?  If that was happening around here then the shotgun would get
> involved.  Must be mating season.

The next-to-last time I was in Canada, they let me sleep in all the way to 5am.

Also note that they were *right* outside the window in my room.

The only bad thing about my trip.


[cctalk] Re: Looking for EPROMs

2023-03-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk

> On 03/27/2023 5:38 PM GMT rescue via cctalk  wrote:
> have a number of 2764, 27256, have some 27128 I think too

Myself as well, probably down to 1702s.  Right now with some current money
trouble they are looking like assets :-/


tape drives, oscilloscopes, and test equiment in Austin, TX

2022-07-14 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
Closing this Friday the 15th (sorry for noticing this late).  At the
University of Texas in downtown Austin.

I have no association with the University, etc.


There are a few other items that may be of interest.

Note that these are all fine examples of the type of things I need
*less* of :-)

(including, of course, a Tek 564 that I have been lugging around for
a few decades.  Does anyone want to give it a good home?  Fair warning:
it's *heavy*.)


Re: SETI@home (ca. 2000) servers heading to salvage.

2022-04-03 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
How fortunate that I'm halfway across the continent :-)


Re: LSSM is chasing this, was Re: General Data? Computer Equipment Auction - GSA

2022-03-18 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 04:22:27PM -0400, Dave McGuire via cctalk wrote:
> I would posit that he does not have a museum; he has a collection
> and a wish.  When and if that wish pans out, and I hope it does,
> then he will have a museum.  But not before.

+1.  That's a positive way to look at it.


Re: VAX9000 unearthed

2022-02-18 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 05:25:26PM -0500, Patrick Finnegan via cctalk wrote:
> Yours will be a lot cheaper to run.

Custom ECL chips?

I think I can go with "relatively cheaper".

Make sure you have a bazillion BTU of air conditioning ...

(Yes, I have had experience with ECL, albeit 1970s low-scale tech.  The
power consumption ... eek ...)


Re: Datapoint 2200 on ebay

2021-11-29 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 10:42:29AM -0500, Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
> But have you considered, maybe it's an NFT of a photo of a
> Datapoint. That should make it worth 10 x $48,000 at least.

Thanks.  I needed a laugh today.


Re: More cleaning out the Bob basement

2021-09-18 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 08:20:44PM -0700, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
> Wifey has phone numbers and knows about several of these lists.


Re: What's left of the Houston Museum stuff

2021-07-23 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
What a complete fiasco.  How sad.


Re: Early Programming Books

2021-06-23 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 11:46:13PM -0700, Van Snyder via cctalk wrote:
> Is there a G-15 emulator?

I wrote a simulator yers ago.  I don't think it is online ATM,
I will have to check.

Rob Kolstad is apparently also working on one.  We keep meaning to
cross-check each others' work but then life happens.


Re: Motor generator

2021-05-05 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, May 04, 2021 at 10:07:28PM -0700, Chuck Guzis via cctech wrote:
> "Power for the basic computer consists of one 250 kva, 400 Hz motor
> generator set.  The motor-generator set has the capability of providing
> power for the CPU, MCS, I/O and the MCU. The optional memory requires
> the addition of an 80 kva motor-generator set."

I'm looking at this RISC-V board sitting here on my desk (with its
"massive" 2-inch-long heat sink) and shaking my head at how far we have


Re: Any interest in a Floating Point Systems AP-120 array processor?

2021-02-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 08:15:50PM -0800, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
> I picked this up a number of years ago for reasons that entirely
> escape me.

Those are the best reasons!!!1



Re: Electronics Plus

2021-02-26 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 12:00:05PM -0700, Warner Losh via cctalk wrote:
> I noticed someone named Richard Thompson just donated. If you are that
> person, used to live in the Jemez mountains and hacked on Rainbow stuff
> back in the day, please contact me...

Or, if you are the Richard Thompson, guitar virtuoso, I will be *very*


Re: Flip-Chip selloff

2021-02-03 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 07:10:14PM -0800, Christopher Zach wrote:
> I've had 30+ years to acquire this "stuff". :-)

I turned 65 last year ...


Re: Flip-Chip selloff

2021-02-02 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 05:57:27PM -0500, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
> Probably a lot more.

"Probably" ???

Sheesh.  I thought *I* had too many projects.


