2002-05-17 Thread cf refactoring
SQL 2000's DTS package allows you to run any Win32 process or batch file via a Execute Process Task. You can use this to run the unzip program before you import the data. I don't think this is available for SQL 7. --- Joshua Tipton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does anyone know via DTS how to open a

checkout exit survey

2002-05-07 Thread cf refactoring
Our marketing department wants to know why people abandon the checkout process, so they've tasked IT with creating a survey which pops up when people abandon their cart. I'm thinking what I'll do is to capture the onunload event for each page of the checkout process, and that on unload I'll

RE: I like CFMX

2002-04-30 Thread cf refactoring
Generally, in OOP, objects should have four properties: Abstraction Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation Are you saying CFC's do more than Encapsulation? -Original Message- From: Neil Clark - =TMM= [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 1:55 PM To: CF-Talk

Systematic diagnosis of CF memory use

2002-04-26 Thread cf refactoring
[double post] I've inherited a CF app with an apparent memory leak. Does anyone have a systematic plan to diagnose and eliminate possible causes? The Macromedia Knowledge Base article is helpful, but doesn't provide a plan of

Re: Getting Files from a Remote Server via a custom program...

2002-04-25 Thread cf refactoring
Jeff, There's a lo-tech method that works with any application that works within a window. What you can do is use VB's SendKey command which can simulate keys being typed in a window. And you can even use VBA to do it. I've seen an Excel macro which opened up a window to an as400 mainframe app

RE: stored procedure - Ambiguous column name

2002-04-19 Thread cf refactoring
Try renaming your stored proc input parameter CategoryJobDescrID to something else so it doesn't have the same name as a database column. --- Greg Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: = I-Lin Kuo Macromedia CF5 Advanced Developer Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer

Re: IsDefined and brackets

2002-04-19 Thread cf refactoring
Thanks to everyone who replied. I knew I could use isdefined(aStruct.aField) but I was just wondering what the rationale was behind invalid syntax error for isdefined(aStruct['aField']). Dave's explanation that I should really think of it as two separate tests was pretty good. Also, I don't

IsDefined and brackets

2002-04-18 Thread cf refactoring
The following code throws a syntax error: cfset aStruct=StructNew() cfset aStruct.aField=something cfif IsDefined(aStruct[aField]) aStruct[aField] is defined /cfif Is this just some CF quirk that IsDefined doesn't like brackets or is there some good reason for this? = I-Lin Kuo

Re: cfset vs using cfscript

2002-04-15 Thread cf refactoring
I just optimized some templates which were written in cf tag syntax by rewriting as cfscript. In my experience, cfscript can be up to 2-3x as fast. But in my opinion, the performance isn't worth rewriting unless you're inside a loop. In my case, I rewrote all the cfset statements inside a cfquery

premature session timeout

2002-04-10 Thread cf refactoring
I'm having a problem with premature session timeout in a legacy application. I've set the CF administrator value to 3 hours, and the sessiontimeout attribute of the cfapplication tag also to 3 hours, but it still seems to be timing out at the default of 20 min. I've also checked to see that I

RE: premature session timeout

2002-04-10 Thread cf refactoring
Didn't think about trusted cache, but no, it isn't enabled. --- Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm having a problem with premature session timeout in a legacy application. I've set the CF administrator value to 3 hours, and the sessiontimeout attribute of the cfapplication tag

OT: tracing email distribution lists

2002-04-07 Thread cf refactoring
Does anyone know how to contact commercial email distribution lists? I received some spam which said they got my email off these two lists: itslmazing geckooffers but a search on Google turned up nothing. Also, does anyone know what other similar type of direct-email list organizations are?

Re: Where is the best place to put business rules?

2002-04-04 Thread cf refactoring
I'm going to go off on a different tack here than the discussion that's been going on. It's important to note the difference between logical tiers and physical tiers. It sounds like you want to implement a logical 3-tier system on top of a physical 2-tier system and you're wondering where to put

Re: CF DTS Packages

2002-04-02 Thread cf refactoring
I just learned how to do DTS transformations two weeks ago, and I figured out most of it just by playing around with the SQL Server Enterprise Manager. A good reference is DTS Transformations from WROX. But you don't need all of that. You can just use SQL Server 2000 programming, also from WROX.

Re: One call for two pages?

2002-03-17 Thread cf refactoring
Try this cfset usedOldData=false cflock name=TwoForOne timeout=... cfif NOT IsDefined(session.mySharedData) cfquery name=myQuery ... /cfquery cfset session.MySharedData=myQuery cfelse !--- use old data and discard when done --- cfset myQuery=session.mySharedData

Re: OT: SQL indexing

2002-02-18 Thread cf refactoring
--- Jeff Beer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any benefit to indexing a tinyint field that is used as a boolean (either 1 or 0)? I have four fields that work this way and I use them heavily in queries for reporting. They are used in aggregate functions (count and sum) as well as in the

Re: Weird Join (o8i)

2002-01-11 Thread cf refactoring
Troy, Sorry for the late reply, but you can use this: select, b.isbn, b.title, a.aid, a.firstname, a.lastname from book b, author_book ab, author a where = and ab.aid = a.aid and ab.aid = ( select min(aid) from author_book ab2 where = This

RE: CFContent (and other options)

2001-12-13 Thread cf refactoring
Hi Justin, This sounds really interesting. Can you point me to a reference where I can learn how to build an apache module like the one you made? --- Justin Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We created an apache module for doing this. We intecept the .CFM request, check if it is the CFCONTENT

Re: A little RegEx help . . .

2001-12-05 Thread cf refactoring
Dave H, Your answer CFIF REFindNoCase('0', string) EQ 2do something/CFIF isn't correct because you will get a TRUE for the string 012. You should use one of the many suggestions involving mid(). --- Dave Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I figured it out: CFIF REFindNoCase('0', string) EQ

Re: Menu Problem

2001-12-01 Thread cf refactoring
1. Did you remember to enable client variables in your cfapplication tag? 2. If you menu is the same for all users, why not store it in an application scope variable? --- Shahzad Butt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all My menu is created by calling lot of custom tags and stored

RE: Show Running Requests Redux

2001-11-29 Thread cf refactoring
To expand on what Max said: In application.cfm 1) if there is no structure, create a structure in the application scope named application.requests 2) Generate a UUID for this request 3) store request info which you want to track into application.requests[UUID] 4) Store the time of request In

Re: brain fart: some simple SQL

2001-11-29 Thread cf refactoring
John, From my knowledge of SQL, I don't think this can be easily done. SQL can easily combine output from different columns from either the same table or different table, but what you're trying to do is to combine output from the same column in different ROWS in the same table. That being said,

Is name locking sufficient for session vars?

2001-11-26 Thread cf refactoring
There's something that's been buggin me: Is NAME LOCKING sufficient for session variables? A best practice in CF is to always lock session variable access, but it's not really clear whether 1) NAME locking is sufficient or 2) should we always lock with SCOPE=SESSION? To me, the answer

Re: Any Oracle Experts on the List ???? Errors

2001-11-21 Thread cf refactoring
Instead of building a string for your date and applying CreateODBCDate() to it, try building a CF Date object using CreateDate() and applying CreateODBCDate() to it. If I recall correctly, CreateODBCDate() works on a date object, not a string. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I am getting the

Re: Any Oracle Experts on the List ???? Errors

2001-11-21 Thread cf refactoring
Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from lunch. I've made the change to BeginDate in your code as an example. You'll have to do the same thing to your other dates cfset MonthsToDisplay = 2 cfset BeginDate = #Month(now())#/1/#Year(now())# cfset BeginDate =

Re: Testing SQL statements

2001-11-20 Thread cf refactoring
Oracle (or is it SQL+ ?) has a parameter which specifies the format for dates. If you have not reset the default, it is '30-SEP-01' --- Angel Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How in the HECK do you enter dates into Oracle? I have tried several variations of a simple date in SQL Plus, and


2001-11-20 Thread cf refactoring
I believe you're looking for the CSS2 table-layout property. As indicated on this page, it only works in IE. --- William J Wheatley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: :) not enough coffee A TABLE will now SHOW on the browser screen until it reaches the

Re: Studio/FB question

2001-11-19 Thread cf refactoring
Studio can be scripted with VBA just like Microsoft Office applications, so you could do that. I'm not sure what the DOM looks like, though. --- Bill Killillay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I use Fusebox for just about everything and I often find myself reusing a qry, or act files, etc. I was

RE: commas in lists

2001-11-02 Thread cf refactoring
Try this strategy: // default delimiter is a comma cfset myDelimiter=, //if If Find(yourList,',') // replace , by an unprintable character yourList = Replace(yourList,',',CHR(7)) // Remove opening and closing Replace(yourList,'',) // Change your delimiter to CHR(7) cfset

RE: commas in lists

2001-11-02 Thread cf refactoring
, and a powerful ally it is. - Yoda -Original Message- From: cf refactoring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:32 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: commas in lists Try this strategy: // default delimiter is a comma cfset myDelimiter=, //if If Find

Re: QUESTION: Oracle returning multi referential cursors

2001-11-01 Thread cf refactoring
Is it a problem with overall performance or individual cfm templates? Is it the CF that's slow or the Oracle queries? If it's Oracle, it may be poorly structured queries, inefficient design of database tables, lack of or misuse of table indexes, Oracle configuration mistakes? I think that before

Re: Generating reports in the background (update)

2001-10-31 Thread cf refactoring
I'd suggest the following frameset visible frame This displays Your report is being generated. It contains javascript that reloads itself every 15 seconds and checks to see whether a variable session.reportDone EQ TRUE. If yes, it returns the contents of session.reportResults hidden frame

RE: Generating reports in the background (update)

2001-10-31 Thread cf refactoring
Aidan, The key is not to do an immediate redirect. If you do that, it's just running the CF page all over again. Let the invisible frame run the .cfm report and notify the visible frame when it's done. After being notified, the visible page doesn't load the reports page directly (this would

RE: cf excel formatting problem

2001-10-30 Thread cf refactoring
Are you on an IE-only platform? If yes, you can try try sending an HTML table to Excel instead of a .csv. Excel will read in an HTML table and preserve formatting information so you can get really fancy if you want. --- Nathan Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is all being done dynamically.

Re: Custom tag validation error in CF Studio 5

2001-10-28 Thread cf refactoring
If you leave tag validation on, then either just ignore the alert that CFStudion produces, or write a vtm file so CFStudio can recognize the tag --- Tom Jacobs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When I insert a custom tag in CF Studio 5, I'm getting this error: The tag name CF_TagName not found in

Re: cfobject problem

2001-10-25 Thread cf refactoring
Did you transfer over your Server Java Settings in CF Administrator from your old machine to the new? That's what your problem sounds like --- Sima Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi All, I am trying to figure out a problem related to cfobject. When in CF4.5 everything works well. After

Re: HELP! IIS 5 and Access with Netscape browser 4.75

2001-10-18 Thread cf refactoring
As far as I know, NT authentication requires that you have IE. Even the newest version of Netscape won't do it. --- S V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have removed Anonymous access in IIS5 thru Directory Security tab for each website. Now accessing thru IE requires NT authentication, which is

Re: OT IIS question

2001-10-04 Thread cf refactoring
for IIS4 go to --- David Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We have a very small shop and I'm trying to figure out how to upgrade IIS to 4 or 5.I thought this happened when we loaded SP6 on the NT40 but when I go to IIS

RE: Using CFLoop to delete from an Array

2001-09-30 Thread cf refactoring
Then you'll need to do cfset form.remove=ListSort(form.remove, numeric, desc) before your loop --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That's what I was trying to do with the ListSort() function. H. -Original Message- From: Hanz Zarcovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday,

Re: CFCASE Issue

2001-09-24 Thread cf refactoring
The syntax of cfswitch/cfcase is cfswitch cfcase ... /cfcase cfcase ... /cfcase cfdefaultcase ... /cfdefaultcase /cfswitch The only place where other statements should go is in the ... If you place statements anywhere else within the cfswitch/cfcase construct, then the

Re: cfparam on dynamically numbered checkboxes

2001-09-21 Thread cf refactoring
PROTECTED] wrote: On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 07:09:33 -0700 (PDT), cf refactoring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: According to the http protocol, unchecked control items such as checkboxes and radios are not sent at all. Therefore, your action page will get no clue that they exist. It's just one of those

RE: Problem with CFFILE

2001-09-21 Thread cf refactoring
Coming into this thread late But I suggest that the two segments of problematic code in the parent window and the child window both be enclosed within a named cflock like name=arexcelr (if you haven't already done this) --- Jack Tumlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Try your suggestion and still

Re: cfparam on dynamically numbered checkboxes

2001-09-20 Thread cf refactoring
Kay, According to the http protocol, unchecked control items such as checkboxes and radios are not sent at all. Therefore, your action page will get no clue that they exist. It's just one of those things with forms. You'll have to remember what control items you have in your program. One common

Re: Please Help: Parsing URL into Array and structure

2001-09-20 Thread cf refactoring
MaintenanceEditTable.cfm?table=tlkpStatustableCols=Statno, StatusColOptions=name:Statno;width:100, name:Status;width:300 Jason, If the above was the URL you sent to the script, then it should barf on array element 2. There's a space between , and name that will cause problems --- Snyder,

Re: Listcontains question

2001-09-19 Thread cf refactoring
You should use ListFind rather than ListContains --- van Wyk, Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: cfif listcontains(newlist, #pageid#) cfinclude template=#page# cfelse cfoutput #application.securityerror# /cfoutput /cfif Regards Carlo = I-Lin

Re: cflocation/javascript

2001-09-19 Thread cf refactoring
Reply follows... --- Garry Red 5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We have a problem involving cflocation. In our code we have a user-intensive form, and when this is processed various (complicated) checks are performed to ensure data validity. If the numbers entered do not meet certain

