ColdFusion 32bit or 64bit, that is the question.

2008-12-16 Thread Ian Skinner
If you where installing a brand new ColdFusion application 8.0.1 server on a recently acquired Solaris 5.10 64bit Unix box would you choose to install ColdFusion as 64bit or 32bit? Is there any downsides to going 64bit? Any considerations that somebody who has never *ever* installed

Re: List,Array Question

2008-12-15 Thread Ian Skinner
Damayanti Gupta wrote: aList = ArrayToList(anArray); aList = ArrayToLIst(anArray,'|'); \*or whatever delimiter you care to use*\ ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the

Re: CF-Scheduler - multiple tasks starting at the same time

2008-12-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Earl, George wrote: Is there a fundamental problem with having two or more scheduled tasks start at the same time? Does this confuse CF? Not a fundamental problem, but a scheduled task is nothing more then an automatic HTTP request to an URL resource no different then if a bunch of humans did

Re: ColdFusion IIS on different servers

2008-12-09 Thread Ian Skinner
Andrew Clarke wrote: Are there any actual security advantages to doing this? I'm not sure if they are just following general best practices that aren't applicable in this instance or if they know something about ColdFusion security that I don't know. It is not an unheard of idea in

Re: The infamous back button

2008-12-09 Thread Ian Skinner
Scott Stewart wrote: Hey all, Is there a way to detect the use of the browser back button? I have an issue where I need to prevent a process from running if the browser back button is used.. thanks in advance sas No, not really. You can structure your application to work correctly

Re: The infamous back button

2008-12-09 Thread Ian Skinner
Andy Matthews wrote: That doesn't make any sense Barney. If you have page A that collects data from an user which then calls page B which process the data which then uses cflocation... to page C for the display of the results. If the user presses the back button they are sent back to page A

Re: Judicious use of session variables, how much is too much

2008-12-08 Thread Ian Skinner
Scott Stewart wrote: My question is: How much is too much and will having this many session vars affect performance. It is more if the amount of data in the variables then the number of variables. One session variable containing a 5k structure will have more of a performance impact the

Re: problem with sum of resuts of two queries

2008-11-26 Thread Ian Skinner
John M Bliss wrote: [whew] :-) On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think that's new CF8 syntax. Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:40 AM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] That's because you need both to be inside pound

Parse text into structure.

2008-11-25 Thread Ian Skinner
How would some of you take this text file and parse it into a structure? I would like to take this text: options (direct=true, errors=99) load data into table raw_i append (record_id position(1:1) CHAR, process_mt position(2:3) CHAR, process_yr position(4:5) CHAR, batch_no

Read an uploaded file.

2008-11-25 Thread Ian Skinner
Here is a new one for me. I'm in the middle of creating a simple tool that is going to take a data file and display a grid of the data for users to review. So I have a basic form for the user to select a local data file they would like to review. What occurred to me is I have no need to

Re: Read an uploaded file.

2008-11-25 Thread Ian Skinner
Rob Parkhill wrote: But I thought that in the upload process the CF Server made a temp copy of the file. Can you use that to read the data from? That is an interesting thought, I believe it is the web server that creates the temp file, but maybe I can just go to that source... hmmm. Off to

Re: cfdirectory directory to a another server

2008-11-24 Thread Ian Skinner
patrick buch wrote: cfdirectory directory=// name=dirQuery action=LIST Any suggestions? The user that ColdFusion runs under must have domain permissions to read from the remote system over the network. The default windows user localsystem' that the ColdFusion

Re: Faxing with CF

2008-11-19 Thread Ian Skinner
Rob Parkhill wrote: Okay, I have a Canon printer/fax on the network, that we use. It has a static IP, etc. Is there a way to send the required information here? I don't really want to use the server to send faxes through the modem. Maybe I will have to talk to Canon and see if they have

Re: Site-wide Error Handler

2008-11-19 Thread Ian Skinner
Chad Gray wrote: Where do I put the file and how to I format the path? There is a little understood weirdness to the MX generation of ColdFusion. It has two web roots in which it will look for CFM files. The first is the web root defined in the web server, IIS in your case. The second is

Re: IDE announced: IDE/Compiler Business Model

2008-11-19 Thread Ian Skinner
Aaron Rouse wrote: My only complaint is the need to run Enterprise for Oracle support out of the box Then your complaint is probably with Oracle. It is my, possible very wrong, understanding that a big factor in the price difference between Standard and Enterprise is the license fee for

Re: Deleting Class Files... CFMX 6.1

2008-11-18 Thread Ian Skinner
Che Vilnonis wrote: Are there any repurcussions for deleting class files that I should be aware of? Time, which could be significant depending on your application but for most cases would not be. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

OT JavaScript question.

