[cia-drugs] 6 killed by machete in Colombia gold mine massacre

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
more gold mine weirdness.  -vmann

6 killed by machete in Colombia gold mine massacre
Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:32pm EDT

powered by  Sphere
BOGOTA, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Six Afro-Colombian gold miners were killed on 
Thursday by unidentified machete-wielding men who attacked them as they worked 
in the impoverished western province of Choco, authorities said.

The attack came amid a wave of killings in which dozens of candidates, campaign 
workers and politicians have been gunned down ahead of Oct. 28 local elections. 
But police said the unexplained incident at the open pit mine near the town of 
Istmina did not appear to be election-related.

Choco is a violent cocaine-producing area between Panama to the north, a common 
destination for smugglers, and Valle del Cauca province to the south, home to 
Colombia's toughest drug cartel. Left-wing rebels and far-right paramilitaries, 
both funded by the cocaine trade, are active in the area.

Most people in Choco are descended from African slaves brought by the Spanish 
to work in local gold mines, or from freed slaves who sought refuge from racism 
in Colombia's cities.<>

[cia-drugs] Re: I'd like to run this scenario by the group b4 it hits the White House

2007-10-18 Thread muckblit
Wrong idea.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Brad \"reallybadbrad\" Ferrell"
> Imagine, if you will

[cia-drugs] Bomb-sniffing dogs focus on vehicle owned by Topoff 4 participant

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
let's put this in context.  first we have people like brzezinski warning that 
the bushies want to do false flag terror to justify an attack on iran.  this 
august we had the KENNEBUNKPORT MEMO, warning that a false flag scenario might 
be imminent.  within a week after that, there is the weirdness of nukes being 
flown from minot to barksdale in an unauthorized manner, surrounded by 
mysterious deaths and possibly including one nuke going missing.  now we have 
this.  the bomb sniffing dogs going to the car of one of the participants in 
the "terror drill!?"  click the blue line to see TERRORSTORM:  THE HISTORY OF 
FALSE FLAG TERROR by alex jones.  -vmann

He said explosive residue can get "baked in" to vehicles, noting that members 
of the Portland Police explosives team frequently set off alarms in airports 
because residue is in the fabric of their clothing.

Bomb scare disrupts terrorism drill, closes MAX line
Posted by The Oregonian October 18, 2007 14:32PM
Categories: Portland, Top Stories
The Topoff dirty-bomb drill turned into a real-life bomb scare this afternoon 
after a trio of bomb-sniffing dogs alerted authorities to possible explosives 
on the first floor of the parking garage of the Doubletree Hotel Portland at 
1000 NE Multnomah Street. Michael Chertoff, secretary of the U.S. Department of 
Homeland Security, was scheduled to be at the hotel for part of the Topoff 
counterterrorism exercise later in the day. 

Portland police cordoned off several blocks around the Lloyd Center, marking 
off the area with thousands of feet of yellow tape blowing in the afternoon 
wind. They also shut down MAX trains through the area, and alerted people 
inside the hotel and surrounding buildings. Some in those buildings chose to 
evacuate, while others remained in place. 

By 3:45 p.m., Police spokesman Brian Schmautz said officials "were comfortable" 
there was nothing sinister going on. Shortly after that, TriMet spokeswoman 
Peggy LaPoint said the red and blue MAX lines were back open in both directions 
through the area.

Nonetheless, Topoff activities at the hotel were quickly canceled earlier in 
the afternoon. Schmautz said officers had been sweeping the area in advance of 
visits by Chertoff and high-ranking military personnel using a pair of 
"explosives sensitive" police dogs. "One dog got an alert at this car. The 
second dog was called in and also gave an alert." A third dog later came to the 
parking garage, and had the same reaction as the first two. 

Authorities initially focused on one vehicle, which turned out to be owned by a 
participant in the Topoff exercise. The car's owner was quickly located and 
cooperated, and police later expanded the search to other vehicles on the first 
floor of the garage. It was windy, Schmautz said, so it's possible the dogs 
picked up smells from any of several vehicles in the area. 

There are a number of military and Homeland Security employees in the area for 
the counterterrorism exercise, so Schmautz says it's possible one of their 
vehicles inadvertently picked up explosive residue or something else that might 
set off the dogs.

"It's very unusual to have a concentration of military and law enforcement 
vehicles in the same place," Schmautz said. He said explosive residue can get 
"baked in" to vehicles, noting that members of the Portland Police explosives 
team frequently set off alarms in airports because residue is in the fabric of 
their clothing.

Before 2 p.m., a crowd of people, many them streaming out of the mall and 
unable to get to their cars in a parking lot, gathered at Northeast 13th Avenue 
and Multnomah Street. Some asked officers near the yellow police tape if scene 
was part of the terror drill. "This is not a drill, m'am," said one officer. 
Others complained about not being able to catch buses and the MAX trains.

A street preacher stopped on the corner, warning people walking past that they 
were witnessing the end times. "It's time to come to Jesus Christ," he said.

The Topoff drill is scheduled to resume tomorrow morning with a wrap-up 
briefing, as participants evaluate how things went this week.

-- Joseph Rose

[cia-drugs] Fwd: On the Ground in Israel-Palestine

2007-10-18 Thread roadsend

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com
--- Begin Message ---
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern recently visited Israel as part of an 
interfaith delegation witnessing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict first-hand. 
In this guest essay, he describes what shocked him.

For the full story, go to http://www.consortiumnews.com.

There are two easy ways you can help Consortiumnews.com continue to produce 
independent investigative journalism:

If you buy a copy of our new book, "Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of 
George W. Bush," through the publisher's Web site, http://www.neckdeepbook.com, 
$5 per book will go to help pay the bills at Consortiumnews.com.

Or you can help by making a tax-deductible donation either by credit card at 
the Web site or by sending a check to: Consortium for Independent Journalism 
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For donations of $100, we'll send you an autographed gift copy of Neck Deep in 
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hard-cover version. Thanks for your support.

To remove yourself from this list, click here: 
--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Senator Chris Dodd stood up to NOT grant immunity for the phone companies!