Re: Format Tables (Was RE: CF to excel)

2001-09-18 Thread cf refactoring
Can you show us the looping code? It's probably an error in reusing too much of the sample code --- Janine Jakim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks for all the input. Now for the next question. I am having a hard time formatting my html table correctly. I am using TRTH#Skill[1]#/TH

RE: Format Tables (Was RE: CF to excel)

2001-09-18 Thread cf refactoring
CFOUTPUT TD CFIF Val(SGrade.Grade) #Grade# /CFIF /TD/CFOUTPUT /TR/TABLE -Original Message- From: cf refactoring

RE: Application security

2001-09-17 Thread cf refactoring
You might try token-based security: When the user logs in, they're given a set of security tokens. When the user takes action on a page, the page checks to see if they have the tokens before proceeding. Tokens can be hierarchical, e.g. App1 = general user token for app1 App2 = general user

Re: CF to excel

2001-09-17 Thread cf refactoring
Excel can read the following kinds of files: comma delimited files tab delimited files HTML tables I prefer HTML tables as you get to keep all the formatting information. For example, if you cut and paste the following table code into a file table tr tdbheading/b/td tdiitalic/i/td

Re: Reg Exp help

2001-09-16 Thread cf refactoring
You don't really need a regexp for this: Either the GetToken function or ListGetAt will do cfset dateString=8/18/2001 cfset month=GetToken(dateString,1,/) cfset year=ListGetAt(dateString,3,/) cfoutputmonth=#month# year=#year#/cfoutput --- John Barleycorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Gang, given

Re: SQL Question - SUM weirdness

2001-09-16 Thread cf refactoring
OT observation: this doesn't directly relate to your problem, but you have no table join condition on tblUsers in your query. Query: SELECT u.first_nm , u.last_nm , c.category_nm , c.category_id , c.dataType , c.department_id , SUM(dn.quantity_nb)AS totalForMonth , g.goal_nb FROM

RE: filled up a client var

2001-09-14 Thread cf refactoring
On a previous project, one of the developers wrote a script to cut up the serialized client variables into 4K chunks, and then put them back together when he pulled them out of the database. Of course, he had to forego the use of CF's client variables. --- Chris Norloff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: RegEx for searching in Studio

2001-09-13 Thread cf refactoring
try CFMODULE[^2]+(sometemplate\.cfm)([^2]|([^e]2)|([^t]e2))* (Make sure 'match case' is not clicked) I've tested this in studio. This will find all instances of CFMODULE where the string 'sometemplate.cfm' occurs but where the string 'te2' does not occur (I've taken your problem literally to

experience with cfm-resources

2001-09-13 Thread cf refactoring
Has anyone had any experience with's free or low-cost accounts? I tried to register but am having problems and getting no email responses. Or, can anyone recommend some cf hosting at less than $30 a month? = I-Lin Kuo Macromedia CF5 Advanced Developer Sun Certified Java 2

Re: Left Outer Join Question

2001-09-13 Thread cf refactoring
Kamie, You'll need four separate queries for this. When you JOIN(c.company_id=srl.company_id) and SELECT Count(srl.company_id), you get a count of all the srl matches with a certain company id. When you JOIN(c.company_id=srl.company_id) AND JOIN (c.company_id=el.company_id), you get all the

Re: Session Variables and directories

2001-09-12 Thread cf refactoring
Did you check for a cfapplication tag in your sales directory? it might very well be in your Application.cfm file. --- Ben Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am currently working on an order entry app and created a login screen before a user can get to the actual app. When they login in I

RE: adding counts

2001-08-31 Thread cf refactoring
that it counts how many T/E/U each student has. The next step is to add E+U= Total Absences I assume it needs to happen outside the query? -Original Message- From: cf refactoring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:31 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: adding counts

RE: case sensitive sql query

2001-08-31 Thread cf refactoring
5 Certified Professional Macromedia Certified Web Site Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: cf refactoring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 9:11 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: case sensitive sql query SQL SELECT queries

Re: case sensitive sql query

2001-08-31 Thread cf refactoring
SQL SELECT queries ARE case sensitive. The problem is in your data -- you're using columnames from your tables as data. Depending on the database, this information is stored in auxiliary tables (in Oracle, it would be in a table like all_tab_columns), and may be in a case-insensitive form. For

Re: adding counts

2001-08-30 Thread cf refactoring
Can you show your table structure? I need to know how do you distinguish absent from tardy from excused from unexcused? Where in the table is it located and how is the information represented? --- Janine Jakim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've got a query that counts how many times a student is