Re: CF9 Service Randomly Restarting

2010-11-29 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Dave, Are there any HS_ERR_PID.* files in CF\runtime\bin ? What about OUT log any details for the time CF\runtime\logs ? HTH, Carl. None of our developers use CF Builder (or have access to the code on the production machine) -Dave

Re: CF9 Service Randomly Restarting

2010-11-29 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Dave, Are there any HS_ERR_PID.* files in CF\runtime\bin ? What about OUT log any details for the time CF\runtime\logs ? HTH, Carl. None of our developers use CF Builder (or have access to the code on the production machine) -Dave

Re: CF9 Service Randomly Restarting

2010-11-30 Thread Carl Meyer
Thanks All... looks like our issue is related to running out of swap space Curious. Did you have java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Out of swap space in OUT log? Was RAM or HD not have sufficient space? Regards, Carl. ~| Order the

Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-04 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Brook, You do not say what Cf version and JVm is in use eg CF8.01 Java 1.6.0_04 1. I understand that setting -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m should immediately allocate that amount of ram to the JVM. So why does the taskManager report the memory usage at 300 megs (prior to the event)? Is TASKMAN

Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-05 Thread Carl Meyer
Java byte code - that is what is going to be in memory. I expect a CFC etc would relate to a particular Java object however while I can dump what is in RAM have not learned how to understand the output and join a CFM to an object. I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific

Re: Webservice error after CF 8.01 update CF FAILS TO START! Error loading: C:/ColdFusion8/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

2010-12-05 Thread Carl Meyer
Wow very interesting and difficult problem. I am a bit late in reading this detail and have nothing to add over what others have covered. Curious is it fixed and what was to solution? Regards, Carl. Well, its 2am and I am still trying to figure this one out. I've reinstalled CF now about 5

Re: Webservice error after CF 8.01 update CF FAILS TO START! Error loading: C:/ColdFusion8/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

2010-12-05 Thread Carl Meyer
Just noticed the answer in other thread. Interesting solution Mack. Wow very interesting and difficult problem. I am a bit late in reading this detail and have nothing to add over what others have covered. Curious is it fixed and what was to solution? Regards, Carl.

Re: JVM args, GC issues, performance tuning - CF9, Win2k8

2011-02-09 Thread Carl Meyer
I did a talk recently at CFMeetup on CF JVM related matters. You can know what is going on inside CF JVM. Knowing is good it may not be the JVM args that are causing your problems, then you can get on with finding out what really is wrong. Else if the JVM shows it is having GC or memory issues

Re: JVM args, GC issues, performance tuning - CF9, Win2k8

2011-02-09 Thread Carl Meyer
I did a talk recently at CFMeetup on CF JVM related matters. You can know what is going on inside CF JVM. Knowing is good it may not be the JVM args that are causing your problems, then you can get on with finding out what really is wrong. Else if the JVM shows it is having GC or memory issues

Re: JVM help!

2011-02-15 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Duncan, you do not have a -XX:PermSize=m set on your new 64 bit. Apply other suggestions mentioned plus a minimum setting for Perminant Generation as without one it can try size down to Java default. What size? The value depends perhaps with the MaxPermSize you have set already use say half

Re: JVM help!

2011-02-16 Thread Carl Meyer
NewGen can sometimes be a problem. The temptation with 64 bit is setting a large initial heap size -Xms4096m. This can be quite fine however can lead to problems in JVM performance since the JVM is not making good decisions how to size the New Generation (which is made up of Eden and two

Re: JVM help!

2011-02-16 Thread Carl Meyer
Where else to make gains in JVM? You say the server is Quad Core CPU. Suggest allow the Garbage Collector in your case -XX:+UseParallelGC to multi thread and use all those cores. The JVM is going to GC so reduce the time of the GC’s is desirable especially for the Full GC as part of the

Re: JVM help!

2011-02-16 Thread Carl Meyer
Some Java / CF systems I have seen have done well to change the collector in use. Currently you are running -XX:+UseParallelGC which is a throughput GC. Perhaps you can experiment with changing to a low pause GC? Caveat UseParallelGC may be working well for the environment and changing

Re: JVM help!