2007-10-18 Thread roadsend

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com
--- Begin Message ---
Dodd Stands Up for American Civil Liberties by Stopping Surveillance Bill 
October 18, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) announced today that he will stop the Foreign 
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reform legislation from being considered 
by the full Senate and from receiving a vote on the Senate floor.  Dodd will 
place a hold on the bill, a tool available to Senators to stop legislation from 
moving forward. 
By granting immunity to telecommunications companies that participated in the 
President’s terrorist surveillance program, even though such participation may 
have been illegal, the FISA reform bill sets a dangerous precedent by giving 
the President sweeping authorization to neglect the right to privacy that 
Americans are entitled to under the Constitution.  
“The President has no right to secretly eavesdrop on the conversations and 
activities of law abiding American citizens and anyone who has aided and 
abetted him in these illegal activities should be held accountable,” said Dodd. 
 “It is unconscionable that such a basic right has been violated, and that the 
President is the perpetrator.  I will do everything in my power to stop 
Congress from shielding this President’s agenda of secrecy, deception, and 
blatant unlawfulness.”  
The Senate Intelligence Committee is considering the reform proposal in a 
markup session this afternoon.  The legislation will then be referred to the 
Senate Judiciary Committee for its consideration before being reported to the 
Senate floor
Melinda Iley-Dohn
Gandhi's Seven Deadly Social Sins : 
• Politics without principle • Wealth without risk • Commerce without morality 
• Pleasure without conscience • Education without character • Science without 
• Worship without sacrifice

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--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] Terror drill turns into the real deal near Lloyd Center

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: TruePatriotsUnite 
To: TruePatriotsUnite 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:04 PM
Subject: [new_patriots] Terror drill turns into the real deal near Lloyd Center

Terror drill turns into the real deal near Lloyd Center

PORTLAND, Ore. - Bomb-sniffing dogs being used for a TOPOFF exercise in 
northeast Portland on Thursday detected the real thing, prompting police to 
cordon off a hotel, close nearby streets and shut down the MAX.

According to Brian Schmautz with the Portland Police Bureau, as officials were 
doing a sweep of the Doubletree Hotel located near the Lloyd Center, 
bomb-sniffing dogs got a hit on a vehicle in the vicinity.

There is currently a heavy police presence in the area while police 
investigate.  The TOPOFF exercise scheduled to take place at the hotel has been 

Nearby Benson High School is in lock-out mode and will be for the duration of 
the school day.  Since the MAX is shut down, school buses will be transporting 
students who normally take a train home to alternate MAX platforms away from 
the Lloyd Center area.



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[cia-drugs] Bush Quips He Might Stay in Power

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Bush Quips He Might Stay in Power (Threat Level Plays Along)
By Kevin Poulsen October 17, 2007 | 2:47:58 PMCategories: Election '08   
At a press briefing this morning that touched on issues like the White House's 
extrajudicial wiretapping program and torture policies, the president was asked 
a question about Vladimir Putin's plan to hold on to power when his term as 
Russian president runs out. 

  Reporter: Mr. President, following up on Vladimir Putin for a moment, he said 
recently that next year, when he has to step down according to the 
constitution, as the president, he may become prime minister; in effect keeping 
power and dashing any hopes for a genuine democratic transition there ...

  Bush: I've been planning that myself. 

Ahahahahaha. That's funny. It's a great comedian who can give voice to what 
everyone else is just thinking. 

Despite the president's occasional contempt for the law, THREAT LEVEL doesn't 
believe that he's going to declare a state of emergency and cancel the 2008 
election. But in July, we filed some FOIA requests anyway. We asked five 
Justice Department offices for documents produced or revised after August 2001 
"addressing the feasibility, advisability or lawfulness of deferring, 
rescheduling or canceling a U.S. national election." 

The Office of Legal Counsel responded in nine days: It has no documents fitting 
that description. This is the office specifically tasked with advising the 
president on legal matters, and which infamously  belched out a memo 
sanctioning torture in 2002. 

This was, by the way, the fastest FOIA response I've ever gotten -- the speed 
suggesting the proposition was so ludicrous that it demanded swift repudiation. 
(Or that the office wanted to dispose of the FOIA before the White House went 
and asked for election postponement options). The Office of the Attorney 
General responded late last month (.pdf), also reporting no records found. 
Ditto the Office of the Associate Attorney General. 

Only two offices haven't given the all-clear: The Office of the Deputy Attorney 
General is still looking into it. The National Security Division says it can't 
even estimate when I might get a response, because there are 14 unrelated FOIA 
requests ahead of mine.

That means I'll probably hear back sometime in late 2009, by which time Bush 
won't even be in office any more. Unless he is. Ahahahahaha. Just kidding.

[cia-drugs] I'd like to run this scenario by the group b4 it hits the White House

2007-10-18 Thread Brad "reallybadbrad" Ferrell
Imagine, if you will, that the US Navy is running two parallel columns around 
the southern side of the American continents, Europe, Africa, and Asia and then 
back to the North American continents (pictures available upon request).  At 
the same time, The United States Army has aircraft in the air, that will 
intersect in a grid at any specific given time.  

An intercontinental-ballistic missile, one ICBM, is launched westward across 
China towards Iran.  Once this ICBM reaches Middle-Asia, a number of navy craft 
will launch similar small nuclear and tactical strikes on Uranium Mines, Nulear 
Power Plants, Nuclear Submarines, Nuclear Missile Stock Piles, Enemy Air 
Fields, Uranium Stock Piles, and Terrorist Breeding Grounds worldwide to 
include Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Africa, and Southeast Asia.  I think you get 
the idea, basically anything that uses or holds Nuclear War Potential, like 

In case of retaliation by ICBM, the Army Air Force Grid should be able to 
disable any Airborne ICBM or other attacks with standard Air-to-Air missiles.

A second wave of ICBM's, launched West at half-speed across China, from the 
West Coast of the United States of America, will be joined by a fleet of 
Stealth Nuclear Strikers and while the ICBM's are in Chinese Air Space, the 
Stealth Crews will disable China's stockpile of ICBM's and tanks, and troops, 
and reactors, and whatever else, while the second wave continues onto Saudi 
Arabia (Where Osama Bin Laden hides in his parents basement), Turkey and N. 

There are no planned strikes against Mother Russia, but if they would like to 
get involved in this strike, I'm sure we can produce a third wave.