2008-11-12 Thread Ian Skinner
Quick question that I just can not think of the right terms to find in Google. There is a syntax short cut in JavaScript if you are assigning several properties to the same object. What is it? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: OT JavaScript question.

2008-11-12 Thread Ian Skinner
Adrian Lynch wrote: Or do you mean with? with someObject { var1 = not; var2 = sure; var3 = about; var4 = this; var5 = syntax; var6 = or; var7 = whether; var8 = it's a JavaScript; var9 = thing or not; } alert(someObject.var1);

CFGrid|CFGridColumn usage.

2008-11-07 Thread Ian Skinner
I am attempting to use the new CF8 version of the Grid an GridColumn tags for the first time. I have not made use of these tags since 4.5. I have very specific usage in mind, but I am not quickly figuring out how to archive my goal from the documentation. I'm hoping a couple of you all could

Keep empty records.

2008-11-05 Thread Ian Skinner
I have a multi-level report that I am having trouble building a proper record set for given the structure of the data I have to work with. I'm hoping the illustrious minds on this list can help me see the light. Here is the desired output. Each year should always list all counties. YEAR 1

Re: Keep empty records.

2008-11-05 Thread Ian Skinner
Jason Fisher wrote: I think you can just leave year and county tables 'unlinked' and still OUTER JOIN to your raw_pur table by both year and county_cd. Dunno, but it's worth a try: This was the right idea. Thanks to Brad providing me the proper term, 'Cartesian,' for what I was trying

Re: Keep empty records.

2008-11-05 Thread Ian Skinner
Jason Fisher wrote: Very cool to have CROSS JOIN explicitly state your intention there. Normally, of course, you want to avoid CROSS JOIN like the plague, since the RDBMS has to full index both tables and cross reference every possible combination, but in your specific case, the

Re: Update Panel... Coldfusion?

2008-11-04 Thread Ian Skinner
cfdiv Or any of it's Ajax friends. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

SQL: Outer Join question.

2008-11-04 Thread Ian Skinner
How to select all records from the left table and all the records on the right that match certain criteria. This does not work because the where clause filters out all the 'NULLS' from the records in the a table that do not have a matching record in the b tables. SELECT a.field,

Re: SQL: Outer Join question.

2008-11-04 Thread Ian Skinner
Jason Fisher wrote: Give this a try. It will still honor the LEFT OUTER JOIN while using both of your tests to select 'b' records. Thank you, that worked perfectly. Ian ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Break a long table when printing.

2008-10-30 Thread Ian Skinner
This may not be worth the effort, but before I give up I wanted to throw it out to this illustrious group. I have a long but a usually narrow 58 row table. When this is printed it would span vertiaclly across two pages. But it is normally narrow enough that the two haves could easily fit

Re: Looping over form structs into an array or query

2008-10-29 Thread Ian Skinner
Well, a structure is probably easiest. pKey: #key#, Value: #form[key]#/p cfset myStruct[key] = form[key] ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: odd sql question

2008-10-29 Thread Ian Skinner
Scott Stewart wrote: i have a table with a field (study_category.category_date) that is a comma delimited list (2004,2005,2006,2007) stored as a NVARCHAR I need to see if a passed value is in the list: WHERE (#arguments.cat_date# in (study_category.category_date)) arguments.cat_date is a

Re: Lines of credit or credit account online

2008-10-28 Thread Ian Skinner
The client's exact words were: I want visitors to fill out a form and submit it and get approved for a line of credit they can use to pay for services on my site. The first way I read that line, is this is a company that already deals with credit lines. If so, my first question would be How

Re: Issue with XML

2008-10-27 Thread Ian Skinner
Adrian Lynch wrote: Got the code that does the rewriting of the attributes? When writing structures, myStruct.someKey will result in SOMEKEY when you view it. The way around it is to do myStruct[someKey]. And if you are using the CF XML functions, a quick survey showed that many have a

Re: How to avoid is not of type query error using CFC?