Re: APL\360

2021-01-14 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 07:55:52PM -0800, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
> Yes, I suppose that somebody of sufficient skill COULD write
> accounting software with it, . . .
> But why?

When I was living outside Dallas around 1988 or so, I knew a woman who
had a job-for-life with an insurance company that ran their whole company
on APL.  Of course by that time she was sick of working on the same thing
all the time, but they could not afford to let her go -- no one else could
do any maintance to it.

(I no longer remember the name of the insurance company ...)


Re: APL\360

2021-01-14 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 06:42:34PM -0800, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
> APL was terse.

That's a nice way of saying "It was a write-only language".

Even back when my brain still worked 100% I could only remember what
the code I had just written actually _did_ for 24-48 hours.  After
that it was easier to rewrite from scratch.


Re: Bendix G-15 and Control Data 160 console on ebay

2021-01-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 08:52:51AM +, Ed Groenenberg via cctalk wrote:
> It can be debated of the price for the Bendix is high or not, but it
> is truly a nice and rare machine. And by the looks of it, it seems to
> be complete too.

This was the machine I learned to program on.  (What was then Humble
Oil & Refining donated it to my high school.  I was the only student
curious enough to work on it.)

I still have one of each of the vaccum tube plugin cards.

Oh, and a copy of the technical manual with the FE's notes :-)

The last time I tried to gather together information about it (see
URL below), there were four still known.  Even as late at 20 years
ago there had been others, at McGill University in Canada, and one
in Australia:


> Not sure tough if the rack on the right belongs to it.

I'm not either.  I have never seen that before.

> I hope it ends up in a proper museum and hopefully it can be displayed
> in running condition.

I hope so too.  I'm not at the stage of my life where I could take on
this task.  But I would be glad to assist anyone actually working on one.


Re: Bendix G-15 and Control Data 160 console on ebay

2021-01-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 09:54:23AM -0600, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
> The G-15 was obsolete within a year after it was introduced, but it

stayed in production, especially in highway departments, for many years


Re: FS: Tek scope, HP LA, and Electronic components!

2020-11-22 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
I think I can speak for a lot of people here on the list that I am sorry
to hear this news.  I really don't have the words, other than that.


Re: IBM and Calcomp gear rescue in Toronto area

2020-08-20 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
Please tell me someone is going to save this stuff so I don't have to annoy any
of my Canadian friends :-)


Re: mail on spool as G-d intended was Re: Future of cctalk/cctech

2020-06-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 04:44:26PM -0400, Diane Bruce via cctalk wrote:
> mutt!


Re: IBM vacuum tubes

2020-06-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 05:14:11PM +, Mark Linimon via cctech wrote:
> These were a higher-spec version of ... some really common tube which I
> no longer remember.

And which was mentioned in the original post -- oops!


Re: IBM vacuum tubes

2020-06-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 07:58:14AM -0700, Guy N. via cctech wrote:
> the part number (5965 or 5963)

Ah, good ol' 5965s.

These were a higher-spec version of ... some really common tube which I
no longer remember.  The Bendix G-15 was wholly based on them.  I probably
have one or two around the house since I kept one-of-each of the plug-in
cards when my high school scrapped it.  (It would have been too heavy
even for *me* to haul around all these years.)

I still have the technical manual, complete with the FE's hand-written


Re: PC Fortran (Was: Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

2020-05-31 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 07:50:18PM -0400, Bill Gunshannon via cctech wrote:
> Which is even funnier when you realize that the PL/M compiler
> was written in Fortran.

When all you have is a hammer ...


Re: Early Nubus history

2020-05-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
Side note that has been lost to history.

>From 1987-1990 I worked at Mizar Digital Systems, which built STD bus
boards and VMEbus boards.  Its new president who came in in 1988 I think,
Joe Rammunni, decided that the STD bus was a dying technology, and looked
into NuBus.  As I understood at the time, he went and talked to various
PC manufacturers to try to get them to adopt the standard as well, for
their next round of upgrades from ISA.

Nothing came of this.  Without the unified market there wasn't any
incentive for Mizar to get into the business.  But just imagine what
the tech world would have looked like with interchangeable cards for
PCs and Apples.

The only remnant of this effort are my vague personal recollections
and a "NuBus on board" fridge magnet which I retain to this day.


