Re: [cia-drugs] Re: saddam death weirdness

2006-12-30 Thread Duncan M. Roads
Re the 'suddenness' and 'style' of execution ...

Isn't it all because Saddam was tried under Iraqi law, with Iraqi  
judges, and therefore gets Iraqi-style executions?

That is what is being reported in our media and of that in Europe etc.

Happy New Year to everyone


On 31/12/2006, at 5:23 PM, muckblit wrote:

--- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> it seems to me that this decision to kill saddam came "all at once."
  like all of a sudden they just decided to kill saddam, and just went
ahead and did it.  as opposed to how long normal american capital
punishments take.
> another thing.  they HUNG him!?  from a gallows!?  with a ROPE!?
> whats up with that?
> seems like an unusually barbaric and archaic method of execution.
> is it just me?
> what is the astrological/numerological/occult significance of this
date and time?
> anyone?
> vigilius haufniensis

As far as doing it all of a sudden, the turnover of sovereignty from
Coalition Provisional Authority(CPA) to puppet council by Paul Bremer,
neocon Iraq occupation czar, was done suddenly and without fanfare, too.

I think hanging is primarily guilt-projection role-reversal by the
Bush family, fugitives from Nuremburg's gallows, according to GHWBush.

At the surface it's cowboy symbolism by the Maine-stream Texans and
their fake 911 posse. Under the surface, scapegoat and Bush family
puppet Saddam Hussein gets patsied for 911 if not WMD by the son of
Bush who patsied the same puppet by luring him into Kuwait through
April Glaspie, then through Colin Powell lied to the Saudis, alleging
that Saddam intended to invade Saudi Arabia. The mad, mad,mad,mad
guilt jewels are buried under the Big Dubya, as Nuremburg's rope is
used on Lee Harvey Hussein instead of the Bush fam escapees from
Nuremburg via perennial guilt-projection role-reversal. Thus
throughout four generations of war criminal Bush fam, we keep
repeating history over and over because we never learn. Sam Bush and
Prescott Bush backed Adolf Hitler from the 1920's, backed Saddam
Hussein, Suharto, Shah, Pinochet, etc etc, and the Likudniks treat the
Palestinians like nazis treated Jews, and we never notice the same
history lesson repeating over and over. It would be a simple lesson
like don't trust a son of a Bush.


Complete archives at

Please let us stay on topic and be civil.


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Duncan M. Roads,  Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Tel:  07 5442 9280;  Fax:  07 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the  
means.  On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

[cia-drugs] Re: Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness

2006-12-30 Thread muckblit
Gerald Ford was a dangerous witness. Maybe he was hung, too. I don't
remember hearing about how he died or his circumstances preceding his
death. The news has very little space now to cover Saddam Hussein's
hanging, thanks to Ford's pre-emptive strike and continuing coverage
of his state funeral, another big splash drowning out coverage of
Saddam's hanging.


--- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> But the singular figure who could have put the era in its fullest
perspective - and provided the most damning evidence about the Bush
Family's role - has been silenced for good, dropped through a trap
door of a gallows and made to twitch at the end of a noose fashioned
from hemp.
> Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness
> By Robert Parry
> December 30, 2006
> Like a blue-blood version of a Mob family with global reach, the
Bushes have eliminated one more key witness to the important
historical events that led the U.S. military into a bloody stalemate
in Iraq and pushed the Middle East to the brink of calamity.
> The hanging of Saddam Hussein was supposed to be - as the New York
Times observed - the "triumphal bookend" to George W. Bush's invasion
of Iraq. If all had gone as planned, Bush might have staged another
celebration as he did after the end of "major combat," posing under
the "Mission Accomplished" banner on May 1, 2003.
> But now with nearly 3,000 American soldiers killed and the Iraqi
death toll exceeding 600,000 by some estimates, Bush may be forced to
savor the image of Hussein dangling at the end of a rope a little more
> Still, Bush has done his family's legacy a great service while also
protecting secrets that could have embarrassed other senior U.S.
government officials.
> He has silenced a unique witness to crucial chapters of the secret
history that stretched from Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979 to the
alleged American-Saudi "green light" for Hussein to attack Iran in
1980, through the eight years of the Iran-Iraq War during which
high-ranking U.S. intermediaries, such as Donald Rumsfeld and Robert
Gates, allegedly helped broker supplies of war materiel for Hussein.
> Hussein now won't be around to give troublesome testimony about how
he obtained the chemical and biological agents that his scientists
used to produce the unconventional weapons that were deployed against
Iranian forces and Iraqi civilians. He can't give his perspective on
who got the money and who facilitated the deals.
> Nor will Hussein be available to give his account of the mixed
messages delivered by George H.W. Bush's ambassador April Glaspie
before Hussein's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Was there another American
"green light" or did Hussein just hear what he wanted to hear?
> Like the climactic scene from the Mafia movie "Casino" in which
nervous Mob bosses eliminate everyone who knows too much, George W.
Bush has now guaranteed that there will be no public tribunal where
Hussein gives testimony on these potentially devastating historical
scandals, which could threaten the Bush Family legacy.
> That could have happened if Hussein had been turned over to an
international tribunal at the Hague as was done with other tyrants,
such as Yugoslavia's late dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Instead Bush
insisted that Hussein be tried in Iraq despite the obvious fact that
the Iraqi dictator would receive nothing close to a fair trial before
being put to death.
> Hussein's hanging followed his trial for executing 148 men and boys
from the town of Dujail in 1982 after a foiled assassination attempt
on Hussein and his entourage. Hussein's death effectively moots other
cases that were supposed to deal with his alleged use of chemical
weapons to kill Iraqi civilians and other crimes that might have
exposed the U.S. role. 
> [For details on what Hussein might have revealed, see Robert Parry's
Secrecy & Privilege or's "Missing U.S.-Iraq
History" or "The Secret World of Robert Gates."]
> Thrill of the Kill
> Some observers think that Bush simply wanted the personal
satisfaction of seeing Hussein hanged, which would not have happened
if he had been sent to the Hague. As Texas governor, Bush sometimes
took what appeared to be perverse pleasure at his power to execute
> In a 1999 interview with conservative writer Tucker Carlson for Talk
magazine, Bush ridiculed convicted murderer Karla Faye Tucker and her
unsuccessful plea to Bush to spare her life.
> Asked about Karla Faye Tucker's clemency appeal, Bush mimicked what
he claimed was the condemned woman's message to him. "With pursed lips
in mock desperation, [Bush said]: 'Please don't kill me.'"
> But a more powerful motive was always Hussein's potential threat to
the Bush Family legacy if he ever had a forum where he could offer
detailed testimony about the historic events of the past several decades.
> Si

[cia-drugs] Re: saddam death weirdness

2006-12-30 Thread muckblit
--- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> it seems to me that this decision to kill saddam came "all at once."
 like all of a sudden they just decided to kill saddam, and just went
ahead and did it.  as opposed to how long normal american capital
punishments take.
> another thing.  they HUNG him!?  from a gallows!?  with a ROPE!?
> whats up with that?  
> seems like an unusually barbaric and archaic method of execution.  
> is it just me?
> what is the astrological/numerological/occult significance of this
date and time?
> anyone?
> vigilius haufniensis

As far as doing it all of a sudden, the turnover of sovereignty from
Coalition Provisional Authority(CPA) to puppet council by Paul Bremer,
neocon Iraq occupation czar, was done suddenly and without fanfare, too.

I think hanging is primarily guilt-projection role-reversal by the
Bush family, fugitives from Nuremburg's gallows, according to GHWBush.

At the surface it's cowboy symbolism by the Maine-stream Texans and
their fake 911 posse. Under the surface, scapegoat and Bush family
puppet Saddam Hussein gets patsied for 911 if not WMD by the son of
Bush who patsied the same puppet by luring him into Kuwait through
April Glaspie, then through Colin Powell lied to the Saudis, alleging
that Saddam intended to invade Saudi Arabia. The mad, mad,mad,mad
guilt jewels are buried under the Big Dubya, as Nuremburg's rope is
used on Lee Harvey Hussein instead of the Bush fam escapees from
Nuremburg via perennial guilt-projection role-reversal. Thus
throughout four generations of war criminal Bush fam, we keep
repeating history over and over because we never learn. Sam Bush and
Prescott Bush backed Adolf Hitler from the 1920's, backed Saddam
Hussein, Suharto, Shah, Pinochet, etc etc, and the Likudniks treat the
Palestinians like nazis treated Jews, and we never notice the same
history lesson repeating over and over. It would be a simple lesson
like don't trust a son of a Bush.


[cia-drugs] Dr. Don C. Wiley , "Dead Microbiologists Club"

2006-12-30 Thread Capt. Chemtrails, USN \(ret\)

  Harvard biochemistry professor Don C. Wiley was declared missing after his 
abandoned rental car was discovered on a highway outside of Memphis, Tenn. The 
car, discovered on I-40—which runs between Memphis and Arkansas—had the keys in 
the ignition, the hazard lights off and a full tank of gas.
  Dr. Don C. Wiley was working on related proteins to h5n1 "Bird Flu" virus;  
he probably understood this subject  better than all of mankind save a handful  
or so. 
  He likely was  a hero to all.
  X-ray structures of H5 avian and H9 swine influenza virus ...
  Hemagglutinin - Influenza Binding Protein 
  This "ethno specific" bio weapon could well be a tool in the largest genocide 
in mankind's history.
  Flu Pandemic Could Kill 62m With Poorer Countries Most Affected
  Don Wiley, 57. had also been engaged in DNA sequencing that could provide “a 
genetic marker based on genetic profiling.” This research could play an 
important role in developing weaponized pathogens to hit selected groups of 
humans—identifying them by race.
  He had to go,  disappeared off a bridge  after "car trouble", in middle of 
night-- officially, was a suicide or "blown" over edge by passing cars.  He was 
vacationing with son and had purchased (and reported was looking forward to) 
next day's activity.
  I can imagine being a fly on the wall at a  P-T-B "board meeting""But 
what will we do with Dr.Wiley..or Dr. Kelly, Mr. R.they know this and could 
be a problem?"
  see also.. Dead Microbiologists (Quayle w/photos) 
One of many good sites on subject 
  and..  Dead microbiologists (911 Review) 
  Dead Microbiologists (What Really Happened?) 
  Dead Microbiologists (Am Free Press) 
  and --from RENSE, named by USDEPT of STATE as #1 site on the internet ..
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bob Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Knowledge Filtration (and Dead Microbiologists) 
Ck out... 758   Knowledge 
Filtration (and Dead Microbiologists) 

"Scientific knowledge filtration" usually takes the form of making it 
impossible to properly evaluate evidence because of strongly held 
theoretical preconceptions. Our extended pharma/medical complex has 
plenty of (profitable) preconceptions in place, and because they 
control purse strings on Research, fund the D.C. paid for whores, and 
maintain a tight grip over doctors through an army of well paid young 
Drug company sales reps(drug dealers..or spies?)--whose only job is 
dropping off latest samples and monitoring their Dr.'s list for 
prescriptions volume- it has little trouble maintaining these 
preconceptions as "gospel"...disagree like geniuses Royal Rife or 
Wilhelm Reich, and be blackballed, even prison could await. 

BUT what to do with the top guys who won't follow the line. What to do 
with the Ft. Detrick trained guys who know of real possible motives for 
a laundry list of murder and scams? 

I can imagine being a fly on the wall at a  P-T-B "board meeting""But what 
will we do with Dr.Wiley..or Dr. Kelly, Mr. R,..they know this and could be a 
problem?" "Get rid of 'em; I assure you there will be no 
repercussions...may sound heartless, but I've just finished my Bohemian 
Grove 'END To GUILT' owl ritual...and the Kol Nidre says..and besides 
THIS IS FOR the GOOD of HUMANITY... (don't worry, I'm not nuts..I don't 
subscribe to suchdrastic over simplification, for sure...but then 
again, nothing would surprise me, including legalized torture-- of children.) 

(my feeling, case you're interested is that Pasteur's "germ theory" 
has only partial validity; easily engineered and almost indestructible 
prions /microplasma are the real culprits; soon add nanotech to this 
short list. The human body of a normal 200# man contains over 50 
Trillion cells..and a similarly large number of "germs". These "germs" have 
been part of us since before we were human) 

The Dead Microbiloogists Club includes only those that have reached the 
status of "Master" of their profession; usually helps if your 
background and research is military and/or DNA./gene or pandemic 
disease related. (No non-Ph.D or inexperienced allowed.) Think about 
it a second..if the most talented pianists/composers of the 18/19th 
century..or the world class artists of the Renaissance, or the 
proctologists in 1963 D.C...were to ALL die under strange circumstances 
(eg. hit-run in okra field/gothic sword/pizza delivery/nitrogen 
asphyxiation/mugged on street w/o theft/"blown" off bridge into river ) 
within a few years, wouldn't you know about it? (total is between 
45-100 deaths; creme de la creme) I've talked to 
Doctors/Dentists/microbiologists in training..NONE have been aware of 
what's going on.right before their eyes. But, if you're reading 
this, I bet YOU get my drift. 

This Dead Microbiol

Re: [cia-drugs] Laws against Holocaust denial

2006-12-30 Thread Arlene Johnson
If there is anyone on this listserv who believes that 6 million Jews were 
gassed during WW II, see my 18th edition,
an edition in which I proved that it didn't happen using David Ben-Gurion's own 

Of course, everyone on this listserv can still send the Demand for the 
Government page to the current Israeli Prime Minister even if they know that no 
one was gassed to death during WW II because that is the feature of my work 
which gives power to decent people all over the world.

To access that edition and others, click on the icon that says Magazine (it's 
the 4th icon in the row of them on my site).


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Milo 
Sent: Dec 22, 2006 2:57 AM
To: Emerson Review 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Laws against Holocaust denial

Laws against Holocaust denial

Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of Europeancountries: Austria(article 
3h Verbotsgesetz 1947), Belgium (Belgian Negationism Law), the CzechRepublic 
under section 261, France (Loi Gayssot), Germany (§ 130 (3) of the penalcode) 
also the Auschwitzlüge law section 185, Lithuania, TheNetherlands under 
articles 137c and 137e, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and 
Switzerland(article 261bis of the Penal Code). In addition, under Law 5710-1950 
it is alsoillegal in Israel.

The following punishments are used with regards to HolocaustDenial Laws: 
Austria (min: six months, max: twenty years (violent), ten years(non-violent)), 
Belgium (min: fine, max: one year), Czech Republic (min: sixmonths, max: two 
years), France (min: fine/one month, max: two years), Germany(min: fine/six 
months max: five years), Israel (min: one year, max: fiveyears), Lithuania 
(min: fine/two years, max: ten years (violent)), Poland (min:fine/three months, 
max: three years), Romania (min: six months, max: threeyears (public offender), 
five years (public servant offender)), Slovakia (min:fine/one month, max: three 
years) and Switzerland (min: fine/one year, max:fifteen months).

Many of these countries also have broader laws againstlibel or inciting racial 
hatred, as do a number of countries that do notspecifically have laws against 
Holocaust denial, such as Canada and the UnitedKingdom. The Council of Europe's 
2003 AdditionalProtocol to the Convention on Cyber Crime, concerning the 
criminalisationof acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through 
computer systemsincludes an article 6 titled Denial, grossminimisation, 
approval or justification of genocide or crimes against humanity,though this 
does not have the status of law.

Of the countries that ban Holocaust denial, a number(Austria, Germany, Romania 
and Slovakia) were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust,and many of these 
also ban other elements associated with Nazism, such as Nazisymbols. 
Additionally, scholars have pointed out that countries thatspecifically ban 
Holocaust denial generally have legal systems that limit speechin other ways, 
such as banning hate speech. In the words of D. Guttenplan, thisis a split 
between the "common lawcountries of the US, Britain, and former British 
colonies from the civil law countries of continental Europe.In civil law 
countries the law is generallymore proscriptive. Also under the civil law 
regime the judge acts more as aninquisitor, gathering and presenting evidence 
as well as interpreting it"[51]

Many Holocaust deniers claim their work falls under a"universal right to free 
speech", and see these laws as aconfirmation of their own beliefs, arguing that 
the truth does not need to belegally enforced. Some people who do not deny that 
the Holocaust occurrednevertheless oppose such restrictions of free speech, 
including, despite herlegal battle with David Irving, Deborah Lipstadt. Another 
prominent opponent ofthe laws is Noam Chomsky. An uproar resulted when Serge 
Thionused one of Chomsky's essays without explicit permission as a foreword to 
abook of Holocaust denial essays (see Faurissonaffair). At times, Holocaust 
deniers seek to rely on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human 
Rights,which guarantees freedom of expression, when faced with criminal 
sanctionsagainst their statements or publications. The European Court of Human 
Rightshowever consistently declares their complaints inadmissible. According 
toArticle 17 of the Convention, nothing in the Convention may be construed so 
asto justify acts that are aimed at destroying any of the very rights 
andfreedoms contained therein. Invoking free speech to propagate denial of 
crimesagainst humanity is, according to the Court's case-law, contrary to the 
spiritin which the Convention was adopted in the first place. Reliance on free 
speechin such cases would thus constitute an abuse of a fundamental right.


Re: [cia-drugs] Globalization in Retreat

2006-12-30 Thread Arlene Johnson
The man who authored this is simply wrong. See and that's only about one organization 
that is ruling governments. There are many more who are too.


Arlene Johnson
To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

-Original Message-
From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
Sent: Dec 29, 2006 3:30 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Globalization in Retreat
Globalization   in Retreat

Walden Bello |   December 27, 2006

Editor: John   Feffer, IRC

Foreign Policy In Focus

[]When it first became part of the English vocabulary in the early 
1990s, globalization was supposed to be the wave of the future. 
Fifteen years ago, the writings of globalist thinkers such as 
Kenichi Ohmae and Robert Reich celebrated the advent of the 
emergence of the so-called borderless world. The process by which 
relatively autonomous national economies become functionally 
integrated into one global economy was touted as ?irreversible. ? 
And the people who opposed globalization were disdainfully 
dismissed as modern day incarnations of the Luddites that destroyed 
machines during the Industrial Revolution.

Fifteen years later, despite runaway shops and outsourcing, what 
passes for an international economy remains a collection of national
 economies. These economies are interdependent no doubt, but domestic   
  factors still largely determine their dynamics. 

Globalization, in fact, has reached its high water mark and is 


Bright Predictions, Dismal Outcomes

During globalization?s heyday, we were told that state policies no 
longer mattered and that corporations would soon dwarf states. In 
fact, states still do matter. The European Union, the U.S. 
government, and the Chinese state are stronger economic actors today
 than they were a decade ago. In China, for instance, transnational 
corporations (TNCs) march to the tune of the state rather than the 
other way around.

Moreover, state policies that interfere with the market in order to 
build up industrial structures or protect employment still make a 
difference. Indeed, over the last ten years, interventionist 
government policies have spelled the difference between development 
and underdevelopment, prosperity and poverty. Malaysia?s imposition 
of capital controls during the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98 
prevented it from unraveling like Thailand or Indonesia. Strict 
capital controls also insulated China from the economic collapse 
engulfing its neighbors.

Fifteen years ago, we were told to expect the emergence of a 
transnational capitalist elite that would manage the world economy. 
Indeed, globalization became the ?grand strategy? of the Clinton 
administration, which envisioned the U.S. elite being the primus 
inter pares -- first among equals -- of a global coalition leading 
the way to the new, benign world order. Today, this project lies in 
shambles. During the reign of George W. Bush, the nationalist 
faction has overwhelmed the transnational faction of the economic 
elite. These nationalism-inflected states are now competing sharply 
with one another, seeking to beggar one another?s economies.

A decade ago, the World Trade Organization (WTO) was born, joining 
the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the 
pillars of the system of international economic governance in the 
era of globalization. With a triumphalist air, officials of the 
three organizations meeting in Singapore during the first 
ministerial gathering of the WTO in December 1996 saw the remaining 
task of ?global governance? as the achievement of ?coherence,? that 
is, the coordination of the neoliberal policies of the three 
institutions in order to ensure the smooth, technocratic integration
 of the global economy.

But now Sebastian Mallaby, the influential pro-globalization 
commentator of the Washington Post, complains that ?trade 
liberalization has stalled, aid is less coherent than it should be, 
and the next financial conflagration will be managed by an injured 
fireman.? In fact, the situation is worse than he describes. The 
IMF is practically defunct. Knowing how the Fund precipitated and 
worsened the Asian financial crisis, more an

[cia-drugs] Fw: Putin Reported

2006-12-30 Thread Arlene Johnson

From:   Sorcha Faal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   [Add to Address Book] 
Flag Message   |   Mark Unread
  [This is spam] 
Subject:Putin Reported ?Furious? Over US Payment For Lebanon War, CIA 
Egypt Terror Ring
Date:   Dec 12, 2006 4:38 PM

[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

December 13, 2006

Putin Reported "Furious" Over US Payment For Lebanon War, CIA Egypt
Terror Ring

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Reports from the Kremlin today are portraying President Putin as being
"furious" with the American War Leader Bush over his breaking of a
promise to the Russian President to not provide US funding to the
Israelis for their Lebanonese War.  Less than 3 weeks after making this
promise the United States used a little known provision in their
security agreements with Israel to fully pay for the war, and as we can
read as reported by Israel's Ynet News Service in their article titled
"US to double emergency equipment stored in Israel", and which says:

"The American Congress gave Israel financial and security encouragement
when the Senate and the House of Representatives gave their approval to
double the emergency equipment the United States stores in Israeli
stockpiles. Within the next two years the Americans will fill the
military emergency stockpiles in Israel with double the equipment they
now hold. 

In addition, the US will allow Israel to use the remainder of the US's
monetary guarantees given to them that have not been used yet, and add
up to USD 4.5 billion, by 2011. The emergency stockpiles are meant to
store American military equipment in the Middle East in case of an
emergency. However, in case of an emergency, Israel is allowed to use
the stockpiles. The bill was approved by the Senate and House and it
renewed authority to transfer equipment to be stored in Israel. 

A great portion of the American equipment stored in Israel last year was
used for combat in the summer war in Lebanon."

In an even greater affront to Russia, and its supposed Middle Eastern
ally Egypt, these reports also accuse the United States of operating a
CIA/French Intelligence backed terror ring on Egyptian territory for the
recruitment of foreign fighters to be deployed in the Iraqi and
Afghanistan wars, but which Egyptian authorities had infiltrated and
arrested the American and French Ringleaders, and as we can read as
reported by the Forbes News Service in their article titled "Egypt
Releases Details on American Man", and which says:

"Security officials in Egypt released new details Monday about an
American man in their custody on suspicion of links to a terror network
which allegedly recruits Muslims to fight the U.S.-led coalition in
Iraq. In Washington, the administration said Monday it expected an
American detained in Egypt as a suspected terrorist to be freed.

The American was arrested late last month along with 11 Europeans and an
unknown number of Egyptians and Arabs from other countries who were
accused of belonging to an Islamist terror cell plotting attacks.
Egyptian authorities expelled eight French citizens and two Belgians on
Thursday. Another French citizen was in custody along with the American.

The State Department has criticized Egypt for refusing to grant U.S.
officials timely access to the arrested American."

Egyptian authorities became further outraged when the French
Intelligence Agents plotting with the CIA, and who were deported to
France with the understanding that they would be prosecuted, were
released by French Authorities, and as we can read as reported by the
International Herald Tribune in their article titled "French police
release 8 terror suspects expelled from Egypt", and which says:

"French anti-terrorist police have freed eight Frenchmen accused by
Egyptian authorities of plotting attacks in the Middle East and expelled
from Egypt, judicial officials said Sunday. The eight Frenchmen were
arrested upon their arrival in France on Friday. The DSAT anti-terrorist
agency released four Saturday, and four more Sunday, the judicial
officials said."

Aside from the tragedy of the American and French Governments having to
recruit combatants to fight against their own soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan, it is with noted irony that the CIA finds one of its own
operatives in the custody of the Egyptian secret police forces at the
same time that Italian authorities are preparing to indict 26 CIA agents
for the kidnapping and turning over to those same Egyptian secret police
an Egyptian Cleric, and as we can read as reported by the AP News
Service in their article titled  "Italian Court Moves Closer To
Indicting CIA Agents", and which says:

"Italy has set a date to bring possible indictments against its own

Re: [cia-drugs] Lies made to be Truth

2006-12-30 Thread Arlene Johnson
We, who majored in sociology, know the phrase "plausible denial." This is 
something that sounds true, but isn't.
The government does it consistently and people accept it is truth.

Without the truth, no one can solve anything. This is why I do what I do: 
publish the truth and document it extensively.


Arlene Johnson
To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for the 2006 editions: message

-Original Message-
From: Nancy Berry 
Sent: Dec 23, 2006 2:35 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Lies made to be Truth

On November 20, 2006, The David Allen Show, had Dan Blacharski, the 
investigative reporter of "The Corporate Shell Game: The Killing of 
Hamilton Taft & Company" as a guest.  As previously noted, some of the 
questions appearing on the David Allen web site were:  "Why did 
elected officials exert their political influence?  Why would Wall 
Street Journal run a front-page story?  Why would Nancy Pelosi help 
Federal Express?"
Today there is a seed of hatred regarding the principles of law based 
on the best interest of one's self, and in the same policy of this 
deception, lies are made to appear as truth, and political gain is 
substituted for the law.
This article, "The Corporate Shell Game: The Killing of Hamilton Taft 
and Company" has become known and can be acknowledged by the facts of 
the truth.  This is the same truth that has been twisted over these 
last years by those who have had the power and money to influence those 
in political positions.  The power brokers then have influenced the 
law to best serve their special interests.  They have gone forward 
with their power without regard to how it opposes the principles, 
rights and laws of the Constitution.
The first and lingering question that must come to the minds of people, 
no matter what their political preference is should be, "How does an 
official of the government, who is elected by the people to uphold the 
rights of all citizens and the laws of our Constitution, believe they 
can ignore those principles of the law for their own personal gains, 
whether it is for money or political power?"
Why did Nancy Pelosi, as an elected Congresswoman, use her political 
power to influence the Wall Street Journal to create a front-page story 
without any facts or law pertaining to any facts? It was based only on 
perception.  And on that same perception, she went to the Justice   
  Department in Washington DC, using her influence to cause Washington to   
  question the Justice Department in San Francisco.  San Francisco had refused 
to prosecute a case they stated they had investigated, and there was no 
crime.  All of these actions were not done in the best interest of 
truth or justice, but in the best interest of a company, Federal 
Express, who had the power and the money that could influence Nancy 
Pelosi to use her position for their best interest.
One must question how Nancy Pelosi will now use her newfound power as 
Speaker of the House.  This powerful position of our elected government 
allows the Speaker the ability to influence other elected Congress 
people on issues that involve the laws of the Constitution.  Ms. Pelosi 
has already illustrated that she ignores the principles of law and will 
substitute the law for political importance…her importance.
If an individual's rights under the Constitution are not upheld, and 
are sacrificed for the best interest of power brokers and their 
influence, then our Constitution can no longer exist.  When it happens 
to one, it can happen to many.
Americans need to remember the words that Benjamin Franklin warned when 
asked if 
He gave a good government to the people…."Only if you can hold it in 

Connie   Chip Armstrong,   Jr.
88762-011      CAMP
P. O. Box 9000
Seagoville, Texas  75159-9000
Nancy Berry

Re: [cia-drugs] failure

2006-12-30 Thread Arlene Johnson
Bush is the worst, but Clinton isn't far behind him, because Clinton belongs to 
the same organization as does Bush's father. To really understand the 
circumstances of both these men, read the e-zine that several on this listserv 
read, the one that sits on at the icon that says 

Did you know that Clinton and Bush are friends? They are.

We can't solve problems if we don't know the truth. One man, who can't 
participate in this listserv any longer, Tom Mooney (some will remember him 
here) was a subscriber of my work because he knew that I publish the truth.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Bugs 
Sent: Dec 17, 2006 11:24 AM
To: a , [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], demsoyahoogroupscom , [EMAIL 
Subject: [cia-drugs] failure

George W.Bush is true to form and some things never change.
GWB failing in the national guard,to his oil fields,as an owner of a 
ballteam,toward Governor where he killed more people then any Governor ever..He 
also failed and was a rich man governor to stealing an Election for President 
where he has failed since day one as the decider.
The USA was in the black left by Clinton / Gore,and a surplus given Dubya in 
Almost from day one dubya has failed,He was told by Clinton and his people to 
watch out for Bin Laden,dubya does nothing,Dybya was told by his own people 
watch out.again nothing done by bush or cheney.
And on  09-11-01 The WTC was hit,while dubya sets reading to children in 
Florida  after he knew one plane had already hit the WTC,again dubya does 
nothing continues to read (my pet goat) Andy Card enters the classroom and 
tells dubya a second plane had hit the WTC,again dubya sits like a 
dunce,looking as if he was lost , doing nothing,a complete failure,he has been 
all of his life.
And while the USA is being attacked by people from Saudi Arabia,dubya and his 
gang are making plans to fly over 110 rich Saudi back home on a FBI plane with 
all of there money while the air space in the USA was closed,And the Saudi were 
not question,again another failure by bush.
Then bush goes to war based on a lie with a country that has nothing to do with 
09-11-01 and his gang continues to tell Americans that it was Iraq that hit the 
WTC,another lie,and failure by dubya.Telling all about terror and fear.
Now after 3000 American soldiers killed,our country in debt almost $9 Trillion 
Dollars,making enemy of many  countries,and still we are losing in IRAQ because 
the Iraq leaders say the American soldiers are the reason for all the turmoil 
in IRAQ, IRAQ wants us to leave.Bush  has change his words from (stay the 
course) to Im going to continue doing what i want to in IRAQ and planning on 
another 10 to 20 thousands American soldiers back into IRAQ after many 
Generals, Commission and Senators have told this moron to get out of IRAQ,dubya 
is true to form still a failure..
Friends it is time to call,see,or write your congress person to stop spending 
in IRAQ and bring our people home,investigate haliburton,K.B.R.and other 
companies of wrong doing ,stealing from the taxpayers of the USA,bush / Cheney 
needs to be taken before congress and open the books on this gang and all of 
the wrong doing since 2001.
And let Iraq pay for its own freedom,Iraq has the second largest oil deposit in 
the world,
The family values gang of thieves are the worse ever to lead America ,All in 
leadership should be impeach, and replaced and try to get the USA back in 
order,if it can,Bush /Cheney has almost destroyed the USA ,We are broke ,and if 
not for Japan and China our (USA)economy would be heading south in a hurry..

Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: [GATA] Iran announces switch from dollars to euros

2006-12-30 Thread Arlene Johnson
It's all been set up. First the CIA deposed the shah and installed a dictator 
into Iran, (see ) and now this.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
Sent: Dec 18, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Fw: [GATA] Iran announces switch from dollars to euros

- Original Message - 
From:Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 8:05 AM
Subject: [GATA] Iran announces switch from dollars to euros

Iran announces switch from dollars to euros
Submitted by cpowell on 06:05AM ET Monday, December 18, 2006. Section: Daily 

>From Agence France-Presse
Monday, December 18, 2006

Iran announced it has ordered the central bank to use euros for foreign 
transactions and transform the state's dollar-denominated assets held abroad 
into the single European currency.

"The government has ordered the central bank to replace the dollar with the 
euro to limit the problems of the executive organs in commercial transactions," 
government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham told reporters Monday.

"We will also employ this change for Iranian assets (in dollars) held abroad."

Elham implied that the move would apply to oil revenues from the world's No. 4 
crude producer, although it remains to be seen how this would be received by 
the market.

"Foreign income sources and oil revenues will be calculated in euros and we 
will receive them in euros in order to put an end to our dependence on the 
dollar," Elham said.

The move comes amid mounting pressure from the United States for the UN 
Security Council to agree sanctions against Iran over its controversial nuclear 

Bankers in Iran have complained in recent weeks that it was becoming 
increasingly difficult to receive Iranian-held money denominated in dollars 
from European bank accounts.

They said that this was because of US pressure on European banking giants not 
to allow dollar-denominated funds to be sent into, or out of, the Islamic 

Elham added that Iran's budget would in future be calculated in euros.

"Until now the budget has been calculated according to revenues in dollars, but 
this calculation will now change," he said.

* * *

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[cia-drugs] Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness

2006-12-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
But the singular figure who could have put the era in its fullest perspective - 
and provided the most damning evidence about the Bush Family's role - has been 
silenced for good, dropped through a trap door of a gallows and made to twitch 
at the end of a noose fashioned from hemp.
Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness

By Robert Parry
December 30, 2006

Like a blue-blood version of a Mob family with global reach, the Bushes have 
eliminated one more key witness to the important historical events that led the 
U.S. military into a bloody stalemate in Iraq and pushed the Middle East to the 
brink of calamity.

The hanging of Saddam Hussein was supposed to be - as the New York Times 
observed - the "triumphal bookend" to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. If all 
had gone as planned, Bush might have staged another celebration as he did after 
the end of "major combat," posing under the "Mission Accomplished" banner on 
May 1, 2003.

But now with nearly 3,000 American soldiers killed and the Iraqi death toll 
exceeding 600,000 by some estimates, Bush may be forced to savor the image of 
Hussein dangling at the end of a rope a little more privately.

Still, Bush has done his family's legacy a great service while also protecting 
secrets that could have embarrassed other senior U.S. government officials.

He has silenced a unique witness to crucial chapters of the secret history that 
stretched from Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979 to the alleged American-Saudi 
"green light" for Hussein to attack Iran in 1980, through the eight years of 
the Iran-Iraq War during which high-ranking U.S. intermediaries, such as Donald 
Rumsfeld and Robert Gates, allegedly helped broker supplies of war materiel for 

Hussein now won't be around to give troublesome testimony about how he obtained 
the chemical and biological agents that his scientists used to produce the 
unconventional weapons that were deployed against Iranian forces and Iraqi 
civilians. He can't give his perspective on who got the money and who 
facilitated the deals.

Nor will Hussein be available to give his account of the mixed messages 
delivered by George H.W. Bush's ambassador April Glaspie before Hussein's 1990 
invasion of Kuwait. Was there another American "green light" or did Hussein 
just hear what he wanted to hear?

Like the climactic scene from the Mafia movie "Casino" in which nervous Mob 
bosses eliminate everyone who knows too much, George W. Bush has now guaranteed 
that there will be no public tribunal where Hussein gives testimony on these 
potentially devastating historical scandals, which could threaten the Bush 
Family legacy.

That could have happened if Hussein had been turned over to an international 
tribunal at the Hague as was done with other tyrants, such as Yugoslavia's late 
dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Instead Bush insisted that Hussein be tried in 
Iraq despite the obvious fact that the Iraqi dictator would receive nothing 
close to a fair trial before being put to death.

Hussein's hanging followed his trial for executing 148 men and boys from the 
town of Dujail in 1982 after a foiled assassination attempt on Hussein and his 
entourage. Hussein's death effectively moots other cases that were supposed to 
deal with his alleged use of chemical weapons to kill Iraqi civilians and other 
crimes that might have exposed the U.S. role. 

[For details on what Hussein might have revealed, see Robert Parry's Secrecy & 
Privilege or's "Missing U.S.-Iraq History" or "The Secret 
World of Robert Gates."]

Thrill of the Kill

Some observers think that Bush simply wanted the personal satisfaction of 
seeing Hussein hanged, which would not have happened if he had been sent to the 
Hague. As Texas governor, Bush sometimes took what appeared to be perverse 
pleasure at his power to execute prisoners.

In a 1999 interview with conservative writer Tucker Carlson for Talk magazine, 
Bush ridiculed convicted murderer Karla Faye Tucker and her unsuccessful plea 
to Bush to spare her life.

Asked about Karla Faye Tucker's clemency appeal, Bush mimicked what he claimed 
was the condemned woman's message to him. "With pursed lips in mock 
desperation, [Bush said]: 'Please don't kill me.'"

But a more powerful motive was always Hussein's potential threat to the Bush 
Family legacy if he ever had a forum where he could offer detailed testimony 
about the historic events of the past several decades.

Since stepping into the White House on Jan. 20, 2001, George W. Bush has made 
it a top priority to conceal the history of his father's 12 years as Vice 
President and President and to wrap his own presidency in a thick cloak of 

One of Bush's first acts as President was to sign an executive order that 
blocked the scheduled release of historic records from his father's years. 
After the 9/11 attacks, Bush expanded his secrecy mandate to grant his family 
the power to withho

[cia-drugs] saddam death weirdness

2006-12-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
it seems to me that this decision to kill saddam came "all at once."  like all 
of a sudden they just decided to kill saddam, and just went ahead and did it.  
as opposed to how long normal american capital punishments take.
another thing.  they HUNG him!?  from a gallows!?  with a ROPE!?
whats up with that?  
seems like an unusually barbaric and archaic method of execution.  
is it just me?
what is the astrological/numerological/occult significance of this date and 
vigilius haufniensis

[cia-drugs] latest hopsicker appearance (dave emory)

2006-12-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Archives for Dave Emory 

a.. December 26, 2006: FTR #456 (rerun): Compendium on Nazi & Fascist 
Connections to 9/11 | Listen (RealAudio) | Listen (MP3 (128K)) 

a.. December 19, 2006: #528 - Interview with Daniel Hospicker about the Gus 
Boulis Murder. | Listen (RealAudio) | Listen (MP3 (128K)) 

a.. December 12, 2006: FTR #578 -Darkness at Sunrise: The Interdiction of 
Operation Safehaven | Listen (RealAudio) | Listen (MP3 (128K)) 

a.. December 5, 2006: FTR #577 - Interview with Ed Haslam and Daniel Hopsicker 
- Truth and Consequences | Listen (RealAudio) | Listen (MP3 (128K)) 

[cia-drugs] Left Gatekeepers

2006-12-30 Thread norgesen
Left Gatekeepers

Exposing the Left Gatekeepers, along with their sponsors like the Ford 
Foundation & Carnegie Endowment, and individuals like George Soros & Felix 
Rohatyn.  For example, why does Noam Chomsky continue to claim that questions 
about 9-11 “will damage the Left”, while simultaneous arguing that evidence of 
a controlled demolition and NORAD stand down are not significant?  Why does Amy 
Goodman at DemocracyNow continue to ignore the burgeoning 9-11 truth effort, 
while repeating the official 9-11 myth of 19 hijackers with boxcutters?  Find 
the answers here.

Mike Malloy Fired By Left Gatekeepers (From Kurt Nimmo) 
List of Ford Foundation grant recipients for 2005: Media gatekeepers like NPR, 
PBS, etc 
Mike Malloy Fired from Air America Radio (because he discussed the 9-11 inside 
MacArthur Foundation gives $3.4 million in grants to nine nonprofits (follow 
the money trail!)

Small Charities Win Grants From a Big Foundation
By Nicole Lewis

in Chicago, today awarded $3.4-million to nine nonprofit groups, each with 
budgets of less than $2. 
Left Gatekeeper Conference "Camp Democracy DC" from Sept 5-20- Chance to expose 
the gatekeepers!
(FFN: I hate to publicize this event, which is just a love-fest of phony peace 
groups and the various splintered Leftist fronts masquerading as a social 
movement.  But this is a chance for those close to DC to pamphlet and expose 
people to the truth about 9-11.  
Bill Moyers, Schumman Foundation: Scaife of the Left? 
Big Chart of Left Gatekeepers and the money trail 
Ford Foundation funded World Social Forum (major world-government leftist front) 
The Top 10 Corporate Democrats-For-Hire 
DNC Chair Dean To Host Fundraiser At Soros Mansion 
Ford, Kaiser Foundations to fund HIV Global campaign
Ford Foundation, 2 others create a fund to aid public radio
(FFN Editors note:  Here we see it in plain site.  The Ford Foundation, a major 
Globalist arm for the one-world government, is funding "public" radio.  Ever 
wonder why your local NPR station uses the same myths, lies, and propaganda as 
the neocon outlets like FoxNews?  Who pays their bills?)

Md. charity, 2 others create a fund to aid public radio
By Nick Madigan
Sun reporter
Originally published August 10, 2006

The Maryland-based Calvert Foundation and two other organizations unveiled 
yesterday an investment program to provide help for public radio stations, some 
of which are financially strapped, as well as money to acquire new ones.

Click here to find out more!
The Public Radio Fund will be the largest capital-raising effort ever attempted 
for noncommercial radio, said a statement announcing its launch.

Other backers of the fund are New York's Ford Foundation and Public Radio 
Capital, a nonprofit in Denver.

The Calvert Foundation, which has its headquarters in Bethesda, has primarily 
focused on helping disadvantaged communities.

Marc Hand, Public Radio Capital's managing director, said in a statement that 
beginning this fall, the fund "will help public broadcasters all over the U.S. 
gain access to short-term capital on an affordable basis, and move more quickly 
and aggressively when an opportunity to compete for a valuable channel comes on 
the market."

The fund's target for the next six to 12 months is $15 million, starting with 
$4.5 million in loans already committed; $1.5 million from the Ford Foundation; 
and $3 million from investors around the country, channeled through the Calvert 

Tim Freundlich, director of strategic development for the Calvert Foundation, 
said in a conference call that the fund was being launched to counter "growing 
concern about over-concentration of media ownership," according to a transcript 
of his remarks.

"More public radio in more places in the United States is the goal of the 
Public Radio Fund," Freundlich said.

He called the plan a "first-of-its-kind opportunity for social purpose 
investors to band together behind grassroots, alternative, independent media."

Freundlich said the fund will "recycle" the investment capital to acquire new 
public radio stations.

By leveraging the loan fund's assets, he said, Public Radio Capital "will be 
able to attract tax-exempt bond financing to acquire an even greater number of 
radio stations."

The initial $15 million will provide financing for five to 10 stations, he 
said, adding that recycling the loan capital over three to five years could 
secure financing for 20 to 30 st

[cia-drugs] The Zero Files: Shadowy realms of mind control and paranoia, all in the hands of the FBI

2006-12-30 Thread norgesen
Shadowy realms of mind control and paranoia, all in the hands of the FBI 

- Matthew B. Stannard, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, November 30, 2003 
What I am about to write will sound like a total paranoid fantasy, I had even 
come to believe that myself and was about to take steps to get an evaluation 
for myself as I was frightened I was going mad. ... I ask you to help in any 
way you can. 

-- From the FBI's Zero Files, 11/19/96-- -- --. 

They are, in a way, the real-world equivalent of television's "X-Files," the 
fictional secret collection of FBI cases involving alien abductions and grand 
conspiracies that kept legions of fans entertained for nearly a decade. 

But while Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have long since retired to the compost bin 
of syndication, the FBI's Zero Files thrive in obscurity -- remaining, in their 
own way, very real. 

They exist on nondescript shelves deep in the archives of FBI offices in San 
Francisco and across the nation, within thick file folders tucked anonymously 
among thousands of manila clones. And until now, when The Chronicle received 
permission to examine the folders, the Zero Files had never been opened to 
public review. 

Most of the folders in the FBI archives contain the details of closed homicide 
cases and long-solved bank robberies, rarely seen as they await judgment day or 
the office shredder. But the Zero Files, each marked with a case number 
containing the digit "0" in its heart, are different -- very different. 

They are letters, faxes, e-mails and photographs, diagrams and maps, legal 
papers and photocopies. Some are a single scrap of scribbled paper, others 
reams of carefully typed explanation, replete with references and footnotes. 
Some were forwarded to the FBI by courts, police officers or businesses; most 
were submitted to the bureau by the authors themselves. 

Each describes a unique delusion, a single person's fantasy committed to paper 
and recorded for posterity. Conspiracy theories. Claims of paranormal 
abilities. Celebrity fantasies. To flip through the Zero Files is to peer into 
a palimpsest of lunacy, a travelogue of realms where the residents wish very 
much to leave.-- -- -- 

I had a visit yesterday from two gentlemen who said they were from the SECRET 
SERVICE! They were looking for the HAMBURGLAR who said the PRESIDENT might 
choke on a CHEESEBURGER on AIR FORCE ONE! No wonder they can't balance a 
TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGET in DC, they have to check out all the MCDONALDS in 
AMERICA for the DEADLY CHEESEBURGER that might KILL the PRESIDENT! This is not 
a JOKE! 

-- From the Zero Files, 8/15/1995-- -- -- 

Almost anything can be a Zero File -- the phrase simply refers to items 
received by the FBI that are "non-actionable," and can include anything from 
cases handed off to local police to "attaboys" from other agencies. 

But when agents refer to the Zero Files amongst themselves, and joke about 
whose turn it is to feed the captive alien, they are almost always referring to 
a special category of report -- one that almost defies further description.-- 
-- -- 

Recently, before these terrorist acts, I made a usual request that you 
investigate the Necronomicon. I do not know if you took me seriously, as I 
realize you are still enslaved by the physical realm and refuse to open your 
mind to this spiritual war that is clearly discussed in Revelations, but in 
case you did, I wanted to add a little information. 

-- From the Zero Files, 10/22/2001-- -- -- 

Nobody within the bureau has an exact count of how many Zero Files the FBI has 
stashed away across the nation, but the agency's San Francisco office, 

a midsize bureau, has a database listing 17,000 items stretching back to the 

And the files demand far more from the FBI than mere shelf space. Each Zero 
File item landed there only after passing across the desk of at least one agent 
who spent time making sure it did not relate to any active investigation, 
represent a threat or offer any avenues for future investigation. 

"A piece of paper was generated for each one of these, and somebody had to 
review it," said FBI special agent Pete LeFranchise. 

Most agents come to know repeat writers -- "frequent fliers" -- after a few 
shifts on the duty desk. A glance through the files shows that some agents 
found themselves acting as counselors of last resort. 

"It's almost like being a social worker when you're on the desk," LeFranchise 
said. "There's probably been at least three or four times . . . where I've just 
had to say, 'Look, sir, you need to seek clinical or psychiatric help.' "-- -- 

Jensen called resident agency with nonspecific complaints about surveillance 
and mind control. . . . Someone was communicating with him via subliminal 
messages over the company public address system, attempting to control his 
thoughts. . . . Jensen denied being under doctor's care and it was suggested he 
should be. 

-- From the Zero Files, unda

[cia-drugs] North American Union Military

2006-12-30 Thread norgesen
From: Vicky Davis 

I knew it.   Iraq was to slaughter and break our military - so that they could 
use that as an excuse to merge and build a new military of Canadian, U.S. and 
Mexican forces.  

There was a former CIA Director of European Operations on C-Span this morning.  
He made a comment that the Iraq war was really more of an "academic exercise" 
than anything else.

Military considers recruiting foreigners
Expedited citizenship would be an incentive

[cia-drugs] Dave Emory: Interview with Daniel Hopsicker & Ed Haslam

2006-12-30 Thread norgesen
Dave Emory:
Researcher of the fascist international and related criminal-government groups. 
For some reason, he is the only one doing regular interviews with Daniel 

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
FTR #577 Truth and Consequences—Interview with Ed Haslam and Daniel Hopsicker 
Recorded November 19, 2006

Observing the 43rd anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination, this 
program features two guests who have pursued different investigative pathways, 
both of which began with the personal and professional associations of David 
Ferrie in New Orleans. (David Ferrie was the initial focal point of New Orleans 
District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation into the Kennedy killing. Ferrie 
was also cited by the House Select Committee on Assassinations as a figure 
worthy of investigation by the Justice Department.) Ed Haslam’s investigation 
into Ferrie’s activities led him to research an underground medical laboratory 
involved in studying a cancer-causing monkey virus that contaminated the polio 
vaccine. Daniel Hopsicker investigated Barry Seal, a CIA operative and the most 
prolific drug smuggler in U.S. history. Seal got his start in government 
service as a member of David Ferrie’s Civil Air Patrol unit in New Orleans. 
(Lee Harvey Oswald was another member of the unit.) The fundamental theme of 
the program concerns the need to address major illnesses on, or in, the body 
politic. Failure to do so can lead to major problems—a soft-tissue cancer 
epidemic, an epidemic of drug addiction, and even 9/11.

Program Highlights Include: Oswald’s links to organized crime in the New 
Orleans area; Oswald’s links to a woman named Judith Vary Baker, who dated 
Oswald; Baker’s work with David Ferrie turning cancer-causing monkey viruses 
into a biological weapon to assassinate Fidel Castro; Ferrie’s skills as a 
hypnotist; Barry Seal’s probable role as the pilot of a getaway plane carrying 
JFK shooters to safety; the Bobby Baker scandal in the administration of LBJ; 
Colonel Dan Marvin’s attempted recruitment to kill a Navy officer involved in 
the autopsy of President Kennedy.

1. Beginning with the theme of the program, Mr. Emory opens the broadcast by 
noting that, when a society ignores a major wound on the body politic (in this 
case the assassination of President Kennedy), it can lead to members of that 
society getting cancer from a monkey virus that contaminates vaccines and/or 
people with “monkeys on their back” because of narcotics brought into the 
country with the collusion of members of the government. Because JFK’s murder 
was not properly investigated, the cancer-causing SV-40 monkey virus continued 
to contaminate vaccines and to be sexually-transmitted, resulting in an 
epidemic of soft-tissue cancers. Because JFK’s murder was not properly 
investigated, the elements of the intelligence community that collaborated with 
organized crime and trafficked in drugs have proceeded uninterrupted.

2. Next, Ed Haslam noted that the vast majority of the American public does not 
believe the Warren Report. In the immediate aftermath of the assassination, 
polls indicated that 32% of the American people believed that Lee Harvey Oswald 
committed the crime alone and unaided. After the Warren Report that percentage 
jumped to 37%. The point Ed makes is that only the government and the media 
really believe the Warren Report. (For more about Ed Haslam, see—among other 
programs—FTR#’s 16, 19, 62, 63, 76, 198, 269, 557.)

3. Although Ed’s investigation of an underground medical laboratory and the 
SV-40-generated soft-tissue cancer epidemic is radically different from, and a 
long way removed from, Daniel Hopsicker’s investigation of the life, career and 
professional associations of Barry Seal, a CIA officer and the largest drug 
smuggler in U.S. history. And yet, the investigative pathways followed by both 
men began with investigations of the associations of David Ferrie, a career 
U.S. intelligence agent, participant in the assassination of President Kennedy 
and the first focal point of Jim Garrison’s investigation of Kennedy’s murder.

4. Barry Seal began his career in U.S. intelligence working for the Civil Air 
Patrol unit commanded by David Ferrie. Lee Harvey Oswald was a member of the 
same unit. Daniel related information set forth in Barry and the Boys 
indicating that Ferrie had been practicing hypnosis on the boys in his unit. 
When one of them seriously cut his hand during a drill, Ferrie extended his arm 
and suggested that the fellow would feel no pain and that the bleeding would 
promptly stop. That the subject responded quickly and positively indicates that 
he had been hypnotized by Ferrie on numerous occasions. (Ferrie was a master 

5. After Mr. Emory noted that Barry Seal was flying covert missions carrying 
arms and possibly drugs while he was still in high school, the topic of 
discussion turned to the probability that Barry Seal had flown a getaway 

[cia-drugs] Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus

2006-12-30 Thread norgesen
Did monkey viruses contaminate the polio vaccines in the 1950s?  Was SV40 one 
of them? 

Is this the origin of the current epidemic of soft-tissue cancers?  CFIDS?  

Was there a desperate attempt to find a vaccine?   Were these efforts diverted 
by political extremists 

into a conspiracy to kill Fidel Castro with a biological weapon?  And does this 
connect to Lee Harvey Oswald  

and to the JFK Assassination?  If you think these are fair questions, it’s time 
you read… Dr. Mary’s Monkey.

Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus

The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory

 A non-fiction book by Edward T. Haslam.What is this book about?  Read the 
back cover.

Download PDFs of these chapters for free!

Ch 14 - The Machine  - NOT in 1st or 2nd edition

 Explosive NEW chapter!   Ch 17 - The Witness

Quotes from Readers   Table of Contents  

Links to other internet sites.

MF&TMV has been expanded and is scheduled for release to bookstores as DR. 

To pre-order DR. MARY’S MONKEY

from, click here.

It will be shipped to you as soon as it is released.

The best guess is currently Feb 2007.

In the meantime, check out our Links  page or 

To send a question or comment to Ed Haslam

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