RE: Early Expiring Sessions

2001-02-28 Thread Lord, Heath
Have the expiration times been altered by any of your Application.cfm files? Just a thought, if they were in one, and the applications below that one don't have an application file, then they may be inheriting a shorter timeout? Heath -Original Message- From: Neil H. [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Removing Duplicate Values in a List

2001-02-27 Thread Lord, Heath
Actually, it is telling you that you need to make your query return exactly what you want. YES, using Distinct or Unique will work, but it is not the best way to get what you want out of the data. Distinct is shortcut to effectively grouping your results... or: "The DISTINCT keyword sorts the

RE: Removing Duplicate Values in a List

2001-02-27 Thread Lord, Heath
OK, the list can be filtered this way in ColdFusion before you ship it off to the DataBase Machine to run your query... cfset My_Keyword_List = "" cfloop list="#Keywords#" index="Current_Keyword" cfif not listfind(My_Keyword_List,Current_Keyword) cfset My_Keyword_List =

RE: Getting entire text box from database to show in form.

2001-02-26 Thread Lord, Heath
textarea name="Other" cols="50" ROWS="4" wrap="physical"#htmleditformat(qGetAll.Other)#/textarea Make sure that you are HTMLEDITFORMAT()'ing the output... I bet the particular field you are having problems with has a double quote in it... Heath -Original Message- From: Tim

RE: Validating Checkboxes

2001-02-21 Thread Lord, Heath
Bad news using ListContains... because this list contains 3 103,33,13,23,53 do a ListFind.. 3 will not be found in this list. 103,33,13,23,53 Heath -Original Message- From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:38 PM To: CF-Talk Subject:

RE: How to check form fields for content and modify?

2001-02-20 Thread Lord, Heath
cfparam name="form.Pages" default=0 cfparam name="form.Year" default=0 cfparam name="form.Service" default="N/A" cfparam name="form.Position" default="N/A" cfparam name="form.Ndate" default="N/A" cfparam name="form.Volume" default="N/A" cfparam name="form.Issue" default="N/A" cfparam

RE: application.cfm question

2001-02-20 Thread Lord, Heath
It looks in Current directory first... if it doesn't find one there, it continues looking in every parent directory up to the root of the hard drive that the template sits on... If it finds one, it stops. Heath -Original Message- From: river [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday,

RE: Anyone know of any good CF tests?

2001-02-20 Thread Lord, Heath
Seems like it would be easy enough to make... given the quantity of materials available from online tests, college courses, and Allaire Certification prep books. The main problem you main have is determining what is truly an expert... I would classify myself as very knowledgeable, but wouldn't

RE: RegExp to extract info between tags

2001-02-16 Thread Lord, Heath
I'm not sure if I understand exactly what your issue is... You have a WDDX packet that you have created with CF. That packet contains variables that you want to extract with CF. If those two statements are correct, then why not just use:?? cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#my_packet#"

RE: modules, loops and variables....

2001-02-16 Thread Lord, Heath
I use a loop similar to this... You're looking to use the evaluate() function. !--- Create List of Domains Selected --- cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#" index="L_Field_Index" cfif left(L_Field_Index,7) is "Domain_"

RE: ParseDog

2001-02-16 Thread Lord, Heath
The worst part is it is not even a ColdFusion app, its an ASP page... -Original Message- From: John Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 11:03 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: ParseDog I just put a demo app of ParseDog up on my site.

RE: ParseDog

2001-02-16 Thread Lord, Heath
To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: ParseDog Lord Heath - The ASP Page is because this is "ASP Fusebox" and Illustrates This isn't the FUSEBOX LIST. It is CF-TALK, NOT CF-MAYBE-ASP-WITH-FUSEBOX-ON-A-FRIDAY-LIST ParseDog is a Cold Fusion app and it is a free Open Source Resource for Anyone who

RE: ParseDog

2001-02-16 Thread Lord, Heath
Subject: RE: ParseDog Thanks to all you wonderful Individuals that have contributed your vast knowledge and comments! Lord Heath - The ASP Page is because this is "ASP Fusebox" and Illustrates the whitepaper which can be viewed here:

RE: Wanted CF Web app development methodology

2001-02-15 Thread Lord, Heath
Here we go again Yes. You'll no doubt get copious links to: among others. Fusebox is a good method to develop sites, if you want them to resemble what you are probably used to seeing in OO programming. Stirring the pot again... Heath -Original Message- From: Eric

RE: Running Credit Checks

2001-02-15 Thread Lord, Heath
I don't believe he is asking for credit card information. He wants to do Credit Checks (Equifax, Transworld) That sort of Credit Check. Heath -Original Message- From: Kinley Pon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:28 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Running

RE: Best Practices

2001-02-13 Thread Lord, Heath
I would say that proper coding and proper QA will ensure that Javascript works on Netscape and IE. In the event the user has disabled JS, build in support for that too. It's not that hard to do. And by saying that you'd use Flash instead of or that Flash is better than JS is non-sense.