Re: Bob Davis and old computer stuff

2020-04-26 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 07:23:48AM -0400, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> I'm recovering from a moderate case of Covid19

Please get well.


Re: Bob Davis and old computer stuff

2020-04-25 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 08:13:24PM -0400, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
> Well, it's dark, dirty, and a mess. Also stressful as hell to be
> down there in a respirator, bandana, and long sleeve clothes.

And a bit heartbreaking :-(

I'm a long ways away so can't help.  Good luck.


Re: ICL1501 Cobol manual available

2020-04-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 09:35:09AM +0100, Dave Wade via cctalk wrote:
> "If a DSORT6 job fails try running in a larger partition. If it still
> fails try it a smaller partition"

I love the old tales like this.  Folks, please keep 'em coming!


Re: REL APL-11

2020-04-01 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 08:33:45AM -0400, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
> Like any other language, APL is only obfuscated to those who never
> learned to understand it.

I was required to take it at Rice University circa 1974.  I got quite
good at it.

A week later, I had *no* idea what the code that I had written did.


Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-10 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 12:41:33AM +0100, Holm Tiffe via cctalk wrote:
> What about the International Court of Justice?

Hi, can we please not go down this route on this list?

I'm drowning in such things on social media as it is.  I like to
hang out on this last as a refuge from all that.



Re: VCF PNW 2020: Cancelled

2020-03-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 01:02:50PM -0600, Jim Brain via cctalk wrote:
> I hope you can weather the storm without too much personal hurt. As
> much time and effort as you have put into the event and the pride we
> are have for such events



Re: Mystery 1970 core board

2020-03-04 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Mar 04, 2020 at 11:25:20AM -0500, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
> That's interesting.  I remember seeing a SUE at the university, but
> that was not a PDP-11 clone at all.

The one at Rice University circa 1978 also had 6? 8? processors in
the cabinet.


Re: Bendix G15 Drum

2020-02-26 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 11:12:50AM -0600, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
> Well, without the rest of the machine, it is just an ornament.

ITYM "boat anchor" :-)  It's pretty heavy for an "ornament".  (Not that
I have ever fiddled with one outside a machine.)

> I know there are some people who are still trying to find G-15s that
> could be rebuilt.

My website about such things is currently down (too many things to fix
around here right now) but let folks know that I'm trying to collect
information about such projects.  The Wayback Machine probably has the
most recent version of my site http://obscurecomputers.org anyway.


Re: 4054 in Sacramento

2020-02-26 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 01:57:24PM -0800, Bob Rosenbloom via cctalk wrote:
> I hope I can get this one running.

Good find!  Good luck!


Re: anyone heard from Cindy Croxton?

2020-01-15 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 08:28:36AM -0600, sales--- via cctalk wrote:
> This has been a bad 3 months (health-wise) for my family.

Best wishes.  Let me know if someone from Austin can come be of help.


Re: Anyone interested in ARCNET, Token Ring, FDDI, HIPPI, Strip network code?

2020-01-14 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 11:34:00AM -0800, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
> Goose step to the monoculture

Apparently you don't understand that "maintaining software requires

If you want to make changes to e.g. a kernel then there are things that
have to get changed to keep in sync.  Someone (TM) has to do the work.

And if you *don't* make changes to your kernel, then you fall behind on:
performance, running on newer systems (think ACPI, EFI), multi-core,
NUMA, and so on and so forth.  You simply become irrelevant for anything
that people can *actually buy new*.

IIUC the NetBSD folks are as understaffed as the FreeBSD folks are in
terms of keeping "the union of all things that ever ran" working.

FreeBSD has abandoned its old slogan because it was deemed too rude,
but in this case, let's bring it back for a moment:

  "Shut up and code".

(yes, you have hit a nerve.)


Re: Classic equipment available & my bad year.

2019-11-08 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Nov 08, 2019 at 05:27:27PM -0500, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
> I am glad you are recovering my well wishes to you from me and my family.

Hear, hear.


Re: Estate sale

2019-10-29 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
Any hints about where in the world this is?


Re: Unix v2 in PDP-7 assembly language

2019-10-18 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 03:41:51PM -0600, ben via cctalk wrote:
> where as back then you made notes and paper printouts of your code
> that got archived in a back room.