I'm leaving them out because of my Capitalist values.  I see them only as a 
fellow arms dealer and it is much easier to remove their customer base at this 
point in history.

I think it's a good plan. I've tried getting through to the White House several 
times, but they may think I'm the Anti-Christ or something.  

Best Wishes,
Brad "reallybadbrad" Ferrell

[cia-drugs] Kucinich(1)Policetraining(2)PulsePoll(3)TomHarkin(4)Paul(5)Hightower(6)

2007-10-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Print - Close Window  
From: "Tomi Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient@,  
Subject: Kucinich Meet up in Houston 
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:47:40 -0500 
Dennis's new autobiography is coming out!  This will be a good time to wear 
your Kucinich shirt, a pin for him, or whatever else identifies you as a 
Kucitizen and meet with other supporters of the best candidate for President!  
I just replied and said I'd bring a friend.  I hope it is one of you!
Announcing a new event for The Houston Dennis Kucinich Meetup Group!
  What: Spreading the Word
  When: Saturday, November 3, 12:00 PM
  Where: Click the link below to find out!
  Event Description: We'll meet at Barnes & Noble in the cafe to spread the 
word to people in the store. Be sure to wear your Kucinich gear and bring 
materials to pass out if you have them. And please bring a friend!
  Learn more here:

 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:50:05 -0500 
  From: "Police Training" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: 
Uphold the law with police training. Enroll now. 
 Click these ads to enroll in police officer training. Learn the skills you 
need to protect and serve the public at the local, state or federal level!  
You received this message because you are subscribed to Unique Skip. To remove 
yourself from this service and stop receiving email messages from Unique Skip, 
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privacy policy, go to http://www.uniquelistmanagementmailings.com/pp or go 
here. Please mail comments about this message to Unique Skip, 1128 Royal Palm 
Beach Blvd., #222, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. 
From: "Tomi Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient@,  
Subject: Presidential Primary Pulse Poll 
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:29:02 -0500 
Hey Friends, 
  I wanted to drop you a short note to ask for your help. DFA is holding a 
Presidential Primary Pulse Poll to decide which candidate deserves their 
support. I voted for Representative Dennis Kucinich and I need help to move 
them from 3rd place in the poll. 
  Could you take just a minute to vote for Dennis Kucinich right now? Here's 
the link: 
  Thanks for your help. 
Wed, 17 Oct 2007 20:08:57 -0400 
From: "Tom Harkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Taking care of our home front 
Taking care of our home front
Dear Friend,
Over the past few months, I worked very hard with my colleagues to write a bill 
that would invest in our country's future by funding our important domestic 
  The Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill, 
which I brought to the Senate floor today, supports vital programs like Head 
Start, student financial aid, job training, community health centers, 
home-heating assistance for the poor, mental health and substance abuse 
services and a host of other important measures.
  You can learn more about this legislation by watching my video message.
  This bill provides serious, substantive assistance to those Americans that 
need it. Of course, President Bush continues to play politics by threatening to 
veto this bill, just as he vetoed increased funding for children's healthcare a 
few weeks ago. 
  Make no mistake. He'd rather have taxpayers spend twelve billion dollars in 
Iraq every month, than to invest 11 billion dollars above his request over the 
next year to meet our essential needs on the home front. 
  Please stand with me by urging your Senators to support the funding bill this 
week. Today, I asked our friends at DailyKos to join me with this effort as 
well. An overwhelming vote in the Senate will send a strong message to the 
White House. It's time to stop playing politics and start getting this country 
back on the right track.
  Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
  Tom Harkin
  Paid for and authorized by Citizens for Harkin
You are subscribed to this newsletter as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please click here to 
modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We 
will respect all unsubscribe requests. 
Thanks for your help. **
I must say, that I have been working in these interent Democratic grassroots, 
and never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that one single vote for a 
Republican would be likely in 2008.  I am shocked by all means. Think about it.
We in the internet have been discussing what today is common knowledge, we did 
reserach and looked and read and worked and contacted everyone we could.  I 
know that Moveon.org was our home base to begin with and we grew like crazy, 
and people joined us, even from other pa

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Which Presidential Candidates is Wall Street Buying?

2007-10-18 Thread RAMillegan

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com
--- Begin Message ---
Ron Paul does not accept contributions from lobbiests. So Wall Street is buying 
the others!

Please contribute to Ron Paul because he is NOT selling out to the special 
interests. If you want to get this country on the right track again, you will 
have to sacrifice!
Make contributions here www.ronpaul2008.com 

Don Stacey


Contributions from Selected Industries 

Securities & Investment

  Rudolph W. Giuliani (R)
  Barack Obama (D)
  Hillary Clinton (D)
  Mitt Romney (R)
  Christopher J. Dodd (D)
  John McCain (R)
  John Edwards (D)
  Bill Richardson (D)
  Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D)
  Sam Brownback (R)
  Mike Huckabee (R)
  Ron Paul (R)
  Thomas J. Vilsack (D)
  Jim Gilmore (R)
  Tommy Thompson (R)
  Duncan Hunter (R)
  Tom Tancredo (R)
  Dennis J. Kucinich (D)
  Mike Gravel (D)

Audio: FDR's Banking Crisis Chat 
FDR's Gold Confiscation Act of 1933
Five Myths About the Gold Standard, by Ron Paul, 1981
Ron Paul's 1981 "Monetary Freedom Act",legislation to Restore the Gold Coin 
YouTube Ron Paul: Economic Scholar 
--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] Fw: Yahoo! News Story - Cheney and Obama are distant cousins: Mrs. Cheney - Yahoo! News

2007-10-18 Thread Arlene Johnson

Arlene Johnson

-Forwarded Message-
>From: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 17, 2007 2:48 PM
>Subject: Yahoo! News Story - Cheney and Obama are distant cousins: Mrs. Cheney 
>- Yahoo! News
>Arlene Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent you a news article. 
>(Email address has not been verified.)
>Personal message:
>Cheney and Obama are distant cousins: Mrs. Cheney - Yahoo! News
>Yahoo! News 

[cia-drugs] Bilderberg Book website

2007-10-18 Thread RAMillegan
Please send far and wide:

new website:


