Re: CF8 Image function - get size of text written

2008-01-14 Thread C S
I am looking for something like the getdimensions() method from cfx_imageflare My first response did not show up, so I am resending. Anyway, you might try java.awt.font.TextLayout. I do not think CF image objects retain the

Re: java unzip :: verify file

2008-01-15 Thread C S
don't know how to use this in a CFMX 7 environment. I'm going to use this code to augment unzip code found at You can compile the above code into a java class. Then place the .class file (or jar) into the CF classpath and reboot. Then you can

Re: java unzip :: verify file

2008-01-15 Thread C S
I'll compare what you did to the original code -- should give me a nice insight in Java vs CF. Yes. Keep in mind it is slightly different from the last example. That example extends the ZipFile class and calls the verify function inside the class's constructor. It's similar to extending a

Re: CF8 Image function - get size of text written

2008-01-16 Thread C S
You may want to try using TextLayout instead of FontMetrics getStringBounds() for a more accurate measurement. The Font API mentions The logical bounds does not always enclose all the text. For example, in some languages and in some fonts, accent marks can be positioned above the ascent or

Re: CFThread Example On LiveDocs.

2008-01-18 Thread C S
Can anyone take a look at the example code and tell me how I would go about modifying the code in order to return *one* coldfusion query that contains *all* of the results that I could then sort or page through as a Q of Q? Interesting question. Merge them with a QoQ. You need to fiddle with the

Re: CFThread Example On LiveDocs.

2008-01-19 Thread C S
s. isaac dealey ^ new epoch Oh the cffeed queries... you have to use Q of Q to get that. Nice. That is much cleaner. I forgot you can use reuse the query name like that. CF did not seem to like the select * with union for some reason. So I changed it to select (column names) and it worked

Re: CFThread Example On LiveDocs.

2008-01-21 Thread C S
Welcome. Yeah QoQ doesn't set the variable until after it creates the resultset, same way you can say myVar = listToArray(myVar), you're declaring the name of the var you want to set before you're telling it to fetch its value from the same var name. :P Yes, definite failure of imagination on my


2008-01-23 Thread C S
What is up with the frames also? I do not know about Dreamweaver, but I prefer the no frames version too. For older tags and functions I often use the 6.1 version. It is quicker to load and does _not_ use frames. I have even resorted to disabling javascript occasionally ;) It would be


2008-01-23 Thread C S
When did the LiveDocs ever load fast?? ;-) Version 6.1 or earlier ;) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Pskill and cfexecute

2008-01-26 Thread C S
I am trying to kill the process htmldoc.exe, using pskill.exe, however i keep getting the following error It might be waiting for acceptance of the EULA. If you are using a newer version, try adding the flag -accepteula ~|

Re: Pskill and cfexecute

2008-01-26 Thread C S
I am trying to kill the process htmldoc.exe, using pskill.exe, however i keep getting the following error Sorry if this is a duplicate. The first response never appeared. The program may be waiting for an acceptance of the EULA. If you are using an newer version, try using the -accepteula

Re: converting Word doc to text with cf8 on the fly?

2008-02-06 Thread C S
Has anyone done that? the CFcontent tag is the closest thing pops up, it does some job but still have tons of garbage. If possible I prefer not to use third party bla bla. I do not think there is a way to extract text only from a binary Word document without using a third party component

Re: One more image question..

2008-02-06 Thread C S
Is it possible for Coldfusion to convert these files to be similar enough to overlay them? You could overlay the images using the java image classes. Though I do not know if the transparency will work the way you are expecting.

Test - Please ignore

2008-02-07 Thread C S
Test ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w Archive:

Re: brain dead

2008-02-07 Thread C S
Absolutely right, good way to be sure of that is to use DateDiff() as it specifically compares the date unit you want which is days in this case: .. Don't have to fiddle with the dates that way. True, but functions can mess with the indexes. For that reason I usually use CreateODBCDate with

Re: Java-Coldfusion conversion

2008-02-08 Thread C S
FrameworkManager and MessageFactory are being imported. they are in . JAR files provided by the customer. I just cannot get the main to get executed, foget about moving forward. What error are you receiving? Did you first create the necessary objects before calling main()? cfscript

Re: Problem Posting

2008-02-11 Thread C S
Is it just me or are others having trouble posting? Interesting. I can already see my response on nabble, but not on HOF ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: Problem Posting

2008-02-11 Thread C S
Is it just me or are others having trouble posting? I'm finding that its taking hours before a posting appears - I'm using the web-site (not email) and Firefox. No, it is not just you. I noticed the same thing. ~| Adobe®

Re: Relative path when instantiating a CFC?