Until the University decided to throw it all out to use the space
for their new Department of Basket Weaving.

fwiw, at one time I had a large set of G-15 paper tapes (including
the diagnostics).  Got left behind in a move because I was tired.


Re: Unix v2 in PDP-7 assembly language

2019-10-18 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 02:56:36PM -0700, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
> fsck off

While we appreciate your efforts, you're only one guy, and I think
you would have to agree that bits are vanishing faster than any one
person can keep up.


Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-11 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 09:58:58AM -0500, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
> Oh, and by the way, that is an UNWRAPPING tool in the picture, not a
> wire-wrap tool.  (I have both.)

The one I have has wrap on one end, unwrap on the other end, and a
stripper in the middle.


Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-10 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 03:17:38PM +1000, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote:
> But I do still have the tool bag identical to the one in the foreground,
> in the same russet brown colour but the zipper canvas has dry rotted.

Oh wow, what a great resource page :-)

What I kind of meant to imply was "but doesn't *everyone* have one?"

Sigh.  It's probably over in the same closet as my ear trumpet ...


Re: IBM MST extender cards

2019-10-10 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 10:16:34AM +1000, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote:
> That wire wrap tool is identical to one my dad had in his CE toolkit

I ... should take it from this that people don't just *own* these anymore?

This was an "essntial device" in my younger engineering days.  Sigh.

Yes, I still have it.  Yes, I have used it (albeit not recently).  Yes,
I have used the Gardner-Denver electric tool as well, although in those
days I never could have afforded it.


Re: Nuke Redmond!

2019-10-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 05:24:23AM +, null via cctalk wrote:
> This list is really going down the tubes.

ITYM "Integrated Circuits".  Tubes is before the time of most of the
folks on this list, I think.

(ok folks, it's a joke ...)


Re: Vintage Computer Warehouse Liquidation

2019-09-25 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 06:43:43AM -0500, Jules Richardson via cctalk wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification - they're not too far

Not too far???

I take it you've never driven Interstate 45 :-)

What it lacks in miles it makes up in aggressive driving ...


Re: Update: Received my 50lb Datapoint 2200 computer from Austria via regular post.

2019-09-23 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 09:36:20PM +, steven stengel via cctalk wrote:
> First, I have to rewire it from 220vac to 110vac.

I bought one of the 110-220 converters off ePay ("Superite").  It has
performed well for me for several years.

(IBM Power5s *really* want 220 if you have both power supplies installed.
It only tells you that on page 2349134 of the manual.)


Re: analog computer - texas

2019-09-20 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
I'm local.  OTOH I have $ problems right now so I can't promise
to go over there, pick up stuff, and pack and ship it for free.

I do have a bid in on the biological sample cases.

(OK, it's a joke, but I do have one in on a rack)


Re: Identification of an HP minicomputer

2019-08-15 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 02:27:16PM -0700, Guy Sotomayor Jr via cctalk wrote:
> Between work and preparing for potential fire evacuations (they're
> expecting ~300 wild fires in my area this fire season: we've only had 
> about 6 so far so I expect *a lot* more soon)

Yikes!  Please stay safe.


Re: Alphaservers for free in Athabasca, Alberta

2019-08-05 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 10:39:01AM -0600, Richard Loken via cctalk wrote:
> Athabasca, Alberta is about 1.000km North of the US Montana border
> and 10,000km from nowhere

And 2,248 miles from my house, according to Google Maps :-)

I'll bet it would be a pretty road trip but I think I'll have to pass ...


Re: Computer Reset shop, liquidation. (USA)

2019-07-17 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 11:12:22AM -0500, John Foust via cctalk wrote:
> So, to deal with my own hoarding / collecting, I'll strive to make 
> a list of stuff I haven't touched in 10, 20, 30 years, and I'll 
> post here to see if anyone is interested.

Same here -- but life keeps getting in the way of me completing the
list :-(

There's nothing "superbly classic" around here, though.  Bunch of
working sun4u gear and old databooks.

And I *do* have the space -- in my shop outside.  But the stuff that's
*inside* is just in the way; and if I move it at all, it's to move it
off the property.

(psst: the Raptor Blackbird is _not_ included in the above list ...)


Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 58, Issue 9

2019-07-09 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
> On Jul 9, 2019, at 10:00 AM,Tomasz Rola wrote:
> BTW, you would like a ride to the past? I would like a ride to the
> future. Although from what I have seen so far, maybe not...

I absolutely believe in the future of 2505 as shown to us by Mike Judge.

Please let me stay in this century.  Thanks.


Re: Wtd: advice upcoming visit to Bletchley Park / comp museum

2019-07-07 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sat, Jul 06, 2019 at 02:06:12PM +0200, Peter Corlett via cctech wrote:
> they've closed the West London Line this weekend, ostensibly for
> maintenance, but possibly just spite.

Thanks.  I needed a laugh today.


Re: Identifying some boards

2019-06-28 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 01:09:08PM -0400, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
> This class machine (for example)
> http://vintagecomputer.net/Tricord/

Heh.  That's a name I hadn't heard in a while.

Your Tricord system was probably designed by a guy named Rick Nicholson
who I later worked with.


Re: OT: the end of Dyn DNS

2019-06-27 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 10:54:58PM -0700, Ali via cctalk wrote:
> As I understand it DynDNS is still being offered as a service. Is it
> because there is no longer a free option?

There has not been a free option for seveal years.  I switched to the
paid version.

But now it seems that having been eaten by Oracle, it is now being
digested.  (I have seen this process happen over and over again with
acquisitions.  The final stage, of selling off whatever is left
afterwards, is "excretion".)


Re: OT: the end of Dyn DNS

2019-06-26 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 09:36:30PM -0400, Charles Dickman via cctalk wrote:
> Now that Dyn has been absorbed by Oracle I need a new DNS service for my
> vanity domain. I welcome suggestions for a replacement provider.

I was just investigating free alternatives myself earlier today.  (I
have not yet come up with a conclusion.)

I currently use the free he.net ivp6 tunnel so I may already be set up
for their free DNS service, but I don't know yet.  (I can recommend the

Most of the articles on the web mention:

  Dynu, afraid.org, Duck DNS, and No-IP

among a few others.  The latter sounds like they are really pushing
their paid model, though.  (OTOH each of the above has paid tiers for
all but the most basic users.)

If you are using pfSense like I am, they already support:


I would be happy to hear of actual experiences with any of these.


Re: PDP 11/15

2019-06-19 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 03:01:50PM -0400, Jacob Ritorto via cctalk wrote:
> You know, one of the reasons I'm still on here is for the anecdotes



Re: Pleas ID this IBM system....

2019-05-21 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 09:52:19AM -0600, Grant Taylor via cctech wrote:
> I think Google and their YAWNs

Definition, please?  Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary are no help.  A Google
search itself is nothing but false positives.


Re: RCA Spectra 70 manuals on Ebay

2019-05-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Mon, May 06, 2019 at 09:28:03PM +0200, Mattis Lind via cctalk wrote:
> Maybe of interest to someone?

Oh cool!  I remember it as being a neat industrial design.


Re: Dallas drive

2019-05-03 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, May 03, 2019 at 02:26:41PM -0500, Electronics Plus via cctalk wrote:
> Original DEC things that have orange flippy switches-WARNING! Smells like
> dead rats and rat poop. Nasty condition! Looks something like this
> https://obsolescence.wixsite.com/obsolescence/pidp-11

I'd love to help drive up, especially to look at this unit, but I have
already made other committments.  Consider the F-150 volunteered for
"next time".


Re: Pleas ID this IBM system....

2019-04-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sat, Apr 06, 2019 at 10:13:51AM -0400, William Donzelli via cctalk wrote:
> And looking again, some of a System/370 pile (model 125)?

I hope all of this equipment can be saved, even if only for display value.


Re: Hewlett-Packard 3000, 9000, Itanium (HP-UX & MPE/iX) Servers, Storage Arrays

2019-01-23 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 04:23:32PM -0800, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
> Although I would love to get an oversized cheap print reproduction
> of it, and cut out the faces to make a carnival picture taking set
> for Humane Society fund raisers. (few know that that idea of a
> picture with cutouts for faces was ALSO invented by Cassius
> Marcellus Coolidge!)

"We just want the nose" -- Peter Sellers in The Magic Christian


Re: Houston stash sorting this coming Saturday

2019-01-23 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:45:14PM -0600, Electronics Plus via cctalk wrote:
> Terminals included Harris, a huge Televideo,

Check the "huge Televideo" for actually being a CP/M machine.  I was
involved with those for a while (sigh).


