adding a deciamal point in front of a number

2009-08-28 Thread j s
What would be the best way to add a decimal point in front of number, say 20 to .20? cfset myNum = 20 cfset newNum = . myNum cfoutput#newNum#/cfoutput Is this ok? If I need to do calculations will I have issues with newNum because it's a string?

Re: adding a deciamal point in front of a number

2009-08-28 Thread j s
Or if you want a 'real' number, if you're more comfortable with that, then just divide by 100: cfset myNum = 20 cfset newNum = myNum / 100 cfoutput#newNum#/cfoutput thanks for clearing that up guys!! ~| Want to reach the

cfloop form fields

2009-02-25 Thread j s
I want to loop form fields without using collection=#form# or list because I want to specify which fields to loop over and not the complete form. This is the syntax: cfoutput cfloop from=1 to=7 index=i cfset F_Name#i# =#Form.L_Name[i]# #F_Name[i]#

Re: cfloop form fields

2009-02-25 Thread j s
Yes! That did the trick. Thank you! Try this: cfoutput cfloop from=1 to=7 index=i cfset variables[F_Name#i#] = Form[L_Name i] #variables[F_Name#i#]# br / /cfloop /cfoutput I think that's what you're looking for. I used variables

Re: Best performace/practice for storing temp data

2009-01-06 Thread j s
I'm leaning towards storing temp data in the client scope. Thanks guys for your valuable input and insight. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Best performace/practice for storing temp data

2009-01-04 Thread j s
Working on shopping cart app and stuck between storing shipping info in a db shipTable or in client scope. I'm hesitant to store shipping info into the db because some users might not complete the transaction and take up rows in the db. On the other hand if I store shipping info in the client

locking session variables in cf8

2008-12-07 Thread j s
When creating session structures is it still necessary to cflock in cf8? I think i read somewhere that it was no longer needed but I was probably dreaming. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Find/Replace for Eclipse

2008-03-04 Thread j s
Does a plugin exist for Find/Replace that is as good as the one for Dreamweaver? I like the option of searching the entire site or folder. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date

Flex 2 books for CF/AS3

2007-11-22 Thread j s
Can anyone recommend some titles on Flex 2 with focus on CF and AS3. Looked at a couple of titles but Amazon doesn't seem to offer look inside for those titles. Hate to purchase something with a brief overview of CF integration.

delivering electric goods after payment

2007-10-16 Thread j s
Looking for options for either a method or service to deliver electric goods once the payment was confirmed by a payment gateway. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ~| Download the latest ColdFusion

Cartweaver for services

2006-12-22 Thread j s
I use cartweaver for products but does anyone know of a similar product for services and invoicing. For example a service company that wants to give it's customer an area for them to look over their invoice and payment history. Hate to build this from scratch.

Not receiving HOF Digest

2006-08-09 Thread j s
I'm experiencing problems receiving email from the list. I was getting them fine for while and all of the sudden it just stop. I entered another another email address and made it the primary but no success. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Who can help at HOF?

OT: Menu Tree for navigation

2006-07-31 Thread j s
Looking for navigation menu that doesn't resemble a folder list style. I like AminTree ( its a little expensive. Anyone have an alternative? ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80

OT: Adobe labs slow to load?

2006-07-19 Thread j s
Why is Adobe's (labs) site so slow to load; is it the leased T1 at work or the cable modem at home? Is it me or do other people experience the same? If so, shouldn't a company with such technology deliver a site that's more responsive?