2008-02-12 Thread C S
I want to use a relative path when instantiating a CFC. Can this be done when using createObject()? Can it be done at all? There is also a UDF at cflib that allows relative paths. Though it does use coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy. So it might not work in CF8 if access to internal java

Re: dump page source to a file

2008-02-12 Thread C S
Is there some easier, programmatic way to write the resulting html page to file without too much manual fiddling around? Use cfhttp to grab the content in conjunction with the path/file attributes to save it to an html file.

Re: cf8 query weirdness

2008-02-15 Thread C S
Any other suggestions? Wrap the whole thing in a set nocount on/set nocount off to prevent rowcounts from interfering with the query results. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to

Re: cf8 query weirdness

2008-02-15 Thread C S
My original query was something like this: cfquery name=someqry datasource=somedns Insert into sometable (somefields) Select somefields from someothertable Select SCOPE_IDENTITY() as someid Where someID=cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_integer value=#arguments.someId# /cfquery Is there a typo in

Re: cf8 query weirdness

2008-02-15 Thread C S
You could call a stored proc instead and send out the identity column as an output parameter, but I'm guessing you don't want to have to re-write all that... Yes, but an insert / select .. from table should work just by adding set nocount.

Re: cf8 query weirdness

2008-02-15 Thread C S
What is this nocount and why do I have to use it. Also can we confirm that this is a cf8 bug? Drivers process the results of each statement. Including those that only return a rowcount like updates or inserts: ie (1) row inserted. Cfquery is only supposed to return one resultset. Rowcounts

Re: cf8 query weirdness

2008-02-15 Thread C S
It is a bug because it works differently from cf7. Not in my opinion. cfquery is only supposed to return one resultset. So to me that makes CF7's behavior a fluke/wrong. Yes, you can run multiple statements inside a cfquery, but I do not think it was intended as a replacement for stored

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-20 Thread C S
do you have any advice on whether this is possible please Try cfdump var=#theQuery.getMetadata().getQueryMetaData(theQuery)# You know all this stuff is undocumented right? ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-20 Thread C S
but i need them to be exactly how they are in the database This metadata will not give you that. Not exactly. It will return the columns as they are typed in your sql statement. That may or may not be the same as what is in your database.

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-20 Thread C S
On ColdFusion 8 check out cfdbinfo . Adam Haskell Yes. That is probably your best bet if you always need the exact case that is in the database. If you are running a prior version, try your database's metadata tables. Like ms sql's information_schema views.

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-20 Thread C S
thanks, this only gets the column names, i need the whole resultset but i think it may be easier for me to hard code this myself. Yes. You will need to use the returned array in combination with your query to get the data you need. That will have to be hand coded. is a good way around the

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-20 Thread C S
thanks very much ill do this I just remembered there is a better method and this one _is_ documented ;-) cfdump var=#getMetaData(theQuery)# Though again, it returns the case used in your sql statement. Not the exact case of the column names in your database.

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-21 Thread C S
is there a way i can get a list of the primary keys returned in the query From the cfquery? Probably not. Though you can use cfdbinfo to get information about primary and foreign key columns in a table(s).

Re: query.columnlist get correct column order

2008-02-21 Thread C S
i know many programmers believe that 'select *' is the devils tool but that will be the answer to my issue i believe as then it will return the actual case in the db. thats what i am currently finding anyway!!! Yes, it makes sense that 'select *' would use the column info from the

Re: Parsing Selected Parts of a CSV file

2008-02-25 Thread C S
The error crops up when the loop encounters a field that has null data. I am using ListFix, and i thought that this would solve the problem, but it doesn't. cfloop index=record list=#ListFix(fileData)# delimiters=#chr(9)# Is that the correct loop logic? Should you not be splitting on new

Re: Parsing Selected Parts of a CSV file

2008-02-25 Thread C S
The error crops up when the loop encounters a field that has null data. I am using ListFix, and i thought that this would solve the problem, but it doesn't. My first response has not shown up yet, so I am reposting. Are you certain your loop logic is correct? Should you not be splitting the