RE: Y2K Pivot Year Question.

2001-02-12 Thread Lord, Heath
Which begs to ask... Why are you using CFUPDATE... It would be much less worry to use CFQUERY and update as you like. IMHO Heath -Original Message- From: Arden Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 10:23 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Y2K Pivot Year Question. I

RE: trim a string variable

2001-02-08 Thread Lord, Heath
You can do several things... Using the "." as a list delimiter, you could use listfirst() If you know that the extension will always be 3 characters plus a ".", you can use left(var,val(len(var)-4)) blah blah blah Heath -Original Message- From: Chad Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

RE: Trapping Errors from CFLocation

2001-02-06 Thread Lord, Heath
Possibly CFHTTP the page you want to check, search the cfhttp.filecontents for the 404 error information, and then cfthrow an error if that search is true. Just my two cents. Heath -Original Message- From: Duane Boudreau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 10:08

RE: one hour query

2001-02-06 Thread Lord, Heath
I use: and createdate between #start# and #end# but we use oracle... I forget the SQL for the same -Original Message- From: Kevin Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 10:59 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: one hour query Is it possible to write a query that

RE: Brain Fart

2001-02-02 Thread Lord, Heath
cfif len(form.specialrequest) gt 255 !--- Ditch the rest of the text --- cfelse !--- Light is green, trap is clean --- /cfif Heath -Original Message- From: Tony Gruen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 2:03 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: OT: Brain Fart


2001-02-01 Thread Lord, Heath
cfset "brow" eq "#HTTP_USER_AGENT#" Should read (although this line is not required) cfset brow = cgi.HTTP_USER_AGENT cfif FindNoCase("Mozilla/4.7 [en]", brow) gt 0 should read cfif FindNoCase("Mozilla/4.7",CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT) the other way is like saying if X gt 0... FindNoCase returns the

RE: wddx/java

2001-01-30 Thread Lord, Heath
CFFILE ACTION="Read" FILE="full_path_name" VARIABLE="var_name" cfloop list="#var_name#" index="current_list_item" cftransaction cfquery name="qry_do_the_insert" datasource="my_datasource" /*Do my insert query here*/

RE: Weird Problem

2001-01-30 Thread Lord, Heath
Use HTMLEditFormat() around the variable you are outputting. Heath -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 7:37 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Weird Problem I am having the strangest problem... I have a varchar field in a SQL

RE: Driving Me Nuts

2001-01-30 Thread Lord, Heath
Does the remote server possibly have a different table named Forms? Heath -Original Message- From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:54 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Driving Me Nuts I have a query running fine on my local server, but it won't


2001-01-30 Thread Lord, Heath
Hot mic. Hot mic. -Original Message- From: Sandra Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:41 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Politics RULE - GRRR Hi Phillip, I am sending this to you directly since I don't think the entire group needs to read this. I am

RE: Problems with Dynamic Form.variables

2001-01-30 Thread Lord, Heath
I usually use this sor of set up. Answer_QID_[QuestionNumber] as the variable name. Then I can loop over the fieldnames variable returned, looking at the first portion of the variable name to see if it is an Answer variable. If it is, I take action, using the listgetat() function. The trick

RE: Allaire on a Mac?

2001-01-29 Thread Lord, Heath
Doesn't the Mac sport a PC Emulator that is supposed to run and PC application? Why not take the slight performance hit that is supposed to have and run Studio in the virtual PC? Just my two cents. Heath -Original Message- From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday,

RE: Alphabetic List

2001-01-26 Thread Lord, Heath
I believe that there is a custom tag for this in the developers exchange. It's been a while since I used this type of navigation, but it might save a little work. Heath -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 1:48 PM To:

RE: how to make bar, line chart in coldfusion

2001-01-25 Thread Lord, Heath
In my opinion, a 1 pixel by 1 pixel jpg or gif that has it's height and width attributes adjusted is a little better, as it give a nice uniform size regardless of the browser. Just my 2 cents. Heath -Original Message- From: Russel Madere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday,


2001-01-22 Thread Lord, Heath
did you set the default docs to [index.html index.cfm index.htm index.cfml] or did you use [index.html .cfm] -Original Message- From: Clint Tredway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 9:29 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: CF PWS ppl! HELP! What kind of error are you

RE: Inserting HTML into a database.

2001-01-19 Thread Lord, Heath
You can either check for the existence of the ' and replace it with its chr(039) equiv or you could replace it with the ReplaceList() function on the form variable being passed another option would be to PreserveSingleQuotes() on it. I believe the latter would be your best approach to

RE: (code) Looping is faster in 4.5.2

2001-01-12 Thread Lord, Heath
Here are some results from 3 of my servers. NT4.0SP6 1000 While: 47 1000 For: 63 1000 CFLoop: 62 NT4.0SP6 1000 While: 47 1000 For: 62 1000 CFLoop: 63 NT5.0SP1 4.5.1 SP2 1000 While: 31 1000 For: 47 1000 CFLoop: 31 -Original Message- From: Michael

RE: images stop loading?