2011-02-22 Thread Carl Meyer
Did any of those suggestions with NewGen, Thread Cores or Low Pause GC help? Regards, Carl. Hi everyone, thanks for all the good feedback. Let me first tell you WHY I think its a JVM issue, then show you what results I have had. We took the exact same code, and connected it to the

Re: coldfusion service stop rsponding or CPU goes up tp 100%

2011-03-22 Thread Carl Meyer
The NewGen size is too small. On my dev environment (CF9.0.1 JVM 1.6.0_24) I ran these JVM args: java.args=-server -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m - XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:NewSize=48m - XX:SurvivorRatio=4 etc CF became unresponsive without much load, tho

Re: coldfusion service stop rsponding or CPU goes up tp 100%

2011-03-23 Thread Carl Meyer
More settings suggestions. java.args=-server -Xmx4096m -Xms4096m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=60 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=60 -XX:NewSize=148m -XX:SurvivorRatio=4

Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2011-03-28 Thread Carl Meyer
NewGen switches are odd. I am not sure about the NewGen configured with -Xmn100m and also -XX:NewSize=48m both switches are for configuring NewGen however set to differing sizes. Perhaps the java heap error is related to this remembering that Heap is made up of NewGen and OldGen or YoungGen

Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - requires multiple service restart each week

2011-03-29 Thread Carl Meyer
Check the logs. CF\runtime\logs\OUT and EVENT log. The contents to the log prior to CF needing a restart or server reboot will likely provide a clue as to issue. The details of your JVM Arguments in CFADMIN Server Settings Java and JVM will be of interest to readers. HTH, Carl. We have a

Using Java 7 G1 garbage collector

2011-03-30 Thread Carl Meyer
JDK 7 preview is available: Have done a small amount of testing with Java 7 and find encouraging results for application performance particularly with the new Garbage First garbage collector -XX:+UseG1GC in place of the usual -XX:+UseParallelGC garbage collector. Don’t

Re: JVM configuration Problem

2011-04-06 Thread Carl Meyer
Perhaps NewGen perhaps PermGen. What does JVM logging that is partly enabled indicate? What JVM version? It is JRun that is CPU bound? You have some very specific JVM arguments there. Couple things I note with New / Young Generation and Permanent Generation. Sometimes with a largish initial

Re: CF security update released today

2011-06-19 Thread Carl Meyer
Ditto that for CF 8.0.1 version 8,0,0,0 discussed here: Not seeing any issues once hotfix is applied with datasources myself. I only access Microsoft SQL. I posted regarding CF 9.0.1 with hotfix here:

Re: CF security update released today

2011-06-19 Thread Carl Meyer
Ditto CF 9.0.1 and 8.0.1 with patch applied gives error when CFAdmin UI Data Services Data Sources verify all connections. CF8\runtime\log\coldfusion-out.log reports: 06/20 12:40:21 Warning [jrpp-2] - There was an error while verifying the token.

Re: CF security update released today

2011-06-19 Thread Carl Meyer
Of interest CF Server Manager verify all datasources works OK. I posted a screen cut here: Regards, Carl. - CF 9.0.1 and 8.0.1 I'm logged out when I click on Verify all datasources in CFIDE: There was an error accessing this page. Check logs for

Re: cf enterprise quad cpu box

2011-08-15 Thread Carl Meyer
Perhaps the garbage collector you have chosen to use in your JVM arguments is not a multi-threaded garbage collector ie only working on 1 core. HTH, Carl. I meant to say it DOES seem like one core is commonly over utilized.

Re: cf enterprise quad cpu box

2011-08-15 Thread Carl Meyer
Perhaps the garbage collector you have chosen to use in your JVM arguments is not a multi-threaded garbage collector ie only working on 1 core. HTH, Carl I meant to say it DOES seem like one core is commonly over utilized. ~|

Re: undeliverable mail cfadmin issue

2011-09-11 Thread Carl Meyer
Perhaps related to this reported bug in adobe cf bug log: What patch level is CF9? HTH, Carl. when I click Mail - View Undeliverable mail I get an error Error invoking CFC

Re: 500 - Internal server error

2012-07-01 Thread Carl Meyer
I think CF10 implements a setting in ColdFusion, Post Parameter Limit. This limits the number of parameters in a post request. The default value is 100. If a post request contains more parameters as specified, server will not process the request and throws an exception or 500 error. Edit file

Re: 500 - Internal server error

2012-07-01 Thread Carl Meyer
I think CF10 implements a setting in ColdFusion, Post Parameter Limit. This limits the number of parameters in a post request. The default value is 100. If a post request contains more parameters as specified, server will not process the request and throws an exception or 500 error. Edit file

Re: CFMX 10 cluster question

2013-11-04 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Alex, That all makes sense. What tho about users browsing to IIS, will they URL to one or the other or both somehow via a load balancer? Regards, Carl. - On BOX1 connect IIS to the local cluster - On BOX2 connect IIS to the local cluster Does this sound correct? Is