Re: Parsing Selected Parts of a CSV file

2008-02-26 Thread C S
I don't think it's necessary for the loop to work, but at the time I think I ended up putting listFix() on everything coming out of the CSV I was parsing. Taking it out doesn't change anything. That is not the only issue. Is each line in your CSV really delimited by a tab (9) or is some

Re: Parsing Selected Parts of a CSV file

2008-02-26 Thread C S
That is not the only issue. Is each line in your CSV really delimited by a tab (9) or is some combination of line feed/carriage return? Darn. Seems all of my back logged responses are appearing at once ;) ~| Adobe®

Re: InsertStruct

2008-02-26 Thread C S
I can't find an example of the correct syntax for the AllowOverWrite option, does anyone have an example, please? I can't find an example of the correct syntax for the AllowOverWrite option, does anyone have an example, please? Note, using false causes CF to throw an exception if the key already

Re: Parsing Selected Parts of a CSV file

2008-02-26 Thread C S
yeah, I had noticed that my delimiters were not correct. I changed them back to chr(10) and chr(13). I still am having issues with null values. Going to just keep plugging away. Since you are using CF8, I would try Azadi's suggestion. But I would also output the #record# value, before and

Re: Get a digit out of large number

2008-03-10 Thread C S
I've got so far ... Take a look at the mid() function. CFSET digits = len(getdon.recordcount) to get the number Btw, should that not be len(theNumber) instead of recordCount? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the


2008-03-10 Thread C S
I've got a silly problem with CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP and CF_SQL_DATE changing my dates from dd/mm/ to mm/dd/. Most of the standard date functions use U.S. date formatting rules. So I imagine 12/04/2008 would be converted to December 4th not April 12th. You might try parsing it into a less


2008-03-13 Thread C S
This problem only started occuring with DW CS3, btw. I do not use DW. So I am not sure how or even if it would affect the parsing of dates. As I understand it, CF parses the cfqueryparam value into a date object before the sql is sent to your database. Since most CF date functions use U.S.


2008-03-13 Thread C S
Hi Jenny, I think the correct function to be using here is LSParseDateTime. That will return a valid date object. What happens when you do this? cfset yourDate = 12/04/2008 cfqueryparam value=#LSParseDateTime(yourDate)# cfsqltype=cf_sql_timestamp

Re: Still can't make new posts to the CF-talk list

2008-03-14 Thread C S
Pft, you should come live in the UK where your ISP will sell the entire contents of all your HTTP traffic to a spyware company. Nice to know ethics are alive and well in the 21st century ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: Query Access DB, then display results randomly?

2008-03-14 Thread C S
Does Access have a random number generator function? Not one that works with CF, IIRC. Failing that I think William's suggestion may be the way to go with Access. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: String index out of range: 0

2008-03-14 Thread C S
What line of code is generating the error? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w Archive:

Re: Query Access DB, then display results randomly?

2008-03-14 Thread C S
It wouldnt need to work with CF??? Yes, it would. More specifically with the Access drivers used by CF. I have not tried the code you posted. But I seem to recall a function used to retrieve random records in Access that stopped working around MX6. Possibly it was not supported by the

Re: String index out of range: 0

2008-03-14 Thread C S
Trevor Austen wrote: cfset variables.filelink = cfif evaluate(variables.fileLink) neq I do not think you need the evaluate, but if you name the file field sequentially like this input type=file name=fileLink1... input type=file name=fileLink2... input type=file

Re: Query Access DB, then display results randomly?

2008-03-14 Thread C S
Just another reason to kick Access in the balls and move on to a better DB... Yes, Access would not be my first choice, but I know not everyone has a choice about using it ;-) Your concept is definitely solid. But I just tried the code and it does not work. So Rnd must the be problematic

Re: GetFileInfo MB or kb - bytes formating?

2008-03-19 Thread C S
seems like alot of noddling... When it comes to functions, check first ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: GetFileInfo MB or kb - bytes formating?

2008-03-19 Thread C S
Wrong link. This is the correct one. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: GetFileInfo MB or kb - bytes formating?