2001-01-11 Thread Lord, Heath
We had a similar issue, but our problem was caused by a CF code snippet not being interpreted after it was retrieved from the database. After the file was moved into our cached files directory, the code executed perfectly. Have you checked your CF Application Log file for an associated error

RE: OT: Learning Javascript Books,

2001-01-08 Thread Lord, Heath
Make sure to get the O'Reilly Javascript The definative Guide as a companion to it, and quite possibly the O'Reilly DHTML book too. The Javascript Bible is good for a lot, but the combination is much better. Just my 2 cents Heath -Original Message- From: Hal Helms [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: CFX CyberCash Question....

2001-01-05 Thread Lord, Heath
Kurt, you are using the CFX if the code sample you sent was your working version. Is this the case? Heath -Original Message- From: Kurt Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 8:44 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: CFX CyberCash Question Kevin, I use the CF_

RE: Multiple Select Lists

2001-01-05 Thread Lord, Heath
Check out the ListContainsNoCase()function. I believe that this may do it for you: cfif ListContainsNoCase(mylist, optionvalue) selected/cfif Heath -Original Message- From: Tomas Rofkahr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 5:59 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Multiple

RE: One step method to check then increment a value in db?

2000-12-28 Thread Lord, Heath
What kind of database? With Oracle, you can simply use a Sequence. Heath -Original Message- From: Paul Sinclair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 3:40 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: One step method to check then increment a value in db? I'm looking for a simple way

RE: Allaire ColdFusion Sample Script DoS Vulnerability

2000-12-13 Thread Lord, Heath
Ancient History. Remove Docs and Sample Apps. If I remember correctly, this was corrected with the release of 4.0.1 Heath -Original Message- From: Robert Everland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 12:51 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Allaire ColdFusion Sample Script

RE: Cookie timeouts

2000-12-13 Thread Lord, Heath
To quote the cookie definition, Expires = Optional. Schedules the expiration of a cookie variable. Can be specified as a date (as in 10/09/99), number of DAYS (as in 10, 100), now, or Never. Using NOW deletes the cookie. ie, store the date time in a cookie, compare it and time it out based on

Anyone else see this error?

2000-12-12 Thread Lord, Heath
This template works fine in my development environment. I've copied it every way I can think of to the test environment (identical to the development environment) and I get this error. I can't find any information on it at Allaire, so I'm looking for some input. Has anyone else encountered

RE: Anyone else see this error?

2000-12-12 Thread Lord, Heath
No, it is a virtual directory. Works fine, allows us to have several sites (via dsn) at the same ip address for development. Heath -Original Message- From: Neil Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:21 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Anyone else see this error?

RE: Anyone else see this error?

2000-12-12 Thread Lord, Heath
Problem solved by restarting the service... Learn something new every day I guess. Yes, we are using sourcesafe, and we tried reloading several times, still failed. Oh well, restrating the server worked. Thanks all Heath -Original Message- From: Lord, Heath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: CF/JRun Studio

2000-12-11 Thread Lord, Heath
Yes. It hosed my install when I tried having them both open at the same time. However, I was so frustrated at this point that I uninstalled JRUN Studio and CF Studio, did the CF Studio reinstall, and that's all I use now. Heath -Original Message- From: Dylan Bromby [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Server Configuration Question

2000-12-08 Thread Lord, Heath
Thanks for your input, I appreciate it, but that is not my question. I am inquiring as to the stability of 4.5.1 sp2 Whether anyone has had memory leaks or thread issues or other problems. My server is completly stable under 4.0.1 so I do not want to do the upgrade unless 4.5.1 is ready. Heath

Server Configuration Question

2000-12-07 Thread Lord, Heath
7 Dec 00 1100 I need to get an answer on this ASAP today. We have a server with this configuration. Win2000 Server SP 1 IIS 5 As found on CD CF 4.5.1 SP2 Oracle 8.1.6 Client 2 CFX Tags PGP and Graphics (GifGid) Basically, I need to know what the Stability is expected to be with this

Server Setup

2000-12-07 Thread Lord, Heath
7 Dec 00 1100 I need to get an answer on this ASAP today. I'd like to find out if someone has a different view of this than me. I think this will be more stable than my current 4.0.1 Install. We have a server with this configuration. Win2000 Server SP 1 IIS 5 As found on CD CF 4.5.1 SP2

Test Post - my last post never showed up.

2000-12-07 Thread Lord, Heath
Testing post - please forgive. I posted a message earlier that has never come across. ~~ Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at Archives:

RE: coldfusion bug

2000-12-07 Thread Lord, Heath
Someone else has the file open, and made a change, or you have 2 copies of the file open, and made a change to one without looking at the other. Happens a lot in multi developer environments. Cheers. Heath -Original Message- From: kwasi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday,