[cia-drugs] FW: Videos, websites, and commentary

2010-08-08 Thread George Baaden
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 14:57:50 -0400 To: georgebaade...@hotmail.com From: ll...@lloydpye.com Subject: Videos, websites, and commentary A new video is available for viewing on the Starchild website (see link below). It is 9:51 of highlights from a lecture filmed by Jonathan Kerr-Sm

[cia-drugs] FW: New Youtube video, and Vatican comments

2010-07-25 Thread George Baaden
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 22:00:31 -0400 To: georgebaade...@hotmail.com From: ll...@lloydpye.com Subject: New Youtube video, and Vatican comments Today Jonathan Kerr-Smith of England informed me that the new Youtube video he is creating from my London lecture on July 11th should be fin

[cia-drugs] FW: Is President Felipe Calderon protecting the CIA Drug Cartel?

2010-05-17 Thread George Baaden
This is from a Group who are Mexican Nationalists and Mexican Racists. I always find good and Intelligent and Honest Information in their Newsletters!!! And don't forget, Calderon, the President of Mexico went to Harvard. As we all know, Harvard and Yale are the Colleges that the

RE: [cia-drugs] Did the military go rogue during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

2010-01-05 Thread George Baaden
This JFK was a TRAITOR to the United States!!! Only the Fool White Liberal Worships this Traitor!!! For example, if that useless Piss Ant in Venezula, Chavez, tells Obama that he wants the State of Hawaii. And Obama bows and gives Chavez Hawaii, then Clearly Obama is a Traitor

[cia-drugs] Educational Websites!!!

2008-09-01 Thread George Baaden

[cia-drugs] C.I.A. Movie Studios at Laurel Canyon, Birth of the Hippie Movement!!!

2008-08-24 Thread George Baaden
I've been trying to find a writeup about the C.I.A. Movie Studios which was located in Laurel Canyon!!! I finally found it in the article below about how the Hippie Movement was a C.I.A. Controlled Movement, and how it was started at Laurel Canyon. Click on the l

[cia-drugs] Polls!!!

2008-08-10 Thread George Baaden

[cia-drugs] Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution!!!

2008-07-03 Thread George Baaden
Declaration of Independence: http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_Generic&content_type_id=691&display_order=1&sub_display_order=4&mini_id=1075&HPF_rid=2991849&HPF_mid=1262_T1_Url11 The Constituition of the United States: (NOTE: Look on the first page, there is a link to

[cia-drugs] Political Correctness, Don Imus, Obama, JFK!!!

2008-06-26 Thread George Baaden
Once Again, we see the Absolute Nuttiness and Idiotism of the Politically Correct!!! Don Imus, a Radio Shock Jock says, "Black Guy", about a Black Guy who has been Arrested 6 times by the Police, and the Idiots of the Politically Correct Movement are so Concerned about Don Imus

[cia-drugs] FW: Brasscheck TV: Patriotic mutiny

2008-02-07 Thread George Baaden
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 > 03:48:01 -0500> Subject: Brasscheck TV: Patriotic mutiny> > George> > What > would happen if members of the US military> decided to drop out en masse and > stop supporting> the government crooks who are subverting the> c

[cia-drugs] FW: Brasscheck TV: Meet the real boss

2008-02-07 Thread George Baaden
NOTE: Look at the end of the video, Cheney is using a Cane!!!> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 03:37:53 -0500> Subject: Brasscheck TV: Meet the real boss> > George> > Who was in charge of national defense on 9/11 while> the so-called president flied ai

[cia-drugs] FW: This Day In History: Martin Luther posts 95 theses

2007-10-31 Thread George Baaden
The Pope, at the time of Martin Luther, was a Homosexual Peodophile!!! He would invite his fellow Homosexual Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and etc. and etc. for Dinners and etc.!!! Then they would have these Huge Cakes in the middle of the Dinner Tables, and out would pop out Naked Lit

[cia-drugs] Jim Sparks, Abductee!!!