Re: IBM in TX

2019-01-11 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 11:49:33AM -0600, Electronics Plus via cctalk wrote:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xwq1JKaMPVXLXJwhocWf9qTogANG2iye

That looks like a job for many, many, people.


Re: Who is in Houston?

2019-01-11 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
I'm in Austin but am due for a road trip to Houston I suppose.  If no
one else in Houston can go check it out ...


Re: Motorola M88K books & user manuals (looking for)

2019-01-01 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
Well as it turns out I have several boxes of databooks that I need to
get catalogued and listed.  (My decluttering task was supposed to be
finished *last* year ...)

Here we have:

  MC88100 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual
  MC88200 Cache/Memory Management Unit User's Manual

Please pay shipping from Texas 78746.  Whatever else you want to pay
on top of that will be used exclusively to buy more high-quality beer :-)


Re: Modcomp aquired

2018-11-05 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 05:48:22PM -0500, devin davison via cctalk wrote:
> Soon to be picked up and brought home. Lots of documentation with it as
> well. Christmas came early, eager to get it home and set up.



Re: 2 huge warehouses full of old computers

2018-10-30 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 02:04:53PM -0600, Warner Losh via cctalk wrote:
> Yes, their business model is to sell a once common $10 part for $500
> because it's an exact replacement and the cost to warehouse it is dwarfed
> by the huge profit margin...

Before anyone scoffs, warehouse space is expensive.  It drove the
company I was last working for to move out of Austin.  Their business
was similar but more oriented towards e.g. getting newer machines,
disk-wiping them, and selling on eBay.  The selling prices are/were
competitive and so the margins were much lower.  Thus, they couldn't
afford to keep things around for years.

Two different business models.


Re: DG microNOVA in Cleveland on CL

2018-10-04 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 03:37:59PM -0400, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
> oops sorry I mean I did not get it.

dang, and I already had my samurai sword nearly sharpened.


Re: Next 'stack' of computers to go, IBM p7's - not classics this time

2018-05-19 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 11:42:52PM -0700, Pete Lancashire via cctalk wrote:
> Last call is there any interest ?

Would love to if you can change your mind on shipping?

Austin, TX, is kind of a far drive.


Re: Next 'stack' of computers to go, IBM p7's - not classics this time

2018-05-12 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 03:42:11PM -0700, Pete Lancashire via cctalk wrote:
> I would have had to add a new circuit to the room.

So who hasn't? :-)


Re: 18 bit CPU; was: Speed now & then

2018-04-12 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 11:45:07PM -0700, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
> Looks pretty much like standard C until you get into the minutiae, such
> as "A character constant is 1 to 4 characters" and page 4-4 "Data Types"
> (9 bit characters and 36 bit ints and 18 bit short ints).
> So, it should be pretty straightforward unless you assume that a char
> is 8 bits, with a signed char having a range of +/-255.

"pretty straightforward"

Thanks.  I needed a laugh.

As someone who tries to get/keep a zillion open source packages building
on FreeBSD, on non-x86 archs, I constantly refer to a piece of paper that
hangs on my wall.  It was given to me many years ago at a conference, by
its author, Henry Spencer.  An annotated version may be found here:


Of course these days s/VAX/32-bit Linux distro/, but the principle still

Finally, for any remaining disbelievers, the most recent update of
FreeBSD's toolchain to include Clang version 6, regressed 419 port
builds -- on x86 alone.


Re: WeirdStuff going out of business

2018-04-06 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Apr 05, 2018 at 08:16:35PM -0700, Eric Korpela via cctalk wrote:
> I'm not religious, but I consider this a sign of the apocalypse.


I am glad I am far out of driving distance.


Re: Speed now & then (Space and time?)

2018-03-29 Thread Mark Linimon via cctalk
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 04:05:10PM -0700, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
> And yet, productive work was performed on it.  Indeed the industrial
> variant, the 1710 was used for early process control.

There were a lot of highway improvements made in the US in the 1950s/
1960s using Bendix G-15s.  That particular branch of civil engineering
was probably that machine's biggest customer.  (OTOH, disclaimer: the
one I used in high school had previously been owned by an oil company.)


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