2008-10-22 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: Now I know. The cfreturn variable has to match the query name. Well, no. It has to match what you want to return. Sure there are lots of examples where the return does not match the query name because the query is not what is necessarily returned. But if your function

Re: Running ColdFusion as a specific user in a Multiserver environment

2008-10-14 Thread Ian Skinner
Laura Norris wrote: we are running CF 7 on Windows 2003 Server. does that make any difference? Just that the services name will be Macromedia ColdFusion 7 AS #instanceName#, instead of Adobe. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: Running ColdFusion as a specific user in a Multiserver environment

2008-10-14 Thread Ian Skinner
Any help would be appreciated. You didn't say if you are doing this on Unix or Windows? And what version of ColdFusion is always helpful. My main experience is windows based. The only difference with multi-home is that you have multiple Services, each service can have it's own login user.

Re: Coldfusion and .aspx…

2008-10-10 Thread Ian Skinner
cfhttp would be the closest to in cfinclude... concept. This would return the .aspx page as it was rendered by the ASP application server. You would then need to process the cfhttp.filecontent variable to marry it with your look and feel.

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Phillip M. Vector wrote: Peter Boughton wrote: 1) Scope the variable, e.g. using #Variables.Question# instead of just #Question# Did you do this one Phillip. I'm late to this discussion so I don't really know what your issue is. But you have some pretty ambiguous code here. div

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Phillip M. Vector wrote: Ian Skinner wrote: div class=FAQQuestion #Question# /div Is ColdFusion seeing that as 'variables.question' or 'variables.FAQ.question' you have both on this block of code. And it may not be picking the one you want to output. If so then be specific

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Ian Skinner
I have in my DB under the field of answer... We have currently #users.recordcount# players signed up with this site that your event would reach. While it may not be many in the pure view, if 7 come to your convention, that would pay for our services (Figuring the room costs a total of $200 and

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Ian Skinner wrote: cfoutput query=FAQ div class=FAQAnswer #Evaluate(DE(FAQ.Answer))# /div /cfoutput O.K. I have never really done anything with this recursive rendering of ColdFusion variables inside of ColdFusion variables before. But this is kind of cool

Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
What would I be looking at to run a Perl script at d:/path/to/my/perl/ %year% with a cfexecute... tag? I've tried to do it directly: cfexecute name=d:\path\to\my\perl\ arguments=#year# variable=goodbar errorvariable=foobar/ I've tried to do it through cmd.exe: cfexecute

Re: Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
yea in win32 you'd want to cfexecute name=c:\program files\perlinstalledwhereever\perl.exe arguments=d:\path\to\my\perl\ #year# variable=goodbar errorvariable=foobar/ Ok...I gave this one a try too and the same results. cfexecute name=e:\Perl\bin\perl.exe

Re: Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
The annoying part of this is that I am NOT getting any results OR errors, just nothing. Is there a concept like Start In or Working Directory when running script with cfexectue...? The only idea I can come up with is that the Perl script is failing because it can not find associated files

Re: Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
Try running it at the command prompt or as a bat file and see what happens. I would get it to work there first and then try it with CFexecute. ~G~ Both of these already work. I can easily run the line from the command line, and there is an bat file that works fine when used in the Windows

Re: Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
so it runs fine if you do e:\perl\bin\perl.exe d:\intranet_apps\pesticide_use_report\loader\ 2008 from a command prompt? I don't know... I have never tried that form. From the command line, I would just use the d:\\intranet_apps|pesticide_use_report\loader\ 2008. And this

Re: Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
Yeah I see now... I wasn't paying enough attention. Sorry I would try this. It has worked for me in the past... when I needed to pass custom vars to an executable I would write the bat file on the fly, save it and then run the bat file with CFexecute. HTH G Thanks, it looks like this idea will

Re: Execute a Perl script.

2008-10-06 Thread Ian Skinner
But I am still getting no results from the cfexecute... tag. The PERL script generates a ton of output. When I first ran my prototype bat file, it generated output. But I am getting none of this output out of the cfexectue... call? I donno if I can help with that. I haven't used cfexectue in a

Re: Any mail going around...I'm not getting any... :o(

2008-10-03 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: I think I may have been blacklisted... Rick This would be encouraging... I changed my e-mail service about an hour ago and have only gotten 1/2 dozen messages since. I was beginning to think this service is even worse then my last, which I know was rejecting at least

Re: Parse .html files with Coldfusion

2008-10-02 Thread Ian Skinner
Cutter (CFRelated) wrote: Plus, you had better know the code of each site really well. One inline style declaration for a color and BOOM, big CF error where none should ever show. ONLY if one goes back and wraps the HTML code in cfoutput... blocks! Otherwise normal html, color declarations

HTTP401.2 - Access denied by ACL on resource

2008-10-02 Thread Ian Skinner
Unfortunately I have to maintain a couple of archaic ColdFusion 4.5 servers for the next couple of years. Luckily all our new development is going on bright and shiny new ColdFusion 8 Enterprise servers. But it will be quite some time before many older programs are migrated. That being said.

Re: hoping someone is up!

2008-10-01 Thread Ian Skinner
It sounds like you are going to need to look at your join syntax. Since you are join your users to courses you are going to get 9 records for that one user. Then when you sum those up you are going to get nine!. But I am unclear on what to do about it. One would need to know a lot more your

Re: Query of Session?

2008-09-30 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick wrote: Now I want to query that session results much the same way as you would do a query of Query. Then why not use the query of query? Having the result set in a session variable does not matter. The query of a query needs a variable with a result set in it. Provide it the session

Re: concurrent users and filtering data down to other users

2008-09-29 Thread Ian Skinner
You can not do this with basic HTTP/HTML/AJAX level technology. There is no connection between the server and any client that recently connected to receive content. The closest you can get with these technologies is to regularly pull updated data from the client. I.E. Set a function on the

Re: concurrent users and filtering data down to other users

2008-09-29 Thread Ian Skinner
I don't know if this is easier or not... but it is what I've done when worried about 'brown' data. When a user views a data set for editing, keep of a copy of the data as they received it, probably in a session variable. Then when they submit changes to this data, compare the 'original state'

Re: cfdocument font problem

2008-09-26 Thread Ian Skinner
BJ McShane wrote: My guestion is am I doing something wrong or is there a trick to force it to behave one way for one program and another way for another program. I like the cfdocument tag but it seems like it still has a lot of problems. I guess I'm going to break the printable button

My first attempt to install 64bit CF did not go well...

2008-09-25 Thread Ian Skinner
We tried to install ColdFusion 8.01 in 64 bit mode on a new Solaris Unix server yesterday and it did not complete. The installation seems to have ran without any noticeable problems, but the does not seem to run properly. We are attempting to install ColdFusion in a

Re: My first attempt to install 64bit CF did not go well...

2008-09-25 Thread Ian Skinner
Shannon Peevey wrote: Is coldfusion firing up? Or, is it failing when you try to start the server? We haven't got that far, I don't think. We can start the JRun server, but then get errors when we attempt to run the shell script. But I have never done this type of

Re: My first attempt to install 64bit CF did not go well...

2008-09-25 Thread Ian Skinner
Ryan Stille wrote: Check the paths in the connector script and make sure they are correct. This is often an issue on Linux, and it could be the same on Solaris. This may be helpful:

Re: Long running CF Program

2008-09-23 Thread Ian Skinner
Robert Harrison wrote: Question is, if I invoke this program from a CFPage to start the process, will the process continue when the user exists the page? (i.e., continue to run in the background). Does this concept, loop and process a bit each minute until done, sound like a reasonable

Re: CF Module for Pay-Pal integration

2008-09-23 Thread Ian Skinner
Rusty Owens wrote: Did you ever get a response? I am trying to do the same thing as well. I've done it once When I did it long ago, buried deep in the Pay Pal documentation behind the ASP* and PHP examples was one ColdFusion one. The basic concept is fairly simple. You make a request of


2008-09-23 Thread Ian Skinner
Jarlath Eoin Gallagher wrote: Just place a br/ after the variable and it will render onto a new line OR #chr(13)##chr(10)# Depending on if your sending HTML or TEXT formated email. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the

Re: Optimize Query of Query

2008-09-17 Thread Ian Skinner
Richard White wrote: ... found that at present coldfusion query of queries just isnt built as a database engine And probably never will be. That is what ColdFusion engineers told a group of us at a pre-Max conference a couple of years ago. ColdFusion is *NOT* a database engine and is not

Re: Problem with CFExecute...

2008-09-17 Thread Ian Skinner
Jochem van Dieten wrote: (Just imagine what would happen if that user enters his password incorrectly 3 times and is locked out.) Or leaves the company and the user account is deactivated. Or changes their password after three months as often is network policy. I've seen it all. Do as Jochem

Re: A Little Confusion on CFQUERYPARAM and Nulls...

2008-09-12 Thread Ian Skinner
Dave Watts wrote: I don't think this is correct. If you explicitly pass NULL, that's what you're going to get regardless of any default value for the column. I concur with Dave, not hard to do. You would have to have you SQL dynamically not try and set the given field for the default to take

Re: Query Muliple Databases

2008-09-12 Thread Ian Skinner
Tim Stutzman wrote: Hi, The SQL Server has all the fields I need but one field that is in the DB2 database. I need to join between the two databases, but I have never wrote a query that uses two different data sources. You can not connect to to different data sources in a single query.

Re: How NOT to Evaluate (moved from cfset so not to confuse topic)

2008-09-10 Thread Ian Skinner
David Moore, Jr. wrote: What is the [] for. How would they be used. That is called 'Array Notation'. All ColdFusion variables are now structures AKA 'Associative Array' or 'Hash' or many other names. But it means that you can dynamically reference the elements of complex variables by using

Re: How NOT to Evaluate (moved from cfset so not to confuse topic)

2008-09-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Gerald Guido wrote: cfset MyServiceObj = evaluate(Application.#arguments.MyTable#Service)/ cfset mystring = / cfreturn evaluate(mystring) / Many TIA Well I think the first line could be... cfset MyServiceObe = Application[arguments.MyTable

Re: How NOT to Evaluate (moved from cfset so not to confuse topic)

2008-09-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Adrian Lynch wrote: A little correction: cfoutput#variables[x]#/cfoutput should be: cfoutput#variables[x]#/cfoutput Adrian OR cfset x = x cfoutput#variable[x]#/cfoutput :) But yea, what does that really gain for you.

Re: ColdFusion navigation help

2008-09-09 Thread Ian Skinner
erik tom wrote: On this page I only want to the root menu. After i click on the link it should take me to the child menu where i CAN CLICK ON THE iTEM AND IT SHOULD TAKE ME TO THE NEXT MENU. aND SO ON AND SO FORTH Then don't loop over all the children and output them. Just output a single

Re: using dynamic variable in cfset statement

2008-09-09 Thread Ian Skinner
Wally Randall wrote: Why does this fail inside a cfoutput loop over a query: application. is an illegal variable name. To do this type of thing you need to use array notation. cfset application[appconfig.code_name] = appconfig.code_value

Re: using dynamic variable in cfset statement

2008-09-09 Thread Ian Skinner
Casey Dougall wrote: cfloop index=ColumnName list=#appconfig.ColumnList# cfset APPLICATION.appconfig.#ColumnName# = appconfig[#ColumnName#] /cfloop Or the same thing with a few less pound signs and quotes. cfset Application['appconfig'][ColumnName] = appconfig[ColunName] Or to completely

Re: Form slowness inexplicable

2008-09-05 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Root wrote: Anyone got any ideas on this? I read a review of Chrome a couple of days ago that discussed a general 'Flash' problem with current browsers. The reviewer discussed how greedy Flash player could get with client resources, particularly CPU.