2007-10-13 Thread George Baaden
This is a must read and if you can hear the entire interview, do so!!! http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2007/10/11.html

[cia-drugs] FW: MEXICO: Jet plane that crashed with 4 tons of cocaine tied to the CIA and the Russian Mafia

2007-10-03 Thread George Baaden
>From: "La Voz de Aztlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "La Voz de Aztlan Subscribers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: MEXICO: Jet plane that crashed with 4 tons of cocaine tied to the >CIA and the Russian Mafia >Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 13:51:25 -0700 > > > >LA VOZ DE AZTLAN >Los Angeles, Alta Californi

[cia-drugs] Stewart Swerdlow on C2CAM!!!

2007-09-29 Thread George Baaden
Stewart Swerdlow was on C2CAM. He was pushing for his new book he wrote about Mind Control and etc.!!! In the interview, which you can log onto below on the link, (just follow the directions, or go to the main page of C2CAM), which it would be worth it to hear!!! He does have alot

[cia-drugs] Who Told Giuliani the WTCs were going to Collaspe???!!!

2007-09-23 Thread George Baaden
Here's an excellent analysis about Giuliani and his actions and statements about 911 and etc.!!! I've already posted before the ABC News Footage of him walking from the WTCs and telling an ABC Reporter that he was told the WTCs were going to collaspe!!! If you're interested in

[cia-drugs] Minnesota Collapsed Bridge and 911 UNSIMILARITIES!!!

2007-08-08 Thread George Baaden
It was reported in today's news that they are going to reassemble the Bridge that had just Collapsed so that they can thoroughly Study the reasons for it's Collapse!!! Do you think that they reassembled the WTCs after 911 to try to understand why both towers came down at the same spe

[cia-drugs] FW: [FE_updates] Tesla's solar; Meyl lecture; Aerielle Louise has died; Al fuel cells

2007-08-02 Thread George Baaden
>From: "Sterling D. Allan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: [FE_updates] Tesla's solar; Meyl lecture; Aerielle Louise has >died; Al fuel cells >Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 23:45:24 - > > >'Free Energy' News >http://FreeEnergyNews.com

[cia-drugs] RE: Giuliani and Silverstein Video REMOVED from the Internet!!!

2007-07-14 Thread George Baaden
O.K. Now my computer is picking up the Link to the video!!! Yesterday for some reason it wasn't!!! This Video Link WAS NOT removed from the Internet!!! BUT, Download the videos you think are important to your IPods, Your Computers and etc.!!!

[cia-drugs] Giuliani and Silverstein Video REMOVED from the Internet!!!

2007-07-14 Thread George Baaden
Click on this link, the video that use to be on the Internet which shows Giuliani saying that he was TOLD that the WTC Building were going to come down and ALSO, Silverstein, the Owner of the WTCs says that for Building #7 of the WTC which collasped at 5:00 PM that day, he says that th

[cia-drugs] Alex Jones: "TERROR STORM"!!!

2007-07-06 Thread George Baaden

[cia-drugs] FW: ALLAH ACKBAR : "Terror Spectacular" coming soon says DHS

2007-07-03 Thread George Baaden
>ALLAH ACKBAR : "Terror Spectacular" coming soon says DHS > >Brian Ross of ABC News is reporting that a secret U.S. law enforcement >report, prepared for the Department of Homeland Security, warns that al >Qaeda is planning a terror "spectacular" this summer. The attack will be >of >a magnitude

FW: [cia-drugs] Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati (Very Interesting.

2007-06-29 Thread George Baaden
Where Mao started the Long March, to commemorate that, today, there is an OBLEISK there!!! The Jesuits had made alot of inroads into china over the years!!! There is one very powerful and the richest family in China, But I forgot what their Last name!!! Interesting, most

[cia-drugs] JFK Assassination Book, BUT, IT'S NOT A CONSPIRACY!!!

2007-06-27 Thread George Baaden
The book, "Reclaiming History", By: Vincent Bugliosi, is a Book claiming that the JFK Assassination is NOT a Conspiracy!!! That it was Oswald that Assassinated JFK. And that Ruby, on his own, without orders from the Mafia and etc., Assassinated Oswald because he thought people were going

[cia-drugs] Scientist Says that we can in the Future Download Our Consciousness!!!

