[cia-drugs] The shooter was drowned buried 911 Truth won out

2007-05-17 Thread Marsha MCClelland
Dear group owners moderators, Truth finally wins as an agent who called himself (ironically) shooter, whose mission was to discredit 911 truth seekers researchers has failed...Whether he was a paid shill for the corrupt or freelance, doesn't matter as he was still an agent up to no good

[cia-drugs] WTC7: Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief filed

2007-05-09 Thread Marsha MCClelland


2007-04-21 Thread Marsha MCClelland
They are coming out against corruption and the illegal occupation just as Alex Jones told us on a prior show @ Infowars.com Yesterday's show on ABC's, The View, Olympia Dukakis was the special guest What a plug for the millions of viewers to learn that on April 25th, there's going to

[cia-drugs] ***Important***SOS***Action Alert*** Patriot Call

2007-04-09 Thread Marsha MCClelland
This AOL poll is said to be fixed and it's the only one Rosie O'Donnel is losing Remember, this isn't really about Rosie so it matters not what one thinks of her personally...If they succeed in silencing her it will mean the silencing of America Groups are reporting members going in

[cia-drugs] #2 Demonstration of Support for Rosie O'Donnell This Wednesday at ABC

2007-03-20 Thread Marsha MCClelland
We Are Change Monday, March 19, 2007 Demonstration of Support for Rosie O'Donnell March 21st Wednesday – 9:30am Outside ABC The View Studios 320 West 66th Street , just past West End Ave., NYC http://abc.go.com/daytime/theview/directions.html Rosies stance against the

[cia-drugs] Calling all Citizens, Veterans, 911 antiwar activists

2007-03-13 Thread Marsha MCClelland
Cindy Sheehan wrote an open letter to Laura Bush which in itself is probably futile...I'm enclosing the whole debate that's resulted and ongoing here in hope some will add their voice of reason...This so truth can be exposed for those still sitting on the fence so we can all get to where we're

[cia-drugs] ***SOS***Bring the Mandate for Peace to Washington DC on Jan. 27...Mass demonstrations planned for Antiwar March

2007-01-17 Thread Marsha MCClelland
***SOS***Bring the Mandate for Peace to Washington DC on Jan. 27...Mass demonstrations planned for Antiwar March Important links a message from Luna in Norfolk to follow Load up on DVD's for 911 truth to help in the uniting of the antiwar activists with 911 truth seekers

[cia-drugs] ***Patriot Call Action Alert***Help antiwar 911 truth spread...Forward this request, please

2007-01-09 Thread Marsha MCClelland
***Patriot Call Action Alert***Help antiwar 911 truth spread...Forward this request, please Hey guys...Seeing how John Conner risks his all in spreading truth about 911, how about helping him out? http://youtube.com/results?search_query=john+conner+and+danny+bonaducesearch=Search

[cia-drugs] ***Action Alert***Granny Warriors need help

2006-12-14 Thread Marsha MCClelland
They may not be able to continue their mission in activism to help wake the masses if they don't get some help...Do you think we could help out, please?...If we can't give financially, we could forward this to our friends, family and groups, couldn't we?...Take a look at their bus and imagine that

[cia-drugs] Re: [Group Alert] Cynthia McKinney's Parting Shot... Introduces bill to impeach Bush!

2006-12-09 Thread Marsha MCClelland
Cynthia is a super person and was given a bad rap more than once...This, because she really is for the people...She's a member of We The People United I might brag Please join US too...Join the many patriots and activists if you're a concerned citizen and/or parent We The People United

[cia-drugs] Join the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth

2006-12-08 Thread Marsha MCClelland
Join the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth December 16, 2006 http://www.boston911truth.org/teaparty/ http://www.boston91truth.org/teaparty/ If the links come apart, paste in your browser and close any gaps befor clicking

[cia-drugs] National �Mandate for Peace� Call-in Day, Dec. 4

2006-12-01 Thread Marsha MCClelland
National “Mandate for Peace” Call-in Day, Dec. 4 Call your Representative and Senators and tell them “Stop Funding War! – Bring Our Troops Home – NOW! ” The first “National Call-In Day” since the election will be Dec. 4, and we’re encouraging you to please participate by placing a call to your

[cia-drugs] OMG...We couldn't believe our ears eyesThe Untold Story Of The Mayflower

2006-11-17 Thread Marsha MCClelland
I was working on the computer and my husband started laughing and said, Did you see that?...I said What? It was a commercial and he ran it back for me to see... It was children dressed as pilgrims telling it like it really was...At one point they acted out running and stealing the

[cia-drugs] Re: off topic - more windows security problems

2006-10-18 Thread Marsha MCClelland
From a thread at Nuenergy Forum...Please join them and help with this most urgent issue.http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/nuenergy/Thank you so muchfor this, Ron...I hope you don't mind my sharing it with some of my favorite groups?I wanted to reply to the listeven thoughyou said

[cia-drugs] Countdown with Keith Olbermann

2006-10-05 Thread Marsha MCClelland
Last night Keith had this to say..."You heard, of course, of the President's remarks this week that, quoting him, 'If you listen closely to some of the leaders of the Democratic Party, it sounds like they think the best way to protect the American people is, wait until we're attacked

[cia-drugs] Re: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] ABC's Rosie Says: Quoting, Radical Christians no different than murde rous radical Muslims

2006-09-17 Thread Marsha MCClelland
She's not the type to apologize when she's right, in my opinionBe sure to use this nasty little campaignto reverse their evil plot and speak up for Rosie O'DonnellI just erased the nasty little note that was written againsther for telling the truth...Won't you help thwart their evil

[cia-drugs] This revealing 911 truth video will convince any skeptic of demolition and much more...(Like what was in building seven?)...Please forward everywhere you think skeptics might behttp://v

2006-09-17 Thread Marsha MCClelland
This revealing 911 truth video will convince any skeptic of demolition and much more...(Like what was in building seven?)...Please forward everywhere you think skeptics might behttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3249714675910247150"We The People United Movement"We are many Political and

[cia-drugs] An Amazing Coincidence - Cheney keeps US from downing WTC planes

2006-09-07 Thread Marsha MCClelland
Wed Sep6,2006 10:32pm (PST) An Amazing Coincidence - Cheney keeps US from downing WTC planes.http://palitonepres s.blogspot. com/2006/ 06/amazing- coincidence. htmlRegardless of your position on this topic, you cannot help but admit that a major coincidence (at the very least) took place on

[cia-drugs] An Urgent Appeal: Please Release Our Friends in Iraq

2005-12-04 Thread Marsha McClelland
Hey... I just wanted to send you this link to an online petition on Petition Spot, An Urgent Appeal: Please Release Our Friends in Iraq. http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/freethecpt Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- Fair play? Video


2005-11-19 Thread Marsha McClelland
Hi,I ran across this news item today and thought it would be of interest to you. --ALERT: EPA TO ALLOW PESTICIDE TESTING ON ORPHANS & MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDRENPublic comments are now being accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its newly proposed federal