Re: cfc not returning results to CFSLELCT

2009-11-25 Thread Dave Ferguson
Have you ran the code with FireBug open? Check the net or console sections and look for any errors. --Dave I've got a group of CFSELECTS that were working before a site moved, but now, not. Nothing is being returned to the CFSELECTS cfselect

Re: cfc not returning results to CFSLELCT

2009-11-25 Thread Dave Ferguson
Add this to the page with the CFDIV on it. This may correct the issue. cfajaximport tags = CFDIV / --Dave ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know

Re: CFWindow with forms

2008-03-26 Thread Dave Ferguson
Hi, While Azadi's solution will work it will cause you an issue. Using coldfusion.window.hide does exactly what it says, the window is just hidden. The window is still using client resources and you can still reference the window and its content. What I have used is a scheme to create

Re: Need Include to be first thing after BODY tag

2008-03-26 Thread Dave Ferguson
Try this on for size. You should be able to put it in your onrequestend file. It basically gets what CF generated, captures it, does a replace on the body tag with new content and outputs it. It worked in a simple test. CFSET myContent = getPageContext().getOut().getstring() CFSAVECONTENT

ImageGetIPTCMetadata not returning metadata

2008-03-25 Thread Dave Ferguson
Hi, Has anyone seen any issues with ImageGetIPTCMetadata not actually getting the IPTC Metadata? I have some images created using PhotoShop CS3. We put IPTC metadata in them but CF does not pull it out. I can even look at the file properties in windows and see more data than CF is

ImageGetIPTCMetadata not returning metadata

2008-03-25 Thread Dave Ferguson
Hi, Has anyone seen any issues with ImageGetIPTCMetadata not actually getting the IPTC Metadata? I have some images created using PhotoShop CS3. We put IPTC metadata in them but CF does not pull it out. I can even look at the file properties in windows and see more data than CF is

Re: User's getting other user's sessions

2007-05-17 Thread Dave Ferguson
I have seen this a few times before. I do remember in one occurrence it was caused by a misuse of variable scoping. The others a reboot or restart of service fixed the issue. --Dave ~|

Re: New developer vs. Veteran developer

2007-05-16 Thread Dave Ferguson
I personally think that experience is key. However, the experience needs to be relevant to the project. Also, I think it is more than productivity. I can hire a guy with 1 year experience that can churn out tons of code a day. However, you have to look at the quality of the output. The

Re: Problems with Event Gateways

2007-04-23 Thread Dave Ferguson
Have you tried to call the CFC directly via a browser? If there are compile issues in the cfc you should get a cfadmin login screen. If there issues you should see them. Also, in the CFRETURN have it return something. I.e. CFRETURN 1. On top of that, if you are using application.cfc

Re: bad cfc practice but why?

2007-03-08 Thread Dave Ferguson
One thing to keep in mind is that best practice is not always that. Best practice is not a one size fits all type thing. Use what works for your application. If you happen to need to break out of what has been deemed best practice than so be it. I recently built an app that is all built on

Re: File Size

2007-03-08 Thread Dave Ferguson
From my experience CF is not good at handling large file uploads. I have always ran into memory issues on the server using cf for uploads. That being said, it works great for small files but once you get over the 10mb I would suggest using something else. I use a java applet to do file

Re: Maintaing state across servers with no cookies, session or client vars. WIll this work?

2007-02-28 Thread Dave Ferguson
I have done multi-server installs from 2 server to a 30 server cluster. All of those used cookies, client vars, and sticky sessions. Because without them doing what you want to do is near impossible. Your url id could work but there is no security in it. If a malicious user saw that then

Re: Browser taking too much time in rendering the table data on screen

2007-02-06 Thread Dave Ferguson
Using cfflush still does not solve the issue. IE will not render the table till it has the whole table. I have gotten around this problem before by breaking up a large table into multiple smaller tables. You will have to set the width of all columns so everything lines up but it should work.

Re: Sessions Help

2007-02-05 Thread Dave Ferguson
Have you thought of storing the session vars as client vars in a DB? If the are simple vars you can write something to do it. The on the next request by the users you can extract them and recreate the session. If your host does not want to to use a resource intensive app you should find a

Re: Cluster File Management

2007-01-29 Thread Dave Ferguson
I use PeerSync for this. I have been using it for a while and have never had any problems with it. It also supports versioning on the target server. --Dave Hi everyone, Does anybody know any good sites / ref. books which talk about file management on a

Re: slow query in cf but fast in Sql2k5 management studio.

2007-01-05 Thread Dave Ferguson
One thing you have to remember is that sql management studio does not retrieve all the long text. The amount of data returned to sql management studio vs CF will be considerably different. Also, you are doing where clauses against the long text fields. The way this query is written I would