2007-05-21 Thread George Baaden
Checkout this interview of a Scientist who claims in the future we could download our Consciousness to a Computer and etc.!!! YES, this person is a Full on Scientist, but he wrote a novel based on the REAl POSSIBILITIES of downloading our Consciousness to the Computers and etc.!!!

[cia-drugs] FW: Prophecy News Watch Headlines - May 02

2007-05-13 Thread George Baaden
>www.prophecynewswatch.com > > > > > > > May 02, 2007 > >Our email newsletter is now formatted to give you a summary overview of our >news stories. > > > > To read the full stories associated with each article - click below for >our online edition or click any of the links under each story

[cia-drugs] FW: Tom Bearden Website Update

2007-05-13 Thread George Baaden
>>From: Anthony Craddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>To: Cheniere Announcements List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>Subject: Tom Bearden Website Update >>Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 22:14:46 -0700 >> >>We are pleased to announce a USD 10 reduction in the price of Tom >>Bearden's unique book "Oblivion - America at

[cia-drugs] FW: About Ancient History: Conscription in Ancient Athens

2007-05-13 Thread George Baaden
>From: "N.S. Gill - About.com Ancient History Guide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: About Ancient History: Conscription in Ancient Athens >Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 23:11:16 -0500 > > > >What You Need To Know About Ancient History > >From N.S. Gill > > > > > >--

[cia-drugs] Documentaries About Tesla!!!

2007-03-11 Thread George Baaden
http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=Tesla If the Link above does not go through, go to http://www.video.google.com. Then put in the Search, Tesla. Checkout the 5th Entry, it's an Interview with Tom Bearden about Tesla's Discoveries and etc.!!!

[cia-drugs] Sean Morton is Getting it Right!!!

2007-03-10 Thread George Baaden
Sean Morton predicted in 2006 that Cheney would be replaced!!! It looks like the Setup is happening now!!! Cheney is too corupt!!! This is probably a cover story about his health problems and etc. and etc.!!! Sean Morton predicted that for the 2008 Elections, he sees Jeb Bush runnin

[cia-drugs] RE: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Is Saddam MABUS?

2007-02-19 Thread George Baaden
This battle between the Sunnis and the Shiites started after the Death of Muhammed and in the Medina and Mecca Area. The Sunnis say the leadership of Islam should be choosen by the People and the Shiites say it should be by Muhammed's Blood line. Over time, the Sunnis gained in Nu

[cia-drugs] A Sunday Drive in Iraq!!!

2007-02-06 Thread George Baaden
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yco1deXOzN8 LOL!!

[cia-drugs] Probably What Future Soldiers Will Be!!! Fighting Robots!!!

2007-01-27 Thread George Baaden

[cia-drugs] FW: 19-Jan-2007 I'll be on Coast to Coast tonight January 19, 2007

2007-01-22 Thread George Baaden
>From: "gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: 19-Jan-2007 I'll be on Coast to Coast tonight January 19, 2007 >Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:52:27 -0500 > > >I was asked a few minutes ago to do the first hour with Coast to Coast >tonight. Our topic will be the latest news that t

[cia-drugs] 2007 PREDICTIONS!!!

2007-01-05 Thread George Baaden
http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2007/01/01.html#recap Here's Dr. Turi's Predictions!!! Dr. Turi Probably has the Best Record with Predictions!!! http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php George


2006-12-04 Thread George Baaden
>From: "Dragon Newsletter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: "Dragon Newsletter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "George Baaden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: RUSSIAN SPY DEATH >Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2006 14:51:16 -0500 > >Just a littl


2006-08-14 Thread George Baaden
>From: "Stephen Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: A STUPID DRUNK OR A CHILD MOLESTER: WHICH IS WORSE >Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 21:33:19 -0500 > >If you would like your candidate, cause or product to be seen by one of the >largest California po

[cia-drugs] An easy way to Petition to Members of Congress to vote against a guest worker amnesty bill

2006-05-09 Thread George Baaden
>An easy way to Petition to Members of Congress to vote against a guest >worker amnesty bill > > Please vote against a guest worker amnesty bill > Visit: > http://capwiz.com/jbs/issues/alert/?alertid=8689651&type=CO > > A Petition to Members of Congress > • Please vote against a gue