Re: Spell Checker

2005-08-16 Thread Chuck Mason
If your hosting provider runs a java server then JSpellHTML might work out for you (have been using it for years now). Here's the URL for JSpellHTML: . The default page of that site lists some other options that might work for you too. Cost = $170.

Re: Open Lazlo vs. Flex

2005-08-04 Thread Chuck Mason
Please post here as I am also interested in the code examples - particularly those relating to CF (their web site has examples, but none relating to CF). Thanks! On Thursday 04 August 2005 12:28 pm, Bryan Stevenson wrote: Well, if they send you some good code examples and the like, I for one

OT - Zorn or OpenLaszlo

2005-08-03 Thread Chuck Mason
Sorry if this is an off-topic subject but - was reading up on what Zorn was all about when I saw details about OpenLaszlo and I have to admin, I'm quite amazed. Have either of you checked out OpenLaszlo and/or used it with your CF apps?


2005-08-01 Thread Chuck Mason
I'm curious as to what tool other CF'rs use to prototype their CF applications for proposing XYZ to the client. I've seen some use Photoshop Fireworks, Dreamweaver is of course an option. This may sound odd but, I've found MS Visual Studio's Grid Layout to be an attractive option as I can

Cold Fusion Gettin Hot?

2005-03-02 Thread Chuck Mason
I've been noticing a LOT of high-vis sites using Cold Fusion lately ... so couldn't help but putting my comments here ... is CF on the take w/regard to increased company awareness? The last company I worked for shunned Cold Fusion (said any monkey could learn it, and they are engineers with

Re: Cold Fusion Gettin Hot?

2005-03-02 Thread Chuck Mason
HA!! After submitting this email -- checked my webmail account at Roadrunner and Bam ... they're using CF too (nice use of Flash and CF): Chuck Mason wrote: I've been noticing a LOT of high-vis sites using Cold Fusion lately ... so couldn't help but putting

Re: What do you use for project management?

2005-02-14 Thread Chuck Mason
It's not CFML (Php/MySQL); definately worth a look: DotProject ( Kay Smoljak wrote: I'm amazed that no one has said we use a quick CF app that I knocked up in an afternoon. ColdFusion is a RAD tool, remember? :) That's what I did a few years back. It's not perfect

Re: CF and Cloudscape/Derby

2005-01-24 Thread Chuck Mason
Robert - Do you use PostgreSQL as the database for any of your CF apps? If yes, how do you like it? I'm keeping my eyes open for a good portable database to use with CFEverywhere ( and intend on playing with Cloudscape a bit more (Cloudscape

Depressed - Job Loss ... Job Gain

2005-01-20 Thread Chuck Mason
I've recently been canned in a merger due to reasons pertaining to not getting up to speed with DotNet quick enough (company will no longer be using Cold Fusion, which I am at Advanced level of development), and stated they can find expert level DotNet developers overseas (where majority of

Hosting with these services ...

2005-01-12 Thread Chuck Mason
I need to find hosting for an application that utilizes: CFML(5+), SQL Server, Perl, Java Server (currently using TomCat to power a spelling component), Classic ASP. Finding this combination might be a challenge so I thought I'd check here while I am searching. Any recommendations? Since we

Re: Beating a .net horse! Job interview confirms suspicions...

2004-12-24 Thread Chuck Mason
I think we can all agree on one thing ... we're all intimately drawn to development as it relates to the Web. Whether it be DotNet, Cold Fusion, PHP, Python, whatever ... the end result - the function of our application - is what counts. I've been developing sites with Cold Fusion since CF

Hackers and Painters - Applied to Cold Fusion

2004-07-26 Thread Chuck Mason
Was undecided about posting this here versus CF-Jobs-Talk but since it involves a technical question versus being job-related, decided to post to CF-Talk. I've recently read the book Hackers and Painters (by Paul Graham) and it was a very exciting book to read for those of us involved in

Example Request - Query Database from Flash and Return Result to Flash

2004-07-16 Thread Chuck Mason
Hi - Do any of you know of a simple example of sending a value to a CFC - CFC queries the database (I know that part) for ID - and return the resulting ID back to flash (actionscript for obtaining this result). Thanks, Chuck [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast

Setting Shared Object Return Variable from CF Flash Remoting

2004-06-11 Thread Chuck Mason
I am trying to set a shared object from my flash remoting return variable - but have not had any luck. The return variable is returning and populating a combo box just fine (as an example). My attempt at passing the return variable to an object and then setting that object as a shared object

Cookie - Spoof Domain

2003-02-10 Thread Chuck Mason
Hello ... Before I ask my question, let me first state that I am not planning on doing anything malicious. I have a business partner that had their development staff set a cookie from their domain. Unfortunately, they messed up their tracking mechanism as such that when I send my URLString to

Flash Remoting - Combobox Values Not Passing

2002-08-15 Thread Chuck Mason
Hi there, I used Kevin Towes flash remoting example for his Application Development Center, located here: and it works great! I thought I'd experiment by adding a text input-box, static combobox(1), and use the existing

CFMail and Two Server References

2002-03-20 Thread Chuck Mason
Hi there, Unless I have missed something, I am surprised that CFMail does not have the ability to use more than one mail server reference for backup (our ISPs mail server has been problematic lately, so we'd like to set our mail server as backup reference). ASPMail ala CF_ASPMail custom tag

OT: Independent Consulting versus Full-Time

2002-02-13 Thread Chuck Mason
Hi there, Just curious as to how many of you are independent consultants versus full-timers. I'm a full-timer, and have luckily not been one of the casualties over the last couple years. Business is good, however, building up someone else's company versus my own, with the possibility of

CFEnterprise 5 and Cluster Cats

2001-07-21 Thread Chuck Mason
Hi there, Have either of you configured Cluster Cats with CF Enterprise amongst a cluster of at least two web servers? If so, how is the software load balancing function of Cluster Cats working out? Anything else that you particularly like about CF5 Enterprise / Cluster Cats? Chuck