Oct 18th

By Carolyn Baker               
Monday, 01 October 2007

A review of The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group, by Daniel Estulin
It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism 
to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national 
   —Bilderberg Group founder, Prince Bernhard—

Live Media Schedule
October 19, 2007 
Noon CST
Alex Jones
October 20, 2007
11:00pm PDT)
Erskine Overnight
October 22, 2007 
The John Oakley Show
October 23, 2007
4pm EDT
David Allen
Jacksonville, FL
11 pm EDT
Dr Stan Montieth
Radio Liberty
October 24, 2007
National Press Conference
Roosevelt Hotel
45 E 45th  (45th and Madison)
October 26, 2007
7pm EDT
Dr Stan Montieth
Radio Liberty
The True History of the Bilderberg Group
Author Daniel Estulin is visiting Canada and New York this October. Several 
public events are planned. Please come and meet Danny.
Public Schedule:
Thursday, October 18th
7 pm
Kingston Library
Kingston, Canada
Friday, October 19th
7:30 pm
Conspiracy Culture
1696 Queen Street West
Tuesday, October 23
7:00 pm 
Bluestocking Books
172 Allen Street (between Stanton & Rivington)
Wednesday, October 24
10:30-11:30 am
National Press Conference
Roosevelt Hotel
45 E 45th (45th & Madison)
Thursday, October 25th
1022 Cortelyou Rd
Brooklyn, NY

The Bilderberg Group ...

is nothing to be concerned about.

is up to no good for humanity.

is a fiction, and probably doesn't even exist.

would lilke me as a member.

would not want me as a member.

is doomed to failure.

is great, and I wish them success with their plan to rule the New World 
We have 2 guests online

Copyright © 2005 - 2007 The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. Designed by 
Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[cia-drugs] U.S. 'Terrorologist' Webster Tarpley Tours Britain To Reve al 9/11 Truth

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
U.S. 'Terrorologist' Webster Tarpley Tours Britain To Reveal 9/11 Truth
RINF Alternative News

Since 9/11, evidence has come to light that contradicts that day's infamous 
terrorist attack. American historian Webster Tarpley argues that this is 
nothing new, serious inconsistencies have been associated with terror attacks 
for hundreds of years throughout the Western world.

Whilst much post 9/11 evidence has been well sourced it has trickled out, 
having far less impact than the official narrative which holds Islamic fanatics 
entirely responsible. The end result is that press and public are left confused 
and disorientated by a lack of resolution to one of the biggest stories of our 
age. Terrorology is a growing discipline that seeks to bring academic rigour 
and reasoned argument to analysing this highly emotive subject.

Author of two books about connections between the US state and organised crime 
Tarpley scours the world for answers to the growing mountain of contradictions 
about 9/11 and develops an alternative account which counts Islamic 
'extremists' among the victims. He finds evidence for the roots of 9/11 in the 
Western establishment, what he calls a 'rogue network' embedded in the secret 
state and military apparatus.

Amongst the unanswered questions Tarpley addresses are why.

The US Air Force for up to one-and-a-half hours failed to intercept hijacked 

There was no apparent wreckage of an airliner at the Pentagon. 

'Put options' on United Airlines and American Airlines shares placed before 9/1 
were traced back to the Executive Director of the CIA. 

Building 7 at the WTC site in Manhattan collapsed without being hit by a plane.

And he goes on to ask is the "War on Terror" really an Orwellian programme 
designed to take away peoples' hard won civil liberties?

Tarpley's analysis comes as music to the ears of the growing number of Britons 
uncomfortable about the suspension of habeas corpus and the racist overtones of 
internment of Muslims.

Webster will be available for interview in each venue city of the tour (see 
below) from roughly 2pm on the appropriate day. He will be in London from about 
midday on Saturday 4th November and leaves Glasgow on Sunday 12th November for 
Milan where the Italian translation of '911 Synthetic Terror' is being launched.

Tour schedule

Tickets £5.00 donation on a strictly first come-first served basis. No-one 
turned away due to lack of funds.

LONDON, Monday 5th November, 7pm - St. John's Church, Waterloo Road, London, 
SE1 8TY. (by Waterloo Main Line Stn.) - Ticketline - 07947 593825

OXFORD, Tuesday 6th November, 7pm - Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Aldates', 
Oxford, OX1 1BX, Ticketline - 07714 364140

BRISTOL, Wednesday 7th November, 7pm - QEH Theatre, Jacob's Wells Road, 
Bristol. BS8 1JX - Ticketline - 07786 952037

LEEDS, Thursday 8th November, 7pm - Lecture Theatre B2, Lesley Silver Building, 
Leeds Metropolitan University, Civic Quarter Campus, Calverley Street, Leeds, 
LS1 3HE. - Ticketline -07733 323841

LANCASTER, Friday 9th November, 7pm - Hugh Pollard Lecture Theatre, St Martin's 
College, Cumbria University, Bowerham Road, Lancaster LA1 3JD - Ticketline - 
01524 388868

EDINBURGH, Saturday 10th November, 7pm - Friends Meeting House, 7 Victoria 
Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2JL - Ticketline - 07809 365609


Webster Griffin Tarpley is an activist and historian best known for his George 
Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), which has become an underground 
An expert on international terrorism with decades of experience, he directed 
the study Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) which was 
commissioned by a member of the Italian government and published in Rome in 
1978. [Aldo Moro was an ex-prime minister of Italy who was murdered by the "Red 
Brigades," who were ultimately found out to be a front for a fascist state 
terror group.]

Against Oligarchy, a collection of Tarpley's essays and speeches, appeared on 
the Internet in 1996. He also wrote Surviving the Cataclysm (1999), an analysis 
of the world financial crisis.

In 2005, Tarpley's '9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA' gained a following and 
is now going into a fourth edition. On October 7, 2006, Amazon.com's top 
non-fiction book reviewer, Robert David Steele, called it "the strongest of the 
770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon."

Tarpley has appeared on CNN Crossfire, FOX News, Charlie Rose, talk radio, and 
cable access television across North America.

False Flag Section has more related reports 

[cia-drugs] Troubled Burma - The Washington Connection

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Troubled Burma - The Washington Connection 
by truong son traveler 
Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 08:30:50 AM PDT
This diary is inspired by a recent article written by William Engdahl which was 
published in Asia Times Online.

As we read last month the trigger for the mass demonstrations led by the 
Buddhist Monks in Myanmar, or Burma if you prefer, was fuel costs which were 
increased by 100% to 500% when the government ended subsidies for gasoline and 
other types of fuel. Engdahl tells us that the UN estimates overall inflation 
had increased by 35% in this very poor country where people spend about 70% of 
their income for food.

There is more to this story than meets the eye.

  Behind the recent CNN news pictures of streams of monks marching in the 
streets of the former capital city, Yangon, calling for more democracy, is a 
battle of major geopolitical consequence. 

What is not so well known is that Burma is also on the Bush Administration's 
hit-list for regime change. And, we can dismiss the idea that it has genuine 
concern for democracy, justice and human rights for the oppressed. Iraq and 
Afghanistan are sufficient testimony to the fact Washington's talk of democracy 
is cover for a different agenda.

  a.. truong son traveler's diary :: :: 
Some readers might be familiar with the National Endowment for Democracy. NED 
is funded by Congress which has oversight, however NED in turn funds other 
organizations which are unaccountable. The topic of NED is worthy of a separate 
diary but for now we'll provide some basic information on NED activities and on 
their agenda in Burma from the link above.

  During the late 1970s there was new thinking at the highest levels of the 
U.S. foreign policymakers, that ugly murderous military dictatorships of the 
1970s were really the best way to preserve U.S. interests in these countries - 
U.S. interests being defined traditionally as unfettered access to the primary 
products and raw materials, to the labor and to the markets of foreign 
countries. (Think Iraq, Venezuela, Iran) This new thinking led to the 
establishment in 1983 of the National Endowment for Democracy.

  NED regularly provides funding to opposition candidates in elections in 
countries other than the USA. According to Allen Weinstein, one of the founders 
of NED, "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA".

  NED has principally supported candidates with strong ties to the military and 
who support the rights of U.S. corporations to invest in those countries with 
minimal restriction. The NED has not supported candidates who oppose 
investments by U.S. corporations or who promise restrictions on investment 
rights of U.S. corporations. 

A list of former and present members of the board of directors includes Henry 
Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Frank Carlucci, Zbigniew Brzezinski, General 
Wesley K. Clark, Paul Wolfowitz and Vin Weber.

NED was present and had an active part in directing the protests last month in 
Myanmar. In fact CNN mentioned their presence and activities in one of their 
broadcasts. The State Department also admits to their presence. The protest 
"concert master", per Engdahl, was Gene Sharp who is the founder of an 
organization funded through NED, called the Albert Einstein Institution.

So why is remote Burma, a small country about the size of Texas, in Southeast 
Asia, be of such interest to the US? One reason, as it was with Somalia, which 
suffered a recent regime change orchestrated by Washington - Geopolitical 
control, writes Engdahl.

  ... control ultimately of the strategic sea lanes from the Persian Gulf to 
the South China Sea. The coastline of Myanmar provides naval access in the 
proximity of one of the world's most strategic water passages, the Strait of 
Malacca, the narrow ship passage between Malaysia and Indonesia.

  The Pentagon has been trying to militarize the region since September 11, 
2001 on the argument of defending against possible terrorist attack. The US has 
managed to gain an airbase on Banda Aceh, the Sultan Iskandar Muda Air Force 
Base, on the northernmost tip of Indonesia. The governments of the region, 
including Myanmar, however, have adamantly refused US efforts to militarize the 

And of course there is the China factor:

  The Strait of Malacca, linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans, is the shortest 
sea route between the Persian Gulf and China. It is the key chokepoint in Asia. 
More than 80% of all China's oil imports are shipped by tankers passing the 
Malacca Strait. ...each day, more than 12 million barrels in oil supertankers 
pass through this narrow passage, most en route to the world's fastest-growing 
energy market, China, or to Japan. 

The US State Department, operating from across the border in Chiang Mai, 
Thailand, is actively training and providing funding for fostering regime 
change in Burma. China reacting to what i

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Caspian becomes center of U.S.-Russia power struggle

2007-10-18 Thread roadsend

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--- Begin Message ---
Energy-rich Caspian becomes center of U.S.-Russia power struggle 
By Judy Dempsey
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 

BERLIN: Is the Caspian a sea or a lake?

The answer has immense repercussions for the energy industry. If it is a 
lake, there are no obligations by countries that flank it to grant 
permits to foreign vessels or drilling companies. But if it is sea, there 
are international treaties obliging those countries to an array of 

The Caspian, one of the world's largest enclosed bodies of water, has 
become the center of a new power game involving the United States and 
Russia as well as its bordering countries, including Iran, over who 
should control the vast energy reserves under its depths.

The Caspian's status has been in dispute since the collapse of the Soviet 
Union in 1991. Over the past few years, the United States has been trying 
to establish alternative energy routes that would weaken the regional 
dominance of Russia and Iran, while Russia has sought to control the 
transportation routes across these waters.

When Vice President Dick Cheney visited Kazakhstan last year, he used the 
occasion to launch a fierce attack against President Vladimir Putin of 
Russia, accusing him of rolling back democracy and suppressing human 
rights. By delivering the speech in Kazakhstan, the Bush administration 
was staking out U.S. influence in the region, where it has stepped up 
plans to build a pipeline that would bypass Iran and Russia.

On Tuesday, it was Putin's turn to put down his marker. On the first 
visit in 64 years by a Kremlin leader to Tehran, he met his Iranian 
counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose country faces a fresh round of 
sanctions by the United Nations if it does not comply with Security 
Council demands for reining in its nuclear program.

But while the standoff between Iran and the United Nations stole the 
limelight, the reason for Putin's visit was a summit meeting with 
Ahmadinejad and three Central Asian leaders who are now being wooed in 
the Caspian power game.

"The summit in Tehran was about the future status of the Caspian Sea," 
said Johannes Reissner, Middle East expert at the German Institute for 
International and Security Affairs in Berlin. "Iran and Russia have 
enormous interests in resolving this status. But there are major 
disagreements between them."

In addition to Iran and Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan 
also have Caspian coastlines. And while all of them want a large stake in 
the oil reserves, and to use of the sea for transportation, none of them 
have been able to agree on the status of the coveted waters.

Russia and Iran, historically, have agreed that the sea was a lake and 
that it should be shared equally between the two of them.

That all changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Iran and 
Russia wanted earlier agreements, signed in 1921 and in 1940, to 
continue. Moscow had obtained consent from the newly independent 
republics of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan that they would be 
bound by any agreements signed by the Soviet Union, of which they had 
been a part.

But in 1998, Azerbaijan declared that since the Caspian was an 
international lake, it should be recognized as such. In practice, this 
would mean that the surface and seabed would be divided into five sectors 
determined by the length of each country's shoreline. Under such a 
scenario, Russia would lose out, and Iran even more so.

Iran opposed this plan, since its share of the waters would be reduced to 
under 14 percent from about 20 percent, according to experts. As soon as 
Putin was elected president in 1998, he tried to break the deadlock to 
speed up energy links between Russia and the Central Asian countries and 
to pre-empt U.S. advances into the region.

Energy analysts said that Putin, seeing that the United States and other 
Western energy companies were eager to forge energy exploration contracts 
with Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and to influence the Caspian negotiations, 
tried to find compromises among all the coastal states.

But attempts to determine the status of the Caspian have often proved 

In 2001, Iran deployed a warship and fighter jets as a warning to 
Azerbaijan, which had sent vessels to explore for oil for British 
Petroleum along the southern Caspian oilfields. Azerbaijan, which depends 
on Russia for energy transit routes, had agreed to forge a separate deal 
with Putin in which those two nations divided a part of the seabed. A 
similar deal was struck with Kazakhstan. In both cases, Iran was excluded 
from the negotiations.

"Over the past few years, Iran has felt increasingly isolated," said a 
European diplomat who requested anonymity because he was involved in the 
region. "It sees what Russia is doing. It is being excluded fr

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Iraqi Contracts With Iran and China Concern U.S.

2007-10-18 Thread roadsend

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--- Begin Message ---
October 18, 2007
Iraqi Contracts With Iran and China Concern U.S. 

BAGHDAD, Oct. 17 - Iraq has agreed to award $1.1 billion in contracts to 
Iranian and Chinese companies to build a pair of enormous power plants, 
the Iraqi electricity minister said Tuesday. Word of the project prompted 
serious concerns among American military officials, who fear that Iranian 
commercial investments can mask military activities at a time of 
heightened tension with Iran. 

The Iraqi electricity minister, Karim Wahid, said that the Iranian 
project would be built in Sadr City, a Shiite enclave in Baghdad that is 
controlled by followers of the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr. He 
added that Iran had also agreed to provide cheap electricity from its own 
grid to southern Iraq, and to build a large power plant essentially free 
of charge in an area between the two southern Shiite holy cities of 
Karbala and Najaf.

The expansion of ties between Iraq and Iran comes as the United States 
and Iran clash on nuclear issues and about what American officials have 
repeatedly said is Iranian support for armed groups in Iraq. American 
officials have charged that Iranians, through the international military 
wing known as the Quds Force, are particularly active in support of elite 
elements of the Mahdi Army, a militia largely controlled by Mr. Sadr.

An American military official in Baghdad said that while he had no 
specific knowledge of the power plant contracts, any expansion of Iranian 
interests was a concern for the military here.

"We are of course carefully watching Iran´s overall presence here in 
Iraq," the military official said. "As you know, it´s not always as it 
appears. Their Quds Force routinely uses the cover of a business to mask 
their real purpose as an intelligence operative."

"This is a free marketplace, so there´s not much we can do about it," the 
official said.

At the same time, it is possible to view Iranian and Chinese investment 
as giving those countries a stake in Iraqi stability. The power plants 
could also boost a troubled reconstruction effort in Iraq. An American 
Embassy spokesman said, "We welcome any efforts to help develop Iraq´s 
energy infrastructure."

"These proposals reflect the ongoing business opportunities that are 
arising in Iraq that American firms should be competing for," said the 
spokesman, who asked not to be named because of standard protocol at the 

It was unclear whether any American firms had tried to win the work, 
although Mr. Wahid said the projects had been submitted for bids. The 
embassy spokesman said, "We are unaware of any violations of principles 
of open and fair bidding."

The agreements between Iraq and Iran come after the American-led 
reconstruction effort, which relied heavily on large American 
contractors, has spent nearly $5 billion of United States taxpayer money 
on Iraq´s electricity grid. Aside from a few isolated bright spots, there 
was little clear impact in a nation where in many places electricity is 
still available only for a few hours each day. Because the power plants 
are in largely Shiite-controlled areas, it is possible they may not face 
the same sectarian violence that crippled so many American rebuilding 

Mr. Wahid did not say how much the plant between Karbala and Najaf would 
cost, but at standard international prices a plant of the scale he 
described would be worth roughly $200 million to $300 million.

The outlines of all three agreements were confirmed by Thamir Ghadban, an 
expert on energy who is also director of the committee of advisers to 
Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki. But Mr. Ghadban said that the 
granting of the huge projects to rivals of the United States was not an 
indication that American companies were being excluded from consideration 
now that Iraqi oil revenues, which provide the basis for the Iraqi 
government´s budget, are largely paying for the reconstruction of the 

"There is no preference to the Iranians," Mr. Ghadban said, citing the 
most obvious potential point of sensitivity for the United States. "There 
is no opposition or stance from the Iraqi government to bar American or 
Western companies. It is the other way around," Mr. Ghadban said, 
indicating that he urged American contractors to bid for work in Iraq.

Of the two new projects Iraq has agreed to finance, Mr. Wahid said, the 
largest is a $940 million power plant in Wasit to be built by a Chinese 
company, which he said was named Shanghai Heavy Industry. That project 
would pump some 1,300 megawatts of electricity into the Iraqi grid. For 
comparison, all of the plants currently connected to Iraq´s grid produce 
a total of roughly 5,000 megawatts.

He said that Iraq had already

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] 'Turkey Is Falling into the Terrorists' Trap'

2007-10-18 Thread roadsend

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--- Begin Message ---
[By going to the above linque, one can see where the Kurds and the city 
of Mosul intersect, ergo, where the 'tewwowists' and the Northern Iraqi 
oil centre meet.  Turkey has expressed over time the desire to reclaim 
the oil in the North.  Acting now, given the instability of the the rest 
of Iraq, the seizure of their desired slice of Iraq is time-critical.  
Kurdiland has been in a sort of holding position up until now, 'now' 
requiring action due to the unfulfilled promises of the 'COWs' (Coalition 
of the Willings) and the mayhem that is awaiting cooler weather.]

SPIEGEL ONLINE - October 18, 2007, 02:45 PM 
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,512228,00.html 
'Turkey Is Falling into the Terrorists' Trap'

The Turkish parliament voted Wednesday to empower the government to order 
a military incursion to root out Kurdish insurgents in northern Iraq. 
Some German commentators wonder if this is simply playing into the PKK's 
hands and if now is not the time to use politics instead of force.


Kurdish PKK militants in Northern Iraq.
Turkey's parliament approved a measure on Wednesday that clears the way 
for its military to cross Iraq's northern border to root out Kurdish 
insurgents there.

Wednesday's vote was emphatic, with 507 in favor and only 19 against. The 
government now has the green light for one year to order a military 
incursion into northern Iraq.

Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan had been under severe pressure to 
take action in the light of a series of deadly assaults by members of the 
separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which have killed 30 soldiers 
over the past two weeks.

Commentators in Germany assess the risks of a possible military incursion 
for Turkey -- and for Kurds in northern Iraq.

Left-leaning daily Die Tageszeitung writes:

"If Turkey marches into northern Iraq then it's already clear who will 
profit the most: the PKK."

"Naturally the state can't sit by and watch as the guerrillas kill dozens 
of soldiers, police officers and civilians. But it should be clear to 
political elites in Turkey that after spending 25 years trying to achieve 
a military victory over the PKK, with no avail, that political decisions 
are now required."

"The Kurds are still not treated as a group with equal rights, and there 
is still no substantial accommodation of the Kurds in the ongoing debate 
about a new constitution. That would be essential to isolate the PKK from 
the majority of Kurds and to deprive them of their political base."

"Instead, Turkey is falling for the PKK's escalation logic. Attacks are 
only to be met with military force, while Kurdish and Turkish nationalism 
provoke each other. An invasion of northern Iraq would finally transform 
a national conflict into an international crisis."

The Financial Times Deutschland writes:

"There is a danger that developments here could push the peaceful and 
prosperous northern Iraq into a new chaos."

"This can only be prevented if the US and Europe clearly signal to Turkey 
that they take the PKK problem seriously, and will contribute to its 
solution  An incursion into northern Iraq could lead to a string of 
new conflicts, particularly if the well-armed Iraqi Kurds perceive it as 
interfering in their affairs."

"A unilateral Turkish invasion has to be prevented. But that will only 
succeed if the US and Europe offer political help in eradicating the PKK 
... The Europeans should bear in mind that this is about a region that at 
some point could form the external borders of the EU."

The conservative Die Welt writes:

"The Turkish concerns are justified. A sovereign state cannot accept 
resistance fighters like the PKK entrenching themselves long-term in the 
Iraqi mountains and preparing attacks on Turkish soil."

Sign up for Spiegel Online's daily newsletter and get the best of Der 
Spiegel's and Spiegel Online's international coverage in your In-Box 

"The current alarm is not just about Ankara's justified wish to better 
protect itself from terrorism. The increasingly pronounced Kurdish 
nationalism in northern Iraq is a thorn in Turkey's side. It is directed 
at Turkey as well as the central Iraqi government."

"The Kurds have so far made clever use of their historic opportunity ... 
Now they have to remain clever and take care not to endanger their own 
project ... The regional government in northern Iraq has to do more 
against Kurdish extremists, and would do well to discourage their 
nationalist rhetoric. The Turks know an invasion would only cause them 
difficulties. But the Kurds would be better off trying not to provoke 

The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

"The only people who will be happy are the fighters in the PKK terror 
group ... The aged guerrill

[cia-drugs] European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co.: Scandal and "Insiesta"

2007-10-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co.: Scandal and "Insiesta"
By Jacques Cheminade
October 15, 2007

The scandal today striking the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co., EADS, 
shares a point in common with the scandal that yesterday ended with the ruin of 
Eurotunnel's shareholders: when a public service is diverted, and a cabal of 
private interests is allowed to do what ought to be undertaken by a public 
enterprise, economic and social disaster becomes inevitable.

For EADS, it is clear that the disaster ended up with restructuring the 
company, with 10,000 lay-offs at stake, and a change in management at the 
Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations (CDC), the state-run savings bank being 
the big loser in the whole affair, thus "justifying" for the most profitable 
activities of this old savings banks be handed over to the private sector, 
supposedly more reasonable. Thus, the "mistakes" of the public sector under the 
influence of private interests, would serve as the pretext for more 

It is revealing to recap the various stages of the affair:

(1) The 1999 deal between the French and the Germans.

Since the Germans at the time could not accept the fact that the French state 
should be mixed up in the firm's management, the French state benefitted to 
outrageously favor its friend Jean-Luc Lagardère. Hence, the state and 
Lagardère, each with a 15% share, put their share in a holding (Sogeade), which 
is represented the EADS board of directors by one of its vice-presidents who is 
none other than... Jean-Luc Lagardère. The latter, formerly of the very small 
Matra firm, thus took control of Aérospatiale, the French public-sector giant. 
This scandal is the "mother" of all scandals to come.

(2) From November 2005 to March 2006: The Winter of `Stock Options'

>From the early 2000s, the executives and directors of EADS opportunely took 
>stock options (the option to buy a certain number of shares at a set price and 
>to sell them at market value after a given term, with the number of stock 
>options increasing with individual's position in the hierarchy).

Note, that at two points, November 2005 and March 2006, about 1,200 executives 
sold their stock options, making huge capital gains--EU90 million euros in 
total--without spending a dime of their own. Over March 8-24, 2006, Noel 
Forgeard, former EADS executive vice president, also sold his stock options, 
making a capital gain of EU2.5 million for himself and EU1.2 million 
transferred to his children to avoid capital gains tax.

Especially, Arnaud Lagardère, Jean-Luc's heir, notified the state on March 8, 
2006, that his group was selling half of the EADS shares it possessed, 
altogether 7.5% of the total.

On April 4, the sale took place. Ixis Bank, a subsidiary of the Caisse 
d'Epargne, was given charge to redeem the stock for EU32.60 each and to 
reallocate the proceeds. The Caisse des Dépôts et de Consignations (CDC) bought 
2.25% of Jean-Luc Lagardère's 7.5% share.

Immediately afterward, EADS stock plunged, bottoming out at EU18 per share 
(today it stands at EU22.5). The CDC had to cover EU190 million in losses and 
the Lagardère group made over EU700 million! In short, by buying these stocks, 
the state-run CDC bank, permitted a private investor, Lagardère, to make quite 
a profit!

3) 2007: The Financial Markets Authority Intervention

The AMF sent the case to the law enforcement authorities and the testimony of 
the principal players before the Senate and the Finance Committees was 
broadcast by the parliament's TV network.

What had been known to only thousands of initiates became public: then Finance 
Minister Thierry Breton was accused of having enriched a private shareholder to 
the detriment of the state.

The question is the following: Did Breton and CDC know that EADS' Airbus, 
unable to sell its A350, had had to launch the A350 XWB, at twice the cost of 
some EU10 billion, and especially that delivery of the A380 was suffering from 
many delays? These two facts--and especially the second--are what sparked the 
collapse of EADS stock, between March and June 2006.

Thierry Breton denied everything, saying he was unaware how serious the 
situation was at EADS, and that he had only learned about the 2.25% sale to CDC 
from the press. This line of defense doesn't hold, especially since there is 
precedent involving the then-minister, the Rhodia affair, from which he came 
out clean only with great difficulty. Add to that, as then France Télécom CEO, 
he was accused, with Jean-René Fourtou, in the Nagra affair, for illegal 
arrangements having to do with GSM mobile phone standards.

Three points are incriminating in the EADS case: First, the former minister had 
in his possession a Jan. 20, 2006 note from the Agence des Participations de 
l'Etat (APE--State Shareholding Agency), advising him to sell part of the 
state's 15% share in EADS. 

[cia-drugs] CIA collected open source information on Kennedy assassination conspiracies

2007-10-18 Thread RAMillegan

October 18, 2007 -- CIA collected open source information on Kennedy 
assassination conspiracies

 publication date: Oct 18, 2007

 Previous |

 October 18, 2007 -- CIA collected open source information on Kennedy 
assassination conspiracies
 The Central Intelligence Agency collected a number of articles from open 
sources that dealt with conspiracies to assassinate President John F. Kennedy 
1963. The CIA was particularly interested in articles that mentioned alleged 
CIA involvement in the assassination.
 The articles, now declassified, were held in official files maintained by 
the CIA.
 The CIA was interested in the investigation of New Orleans District Attorney 
Jim Garrison into Kennedy's assassination. The agency maintained a New 
Orleans Times-Picayune article from January 21, 1970, the headline of which was 
Killed JFK, Says Garrison."
 A CIA analyst annotated with two check marks passages in the article by 
Robert Pack. One concerned Garrison's statement at a New Orleans dinner: 
at a $100-a-plate testimonial dinner in the International Room at the 
Roosevelt Hotel, Garrison said that his statement that the Central Intelligence 
Agency was responsible for the former President's death was 'not speculation.'"
 The other passage notated was: "'The Warren Commission Report,' Garrison 
declared, "told you what did not happen. The United States government was 
involved in the assassination.'"
 Garrison's comments on the Warren Report mirror those that are today said 
about the 9/11 Commission Report -- that both reports were whitewashed designed 
to cover up monumental crimes of the state.
 Garrison is also quoted as stating, "The CIA was the agency involved. The 
CIA killed John Kennedy.  But they're not so smart that they can't kill the 
President of the United States without someone finding out."
 Garrison also said that he was subjected to an Internal Revenue Service 
investigation that was drawn out in order to intimidate him away from his 
investigation of Kennedy's assassination. At the testimonial dinner, comedian 
Sahl accused The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Life, and Look of trying to 
unseat Garrison as District Attorney because of his probe into the JFK 
assassination. Sahl also said President Lyndon Johnson sealed in the National 
Archives for 75 years many documents concerning the JFK assassination.
 Garrison was later charged with and cleared of charges that he was involved 
in taking bribes and being involved in protecting illegal pinball machine 
operations in New Orleans. Garrison eventually became a Louisiana Appeals 
Court judge.
 Attending the testimonial dinner praising Garrison's work were Louisiana Lt. 
Governor C. C. "Taddy" Aycock, representing Governor John McKeithen who was 
to attend but could not due to his father's funeral; New Orleans Mayor Victor 
Schiro, Louisiana Attorney General P. F. Gremillion. and Mayor-nominee Moon 
Landrieu, the father of current Louisiana U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu.
 The CIA files also contained a New York Times article dated January 17, 
1970, in which former Dallas Police Chief Jesse E. Curry revealed in a book 
"the physical evidence and eyewitness accounts do not clearly indicate what 
took place on the sixth floor of Texas School Book Depository at the time John 
Kennedy was assassinated."
 Curry wrote that eyewitnesses reported seeing two men standing at the window 
from which the shots were fired. The eyewitnesses were turned over by the 
Dallas Police to the FBI for questioning. However, Curry notes the presence of 
the second man never appeared in the FBI report. Curry also revealed that a 
paraffin test taken of the side of Oswald's right face did not reveal nitrates 
from firing a rifle. Curry said Oswald only had a positive nitrate pattern on 
hand consistent with the firing of the revolver that killed police officer J. 
D. Tippitt.
 The CIA files also contain an article from the Lincoln (Nebraska) Star, 
dated September 30, 1972, that recounts the statements of Dean Morris, a former 
member of the Ku Klux Klan and Minutemen. Morris contended that the CIA and 
right groups" assassinated President Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Morris 
said the Minutemen taught its members how to make bombs and conduct 
 Another article found in CIA files, one from the June 1970 issue of 
Ramparts, reported on an interview with Minuteman founder Robert Bolivar 
DePugh is quoted as saying that renegade Minutemen were involved in President 
Kennedy's assassination. DePugh told the magazine that he had "some evidence 
might explain unanswered questions about events in Dealey Plaza in Dallas." 
Again, a CIA analyst placed a check mark