2008-03-19 Thread C S
i found a function called byteconvert already in use in our code. Sounds familiar ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: String function question

2008-03-21 Thread C S
Regex is not a strong suite for me. Bruce I am not a regex expert either, but what about using form.fieldNames to replace the input fields by name? To be safe you might follow it up with another blanket input.. replace. Just in case some of the field names do not match for some reason. cfset

Re: String function question

2008-03-21 Thread C S
The extra replaces are for the radio buttons. Basically what I am trying to do now is match the submitted radio to the column it corresponds to but it is not working correctly. I thought that if I found the header field from the form they would match up but that is not correct. Can anyone see

Re: String function question

2008-03-21 Thread C S
CF 8 All I am coming up with is looping. A regex guru might be able to come up with a better alternative. !--- use single replace for open/close form tag --- cfset NewContentBlock = REReplace(contentBlock,/*form[^]*,,ALL) cfset matches = reMatchNoCase('input\s+[^]*',

Re: String function question

2008-03-24 Thread C S
The biggest problem I am having is getting the columns for the form to line up properly (they are a series of radio buttons). I can get all of the values and the text fields fill in properly. The radio button values fill in with what I select, just not in the correct column. Did you ever try

Re: Date Range Search Problem - when it's integers stored and not dates

2008-03-24 Thread C S
The problem with that is the same problem as the previous example I posted though. Try searching for dates between 10/15/2006 and 04/14/2007 Given those search dates, how do you want to handle records with a year only (2006 or 2007). Same question for the month.

Re: String function question

2008-03-24 Thread C S
Original code: newValue was being created inside the cfif's, but was not there in the last CFSET. You are right. It should before the cfif. Also, form.FieldNames were not being found until I added the loop before the CFIF's. That should not happen. As long as the form was submitted, I

Re: Weird

2008-03-27 Thread C S
I get an error Variable TEMP is undefined. I get an error too. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k

Re: turn integer list into list of characters

2008-03-27 Thread C S
cfset list = valuelist(myquery.columnName) / ... or use the QuotedValueList() function, if the values need to be quoted. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Weird

2008-03-27 Thread C S
It's a CGI var, which means it will exist on some servers and not others. Cool. I did not realize that. I didn't realise that the cgi 'scope' was searched automatically by CF when trying to identify a variable. Why oh why?! I forgot how many scopes CF searches. One more reason to scope

Re: turn integer list into list of characters

2008-03-27 Thread C S
cfqueryparam doesn't care that the input is not quoted: Duh! Even better. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: CF8: Class not found: coldfusion.sql.QueryTable

2008-03-28 Thread C S
I can create this class with CreateObject(Java, coldfusion.sql.QueryTable) from a CF page, but my java code (running in the same JVM, configured as a servlet) apparently cannot. BTW, I compile the java code using a reference to the cfusion.jar file on my local machine; the code only runs inside a

Re: Displaying POI output in a browser on CFMX 6

2008-03-30 Thread C S
cfheader name=content-length value=#ArrayLen(ExcelByteData)#/ cfheader name=content-disposition value=attachment; filename=#xls_file# .. Obviously this is because 6 doesn't have this attribute. Assuming you do not wish to write the bytes to disk, you could write to the response outputstream.

Re: java List?

2008-04-06 Thread C S
Just curious, what is the method signature? I would have expected ArrayList, Vector, etcetera to work, since they all implement java. util.List. Also, what does your java wrapper look like? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: java List?

2008-04-06 Thread C S
i'm working with an incredibly picky java lib. one key method requires a java List (really, it barfs on ArrayList, etc.). Just curious, what is the method signature? I would have expected ArrayList, Vector, etcetera to work, since they all implement java.util.List.

Re: java List? [heur SPAMTRAP]

2008-04-06 Thread C S
me too but as i said it's incredibly picky (it being jfreechart). it wants a java.util.List nothing else. it's signature: You are not kidding. It does seem to be picky. Can you psych-it-out by using java.util.Arrays.asList(...)?

Re: java List? [heur SPAMTRAP]

2008-04-06 Thread C S
A List is a List. There has to be some other explanation for the weirdness. Duh! I was accidentally calling init(). Obviously that does not work with an abstract class ;) This seems to work: cfscript cfArray = [ javacast(double, 15.0), javacast(double, 22.5) ]; Box = createObject(java,

Re: java List? [heur SPAMTRAP]

2008-04-06 Thread C S
Paul, what exactly is the error? Is CF not finding it? Can we see the code you're attempting at least? Yes, please. Because I am able to pass in a CF array without problem. Granted, I am using an abstract class. ~| Adobe®

Re: cfexecute - at my wits end!

2008-04-25 Thread C S
It is like sox isn't closing and leaving memory like it should be, but if I run it directly from the command line, I don't have that problem. Try Ben Forta's tip of adding /c as an argument. This tells the command interpreter to run and terminate upon completion. I had a similar problem

Re: Query Help Please

2008-04-29 Thread C S
select *, exists ( select * from orders where date between #date1# and #date2# ) as hasOrdered from customers order by name, id Use CFQUERYPARAM, of course. Another variation is a left join. Ditto on using cfqueryparam. SELECT c.ID, c.Name, c.Email, SUM(CASE WHEN o.Date IS NULL THEN 0

Re: Query Help Please

2008-04-29 Thread C S
I dont believe this is working with Access DB SUM(CASE WHEN o.Date IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) ordersFound I think Access's version of CASE is IIF(..). Try using IIF instead and also try the query Barney suggested. One of them should work.

Re: closing JDBC recordsets

2008-04-30 Thread C S
Actually, to answer my own question, I think that if I call the close() method for the passed JDBC recordset after I've done with using it in other methods then this should do the trick. Am I right? Actually, to answer my own question, I think that if I call the close() method for the passed

Re: closing JDBC recordsets

2008-04-30 Thread C S
Yes, I can convert it into a cfquery object, and a lot of the time I will, but I also want to be able to insert the data into another table in another db which I can do directly rather than converting it to a query first. Hence the reason to split it into separate methods. Personally I would

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-08 Thread C S
I have a log file that I'm looking to parse. I only care about the last entry. Is it possible to read in the file, then loop over it from the end, rather than the beginning? Here's the code I've got right now. It works well, but why loop over parts that aren't needed right? I do not think

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-09 Thread C S
Here is a down-and-dirty example. I realized the snippet above does not account for lines broken across the grabBytes barrier. So that alteration is needed. But the code snippet should give the basic idea at least. ~|

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-09 Thread C S
I haven't tried it myself, but Java does have a tail command that should do exactly what you want. m!ke That sounds very promising. I will take a look at that. Thanks. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-09 Thread C S
I haven't tried it myself, but Java does have a tail command that should do exactly what you want. m!ke Michael, I have done some searching, but I am still unclear on the tail command. I may be overlooking the obvious, as I have not had my full measure of coffee yet ;-) Can you tell me a

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-09 Thread C S
Sorry for the confusion. I meant OS rather than Java. It's been a long week for me. ;^) If it helps, you are not the only one .. ;-) If you are on *nix, there is a built-in tail command. Yes, it has been a while, but *nix tail was my first thought. But I guess I was still hoping there was

Re: CF8: Reading a file from the end instead of the beginning?

2008-05-09 Thread C S
You could shell out (CFEXECUTE) the tail command to get those lines. Michael, Good suggestion. Tail works very well. Cheers. cfset numOfLines = 10 cfset logFilePath = server.coldFusion.rootDir /logs/exception.log cfexecute name=c:\program files\Windows Resource Kits\tools\tail.exe

Re: writing to ms excel with jexcel [heur SPAMTRAP]

2008-05-11 Thread C S
therefore how would you translate this formatting stated above cfscript outFile = createObject(java, e:\temp\excel\test.xls ); workBook=createObject(java,jxl.Workbook).createWorkbook(outFile); labelObj=createObject(java,jxl.write.Label);

Re: How to select an entry from an array

2008-06-23 Thread C S
Just remember to add 1 to the result. And remember java will perform a case sensitive search. So indexOf(XYZ) may return different results than indexOf(xyz). cfset myArray = [ apple, xyz, orange, pear] cfset index1 = myArray.indexOf(XYZ) + 1 cfset index2 = myArray.indexOf(xyz) + 1 cfoutput

Re: cfexecute and logparser

2008-07-02 Thread C S
Keep in mind I am reading this with only half a brain today .. Here is what I have now. cfoutputcfsavecontent variable=querytouselogparser select * from C:\ColdFusion8\logs\application.log -i:csv/cfsavecontent/cfoutput It looks like you have the .exe (logparser) in the arguments. If that

Re: cfexecute and logparser

2008-07-02 Thread C S
ie. ditch the logparser command Yes .. what he said ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: cfprocparam and varchar(max)

2008-07-16 Thread C S
cfprocparam dbvarname=@affiliateID variable=#val(arguments.affiliateID)# cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER / I think the attribute should be value not variable. Also, I thought dbvarname was deprecated ? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion®

(ot) SQL 2005 Studio Express - find and replace with newline character

2008-07-18 Thread C S
OT: SQL 2005 Studio Express - find and replace with newline character Does anyone know how to find and a character and replace it _with_ a newline using SQL Server 2005 Studio Express? For example, I would like to replace all |'s in the following string one|two|three|four|five|six So

Re: (ot) SQL 2005 Studio Express - find and replace with newline character

2008-07-18 Thread C S
CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) Thanks, but I mean using Studio Express's find + replace option. It is such a simple thing, but it has me stumped. I have tried every combination I can think of. No joy. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8

Re: (ot) SQL 2005 Studio Express - find and replace with newline character

2008-07-18 Thread C S
You're doing a code search? I assumed you were trying to format data being returned by a query. Sort of. I am working with some ad-hoc sql scripts. Sorry, if I was not clear. I know this is OT. I posted in the hopes that someone else using Express Studio might know the magical character(s).

Re: (ot) SQL 2005 Studio Express - find and replace with newline character

2008-07-23 Thread C S
Just to follow up: From what I can tell you cannot use special characters with the find + replace option in the Studio Express _editor_. I ended up using another editor. Thanks for the response Sonny. I know my original question was about as clear as .. mud ;-)

Re: cfimage issue

2008-08-02 Thread C S
Yep, you are right. Works with jpg but not with gif or png. It may have to do with the color pallete of the gif you are using. For example if you run the following code, the text appears red on the Google logo. Presumably because the logo's color palette contains red, or a very similar color.

Re: cfimage issue

2008-08-02 Thread C S
Perhaps it has to do with the color palette that the .gif is created with? Yes, I think so too. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Connection String for MySql

2008-08-27 Thread C S
Any ideas anyone. :) William It depends on which driver you are using. Something like this should work with ColdFusion 8. I have no clue if there any differences for remote databases ;-) cfscript Class = createObject(java,java.lang.Class).forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver);

Re: Text to image solution, maybe use sIFR?

2008-08-27 Thread C S
I've tried and got it all plugged in with no success and it would be just my luck that the How To Use link would be broken on the website. I have been working on it for about 4 hours. Time to ask for help. Client is coming at 11 tomorrow and I have to have something for them to look at.

Re: Text to image for Non CSS font resolution

2008-08-27 Thread C S
I think I have everything correct, but the background of my dynamically created image is black. Nothing I do will change that. .. cfset myImage=ImageNew(,500,20) Not to rule out other options, but try setting the background color when the image object is created: cfset

Re: Ben Nadel's POI..

2008-09-04 Thread C S
I don't think it's a case issue. I tried it with mixed, all lower and all upper and continue to get the same response. Do any of these apply?

Re: SQL Help

2008-09-16 Thread C S
When there are records with duplicate emails addresses, I need to include one of them. So you are trying to display one record for each email address? You could try something like this. Not tested, but the idea is to select a single PK for each email. Then use a JOIN to display the details

Re: SQL Help

2008-09-16 Thread C S
You could try something like this. Not tested, but the idea is to select a single PK for each email. Then use a JOIN to display the details for those PK's. Note, the previous query assumes it does not matter which record is returned.

Re: SQL Help

2008-09-16 Thread C S
I need to get a record set used to pick a winner, including just one of the records from the duplicate email entries. If it does not matter which one, try the query I posted in my first response. The syntax is not tested, but it has the right concept.

Re: SQL Help

2008-09-16 Thread C S
It also begs the question, if they were only supposed to have one entry per e-mail address, why wasn't there error checking or a constraint on the table to force this in the first place? True enough. I was thinking the same thing myself ;-)

Re: How to parse a text file...

2008-09-18 Thread C S
cfset active_photos = #replace(active_photos, That just gave me a file with the text, active_photos, and a return symbol after it... Remove the quotes from active_photos so CF knows it is a variable to be evaluated ;-)

Re: How to parse a text file...

2008-09-18 Thread C S
cfset active_photos = #replace(active_photos, #chr(10)chr(13)##chr(10)chr(13)#, , All)# Also, check Barney's suggestion: replace sequential newlines with a single newline and such. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is

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