Running CF 7.0.2 on Intel Mac

2006-07-01 Thread j s
I just upgraded to a new Intel Mac from a Powerbook and installed the new version of CF. The earlier Mac was running CF fine as a standalone server. To get to point I can't run this new version and I've read about some of the modification I have to do because of jvm 1.5. Has anyone had any

Application.cfc and cflogin/cflogout

2006-04-24 Thread j s
Does anyone know where I can get an example of using cflogin and cflogout with Application.cfc. I'm currently using Application.cfm and have notice that the when using cflogout the session still remains and althought the user is logged out you can still access the secure pages with the back

TextArea for multi inputs

2006-04-14 Thread j s
I want to use a textarea form feild to insert multiple values. f.e. I've seen it used to insert muliple email addresses seperated by a carriage return. ~| Message:

selecting XmlAttribute of child node

2006-04-06 Thread j s
I can't seem to get the src attribute of the img / node. I get the following error: Element XMLCHILDREN.XMLATTRIBUTES is undefined in CNTHISALBUM. 35 :CFSET ImgScr = xnThisAlbum.XmlChildren.XmlAttributes[src] 1. gallery 2. album id=Landscape path=gallery/landscape/ 3. img

Re: selecting XmlAttribute of child node

2006-04-06 Thread j s
That did it! 34. !--- HERE IS WHER I LOSE IT! NEED HELP WITH THE CORRECT SYNTAX --- 35.CFSET ImgScr = cnThisAlbum.XmlChildren.XmlAttributes[src] Which child do you want? XmlChildren is the array of all the children img nodes. You would need something like:

Re: where to start Ajax or Flex?

2006-03-28 Thread j s
AJAX techniques to be relatively easy to use (via CFAJAX), providing a user interface with which the user is familiar (html). My Fusion Authority article on CF and AJAX may also assist: http://www.fusionauthority. com/Techniques/4593-Using-AJAX-with-ColdFusion-Part-I On 3/28/06, j s

CF Hosting w/access above root folder

2006-03-27 Thread j s
I'm currently a CrystalTech customer. For $27/month I get 1GB of disk space and 100GB of bandwidth to name a few. The only thing thats missing is access to a folder above my webroot so I can store docs outside of my site for security. This way I can retrieve them with cfcontent and keep the

where to start Ajax or Flex?

2006-03-27 Thread j s
I don't know a lick of Java and have played with Flash Remoting and AS 2. I can see the future in either Ajax of Flex. I'm sorta leaning towards Ajax cause from my understanding its cheaper, now, and I think it can be deployed on any hosting services. Also correct me if I'm wrong but Flex

Re: cfm vs. php?

2006-03-27 Thread j s
I think its a question of money. PHP is free, and most hosting services offer it. thanks eric - this helps. while i now clearly see the CF light...there's gotta be a darkside lurking somewhere. yeah? maybe just a little bitty one? scenario: i'm a designer trying to steer our team in a good

can't access cf admin page after Flex conn update

2006-03-16 Thread j s
After installing cf_flexconnect_b1_0123_en.exe (coldfusion connector for flex). I can nolonger access the admin page from dreamweaver or directly from a web browser. http://localhost:8500/cfide/administrator/datasources/index.cfm. The file is located in the wwwroot/cfide directory I have

Re: can't access cf admin page after Flex conn update

2006-03-16 Thread j s
It didn't work with 1.4 so I installed 1.5. I will downgrade and reinstall cf7 later. + On 3/16/06, j s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip A couple of things 1) Certain key features of ColdFusion MX 7 won't work with the 1.5 JVM. In particular, the Axis engine for webservices doesn't work

Re: can't access cf admin page after Flex conn update

2006-03-16 Thread j s
I just uninstalled 1.5. Do I need to download 1.4.2 for firefox? I can't find the download and tried to verify under ff with no luck. Does verify under IE. On 3/16/06, j s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It didn't work with 1.4 so I installed 1.5. I will downgrade and reinstall cf7 later

cfquery group and flash remoting

2006-03-14 Thread j s
This maybe OT but I was wounder if its possible to group recordset for Flash remoting the way cf does with cfquery group. cfquery name=myQuery group=mainGroup h1#mainGroup.Title#/h1 cfoutput #subGroup.subTitle# /cfoutput /cfoutput

Re: Renaming dynamic form fields

2006-02-28 Thread j s
This works great with checkboxes but I can't get it to work with radio buttons and checkboxes. This is the way I usually handle this kind of task. Look ma, no evaluate(). FORM form input type=checkbox name=cb_1... input type=checkbox name=cb_2... input type=checkbox name=cb_77... input

RecordCount of query group

2006-02-28 Thread j s
Is it possible to get the RecordCount of cf query group? cfoutput query=getReord group=Name #Name#, #RecordCount# cfoutput #SubName#, #RecordCount# /cfoutput /cfoutput what is returned it the total RecordCount of the query and not the count of SubNames in each group. Total RecordCount: 4

Renaming dynamic form fields

2006-02-27 Thread j s
I'm trying to figure out a way to pass form fields to a page which will then rename the fields. The reason is the fields are produced dynamically and not all the fields will be passed since they will be checkboxes. When I perform my db insert I do loop which needs to have the fields in order.

Passing LAST_INSERT_ID() from one fuction to another

2006-02-09 Thread j s
I'm having trouble passing LAST_INSERT_ID() from one function to another. I'm new to CFC and not sure how this is done or if I have layout the cfc correctly with THIS. cfcomponent cfset THIS.contactID = cfset THIS.firstName = cfset THIS.lastName = cffunction name=addContact

Re: passing multiple values from the same form field

2006-02-08 Thread j s
I was able to figure out how to do the multi insert. Here are the steps I took. To make sure the form values where passed I setup an actionpage.cfm instead of going directly to a cfc. On the top of the page I added cfdump var=#form# label=Form variables /. Once I knew extactly what

Re: passing multiple values from the same form field

2006-02-08 Thread j s
of options, and then looping to that number, instead of hard-coding it. But, you get the idea. On 2/6/06, j s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ian mentioned array notation, can anybody explain how to do this or a link on an example

Re: passing multiple values from the same form field

2006-02-06 Thread j s
Aaron, Can you post how you where able to do the inserts? My situation is a little tricky. My insert consist adding the form values to two tables. The values productID and qty are added using using a function addProduct. The options are added using a second function called addOption. I must

Re: passing multiple values from the same form field

2006-02-06 Thread j s
Ian mentioned array notation, can anybody explain how to do this or a link on an example? I have no idea what you are really trying to do. It sounds very convoluted. But hopefully the answer to your question is the array notation for form data. It usually is for these kinds of serially

Re: passing multiple values from the same form field

2006-02-04 Thread j s
/cfloop George On 2/3/06, j s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ~| Message: Archives: Subscription:

Re: passing multiple values from the same form field

2006-02-03 Thread j s
It is for a form which will display a product. That product has options you can add to. Like Coffee, you can have the option of whole milk/skim/cream, sugar/equal/brown, caffine/decafe and so on. I want to pass these options along with the productID and qty. The possible values that are

Verify form post was from my server.

2002-01-24 Thread j s
Is there a way I can narrow down a hackers ability to post a form to one of my action templates. Http-referrer is not reliable, I know. JS __ Do You Yahoo!? Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

Re: Verify form post was from my server.

2002-01-24 Thread j s
Dave- I suppose you'd tell me to take your class if I ask you what you propose to do to slim the chances of this happening. JS Dave said- Unfortunately, this doesn't prevent anyone from intentionally posting data from wherever they want. It's trivial to build an HTTP POST request and specify

Re: Virus Checking Uploads

2001-11-01 Thread j s
McAffee, as I'm sure others, delivers an executable that you can use to scan files on upload. You would use cfexecute then pass any args. McAffee's utility comes with a test virus you can use. JS ~~ Get the mailserver that powers this list at

Security Pattern

2001-09-22 Thread j s
I've been tasked to modify a security layer for an existing catalog application. Right now it has security algorithms that are unwieldy and are proving difficult to scale. I need to redesign the security layer so that it is almost a pluggable object. Let me describe the application. It is a

CF5 Scheduled Task and CFHTTP

2001-08-16 Thread j s
Hello, We have been using a scheduled task to run a template that contains a cfhttp post for some time now without incident - that is, until we upgraded our dev server to 5.0. At first, I thought it might have something to do with how the code on the page being called is handling the cfhttpparam