Re: Create Dynamic XML File for Flash File

2008-09-04 Thread Ian Skinner
David Moore wrote: How would I go about creating a dynamic file on the fly from a CF Query Exactly like you would create dynamic HTML. ColdFusion does not care what text it creates and will do what ever you direct it to. You can do it all manually or use the built in XML functionality.

Re: Maybe OT: Content Disappears when .cfm call, shows when .html

2008-09-02 Thread Ian Skinner
s. isaac dealey wrote: I believe according to the standard, XML isn't allowed to have any white space before the doctype. This is the first I'd heard of a browser refusing to render it though. Actually IIRC, the XML standard does not care about white space, nothing else is allowed before the

Re: cfthread running condition?

2008-08-29 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: Is there a way to make the start of one thread conditional upon the ending of a previous thread? It should be possible using the thread.status feature. You would create a thread then watch the status until it reports completed then start the next thread. Don't have a

Re: cfthread running condition?

2008-08-29 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: Is there a way to break out of the cfscript block once the status of the first thread, 2_hmls_offices, is Completed and go on to process regular CFML code? There is nothing special about the cfscript.../cfscript code. This is not a requirment of threads or anything,

Re: cfmail woes

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Have you confirmed that the e-mail contains a proper e-mail address in the TO property? That is what I see in the error message. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free

xmlTransform() and an unnecessary xml declaration.

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Is there a way to stop this code from producing an unnecessary XML declaration. When I run the following code it produces an XML declaration after the body tag. body ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? Is there someway to control this, or do I just need to do some string parsing after the

Re: xmlTransform() and an unnecessary xml declaration.

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Ian Skinner wrote: Is there a way to stop this code from producing an unnecessary XML declaration. Why yes, yes there is a way to stop this. Add the following line to your XSLT code Ian. xsl:output method=html encoding=utf-8

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: I see your point. How do the multiple file uploaders in javascript or flash get around this problem? I've never seen javascript that could do this, once a bug in I.E. that allowed to was closed. I did once read about an ActiveX that purported to allow this when used

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Dan Vega wrote: I would be interested in your use case for this. As everyone has already pointed out this is a huge security risk but even from a user standpoint it doesn't make sense to me why you would want to do this? I've run into this request when working with corporate web applications.

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: (If I understand it all with only a cursory review.) Just reading your posted description, this is a way to just create multiple file upload controls. JavaScript can easily do this, I am unclear on what the benefit of making them all separate forms in iframes is, but

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Well the way I read it, but I have not looked at the site. Is that this tool creates multiple file controls, then a user has to populate them with files, then the button submits them all. But I got to admit all that iframe and separate form stuff is an awful lot of work to do this rather

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
There are javascript solutions for this, so why can't CF have one that doesn't pose a security risk, if the javascript solutions don't? Rick It should be pointed out that CF is not involved in this limitation at all. If you want to make a case for change it would need to be made with the

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Ian Skinner wrote: But I got to admit all that iframe and separate form stuff is an awful lot of work to do this rather simple functionality. I just read through the post for that multiple file loader JavaScript. The problem he is trying to get around using multiple forms is size limits

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Ian Skinner
Rick Faircloth wrote: This issues just sounds like it could be addressed by placing limitations on what type of files are acceptable in the upload. Such as with cffile... I don't really know. But the point is that cffile... would happily accept anything right now. ColdFusion does not care

Re: Strange ColdFusion folder

2008-08-27 Thread Ian Skinner
Jochem van Dieten wrote: Ian Skinner wrote: E:\JRun4\servers\general\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\cfusion\tmpCache\CFFileServlet\_cfreport\ What does this folder do and what would these virtX files be. Temporary files that are used by cfreport. It should

Re: Strange ColdFusion folder

2008-08-27 Thread Ian Skinner
Jochem van Dieten wrote: Temporary files that are used by cfreport. It should be safe to delete them after cfreport has finished running. Jochem I have already spent an hour this morning to delete all the virt{uniqueIdentifier} file out of this ...\CFFileServlet\_cfreport\ folder Wow, It

ColdFusion IIS Virtual Directories

2008-08-27 Thread Ian Skinner
What are the IIS Virtual Directories set up for websites using ColdFusion? I know there should be one for CFIDE, but isn't there a second one as well? TIA ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Re: putting in cffile

2008-08-27 Thread Ian Skinner
Jessica Kennedy wrote: I need to write a .csv file with all data encased in quotation marks, the problem is that cffile output uses double quotes to define the data to input. How can I get around this?? Geez, i know it's got to be something easy... Yup, use single quotes.

Uninstall ColdFusion 8 seems to be frozen.

2008-08-26 Thread Ian Skinner
I'm uninstalling CF8 to do a clean re-install and it seems to be frozen near the end of the 'Folders' section. What type of pain am I in for if I abort the uninstaller at this point? Windows 2003 server FYI ~| Adobe®

Manually uninstalling ColdFusion 8

2008-08-26 Thread Ian Skinner
Does the technote describing how to manually uninstall CF 6 and 7 still apply to CF 8? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Strange ColdFusion folder

2008-08-26 Thread Ian Skinner
E:\JRun4\servers\general\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\cfusion\tmpCache\CFFileServlet\_cfreport\ What does this folder do and what would these virtX files be. There are so many on our server that I can not delete with the recycle bin. I as because this was a server that was

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-20 Thread Ian Skinner
David Moore, Jr. wrote: Not trying to pick a fight, becuase I am sure you have forgotten more code than I will ever know (seriously) and I am probably just being lazy (seriously), but is cfqueryparam something a lot of programmers really use? I have never seen cfqueryparam used on any tags

(ot) Apache Configuration Advice

2008-08-18 Thread Ian Skinner
I will just post a link to what I submitted to the CF-OT forum. But, this is an important issue to us and I wanted to make sure as wide an audience sees it as permissible. Looking at the CF-OT forum, it seems to be a sparsely used list and I do not know how well attend it is. I've poised

Re: Details on CF9's free for academic licensing?

2008-08-18 Thread Ian Skinner
Eric Roberts wrote: I bet if you give adobe a call they could tell you ;-) Eric If you manage to call the write people. I believe we all have heard many stories about the confusion concerning ColdFusion from front-line Adobe support staff. I would give one of these guys that call and

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Ian Skinner
Claude Schneegans wrote: so why not use a table ? Or at least a table of lists. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Missing Template Handler is missing part Duex

2008-08-08 Thread Ian Skinner
Tom Chiverton wrote: On Thursday 07 Aug 2008, Ian Skinner wrote: into the ColdFusion administrator and replaced the HTML file path '/rootDir/subDir/subDir/htdocs/errors/404error.htm' with the corresponding CFML path '/rootDir/subDir/subDir/htdocs/errors/404error.cfm' it stop working

Re: Missing Template Handler is missing

2008-08-08 Thread Ian Skinner
Adam Churvis wrote: Missing Template Handler is missing... Doesn't that just have a sort of Zen ring to it? Respectfully, Adam Phillip Churvis President Productivity Enhancement Zen or not, it is also very frustrating that it does not work. To be clear and up front, I am talking about

Re: Missing Template Handler is missing part Duex

2008-08-08 Thread Ian Skinner
Dawson, Michael wrote: Are you certain that CF can see that .cfm file? Can you actually execute it? Do you have the correct CF mapping that allows it to resolve? mike Yes I believe that CF can see the file, I can directly browse to it and it works that way.

Re: Missing Template Handler is missing part Duex

2008-08-08 Thread Ian Skinner
Ok so what is wrong with using expandPath() in a 4.5 ColdFusion template that is used as the Missing Template handler? That is the source of my problem. When the 404error.cfm file is called directly in a browser the expandPath() function works properly and resolves the absolute path I need to

Re: Missing Template Handler is missing part Duex

2008-08-08 Thread Ian Skinner
Jim Davis wrote: I honestly can't remember or find if the missing template handler was restricted by the same rules... but I have a vague recollection that it was. Jim Davis Nope all the other CFML works just fine in the Missing Template Handler. I was concerned about the same thing and had

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